Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, October 03, 1902, Image 8

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j V. J. Funk Ls rented his resident-
pre-perty to W. T. Beli mnd wiil move
' to Porusnd in ft few weeks to liv dur-!
IN AND ABOUT TOW. ncthe winter bile the children re
i attending school.
Brace Cox hi? secepted a position
Big Sheep 5le.
Directors completing Deta.ls for, v i. B, ,aj p(:f r....u,ar:
tbe Exhibition. 'Jmm.k !,t ik sold to Loo B:.
Mr. Walti
Picked T? Here Ard There
By Tbe Chieftain.
. W:igbt' Hes.tl. Underwear t tne
E M.. A M. Ci. .--re
. T. F. Ki.-L was out izjsi F.-fiu tc
v with a hd o: fruit.
C.'-:.tv co.t! is- in ?vion this
eek. W:r. a i-:aci 1 term.
A new st-.k of Tr-.:i.ks .nd Vtiiee
v. the E. M. A M. Co. store.
. - Rom. S-pt. 3'..'. to tbe wife o: C'.-ark-s
Ojbara or. Aider Sioj?. a son.
, rr:ur:f; K ere, o: tbe Jc:v; h pub
lic chej. was ia tbe city Siturd-y.
Vr.: Ring?' J$you do see the
E. M. A M. Co. ii y:-' vr-st a Urgair..
. J. F. Johnston l.s W?n buy this
iwk rexwie.-ng hi residence p:oj-
i The director are now busily er.?ag-
in tbe store of John CJvin. He and ed pe.-fectine the deuila for tbe third
Lis wife will move into the UcRey-: annual exhibition of the Leviston In- :
noid property next week and Income ".terstate Fair and Racing Association.,
residents of .irterprise. .which will be held October 13th to
Jas. T. Zjrcher s.arl Mondav for' 1Sth- That the fir sh:i Ut ""P15
CorvsT.i. to corr.i.iet. hi. studied in lhe P exhibit, in the merit of j
the exhibits ana in the wirte variety i
of tie entertainment afforded ba ;
bfn the earnest er.de.wor of the as-.
sociation and that the work of tbe
directors ha met tbe fulhs result 1
cu to resdily be ihurtrated. i
b?eu neceeMrr to allot the entire :
.tents ior
California. S.'.W h.ad
have delivered the
Powder. The sheep art-
lot and a good price
realised for them.
o: rouiiier:i
f sheep and
.ie North '
i.n t xtr f.ne
jv-r Lead was .
tbe Oregon Agricultural college. He
will graduate neit spring and has made
a sjciaity of thctricii engineering. ,
J. F. Johnston, of Wallow a. was in
the city thi wek comp'-'tin" 'be d-t-.ih
in the parch' o: tbe old Find
iey riuch ou Iiunbi from Hayes
Bro. Tbe consideration Wif ?10.(V.
Mia? Jejie Fo:, o: Fc watk. Oiiver
FiesfcmAn, oi Trortie. Mr. Windsor,
t.f VVi'.Lwi. tad J. M. Conner, uf thi:
a !iecii'
Last Call.
-bor bank-; 8
Ali parties knowing tbcrr.scive in-
d t vi t,. the nndentirr.ed Kr .-iu
ed to call uud settle by ca
t.ia n.ito .v 0,-t..t.r 1.1. AfliT lb&! :
sice of the larse borticu!tir-.iI baild- , . ", ., , ., , , ..-. ;
1 - . . date aioounta wi.l be placed :n ..:.-
ing for the axclus:ve use of tbe cn-! , , , . ,, .
cultural and bortieiiltural d'.spl -ys
and the exhibits in that chisj will b
,thc- best ever -en in the north we.-
W. J. Fi-.nk A wss.
Fruit ior Sale.
F. W. Eijiar tnd wife hive gone t
a visit w-:li rv.a-
. .- 1 ' . . v. : 1
" 'J"""' Tbe stall capacitv in the live
before Sapt. Conley Saturday and re- a.artment. whic:h afTordtd .n,p,
ce;ved tMrm:t to teach m tbe public mruodi.ions i.t ve.r. mu-; a;so t-et
oW s. lowa county. jenlargtd to meet tbe per.ia-.eni de-j
Tbe Chieftain acknowledges the re- j manij 0f exhibitors from every sec:io:: j :
ceipt of a ne buueii of ce.ery raised J 0 the ncrth west. The live stock dis- j I hAve for sale fci Rouse's plact- on
ry J. C. R-avis in this city. Two : pjl4y at tbe Oregon and Washington i Aider Sb.pe, Yellow Tran5i).-irer.t. ;
yers ago it w; thought lht celery tate fairs will be features of this dr-: Dutchess und Early Peunock apples '
wou.d not gre w ic this cltatxte. hi:; .pariment. An iu.proved pouit-v dis-! at one cent a pound, also Fi-ach
we underrtaud thai Henry Miller and ; pjay has also been assured, and many j Plums; Liter will have Full and Win-'
:so X.T. ievore nas a tae loi ot t!i ; applications for sjtecn.1 exhibits, which I ter Apple? , Pears, Pruneo, etc. The
Marion e -utity o
. J. M. Center will hsre charge of
iue school :a the Prtt diswict th.s
r Liter. ! L. J. R?u writes that he attended ! cultural hall, have ne.cesiitrd the
Wnt. rpracne arrived in tov.-n Mon- the Frttit Fiir at Walla WalU and 'erection of additional buildings. The
' i
last vcar were accomodated in horti-
from Weston on
" Jay H. Dobbin was a passenger on
Mondays etr.ge for Union on a busi
ness trip.
'. The Lad ie- J. id w:'.! give a bszaar
l.-etween Thanksgiving and Christmas.
1. -ok for further notice.
a visit to his : saw nothing that could eyual the ex- , racing t-vencs
hibi; o; Wallowa eountv last ve,r at ' from the beut
will include eutric
stables of Montana.
Alder Slope Fruit is vary fine this ,
woo. r n r.vuiiw ' q
at Salem i Utah. Washington, Oregon and Idaho.
the state and district it
and LaGraude. He is now at North i While the directors have exerted ai
laKima, asn., visiting old friends (particular erlort niong tne line o: se-j Having met with serious bv
and taking in the annual fair at that . curing a representative exhibit from
place. He will be home in a few days, j farm, forest, mine and range, the as
Word b
i .....
s been received of the deth ' sociation nas iuciuentai:y arrange a uccounU c::iier hv Paill or ,10?e. (iffice
nre we are comjielied to sisk our cu-!
tomers to cill at once and settle their
at Zillah, Washington, of Alta Eisie. oi entertainment attractions mat
i will surpass tne test sen at any ia:r j
I in tbe northwest this veur. The ;
with I. W. She&han.
W. J. FtKK Si
r i ir- r i.l f . ; - T3n
. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A
nd tha wees where thy r.i,; attena ' , c ...... v.. a, iu.
, r lower, vu crrieaii. .1. lin-. aKeu i
s.boo! during tne w.nter. 1 9 yers, 6 months and 20 days. Death j Hoppe band of Spokane has been se-1
: R. L. Day returned Thursday !:oin ' rwuited from pneumonia and conges- j cured or d.v nd tuning concerts j
7.aOrBude where be delivered a bunch tioc of the st0mach. aftr an illne-s i during the week. The sped event" ; jjj THf; COUNTY COURT POU THE
j'. cattle to E. E. Wi'.lard.
of iourdav,. Mr. and Mrs. Flower ! wi" include automobile racing, a pop-
have wiiiv friends who will regret I time in the northwest. Nine cntrh-s j In the Matter of the Estate of) (.
; their deep 'ainiction. have already Kn received ior there v ,
. stltKl tfif tn Jon it 7 wr cent inter- ' were former residents oi F.nt4mrie lar novelty introduced for tbe first
Zil on rel estate security.
C. T. McDi5fEL
: Anyone wishing to be vaccinated
call on Doctor Temple. He has jut
received a fresn supply of virus.
. Married, in thi city Monday, ept.
2'.', V-K'l, Mr. Frftz" 0;t and Nink
An Operation oa the President.
Johnson, Rev. Samms ofheiatirig.
I Washingtrin, Sept. 2S. Secretary
Cortelyou at 3:30 o'clock this after
noon issued the following sta;eruent:
' Dr. Newton M. ShatTer. of New
To CUrinds Noiiles, V.!:i.i:u Nobles,
Giles Nubies. CiarinUa tist-k. Na'uanie!
thej Nohles. Jam-M Ii. Nobles, Sarah IluforJ. '
events. Kenneuy a vv iiu ves:
will also be an attraction at
crounda. z Perce Indian war par- SoDhronia Winel.elj, Mary IWhoii ai.d ,
... , -1 o the unknown heirs of Adaiine N. :
ade and dance, mammoth Missouri j puforj, j a,,T BUi;i, ttier.0 i., 8lJ
giantess, Letetia the armless wonder. ( other persons interetef in said est::e.
. , .v. W Hereon, application bavins tx-ej! '
1 ' m:ldp in dim form to tlii n:nv immo I .
a tne tntcrprise
Monday on his return
to r-an Fran-
' in consultation tt.ia morning at
ine increase
of athletic sporu, Indian and cowboy ) cour. on lM ;;a UIV 0; ju;v j ,,v
farmers' draft team contest, th
Fritz Schopp who has been working York, joined the president's physicians 'rces bucking steer and broncho rid- 1 Chas. E. Whimiore, Administrator ol
. ... .... . i 1 f... .... 1 .....i 1 l:
tne enterprise Hr-wery etarten ' m consultation ti.u morninz at 10 ';,.- fm,- dr't te.im contest, the i .'""" "VK"0 ul' 1
. f rectms. autnar:zin sua emowerm- :
jFilijiino wild man. famous ori-.-nta 1 ! him to k!I the Real Ksta'e beionit, to '
local svjrptomsd. ne-n rirl victim cf Mont Pelee ! esUte of said deeedent, aud described
L. J. Reavis r.nd wife arrived from and a rise in temperature rendered it ; Jigaater. hippodrome races, fancy rid- j "tvT.Ii . v,.h-. '
and East half of the South- '
marter ol Section 22 toe S mt'u-
wet quarter ol liie jrtawest quarter
j and West
Wa'la Walla last week. He ia I uyir.g necessary to make en incision into a j mg and gbooting. Lewiatm Tribuu.-. : ter.
wo so.ne cattle to feed curing tbe small cavity, eijii-g the bone, whuh i eat
winter. ; found to he slig'.itly arTected.
'. Tl u J . : . ... . t t , i
Frank Of. started to Walla Walla ! A1"-'rjl:i.'i 4--iuai;e io nuw es.auimiicc
V'et'.nes;iay with forty beatl cf hses
to sell. Walter Evana was helping to
:irive them.
' Washing made e sy by th- use o:
Fels Napatba oap. You trill be sur
prised a: its r .-salts. For sale by the '
E. M. & M. Co. ' j
Work L procressin; satisfactorily !
ou the big stone hotel mid the stui.e
work for the first atory w.L be com
pleted this we-k.
W. C. ?trai-y, a sLeepmn of I'ar;;
Jewasin the city Thtirsiay on a
i-usines trip. He wants to trad?
ome lambs for ewe.
C. I. Akin, of l'uraii.-e, b.-otiiriit a
i id o" beat to mill Thurii iy. He
'iws ;be forty f.ild winter wheat and
always gets the Lest price.
Look at theGordtn Acorn and Em
vire heating stoves at the E. M. & M
Co. store. Tbey are beauties and in
ise will save exeuB-- in fuel.
. Bert Berland came out irom Para
with a load of wheat. Ke suys
tiie crop in that section sre eA but '
v.ot up to tiie yield of last year.
- The Electric Ligl.t Piant Y.a been i
i-A of buiiiies ior a lew nights (rv. ac- ;
fnunt of a abort circuit on the? line i
and burningamt a transform r. j
If you La' e hogs to sell see the E.
W. !c M.Co. They will contract both ;
jtock and fat hogs to be delivered at
Enterprise on the 13th of this mouth. '
- Surveyor Bearis and C. L. Swain j
have been busy the past week laying!
'Ut another Bank's addition to tiie j
town of Enterprise northwest of town.
Mrs. A. L. Sprague, commonly
known as "Auntie" Sprague has been
quite sick for two weeks but is alow'y
gaining and will soon be fully recov
ered. Clifford Kuykendall started Mon
day fur Butte, Montana, on his return 1
home aflr several weeks visit with
i is parents in tbe north part of the
' W. J. Roup, of Jof-ph, has been in
town a fewdiys this week assisting ex
pert Buchanan in -completing his re
port on the condition of the county's
nd the physicians fee! cocfid-jnt that
recovery wii! be rninterri'pted.
'The oiieratisn was performed by
Surgeon Genera! Ri.tey. agisted iy
Dr. Lung, and in consultation with
Manny Howard Gets Five Ye ars. ; quarter
halt of
Surgeon Genera! O'Reilly
Snuffer, tri-r Stills.
and lrs.
'Georgf. B. Cor.TEi.v-.r,
Secretary to the President
half of the Soutn-west
of Section 23 the West ;
the Nortb-we-tt uuarier and
! North-west quarter of tne Somh-west i
Marrv Howard, the notorious , quarter of Suction 2 and the East half:
. i ' 4i P Vr onurtv w. . of the Nortii-ieasl quarter and the South-i
f o Puker C0UBty w's . vest quarter of the Nortu-east quarter:
igain senteuced to the penitentiary by . 0f Section 27 all in Townsliip mx '6 '
the circuit court rtb. O' hame Forty-iour ;44 Ea.it W,;
f in VMlinw4 rnnntv (l.mir nr.. I ....
iTuesdav ufternoon. The sentence , - ""u vu"
this time was ior live yeais. Tiis! AnJ whereas, said Court fixed on the;;
! court overruled a motion ior a fX?l I !
.iij wv4. . vi uin wuill . Ill .lie ,
lu l-.nterir,se. V.u..o.i
Judge Eakin in
Funk & Sons Sell.
t-iai but granted a stay o; proceedings ! court nouw
' ior twenty days to allow the defense ; coarv. and Mate of Ures'-!:i, as ti:o tin. :
- " ' - , .., ' and place for bearing anv and ui! jii-tf-. ,
topenect an uppea. to the 6P: ,ions'to Mili Ptfti.,on and the granting of ;
Vi.J. Funk 4 Sons sold their re
maining Ktoek of merchandise to the!
F. I). MeC.iliy Co. who have added s J
large additional stock of goods aud '
wiii conduct a cash store in ti.ia r-rr
W. T. Bell, formerly with the com
riiliinery Stock.
i court. said order and license of sale :
Therefore, Ix ths nahk opthr srm iiv i
obsgon, vou and each of you ure herein '
cited, directed and required to he und 1
appear at said time and piaee then and
tnere to snow cause, if unv you have, or
I if any exist, why au order of iiie s;i ju id ;
M-.s D. Rritsha has ojened up her not be ma le a' in th? Pet;tiin prawd
st.ck of milliners- in the building for, and wl.y said F.,ttiioi aWti-l n i-'
pany at Jos-pii will be iu
large as
"4 --. .mnLu qn. mk nrH n . .1 !
" eait of the telepiione oflic-i.nd is sex.-( B0, ue
fall stvles a' prices ku'ex tnan witness, the li-m. O-o. M. Hamiltoa.
; jua;e ol saia t-ourt wr.n mv seal of eai.l
any other place in the county.
i Court arhxed this 3rd day o'
Ciara T. FAfontgomery, Prop
Meals 25 cents. Board by week $3.30.
Room and Board $4.50 per week,
("County") C. H. ZrRtiniR, Clerk.
Court By C. M. I. wol . DeDii'v
lsal. J
Enterprise, Oregon
fell be Opened Monday, October 6, 1302
A Brand New Stock of the best that can le
purchase in the wholesale market. Ladies
and Gents furnishings, stati'Tfj, etc.
Wallowa Cocxty, Okr'-.ojt,
July 11, VJM'2.
To Samiei. BltOWX:
Yon are here
by notiCed that we have expended
one hundred dollars in labor and im
provements ou the Cold Spring min
eral claim located in the Imnnb-.i ! J
.T11111111, iii3u;i, 1.1 niiiuil Claim Vi'.l
j were owner of one-tbird interest .and as
j will appear by certificate filed July 2o, :
taut, in me ottice ot County Clerk or '
Wallowa county, Oregon, in order to '
hold said pren iies-under the provis-
ions of Section 2324 Revised statutes '
of the United States, being amount re-!
r. , , i ...1 l.!il .n.. 1. . 1 - 1
I December 31, 1901, and if within '
: W days after this notice by publiua-'
j tion you fail or refuse to contribute j
I your proportion of auch expenditure
a liirvwiiri jour iiibnmt in BSlu
claims will become the property of
the subscribers under Section 2324.
J. F. CoTUta.
J. M. Kaixr.
I thp a
fu y sfv Tt i I
S I 8 KEY-s f
I CHIEFTAIN l I Home Journal J
Each for one year and a set of Cloth Bound
Books and one year's membership to the
uvvnc mum " - j - - .
American Musical Association
ALL FOR $2.25 H
You r.re not limited to just one set of books
but you may make your own choice from six
different sets. Here is a list of them and they
speak for themselves.
Set Xo. I. ropular Fiction
BLACK ROCK j.h,u Pln
HOUSE OF THE WOLF Staniev' '3 ' 'vll '"'
- . .. , ,
Conan Dovi
Set No. 2. Standard Classics
SKETCH H. IOK Yhi,:n iT.S.
T"'V."".-' ' V----thaniet HaMhen
11 hmi.1i int. t'lif.A K r AM I AULE
Het No. :j. Poetic Masterpieces
Ht'LVF.S' PoEM'S .
H. W. Lonpfelhw
Oliver W. HoIiims
G Whittior
Owen Meredith
Alfred TennvspD
Set lo. L For Girls
LAlk BEAITY Anna F.ll
1 LOW LK r ABLF.S Louisa M. Alcott
. . , By the Author of Zoe"
Lewis Csrroll
IN CLE TuM'S CABIN Harriet Bcecher Stowe
Set Xo. For Boys
Miss Muloct
Oliver Otitic
. Charles Kingsley
Jacob Abbott
. . C. and M. Lamb
Set Xo. G. Religious
. . John Bunyan
Thomas a Kempis
Frances R. Haverg.il
John Milton
The book- are all the standard literature of the
ag;e and securely bound in cloth, stamped in
colors of beautiful design and you cannot buy
them anyplace else on the market for less than
52.r0. They speak for .hemselves. Call and
see sam plos.
was established in May, 1S97, five years ago.
Its publishers have never swerved from their
original purpose of making it the best monthly
Ho.ne Magazine is.-ued.
Tiie American Musical Asociation furnishes to every
!"!, ,Ur tht- same opportunity to obtain SdiOdt Music, Folios,
Instruct ion Books und other Music, Literature and Musical In
strunu n-.s at the lowest manufacturer's prices, saving the profit
f'i the joblier and retailer. Ou sheet music ulons you obtain t
cent Uiscount from retail prices.
Is .h- 1 i.mec-r and Official News pnper of Wallow a county, giving
ai. 1 lie county news and a full record of the proceedings of the
wit .tv court und huMi,es arctind the Court House. The pric
ior the who. combination is ?2.25 and no such an offer can be
iu-.im. any p.t.c ,n tlle i nited StaU.8- you wiu nevcr again
i??? f'.""'" to s.-1-ure so mnoli reading matter for the price-
V-Z Citin,ot 8a" ,,ow k"5 '' offer will last. Call
c. s:-ii at once.
.vrcvu --u ...
i One Year's 4Subeription to The Chieftain. One Year s Sub- t
' f
J 90nI'tlon t0 Conkey's Home Journal, years membership I
Enterprise, Oregon. 1
S-IR.S: Please find eiicloanl 2 9:'i in r.nvment for f
to the American Musical Association and' .Set No.
of-.ve books offered in your combination offfr.
i Y'ours Trulv
f Wvrxxm 1 -.-j!