Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, October 03, 1902, Image 7

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Dr' gyivestre, wbo nam baa flash-
U ironud tbe world aa tbe Inventor
rf , wonderful device by which you
fOBd only bear by telephone, but see
-phone as well, baa allowed several
trtior to Je made of tbe visual
tbonK- machine, although be will
(X as ye! -how Ita working fully, be
nae far 0' to see It la ao almple
i uiii- could go away and make
hiDi-c:- So until tbe machine la
E,tCffOl ''. ' : c riruvu KUiefUUirai ror
lOHu.tXH). 111 price he wanta, the doc-
t will noi exhibit tbe device.
The Illustrations show the different
rirtt of tl,e Invention, and something
,.' in working. It consists of a email
"Wtilar mirror, with a bole in the
-owr. to which la screwed a tiny elec
c light of a little more than one
.indie power. Tbe mirror la fixed to
: niUTophonic plate of the telephone
P rue for Prudence la her name,
Bow It does belie her!
For in foolish madcap pranks
No girl can outvie her.
Always In iomt mischief new,
8ek some new folly,
Often to be monrned next day
In deepest melancholy.
Alwirs thoughtless when she acta,
Xeier once malicious,
Foreier getting Into scrapes
To nie she is delicious!
Prudence! What a name for her!
How it does belle her!
let in witching charm for me
N'o srirl can ontrie her!
-Somerrille Journal.
fHE regiment waa settling down
for the nlgbt with some grum
bling and much profane Jesting,
' Western volunteers possess a sense
humor superior to the most trying
seditions. Somewhere In tbe dark-
in front, tbe Filipinos were taking
W bota between their cigarettes, aa
occasional leu! attested.
There go tbe typewriters," cried a
Wong private. "Firing at fireflies, as
al No sleep to-night"
Typewriters" was a contemptuous
PNlatlon given to the Fourteenth
"'Pilars, because the popping of their
"Uazine guns in the distance slightly
Ambled the noise of tbe machine of
I'm your mouth on the aaf etv notch."
i.vl ti, enptain from the right of
CMui.ar.y. "They're sending out the
""lost.-, i rCt their bearings, so that
V can siic.ot around them If tbe ball
Two ini-n '.cere receiving final instruc-
fro: . he colonel previous to ven-
''"Bf inu he hostile country In front.
ak 01. t about two hundred yards,
'tiered tLe officer, "aud lie low. If you
ny signs of an attack, try to get
and warn us. If you can't get
you must warn us somehow, and
Jour chances. No need to tell you
to 1 careful. You hold the lives of
-nT men In i r. n rl a CitM-tA lliek.
nta sort of work Is called Cossack
'-tpost duty, and men detailed upon it
not be men of family or nerves.
A few nights previously two nervous
ere detailed upon it One of
fired at a white pariah dog. Tbe
caused the Filipinos to concentrate
lea of volleya lasting thirty min
In the direction of the outposts.
V Americans awakened from a sound
P and let go several unauthorized
""era. Consequently tbe two nervous
n, beinr Lat. . rA.
7 with two kinds of ammunition.
The two men detailed for this even
s' Work VPKI r.t JHfTarant moffls
'ortturi to
with a reckless laugh. With the
Nonchalance of veterans they gave
rlflft a n 1 ... - . . . . . .
i Jt. T ' T Uttle brass Pcn n.
necta tbe current and the apparatus.
,' . ' ,my;teriou ,O0l"nK hood two
elds mix drop b, drop, and out of a
pout come. . phosphorescent vapor,
filling on the mirror. If. when tele!
Placed in front of the mirror, tbe room
from where the person la telephoning
may plainly be seen, and also tbe per-
Pr. 8ylvester waa sitting In bla labo
ratory In tbe dark one night aome
weeks ago, awaiting the slow working
of some chemical process. He has in
bis laboratory a theater 'phone. He
was listening to the opera, when sud
denly on the white wall of his labora
tory be saw tbe stage scene from the
theater, colors and all. Investigation
revealed to bim tbe secret He has
made half a doien tests that have cou-
wniCH THE -piCT
top of the trench, disappeared Into the
"There go two good men," observed
the colonel.
The two men tiptoed across the dry
rice paddles, each holding his rifle at
the readv. There was no sound ex
cept the occasional hiss of a random
bullet or tbe faint and distant pop of a
"Guess this is far enough," said one
of the men, at length; "here is a little
hollow. Why, It is almost as safe as
the trench. The other acquiesced with
a faint murmur, and they sprawled up
on the ground facing the enemy's ter
ritory. "It's a queer freak of fate that we
two should be detailed on this togeth
er," observed the shorter of the two,
"after avoiding each other so success
fully." "It's very queer, Osbourne," returned
the other, "but we'll have to stand it."
"It is not that I would want a better
man for a tight place, Wade," said Os
bourne; "but there Is that one thing."
"Yes, I know," wearily; "that's the
trouble. If you were not as good or a
better man than I, there would be no
danger of Helen Bartlett caring for
"We were friends In the old days, Bil
ly," said Osbourne, huskily; "if one of
ns only loved her a little less."
"No go, Tom," replied the other. "It
Is either her or hell for me. Our friend
ship was a holy thing, but she Is above
that Would you"
"No, you are right It's no thorough
fare. My God! I wish it were ended,
one way or the other."
What can we do?" queried Wade,
with studied composure. "We can't
gouge each other with bayonets out
here, and Springfields at two yards Is
a bit too unique."
Osbourne laughed harshly. "We
might draw straws, the loser speedily to
meet an accidental death."
No, thanks," replied Wade. "I ani
willing to take my bullet if It comes,
but not that way. One of us might get
it decently at any time.
"You're right Wade," said Osbourne,
"You're a good fellow."
"Same to you," returned Wade. "Let's
quit chattering and attend to our
work." t 4 ,
For some time they lay silent, staring
Into the darkness for things they could
not see. even bad they been there. Only
the Intermittent popping of musketry
and the occasional seu! of a Mauser bul
let broke the silence. Now and then
they could see through the blackness
a falut, momentary red flnre.
-Confound them," observed Os
bourne "the Filipinos can smoke, any
how. I'm dying for a cigarette."
If you light a match here," said
Wade, "we'll be targets for about four
thousand rifles."
That's true enough," agreed Os
bourne, with a soft chuckle;
e rather expensive out here." Anotb
er period of silence followed.
Wade." inquired Osbourne, audden
ir "ore you willing to try a wild scheme
for settling this matter forever?
'""Anything fair and reasonable "? re-
.ltw1 the other. "What's your plan 7
pl.'Sraw sSW" Bald Osbourne, brief-
3. fl.
vinced him that the Tisual telephone Is
practicable, although at first sight be
admits It seemed to him as It may
have Impressed others when they first
heard of It-incredlbly phenomenal.
"Many happy returns of tbe day.
grandpal And mother says If you give
us each sixpence we mustn't lose it!"
It Is said that men In savage state
never have toothache. It Is also said
that there was never a man with tooth
ache who was not in a aavage state.
Investigation will reveal that every
successful man gets down to work
ly, "the man who gets the short one to
stand up and light a match, and go to
bis fathers."
Wade caught his breath and remained
mute for some time, considering. "Not
so bad," be observed, after a time; "but
we are on duty now."
"Oh, the devil!" said Osbourne, light
ly; "the Filipinos wouldn't attack for
all the loot of Manila. An outpost here
Is merely a matter of form. Besides,
one of us will be left"
"That's so," returned Wade, "and 1
see no objection."
"You fix the straws, then," said Os
bourne, quickly. "I'll draw." He be
gan to whistle softly In a nervous fash
Ion, as men do when they are close to
death. Wade fumbled silently with
some fragments of rice straw. His
movements were slow and mechanical.
Some men are constituted that way.
"Here, Tom," he said, stretching out
his right fist. "May tbe better man
get It"
Osbourne extended a band that trem
bled slightly and fingered the disclosed
ends of straw for a brief time. Sud
denly be clutched one and pulled It out
At the same Instant there was a
strange, soft thud, and Wade fell upon
his faca His limbs moved convulsive
ly for a moment; then he lay motion
less. "For God's sake, Billy, what's up?"
cried Osbourne, In an agonized whis
per. He laid his hand on the man's
face, but Jerked It away horrified, for
It touched something warm and wet
"She's mine!" he muttered, with
fierce triumph; then, "Poor Billy."
A thought came that caused him to
gasp and shiver. He hesitated, reached
for tbe dead man's hand and loosened
It? clnsp from the other straw. It wan
several inches longer than the one he
had drawn.
"What shall I do?" he moaned. "Oh,
Hilly!" be cried, shaking tbe dead man's
shoulder as if to rouse him. "What
shall I do?" Only the far-off popping
of the rifles broke the oppressive still
ness. "What would you have done?" , he
asked, In the same strain. "By God!'
suddenly, "you were a good man. You
would have kept the compact. I lost
fairly. Bear witness, Billy, I am as
good a man as you."
He laid his hand for an Instant on the
dead man's forehead. Then he rose
slowly and fumbled In his pocket At
length he found a match. For a mo
j ment he stood Irresolute, Inhaling
I strong breaths of air. Already he had
! begun to feel theTiorror of being shut
out from It forever. It was hard to
give the signal for his own death. His
teeth came together with a click, and,
scratching the match on bis shoe, be
held the iflame before his breast Tbe
Georgia Builds Ltaaterns.
The big lantern to be used In tbe
government lighthouse at Scotch Cape,
Alaska, has Just been finished by an
Atlanta, Ga., manufacturing plant
Good Use for the Money.
The Baron de Hlrsch school fund In
Galacla maintains fifty schools.' Tbe
number of teachers amounts to 247,
and there are 6,634 pupils.
Tbe owner of land on which surras
! water has collected In a pond Is held, '
: In Brandeuberg vs. Zelgler (S. C, 63
L. B, A. 414, to have no right, by cut- j
ting tbe natural rim of the basin, to
drflln th wstitr iinnn nolr-hh.i nvn. '
I ' - vtr
ri i j iv uib injury.
An action for libel against a corpora
tion, which abates by the expiration of
the corporate charter, Is held. In Shayn
vs. Evening Post Pub. Co. (N. Y.l. 55
L. R, A. 777, to be properly revived
against the trustees of the dissolved cor
poration In oSice at the time of disso
lution. No liability In favor of a bona fide
purchaser of a negotiable paper Is held,
in Salley vs. Terrill (Me.), M I U, A.
730, to attach to tbe maker, where It
was drawn and signed but not deliv
ered or Intended to be delivered, but
was obtained by the payee by theft
without gross carelessness or reckless
ness on the part of the maker.
A simple contract creditor, who has
do lien on the property, Is held. In Flour
noy vs. Champion (N. M.l, 55 L. R. A.
745, to have no right to Intervene In a
suit In equity for tbe appointment of a
receiver of partnership property and
secure a Judgment against the partner
ship and one of Its members, but Is rel
egated to an action at law, the defend
ants being entitled to a trial by Jury.
That an assault committed by a dog
In Jumping upon a stranger and Injur
ing him resulted merely from its mis
chievous or playful propensity Is held,
In Crowley vs. Groonell (Vt), 55 L. It
A. 876, not to absolve the owner from
liability, If he knew of Its disposition to
commit such Injuries, or knew enough
of Its habits to convince a man of ordi
nary prudence of Its Inclination to com
mit them.
A peace officer attempting to make an
arrest for unlawfully enrrylug arms Is
held, in Montgomery vs. State (Tex.
Chim. App.), 55 L. R, A. 8(kl. to be
bound to make known to accused uudcr
what authority the arrest Is made, al
though by statute be has power to
make the arrest without warrant,
where he Is by statute required In ex
ecuting warrants to make known bis
Land within the boundaries of a street
as shown on a plat filed In the clerk's
office under tbe provisions of the law
Incorporating a town, which declares
that the plat shall be conclusive evi
dence of tbe street boundaries In all
future suits and contests that may
arise concerning them, is held, In Mo
Clellan vs. Weston (W. Va.), 55 L. R. A.
898, not to be subject to adverse posses
sion as against tbe town.
A Judgment for alimony In favor of
a wife, the right to which becomes vest
ed by force of statute upon a decree of
divorce for tbe fault of the husband,
Is held. In Coffman vs. Finney (Ohio),
55 L. R. A. 794, to be a debt against tbe
husband, subject only to variation In
amount In case of appeal, which, upon
tbe death of both parties pending ap
peal, will survive in favor of the per
sonal representative of tbe wife, and
against tbe personal representative of
tbe husband.
Under a statute providing that all
wills shall be in writing and be signed
by the testator, which signature shall
be made by tbe testator, or tbe muklng
thereof acknowledged by him aud the
writing declared to be his last will, In
the presence of two witnesses present
at tbe same time, who shall subscribe
their names thereto as witnesses In tbe
presence of tbe testator. It Is held, in
Lacey vs. Dobbs (N. J.), 55 L. R. A.
580, that it Is essential to validity that
everything required to be done by the
testator shall precede In point of time
the subscription of the witnesses.
The Insertion In a statute tbe ob
vious Intent of which Is to tax every
interest, present or future, passing by
will to persons not exempt, of provi
sions that the tax shall be due and pay
able within two years after tbe execu
tor's qualification and that suit shall be
brought In six mouths after It Is due,
is held in Howe vs. Howe (Mass.), 55
L. R. A. G'!6, not to prevent tbe taxa
tion of future contingent Interests
which do not vest within such time,
where the statute also provides that
the Probate Court may extend tbe time
when tbe tax Is payable, whenever the
circumstances of tbe case may require.
Alien and the Stranger.
"Private" John Allen was strolling
down Pennsylvania avenue tbe other
day, when he passed a lamp post to
which was attached p person who bad
Imbibed not wisely but too well. The
man was Itowed over and holding on
with both bands. If he had stepped a
little nearer be could have leaned bis
body against It, but apparently be did
not dare make tbe step for fear of los
ing his balance. As Mr. Allen ap
proached, tbe stranger mistily made
him out and hailed bim. Mr. Allen
"M' fren'," said the afflicted one, with
difficulty, "c'n you Jell hie poor In
valid wbere B. & O. depot is?"
"It to right over in that direction,"
said Mr. Allen, pointing, "about ten
minutes' walk."
"Temmlnts walk?" repeated tbe suf
ferer. "Yes."
"D'you mean," inquired tbe man,
"for hie for you or for me?" Wash
ington Times.
Hot weather Is a breeder of suicides.
More people takes their lives when tbe
mercury Is high In the thermometer
than they do when tbe heat of tbe sun
Is tempered by frigid conditions. Heat
Is a disturber of the human vitality,
and causes despondency and a form of
melancholy which temporarily deprives
them of reason.
It takes only one vote to pass rgood
!,, M I I
i r I I 1 I II I I I h MM
Rattle Hymn of the Republic.
Mine ryes have seen the glory of the
coming of the Iorl,
lie ia tramping out the viiitage where the
grapes of wrath are stored ;
He hath limited the fateful lightnings of
his ti-rrililr, swift sword;
His truth is marching on.
I have seen him in the watch-fires of a
hundred circling ramps;
iney nnve Mi ikied him an altar In the
evening dews and damps;
I can rend his righteous sentence by the
dim and flaring lamps.
His day is marching on.
I have read a fiery gospel, writ In bur
nished rows of steel;
As you deal with my contemners, so with
you my grace shall deal;
Let tbe hero, born of woman, crush the
serpent with his heel,
Since God la niarchiug on.
tie has sounded forth the trumpet that
shall never call retreat;
lit Is sifting out the hearts of men be
fore his judgment seat;
O, be swift, my soul, to answer him! be
jubilant, my feet!
Our God U marching on.
In the beauty of the lilies, Christ was
born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom, that trans
figures you and nie;
As he died to make uieu holy, let us die
to make men free,
While God is marching on.
Julia Ward Howe.
Illitlilnnd Mar;,
Y'e banks, and braes, aud streams around
The castle o' Montgomery,
Green be your woods, aud fair your flow
ers, Y'our waters never drumlie!
There simmer first mifaiild her robes,
And there the langest tarry!
For there I took the last fareweel
O my sweet Highland Mary.
How sweetly bloomed the gay green birk,
How rich the hawthorn's blossom,
As underneath their fragrant shad
I clasped ber to my bosom!
The golden hours on angel wings
Flew o'er me and my dearie;
For dear to me as light and lift
Was my sweet Highland Mary.
Wl' monie a vow and locked embrace
Our parting was fu' tender;
And, pledging aft to meet again,
We tore ourselves asunder;
But O! fell death's untimely frost
That nipped my flower sae earlyl
Now green's the sod, and cauld's the clay,
That wraps my Highland Mary.
O pale, pale now those rosy Hps
I aft bae kissed sas fondly 1
And closed for aye the sparkling glance
That dwelt on me sae kindly!
And mould'ring now In silent dust
That heart that lo'ed me dearly!
But still within my bosom's core
Shall live my Highland Mary.
Robert Burns.
"A fellow doesn't care to do much
but He around and rest when be rows
sixteen miles every day," said the
oarsman. "You see, the 'varsity rowa
eight miles In the morning and eight
miles in the afternoon. It's pretty hard
work. When the morning work Is over
we are glad to loaf a while, and after
the row at night we are ready to
Nevertheless, every precaution was
taken that there be no violation of dis
cipline. After "taps" the captain reg
ulurly made the rounds of tbe bed
rooms to see that all bis men were
there. It was well understood that If
a man broke training be would be tak
en from the crew, reduced from a po
sition wbicb he bad worked bard to
attain, lie forever disgraced, and an
other man put In his place. But the
college pride of the men, their loyalty
to their friends, their determination to
win, were stronger forces than all the
threats In the world In urging them
to do their best.
"I give them all they want to eat,"
said Ellis Ward, the famous old cooch
of Pennsylvania. "They get plain, sub
stantial food meat three times a dny
If they want It chops, stenk, roast
beef, and plenty of good vegetables,
but no pastry, pies, or the like, and not
too much sweet stuff. We aren't trou
bled with sickness. Last year one of
our boys had a sprained ankle. He was
In too much of a hurry, and jumped
out of tbe wagon before It stopped
when we reached training quarters.
But he rowed In the race just the same,
aud did his work. The best way to
keep them from breaking training Is to
give them plenty to do." Leslie's
Trad Victories of Americana Da to
Slowness of the Kngliab,
It Is shown by Col. M. R. Jefferds In
the London Financial News that from
1870 to 1890 tbe New York Central
Railroad reduced Its worklug expenses
per ton mile by more than 52 per cent,
while wages were Increasing, and since
1890 by 40 per cent while tbe English
companies have made practically no re
duction in the thirty yea 9s.
Tbe cost for Instance, of moving a
ton of freight one mile on the London
and Northwestern Road is 1.38 cents
as against .235 of a cent on the New
York Central, and only .485 of a cent
on the Great Northern Road, which
runs through the tblnly settled North
west The New York Central freight
charge per ton mile In 1870 was 1.88
cents, and in 1900 only .78 of a cent.
In other words, the rate to tbe public
on the New York Central Is only about
half the cost to tbe English company
moving a ton one mile. The rat
charged on the Umlon and Northwest
ern lu 1900 was i!.31 ceuts per ton per
Inasmuch as the wages are much
higher on the American roads, the com
parative charges and expenses are a
slgultlcant commentary on the differ
ence In effectiveness of management.
This condition la duplicated to greater
or less extent In a very large number
of English manufacturing Industries.
There are many morals to a tale of
this kind, says Clinton's Magaalne, but
the present purpose is to suggest only
one. It HI becomes English manufac
turers and theoretical economists to
charge upon trade unions a decline
which Is so obviously tbe result of an
tiquated Industrial management The
trade union movement is almost :it
thoroughly established In the l'nlte-1
States as In England, yet we are out
stripping them at nearly every olnt
The trouble Is In the failure of English
mnuufneturers and Industrial mana
gers to keep up with the march of
economic progress. No sympathy need
be wasted on their complaints of trade
union hampering until British capital
ists can do something better to justify
their own economic function lu the.
Common 8enae Gives Immunity from
Heat Kzliauntion.
With the Bumuicr comes the annual
ly recurring warning from health
boards, cold blooded scientific, societies
and Independent order of tiever-sweuts
against tbe folly of courting beat pros
tration. Reduced to Its elements, tho
advice of theso wise men ns to tbe con
duct of life during tho heated term
Is simple aud Intelligible. Keep cool;
don't get excited; don't cut anything
that Is beating; don't drink anything
thut Is cooling; wcur chiefly a. broad
Binllo and a wet sponge on the bead;
don't move nor breathe except when
absolutely necessary such are a few of
the minor muxiius of but ulr philosophy
dished up from year to year for the
consumption of sweltering iiiuhhcb In
tho greut cities. Of all cunts that are
canted during the silly season, surely
the cunt of keeping cool Is the most ag
gravating. There Is really uo mystery In tho mat
ter, little occasion for promulgation of
wise saws and modern Instances, uo
consuming public desire for dependence
UM)u anything but native horse sense
for Immunity from beat exhaustion and .
sunstroke. A reasonable degree of pre
caution, such as would occur naturally
to every citizen oppressed by undue ex
cess of temperature, may be depended
upon to tide over the brief emergency
without Intermission of accustomed
physical nourishment and solace. The
llfe-glvlug sun Is humanity's greatest
boon and most faithful sustalner, event
when pouring a superabundance of beat
rays from the zenith.
Dealing with estlval temperature Is,
after all, largely an affair of temper
ament and locality, to be adjusted from
day to day In accordance with ever
changing and rarely repeated condi
tions. A simple and sane philosophy of
common sense Is tbe surest refuge
when the mercury mounts Into the
nineties, no less than In graver exigen
cies on tills mundane sphere. Philadel
phia Record.
Hhe Knew Iletter.
"Here Is a man," said the defend
ant's counsel, with a tremulous voice,
"here Is a man handicapped at the very
beginning of bis life. From the time be
lay a helpless Infant In tbe cradle to
this day, when be sits helpless under
the pressure of years and attllctlon, he
has labored under tbe name of lshmael
Ahlnadnb Watts."
He whs about to say more when tbe
plaintiff rose from ber seat and shook a
work-worn finger lu his direction.
"I expected I was going to bear
strange things In this courtroom," she
cried, with shrill Indignntlon, "but I
didn't ral'lato on secli foolish talk as
thut! There never' been a day In bla
life that Ahlnudab's lubored, nor
thought of ln!'. rln He's the most
shlf'less, luzy "
But here she resumed ber seat, owing
to sudden pressure from ber relatives
In the rear, and the counsel, a lit t lo
flushed, went on In a somewhat differ
ent strain. Youth's Companion.
Itulneil liy Aeronautics.
Count Von Zeppelin, who has the
distinction of having built the largest
of all airships, bus been financially
rnliifil by his aeronautical experiment.
L'lMhlo tu obtain means fur carrying
out his new projects, he Is now break
ing up the old framework of his air
ships In order to sell the aluminum of
which they are composed. Zeppelin la
07 years of age. He was a military at
tache of the German embassy In the
United States during the civil war, and
made several balloon ascensions from
battlefields of the South In 1S;3. Ho
was the leader of the famous cavalry
raid In France In 1870 w hich marked
the commencement of hostilities of the
great Frunco-Prusslun war.
The Sexton's Itetort.
Tbe village sexton, In addition to be
ing grave-digger, acted as a stone-cutter,
house-repairer, aud furniture-remover.
Tbe local doctor, having ob
tained a more lucrative appointment lu
another county, employed tbe sexton,
to assist In bis removal. When It came
to settling up accounts, the doctor de
ducted an old contra account due by.
the sexton. He wrote at the same time,
objecting to the charge made for re
moving bis furniture "If this was
steady, it would pay much better than
grave-digging?" The sexton replied:
"Indade, OI wud be glad ave a steady
job; grave-dlggln' Is very slack sine
j you leftl"
iuie, ana, aiming over mc