MILES OF VARY1NQ LENQTH. Measure of Distance Differ Greatly In Several Localities. Among the English-speaking peoples of the earth there are four different mile? the ordinary mile of 5,280 feet ' ,ni the peosrraphiial mile of 6.0S5 feet, j Disking a different between tiie two of , about one-eeventh; then there are the ' ,-ott-n mne 01 o,u-b leet ana the Irish mile of 6, 20 feet four variong miles, every one of which i9 still in use. Then alrno- every country lias its standard nil'' f.t. a !e" ami 1 ami tlie - one Ql'ARRYMAA'S BVTTIE 1TH V,C:01S SNAKES. r lit t iernian mile today is 24,318 re than four and a half times ; ours. The Dutih, Danish :sian mile is 18,499 feet, thiee iilf tinie as long as ours, and get more exert ise in walking! heir miles than we get in walk- ing tl ours, for their mile is 9,153 Wils long. TZ. 1 - w r - - IB a I rrienaiy welcome, he called at the j house of the young woman the same : evening, and was not a little surprised . at tne frosty reception, i After a pause the young woman re marked. In the most frigid tones: "You sent me a note to-day." MA note I r "Certainly, along with the flowers." "To be sure. I sent you flowers, but" "A.nd this note was with the bou quet Do you mean to deny ltr And the young man read: "Don't forget the old coat you promised me the other day." Pico's Cure u the best medicine we ever Bjeii for nil nileciions of the throat ami lunirs Wm. O. KND81.KT, Vaiibureu, Ind Itb. 10. l'.W. New Zealand Dairy Business. The dairy business is increasing rap idly in New Zealand, and the govern merit is doing all in its power to boost the tra.le. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears gig&atur Bobrikoff Gets Sensitive. Governor General Bobriakoff has commanded the Finnish local govern ment to make exteneive preparations for the Not thern Scientific congress, ae it would be most regrettable if any thing should occur to give the foreign visitors an unfavorable impression of the conditions in Finland. The loal government is quite willing, however, that the visitors should realize fully what liobrikoff has done for Finland. CITC Poenllr Curea So nti r norroujTlf III or lira 1n'" nof ir. kli.' Greet hem iMom. Send tor FK EE Si. 00 trial hottlr and treat. a, U. U. li Klin. Ltit..ui Arthiu. ftulad.liihia.i'a Rough on Pa. "What is a vacuum, ma?" "That part of your father that is di rectly under his hair." Evau Brannon. while working in a stone quarry near MoundsvlUe, W. Va uncovered a den of vicious copperhead snakes. As soon as the reptiles were unearthed they showed fight but Evans killed thirty-six, while at least that number escaped to other dens. They averaged two feet In length. WAITERS AND EYEGLASSES. Hotel and Restaurant Object to Hela V earing Optical Aid. "Ever see a waiter wearing glasses?" demanded the inquisitor. Xo one could remember, although Just w-by a waiter should not be seen with glasses as well as any other man was not apparent. "Ifs Just like the wearing of beards," went on the Inquisitor. "The proprie tors of our Important hotels, restau rants and cafes will not permit either beards or classes to be worn bv their Half- Sick " I first used Avcr's Sarsaparilla in the fall of IS48. Since then I have taken it every spring as a blood - purify in g and nerve strengthening medicine." S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans. If you feci run down, are easily tired, if your nerves are weak and your blood is thin, then begin to take the good old stand ard family medicine, Ayer s Sarsaparilla. It's a regular nerve lifter, a perfect blood builder. $!. mo,. Aittnrcix. A.k yoor doctor what he think, of Ajrr t "anaranll. He knout all ahotit thla Brand Old family merilrln t Mow hi adrlc and w am ua aau.nea. J. C. AT Co, leweli. Ma. t DON'T KNOW WHAT AILED MARY. Raising Eagles. Nils Dvag, a farmer living some miles When John Dalton came back from the asylum where he had gone to place his wife, his neighbor. Perry, met him at the station and went home with him, that he might not enter the empty house alone. The old man was stunned and dnzed. "I don't know what ailed Mary," he said, dully. "You see how clean and snug this house is? She always kept things so. Up before dawn, milking and baking and washing. Same thing done at the same hour, year In and year out She hadn't complained of sickness fr forty years. Then, all at once, she began talking of an iron band around her Jaws and queer pains in her head." "She seldom went to town, did she?" asked Terry. "Never, hardly. "I'm not much of a hand for gadding about to no purpose. She used to want to go to church Sun days, but 1 didn't Just like to hitch up wuen there was no work to do. But Agree to Norway's Demands. The Swedich-Xorwegian commission i to draft a plan for the revision of the 1 consular system of Sweden and Norway, f proposes separate services for the two kingdoms. This was generally expected in both cos. and in untieNorway no i ather solutf the diflicuion olt question would bavn acceptable. e bee from Rorvik, earns some extra moenv 1 wisn now Id done DBt for Mary." by capturing eagles. He knows wheie I "Sh dldn't visit much with the nelgh the nests are and scales the high cliffs 1 bors' elther. did she?" asked Perry, and takes the young, which he sells I "No- Tnat was m-v doing, too. When for good priers in Christiania. He has J tlie day's vrork is done, I want to put had many fights with the parents, but on mr "Uppers and rest and then to never harms or kills them, as by their ' e&, and not go skirmishing about or death his source of revenue would be j having a lot of company in." foe- He was silent a while. "I don't know et y tho'jsanus 01 men of similar age have to wear them In almost every other oc cupation. "The majority of these servitors com mence in boyhood, and the demand of their vocation causes no strain on the eyesight Consequently that may ac count In a measure for the absence of any necessity for the use of specs. Moreover, the steam from hot viands would render them useless probably." New York Evening Telegram. CANDLE MADE OF WOOD. His Occupation. "Haven't you any occupation?" asked the woman at the kitchen door, iner listening to his tale of woe, what ailed Mary," he said again. "She would sit looking at nothing, straight ahead of her, by the hour, and then cry and cry, yet always saying she had no trouble. And she got weaker every da v. "Yea, ma'am." said Tnffold Kimtt. f " every nay, hunter " I ana tnen uer mma went altogether. Si "I am a hunter, "A hunter? Of what?" "Grub, ma'am." Mothers will find Mrs. Winsiow's Sooth. JJ?,5'ruP the owt remedy to use lor their ttuldren during the teething period. What Had He Done. didn't know me, nor even her own name." "She will be cured In that sanitari um?" said Perry, cheerfully, "and come home well In the spring." He watched his old neighbor furtively a while, and then said: "Do you know, Dalton, some years I -jo you tr.ow, uauon, some years Husband (reading the paper) What ago my wife and daughter got peevish ' njuic men wm maxe 01 tqem-Nives. Wife Now, H enry, dear, what have yon done this time? Millions of sufferers 11RA Hamlin'a W17- wd Oil for pain every year and t all it blessed. Ask your druutrist : he knows. Heard In a Book Store. "I suppose that work in sixty vol umes is an encyclopedia?" "So; it is called 'The Love Letters , Mormon Elder.' " Unforseen Results. Dolly I believe Julia Gibbs tDesraerist. Polly Why? Dolly I went to sell her a ticket to or piacnica nd she sold me one. ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Genuine Carter's Uttle Liver Pills. Mutt Bear Signature of and Irritable. I thought the steady work and loneliness were telling on them. So I got that parlor organ, and paid for a year's lessons for Susy. We had music and singing every evening, and the young folks would gather In with their reading clubs. Then I took two or three papers; my wife Is a main hand for guessing the riddles. And once a year I took her an' Susy up to town for a week." "Yes," said Dalton, dryly. "You spent a lot of money, I've heard." "It's bringing me In good Interest" Thpv sat In silence a while. Then a TiarTr nut hi hnnd an the old man's ' knee. "When she comes back, If she ever does come, I'd open up life for her a bit Dalton. lou know bow tt Is with potatoes. You plant the best kind In good ground, and they yield splendid crops for a year or two. Then they be gin to dwindle and rot" "Of course the ground runs out They need new soil." "Yes. You plant them In a different lot and they yield big, healthy crops. Human beings are like them, Dalton. You've got to renew the soil, give them fresh food for their minds, or they'll dwindle and rot" Dalton did not apeak for a long time. "There's something In it" he said, final ly. "I'll do different If I ever have the chance." Youth's Companion. Fac-Statii Wrapper Batow. TT Man . takes a. CARTER'S MBS ronuoiciE Fll L.UZIIESS. FBI Biuoumti IVER foi tdrfib uvci. i" Ipaa aaMavialTIAI mi buaiiraiiui FBI SALLOW SU1. ria urHtrriAI1 - 1 1. 1 ivi mvarujuu &lWrT.ftaM.5igSq CURE eiCK HEADACHE. 7T1 LI HtS M8- 1 mh byrup, TintM OowL V fj Ho id h rinrBrsrlfrtl. Painful Means of Saioide. "Have you ever noticed bow many suicides use carbolic acid?" asked a druggist the other day. "Without hay ing any actual data on the subject I should say that fully one-third, perhaps half, use that means of exit It Is something I could never understand, be cause there are so many more comfort able ways of doing it There could not possibly be a more agonizing death than carbolic add poisoning produces. The corrosive fluid burns the mouth, tongue and throat then passes Into the stom ach, and must feel like ao much hot lead." A SUjrbt MlaanderstaDdiaf. A young man. wnose gallantry was largely In excess of his pecuniary means, sought to remedy this defect and to save the money required for the purchase of expensive rant-ln with a gardener to let him Erre bouquet from time to time in return for bis cast-off clothes. So it happened that one day he re ceWed bunch of the most beautiful ilTwhlcb he at once dispatched t. Kdjlove. in sure anticipation of. For years and years before our boys In blue Invaded Cuba there were two candlesticks on the altar In the cbapel of old Cabanas, one of the outer forts protecting the city of Havana. This fort was used as a prison (principally for Cuban patriots), as well as for de fense. When a patriot was ordered to be shot he was allowed time to go to the little chapel In the fort and say his prayers before the altar, after which he was taken out and executed. It would be Idle to speculate as to the number of poor fellows who had thus offered up their prayers before thette candlesticks and then gone out to their death. The body of the candlestick Is wood, covered with a plaster of parts deco ration aud then gilded. The "candle" Is of wood, with an Imitation dripping of wax down the side. The "wick" Is In reality a small nail driven In at the top. The one from which this Illustration was made Is In Brooklyn, while the other Is In Detroit Mich. Carried Menagerie. The thin man looked Just as If every body In the world Imposed on him. Even bis mustache grew crooked. He came Into the car of the suburban train sldewlse, deposited his basket ginger ly, and slid Into the seat beside It As soon as the train cleared the tunnel the basket meowed. The thin man smiled back at the man across the aisle, and gave the basket a shake. Another meow. A little girl In the seat in front stood op on the cushion and peered at the basket "Like cats?" the thin man asked. "Yep," the child answered. "Lena me see It" "No; It might get away," the thin man said with another smile. The basket preserved silence for sev eral minutes, then It began to cluck. The child's eyes opened wide. "Like chickens?" the thin man asked. Before the child could reply the bas ket emitted a shrill whistle, and the man across the aisle, whose face was as pusxled as the child's, asked: What hare yon there, anyhow?" "Mockingbird," the tbln man answer ed. New York Evening Post "Is be In good shape financially In dependent?" "Well he's In good shape financially, but as far as being Inde pendent I guess he's like most of us married men." Detroit Free Press. I Pigmy Camels. f The western portion of Persia is ln J habited by a species of camel which is I I pigmy of its kind. These camels are mow white, and are on that account Imost worshipped by the people. The jh presented the municipality of t?rlin with two of these little wonders. I is larger is 27 inches high and weighs I pounds. The other is four inches less, but the weight is not given. SLICKERS? why MWEX's X1KS& C0U3st? TKiaUKPASDBfAttOr WATERPROOF OILED CLOTHING YOU HAVE ALWAYS BOUCHI Made in Mack or yellow of tht bot materials And sold with our warrant by reliable dtalers everywhere A. J. TOWER CO.. BOSTON. MA33. i ESTAM-I3HED I83. VOIR HEALTH IS PRECIOUS Port'! rmlantrr It lijr ln qiiHiiinlte or miltcraittl liM Ak vmir gnuvr tor r.'it,', (-(.(.-.a, i,,in I'ow.'l.r ami tantiinl ltvU rallol ...MONOPOI.E... WAOtUMS M P KROS.. PACKtKS. IVrlland. MUcholl Wagon. iai' i'tiitn iur ilia "duml Tliiuita." Come biK'k Into the life of thought again! Head aud converse with family ami friends. Uet out your music, and practice aguln at the plnno mid orgitu. Uo to church on Sunday eveu If the Sunday dinner must be plain as a con sequence. Take time to think. Con tentrute Into little time the necessary home work; master It and do not let It master you. Choose what shall occupy tour thoughts, w hat shall engage your longue and what shall take up your time. Stop living lu the small tea cup touud of house-work and neighborhood society. Live with your children. That is the only way you can live for them. Enter Into their higher life. Learn to foster the first sparks of gouerous am bition, and to fan Into a glow the early and feeble glimmerings of deep feel ing. Give up what is small, and see that you learn to know great-from small and to choose wisely. Art liter ature aud music, all the refinements of Intellectual and emotional being, stand ready for those who Invite them lu. Woman's Home Companion. k 1 Positive Proof. Judge hat proof have you that this man s absent minded? Attorney Why, lie actually stopped his automobile at a wtaering fountain. neiMtisi The liniment bottle and flannel strip are familiar objects in nearly every household. They are the weapons that have been used for generations to fight old Rheumatism, and are about as effective in the battle with this giant disease as the blunderbuss of our forefathers would be in modern warfare. Rheumatism is caused bv an acid, sour condition of the blood. It is filled with acrid, irritating matter that settlea in the joints, muscles and nerves, and liniments and oils nor nothing else applied externally can dislodge these gritty, corroding particles. They were deposited there by the blood and can be reached only through the blood. Rubbing with liniments sometimes relieve temporarily the aches and pains, but these are only symptoms which are liable to return with every change of the weather ; the real disease lies deeper, the blood and system are infected. Rheumatism cannot be radically and permanently cured until the blood has been purified, and no remedy does this so thoroughly and promptly as S. S. S. It neutralizes the acids and sends a stream of rich, strong blood to the affected parts, which dissolves and washes out all foreign materials, and the sufferer obtains happy relief from the torturing pains. S. S. S. contains no potash or other mineral, but is a perfect vegetable blood purifier and most Our physicians will advise, without cbartre. all who write about meir case, and we will send tree our special book on Rheumatism and it treatment. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, fit. exhilarating tonic. Dost on Earth Bcii It la in. ni tin tw nmtcriat pai1hU to buy. The tMttMUiiwtmvm HlMtuliitWv v il to 16 pr ctMit ntMva ill ntitrkt. rtri t.( tw rnnltn K Mnit.m Hmiirr l-r llic .r vtl.'n. .( rut in tit rtn.l tff Hi ciVitm of tit wruon ni iv it, which tM.-Hirtfil ir 1 to s wr t- fcw mnktnv tip, whti h niMin nu liivuHtti.tHit m Mm k ot itfttrlv nni million,nt. Ml l ItKI.I, nuiiim nr UihiirimwJ ff dim I it v, nt(H.rtloi), limHi. atr,it,tii mi.l tUUI run nine Wliy-Uk rhnnr on tnr other? V hv nol mt ihr iM-nl -A M I IVIIKTJ. l It oh it, Lmwlm A Mtmvr Oa. 1' iM-HUIe. bpukatt, Uotam Afcriita KvrjrwUrx SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. foundrnd 1BTO A Mama) Mehmml lam Him MIIHmry mnd Mmnuml Trmktlnm Wrltm tor lllumlrmftl Omtmlogvm fS?S-i svir sfxv.f 3ixr Columbia University ;;: Boarding School for Young Man ;! Flnett altuatlon on I'aeino Coaat K(- ( reliant Faoultjr. Urgal Indoor oolleira i JJ; athlrtlo del. I In tlie wnrUL Orar bait 1 au acre undur an art hod root Catalogues Free. 1 Addreii REV. At. A. QUINLAN, C. S. C. ! University Park, Oregon FOR SALE. One Hecond Hand N'lrhula A Bhcnard Svrarator, alia 4U-I, with wind ilackar. only ruu 40 day,; a bargain. Inquire ( JOHN POOLB, Poot Morrlaon St., Portland, Or. L1VB AUI-NTS WANTI-l) Who ran aell Kna.1 (trader, Rock fruitier. Holler, 1'low and Hrraper to fount olU clala. Uood iay. I1KA1.I, A ro., ni ii I'ront HI., I'lirllaiid, Ore. THE NEW PENSION LAWS Apply to Naiman Iiii kkoiiii, AriuHMicY, Wabiiinuiun. L. i:. . F. . D. SENT FREE Ma. aO-i. M l MdUm tht to dartlr ntu.. I thli apr. How Are Your Bowels? About the first thing the doctor says Then, "Let's see your tongue." Because bad tongue and bad bowels go together. Regulate the bowels, clean up the tongue. We all know that this is the way to keep and look well. You can't keep the bowels healthy and regular with purges or bird-shot pills. They move you with awful gripes, then you're worse than ever. Now whet you want is Ctscareti. Co and get them tod.yCascaretiln met! box eot !0c TU or I Et tt like undy. and tt will work gently-while you deep. It cures, that means tt strengthens the muscular walls of the bowels, gives them new life. Then they act regularly and naturaHy. That's what you want It's guaranteed to be found In THE TONIC LAXATIVE Vy TONIC -5 f.l k. laaMWirTTaWMWal T I M JOc. 25c 50c. AU. DRUGGISTS. nunc -..'a . - ' wiiri Ufa s n af ivaai ! F"f . Ilr traBblc, lall.w .ml.aloa NEVER SOLD IN BULK. r , rn annu imi run T"r.m. aar "r CaaiUutt. kllla aurt a to l 41 octlr It la a arlr are fUtmw ml, ataal. L. Aii efcraaUe allnaaaita aaa Ion a v.ara r MOrarlaie; tkat afUrwarili. Baatur wtaat " aaklac CASCARFTS M4ay, far van wall avar a wall hm well mil thm ilm.BBill IiTwr?i rVl,"r-,U lah. T.U. .or aalc. atari ?i.:AtC,'T Meier -j thwlult fmmr. '"' t aau-e er bbob. reuui. m GUARANTEED WiMM alaillar -'l.l.. la tka w.rt. 'Vkf lkr.l.t rIw7l ET..f ".yit imi 'b' e.taiaial. We kT. tBaaVaa 4 will Mll flW ASeT abMl.Wr i.ra.tM4 . eare 0 "f r.f.a.. a. a.r i.,.,, i. Aa. T ta mwm, trlml, al aeralaaol. AlreeMeaa, uflf sa mrm ot aat l.a.a, .(ur.ilii ... fmt r.tara IVe aeaaeS (04 rmmtr baa m a. y aaall, ar taeraorta rWai w JV .anliai.4 It, aaa iilnw aaaa.T a.k IW aMl 1"k a "r'Da aiatia- wkat alia aa-atar ta. " I'aali. will rll.w aa r.illlV.u Ui.aaf kiaiaUAii auutl u k.T I0IU ar CJUUta