County Official Taper.. City Official Paper.-- VOL XVIII. NO. 5f mm M liliii f 1 L . fifes&k III iMirfi toSa 4 Li' W ESENTA Tn'EVSPAPER' 'oLLOlv7nn y EWTCDlMJTCn rmnnnit ... - . : iiviiicc. ukuiiU. MiiThMBRK 1S 1902. : N Mid-Summer i3JKJ BET I S isfiSi? tli if u j arm m v. ti l J?c3S;li DirGs-S (So'od We have just placed on our Bargain counter all strictly Summer Dress goods, consisting of Mercerized Foullards, Dimities, Percales Batistes, etc, at greatly reduced prices, namely: WORLD'S NE&S. FROM FAR AND NEAR, Clipped and Ccpied Frcm Our Exchanges." All regular 25c vahsea at IGc 20c " i2.jc loo " 10c " ' 121c " ' " 8ic " " 10c " " Cc These are all nice patterns and genuine bargains. S$mx; Bats; We offer a nice new stock oi men's and youths' Straw Hats at 50c on the dollar. This price is made reoird- jss of cost in order to close tiiem out. We have some odds and ends in this line at just half regular price. These are good qualitv, but price is made or the. reason that we haven't a full line of sizes in the liferent styles. Buying these at price offered is genuine kconomy. We offer as a special drive in this line 25 dozen pair. 'i Misses' and children's black Hose in sizes from 5 to, V 1 6jc per pair. These values will surprise vou. !Ud:M:Siv SMrfi Waists. These are in Mercerised cotton and Percale at one-hall re?"lar price. Ladies' silk waists regular $5 value $3 75 '" " 3 50 " 2 50 " ic u n 4 " 3 " 4 50 " 3 25 " u u it 3 "2 25 These silk waists are the best quality we have ever and now is the time to get bargains in them. I a. 1CYV Ul LUC Vimuiiuu - PWinetilUeif firct nrpminm at the Paris I " i ,HU3 -UULyVVCl LUlo. i-iaviw y pxpo.5i'tion. Call arid '. see them if you are interested in '"ymg a mower. e are headqua-rters for Mitchell wagons in this county n(1have a good supply of them on hand. Our strw-i.- f r?.-,i XtArrlinndise is ouite complete. "vv-rv Ul Vjtlitl tv v- i & 13(1 we would'be glad to figure with you on anything you Respectfully yours, Tlio returns from the Maine elec tion iirt flVarly in and the n-porU S ) farrectfivwl lmlicate that the Ke publioan plurality will be 2C.0UO. Insuranoo companies will not issue policies on threshing machines work ing in the Palouse country on arcoum of the risk lieing so great. KKimath connty has followed the lad of seveni) others in the state and stopped paying bounty cn coyotes. The monthly expenditure on coyotes lately has avera-ed .fGJO. The bounty ou rabbit scalps 1ms uho be'ii discon tinued. rassengers arriving in Seattle re (i.rt that Alaska volcanow are in a.itive eruption in three mountains, Uedouht Illama and Augustine. The peculiar feature 'is tlut they should all be in action at once. Considerable excitement is bein caused in Baker county over a move- menttliat is said to be on foot t divide the county by cutting o!T a por tion ol tiie ea.stem Bide which inch !,. the Panhandle district and establish. mg a new county of which Huntinjr- tou expects to be the county seat. A farmer near Kimutia. I. T m-i cmty sprayed his cotton Held with i'wet powder in order to kill worms that wore the crop. When the cotton was ripe sewn pickers went to work pic'i.ig the cotton and lute in the evening of that day were n!! taken seriously ill, of them ' d vine during the night. Civilization has si ill a lesson or twn to learn from barbarism. Professor Baldwin Spencer, professor of biology i h University of Melbourne, lias spent 12 months among the wild blacks in Central Australia, in the in terests of ethnological science. One, of his discoveries, narrated in a recent lecture, was that a mother-in-law ws not allowed to come within a mile of the "mai-mai!" Chut.) of her married daughter. If she did so the husband was authorized by the tribal law to me his ciub. The professor is pre sumably a bachelor, for he exiiresei.l admiration of this drastic method of preserving domestic peace and tran quility. The Postmaster-General of Australia has issued a riew regulation that "no telephone messages shall contain un becoming expressions or language cal culated to provoke a bleach of the peace." Assault by telephone is a rather novel ofTense, but possibly the I'ostmiister-ijeiicral has had some of i s instrument)! offending subscriber. Hj 1..,. ' aU!ilLII'ai LlWWiimy uso uecrecl thai -live be r, if properly M'-ked, may be transmitted within he commonwealth and to nd from ho United Kingdom." Library Nctlce. ! $ The ..omi annual library dries for the last half of the year 1002, aie now d ie, and all immlMr ,,f !, v prise Circulating Library Association j arfe requested to pay the Mine to I)r C. A. Ault, the library treasurer, at nncri ur 1,. r t . j 3 uiui inn i-iininiinee can semi off for new books for the fall and win ter months. The amount of dues fo-each is onlv 2") cents but collectively it makes Ii nice little sum to increase t he librarv there being over. M membeis. so he punctual and do not suffer your i.a nes bipse and be dropjel from" the roll of members. Llim.UiY COMMITTKE. Fruit for Sale. y? orchard has a full crop this year and apples,. pears, plums, prunes etc.. are now ready for market at 50 cents per (hundred less that at tha bridge. Floilr and beardless bailey taktn in exchange. ' T. F. ItioH, Fruita, Ore. Wanted! To list a few choice stock ranches that are for sale, within next feu days for a. colony of Eastern stock men who are comiug to Wallowa county to locate. If you want to rel! here is your opportunity. Aj ply at the Burleigh Heal Estate ofl',ce, Enter pris , Oregon. I OINTMENTS I and stijiposilories will not positively cannot do mon than relievo you. It requires an ir.tcrnal rem dy to remove tlie cause aim a permanent cure. Ask your 'Druggist for l)i i rriu'6 Booklet on the sub- ifU 3 a periuanent cure. w . Ask your Drngjist for l)r 1 I e rriu'6 Booklet on the sub- The IJniversity of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. The first Semester. fiMnAi. lan.i i t ' lr 17th. Tl, MJlCT:.."!'-. Tuition free, ev ci t i ?i rr i n C.V I.. .,r r tr t . .... (Incidental f.;e S10 00 Km, ion u.,.1.. .i ' . . . r ji, n, I -"viik-uuuv unvi.ou per vnr, t ost of liv nig from $10103 to $200.9J per year! For' catalogue, addreS REGISTRAR Of THIS UNIVIIHSITY, EUGENE, OREGON 3HTEEPEISE HOUSE Clara E Montgomery, Prop, Rates: Meals .25 cents. Eoartl by 'week $3.50. liliPIPl Pill I klmk is (if i ..Pti m illli if 3"' fe VI f !" m i I I fSMi'fi till V X II v illiill HAVING SAVED w Www liliii mm lllfl 11 ill 111 Of Goods of almost every descrin tlon from the recent lire and we must close them out by OCTOBER 15 Kegardlew of Cost. Full Line of RUBBER-GOODS which we will self for less than cost. W. J. FUNK & SONS, Enterprise, Oregon. 1 Room and Board t ! .50 per week, 4