,f.-V X I Calico CMrftain. County Official Paper Er.ur-il in the lVwt-oilice :it Enterprise Ore., as Se.-niid-class matter. SI TuSrUITIDX U.VTl'.S. fiiijlc copy, per year SI"- S:n:ie copy, six neinth tingle copy, three raonths When you olianjie your address, polity this odwv, civiiis your .rtetit am! fufm- t..fn. e address, so that the I'uieft.wn may reach yon promptly. tight made to injure the businesf-j of the manufacturers of the auto mobiles just as there was when the bicycle came into general use. Great publicity will be given every accident ami scarcely any tiling said of the ineiits of the vehicle. liut the auto is bound to have' its run of popularity just as the bicycle dhl and after the novely is worn off it will take its place among the other useful anil necessary methods of conveyance in proportion to its cheapness ami utility. una siatc, i,y act of .v.iixt i. Land! Land!! Land!!! Itessie '. Wa,.'iH-r of Joseph, county of Wa'lowa. State of! Tins paper is kept on file by Albert Tozier's Advertising Asteney. Portland Orcon, where advertising may be re t eived for it. ISSUED KYEKY TI1UKSDAY TIIL'USDAY. AUGjlT 2S, P.102. Oregon, litis this day tiled in this othre hi-r sworn statement No. I'M, for the purchase- of the SIC, r of Seclinn No. I. in Township No 1. N. Rar.re No. IT K. YV. M., and ili o:l'.-r proof to show that the- land sought is more valuable for its tiinh.-ror stone than for aur'.niltural j purposes, ami to tallisii his claim to aid land hi-forc John A. Humble. I'. S. foniiuissioner. f.t Josiph, Oregon, on Thiirsilay. t!:c llsh day of Septcmlier. l'JOJ, He nam. s as witnesses: Charles I.. Hart-horn, William A. Jones, Al'.iert Hartshorn, Frederic V. Wanner, a!l in Jos-ph, Oregon. Any and all persons rlaimin;; adverse ly the above-described lands are repicst id to rile their claims in this ol'iee on or hi foresaid 11th day if Septt inlier. l!rj. E. W. Dartlett. H.-jrister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Ia Grande. Orcjron. Julv. 17. W02. ,!iee is herehv Riven that the tulow- TIip llnrleiuli Keal Estate Atreney i,..,,;1H.cd settler has tiled notice til in OTICE FOR PUBLICATtox. lainu othce, at La Grande 0re jD,y it, i!w Nofiep I herphi rrl...... .. " ,..) .......... i.f hi.? i the , NOTICE FOlt PPBLICATION Land Ovfici! at La Grande, Oregon. Julv HO, l'lO-i. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention toeomiiiuteaiidinake final proof in support of Ih claim, and that raid Evidently the populist party has not been entirely ab.-orb ed in Kan gas. At a recent state convention of that party seven delegates were present and signified their inten tion of nominating a ticket. It is announced that the greater part of the lumber to be used in the construction of the great Isthmian canal will be from Oregon, which will be another sirand advertisment for the state. Elgin seems to be the most un lucky town on the. face of the globe. She has burned out numerous times and last week she was struck ) lightning. The town must hive been started in the wrong phase of the moon. men can onlv tell. Now thai there is a ereat stir about a trans-contin- A peculiar state of affairs with reference to commerce exists along the western coast of Oregon. In Tillamook, Coos and Curry coun ties nearly all of the wholesale trade is with Ban Francisco. This trade does not come to Portland because there Is no frentient regular joniiiiunication established. Why rhi w not .Imio Portland l,,,,illes j Pf' "'ill 'HMnado rloro.lohn A.humble .... L . S. Commissioner, ut Joseph, Oiei-'on, on September 0, ldO-', viz: II. E. No. ,l3iil, John A. Branson of Tri.Mili llroiron. for 111.. T'1.1 NWL' ental road wiih a terminus at Coos i See. -27, sE1,' SW'.j ami s'w ;4' SFJj bay, Portland announces that a j See T. as K. 4(1 E. W. M " ... ,. I lie naniew the followim: witnesses to steamship line is to bo established i pr his continuous resident upon and ... n t.;., .v IU-.. ihivfs ; cultivation ot sanl laml, viz: IKJ lilt n.j lr V I I I V- - l T x . But then every one knows t'aat it will never materialize. Portland is in the same box with numerous other towns. She -has too many wealthy men who would rather clip coupons than exert themselves in using their capital in away that would k-ep them from dry rotting and be a lasting benellt to the is'.ate of Oregon. eigb Iteal Estate Agency - jni..;1M1(,I settler has men "'" named sett'er hu8 Hie,! , ,, ,. ,e, ,r?'"ri,,! , the n..,rk,.t some choice ; inu-nti,,, to ; "e , ".f";' , ! to commute ...J ' t" ' real estate. Notice there: 1 '. , - "t! at V . . of hi, citt'P of line bottom land with i , , ,.i.r at Enterprise. l",,, I) W.dC an I s n""le 21 an abuniianceof running water w ttli s-nt-inh-r I". 1 of i at Enterprise, Orem,,, .,; 'K;., ,. 2' water rights; !0 acres in enhivatton; , I h e,.U L u.l U. A e K f, M. . tin finest alfalfa or wheat land; price ! ' NK,V ,v yK;, XWj; See. 7, T 1 j 4 KV. M " U , . -ill' "ii.V,vim;.s the' followins; witnesses to He names the following Wi.. e property that will ! He nanus tin lonowm 1OI1 tr..ve his continuous reai "n,,s In ran mote von the i l'rve h,s "?" "!l," -iml cultivation ..f. said lan-t v V!Ce UW m " ; i en tivation of said laud. y. . (leori'O W Ilvatt V u c. . nil Classes 01 real s.muelA. Hart. Ford Hillnian, ( arno ' n.o . iijatt, K. w . Stff, io. r.t and John W. Allen, all of j latch and Henry 0. MahaftVy ,? PS $2."ii0 on "ii sy term? We onlv lnindl sell, eonsrapiently lowest prices on nmnert v. Call on o, write the firm for farther; Enterprise. Ore,...,. particulars. The UntLEtoit Hum. Esr.m: Aokxcv I mil.ic LASI) SALE. Enterprise, Oregon K. W. Hartlett. Uejrister. Notice is herehv jriven that In pursuance ol instructions from the Coniiuissioner of I udeneril hand (liii.e, under iiuthoritv ve tnl in him lv sect ion K. S. t. S. Kev. t it., as amended by the Act tit t impress NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION", Land Ulhee at La uninoe, w " . H, ,,,,. ait,. ,Kr,. we will ,,ro July I'.1 ,,,,,iierat puhlic sale on the 'Xli day Notice is herehv (riven that the f wine ' i r next, at 1" a. in., at this otllee, ... . Si. : . I...- i.. ....... il... f..t ..nine truet nf lllllll. tll-Wlt : namen sen er nas men niMiee ! m i nm n- n v ... ; .i ti.... to make tinal nroot in sunport of ner I W.t SK, See. 30 twp. 1 b. h. 44 lv W- jtetllber. claim and that said proof will he made he- M. containing 40 acres f.ire'I). W. Sheahan I'.S. Coniiuissioner Any am Ei.terpri.se, Orcjron. " " of E. W. UAPiTLETT, Repster Court Session. ?o.ale court is the !,,. Alo'iiluy of each nionth. County court meets on the first W neftlny in January, April, Julj audsl eef, ! rferp if I'.r'.ternri,.. tlreuoll. nil S.pt. S. I-"'. viz. H. E. !'s-'". Maude E. (.'raisr. of Kn i.Tprlse. Oieiron, for the E';.. N KV, 1 ' SE' , See. I I. T.2 N.. It. 1 V. W M. lie names the followimr witnesses to prove Ins continuous resilience upon and cultivation of. -ail hind, viz: Henry C. M luall'ev, (i.idias Beauiloin, Wallaiii- H. Decker, and William K. Crai, all ot Enterprise. Oreiron. K. W. BARTLETT, Register. ""I persons claimiuK adversely ! Circuit court convenes on " tl.irj -Madison P. lley, John V. Scott, Frank tiowint! and John Beiiiufiekl, all of Joseph, Oregon. E. W. B.ir.Ti.i.TT l;tyiter SUAirtONS. Idaho Piepublicans at their re cent state convention declared in their platform tor a revision of the Dingley tariff so as to "place on tlu free list every article and pro duct controlled by any monopoly, and such other articles and pro ducts as are beyond the need of protection." In the near future complaints about a "oar famine" will be in or;l?r again, as the West has a tre mendous crop to m ovo to the sea biard and to milling centers. With an average of 77o bush ds to the cars, it is estimated that it would ttfke a train D2.000 miles long to move the country's whr?at crop alone. Is Tin: CiKcriT CocitT of thk State ok OhKUOS. lei; WALLOW" A Cul'XTY. B, li. La rn am. Plaintiff. vs. Allen SitiiEi'-StticAKiNf; Maciiink Co, Pefendant. To the Allen Sheep-Sheariug .Maeli'iie Company, defend.int. You are hereby teipiireil to appear and answer the complaint fihil against NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Ollii'f at La Grand,1' Oregon. July IT. D(o2, Notice is herehv given that the followin ti nned settler lias tiled notice ot his inten tion tn make tinal Proof ii! support of his claim, and tiiat said proof will he made before 11, W. Siieahun, L", S. CuiiiiuisMuuer at Enterprise, Oregon, on Sept. nth., 1'niJ. viz : ii. E. No. 7:;i, .lohii Baker, of Enter prise, Oregon, for the W'.. NK'J A" Evj NW U fee.ai.Tp. 1 N.K.4.1 E. W. M. II- names the following witnessed to prove hi- continuous residin:e upon and cultivation ut' u id laud, vi;: : Pulk Mays, Genre- C. Itussell and Laniel V. Warnock. all ot .Ios.'ph. Oregon, and Joseeiyn U. Mathcney, of Luler prise, Oregon. E. W. Harriett, lunisier NOTICE FOB ITB1.1CATI0N. Land Office at LaOrande Oresron. July HO, l'.HVJ. Notice is herehv (jiven that the follow inu named settlerhas tiled notice of his inten tion to commute and make tinal proof in support o( his claim and that said proof will be made before 1). W. Sheahan U. S. Comjiiissioner at Enterprise, Oregon, on Sept. 10, 11I0J. viz: ttie anove ilesi rilieil laiuls are iimi-ni iu juumlny in Alav, mid the fourth u , tile theirelaitus in this oitice omvr neioic . , -luuony ..... .1.... ..I....... ii..i,mii imii lor iiie I'oin- ine ii.i i.'v. .....-...... -- i.icncenient of said sale, otherwise their rints will be forfeited, '.. W. BAUTLETT. ile'istcr. Date 1 Augu-t 2iJ, tll .J. . PROFESSIONAL. Settlers' Claimnuts, ICyou want to file on land, prnvi up on your homentearl. bnv 0,.i,,.i The tourist travel between the "na, or trai.B.ict my oiber East and the Pacific Coast Das "o..u uutuiesg, call PULLMAN ORDINARY SLEEPERS. address. reached enormous proportions in the last few years, and calls for a seecial diss of equipment. To meet this demand the Pullman Company has issued from its shops, EteVDrise ...t .. :. ...i. ..:.,.. it ii.. il,., '-Poll. ' ' ' vvii.ii ii iei;uii ii.ini v i .iiis mi; i mi- These on ot D. W. Sheahan U. S. C0MMISS10XE R, . " Oregon, leener.' NOTICE FOR I'lT.LlCATION. Lan I Ollice at LaOrande, Oregon. August 1.J, l'.IOJ. you by the plaintiff in the above entitled j Notice is hereby uiven Unit the follow ,".o,.rt ".,,.1 iviH.in uiv iv.-ks! from ! iiirt "amed settler has lili d notice, of hi.- ami after the 7lh day of August, ldOJ, intention to make lii.al proof in support in his claim, and that Faid nronf ttill be tin-same beins; the date of the tirst imi-j ,,.irle betoie J. F. liui let'li, Li. Sj. Com Heation of this summons. j mis-ionei at Losl ne, Oregon, on Octobei ! 4. 1-0.', vi.: . lili.nn A. oniack, of I.ostine, Ore. Baker county has stopped issti i.ts warrants for coyote scalps on i'te "rounds that the state fund i exhausted and the county has to a Ira nee the entire amount of the bounty and further that with the ii"ciiiii' of tic coyote tin- jack rab l.ii increases to an alarmin: extent. TiitH the il-ath km 11 of the scalp b )un:.y law i - oi.-iii' snauded i.-ven in I istern Oregon for vrhose l;ene !it th" 1-iT v;;?r ..uipposed to h:vi been passed. The ofL'atii.atiou known a? tie Tr.uis-.Mk-ri.-sippi conrn'ss that was in se.--.-ion at St. Pan': la"t week j. tssi-d ;i resolution strongly ron :ie::in!iii;' the frroat cotiibination. ;! c.tjiltal known as tru -ts and fav or"tl tl:e enacmont of laws that will stop tln.ir growth if the one? on t!ii- statute hunks at present are You will take notice that if on fail so to answer said complaint within said time, yon will be in default for want oi answer, and the plaintiff will lake jii.'n.' ment acainst you for the sum of .f 17.'!. -0. with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from July 13th, 1001. ami ids costs and disbursements, w hieh judgment will also include an order to the effect that the following ibsen'ou! IH'isonal property, to-wit. a del t amount ing to the sum of aboil .tUi'i.OO hereto fore attached and jMrnislif-d in the hands oithe F. 1. MeCully Company, ut Joseph, Oicfioii, or so much of such debt as may be necessary, be applied in satisfaction of such judgment or the execution that may be issued thereon. Tiiis summons is published in toe Wallowa I biet'lain. oi Enterprise, (Jie-.'on. for six consecutive weeks ami s-ev;:. is.-ues thereof, by order of lion. Kobetl I'.akin. jiidu'" of the abovo named conr!. !iii ii older i- nia leand dated at i b.iin ber, at Union, Orejfti, tho L'tnl day of August, ly'JJ. hjoif .. iii:N";i::n-iN, 1. W. S:ii:aiia.v, Attorneys for Plait, til! il E. No. t'.':;7 for the Sa SK'j lwp. L'. S. K. -l:! W. At. He naui.-s the tolloAinn wifues'es to prove his continuous residence upon and cuitivati jn ol said latid, viz: tiawtord V. Woniaek. Newton V. llowiiH, t buries E. Van Fell, Floyd Hum muck, ol Losline, On-jjon. E. W. BAUTLICrr, ltcgister. NOTICE FOB 1'1'BLICATlcN. Land Ollice at Ln Grande, Oregon. Julv 17, 1!MJ mon l"lri 1 1 M1 ri' II. E. No int;;:, Oral lWcl.er, of . . r.m,. r T tj CknnU Enterpiise. Ore-on, for the W".2 NV'4 1 "Fl"''." V, BW . tdliUctfCcil! and W.; SW'j Sec. L'S, T. 1. North B. 4-"i I sleepers hem" built on the same v w t man, nut- not nirnisnen wmi ine He names the followinjr witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol' said laud, viz: Lawsun FeeCher.U . 11. tiraves, Henry W. Beecher, all of Enterprise, Oregon, and Jasper J. Ward, of Joseph, Orptrnn. E. W. BAKTLETl, Keister. NOTICE FOB IM'BLICATION, Land Office ut Latinindo, Oreann. July HO, BiOl N'jtice is hereby civen that the follow in j! niimed settler has tiled his intention toenuiniute anil make tinal proof in sup port of his claim, mid thitt said proof will be m ide before John A. Bumble, I'. S. Commissi ner at Joseph, Oregon, en Sept. 11, V.Ml, viz: H. E. No. 10.U:l, Materson V. Oil- of Joseph, Oreeoii. for I he V NI same defiance. Tltey are e.piipped ; Att0rney grjfj COUnSSlOr 8t Uff with mattresses, blankets, sheets, ' ul lu,i pillows, pillow-cases, towels, combs, I , -riv.B.s iikkuon. brushes, etc., requiring not bin- of j tTu A0"1 !' ,, i- i . i t " i i i ,i i tonded to with (lisputeh. Pruct ce in tU the kind to lie furnished by the state and Federal Courts and ffl passeiifter. Kach car has a stove j Department. for inakini: tea and coflee and do ing "'light hotisckcepinir," and each section can be fitted with an ad justable table. A uniformed por ter accompanies each car, his busi ness being to make up berths, ti ph tbo Pfir olcMii !iinl IomI.- Mftor- the ants and com'forts of the pass-1 Cl,lls to ftU Jwrto of ntj , , ., . . t priiiimnc nnsweied. enge In each o he tran.8 , UmMciiw, j, ; which a thspa ched ( lady rom ci.t.rcl,. oilico up stairs in Berhmd Portland by the (). U. it N. Co. is building " West ol Drug store, to be found one of these "Pullman list lied y rv w J0 CKAS. A. AULT. L PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Enterprise Oregon. lore, of Joseph, Oroeoii. lur the l Or,in.lri. Slienpr " The p-ir nl-1 t . ti I??' ;i 4. NI h XW.M a-1 NW'4 si''4 Sec. , ' j ; ,i' wm i. n i i J" A" "":igh. W. S. Bv.-.leigh. m I I I N , U 4..S. F. W. M tached to the ''Cliieago-Portland ! Sr.? lie name's the' 'foil . win-' witnesses to S ecial" goes through to tMlicago pllDI 0 RSIR'FIPil- V prove his coidiioions residence upuiiaiid ultivationol said land, viz: William T. lu ll, tieoryu Boner, Clark Auiey and William blickiiey, all ol Joseph, Oregon. JC. W. BAUTLETT, Be -inter. NOTICE RIB I'EBLICATIOX. Land (Miicc ut Laliramle, (Irejioii. August Li, BiO'J. Notice is heri'Ny eiven t hut the foilow- ill-.f llltltlCl! Helll.T lew liltt.l o. Ii..., .,1' i.; I intention to comm. no and in ike I'mai v...;.... :. 1.... i... . : .: . . Sloiua-natiied' settl-r"l,as f.le.'l !;. ,f:f"'",; S"IM",'n L':ji:"' ;""'' t;i'" i hi-inieuiion to i.mke ini.-H pro.,i in -up-i ".""! ""'V!'1 lU." aia-lo b...iro A. C. i i - 1 1 -I his cl.ii.n. and thai s:ii.j pp.o, ' Mnlth, ! .S Coi.';m:ss:oiier ui li:,tei rise I wili he ina.le bit ;r- I'. V, s !e-.i : i.i u . I' . Oregon , on Sej.r L''i, U'Ol', viz : : s. Coii:i.i-i-i!.-i- at l.iitcrpri-e, ( o .-on, 1 .Mary I'ralher, ol Joseph, Oregon, II i ' " ."'I ; ,"' '.' -, , , I'-- ll.HiO t..r tlm Lot (i, SI ' "" ;- ;."" r ' ".."". ih4 s 1 nw.'j si : l ii' I "I 1 1 l c . I (V ' PI , , (lit I I It I . ' - fll.' s -e i, 1 . 1 S. I;, t: ,v Lot- (.; ,v , : Tp. ; is. B. I.. I) W M. ' III- l::M,ie- fl'.e io!;o-.MPU Wlt!-'--e t : I'i'i.e --ntitiii.iii- re -!-ieiic ATTORNEYS AT LAW- Practice in ull Courts of the Stale. without chanw. and the one io tbo w w ' Oi UUilttlUII "Atlantic Express" runs to Kansas j City without change. Passengers I in this car for Chicago change to a I similar car at Granger. en . , t , . ,,, f . i , , , . ,. 'H Real Estate and make Co ec .Much of the hrst class travel is 1 .. .... being carried in these cars, the! tions on Commission. iates being lower, and tin; service 'Do Conveyancing and Abstracting mvuly equal to that in the palace Oflice.in Court House Block. For rates and full information, ! ENTERPRISE OIIEGOS, including folders, wriie to .; A. L. t'rai". ! A. C. Ssriric J. S. IIoiclv, (ieneral Passenger -t 4 XWW; see, 1. i''.vp. 1. ! u. -in i,. c, . ,i. He li.iiues Iiie iollowini; witnesses to prove his co'Miiri'.ns resiiliicu upon and ! Agent, 0. R. & N. Co. Portland, ' iregon. ' LODGE DlllECTOUY. o. K. . Smith & Hotlgin i ATTORNEYS AT U ENTERPRISE, ORE. . lilf.vuf.--n I -aid l:,r.d. I u : Hons, (ia-ihler of Paradise. Oreon. end Kov A. I .i n-t ( i.n .e ( i. .Ve.-t. alio Uavid It. Allen, ah of l-.nterprise. Ore-.-. n. V.. W. B.otleM. Bi.ui-tcr. p tn and ! c dtivalion of s,u, land, v iz : loini A. Wweil and Si!. 11 !,,!! ,t '' ' 'o'." :! :;!icy b'seph. .1 .N. sjnil, ,1,-lield. i,t Imm'.ba. 1 0l''1"1' of the Fa t anil baraii . Jewell, ol I j-.tern, is,. ( n-,.. regular Conimiimeai mix t!-. i.'t.-.-i K. W. BABl'Ll.Ti'." ' i and tboTbnd s-,t ,, -,,r i, .' i'. I promptness. - 1 ,0.0 100 1 . isler. I at 1 :!() P. A! in ...,:.. 11..11 i.-. . .. ! TiS Oregon. All visi,i,; i,,,,,,,,.. ! : '" Orniid.;. land si,t,,,-, ;,iv eurdi.illv i,,vi-t.d tu 'hct; "l'ans ,o the Borland n:J attend. " ' ' Building. Chanter, u TiO, 'II s! il". In.ids its LAM) Ol-TICK BPSIXESS In all ils di-jiartiiieiits transacted in this o!);ce. Lund Plats for inser tion. All t ilings Mild CotiU'sts;n fully leeonled anil attended to with TIMBi'.B LAM , ACT .H'NK, :;, SUTICK M IB l'CBLICATION. l.'tiite.l Sf-ites Lund O.'iiiv, jf i.-. n o: .e, lire., .nine l.i, fa.u. Notice is hereby j;ivc1i that hi compli- jjjj iiico wilti tim provisions of the act oi iL 'o,-ii:rcss of .hine Ii. I S 7-S , entitled "At: 'yl act for I lie sale of timber lands7 in tin N ii. !":i..equ:ue. Ihevetoon the adop- : W.ui.,0.1 TetKtory." .s es'ended to lion stood 2" to I'd which would in-! 1,1 1 "'" Pul-ii. I.un-I Si ales hv act of An !.... ,1 ..,1 i iit 4,1S'C, Widia-n I'.. 'I'.c.'iart. of Co!- ..ii.au- .ii.u u,e uiiouoaiice was very j .1X. county of V, ,i,,mi,. Mate ot W-i,- V 1 1 1 j l lor an organization that 1 m-'ton, bus t' is d.iv lilel in this oilici. mikes such great pretensions. I his sworn statement No 10. tl , f.ji the pie- ii chase ot the v.' S"0.' . See. If ., i 1. ! MV'.i' N XIV,', ol ,-ee. M in Towt.- i t? I ship No. 2 N.. Banec .o, -I5 K. j gj .Navigation of the air ninv not I " . -M., and will oii.-r prooi in sh)wih:it! 1,.,. ... -,r , 1 .. 1 ... ,, ' i 1 Ihe hind sought is more vain. i'ile fnt its! ! so near at hand as sup .osoil. ,;,. ,.. ,i .,,,;. ,.i,. ,i I j raiiro:?! i. ),t in; coiitnietoil in j uss nnI to .-it.iiIisii t his claim to ikml Litratnro T1, N,"'tlitni 1a'iti- ' among railways for i is adwr- ,'"" lising inatter. lis painphlets POJ AlWOSt tol,'(,rH-' 1''"u'il,'t":' ('U,-I a re tasteful iy gouen up anil are valuable tor what they contain, i.eie is a partial list V.hat .tSr. .'in,:. W. -v0, oiii;rl ltinK. trrM !. !, m M ill send oul. carefully mailed, upon receiptor prices given. Any combination can be made, and monev or express orders, silver or stamps will be accepted This ia a fine opportunity to obtain good descriptive reading mat ter for little or nothing. Be Pl.it. s eoiivetul weekly from Lawl Bothnia: 0 Will be r ni iiy electricity at a r-peed of Kid j l riday the l.'lh day oi Septeinbcr, Bx).'. 1 .lies an hour. The i-enltar mirt IIJ '""w :,s "esses.: of it is that scientists sity the train cannot possibly leave the track lu ll Amy E. Foi.-sytiii: ., Bu: K. B.vri:': Worthy Matron S.'Oiet.ir.". Uo.ithnen of tiie World ! E"T'"',!-"iK N. r,:;;,. ,..,.ts j, i-egulnrly on the Kir.-t and Third .M,,n :: day nights ot ...;.,-!, nion'i,. Transient ji ..1-iglii.nirs Corilial'iy invited. ! P- A. Ci.A;iKc C. ?! C A. Afi;r,-ClerU. v. c. smith, U.S. Commissioner It, W, ls;j.DR- JORDAN'S orkat P (ieori:.! Laralue, Anson (.'. Lara bee, Lo'.i L. Ciaik, ad of Mosco-.v, Idaho, and Lav id !'. Tri;nlile, o;'CoIia:c, Wa.ihinton. Anv a, el all persons claiuiir-. adveiselv the alMve-descrtlvd lands art) riTjUested to l!Ie their claims in this ollice on or be- t ,H' train 1:5 practically welded to j fore sail l day oi September, 1J0J, cause of the great speed. The theory held hv -electricians is that the track and cannot leave it as long a, the power is on. 'hn. is the use of a real navigation when we can travel at this rate with per fect safety. K. V. P,.i:ii,::tt, Kegister. The more recent victims of acci dents on an automobile are .ir Thomas Lipton and Sultan of TIMP.BB LAND, ACT JCXK :;. ist.s, Norici-: i-oii i'ViiLicATiox, United ytah ( I. ir.d Olhee. La fi ram!.-, Oregon. June 1.1, Itiffi. Notice i-- hereliy yiven that in eoinpli- aneeuith the pno isions of the net of Cou- hrress ot June ;i, S7S, entilled "An act for sal." of timber f inds in the States of Cali f.irnin . 4 tr-coti-Xfi-.uot in,! VV-iul, :,,,.,.. -Morocco. There will be quite a 1 Territory," a cxtendail to all the Public Woiiilerliiml l'lOl An annual publication, beautifully illustrated in color and hall-tone. This number treats particularly of the history of he Northern I'aciiie'.s Trademark, the Cusb-r Battlefield jn Montana, and the Yellowstone Park. SKNDS1X OKNTS .Hi n suture M'iilei'3smii - A neat a ml daintv publk-ittion containing a complete historv ol the Northern Pacific Trademark. The artistic envpra of ( the Wonderland p.iOl are u-ed in miniature. SL'M) PUUB CKNTS Vi' I'':wors rri-.m VeliowMtone A book of pressed wild flowers from Yellowstone Park, show ing tint real (lowers in their natural colors. A dainty and beautiful souvenir ten specimens of (lowers and six full naze illustrations of Bark scenery. SKND FIFTY CENTS. VcIIow.oIiiiir .iKioiiiiit ljir3 . A new 112-paue 'oook in stroiiii flexible covers, good paper, plain type, illustrated, pocket size, a compendium, and descriptive of.tl.e World's Wonderland. SEND TWENTY FIVE CENTS. ('limit! u:; Eiiuitt Ifnnrnr An Illustrated pocket-size lawk, 72 pages, in strong flexible covers, printed on heavy paper, descriptive of nn ascent of the highest peak iu the United States outside of Alaska of a glacial nature. SEND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. AnK;TST..s:-:ifni;cisco.CAt. fit-(...aSUihit,sd amKtb.j Resident . Dentist EXTERPUISE, OREGON. ' i k &kikiu.. r fVCC- JSROAII-PWYATSOiStAStTS n ,i I hJ::" -ic,o tt a '"itencr. L,i.ct i. ,iUu, , J ,.i f,. 7, ,1"" BUSIXESS C. i TKE.V&LLOWA Um in OF KNTEKPRIBK, OHEOON. .i . T - aha... . . cvrtUa i??V.Z:..k rarat dikxctobb: s. Craio J. M. Ciiobcii, T. H. Vkakkv. W. B. Holmes, Uko. W. Hyait. ofeicehs: ;VI.I!I K., A f u .. VITT ie. . ?. ur,' '''i li'S0nti!Pii..l,,i k 1 l , ' i .lit, W. It. HOLMES, Cashier. ' 1 rtrlcriv n...& il fiKAKUNAIlUi 1 1 1 Oil AS It Kg YKltv kiPj. i MAhi2uE M,V,i,r'i,,'0',""lr ' I), pwa RP-nornl hnnkinR 1'" ISI OoHIol la.ILl Cullur mrt.2" l.UMl ."C IIIIWH hnii.rl.f ..r,.l an d. C-Olll'll B ' AN co -l0' X"VIL.1H. ( ! i1"!" promptly mmle at home ot v.