Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, August 14, 1902, Image 4

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i'd Up HeYC And There1 hours pass pleasantly. An
! ii! prise awaits tin- society am
f'.y The Chieftain.
i The Ladies Home Missiona-y
j Society of the M. K. church of this
place is enjoying these warm Jays by
: meeting in regular session at the
homes of it ir.emWrs. A program
Iw.tli papers upon home themes follow
id bv liitht needle work makes the
sional Wednesday.
its in- good stock of Linen and Japanese
vitfd friends. Such v:i. the ca.-e n,:UtiK ,, i:UU iit the E. M. A M
Aug. 1st at tiie Inline oi .ir. J. Qit
Cook, where an ice cream social took
. Ke.nl the now aJs this week. j Guardian's Sale of Real Property.
Go to the F. M. A M. Co. for Fly ;
v..t;.. !.. ...l,-..rt;.. in. nt ... tl., F virtue hihI in mirsuance of an oriler
M. A M. Co.
G. S. Keavis was on the sick list
.-; ihMI to loan 7 per cert i
al estate .- eurity.
C. T. mVdanif.i
!iir j tin- nl.uv t lit. oltt fusliituu-i! house-: . . , . . .
. rii 1 1 i . ii 1 1 i ii .i 1 1 " ' v. ii i i'
at the lake.
Now is the t ime to buy Queenswarr
will si
n rake
. pamtat eo-t.
for if;." at Calvin's
th- E. M iV M. Co.
v-w-'r nr .V) at t'al-
As the society looked at '
the liiutifullv decorated table ami i
.i-,.i..t- .-.t tli.i Hr..ini f-.im I'l'ili:!
.',..., , ' , , , A sidendid assortment i ll hau l nt the
.-nehs it ti lt as th.uu'h inucb. tnore ' , .,
. ' . E. M. M. Co. store,
than Hire-1 cheers wert dm- i: worthy ,
prt-id-nt. The pror.vds o:the l.adi-V ' l'h"tos:r.:piier Smith, has made
Exchange held every Saturday after- some :':ne s'eit ..-copie .pictures of
noon in the meat shop win re bread. Wallowa county seaiery ami has
!ie. cakes, cookie and ice or--am cm th-m for sale.
lor support
.; tiio E M. iV
nt to - ."C T t:o
"a'.vir. s.
t styles in s:r
A M. Co SOT. .
.lists at half p-i
M. Co. stort .
. , '; Hits If
F. 'I. A M (
Wm. W.r.T,
v .... a few lub
r s-T'o.o ilinn
I I' ll I'.'.i;.
i ioii-'in-;ty i a--'sian
i. th" liuii:!!.i mail ro".:
-.1 IV to
WCIlt t .U'sr
tva.-Mn r- ex.ii
uuml or from thi
:.!;? this v.tek to .e t
.a .
at ti.i
I i:-:tl!
'.i : irt. .1 out
::p in v...-!.
e-t CotVee for
wl2 Fl- iu! a'
. a .nit thi
...j; for No.
. M. Co. it,.-
iCrn.-- ha
. i - re.nlv
.1 t -1 ritl
. !i,.-.varJ ami li-.nalJ
Tii.--.l.:y morninu t-
. ;.! La .t.Ul.h.'.
Funk. W. H (i-nve-
r.p i'
v ,
th J ."in :ay f r i i i a cam pint: : pjavin
;he North W
,ke assi-teJ
!-e bom;
La.: Friday evening Mi Ca:
Wason. cave an er.iovable iartv
honor of Mis; Margaret Frrsyp.e. of
biaho. The- eveiiinv; was mostly
si'.ent in playing progressive Raines,
in which Hoy Howard reet ivid tii-t
rize ami l'lza Walker the booby
prv-. A uainty lunch of ice cream
and cake wa- s,-rv.-d alter which the
piest.s departed for their respective
ht.ni.-.-. expres-dne thom.-elv.--s as bav
ins i'ni highly entertained by tin
eil.ifloin ' hi.-Us. Tiloie pi cent
were lb-1!- aiul Margaret
For-y.;:... .M:l..-a Ciiit. M.ijtie Funk.
1.. na J'. Vor-. Carrie W;:--on. Grac
I'.-itt and Ad. lo-e and tie- Me-srs.
Will Aiiieher. 'oiv and Clarence Vet.
liom.ld l.-wi.-. Hoy Howard. Y.h...
W.,lk- r. Or-n Wairm-r. Wa.-;eii F,.t -
-ythe anil Wiifo'd Creen.
K. 1.. I: y. pr..prii tor of tic F.nter
pri. M-.at Market has -.cund tin
se-rvicos e! tin- Trice, a lirst class
outeh, . aiul meat cutter lr.iiu t'maha.
Nv'.ra.-ka Xv. V:wv has l.:. I a ioi.u
. -i i--u:e in the butcher lm.-ine-r
aii.i m iarite packing: houses. lie is
ar. adept at making bolocua and
i.tn. y s.ius.''. s. Mr. !-: wti. e i t
"Ii" tastes ,if tlie mot tastidioils i.y ,
k-epin nt! hand a variety of meats
and s o: -j': s. Mr. l'rice received
many e..iir limer.tary cxpn ssi..n- last
week on his ability as a m-.-at caterer
Miss I., na 1'eVore entertained a .
mnn'oei i.i friends Tuv.-di-v wetiiliir at
-e ,be . i(,r i. -su ,:.au.ril .!irt of town
in li.jn.jf a: Mis.- Margaret For.-ytin .
and fam- ev-jnine was J-liciitiully si.en in
1 '.'am.-i. after v.hii:ii ice cream
ami cake were servi-a. inose i. resent
bank wei-: Mrs. DeVore and :t- Miv
, ., . J...... ..f
ot t ue county court oi me naie u ,
Oregon ior the County of Wallowa
duly made and entered of record ,
therein on the 5th day of May j
in the matter of the estate and guard- j
iaiisliip of Clarence C. Uare. Myrtle!
15. Hare, Moliie B. Hare and Frank i
Hare, minors, by which order the un- j
dersiirn.tl is Ut'KNs::i. AfTHoi:isKi I
KMl'oVK!:KH ani hikkctkd to sell all .
the real property belonginj; to the j
itate of s;iid minors, I. Geo. W
Ilyntt. ftuanlian of the estate and
persons oi said minors, will on the
Hlth d ;v of Sept.. I'.M'l. at the hour of !
HI o'clock a. in., at the front door of :
the County Court liou.-e, in the city !
of Fiiterj. rise, Wallowa county.
Or -eon. sell at public auction as like
pr .p-rry is sold on execution, to the
hi'he-: and best bidder for cash., pay- i
able at the date of continuation of
said sale, all the rij-lit, title, inteiest
and estate, which the said Clarence G.
Tare. Myrtle Ii. Hare. Moliie H. Hire;
and Fn.nk Hare, and each of them.
was iiie only clerk in has iiov or h. -re tot". -re has had in thej
Co. s-oie Wednesilay i..llowini; dese;ii..d real prop-sty j
iii.. and the circus ' without division thereof, towit :
i i m
iv.Cyion -.
This i the season when you expect sp
rct'.ui liun sales; but surely you 'never ar.tici.
!:iU"l v..ll sweeping reductions as we're uiak
in f.r ti; is sale. You can't realize the extent
until von c-me and see.
Mrs H s,. Voris. who is one of the
examinii.j; board, went to Joseph.
V.'e.ln. sil.iv. where the e-cnty teachers
examination is beini; held.
The ' Ibwe ts" . showed to a fair
si.-ed i.udieiiee Monday ni-ht in the
Op-ra hmise and tin- performance was
enjoyed by tiio-e present.
Will Zu.vho
tiir F. M. A M
for awhile si
to..k tin o'her clerks away.
The b-ldies' FX' bllMi; . is c i..uict-ii:-a
-e ri s of s.il-s on S.it in day for
the 1 ..:i-!i; '.i the M. 1". church. They
'nave ice ci..'. ::i. eake. I ad. etc.. for
Easy to Buy
Two oc.l jioir.ts about
these shoes ate they are
easy to buy and they are
Easy to Wear
We belie-ee that we have a
stock oi' men's, la. lies and
children's shoe.-; that will
afford a satisfactory shoe
for everv caller.
7i?.'iot, or.lousfia.
e a.i:i:;'ioi.
F M. a M.
The t'hatnpioii mower rec. ii d t'.e
ti'st premium at the i'.iris F.xpo-itior.
1'y.e.iwant to buy tie- best. c-Ji a
tiie F. M. v'c v- Co f..r a I'iic.n.pioi.
am! 1 e harpy.
T!e vil. ; ".out wrr kept tj -1 - - - i i i l:
la ;t Sunday by ti e ml. h itc.de o; m.-ln-r-
m mi and ii-lie-v.oii--n win
'. -ok in;: i .
l'et. r II
contr.'.e:. ;
:.y .,1! kind-
ol I
Tiie undivided i..ur-twenty-iirstj
' 4-21; ii. teres' of. in and to the West
half of the N'oi ih-ii'.st quarter and
the F. 'si half f the N'orthwi iiiar
tei of S-ction twenty-nine in
, Township tw.. C2 North of l!..n-e
f.ivry.,:i.l,t l- K. V.". M. in Wallowa
County. On yon. containing em- huin'
i'.ii and. si.xtv (Id'1) acres together
.vi:h to- teiieinen'-. her. dilameiit.
.ui.l ap orten.niee- thi'i'e'.iiito l-clon-;-
. or in any wi.-e appertaininu.
lii-.n. W. ilY.eiT,
(li.nri'.ian of the i state and per.-ons
were of t'lareuee G. l!a:a. Myrticlk l!a;e
ieiou.- M -ilie H. H.iie cud Frank Iia.e,
- were miaors.
(i jBESTmriNGj
ive api
ok. of Flcin. secured the.
r the erection of the lew
' ri" d in tiie city this
week to h-.:','.i operations. He wili
ilirnlsh. ali '.'.ie material, labor, cfe.,
to make th" buieiin. co:i:plete.
The Mitel.ell v.a'j n tn.t only jios
s. s-es the ye d fjlia'it it s of al! other
y-.'otl wagons, but i- absolutely the
h-'nt.-.-t runnin' w.e.roii on the mark
et. A v;o,d s: .ek nf them on hand at
tiie F. M. o: M. C-. siure.
i tWC4C.it VVillj til.
Well-Dressed Men
When w e bay ur stock we
are ar.xious for rilit quality
and riht price, v.e are
anxious to procure for our
customers the best tlie
m a mi 1 acturers produce.
There's Quality. Style and
finish in these suits and
every buyer speaks of his
pleasure in owni:; them.
Ladies Mats for Mid-summer
These lieiuitiiul huts tire veritable dreams ami tlie rush
of tlie selling season i past
The Inference is Plain
Tin- best of the wearing season is coming -md thoie. lint?
may be liouglit ut a bargain. He sure to see them at once
Etiterpriss Chora! Society.
O'.seuee of ;i ssist.t lit c;:shier
- at the lake.
Wasson and daughter,
rove out to their farm
e. k Wednesday,
i h and Aaron Wad." art
o' large s libit an tial barns
lor Slope far ii:.-.
vishing to be- viiecinated
' i Tempie. He Ins just
; .-ti supply of virus,
d.iuuhter of Mr. and Mrs.
if Aid -r Slope, i- sutTei
v severe ease oi sniail-
Margaret ami F. lie Foisythe. Carri.
Wasson. M itivtio Funk. I.ei lieVore
Men's Neckties
A It hea Gift and Ada K-.-o ai.d Mt-rs.
Will Zureher. 1'oliaid Lewi.-. Fi.a
W.dker and Hoy Howard.
liath-M" an amusing in-iid -iU hap
nentd Mundav evening, when tiie
braces under the barber shop, whirl. '
was being prepared to l e moved, gave
way, causing ihe building to slab, a
foot ur tv.o. over the r.caata n ior
tile new ho'!, and the uld. brick chim-
iif-v to tumlile dovn. making a gnat
crashing n i-e. which cXeited tie- lu- t
. . . ...
n.atos ul tiie slioji very muci. ami tie-y
all rushed out at a break neek spee.l
to lind that there was more noi.-e than
Tiie Misses Belle. Margaret and
1 Etna Forsythe left Wednesday mom
ta i ing or outside points. Mis.- Mar
garet goes to Idaho to take up her
school work for another vear. after
j having spent the summer m tiiis
aHalfa. clover or grain i county, and the Misses Iklle and Eula
W..ll..wa coiintv at a sacritice ! v-'!1 n-tend the lfiiigliiig show in
La (irautle on the 14th, after whieh
Miss D-jlle will return home, and Mi."
Kula will lcniain at Island City lor
some time to visit iriend-.
Mrs. I'rather. a sister of the Lit.
Sol Woods atid an old settier nf thi
county, who caiue here in '4'i his
i'een ipiite sick at the Wood- plac- .
llei (i.aighter, Mrs. John L. Joyce, c :
California, is nt her btdsirie. (in lic
it such a distant, lit
All in'-fsted in a choral society
in.! singing cla.-.- for Enterprise . ili
coiif'T a f.m.r by meeting with I'roi.
''minor at l're.'1-.yrer'aii ehureh on
Tn-sday. Aug. K. at b e'eleck
S;,me Stronn Argiiments.
How are you off for ties? Summer stock
needs replenishing. vt are showiu some
of the swellest and handsomest yen ever saw.
Lio-ht retty summer colors, the brand new
licss of the styles, the fairness of the price
ali combine to attract men.
avis and famiiy returned
- ning from the Ink. wher.
been camping for several
r; anil daughter. Miss Me
- Maude Craig left Monday
f ir La Grande to attend the
The Harness Gazette piihiisnes
the ;;!, Wing as an argun.ent for,
iea'a rs to use why farne rs slnmld
pa trorie the li jine (ie:'.l-rs, ratier;
than the distant liejiartiiient stoie
a rid catalogue hou.-e. It contains ;
some strong features, and the;
points should, lie remembered and ;
tii'gei! wherever tln-y will it,lluci:Ce
-..leg. ' '
xt two months. Uurlci.
A':' ad was arrested Saturday
i'-.'e of rape ). referred by Mrs.
: ori b-hif of her yountrest
.' .-iyr. oi Zilkili. Wrish.. ar- .
a . liny evening and v ill ijjciid
y- here, looking after bu-d-
An exeliange aptly retnarlis:
' Who sympathized with vou vrhen
you were iek? Was it your home
merchant or was it some mai'
order lioiise? Who gave you credit ;
last winter when you were out of a
job or siirt of money? Was it I
.-.Hue lep ar! men; store or was it
your inuiie lneiclrint? When you j
v. uit to r ii.-e ni'iney for the ;
eiiiirciics or soine needy person in j
town (";o you w rite to some mail i
inter house or
H ot Weather Hats
We'll iit you with a hat that will look well as well as
feeling comfortable. The fashionable, summer liead
.vear shown here ought to please anyone who want? to
be in style and to he sensibly comfortable.
These Straw Mats
will hold their color aiuMheir shape. They are pond
enough to Bland cleaning, which will insure t'm'Ui
being a credit lo you all through the season.
"i Painting as it Should be
dy v ho had no enn eient ii.u.
'.t ii some w ho did have, weir
: ty ai'iug tiie river lishing for
o 'v average cat .dies were r'-
eounr oi oeinr; ai sueii a uisi.u.t. innu inner House or (lo Vol! t;o 10 VOUr
medical aid they have niov.il her t . hoine liiercl.ants? How much do
thi city.
-Lewis Neul, an old time citizen of
the Kriiita neighborhood was found
dead in his field about 1 o'clock p. m.
on August 8. where be had been irn-
Si.ortman gating alfalfa. He hail been the vie-
'les'iiiid men k near. Tiny tim t)f linking or fainting spelis.
d by no other shoe in ',u;;l- closely allied to apoplexy, for several
.'!..V M. On. is mi'j intn
. laiiions .lohri Si.o
V.'.M.LOWA CofNTV. Oi-Kllo.V.
.Tuly 11. 100-.
To S.iMnx Uiiow.v:
You are here
by not i lied that v.e have expended i
i.iii. biili.trefl ib.ll'.r 1.. I !
wan! ke, ph.g tip the highways and ; provcMiient. on the Cold' Spring ...in'. j ComOIire the Q'iOdS
si.ii v.'.tlks in the town or mtv in? .1 i,.........i :.. .... , , ! 1 UWUJ
. c ...... .......ii l v.. iii taie lmiiana
. i o i . .... . . .
ine ii.ioisierH sii.u v f m l, en vol: M minif tlirti t . iti v. hiel, ,.1
The paint ue sell is the right kind. It has gofd l-oily
and will cover your walls effectively. Plenty nf g'
colors and all tlie paints are mixed so they 'won't run'
pee!, crack or blister. Jusl as nearly perfect us Fint
can oe made. You get it at a reasonable price.
titi-e partiiieiil storei1 give to-
' prices
i . M. ,
1 vears. He was buried the same after-
M. Co. is offering some noon.
. . ......... .. , in,. .1 iiini ins!, h;i t i. v.nicii claim you!
; w-re sick how inn ny nights did ! were owner of one-third interest , and us '
: some one in tlie mail order house I " ill appear by certilicute tiled July 2(5.
.Mtupwith you? When yuur lov- "m, m the ofhee o! County Clerk of
: i d o;.. whj buried the home mer-1 Wallowa county, Oregon, in. order to
j chant uttered the cheering worci j I'dd said premises under the provis-
j and not come foreign dealer. inns of f ection 2324 statutes
! i.ii-i ii .. of the United Stules bei...--n., ...... t
Uistes, and wash cood.- 1 elisOM of Loan 1..1 the misfortune ! " " n,1l)R l",a3 taxes in I .......... ... ' b
ut character. It will pry , to buak his arm Tuesday by falling '"r . always ready to j 81 l9ol) J J J
oo.oh.is. ihr.se goods now at wllie t ph.y. The little fellow Wtt8 ; help m any leg.Umate undertaking? j 90 diiyi, n(ter lotjce by bjc
" '"l'"'"8' 1 brought to town at once, and Dr.!Islt a apartment Store or is it tion vou fail or refuse to contribute
i se merit ior tlie new hotel in '1 emple set tiie broken limb. 'your noine mercnani: ut course
in bargains in percales, dimi-i
Everett, the little eon of J. D. Cor-
I your nroiiortion of mndi pxtwiwI 1 f li fa
o;.! -teal and the masons and ear-; G. W. Hvatt and fmnilv nmt r. V : il 18 '"r home merchant who ! as co-owner vonr intend if,
' arrived this week to begin j su.t. nlI(1' two c,ii,iren (;,.llce anj does these things, und you can getlelaims will become the nroneriv of
..... t-oiisnucuon. i eier Harold, started Tnesilay for La Grande 1 JUfit u lcw prices with tneni an in ! lle ;ubscrilers under Section 2324.
V.-:i.A Elgin, has the contract to. to ee tlic big KinKlinB show on j the city. Besides they are hereto! J. F. Citi.ek.
j right any wrong."
It is just the season for wearing these summer dress
goods and if you are wise you will he leet one ormoie o
them. Plenty of variety in color and grade, Wit every
piece is this season's stock and will be comfortable fer '
your use.
':rr.!') aJi material for its completion, j August 14,
J. M. Kei.lv.