V Wallowa County News. Is what you want when you sub scribe for A County Paper. Look Over The Wallowa (liifliii For Instan Chieftain and Oregotran both one year fur 52.00. Chieftain and Spokesman Review l-.-.th one year for 52 00 Chieftain and Examiner both anc year for 52.25. The Chieftain and any of the a iiia.;t:;n-j urn vcar iur ?2.r. Address cr Call on The Wallowa Chieftain T ID ML HAPPENINGS IN AND ABOUT TOWN. And See That It Gives the County News. and The price is Sl.30 a vcar. I We offer -one exceptional bargains in :r CLUliUING RATES with other papers ;.;,d nuiv: amines. I HIA r: -t i t- tt Bv The Chieftain. X tie $100 (KM to hau t ? per Cent inter-j ; est on re.".! estat? security. ! C. T. XcDxsirx Lots of potati-.-s now at the K. M. t Al. On. Store i Stv what Join. Ca'viu ha to say in ' Lis new ad. Mrs. Ciara Montgomery 1ms rental ' the Enterprise House and wj,i open t'p i ho hotel as soon as it cr.n 1 put in readims. It is now under going a thorough cleaning, and t lie ro.Mii will be nrwlv papered :m llo business. as she Las had over a years ex;HHff in that work having been employed at the up-to-date Mitchell Hotel Hi .Wrh. .; ! T. M. Littleton. a lute arrival from ! painted. Mrs. Montgomery yii'. ' Ooiii-t make a surce- of the ,.bltin A Sweeping n eduction Douglas. Wyoming, who purchased t he Morrison farm on Trout creek, i was in the citv Tnesdav. Mr. Little-j Tins is the season when you expect sjiecY reduction sales; but surely you never attic1" pated such sweeping reductions as we're m. 'ing for this sale. You can't realize the extent until vou come and see. Mr. Fay ill sjvr.d a wet on her ranch. The lat.'st styles in straw hats si! ; the E. M. A M. Co. store, i Shirt waist sit half price now ;;t ti..- E. M. A M. Co. store. Win. Wagner returned Friday from a hu-ir.es? trip to Walls Walla. Hacali Cule. of l.ostine. wa in tlir city Monday transacting hnsine. A large :oek o: the Chmpton Draw Cat mower- at the E. M. it M. Co. Store. I Mr. Yaudall a ltd family have moved ' into ihe Shtahr.n property mar tin ; Methodist church. Don tiarduei came in from Para-di-e Tuesday morning with a load of peach plums and apples. ton intends going luo the cattle biioi-. iies hut thinks if the winters are as cold accordingly x this summer has Iven. that lie will have a farm for sale. r two While here he added his daughter's, name, Mr.. L. Soicnsen. to the! Chieftain list. i S. f;. F.eiley. of Kansas City, who i has ieen visiting with his nephew, lieu. S. Craig for sometime, left this morning tor his home to receive , treatment. He has ieen suffering greatly from nsthma, and the high . aititudv of this place made it impos sible for the dcH-tor here to do him any good. Mr. Craig took him out . by private team. , Miss Chrisman. Miss Hattrude1 Chri'mnn and Miss Cypher have n . turned from a two weeks outing i t Joseph Ijke. They report that as U-ing nue of the most delightful places to U- f-jifnd anywhere to so on Easy to Buy Two good points about these shoes are -they are easv to buy and they are Easy to Wear We believe that we have a stock of men's, ladies and children's shoes that will afford a satisfactory shoe for every caller. .'" I """ma dinners, or.ious . Ta. a brief outir.c. and siv tliev er.io.ved iJonuid Ixv.is and Eba Walker re- every moment of the time they were turned .Satnnlay trom the lake where gone. Asotin Sentinel, they had l.een camping for some time. ; The jr.Am uf Allt;,lst 4:h con. Mrs. DeVore. Mrs. Win. Wagner tains a picture of the F.rigade Signal , ar:d the Missis Althea Gift and Lena ; Corp.. o: Corvallis. which is composed fteVorv returned Friday eveiring from ' meetly of Corvallss students. Janns the lake. . p. Zureher. of this city, is one of the Chas. Slack, of Arizona, is here on group. "Curly" the little black watr 3 visit with, a view to hx'atins. Mr. '""ie! mascot, which James has, is S ack i? a brother-in law of Mr.s. John J'icture. ZnTchiT. Mi.- Mat tie Imhler will leave t.- Tiie l-est ahi.iiii. clover or crain ni iriov, for outside puints. She will farm in Waiiowa county at a sacrifice m-e; her sister. Miss Jessie, v. ho has ' Mr the nest two month. Burleitrh : lien visiting for seenl week at Day-; vmNG 7m BtSTIUDE. nmun PPJCED. Pleasing Clothes for VelIDressed Men When we buy our stock are anxious for right quality, and right price.- we sri (' anxious to procure for our, customers the best tii manufacturers prKluci There's Or.aJity, Style and finish in these suits asd every buyer speaks of his pleasure in owning them. i aL'r ii ry. ! Tie- Misses IhIIl- and Margaret F-nsytiie wiiti have ix-en camping at i the lake for a month returned home s..tu:d.iy. Ti.-- m-.ii stage wa-. delayinl two !! .u: at l.ostine one night last week to av.ait the arrival o' an extra jms. s -iig"r ci ach. ! Missl.iiit had the mwfortune to get her hand pretty l..id"y hurt by coiiiing in coiitact with another boat while it--at riiling ut tin; hike last Week. F..1. Chauvet took bis iamih- to be lake Saturday to c::inp for ome time. Mr. Ci.auvet'.- nvice, Mrs. It. A." . L;iit. of l'i mlicton aeco'.i.panieil them. ; Tli" C'f..'.!u;iion iiiower n ceivnl th : i:rt pnMijiiim ut the I'.sri.- Y.k osiiion. ' i !: y.iii want to buy tie- U-.-t. call at ' , the E. M. A M. Co tor a Champion i and U- liai'j.y. Jonathiiii Has.-, of Alder SIoih.-. had ' ti.e iiiiinrtnin. to gi t iro:i in hi.- '-ye while at work in hi biaeksn.ith shop, uiui in con.--ijuence is wearin; the ey.- b.,nd.ign!. I lie Ladies' E.chai;ge did a lively bu.-iiK-vs .-atvinhiy afii-rtmoii. Tills v. .is i in-i r tiist .-ale. and another timt they will have i. largi r amount and iiio.-i of a variety of their wares. i W. liunspiireys, of Leap, was in town Monday with a load of cheese Mr. Humphreys manufactures such a en-;,! "lade of cheese that tie liliri it is al! he can do to supply the demand, j IJen Bo-suel! has now entire charge of the !5.i-'.vell Livrv ml Feed atahie. Ladies Hats for Mid-summer ton. Wa-li.. in I.aiiraiidi ,and together they will go to Cove to vivt friends fnr ver,.l days. Omer stubblelicid bi.uiL'ht :n from Sheeji Creek on Tuesday, an old man by the name of Joim Bmiyfei; who The Inference is Plain These beautiful lmts are vcrital-le Jreatus uml the niih of tiit- gelling sea soil is past from his poor, sickiv and wi-etchul condition was made a county charge by Judge Hamilton. He is CI veais old. Lev ! eVore and Ed. Avery arrived in tin city Monday evening from the. Jlf T 1 j Temienoot.bdd Mining camp above iViCH S IMCCKtlCS Amroid lake, where tney have been nt The best of the wearing .season is coining and these Inti may lie bought ;.L a har.-ain. be sure to see th.'iu atoace grouse work for several week-. They are : both very enthusiastic oer the mines. County Surveyor L. L. iienvi and ' U. M. Vmis. Assistant, who took their families with them on their surveying ' trip out on -Mud Creek, returned on .Monday. 1 hey killed tneir after the fatal August 1st. Thc-E. M. it M. Co. i now intro-ducin-' t ho i.uiious John Shorni.:n, piece of hot ; si.... :., i:1(i,..t-..Mwl ,,.,, w ,...,. ti. .. in- e.xceil.d by no other sh..e in ..uai lty and jirices. Domdd I.er.-is is now delivering the stere ..scoj.ic views whicli he bus iieen takiiig orders for several weeks. Ii you want the best coll'c-e for the i nioi ey call for No. .112 Blend at the j E. M. it M. Co. store. County Judge, Hamilton was b-.isy . doing proirate business in our bmg on , Monday. 44 Caiibre oils revolvers at ?12.1( at the E. M. A M Co. store. F. A. Clark returned from out-id.' How are you off for ties? Summer stock ceeus rcpk-nis.-nng. we are showinir some of theswellest and handsomest you ever saw. Light pretty summer colors, the brand new- t:es of the styles, the fairness of the price all combine to attract men. Hot Weather Hats We'll fit you will, a but that will look well as well a feeling comfortable. The fashion-able summer urtl- Vear shown here oll'nt to tileine ntivov..- who wants to be iii stvle an 1 to be ;t'nsib!v co:nroit:ibl' These Straw Hats will bold liieir culor an.' t' i.r Tl.i v nre 20ol enotv-h to .stand elettnin. wbicb will insure them being a credit to you all through the cea-son. as his son, Haud.ill, has become inter- rmt -''x thursday night. -st - in the sheep busiieis vi;ii Sam! You want to s-.e the liargain, i.: toll and will soon move to one ofibocs.-t Calvin's. ,',t--, rJ"cn Fancy svap at" the V. ton-. M.A M. C... Tiie E. M. it M. Co. is offering some evcell. nt baigains in percales, dimi-li'-... r,t, Uuist. . fin(l wash j;ooils i f dilVeient character. It will pay you i ) purchu.-e tin !-j jjoods now at I tut- retiuci'd price.-. The Mitchell Wagon not ouly pos sess es the goi;d ijiiaiities of all iitln r eoirtl w.ijj ins, but is absolutely the I .-'ir.ist miming wagon on th' mark et. A gneii -s: of them on l.ai.d nt iiif E. M. iv M. Co. .-tOle. A Buek-'ve mower for .10 at C..1- Atjii'. n rake for 2.1 al ( aivin's Calvin will fell pail, tat Cost. Painting as it Should be i oc p;.;i.t we sell is the rieht kind It has send bsy attd wi!i cover vonr wall i-tf-tie. 1 Pl.-ntv of g1- " 'ort smd all tl,e p;iiiits are mixed ?d they won't jun' pei-i, cr.u: or b'isti'r. Jn4 t.. ,.,rfwi a? vM can 1,5 ,1Kl'ie- ,Vou feet it at a reasonable pric?. Treasurer's Notice. Compare the Good: r. .1. C. 'n boiiu.iig l-iiiei iloli, tl.. s:u- i,i lii, liicsitv .MiLLKc. County Treasurer 4 Ilntcrprise. Or, I holier is hereby jvu that I havt siiiiiciont fuiids on hand to pay u a!ioa cot'n'v w.ti-rants rrf.iii,i rented tiie Calvin lo' payment priot -to Xo-. em of r 12. Wiis recuiitly moved ' Jnter.-st on warrants inchid. d lic-.v hotel, a ik'. in abo-.e L1ill cean.-.-! August". 11)02 '.'.iii pui in an u-ti;-iat steci; oi ooisaiKlshi.es. The new estaniipii- men: 's ..i' Cte(! to U' ,,j en r.i,ui i n Sejileml r is;. ' , , , . I Stalhon Notice. !'r. ft ml Mrs. J. L. Keavis arrived up j 1 tlaiid SaUuday on a visit to' -ic atnej and friends. Before their re-1 "Do" wned by A. Morgan, weight, . tin n they will visit iVieiidr i:i Wallowa. lvt0; C4,Ior Pri,.v; sire, "Thorny The il(M:tor fricmK liore n 1 Kinc: tlu"' l' 'di' ron marc. . to nil,, and thir i- s: wishes ; Will stand at owiirV farm on with him wlierc'.-er he iav 1 1 I-"'v"r 1'iabie cn.-k. Terms: ?2 J'- '- just tin- season for weating ti,se sun.nuT !f ',;" 1111 ! '!" you are wis-.- yo will -t r-r.e criroif , lfi- p'' "ty of variety in color and utade, but v':,-v l':"Cl- is this season's- wtoel- ... ,1 .. til 1 ,. i '.r. hie V'f ----- ... w iv n , , Vi Mill U" yovr use. 1 aterpnsj Oregon.