Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, August 07, 1902, Image 6

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    s ; 1
mam ; . . . . . . .. .- . -.- -irnrMHifn - mil -n- -i- - - i --iim-mthii wiiii'ia i if Ti nr - - J-Ja-.MaiMaa'aaata
1 ' i
1 cringle iw-wwlat' E;d:csif.r, were tbltg-Hi tod-.p:.. , , '' X: -
' -::. t..e imagination. s;il Itlis THE S vcN WjNJ.Rs Or v !tw s-ccd t'U. I'D- tbe maty Jictded fv! ; ; ,J i v.V.wi ;1 v.. ;. -V-.;.. J
,cr r-N :.Ii;id..rU, THE ANCIENTS. rj. ,:,! rt::.:,,,:-,. . - r; V i, i
( be 1;.. crying, neither tears-" Kimiu- Thta Colo-al Ftructure W.. Erected :: di!-v ii' Vj:.
Is always onc-ssiy,-. ..,!va:1veafa;:Wuo:,U Vcar. , itailJin. .oJ Hj. V' " "v i' 1' -M '. -fc'.
i he-v. l is - ::akes aiol lizard i;. w h. ..; v-k. A -.a A." 4" Al - -'- . ' " v " -' K "
A lot of trtith . wusvd te try::.- to ! "U few Wu of stce are a'.: that re- IK! ,
j vet useies 1:- established. : Cudge Edward F. I'unne. of the niniii of the om-e proud in- troi-oiis. k-i4'? "'$ " S'S't'ii?' -v3;v.f v ... '
Criu.it; Court of ChU-a-v. U;t mnt-' TU Ten:j le cf Ii.atia a: E;.bus was Kv.a h:.s r,.)inl fr,n in Kg V UV " -f i
Ic a coutrov-rsv t-:-t-- two w.-m-n It r-nirr-O a Jwteiun that 5 of inter- evet. woi.ut-i of tbe a a- s (lf 4i...tati..n. an.'. 5:: Its i-'-aif i a .K-W4i "G.5.3 . ' J" 'JiV-? ' C '
ttew i u.u -1. t sa:d ul Wu. , rs: f, t-very l.us:u- man !u tLe x.uti- Ei.J.esu Y.as a city i-f A.a :;;e!..;a: u.rtras o.-v,-.,! yvi:1. niu.! i t g S 5:f " lEaf .3T ' ;:.Vf4 '
- :rv. 2: wa :l.e :se i tUe St:.te rr- Minor. tL.rty-f ipLt tur.e fri StBjrrua. .,., -u-i.-. ti-h-r r.if.-e la-U-n w.:l. ";-Tir-" 'IIH'Sa-'"M V - -
Macr a i::a:. 1, :uy J,.yvt. 2a si: WKJia-x G. W. an emi loye of fouu.W l.y Ej-fcesu. oti of Crm-u. :i.r lu.T .haoa: ...'vrrv c..a:itrv fouiul &&&jAt&& ' I
kU.A:,;. ri iiii:;.. one ...f i.tva: iwUv.: bots. wL- "a Cr io5.2eJ Ly Carzau and Lei- ,.;.-.,,.,.. Tilr ,,iOI1 ;r..!C ti.'. S ferr" . "i 1' t
-a cbar-.-e,'. -y ti.at o..u.i;.i.y Kuut of Asia Miu. r. it K- -u,,, .juioklv prorate a!,v,w wt. JvttVwt'''!--V
; A sp:Ls-er cy U- i;var-s:.-:;:I. l a: . l-zn:.vni. W:. a you:.? i:::.r-il cuu.e f:ro:. :i.r tra.iv emiu.r.uui of tLe Vt.,).ur jr.,1!: ni..n-i;s , f :iit- 7V5i' . ;:- '!2-
the eidoa. fu:: tv wui l i .-it-i V- .-.U-u: IV y.-.irs of ae. who was east. auU wa cal.ed tae -Eye of Asia. jiat at:d ivw tbriYe t.i-re. l-ut a- .."4C-'-s'j5 J ViH .ii, 'I
::vzr W...L slld a w;re ilIia The eriiuul otit of wo-M' for it ;,..l;r. rtr lU..;3-i .,. mark r ;;.V8M:lLii
A v,-mat Yv-i .. s: LrJ. Lv.y- vLiMr-:.. Ua.! et.ar.-e of a meat fcUi.itaa: vas a siisall statue of Li- .U-M H!u, vS.:.,,r is f::iJ Jo .... I- V ' - nT 3S? ' $JZ
tii.i.js a L.-.-Z busoai.d d.. it I.'- ; car for :.r Arm. aad ea-.-b week loaded tau. a U-aUtifuI .Kide.v. made of el- av,..v af:t. a lc t. SL!i,w:juE, oJ vl 2 J-" '-r" JfS'" " r C-T
lug for UieU.. Tt-e t-.r 1L . uud tbeL loot It to am. s.u;i..w.e,; .. uuu;. su::keli dtr. cv--iK-"-? -rt-.aLV.-, f - -- --a-y Vfrf(f)-)' I I
The iua
teli o:i.vrs jus:
A Colli. Iliiyil.p
wfcat ti
Itbetic 'i
Lcs ju-y xo
y lauk uui t
All woUieL attr tot devoid of Uie sense
of Lunior. :i oLt- u.ay juoe by tiie way
tuDe w:v maLait tbeir bUabaioiv
If some meL were able to make mon
ey as easily as Uey make trouble their
Vealti. would s.K.n ItojUic burdenaome.
Mr. Bull understands b:mself to 1 ,
the Tietor. but wili have to put b;s ,
fcontb Afr:cax. farm ii. order at own i
. ' TT- . -. !
... , , . ...
Could be turned love 1U the 1'blllppllies ;
for a w m.e lere would Soon be few
... , . . i
tittie brown men u-f: to res.s
1. . v , .-, . K ., ,. Ci, cr '
It i aliefed tLiat MIUoU 4111 Stole
. ... . 1
lore be d-parttd. Sime ought to be
made an honorary member
conding Cashier?' Club.
uf the Ab
One of the Chicago dei.ur.ment store !
How has in it a little pa
has in i: a little park where the
children may piay while their mother
re shopping, one nice thing aU.ut it
Is that the infant are in no danger of
Lting rui. over by automobile scorcners.
Just l-e-au-e J
1'ien.out Morgan pre- i
ented a huif-niillioi.-doliar taiestry to
Lang behind the throne at King Ed
ward's coronation the Philadelphia
Times jumps to the conclusion that a
Morganatic marriag- has been contract
ed with Miss Columbia.
The number of immigrants coming j
to the I'uited States this year promises ;
To be nearly one-fourth greater than
that of last yeur. and two and a half ;
times as great as the number four :
years ago. The Treasury i.epartiuent
LeLeves that the total immigration for ;
the year will I nearly, if not quite. t
C.AJ.UA1; an evidence of prosjierity. Uo
doubt, but in view of the fact that al- i
Ciost oue-fourth of those who entered
the pjrt of New York in Map.'h could j
tiot reud or write, not a welcome evi- j
The scientists are already beginning
to refer to the year jyi a an '"earth- 1
quake year." It is a year of seismic
iis:urbauces. viuietit upueavals. tran- j
formations and eruptions. Change 1
ti.e order of tue day. The air is sur- '
rharged with revo.ut.ot.. Jus: a. aii '
liuman.ty has abandoned itself to the
TstVisli.Ug delights of the "two-step" j
xlong comes tae annual convention of j
thuic.ng musters, with the dciaratoiti .
that it 1. lacking In g.-ace and will have
to go. The couipia.i.t is that there na i
Levn tw mu'.-l. "go" in it. "ilundrel.
of giddy dan'-er." say ;:.e dan-ing '
masters, nave been making a rump o:
vhat shouid l-e a leauti;ui and inspir
ing dance." They have decided, there- I
lore, to abolish the two-step and put in
Its place something more "simple" and I
less strenuous. The new dance, which
Las already gained favor in boston, is
known as the "tive-step."
An ingenious and inquiring niatbe-
matk-ian has Wen figuring on the di- j
meusions of heaven. The basis of his
calculation is the fifteenth verse of i
the tweiitv.first chapter of Pevelation: '
-x,t n- .,.a.,-i ti- ..ire .,.. w.
IreadtL and the height of It are equal.
lie concludes that this represents a
pace of S.'.T..Hss....i,i mj.k.i.'.i.. 1 -u-Lie
feet. The statistician sets aside
one-half of this for the court of heav
en and one-half of the balance for
treets. which would leave a remainder
of 14.1l!rTJ.A'....i..M.'.j.j cubic
feet He then proceeds to divide this
Ly 4.M1. the number of cubical feet
In a room 1; feet square, and this proc
sa pives him 3'j.:;-Jl.W3.T.'A.j.ii
rooms of the size Indicated. He then
proceeds Us.n the hyitbesis that the
world now contains, always has con
tained, aud will always contain I'..',
Uot.X' inhabitants, and that a gener
etiun lasts for thirty-three and one
tbird yestrs. which give a total num
ber of inhabitants every century of
Zf7&fX.y-f:'. He assumes that the
worid will stand 1 ... centurb.-s or
1 . year, which would give a total
of ....." inhabitants fiir this
period of time. He then reaches the
conclusion that if 1M. worlds of the
came size and duration and containing
the same numler of inhabitants,
should redeem all the inhabitants
there would le more than H.'
rooms of the size Indicated for each
person. The calculation is unneces
sary. Whetber men have taken the
lievelation literally or figuratively.
wl.eti.er they have taken heaven to be
place or a state, none of them have
erer doubted there was plenty of room
there. The question th"T are interest
ed in is bow to get there. Whalwiever
r wheresoever heaven is there is eon-
Aurora, tuafci'.ii: s.x or eiirh: stoj nt
saiuli toi:s tjlou tiie wy to make
deliveries to small dealers. V.'ts; eoi-1--ted
tin- money for all b.s deliveries
and twi.-e a week made a written re
I.rt and runiCTi in bis money, amount
ins omet;mes to as bizb as
,' For doinc all this work, and occupying p:ns who bad aL abjured marriage.
I a pji:iou of trust in whieb thousands She wore a crescent on ber bead, car
; of dollars passl through bis hands he ried a tjulver and was attended by docs.
I was paid $15 er week. The company ; be was of the loftier rtyle of femlutue
i that employed bin pushed the prose-'. beauty. Iler limbs were tared. ber
cuuou and warned him sent to the
penitentiary, but Judce limine found
Uim guilty 0f embezzling but $15. thus
Mviu$t i,,m from ti,e penitentiary, and
sentenced bim to serve thirty days In
In renderiiu: his decision Jude
I'unne told the employers of est that
. . , , , . '
rvspousihie position at such a small
v. , , . .
salary and where he Is called on in the
Ierforaiauce of bis diity to collect snch
. ,
lanre amounts of monev. knowins that
bas a wife and two children to care
are simpiy Inviting him to
commit a crime, or at least exxsins
bim to temptation, and It is wronir"
T!m? iuv sal(1 U "cved West, the
' " , , ' . " u,i,u- HUU luaM
j nau uj. s;iiary ieen even as much as i
: SZ more iH.-r.wtek be would never ha'-e
1 imi exiKi to temptation. "If b
1 had been paid $, a week as he should !
j h:.ve been paid, be would have bad!
.'" , "e-.tu o: 1111; nre ;
.jai In I ... .. 1. I mi-
S . ' , eui.z,en.enx. u.e ue-:
j C;l1,Jn Jlld,-e I,UUu k w nh :
1 t.ivuo wnaiueraxntD uy an wno
i employment to others.
And Now the bon. Alfred Mace. Ia F i
mou a Preacher. j
An effective preacher, whose labors
have carried him through many lands. ;
is Alfred Mace, son of Jem Mace, who j
in bis day was one j
of the greatest i
h-carne converted ;
and soon after-
ward began
life work
prva' hii.g. He
prea 'li-d on
u :
o f
Eurojun conti-lo-m
and in Amer
ica. Canada a 11 d
Australia. and Jus:
his sixth visit to the
now has
Vnited S
Mr y.
called th
eaUse it
u e l-elongs to what ha :e-T.
e Plyuiou'h Bro'herb-H d. le
was at Plyu.outii. England.
that the organization was founded. The
! members have no temporal church or-
ganiza'.ioii. but claim a divine head.
, They live by faith and do no: believe
in paid pastors.
i Those who can afford to contribute
! give of their means to assist those who
j preach the gospel, but not a cent is
ever asseti jrom tuose who are not
Christians. Mr. Maw preaches in the
streets or in huv place where he cau
help the people. He has had a var.ed
eX-rietice since he i..-gan his work
and has preached to a vast ntm.l-r of
.M..,le He is !.-.., of r,i-wi.. , ,
naiun.-. He preaches very plain gospel
sermons mill is nor htth:ii ti. uini- ..n 1
his mind. His congregations are often i tJT l,uiI,l!li t00t aI1 th quarries
made up of the worst classes of n.eu i naU!J fur around the
and some notable conversions havejcl:-v' AH told, it was years In build-!-en
bad in his meetings. He appeals j inK' Tu in,erl'r was niagnificentJy
directly to every person in his aud.ei,.-,. i adorned.
and speaks with great for-e and iH,wer 1 Wben Xerls-the Pian King, over
Luring the thirty-two Years of h.s mil.- i raB Aia MlDor bf U,ld wai,t,?
istrv he has never taken up a collection !do1 Xm "' that wbl, h "neltered
aud says that be never shall. I,iaD at Ephesus. He wag o greatly
Impressed ith its noble architecture
bailor-. Curious Pets. ! "ud " niagnltude that be ordered it
It has been said of the Ja-kie snilor I T"- however, carried off much
ls.y that he is so jmssionateiy fond of i of th r he found inside, ut
lels lie must have something to love
IT It is "otiiv n nn'trmi'h Ii. a 'bnifv
ls,x." This statement was founded .hi
fa.-t. for one of the most remarkable
pets of an English ship was a mon
strous cockroach. He was four inches
long and one inch bros.d.
(.lie of the tiihirff b.-ol tnniMl film
and built for bin. a cage with a litt!and h long siuc1 l-M-red from
kennel in the corner of it- This inse-t i T,r' E.ven i,g, "i,e, Wa for lone a
prodigy limed to r- ognize his mas-
ter-a vol. when be l.e-.r,i iiim
call would hurry out from bis kennel
in res-wi.se
in.,'.,, .. .M t- eh,t l...e. w
ixduved by English sailors was a ses.L. j
who had a tank residence on board
and a dally round of pleasure and
duty; his pleasure sveu meals a day.
bis duty a bath after each meal. An
other was a d'-er who would take a
quid of tobacco with so much delight
that the fellow feeling aroused by bis
appreciative taste made bim a ifeueraJ
I liana, a dauLu-r of Jupiter and I-a-
toiia. to whom many temidts were ded-iiat-d.
was a Yirjiu dedicated to Jer--tual
celil-aoy. To avoid the so.-iety !
of men she devoted berst-lf to the chase i
and other ior:s. and she contrived to j
have with her a cuniher of other vir- ;
feet overed with Imckskin as wom by
the huntresses of the ancients, and ber
,K(Wl.r extended over heaven, earth and
ML Ephesu Lked ber be,-au,e it
S-ye j prayers to I'iana were generally grant
j ed. When she failed to answer, the na-
tives tried Chr.slianitv. which yielded
better results.
The Renowned Temple.
To give the statue of 1 liana, which
was something of a miracle worker, the
I'romiuei.c it deserved, the Ephesians
f"lvl lo ct a gorgeous temp.e
""herein the gottUess could he saleiy
P'aceu. S
they planned and carried
fighters in the' forward an imiosiug pile, which was
world. H e was ' completed during the reign of Servius
reared in an at- ! Tuliius. i B. C. This temple was de-nx.-sphere
of pugil- i !ri,yed by fire. A second one. suriiass
ism and early took , 'n in size au splendor the first, was
to the ring. But be j begun thirty years after the original
soon abandoned It. j was leve'ed. This was partially burned
At the a,re of IT be 1 oou after Its completion, and on the
notable day Socrates was poisoned. It !
i was restored with a grandeur surpass-
. ing anything previously esje-uded uikiii i
it. Then for a third time fire razed it j
; to the ground. This conflagration oc- 1
curred on the night of the birth of Al- j
i examb-r the Great. 3.V1 B. C. The in
: cendiary was Erastratu. a 1 ublicist.
: who confessed the deed and said the
, reason was :o gain immortality. lie ,
' was promptly executed. l:. restora-
j tion was not allowed to slumber. On
1 even grander lines was it to be reared, j
exeell.ng anything ever attempted by j
: man. To its rebuilding the pagan world
J contributed most generou-ly. j
The site had a morass and required -'
an enormous foundation for the sujkt
' structure. This was so extensive that
' it needed as much money for the bu'.id- j
! ing below ground as for that above,
j The building was 425 feet long. S2 feet !
i broad, and its roof supjuirted by 11TT '
; columns 01 i-arian marine, each plliar
; In-iug tio feet high and weighing ST.n
i tons, and ea'-h the gift of a king. Witb
' in the temple was so large that 4.i
. - ?rsotis could be occommiduted staud-
i ,r't' , w nn maru,e wa U!WrU rr thv
'. temple at the approaches. In its oma-
' mentation cedar, cypress, different col.
' ored marbles and gold were employed
' l-iY-iat!e Kn mueh iTnna
i "i1"- " e -
I --' - -- i - row
J Cretit by the millions of pilgrims at-
traci-d . o w.e s.a.ue UI uiana.
tract-l to it
! wa caiiture.1 and sack.-d bv the Gorha
i 2.2 A. V.. and the great temple de
stroyed. From this on Ephesu declined
until it was a mere collection of huts.
long since d
Even its site
r. but eiplorat!
rj- "e recent
! ? have unearthed its wherealrouts. Nol
ly have unearthed its wherealroms. Not
j 0nl-V tbe but the remains of the
great temple have been found 22 feet
t Mw the present surface, piece of
which can now be seen in the British
Its Christian Epoch.
Ephesus. after the destruction of the
temple, gave up idolatry for Christian
ity. St. Paul first preached to the
Ephesians and St. Mark and St. John
co-operated with bim and with won
derful success. Three Christian
churches were erected by these apostles
After Ttrentr-five Vein Gilmaa Made
Wife Leave Her Oti.tr Iiul.aud.
After a si'aration of twei-ty-rive
years J. A. Gilmau and hi wife are to
legin life anew in Fraukford. Pa.
They were married tweutv-eight years
New York was their home for a
while, and tlieii. two year after their
marriage. Oilman went to lioylestown
to work. He disapieared. Four years'
search brought no light as to h.s
wherealKiuts. After that time a letter
came to his wife which said that her
husband bad died In an asylum for the
Mrs. Oilman married Henry Iiaubert
Emaus. in Iehigh County. Petinsyi-
vania. Three children were born to
them, and they lived there until a few
days ago. Then Oilman, long forgot
ten, rvapieared. Mrs. Itaubert recog
n.zed him and I -egged bim to go away
and let ber die in peace lneath the
roof of ber second husband's home.
Oilman, unlike the Enoch Arden of
fiction, refused. He said she was still
bis wife, and insisted uion her leaving
Iiaubert and going with him. The
law was with him. and tlie woman
she is r.i parted sorrowfully from the
man she had loved for twenty-five
years and made ready to come to Phil
adelphia. Oilman's own stry Is equally
strange. He really was In an asylum.
j he says, and while there he received
! a legacy of from a relative in
Camden. He was discharged then, but
his mind was a blank until a few years
ago. He began the search for his wife.
He could not even remeinlier where
they had lived. Finally, however.- be
recalled the number of his Masonic
lodge and through that traced out bis
old life. He Is W years old and broken
( jn
health fiaubert is also old and
1 .i ,,. 1 i,.,.t.m.i,i,,e,i
at the loss of bis wife. Philadelphia
Kew Entcine of Deatruction Exhibited
at Cryatal Palace.
A demonstration of a war engine of
destruction, the Simms war motor car.
was recently given at the Crystal pal
ace. England. The car. which Is pri
marily designed for coast defense, is
protected by a covering of bullet-proof
armor. Battened nt the sides, and hav-
1-2"-" 't1? ;!SSr!''S;'iii'J
, H2i;-;iif ffirMi
TUii slllMs AB MlPllJB.
:T-IvM . ''ftT.nsriXM ..uiltling in ine tbtectiuu of the
IST- vSi 8"uuJ- iuf f"ulul two u,t'u braecd
F'v j2-. l.!? j'fei"v4?vi art-i.us: the cabin sales aud holding
' vAwjl!t'3j tl,eir heads above water. One was a
- j'l 'feJfv' -Vl'UIi rubber curter. named Mallitx,
- t - rVV xhK u:hvT a lla:ive fl'auish-Nicarasaan.
'ft, V '?&v-'tt& 1 --etl Obando. B.tu were pauic-
Lv v! - g auo .uci iei.i was obliged t
" ueu iucv reacrieu tne sur-
ing a ram at eact end. A 2o-horse- a,;e Malliiz was unconscious and Mc
jwwer four-cylinder petroleum engine Eield more dead than alive,
prowls the car at a speed not exceed- . They pulled Mallitz aboard, but Mc
ir.g six miles an hour. Its armament Fie'd would not follow. As soon as the
consists of two ixmiiMinis and two auto- r"! was free he took It in his teeth
matic quick-firing guns; it carries lu.- aud went under, found the hatch and
ww rounds of ammunition, and suffl- entered the cabin. Ohando was almost
cleut fuel for a 5mile run. It is 2S uncontrollable with fear and exhaus
ted long. . tion. but McField finally secured aim
I with the rope, and gave the signal to
8olvin the Cryptoicram. pull up. This time the trip was made
-I can't make It out at all." said without accident, and both meu were
Mrs. Meddergrass. after an hour's drawn on board. All the men wen
study of the letter her husband had saved,
brought home from the postoffiee. The United States government
"Seems to be from some one who awarded McField a medal and nftv
knows us. though." commented Mr dollars in . ,i .v.. . ..
Meddergrass. taking the letter In his
hand aud peering at It curiously.
"Oh. yes. it does that," said bis wife.
"I can understand what it sex. all
right an' clear enough. It spenk o'
all the family an alout the things in
the house and all that, but I do declare
I don't know nobody o' the name that's
signed to It. Who on earth's Lyzzye
Marye Wyggyns, anyhow."
"Looks like some furrlner to me.
mused Mr. Meddergrass. weighing the
letter meditatively on his fingers. Sud-
denly he slapped his thigh and ex
claimed. "Tell ye who 'tis. It's our
niece. Mary Liz Wiggins she that Is
off to boardln" school this winter. By
Jing! I reckon she's took on gome o'
the newfangled ways o' spellin"
Clear Out of the Swim.
Colonel Lloblrs lear me! How time
goes by! I. don't know any of these
young people getting married nowa-
da'8- '
Major Hobbs I'm worse off than that
I don't know any of these older peo-
pis who are getting divorcedPuck,
of the crater of Mount '
This view
Si.ufriere. .St
Vincent Island, was ,
made fr..ni n photograph taken with a ,
panoramic caniera. two weeks before
Ue 8ayed Two Live, b, Hi. Brarery
uiid Perneverance.
From the records of the Uoyal Ilu
mane Society a writer in McClure's
Magazine draws the story of an ob
scure negro seamau whose brave Ieed
was discovered and lmuored by two of
. t;lt. j..roslt nations of the carta. One
tropical uiglit the schooner liolphiu
n;ed almost uiotiouiess off the Cay-
luall r,K.ks in Nicaragua. Crew uud
nassengers. some twenty
In all. were
asleep about the deck, for It was loo
hut to go below. Then came such a
squall as coii.es only in those southern
seas. The sails, all set, furnished am
ple leverage. Within ten seconds the
: :z. ,.; , water.
Wilson McKield. a negro aud
a "tin-;
j.-ct of Great Britain, was the first
to eii.e to the surface. All his tweuty
seveu years of life he hud known these
waters, hud he swam like a fish. He
so m succeeded in climbing upon the
bottom of the vessel. Then he shoutel
to the otiiers. and one by one pulled
up five of the crew.
Fortunately the squall was soou over,
although tlie sea was high. After they
had drifted two hours the men heard
strange sound, like pounding within
the vessel. Some thought they heard
voice. The more superstitious were
TI... r.l ..I, .Itwl tvV
,i..i... ,i,e 1, i ,, f,.,,t,uches- aI1 klnds pf vegetable.!
er. The crew eoneiu .ed that men were
imprisoned within the boat, but none
touid devise a way to save them. Then
the negro proposed to dive under and
Into the snip. They assured hlui he
would never get out again, but carry
ing between bis teeth one end of a rope
that had been dragging from the ves
sel. McField dived, passed under the
gunwale and rose in the hatch.
It was pitch dark, and the interior
of the vessel was full of the lloating
cargo, but he kept yu steadily. Finally,
concluding that he had reached the
cabin, he rose, aud in an instant his
head was uiiove water. Yet so foul
was the aid, an.! so uarrow the space
between the water and the ship's bot
tom, that he cou.J hardiv breathe. He
couid see Iio one. but he beard the
kUol''k:i1-' a,:u- 1111(1 'ailed out. Then
tiU"1-. Vu"-- I:i:ni but familiar.
threaten tneui with instant death if
they did not obey him. He fastened
the rope round Maliitz. and gave the
signal to pull. McField dived Into the
water along with his man. In his fright
Mallitz entangled hiiuseif in the hatch
way, and precious time was lost in free
it... V1 .1 . .
ouu .ue ivovai uumane
Society of Great Britain gave him a
silver medal.
' .
Take White" Name..
An amusing p.cture of domestic con-dl-ions
in South Africa is given by Mrs
E.ow an article in the New York
Iribune. Mrs. Blow', hus!,.,, J..
uana8er of a mine in South Africa, aud
husband and wife lived there for
uo , , , ' 1U ref-'anine the domes-
wi!.0 like rr? 18 done by Karar8-
who like the bouthem negroes in slar-
""ea. are caned "Ujvg.
ter what their age may be.
no mat-
L-" lUe amr - from the
kraals no one ever n- , .
lmo intact with the whites they -nke
""bite" name. This phmIucL' fp.
WUlcu re not Ia,-king In elements
of humor. 6 u e,eu,'-,"a
An'onff the house boys "Knife "
, lurk" nd "Spoon" Were e l
ud "Spoon" were
the eruption, by a correspondent of a
1 ew lurt uera.u. l ue ertT 1.
has walU 1.0(O feet high.
imes. "Tahle." "Chair.- "Crli'
Wnteh" c. ..... ..... H
j name ' y
rious times. One of mr hnn. k
took the utilitarian name of "Ham ul
The Kaffirs are very fond of r
wawi they learn to eat it amon; u
whites, and our stable bor thouirh' w
had found the finest nnme In the wwi!
in "Uice," But the Kafln hare tie
same difliculty as the Chinese in p,
nouaciug the letter "r." and 10
nice always called himself "Lice."
The Kaffirs are the cleanest po;i.
in the world in some respects. Tiij
are always scrubbing themselv b
hot water and anointing thenuetai
with oil afterward, but the habit d
. not ,end ,o rc- -a
. rot a art iilalui.at,. I. . 1. . i
... . ..... - ----
ou tiuui tuai never saw the trta
i 'ub.
Our home was a typical one of tie
upper class, a great one-story baj
alow. seventy -five feet long, built !
brick, covered with the IneviaSt
white corrugated Iron, and with a w
randa twenty feet deep. It was $e.a
hundred feet above the entrance it
, the mine, and the bills all about wet
1 cut into great terraces, which w
planted with magnificent tropial
plants. 1 had two hundred baora
, trees, besides oranges aud lemcas,
guavas aud pineapples, strawberrw.
i the most beautiful flowers. YV eta
had tea-plants In th garden. We rut
j ed the finest lemon'. I ever saw; all e
could KssIbly use. and barrels and btt
j rels for the hospital
j An idea of the enormous supply f
J native labor may be had from the fis
that every foot of this great temrei
garden was made of earth carried a?
the mountain on the backs of Ka!",
and the irrigation, without which
ing could grow, was accomplished kr
watering pots in the hands of Kii
Servitor Cannot Live in Pact
Without His Ofiicial I'aota.
A most curious petition for Imperii!
grace reached Emperor Francis Jc?i
from the small town of Czernoosil
The former n.esseuger of the coct
house there asked his mnjesty to
his pants, pants be had worn t
years, und which his superior ofe
ordered bim to give up upon the dajke
was pensioned.
"I have served your majesty falthfsi
ly for forty-two years, five mouths til
six days." wrote the petitioner, 'aai
be deprived of my official pants in tsf
old age is a great hardship, that r
inijierinl majesty will not inflict uf
an old soldier, I am sure. When I
Iensioiied off, the court decided to 18
me retain my cap. but the pants. It sail
must be restored to the state. HsJ
only this one pair of pants. I refused t
accede to the demand, and in coo
quence am threatened with ItnprU
n.ent for contempt of court."
The emperor made haste to telegrt;
to the authorities not to enforce the let
ter of the law against the poor feUo
aceordlug to the Pittsburg Dlsp"4
and at the same time sent him
suit of clothes.
Dou't Believe All You Hesr-
"I congratulate you on the hue -1f
tion which I heard you were hoo
with out In Indiana." some oiie recenuy
remarked to Senator Fairbanks.
had Just returned from the RepubUcu
convention In Indianapolis.
"That reminds me." said the SeotW-
"of an old but always true story.
sleeping car a man was snoring "
loudly and nobody else in the car ec
s.eep. Finally It was oec.uT
awaken him and comiKd hlui to
snoring or stay awake. So. after om
difficult be was aroused.
" 'What's the troublcr be asked.
"Tour snoring keeps everybody "
the car awake and It has got to stop-
- 'How do you know I snoredr qo
tioned the disturber of the peace.
g" 'We heard you,' was the replf
w" 'Well said the man who snored.
he turned over to go to sleep
"don't Irelieve all .vou hear.' "-llttthw
i '. New Coins.
Last year Uncle Sam turned ont W
coins worth $13C.0O0.0o0. of which l'
000,000 were gold.
What has become of the old-fwW
ed boy who expected everything
:ircus that he saw on the bills-
One man's success is often due to 0
fallun of another.