Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, August 07, 1902, Image 1

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jtfij v Official Paper.-v
City Official Taper.--
)L XVIII. N0.4P:
(vSLsSs Ks2b Sit? s&k?
:WiLIv Dress goods
Xe have just placed on our Bargain counter all strictly
imer Dress goods, consisting of Mercerized Foullards,
laities-. Percales Batistes, etc. at irreatlv reAmA
::es. namelv:
All regular
V.U.il-s ct
-n : ....
,11119 uic tin ujtc pa l urn.-
12 k'
and genuine bargains.
Straw Hats;
j.Ve'ofier a nice new stock oi men's and youths' Straw
:sat 50c on the dollar. This' price is m:.de regard
of o.u-t in order to close them out.
A f 1 j .
"uu.uuuai LUtai5. -Mr. and Mrs. Bator and Mnri.l
went out home with. Mr. ami Mi
.MLAiifcrer lueslny evening
una cijiypu over night.
J. A. Funk and V. H. (naves niul
families staged Wednesday in search of
the .tstive huckleberry i:i tbe north
It yon wants rifle, shot sun .or
revolver, look nt the stoek at the F
u. ji. v.:o. store. .
C. D. Alan a prominent resident oi
I a rail lse was in the city Wednesday
011 a business trip,
Frank Reavis and family have gone
to trie lake to camp for a few davs.
W. V. White started Wcdnes.!,.,-
,or alia Walla on a short trio.
Mrs. Sam Gakill, of Alder Slope,
was in town Wednesday.
A M. Co, for Fly
WHOLE NO: fl5n
Ve have some odds and end? in this line at just half
ihr price. These are good quality; but price is made
the reason that we haven't a full line of sizes in the
-rent styles. Buying these at pri;e offered is genuine
as a
:;d c:
; air,
-.1 r r:i."
black Huc in
line 25 dozen pairs
zc- from 5 to 9
Go to the E M
Notice the advertisement of the
M. A M. Co.
The .Stat Fair logins on Sept.
ana continues until Sept. 20th.
W. P. lUmbleton ar.d family return
ed last Friday from a trip to Milton.
, Mrs. W. W. McRcynolds and son,
Karl, wore in from Trout Creek on'
1 uesday.
A good stoek of Linen and Japanese
matting on hand at the E. M. & M.
Co. store.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stewart, of Leap,
was doing business in our town the
first of the week.
Ex-county Judge, Peter O'Sulivan
was a pleasant oaller at the sheriff's
office on Monday.
Mrs. Fred Makin is now working
with Mr. Smith, and will learn the
photography business.
Mrs. Henry Miller left Monday for
a visit with hr daughter. Mrs. (J,.
O'Brien on Bear Creek.
Xow is the time to buy Queens-.vare
A splendid assortment on hand at the
. M. & M, Co. store.
Mr. A. H. Fletcher moved his fam
ily up to the lake this week where
they will spend the rest of the summer.
G. S. Reavis and family started.
Monday morning for the lake where
they are intending to camp for abjtut
ten davs.
Geo. Craig, the Enterprise hanker.
came out Wednesday after his wife
who has been visiting her brother, W.
I. Dishman. Recorder.
T.i!!i I n. .i T i t.... leaker
nor, of Medical Spring-, are i the ! '. .
i . . 1 1 leckamas
i-ii oony aiei a-e guests at tne Sou)
mer House. Chronicle.
Rev. J. W. Oliver, a Baptist minis-
ter of LaGrande, will preach at the ' Crook-
August ;
Apportionment of School Funds.
Saijsm, Aug 4. Saturday evening
State Treasurer rimrle
I'remiuoi Ll.t la Out.
The premium list of the Oregon
tate Fair .s now out and beine di
tril.ut(Hl among the fanners and
'feeders throughout the state. It
J.irrie if H).(XH) in cash premiums on
livestock and agricultural products.
Kvery farmer and breedei in the state
is invited to bring seething to Jthe
Mate fair this earand help swell the
lig exhibit ;h.it is already Promised
The Southern Vaeitic Company hauls
ill exhibits to and from the fair free
of charge, which enables everyone to
s:nd 'something to help the good
cause along. To those who wish to
t ike their families and spend u week
at the fair, they will find' one of the
nnest camp grounds on the coasl,
ibsohitcly free. Any information re
garding the fair will be gladly given
!v writing the Secretary at Portland,
Oregon. If you have not received a
premium list write for onuit once.
On Trail of Tracy.
Sii.'kank, Aug. 2 An Alinira special
made the annual apportionment of i Pt'keonian-Review says:
1 f.. ? . I it..!..... i r 5 i
Alder church next Sunday,
10th at 11 o'clock a. m.
I Doilrl.-i
Billy Akin brought in tin; team ; Grant ...
purchased by J. W. Kerns on Wed- Gilliam. . .
nesday. He was accompanied by his j Hariiy. . .
father, Clinton l Akin. Jackson... ,
Billy Akin and family came in j Uine .
from Paradise on Monday. They ! Kla,liath .
tlues Wi!
ad les
Shirt; Waiats;
. . - V . - w w
contemplate Jiicving to Southern
Oregon in the near future.
Uncle Joe Reavis and wife and
little grandson returned Monday from
Walla Walla where they have Iieen
j visiting for several weeks.
The work of raking the large stones
:ott' the street began this we-k and it
chool funds to the several counties in
the state, according to the iipulation
of the several counties, the amount
distributed being If 214,(i:!!t.:5. The
latest school census of the tate, ac
cording to the reports received by the
State Sueriutendent from the several
Lounty Superintendents, chow u
school population aggregating 138,477
and the sum distributed makes a per
capita of f 1.5").
Following is a list of the com n ties
in the state, together with the num
ber of children in each and the total
amount of money received by each
county, tne amount king by several
housaud the largest evurjiaid out by
the state in one distribution:
Children. Amount
8,3i5 0.r
4.008 30
11.S42 00
t,U(2 25
3,.r88 2'
(!.U3.r 70
' 1,050 10
1.1 04 05
8.579 25
1.H41 40
2.7C5 20
1 .5(10 85
7.745 35
4.21)3 50
1,W1 0
1.5W 40 ;
j Clatsop .
iumiimia .
:n Merceri.-j'J cotton a:i
is leaving the streets in fine condition
a y.i
4 .VI
1 )
1 J l k vaist nr.. t'pe bft ouahlv we have evt
;:k1iio-,v js ibe time t) get burg J ins in tll-om.
'-fc;iVtj ;i foil- .(ftli -. P'.iTTiMi.lrt "Vc?rs V
inio mowei coc.:K ur-l premium- c:l lijc i au
P,'.r.'-i' jit rtnH.lin " f i covered with a line uravel.
Deputy County Clerk Lock wood
has Iieen making some radical changes
in his oflice which for comfort and
' handjness cannot be surpassed by the
j court house ring.
E. C. Skile and family and E. C.
j Warren and family are making a busi
; lies and pleasure trip through the
; county. The gr-ntlemeu are lolli
traveling salesmen.
F. C. Sai'Tiit. the Commiisioner-
' G'-neral of Immigration, has iiistiueted
! the Klhs Island authorities to make
'laid tvrry tftort for their ap)rehension
vessel will In
P-n ... 4 . ... :
;re interested i::
'2re headquarters for Mitchell wagons in this county
a good supply of th:iu on iur.d.
J. H. Eiiis and lumily returned
from a visit to Polk eonuy on Tues
day night's stage. Mrs. Ellis and
children have been gone for several
weeks, but Mr. Ellis joined them
M ultiioiiiah .
Sherman ....
L'matiHa ....
l.'n ion
Wallowa ....
Washington. .
Wbeeh r,. . . .
Yam hill
. 5.371
3, !M)5
4. !(97
Outlaw Harry Tracy is belie ved to
be traveling southeast from this place
in the direction of ItitzviHc. A fanner
named Perkins, living three mihs
southeast of Alinira, saw a man with
two horses and two rifles, passing his
place in a southeasterly direction
early this morning. Sheriff Do Bolt,
of Douglas county, arrived in Alinira.
shortly before noon today, and on
hearing the story left for the Perkins
laneh. He has not been seen since.
Sheriff Cudiheeof Seattle, arrived ii.
Alinira from Wilson Creek, via Coulee
City, late tonight.
The fact that Sheriff Do Bolt has
not been heard from leads him to be
lieve that he is hot on the trial.
Oudihee left' for the Perkins rn.w.h
with a team late tonight.' Cudihee
(irmly Wlicves that Tracy passed
through Coulee City about 11:30 last
night. A man riding one horse, with
a packhoise following, rode up the
main street of that town mid was
seen by several residents.
There is also a story that Tracy was
seen near the Welsh church at .'!
o'clock this morning, but this cannot
bo verified. Sheriff Gardner, of Lin
coln county, is co-operating with
Siier.ff De Holt in the chase, Be Bolt
is to scour the country between
Alinira and Rit.ville, while Sheriff
'Gaidner is to guard the northern
route. (1 ll'lllMT llHM l'Ilt fill 1 1 Imimi ttt
Teacher's Examination.
12. ('(! 9.1
l.'.JOO" 50 iK"iin' l,'p !,'rr'u "cross the Columbia.
10.2X5 K0 '"5 "hole country is aroused.
2.111 SO?
.. 1
. .2i,.H75
.. 3,302
.. 1.3-J3
.. 1,!)83
.. ,0i6
. . 5,108
.. 2,335
.. 4,'J3!
. . 5.H73
. . J30
.. 4,775
Electric Llffht Notice.
14.54 8 30
2. '10(3 0J
41,(i56 25
"' ' ' .'' j ''-"'t having ehange.l hands ami lit
j .jt' d lip an office n the south side of
7 017 lt''"'x lll! IRrt' """"'KCiPi-nt dc
3 ('19 2.-H1"" t0 d,"1"u,"!'-' t,lat 1,11 Io1m;h and
''I Mi !r-8 will hereafter lie had at their
7,b55 4. I . 'Vt wi , , , , . .
X 7I1 1 i ""- genie is oesireil
' I i:.. ..t I I...
l.iU DO ,, i
.I'll in ij.
7,401 231...
old one imint be re-
Notice must be given the
c .iopany when the lights uio not to
$23 1,039 35 !'" ,H,'' for t')c. Colli etioi.s will
Jbi made regularly on the liist of each
j mouth.
( LNTKItl-IIIHIi El.Kl ilUc Ll'illT t;o,
Woman Aged 120 Dead.
Clotted to Kill the Sultan.
NkV Yokk, May 2. Secret Serviw
! about three weeks ago.
e voiiid be y-lad to iiirnr
e Willi
I The Oreuon State Fair this year
r itock of General Merchandise is nuite complete. . l" b grandest industiui
... icx'osi?i-jii and livestock show ever
VOU OU anything you j ,ieM OIlthe Coast. The fair has been
jgood the past two years, but it will be
j bttter this year. Don't fail to -e it
i J. G. Matheny deserves sjxrial nien-
tiou for his steady work ou the excav
ation for the new hotel. Tuesday he
j waf the only man at work, and w hen
I j asked why he Wiis working alor.c re-
! pli:d that the hotel was going to lx
j built if he bad to do it alone.
Kespectfuliy routs,
There ha-, just did in the county
Imov bouse at Nii.hvilU Tei-n. eol-
1 - ..... ....... , '"j v.i.iv . i- , i,;i;
ored woman wljo was probabiy the ' m u, immignition oilici r and detec
.I.I.f :.. . ..... . .
irijii in me. souiii. -.lunt --'o-s are lying 111 wait (or Italian
Dusky Smith wis her name, and it is jauarchi.-t, whw are exjKCted to arrive
c-tabhthed that she wa 120 yn.rs old ; on a French Line tomorrow. It is
at least. She had documehts in her ; 'id t hey are act ive in the conspiracy
ixiiso.siou runiiing back to IS'KJ that to as,a,Hnat the Sultan of 'Jr!i. y
describe h.:;- to ;n us "over 20 vears of -ami have been dodging ttuv-polii:)! f
nS-' i:no,e inCe their plot miwai'fied.
... I - v-r'-
Steamer Oregon Aohore. iCblonel Br6WnvNo.K
- j 14,985.
Advices from Seattle state that the i , , . 77 , '
g 1 , ... 1 have purchased the above named
steamer Oregon is ashore t Dutch ... , , . , T , T .
IfarW.r Tl... ..... 1 1 .trotting stallion of Jack Johnson. and
iiainoi. Jin- iiumber of pass neers ; . n .... . ,
: , ..... , . will stand bun at mv ha on on Sheep
aboare is unknow n. It is believed the i.;,, r ... . '
ves-el can be saved . . lodge ran h. lern.s 10, insurat'ce.
. ,' H.M( Ai.f. 0.JI.K, Lost i ne, Ore.
Notice is hereby given flint, the
County School Siqrintendent of
Wallowa county will hold the regular
examination of applicant for S1.1t..
ami County papers, at Joi.-ph, Oregon,
Foit Statk Pai'mih.
Coininencing We.lnrs.lay, August
13, at nine o'clock A. M. and rnnfi,,.
ning until Saturday, Augjist It!, at
four o'vlock P. II.
Wnlnesday iVimiansbii..
spelling, algebra, readini- and ..)..'.!
Thursday Written
theory of teaching, grammar, book-'
Kt"l'i"o'. physics, nn.l civil govern,
Friday Physioloiry. oorM..!,..
mental arithmetic. conmnsiti.,!,'
and physicia) geography.
NUuiday Botany, plane eeom.-irv
general history, Epglisl, literature,
and psychology.
Foit Cor.yi v Pai-kiih.
First, Hm,n.l ,id Third Grade' Cer
Wednesday Penmanship, histore.
orthography, and reading.
I hursday Written i.ritl,,,,,..;,.
theory of teaching, urammar. scl.i
Friday Geograi.by. ih.viI..' aiii!,.
metic, physit j vy , livji j,,,Vl.ru.
PlIlMAIlY Ckiitii cati:s.
WednesdayPennVinship, orlho
raphy, reading ami .arithmerie.
I'hursday Art' of ous..ionin.r '
theory of teaching, methods, i.bvsi.
J. C, Oo.vi.KV, Snpt. of Sclionl.
Waluiwa Coi xiv, Oiikoov,
July 11,' 1902.
T.) 'Samcki, JtlloWN;
You are heru
y Notifuyl that wr have evneiwl..!
one hundred .lollars in bor and im
provements 01. the Cold Sprimr ,;,,.
eral claim loeateil ;. .1.,, T 1..
1 1111111 oa
Mining iistii,:t, i.i which claim vim
were owner of one-third interest ,11ml n
will appear by certilieui,, ,, d July 2'i,
19(11, in the office of County Clerk oi
W allowa couiily Oieeon. m order 1..
hold aid jiremises u.,.1, , t. ,,rois
ions oi Section 2321 lfevb.e.1 Hi.,,,t.,u
Of the I'nited Slates, being amount ie
iiirei to hold same lor year ending
O.cember 31, mi, and if within
90 days after tnh noiiee by publica
tion you fail r refuse to contribute
your J.ropoi ti.,11 of such expenditure
as co-owner your Interest in said
' lalni will become the property of
the subscriber, s under Section 2321.
J. K, Ol TI KII.
J. M. Kkm.y.
Not Afraid of Wild Cats.
Miss Media Shiiiuaker, residing cm
the Grand J.ide, made a record at
shooting a few d.ty K, that a good
marksman would blow ami brag about
for months. She is accustomed to
handling a tw.inly-t.vo rille, but bad
nei;r attempted to shoot one of lb.,
heavy thirty twos. A sho.tlime ago
a w ild cat was w en le-ading toward
the el iekeii yard on their home place,
with the evident intent of having a
hearty meal. Her father wi.s away
from home, and although not in the
habit of protecting tb ' 1 f,, . ,
Vicious HI,!. oi kind., Miss
Media also knew that tl it? MlmntfiLm-j
n-yer tolerated any such noli! invasion
of their premises. She went' to tl,..
fl'i1"' nd taking. down the thirty two
I m. 1.; I
r...i.i;iie.i 10,,,, i (lo 1 .a 1 1 Itt. Aeain
ariiting the wildcai, she took cmrefnl
aim, pulled the trigger and all a
over: 11 ild Air. Wildcat lay dead, and
the chtckehs still unharmed.' Mi
jSliuitiaker, i fc is said, didn't appear.
merly ehfte.l, but regarded the result
as the only that could have happened,
and didn't even faint. Asolip Hen.
tinel. ' .
fr mttti 11 T " tt mrni 1 1'l irt in n