Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, July 03, 1902, Image 1

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    licial Paper.
City Official Taper..-
I IIE ' Plif
ui I m u.
NO. 44-
A .Oar load of wa.
and fa he m.lijiieryfj '
Respectfully yours,
M. & M. CO.
it. toe
ii r-T-HiriTrlrm7tT1TmiJafrpw,Tilaiflt
JULY 1902.
WHOLE NO- !)if.
The Oldest iWstniaster.
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat
publishes the following skeich of
the oldest postmaster irj the
United States, who has served con- j inontly before the American people, a
construction of the canal by that
route bus been ns low as $ 30JX 10.0(H).
However, we need a canal of some
kind mid we may pet it by way of the
Panama. Sine itis no vttrv.nrotn-
linuously since 1S2S, having been
appointed by John Quincy Adams.
The Globe Democrat has recent
ly published pictures and sketches
little history of the canal projects in
general, and the Panama route in par
ticular, will prove, interesting.
The accomplishment of a scheme to
secure a canal across the isthmus of
of a number of
cllmm.,i .i ji . . . i Panama has been the hone of naviga
v.. iuiuiri;nr3 LUC UiUCht posUliaSt-
ers in the service of Uncle Sam.
They were interesting in themsel
ves, but what is still more interest
ing, they have served to bring to
the front the man who is really
the oldest, whose claim to that dis
tinction is backed by the post
master general, and is, therefore
beyong question. This postal pat
riarch is Dr. Roswell Beardsley,
who was appointed' postmaster at
North Lansing, N. Y., by John
Quincy Adams, June 28, 1828, and
has served in that capacity at that
place ever since, nearly 74 years.
This is fifteen years longer than
the record of any other postmaster
in the Hervice, says the postal
authorities at Washington. Mr.
Beardsley is now 92 years old, lie
built the store where the postoflice
i sweated over sixty years ago.
Of course Postmaster Beardsley
has not depended upon his office
salary for support, but has been en
gaged in the merchantile business
and other ventures, whereby he
has amassed a fortune aggregating
The Next Legislature.
Hood River Jerries.
tors almost from the discovery of the
continent. The earliest known sur
veys were made under authority of an
order issued by Charles V of Spain to
Cortez, in 1534. The Xiearagua'n
route was surveyed ns early as l.rf:l.
Xumerous companies mid government
al projects by the countries of Europe
were formed from that time up to
1878, when an international congress
of commercial geography was held in
Paris. Ferdinand De Lessups, presi
dent of Hie French Geographical So
ciety, and of the Suez Canal Company
was one af the most active niemhers.
An international committee of engi
neers was chosen and met the next
year to choose a route for the con
struction of the canal. During the
intervening time Do Lessups bad se
cured a concession from the United
Suites of Colombia for the Panama
route, had organized a company and
was soliciting stock. His influence
prevailed in the section of routes and
on Jan. 1, 1880, the iirst sadoful of
earth was turned at Panama. For
several years the. French people sub
scribed for stock liberally, but the
American people did not do so well.
Before t lie work was begun De Lessups
1150,000. His salary for the first 'estimated- the cost at $01,511, 3tiX
year as postmaster was $19.53, and
at no time has it exceeded $200.
During all those yers of active
life be has never wuulged in a va
cation, lie never could find the
time. Every three months during
his long service he has made out
the'reports of the oflice and for-
1888. however, the total nhliga
tions of the company was $357,92;i,Ot:-0
on which interest and expense of
management -amounted to twenty
I millions per year. More new shares
were issued and a lottery scheme was
concocted by which it was boned to
raise more money. On Dec. 13, 1888
tlo .MI.W-t.lMlf ll.f.,llUf.l 1.)t-ll,t f.f .1
warded th ni to Washington, and (juarter's interest. De Losaup and his
it is said to his credit that there
never has been an error discovered
in one of them. Until a few years
ago Mr. Beardsley had always
been a democrat, but in 1S9IJ he
gave a practical exhibition of his
o.ollegues resigned. The French gov
ernment refused to aid the continu
ance of work, and work ceased on
May 7, 1889.
In 1MI2, M. Delbage, a member .of
the Freii'di Chambe of Deputies.
belief in independence in polities'", , ,, , ,, -, , ,
.dared that the privileges which the
Panama company bad obtained had
y breaking away from Bryan and
voting for MeKinley. The post
ollice department at Washington
regards its subordinate vvilh mani
fest interest. Jlis picture was se-
been used to bribe a number of depu
ties and to 'defraud the investors. An
investigation led to the prosecution oi
the directors. Parol Kcniach, a
cured by the private secretary of ! financier charged with a large pari, of
one of the postmaster generals 1 Uu corruption, died suddenly. It was
some vears ago, and his long record si,i(i 1R --"'' d suicide. The in
01 service is familiar to tho ile.ui, vestigation was pm-sued amid much
clamor, arid a gigantic swindle was
exposed. Over 8:1,000,000 francs were
snent in Hdvertisiu' 30IH(10 frne
that it would delight, to honor the for roliti(.ul ,,,., 1()tfs. 150 deputies,
man who has been one of its faith- it was wl id .were bribed: the inlluei.ee
fill employes during so great a por- Lf several newspapers was bought and
of bureaus. Moreover, the postof
lice department has given evidence
The composition of the m xt Oregon
legislature will 1 overwhelmingly e-
publican.- In all the democrats will
have but six members of the senate, I
as follows: V. H. Wi hrun Washing j
tOC, holdover; Alex Swe k, Cohndbia,
Multnomah and Wnslimirt.m lw.t.l.,, ,. I
and Justus Wade of I'nion, holdover.
The new senators elected by the dem
ocrats are M. A. Miller, Linn, Walter
Pierce, Morrow, Umatilla and Union,
and C J. Smith of Umatilla.
The republican member of the sen
ate are: Marion E M Croisan, Stpiiro
Farrar; I. inn, Marion W II Hohs.m;
Lane William IC nyker.dall ; Douulas
A C Masters; Douglas, Josephine.
Lane K A Ilooth; Coos, Curry T M
Dinimick; Jackson E V Carter:
Crook, Klamath, Lake, Waoo .1 N
Williamson; Benton J D Daly; Lin
coln. Tillamook, Yamhill Tyler W
Smith; Polk B F Mulkey; Yamhill
W A Howe; Clackamas (i C Brown
ell; Multnomah Herbert lbdnian;
Multnomah .1 E Hunt, F P Mays.
Henry E McGinn, G T Myers, Andrew
C Smith; Clatsop 0 W Fulton; Sher
man, Wasco T II Johnson: Gilliam,
Grant, Sherman, waseo, Wheeler Y
W Steiwor; Baker, Harney, Malheur
John L Band.
TIIK llofSK.
Only 12 democrats will sit in the
lower house. Th.y are: W U llilyeu,
S It Claypnol, Linn; Willis Kramer,
Douglas; Miles Cantrall, John 1 Ul
vvell, Jackson; Charles V Galloway,
Yamhill; John Ilahn, Clatsop; W M
Blakely, Umatilla; J A Burleigh, Un
ion and V.il!owa;T X Murphy, Union
J II Bobbins. Baker; E II Test, Har
ney and Malheur.
Bepuliliean members of the louei
house follow: Marrion Frank Ditvey,
E T Judd, T B Kay, Alex LaFolU tt, J
D Simmons; Lane IX Edwards, I, T
Harris, JM Shelley; Duuglos Ira B
Piddle; Coos S B ll rinuiin; Cons.
Curry I. 1) Hume; Joseph inn W C
ILile; Douglas, Jackson J M Ilans
brngh; Benton, M Hayden; Polk-Geo
L Hawkins; Lincoln, Polk IJ F Jones
Yamhill BC M ih s; Tilianiook, Yam
hill B L Eddy; Washington D M C
Gault, Charles ll'mcs, P F l'urdy;
Clai'kainas C G Ilunth y, Hans I'aul
sen, H A Webster; Clackamas, Mult
nomah C W Nottingham; Multno
mab A A Bailey, W W Banks. S B
Cobb, 1 1 J Ficber. John Gill, C W
llobson.WR Hud on, J S Hutchiu
Sw.11, W N' .lom s, ban J Mahirkey,
George M Orton, Sanderson Ueeil;
ClatsonC W Cai n ilinn; ('olumbia
Mavtain Hot h ; Crook, Klamath, Lake,
Wauco J X ILirg.-ss, It A Eininit!, J
X Whealdon; Morrow,- Uinatilla--Gilbut
W Pladps; Umatilla II C
Adnnu; Gilliam, Grant, SbiMinaii,
Vasco, Whe. ler--! .v Denneman, It
J Ginn, 0 U Jid.nson.
The total area in strawberries i.j
Hood Hiver valley is estimatid to hi
aUut 3.")0 acre. Mo.v bind i. beii:
pn-paired thi Kinumer, and lv m'r
season the strawberry acreage will
probably reach (100 or 700 acres. Th "
p.ifcbi .- a'-e generally mall, lunniiig
live to s. eu u'Tvi in si.e. 'I In- Bult-i
farm of lit) acres is the largest ben v
ranch i.i the valley, and this year pro
duced Il'iOO orates of berriiM. The D.
E. Miller tract of 10 acres turned i.;f
over 2000 crates. The smaller patch
es bring in the larger retort s per a.-ie
and pr.iJuce tin? best lorries. This is
because tne work of cultivating is us
ually tnoie thorough, and the super
vision of picking and packing is more
easily done.
The principal markets for Hood
Uiver strawberries ate the Montana
towns, the Dakotas, Minnesota an. I
Manitoba, while many lorries are
sold in Omaha, Deliver, Salt Lake and
Seattle. Some few are sold in Port
land, and this year shipments were
made to Dawson City. Twenty orat.-s
were placid on board an ocean steam
er hound fo' Hong Kong, hut. their
ci.nditiou on arrival has not yet been
learned. Glao'er.
tion of its cxistance. At the second
inauguration of Mr. McKinley, an
invitation was sent to Mr. Beardsly
in the name of the department to
visit Washington as its guest.
This invitation, however he' could
not accept, much to his regret, for
he was s"ick, and dared not make
the journey.
The Panama Canal.
The bill for an isthman canal by Way
of the Panama route, has passed the
Senate and House of Representatives
of the United States, and has been
sent to the President.
There never was a more scandalous
job put up in any country than in
France when the Panama route was
undertaken through the leadership of
of Ferdinand Do Lessups in 1880.
And it begins to look as though the
French scandal will be made inter
national by being taken up in the
United States. It appears that an
nierican syndicate has purchased
what remains of the De Lessups' com
pany, and offers to sell it to the
United States for $32,500,000 the
privilege of digging the Panama Can
al, when estimates on the total cost of
the chief detective bureau bad been in
the pay of the directors. Fe'ditiiind
and Chas. De Lessups, accused of
fraud nd bribery, were brought to
I trial in 1808, found guilty, and sen
jtencodto imprisonment for 5 years.
Among others M. Eiffel was sentenced
I to 2 years imprisonment. The scn
j f ence of Ferdinand Do Lessups was
I not executed and he Was allowed to
jdie in i ace, Dec. 5, 1894. Later evi
i donee was produced and several others
were fined and seutenod to imprison
ment. In Sept. 181)1, aiK',000 new
shares of stock were issued and in
1805 work on the canal was resumed
by nbout 2000 men, but in 18!i(i they
struck for higher wages, and in a
short time work was discontinued.
Thus ended one of the rottenest
pieces of jobbery ever perpetrated.
Now it has been revived and some
capitalists in Xew York expect to
make a cleanup. The next thing in
order will be an investigation by the
people of the United States.
Teamsters Wanted.
To haul lumber 8 miles, $1.85 per
M. Two months job.
G. V. Bi ck, Elgin, Or
New HomeateaJ Law.
Tho friends of the irrigoion law,
now before congress are jubilant.
The bill has passed tin; house by 11
large majority. Its provisions, as is
w.'ll known, meet the warm approba
tion of the president, w ho has lon been
outspoken in advocacy of systematic,
iiit'-lligent r claination of couniry's
arid areas. This measure is ln.dd to
embody these ideas, and is n guarded
by many as only second in impor
tance to the homestead law as, in
fact, "a new homestead law," made
applicable toaiid lands. Simply seat
ed, it provides that the government
shall create new rivers thorough the
building of reservors and main' line
canals and so iigulate the How of
streams already in cxistance tlmt
their waters will be avail ible for irri
gation during seasons of drouth.
Only bona fide settlers will lie entitled
to secure lands contiguous to or du
tendent upon this newly ere ited wa
ter supply; settlers who are in truth,
as well as in declaration of intent,
homescekers and home builders.
These are not only to reside upon and
cultivate the land thus secured, but
are to return to the government in
due prosess of time, by a system of de
ferred payments the entiie cost of cre
ating tho water supply which rendered
the lauds arable. Oregoniun,
Family Poisoned by Strychnine,
About emht o'clock this morning
the startling news was received that W.
S. Bagiiin and several members of his
family, who reside some four miles
south of the city, had been poisoned
and were in a very precarious condi
tion. Dr. liiehiirds'iii was at once
summonsed, who upon his arrival at
the house did all in hi.s jiowrr to savo
the life of the sufferers. When .
reached tho house which was about
8.10 11. m, otia Bagain, who was P.)
years of age, w,ls past assistance aiei
died a few minutes after the doctor'
arrival. He then turned h;s alien,
tion to Mr. P ig i!u .111,1 o;.e oi M
daughters who h id received a slight
tlose of the poUon, and soon had thei 1
in a fair way of recovery, the duuh
ter being cut ir y out oi danger.
From what, could be learned up to
1 he present time, it ii a clear oas. of
deliberate poisoning, 11s tho draclniM
of sulphate of strychnine h.i, ,.r:l
put in the sug,:r bowl for that put om
A corornet 's iuipicsl is now h.-in ;
la id and a thorough investigation 01
the case will be ncide when all th .
pwrticui.iis of the oasu will he given.--
O.'flclal Vote of Oregon,
S.u.ic:, Jui e 23. Secretary of State
V. 1. Dm. barthis ufteruo ui mad pub
lic the official abstract of the vote fo.'
state and Congressional officers at lh
recent election. The total votn w:ls
02,!)20, and tic Itepnblic.in candidal.
were elected by an average phiralit v
of 2.i,0:i''. votes. As the vote for (io.
(ruor is canvassed by the Legislator .
the vi 1 to for that oiien is not slio.vn
The returns h. retofore pujilii le d sboa
Chamberlain's election by 11 j lura'ilv
of 23IJ votes. The highest plurality L
that of Judge Beau, who led by 17.
ll'J. The highest plu-iili'y v. k;iv'
there were four candidate for th
ollice, was that of Dunbar, who I,. I
by 170'!'i. Toe initiative arid referen
dum carried by a vote of 3 to 1, and
by a two-thirils majority of nil the
v'ote oust at t he. olc' l ion.
The total vote for the leading can
didates wis as follows:
Supremo Judxe
II.'hii, rop 40,V;il
lioiiham, dem oi'i'M)
Secretary of State
Dunbar rop 47,t2:l
Sears, dem S),5.'.7
State Treasurer
Moure rep 4fS,JJS
Blackmail dem :!(),.)( ili
Stute Superintendent
Ackermau rep 47,013
Wunu doni ill, MO
Crawford rep 43,42:1
Haley dem :12,31 1
State Printer
Whitney, rep 42,(5 P.)
Godfrey deill 31,010
Congressman 1st District
Toiigue rep 23,583
Weatherford dem 18,213
Congress 2nd District
Williamson rep 23.3U7
Butcher dem 15, CMS