Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, May 22, 1902, Image 3

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It it commonly inherited,
Few are entirely free from it.
Pule, weak, puny chil.lren are
sSiicted with it in nine cases ont of
nr., and many adult miller from it.
Common indications are bundle in
tin- neck, abi'Oi's'i'ps, cutaneous erup-Imc--,
nflained eyelid, gore ears,
ru-irtte. catarrh, was-ting, and general
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Era'? cat it, ifively and absolute-'
h This stateliest is ba?d on tlie
tno: sands of permanent cures these
medicine have wrought.
Mv daughter bad scrofnla wtth eleven sores
en her neck and about her ears. Hood's Saraa !
psTi'.l tru hiBli'O' recommended and she to..k
I! ami was cured. Slie Is now In good hea th."
Hu J. II. Jones, I'arker City. lud.
HootTm Saraaparllla pramtlmaa to
euro and kmoo tho mrotmlmm.
Too Bad.
"Po you know, Miss Frisbie," said
the large headed young anthor, "my
un'ivt brilliant thoughts come to me in
my Fleep."
"It's a great'pity thnt yon are trou
bled with insomnia," added the young
lady. I'etroit Free rre?s.
Hamlin's Wizard Oil knocks the ppots
off your throat when it is sore, and ure
veniji diptheria, quinsy, etc.
(lis Experience.
His friend And you can't get mon
eyed men to consider the matter?
The Promoter So. Money talks,
kut I've found it a mighty poor listen
er. Puck.
frk PrniRiipiitv Cur-a. So fits or nerroun'
llld attiT T.' " -iM-nr tr !ijine'M.rat Nerve j
iMVrrr geni nirFU EES j.OOtnlKrtUf and treat 1
pe. 11K.K.U ivlinc. i.iu..ifci arco3i..i-uuauru'Hira
. The Fun o' tt
Knox We went to Boe the Cadleiphs
last Light and had a most enjoyable i
time. I
Cox The ideal Why they usually:
lull dismally at entertaining people.
Knox Exactly. We enjoyed our- i
elves talking about them on the way!
home. Philadelphia Press. j
Are Too Fine; Allen's Foot-Ease?
It is the only core lor Swollen, Hroartinir,
Burning, Swcttln Feet, Corns and Buiiiuus.
Ai lor Ailrn't l oot-Ease, a powder to be
,r:keii ir.to the shoes. At all irus(,-ists and
Brine ftnre. 2 c. Sample eni FREE. Address
Alien e. Olmsted, l.eKoy. X. Y.
Family Pride.
"Mr. Cutnrox is only suffering from
inordinary cold, I believe," said the
sympathetic visitor.
"Well," answered -ilrs. Cumrox,
"we've done our best to keep it from
keing ordinary. We've Fent for the
suust expensive physician in the city."
Washington Star.
The Modern Play.
"Your friend, the theatrical man
ager, has gone abroad, I beiieve."
"Ye.; he's gone scouring the Con-
tinent for new attractions."
"Ah! The American public will get i
the off-seourings, as usual. Philadel
phia Press.
Muscnlar Sore-neaa.
As the result of over-exertion anil
exposure to heat and cold, or from
whatever cause, may be treated success
fully by the timelv application of St.
Jacobs Oil. A thorough rubbing is '
necessary. The Oil should be applied j
vigorously for at least twenty minutes, 1
two or three times daily, when aTl pain, j
oreness, stiffness will be removed in ;
twenty-iour hours. It will also ;
strengthen and harden the muscles. I
Football players, gymnasts and all ath-
letes will find fft. Jacobs Oil superior to !
any other remedy for outward appiica- j
tion, for the reason that its action is j
more rapid and its effect permanent.
Thousands of people all over the world
se and recommend St. Jacobs Oil for
Di 'scular soreness. A twenty-five cent 1
boi' iu is quite sufficient to prove its
etin acy. In cases where muscular sore
ness is complicated with any disease
tu' h requires an alterative Vogeler's
' Wmvo Compound should be taken,
li.! prepared by the proprietors of St.
Jacobs Oil, Baltimore, Md., who will
end a sample free on application.
Luck? Well-
Brow n-.what a lucky fellow RoL:o- j
on is. i
Jones Lucky! I should say he was. j
by, his fiancee's birthday comes on1
Half- Sick
' I first used Aver Sarsaparilla
m the fall of 1848. Since then I
have taken It every spring as
blood - purify i n g and nerve
strengthening medicine."
S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans.
If you feel run down,
are easUy tired, if your
nerves are weak, and your
blood is thin, then begin
to take the good old stand
ard family medicine,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
It's a regular nerve
lifter, a perfect blood
builder.. .HaHlle. Allfrlt-
Ask your doctor what he thinks of AVer's
BanapBriii He knows all about this rrand
family medicine follow his advlcaana
will be satisfied
i. V. Aram Oo lawaU. Mas.
Wouian Won Heavily ami Sold the
ecret of Her r-yatem-lt Coat 70,000
Franca, and Waa Conaidered Ckeap
t the Price.
Ixrd Rosslyn's recent vain attempt
to "break the batik at Monte Carlo" has
brought out a number of old stories re
garding similar attempts in the past.
Perhaps the best of the lot was told
by au official at Moute Carlo to a Lou
don writer. This official declares that
never but ouce did a "system play"
give the bank any uneasiness.
"You remember." said he, "what is
generally known as the suicides' table
the seooud on the right on eutering the
roulette-room? It was at that table a
few years ago that 1 saw oue afternoon
au old lady who. like uiauy others here,
makes her living by obtaining good
places at the table on the opening of
play and selling them to eager players
an"hour or so laier. This old lady, whom
you must know as Mme. X- , was
well known to me and I was surprised
to notice that she had a young Italian
with her. They were playing occasion
ally with five-franc pieces and win
ning. But so small were the stakes
that I took very little notice save to
congratulate madam when she rose to
go home to dinner. Then the old woman
turned to me with an air of surprising
defiance and asked: 'slow much will
ni'sieur give me for the secret of an In
fallible system at roulette?" 'Nothing,'
I responded, laughing; 'we are not buy
ing secrets to-day.' To this she respond
ed: "Ah. but m'sieur will be glad to pur
chase it some day. Bon solrl And she
was gone.
"For several days I did not see her
and the matter passed completely from
my mind. One afternoon a week later,
however, I saw her at the same table
in company with three men. The 'chef
de partie' whispered to me that they
were winning heuvily and I told the
surveillauts to watch and report. An
hour later one of the men came to me
and stated that madnm and her party
had won "0,000 francs, and that,
strangest of all, they only played for
the maximum and scarcely ever lost.
"That evening I myself looked on at
their play several times and certainly
they seemed to win each time they
staked. The curious point, however,
was that In twenty coups or so they
would never play more than twice, first
one of the partners and then the others,
but on each occasion they won the
maximum. Indeed, the system certainly
seemed to bear out the prophecy of
madam, and was actually Infallible.
"A week passed and their winnings
amounted to a very respectable sum,
all of which had been safely lodged In
the Credit Lyonnais and transmitted
to a bank In Milan. The matter was
now growing serious, for three times
they had broken the bank at the table
where they played, aud at length I tele
graphed to M. Blanc lu Paris. lie asked
for further reports, and these being
still unsatisfactory he came to Monte
Carlo to see for himself. What he saw
greatly disconcerted him. The gang
was winning most assuredly, bul by
what system we were uutterly unable
to discover. Well, to cut a long story
short, M. Blanc had an Interview with
Madame and, after lotig haggling, be
purchased the secret for 70.000 francs
and It was cheap at the price.
"The money being paid after piny
had ended aud the rooms closed. Mad
ame led us to the table and astounded
us by her statement. She told us that
aft'-r some years at the table she knew
quite well that no system was infallible
until of a sudden, when registering the
numbers, she noticed that certain of
them always followed each other.
Thus, if th- I'lnpicr spun with the num
ber 9 oppos'ke li'm -S was certain to be
the next, nud if zero was in the same
position oi' would surely follow. For
days she watch' d 'his. then played and
won. ht. i::i !:l.v Kt together her lit
tle symli'-;'.'e nf It.tKnns and upon her
observations 'i 'y profited nearly 300.
000 francs.
"And why w:is it that these numbers
turned u; iii eiiiieui-e Well. It was
quite simple when Madame told us.
The roule't" w'i i ! bid become warped
by the h'-.it ii;.'l '.'n not quite round.
Hem e if n;n: l f. :n a cert n In point It
Invariably sin-1. ;
point, therefore :
tared to rifl; a
only sjt-i:i vh!.-'
fallible," added the
I need hardly ' '
have been careful
every day."
i h certain other
n' nyers never hesi
i.iimi. 'Phut Is the
i.as ever been ln-'i::-V.
y o!!ir Ial."and
.v. :i i hut since we
:o 'est the wheels
Experience of u ew Yorker In tha
Luatancie - ut Herlin.
One summer day in 1SIK) a New
Torker visitlug Berlin strolled to the
Lustgarten, and, sitting on one of the
benches, contemplated the various fine
buildings around him. He did not know
his bearings well, and. in halting Ger
man, asked some questions of a young
man who had sat down beside him.
This young man was unquestionably
a German, but he replied la perfect
English, remarking that he presumed
his Interlocutor was either an English
man or an American. The couple chat
ted for half an hour, and the American
became more and more astonished at
the minuteness of the other's knowl
edge of the archaeology of Berlin. He
knew the history of every building in
sight, told the American Just those
things that the guidebooks do not tell,
and, withal, was so courteous and un
affectedly cordial that the heart of the
tourist warmed to his unknown guide.
At length the conversation drifted
from the past to the present, and the
I New Torker made a remark about the
cpinion held in America of the Kaiser.
' In those days the young -war lord"
was regarded as a dangerous firebrand,
as an Irresponsible monarch who tuiglit
and day plunge Kurt pe into conflict. It
was even said that he had shown evi
dence of insanity.
When this subject aruse the young
German suddenly changed from a giv
er of Information to a seeker for It.
asking eagerly for details of the reports
about the Kaiser current lu America.
These the New Yorker furnished to the
best of bis ability, and ended by asking:
"What do you personally thiuk of
"I am afraid." replied the young man.
"that my opinion on that subject is not
of much value. I am the Kaiser my
self." The American sprang to his feet with
amazement. The Emperor cut his apol
ogies short
"My friend." he said, "you have doue
me a service. It Is hard for me to learn
I the truth about what Is said of me. Just
as hard as It is for people far away to
learn the truth about me. But. with
God's help. I will show that what is
said about me Is wrong."
"And no oue," says the American lu
telling the story nowadays, "need say
anything about the Kaiser to me. I
know a man when 1 see oue."
It has taken the world many years to
And out how wrong was its estimate of
the ruler of the German nation, but It
has found it out by now; at any rate,
those whose opinion is worth anythiug
have done so.
Twelve years ago people talked of
"he mad emperor."
Nowadays he Is referred to as "the
cleverest man In Europe."
The latter view, according to those
who know him best. Is far from being
as exaggeration. New York Times.
Like General Oonje, He Carries No
Weapon in the Field.
John Hendrick Ielarey first saw the
light In the district of I.ichteuburg
tlfty-four years nco. HI father was
born In the Orange Free State, and was
of Hugenot origin. He took part with
Pretorius in drivlm; the English out of
Bloemfontain In IMS. and had his farm
and property confiscated after Sir Har
ry Smith had reversed the situation by
forcing the old Boer warrior back again
across the Vaal. The Pelureys sought
a new home In the west of the Trans
vaal, where Jacob Hendrick speut his
early life. The geueral is a man over
the medium height, sinewy lu build,
and remarkable for his quiet, dignified
manner. He has deep-set, dark eyes,
a prominent Roman nose, and a large,
dark-brown beard, giving to bis face a
strong, handsome, and patriclnu ex
pression. He was born of a fighting family, and
has had the experience aud training of
campaigns in conflict with hostile
Kaffir tribes. His first command was
in the war which the English incited
the Basutos to wage against the Free
State In the early '00s. when he was
quite young. These experiences quali
fied him for a prominent military posi
tion when the present war broke out,
and he was unanimously elected to the
command of the Lichtenburg burghers
who became part of Cronje's western
He represented bis native district in
the Volksraad for ten years, and was a
consistent supporter of the Joubert. as
against the Kruger. following in that
assembly. He favored a large frau
.chine concession to the L'illaiiders as a
means of averting u conflict with Eng
land, but soon saw that a demand for
political reforms was only a pretext
for precipitating a conflict He was
one of the W06t ardent advocates of au
attacking as asraiust a defensive mili
tary policy when England forced a re
sort to hostilities upon the republic.
Like General Crouje, he carries no
weapons in the field. His field-glass,
wooden pipe. aud. last but not least, his
Bible, are his Inseparable companions.
He is a universal favorite with the
burghers of both republics, and In
spires great confidence in his men by
his almost unerring military Judgment,
splendid generalship, heroic courage,
an indomitable tenacity of purpose, and
an' all-round resourcefulness In all
He la remarkably self-contained lu
his actions, never getting excited, even
in the thickest of the fight, but always
remaining cool, cautious, and alert.
Michael Iavitt In "The Boer Fight for
sit alehouse at Capitol.
Every State in the Union should erect
a stately building at Washington, sug
gests W. A. Huugerford, in the Wash
ington Times. Aside from these build
ings adding beauty and grandeur to the
Capital City, and reflecting credit upon
the States, there are many other ad
vantages. These buildings could be
the business headquarters of the State
Senators and Representatives in Con
gress. Much of the State's business with the
National Government might be trans
acted through this channel. Visitors
to the city from the States could make
their State building their headquarters
or a meeting place, have their mall ad
dressed there, etc.
The States could also maintain there
in a permanent exhibit of their prin
cipal agricultural and manufacturing
resources for the edification of the
thousands and thousands who daily
throng the city, not only from all parts
of the United States, but of the world.
The Karljr One.
Clara Yes; my fiance is a bookworm.
May He must think you are a bird.
What has become of the old-fashioned
woman who gave her children potatoes
to make animals with, uslm toothnlcWa
to make the legal
reeling (or the Note
fbe The violinist seems a little un
Ceitain on the high note, doesn't lie?
He Yc. He plays with a great
deal of leeling.-
Kit Reward.
Von Plnmcr We 1, they have elected
"lie president of the club.
Mrs. Von Pdumer I snptwe thev
give the presidency to the man wh
stavs away from home the most. Ie
Uoit Free Press.
A Definition.
Iirst Poarder What is the exact
meaning of "viands?"
iM'coim reamer un: lnings you
pet to eat when you don't board.
The Truth.
Mr. Skinflint Bobby, did you ask
your mother if you could take dinner
with me?
irthlue Yes in, but she seemed t
think I'd better stay home and get a
good square meal.
Not What Hi Required.
"You ought to try this," said
druggist, as he held up a bottle.
the best thing out lor dvspeptda."
"If that's the case I'll keep it out,"
replied the victim. "I've got all the
dyspepsia I want right now." Chicago
Dailv News.
One Opinion.
"Whataaonr individual?! What's
he growling about, anyway?"
"Oh! He complains that he hasn't
got what he deserved in this world."
"I should think he'd have cause to
rejoice on that aceouut." Philadelphia
Polite to Them.
"1 understand that potatoes are very
high in price," said Gummey.
"I should say they are," replied
Glanders. "My boarding house keeper
never calls them anything else but
poinmes de terre now."
Uncle Sam's Good F.nough.
"It is claimed that a certain gang of
wunterfeiters make better dollars than
Uncle Ham does."
"That's a case where I believe in
letting well enougli alone." Cleveland
Plain Pealer.
Humorously Handicapped.'
Bibbs It is very amusing to watch
Sellers play golf.
Bibbs He has an impediment in his
speech. The Smart Set.
The Reason Why.
Jack It's no use; your father won't
listen to me, and yet you assured uie
that he wanted to get you off his hands.
Helen Perhaps that's why he won't
listen to you.
Uionut believe l'i: Cure, for Con
sumption has an equal fur cmiehs and
folds. Joim K. HuYita, Triniiy Hpriiit-a.
Ind., Feu. 13. 1U00.
Sure ta Come Down.
Tom Yes, we had quarrelled, but 1
was determined to see her.
Dick How did you manage it?
Tom When I called I told the maid
to Bay it was a society reporter who
wanted to see her. Philadelphia Press.
For Infants and Children.
Tbi Kind You Have Alw.ys Bought
Bears the
Signature of
An Absurdity.
"Suppose," said th friend who had
been reading "Enoch Ardeu," "that
you went away out on a sea voyage and
came back to find that your wife had
married another man?"
"That's an absurd proposition,"
answered Mr.- Meekton. "Henrietta
would never be so careless with me as
to let me go away on a sea voyage"
Sores and Ulcers never become chronic
unless the blood is in poor condition is
sluggish, weak and unable to throw off
the poisons tliat accumulate in it. The
system must be relieved ef the unhealthy
matter through the 6ore, and treat danger
to life would follow should it heal before
the blood has been made pure and healthy
and all impurities eliminated from the bvs
tem. S.S.S. beginsthecurebyfirstcleans
ing and inviVoratinif the blood, buildini
up the general health and removing from
an morbid A OOKSTJUtT KUUK
effetematter: UPOH THE SYSTEM,
When this has been accomplished the du
fharrrr. rralnat1tf -... e r, A n.
ulcer heals. It is the tendency f these old
wuoicni sores v grow worse aoa worse,
and eventually to debtrov the bones. Local
applications, while soothing and to some
cxurai aiieviatc pain, cannot reacn the seat
of the trouble. S. S. 8. does, and no tnattci
how apparently hopeless your condition,
even though your constitution has broken
dowa, it will brinjf relief when -nothing
else can. It supplies the rich, pure blood
necessary to heal the sore aud nourish
the debilitated, diseased body.
Mr. J B. Talbert, Lock Box us. Winona, Mi.,
aays : " 6:x years epo my Ice from the kn- to
the foat wii one solid aorc. Several physician
treated me ana I made two trips to Hot Springs,
bat found no relief. I was induced to try 6. & 8
and it made acossptrte cure. I have been a per
fectly well sua ever since."
1 the only purely veg.
etable blootl puri&ei
known contains no
poisonous minerals to
ruin tha direatinn nnrl
add to, rather than relieve your suffer
ings. If your flesh does not heal readily
when scratched, bruisedor cut, your blood
lain bad condition, and any ordinary sore
is apt to become chronic.
Send for our free book and write out
physicians about your case. We make no
charge for this service.
VJhzi 3
A dull, throhbitif pain, accompanied
by a souse of tcudertu ss and heat low
down iu the Ride, with nu oceasiorril
thocting1 pain indicates infl. mnriti.in.
On cx.'iiuui.it .on it will be found that
the region of jwiin shows some swell
ing. This is Ihe tirs.t kta:ti of ovaritis,
Intbtmmation of the ovary. If the roof
of your house leaks, my sister, vou have
It fixed at once ; w hy not pay the saiuv
respect to your on u body ?
You need not. you ourht not to let
yourself go, when one of your owu sex i
Mm. A a a Aa-roit.
holds out the helping hand to you, and
will advise you without money and
without price, Mrs. Piukhnms labora
tory is at Lynn. Mass. Write a letter
there telling all your symptoms and
get the benefit of the greatest experi
ence in treating female ills.
" I was suffering to such an extent
from ovarian trouble that my physi
cian thought un operation would b
"Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound having been recommended to
me, I decided to try it. After usinir
several bottles I found that I was
sured. Xly entire system was toned
up, and I suffered no more with my
ovaries. " Mua. Auna Aston, Troy . Mo.
Perfidious Man.
just dying of
a broken '
"What is the matter?"
"A man. As usual! After refusing
him 17 times he stopped proposing."
The King.
"Lifjiie! Lizziel That
vase was
2,000 years old."
Oh! And just think! I ennio near
crying liecaueo I broke it. I thought it
was new."
Giving Him the Turn-Down.
He Now, don't bother to help me
on with my coat.
She It's no oother. It's a pleasure.
Town Topics.
Of Course Not.
Politician No: I never read what
the newspapers say aliout me.
Helen Phizes I suppose vou wouldn't
believe it even if you did.
Precedent Established.
"What makes you think she will
marry you?"
She has married other men"
"Come on," said Wearv Wairules. as
he gave his sleeping comrade u kick.
"Naw," replied Willie Wontwalk,
I can't goenny furder; I'm too tired."
"Wot made youse tired?"
"1 dreampt I wuz wurkin." replied
Willie. Ohio State Journal.
In a Very Bad Way.
I have been kept in the. house for
three days," eaid Feltt, "with a felon!
on one of my fingres." I
"I know a man with 1.400 felons on
his hands, and they do not bother him
much," said Hatt.
Fourteen hundred felons on his
hands? Who is he?
"The warden at tha state prison."
The Usual Procedure.
"What i the usual procedure
marrying an heiress?"
Tell tho lady how much vou lov
her and tell her father how much you
St. Helen's School for Girls.
Tliiriv-lhlnl year. CominiKlliiiislmlld.
IniM. MrMlern equipment. Acaileiuio
and colleio! iruraiory i-ourws.
elal eouraes in uiiimi; ami art. Ulna,
tratod cmaloaue. All department will
reopen H,iinlr 16.
'ft - ITf I. I-Mll ImIiMH
rMMcW 187 o
A Hmmm Moh Soya
Military and Manual Training
wrrnm lor uiuatratmd Oatalomua
Kn bbing them to pieces ; use my Wash-1
ing Tablets. No rubbinu re.oiiird. Mmwt
60 cenU for sample package and full di
rections. W. O. POWELL,
Box 606, Portland, Oregon.
Cure Your Horses
r nuaai A n HtAVt POWDERS.
at bcAimn, 6c; by U4ii, eoo.
tl'UKU Till it I Y'-imiK iifiiiufv.
Pdi'SSliM Rfmedv Co., 8t. Paul, Minn.
OKNTLHMKN: I have been lialnir Ho. PntMaiiu ni. nnw.
dbbs the past elirht month, and in that time huvecurcd 1 1 horses I
oi neavea, 1 of distemper and 9 of chronic conxh. Your Prusniun I
e tcumcu a great reputation In
. T l'r ",
suwsn SKKU BTOBE, Coaat A (ants
UKrS A.I liSi I AU &.
I'U filruit. Ta.t ttMl. Cei
in tit". ;. .1 r"- fi" '-n'.t.
i aMiidiiiffi i
An Glnervinn Boy.
I ilt!t !oy hen I'm grown tip Ira
goiu to bo a pcrlirviiiati, an' you can !
my nurse.
I.ittloliirl Policeman don't hav
l.ittlo Hoy Don't they? I guest
you've never walked up the avenue.
j Horrid.
llarriet Sadie's husband never gett
excited, never HchN luuk, and sh
simply cannot make him cross,
j Kstello Yes. The horrid thing.
He ii simply exasperating. Brooklyn
Mrs. Newly wed The night you prr-
poMd you acted like a fish out of water.
! Mr. Newly wisl I whs and very
cleverly landed, tx! Pink.
Very Appropriate
I "What did he get :U1l) back pension
"Oh, he was shot in the back." The
Smart Set.
In New York.
"Is he rich?"
"Mercy, no! don't suppose the
poor man could scrape up mora than
two or three million to suvo his lifw."
Chicago Kocord-llerald.
No Excursion.
'I see by the paper that Jones, who
died yesterday, left two sons and throa
"Well, you didn't expect him to take
the whole fumily with him, did you?"
The Farmer's Interest In It.
Parmer Waybnck Those pesky boya
tied a tin pail to thnt dot's tail ami
then ran him 11 miles. I'll sneeinl
Mr. C'itynian Was it your dog?
Parmer Waybnck No: it was aaf
pail. Somerville (Mass.) Journal.
Puzzled Him.
First Tramp (in the road) Why
don't you go in? The dog's all right.
Pon't you see him nak'giu' his tail?
Second Tramp Yes, and he's growl
in' at the same time. I duiitio which
end to believe. Tit-Hits.
- Genuine
little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
Aea FaoSimlla Wrapper Below.
Tsar saaall aad as easnr
te take as saga
aj I oaswivmas auatasytsBiumi.i. J
.tf&Hfclrurery TegetaMatvil
New Year Resolution
VulK Kc&SQy Cure
Bure reliuf from liquor, opium ami tobacco
Dahlia, rieuil Ut puali-iiUm to
Keeley Institute
M. P. N. U.
No. 16-lBo.
IV T II UN wrllli.
II snentiom tl
m to advertisers nlsa.a
tula paper.
o'.'.l.r.nVr ',!!:,
this section.
i- v v.
Portland, Or., and Seattle, Wash.
1 a.i i a ,
) jfiitefeVl BUDDIES.
f diva bettor satlanv-lton ihananyihlng on C
I C tlienutrkaiatanytiiliiK lik tha irl. be- C
( raiiae lhe are uw.il" ,,f good material t
, J mana "Ori-Koii roadi" Iron corner on V
I lio llaa, brnirn on aliana, lnavy a.-mil-
,i d row ih wIim-Is, aorewMl rini. If yon want 1
l to ra-l aure tliat yon arafi-ltlOK your mou- C
f ey'a worth, unit lor a "lieu Line" or a 1
C "Mlti-hail" (llenuey) liuggy. We auaraa- I
J tee theiu. 3
I Mltohall, Lmwla Stmvmr Cm. C
e Beattle, Bpoliaiia, liulM. I'urtlanU, Or. ?