Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, May 08, 1902, Image 8

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Here We Come For
UtoEereAud There
Bv The Chieftain.
i ::.: t? lriut at 7 Trr rerr irter
C. T. M. DiX-.i-
Gc: tbc 'Best Shoes on Eai-rh"
for rbc rnoney, and then get
a free pair for a Cbrist
rnas present.
Euc-kv- Ones.
Read this letter from the Manufacturers; It
explains itself
To 7rz Chieftain Readers:
VTe hare just concluded arras jessests with VT. J.
Funk & Sous of Enterprise, Ore. . whereby they contract
with us for certain goods we are t: manufacture for then
exclusively, which includes Boots 6z Shoes, which tier
are to have er:'us:ve sale of in Enterprise a hiu srrade
a'. I solid line of goods thr
stock on which we give tie:
guarantee on every pair as
to workmanship and materia'.. Hence on every pair of
hoes you buy from them, you have a guarantee from one
of the largest manufacturers in the world of our class of
jpods. i. e. Custom made Boots Sz Shoes, we Standing
sporstr to you should TV. J. F'-nk fc Sons fail to live up
j their agreement with you. lo rcr of this kind has
ever i-een made by any other large manufa:turer before,
and the name of 'G:esecke' is in itself a guarantee, and
fr:m past experience have no hesitancy in ns.kingthis offer.
If you want a shoddy shoe for a price, do u -t buv our
mike of shoes, but if you want shoes that will fit well, and
ST:e a z'r-i account of itself in service
Ch:ao Go-d
Sh-i. then buy our shoe from VT. J. Funk i Sons. If
you want a medium shoe, ask them for our Shamrock" r.t
Z2.75 . ff you want a work shoe, a-k them for our 41 at
$225-. and if you want a dress shoe, ask for our -King
Kind at ?3.25 to $3.75.
As a further inducement, when you buy a pair of sho-s
from these parties, ask them to let you register Tour name
opposite a number in their register book, and on December
24. 1902. take your number back to their store, and ascer
tain if you have won a premium, for on that day, we will
telegraph then certain renters we have selected, and
anyone holding any of said numbers will be entitled to
another pair or his money ba;k f :r the pair he bought.
Messrs. TV. J. Funk & Sons will carrv a "uera: lirr
o our goods and yon can procure a shoe or boot from
$2.25 to $f,)0. Give them a trial and take this letter
is a letter of introduction.
Yours very truly,
Giesecke-D'Oench-Hays Ssos Co.
St. Loci Missouri.
WV J, Funk
Enterprise, Oregon.
7'T wf"
- - 3 - - r .
3f-s Purke: tiers l.-; :-" k:
rr u w.
T rn ce ?i:rd traruvi j
r r Tr:..r.frv :rtr.
r5i Ar xi-ifi-iC'Zj - r cr
i.cl : Aider M:aiiy.
Millinery Opening, March 23
j .xrrxittt.e. tit ururrrrst. au-
uj M"-y;. cr Lirrir.-e. rr :u t'.i
a.eru aid Chas. McSeyaold
..t creei ?;ur-i.y auc
uaiy ii ti J city.
Lei IeV..re cate :i S-tur-7
r.-.u. her Wii-ky crtek ca.'.
ii recur a ei :-iv.
You are wondering' what
sort of a hat to order for
Spring. We have a fine va
riety and a large stock of
pattern hats and will also
trim one just to suit you.
We'll tell you what they
are wearing at the fashion
centres and tell you how
cheaply we can furnish yoa
a hat that will be becoming
and fashionable.
-dy rrutt P.-.-.'-i.3i '
"ti-'i --"J" . - - -1 ITitiCj I:u
Men's Furnishings
:r c: lie:
-ir.i:.i cr--r;a. ei; t L.;ite j
---" - services. He a7 j
coirj;i.-ii :!.--.
Erirv Hs ca-.e u: rr . n: ?iikf.
-J v.-
e . : - -
gj.'. j.. .ij :-rL : ti v,r.
Mr. Jt-ii Zircie: sunoi Weviiss-
cy i.,: Kj: L-ke rer Uiiss ;r :ry
:i t: ue of :;.s ;er iiere iir aj
very t;;.i or ri 12:1. Kir j
w t.rKk Ler u L.r j E'.ii.
iie on hj hjj the iiCcr-a; or'i
liryjuisgirj : hur:. should ulij
.wii-ri. ot fit gr.t ii:;rvprie-.y o.'
:iiitu7.j: :l church, v; r ich there I
hi he-i c;.i:de.-h;t o..ii: ".iiit
Have you ever put on a
suit that felt as if it was
made to your especial order?
Isn't the satisfaction some
thing unique in this day of
cheap everything? Let us
be survevors to vou of vour
suits, shirts, collars and
small but necessary articles
of men's wear and you will
be surprised how much bet
ter your clothes will seen to
fit you. Its like everything
else; its the "know how."
Mir-.lu Kit-he and E.22ier Bir.&n '
'jz rfi:urdiy rere:?d ir.ther insr-.il-'
2irit A iZ.'jfy oa the Ir&iihj. eoj j: i
tau.es hlch they e:d !: L.11. Cth- '
r T.r;.pe-:;es in :h: cau:p -ut L,;:y :
beeu a-j'.i. i
Euuiull S-rtw;i returned wi;h hi
teu living ..r tome tiae t:. K- '
livj 5uur.;.tr : tuiher dull aw. Ke.
l'.vry 6.ahi.
The Eiterpris Public Lihrury is
.)' z Vj receive au ad-ditioa of c.:t
c.'.orr.. c-vais;:ag of the latest wc-fce
jf Slcti.u. h i; .rv l.i.'.:--i-,r v ..
;rr taut vu-j re.
J'.; :i Melotte and f-.i returned
a 'diy frc-ta she In.rhi. here
they have beer j.attir.g in ?iga and
irrisn-ir; :he:r hay. Thv h-.e r-r.-..
ed cae Flake place sud will tuk p...
ewsioa :n a n.outb cr so.
Eld-i.-. Mar. ia preached a srrar.d
seraaon to a Urge audier.ee a: sh j
Method:-! church last jfuacAy. I:'
aa the occisicn of t;urte-lv -r'e
He a'.-K, pre-ched at Wtine in t:.
ahera-xa aad at Wallow in she ev,a-
D. D. Wrrock; who has beea r.r, a (
pr.jtr-cte-1 visit to Yaaia Bay a:.d '
other art of Western Oregon, return--''
ed oa .-aturday. He did not tnd arsy '
place ti at hecoaaidered the conditio ,
would jt:ti' a change of rict&c :
frm Wajlowa countr.
C. T. McD:inie!, the energetic rai '
estate agnt, of the firni of McDonald
McLanie;, was doiog bjiasi ia :
the city Monday. He eayi where he '
rs reen, tae ia.k it trukt the
Bpuhiican ticket wi!i be elec
Stock of Shoes
Made by the Well known
rn of Friedman Bros, for
Ladies, gents, youths, miss
es and children. These sho
es are flexible, which insur
es comfort; they are of su
perior leather which insures
wear; they are over newest
lasts, which insures fashion,
and they are from a factory
where care in making insur
es economy. My prices are
as heretofore such as will
as mney f ,r vou.
Paint for yonr house
Expert paint makers have
?iyen the Heath & Milligan
paints the best qualities they
they could have. Thev are
the kind of paints that "stick
and wear well.
they are all good taen thev dwm
John Blow and Iaaae Root can-. cc
.-raiuruuy irom tne Irr.naha copper!
mine, where they havt into..-. !
Thy are we!! satisfied irith the ap
pearance of th;r g and tlieve ther
will at no dtatact stay be a great camp
there. They broiieht out ome ft n
lovkiag ppec;tneM.
John B. 8hafer. the eboA fa
Scotchman creek, who raised tome of j
the premium gram, fruit and veg
etable of the iita'.R and District fairs
lart year, wru doin? business in town I
r .7 . - . r
aioDuay. xxt ay Parley win te hi
principal crop thi year. The high
prvcea ol meat is an incentive to hog
raising, aodi consider btrlev tl.i.
Garden & Flower Seeds
No need of sending away
for seeds. We have any and
all kinds and tbey will 'grovr
cbeapcta and bW (md.