Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, May 08, 1902, Image 4

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County Onicial Paper
... :ie t:
- V.-
.Vi: o srrp ..Miriu( Apr.-...
. r V T r . nr.
V .It i r . U1
1 Lit- rep-rc fro- -Jie Sckle S3r ri. ' No 3312.
T " coinrrr. i ' rrftirT rT tbp aivti'Tt; v
:T C1 12 rf:i A.,,t, ,ei. . aer WALLOWA NATIONAL EaNsL. Wani the Pacife Coast b("" UaiM
--as were wrc-j--;. !c it S;i.ii c :-e-' , ' IfrJB mtk)Vr.i I
jw- 777. .77 Eterrt. i tke Suv ? Orr,.,. reached fwnaoa proportions in ; -, h -;c
IW-ill , 7 7 at Ue rie ar kBiiw April 30. 13C2. , th last few years, and cUs for a or fUii Uad? or . tcj J
". 7" G-rrer-.ir 7. T. (Wrs -1- wCI eoi hatha a.:,-, j! cias cf equipment. To kind of land buaDes, 5,
"'"VJ" "- ire-.h er:ia 4 A j ecrf aad c , : ?;f Pullman address.
h.v ..... .b&u! ,: the Rer-uKlrans. j - SSSTSSU., " " -ha: i; technically calls the -Pali- Vlfrccr2"'
...cf. 5 j m fcaeae. I. .- - 7 - - :-.-rz:.ui.:it a.- " -. -Ir!: bnut on the sase :
TT- tt. f:- .r-c t-ctJ j - -.. r.L. faua, c fir iiirj-ejj: ':.". . ".- - K- - - -r- ;Ved wi;h the
--7?-' r------- - :i i2 : ' ri"Jr4t" " l e:r. 'ThVare equipped ) W Shfiahan
A rr:: :f VrT Y-i phi.!! Aiir: i5 - "V Rfc"Tt lill. TuiVw-c5. towvls. coob.
riAiz a iccr ci.-T ieacii :- : rr ruihe. etc.. rutrlr.? nothing of ' l2rngf M1 CfinncoW -
n t,-" - x ' - :rrr U-ti-r-rftr-i f:ri I" -'-'-- V. wrS-
t.T!-: :':r :i.
ife?c5ca Ticket.
iri ri tr:- if :;r iiri-;;
' ; ic: is C-ii Jzlj 3.
. si.
rrctiv- -J.: f.tted with an ad- IjartaeU.
u'r '.r. A 'jr.inrrLea por-,
S.ei. T.'i;.'.-: rrii: tnfzs
! 1 -
a:.;-z: I
';. ...:. :er a-rc-ompizies each car. h: tusi-!
?,' .i Er tr. car clear.. ar:d lc.-k a::eri
. the m: and cc rzfcrts of the ps$
i-?es. i.r.1 it
c -
.. i Tiit i:
. - . i t .
- t at thl? t: -
. ..Civ?t. -r r:
Ar.-riT Ge-TTil
A. !. Cnx-I-ri
; H. A:"-l ir v
rhit :t t" t- -i r-i i i?:-J-T:t"il A
- '.Tirv. i-1 ;vea cci-s. ;: wa:::
Ji H. T:t H
J-:r.: I'-p n.:;i 4 WV'.owi
F. D. M.'CuIlv
ell kaon Pioneer Deai
tie Lzr.ari s:a-h:p Cc-jar.
j has de-rli-si t: h.ili :r:. --r
; ?txh:r f:r the Atlir-ti: passe:
' "-Tine trit ec.;:-e ar re-s-i . . "
. . r , - . ... ," ' -ra cC'-jr-trr vr ve-i-s a
!."" r ' " - T.e" e: '.i wa frs; dL-? vt7
sT-n rf Oxt:-:y.
--JL"cT'i;'jii: iir:.arcir at Grirr-rr.
CKAS. A. AlilT
ana cc nttcrts &! tie ps?s- OTI.. ,TlT . x.
Ir. each of the trair.s iPIHslLlAN AXD SD
, w-;i a. t:?pa:cned di!;y :r--.ra .i.irpnse
Pc-rtlar. i t-v the 0. R. & N. Co. "
' -I'- "".. xv. . . Promr.lly ansera
( -'--r v..rf.-; Tv p rar fit- riVn i, , t,nI-
........... .... .... ... . c,..r,,vC uuruutt tMtoI
- ta ie-i to tr;e -Xr-arcv-Portland Cirvh. OrSce on iain
r-.-rv..a. i.'.:.' i v. v.:.iC.i. (iocc v tit ol Banc
-;th:-u: charge, and the cne in the :
; - "Atlantic Express' runs to Kansas , "
v- - Lttv wttfttt c.a:.:. ras-er.r-r . J. A. BrtixiGH. w.g jj
::r cr.ar.re 5
EiEzi Crrr. Or.. A:..-H 30 rck .'
iz:r.. ol :ie er pit-etrs :
e-e:.irr Vir.;- cnt c-.:
Gir vr. KTirr - Inrox-r. near e--Uj.1 to
ui... 5. ll. , i ,
Mu.h c-f the rlrst class travd is !
.atrs l:w-r. an i the service; Practice in all CoartcotOt
i m tie pance
- -6
:e: -eir'. v
:c;:er::er:i c: Cifo
ia. Nevada. Orere-. a-d Iliac. E NsC-e a :.ere:r era i; is ec-
Strli Real Estate and nuk-
-vr - , .v-" ' ' . ra-: ,a.ri ;uI! '-rJ2:ition.; tions on Commisdci"
i-j.... a.i . i.t ... i?. :t-.iers. write to r-.
W.UW1. iU4E
PS- OrEce in Court Ho;
Ur.:vrf state Lari C-i-.-e.
La t.Traris. f.re.. ili.. 7.
rr--rt:.;r ' .-?. ;:c7 p.i-M si az a.t cf .-.t
A. L. Craic.
M. Art.0.R. i Co. Portlani. j ENTERPRISE,-
-- L'r--n.
Peters are
-i-'tticinr that i lr' i ---v:- I- the ear!? dvs Le ::.e"sa.'
h ani-ilre.il.i of the 0-e- !cr:v? irky the t;e the s?'Jrx.S?7iUtzi WjS;--
t-ersois c-t'i.::
; territtrv pri?r to Fehrttirr V
I Ah V ::..e oid
1 T- '
f ri- Lt;.t. court:es
A. C. SMira j g E
Smith A- TTrJmJ
r,-.-.. t . v - n r c -vu-i
A.. v .;:i ,.7':-Ji... 1 ATfDDwrvc iJ
"I. sf V-lf .lXCii . "- Valler Charter. No .V.,''" Ml M
oay ai :r.:s orS.-e sta-.e- v ar" tasra .-tar. hoUs ;te I liKf JK1S,0PI
0. e. s.
f. TT 7-.-.V :.- :i" "
j zw ve. are e-hirlr-le to i.-:
trert N;. -t fj
i.e a.
--jr c .s;r::t:r.ieatiMns on the Fi
J C. shackle
Vr - -' ". .?-4 -"-1- a. c-5 r--- t r,e i ;.:rd satur-av ot -ach Ricr.i h . t t ivr nrnrr m-n-
ar.d ;1 -jf-r j,rie x sr.; :l.a: -.r e 17; rr 0-'.-'-.-" V'' ' v(--T ' Z ' In a!! " department tn
st-.t k :re ra a: - - . ,. . 8 in this nr T j r. .. i
J;hn M'.I--r.A-d Jr Wa;a
Cha. W. Meek
K.nlltir. Var.;e
catie to Or-rt'i :n l"--.. will i
City Election
. :. a-i-ii. city e.eetiii ir. Er-- Tori ;-.. i7" :"..1TL.1- ".'C "' 1 ; :a:Tt are c.-ruia! invit-d t
r: t. . i"8 i-ana fiat tori
ti -n. All Filincs and Cnnr
iahy recorded and attend::
- - IV w. e:t. t
a ivre :-e :1 1 tine tal
.- --o-..- ..Z-AlrA -7-5';7: Akv Z. F.vthe :Ia-;.v and attend:
.Sin aetnge.ee:. LaGhV-i oiatw't-r ?-a E. Eat-i Worti:v Matmn ' WW.
2rrfMy.:-v;. ' secretar-. ' Office upstairs in the fc.
D. . sieahi- He ta. ;-.r-e-e. : . . Buildir.e.
f . . j
tenvocrati: Tkmet,
i;- re;
Car F; i- H. IiV::u Cres: 1?;- j js;:n
E. W. s-.ee'. K all sf Jf?. Ore-:, ar.i Jo'ir.
--r:r..3jf of Eater; r.r. Cri.!i.
Wixidnien of the World.
. s.-z'rz arte:
11 .ri r-
t'-Cr it La Granle.
:he ra-ait laid, zt
. W p A-.rar.-3f o; i.ater;r.re. fsrzz-A. . , J- OM- nee:
Cvttrcllai'L v-i . Art mi fc ;-ots c';.- " 1 '' 'ii'i -Mc-ri-
"J r ?.. . .. ' :c r.'.r JlllT ry r-- fch jn.-.nth. Transient
. , .. .-st.tX'rs crraitti.v tinted.
C.:y attorn er
C. A. ArLT,-Cierk.
a t .at :: ,
Register. Register.
E. Chan.-.
of ITr.t r.
LTjTilT OF Ta7!
r w. f,i-,.
ra i com1 near eirttrh to nakea
I. Go :a ; . -JT- " --4
' j. A. Fmsce. Piaistif
i v ,.L.J",iai- 'Jre.j;;, Feb. 13. 190i.
tt. :e is j.ertor ven that in con; pi i-
fc-'- Wtt-1 .!.e orovi.inna n ft.. ... ,
-orer c. ,c4-.e 3. entitled "An
--e jf a-.-t ior ;,e sitie of t:n.rr inr.Hc ir, n.
ofwiat :t shittld r. Am : rJ- ,3r "-5ac5tty. : v.te cf r:;;jr.:.. (lr,. " V "
v"7' Terr;:c!7- a extended
" 1" CT 'V" U:"': :a'r Kv ai-l of
:"i r .s.-V becnajaa N. t'olvin
Jje:.r., coun-v 0f Wallowa
tit- :h t-.a v-cvr .va .'Tv0.-,- ,C...J.. "7", . . ' -e xe of tL state Ore.-- V'7 "V : fiied
'-f A c- i 1-e --J- rer.et ratten t.xtate :s onlv Ritv i.--.v.- ... . ' :- .--. i..- wr. 3ten.eiit .No.
c rr.it .a tie advent of the railroad U ! .-.. :. ,..' I'" - --'fe tas: i-ur-.-fcaee of ti.e sf.:,- NK'-.. n.
.. rJ -'- as a sWi4 :J
o: M-.rro it t: as thoizh sraebocr ha; j ter before the eveiir.r of May I5th. I
ur justice, nctorv rublie o: to rj V '
e cottrrtv clerk's cv. and r-'-- " v- r-EE-trrx ,
- 'r.: ,i ; , ,r. 7f ." I -"i-ast,
- . ; t j.r oft
. : j aw.er :a coaplalc: ii T :t -;?:.;';: 'i';.; "f .and will offer
W. a w:,7 -7J;U,J Road T Notice. --- crt f
r srr.w. ; There are Ei-.re tor!e cost'n-- to' ! " -& exp:ra-.t.i. of tit ;(f. "-fft . icu::tiral puiwwes. and to
v-a- .-.-. A ...-.-. Cjitv. 0.-e'-i .. . co-wsc.... a-kA j-ir.. or,,...,, ,. ,: . . "t
.'I" -I-' v- ' are here rr .rva-V-.-, JiJ - ftt of Mav? i."
. Ti;t ou- state ra:r to accttaint j :. . . ;4 ' ; ' a of tbis Kaa! ;.i u 0- He Li- a l:n-7'
:th-s.lves with the resources oftTv7 "7 f 7h iJ ' !9;aad if yK :o.: F. 1: KcCally, of Jph, Ore-,r
-. . .... n tr na.d at tie banc ; ear ass..- .., ..-. C. L. .r ' . re"jr'
U.S. Commissi:
E. A. Fosns
C'St-r-E.-; 1;T L'TIKT
; El. Wea-.ie-ijrd. &f Lin
Crs'iErtss dvo I1s::t
F. Eutchr. of Eake
C."::"rr Jv:-i 72 Li?T!v:"T
T. H. C.-iwi-.-ri,
... wtt.a. sj.t:.i naste ui ertorti
: to represented at the coninsj
i 1 r. 0 r-etter f: '"'rtun:v '
E. H. Dresti
Watches and Jewelry
paired and cleaned.
Shop !..pstuirs in the Bei'
:aa:i sirte. r.'a'r- ---- Ci-x,. f.:. r . '. . '
, - . " " t - x-xrre;: j. Jonnson. By;
DL-sirlct Na. 27- f sn the costtiainu t3:: f 7i ... Af-jaad all 'pers.n cla:n..r: ..!,:..; "
. : three kttadri dars. i,. ifiTc ar i-1
.... t fasa-irtd (reve-r.f --. fti-.ll. : re- f onu- be-
k. -us ; w:.. rr aSrue: tr ---..-t r I nnt 1 in .... J3 l osa.2rt4J evestT-f.v .-.-. fx u ."".-t.
. . i-GliU. 1 Jinn1' 1 ann"i . -... ... - - - o.
t,j.'.zisxzxT.--L Lyr.s & vvAiica a , :e in the :a -d a.-r s. r'aw av. I'Ai, r u- J
J. A. B.:-leiL-h. of W.";. :' .v . .v. " ,: i:. 77 PJ ..w i"6riev-, 4. te;,, v'lhV1-
! r
Tining, Plumbing,
Steam Gas Ft
"est of Telephone Of
. V T- -: - -- ,. ir- a-.:r.e:sr. ia! Estate Ar.-v - , " - k .
' 7 " i . cv f our j hn plai .a -h CVC.:- asd for ti , ,
C -:-"Tl TICLZT , way am we siou,: use everv hon- I rcaiss is rval e?ta V-W -- l"1 tias all tie hu-jwz-' t fl"
CiL nr,eans to set our'shr.re.i 1 arre td rlr.- W.v d't r5 5 th "is t u'utZu'J0"'
I A. French. E,- the time to aet.-Zx. ah.ida.ce ,: r.iri 7 S ! T" f C'- JSEUII OF AKlTOBYf
i. '-'-lifii. .:.: , .-e nr.es-: a..ta or r.e; land; price f rl: of mtta-bsAn ?a-- CI J''-- fllMlw,y f
v- --:---- Lc F-nh-ie. . " . ." t 121' acr of fr.-alfalfa land- good V1- AH :, -J Win i
.... A"';; .... t. ;r7r. WlHi?iSw2SSf
T-Xii -1! cover no-t of the state and L 7 7.7. 7,,V " CTr r ai $H UJ. I M I t00"" i ? '
jrvirrM.lr E,:,oisutn.r:i of the time -' (I.Nka 47 E.W.M.in P rt : tss. J I THE WALLOWA NATIONAL
Srtrxr: i -waii-he s-or.i dar of June.1 Al! ? r:...404 .L- SferSj
I' I.. ?.-.-av-u Ente-tTivcanii- for eonntv . .Z LX Y'iTt' i 1., toi SfS-5 ! op yTE, oRoi
T T ... t 7' -'-:--J:veEeneri;:v start-; 520: W ettlr !Vrri ' bei v "1 ! --ap,,. " 0
J-.T -.Barnard :. o:: 1 hunt an 1 for the -t-a Sty ,h7 1 W.n,a CLln. . weea ne J gSS35 - - 14
-7sr.:?--7- -on the the j'iST" ilr ff3?SS53K5
..rrrr. .r.e or a cavu-e 11 x-i..erjMe in Mud cwsctr r gy-5tJi I wawrro-is:
THm-IAY. MAY. S. l-d : Pr..is Lar.i. Gard-n Jf Ed-n ' 'r U": -J" ha will : y v:rtae of an order of a. SCJV5E25- i 'i- f-Cue J. M-
I4-i:-A '- '-."en:n? praws cs. all claasea of real 1 nde Fe-rr i0 ! IT W'SU STV&S i 'fo. W. Hv.m.
i- rT?:P-- After June 2nd, one-hali r- -;--. .4 M in tiw ofic of 'be CVri 7j rttjZ i ! oreicnbi:
Ad-ral Svo dM in Wash-1 he. will take a sail on the Ca.OT e tU fdrr, fw fLer ZTftT- lrT'S ? iTZi ''
irr.ott. Toesiar. May 6. He wa? humane dec, or tie old time f- - J'e.V I J HOLM ''
runerln? from an afMiction of the 2P "Si-' crec" aacb Tta BrsLx ss Eaan F-r. ac S-rB A ar3 A .KTKlSL i "
f.-B- ' the life of a poUticiax j i Eat EnaAer la, .F.-.-r (HS'STTOjIi rDr" general tanking
r'a 1 IcWrprje, Dreria. J AJ .or Kajir, n' Exchange bought and aold. (
' mm 10n9 Prjn,pO made at hoflU
point abroad.