Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, May 08, 1902, Image 3

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    spring Humors
( p- to wot people mnd cause many
,,v ; i.f , pimples, tiU and othur
,.r ;! -.n. swsiiles loss, of appetite,
,i .,t ; nl fueling, fiU if biliousness,
j,,,;;, '.-foii arid headache:
Xii- snoner one p;ta rid of them the
bettor, and tlie- way to get rid of them
ami to build or the system that haa
suffered from ti jin is to take
flood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Forming in oombinution the Spring
llwlir'ne pur excellence, of unequalled
(trtii h in purifying the blood aa
tliow . by unequalled, radical and per
niar n cures of
Scrtu tdm Salt Rheum
Sccld Head Bollm, Plmplam
AH Kind of Humor Paorlamlm
Btui Poisoning Rhmumatinm
CMtarrh Dyapepala, Eta
Alk'!1' o substiture, but be aure to
liii'ii ud pet it today.
England to Learn From Us,
At the Biit.'!.'estiiin of Alfred Moselev,
of bunion, nnd Lord Iieay, president
of l'niverity College, London, a si e
cia! coinnii-i'iiin ill he pent foru Kng
laml to thi country to inquire into la
bor matters nnd tlie relations between
Blasters and labor unions.
f ut for rntinimntlnn is an inM
line it-ruu-me fr muchs and cold. N.
V. .-awl Un-an ti rove. N. J., Fea. 1",
Africjn Fiddle.
The zee is n favorite instrument in
East Atrial. It is a port of crude vio
lin, composed of a bar of wood fastened
to a hirjje potird There is a nincle
string made oi vegetable filer,and differ
ent tones are reproduced by lengthen
ing or shortening the string.
rSTQ Perrn.v"ntly rnml. gio or nerroosuf:
lllW altem;: ia'" -i.i"if I " Ktine'gOr-at Sen
katur-r. Soixl Mir I K Kr. .00 trial ixitiiFami trnu
Im. Dr..K II liust. I.U..VJI xrvl jt..Pliilaii-lvlua.I'
New Owner of Colonial Estate.
William M. Ramsey, of California,
Uas ju-t )tirchused estover, the fa
niuiis country Feat along the James
river, vho.-e history is well traced for
12UU years, lie w ill restore the estate
to its colonial magnificence, but will
lot mar its colonial architecture.
A Joke From England.
Mrs. Gotham Now they say Chirac
is to l.ave the most powerful teleacope
ever nimie. What do you suppose that
if lor?
Mr. Gotham I presume they want
to thai out if the top etnries of their
loiiH'H are inhabited. Tid-Bits.
Where Upward, of 10,000 Mfin Are Cea.
atantly Employed.
Fome time ngo the Portsmouth Times
and Naval Gazette published a most
thrilling and remarkable experience of
the wiie of Mr. Frederick Payne, him
self connected with the Portsmouth
Dockyard for many years. The report
produced a great sensation, not only in
Portsmouth, but throughout the coun
try, being considered of sufficient im
portance for reproduction and editorial
comment by the leading metropolitan
and Provincial Press of England, as
allowing the marvelous powers which
8t. Jacobs Oil possesses as a cure for
Rheumatism, its application having
effected a perfect cure in the case of
Mrs. Payne, after having been a help
less cripple and given up by several
We have now further evidence of iti
intrinsic value as a Pain Conqueror.
Our readers will do well to follow the
intelligent and highly interesting de
tails as given in Mrs. Rabbets' own
To the Proprietors St. Jacobs Oil:
Gentlemen My husband, who is
ihipv right in His Majesty's Dockyard,
met with an accident to his ankle and
leg, spraining both so badly that his
leg turned black from his knee to his
toes. The Dr. aid it would he months
before he could put his foot to the
ground, and it was doubtful whether he
would ever get proper use of his leg
A few dnvs after the accident I ha-' a
book left at the door telling about St.
Jacobs Oil, I procured a bottle from oiw
chemist, Mr. Arthur Cres-well, 378
Commercial Road. I began to' use St.
Jacobs Oil, and you may guess my sur
prise, when in about another week from
that date, my husband could not only
stand, but could even walk about, and
in three weeks from the time I first
Oj-ed the Oil my husband was back at
work, and everybody talking about his
womleriul recovery. This is not all.
Seeing what St. Jacobs Oil coold do
?ave me faith in your Vogeler's Cur
ative Compound, also favorably men
tioned in the book left at my house. I
determined to try the compound on my
little (,'irl, who was suffering from a
dreadiul skin disease, the treatment of
hieh has cost me large sums of money
in goini from one doctor to another
"tii her, all to no purpose.
She has taken tw o bottles of Vogeler's
Curative Compound, and one would
now hardly take her for the same child,
ner skin has got such a nice, healthy
color after the sallow look she has
always had.
I shall never cease to be thankfful for
the immense benefit we have derived
from these two great remdies of yours.
think it a duty to recommend these
medicines now I have proved their
3 Grafton Street, Mile End, Lundport,
Portsmouth, England.
A li.ral free sample of Vogeler's
Compound will be sent by addressing
Et. Jacobs oil Ltd., Baltimore.
A Boon t Many Poor People Who
s.ive Aloujt the Banks.
A slight rise In the Mississippi up In
Kentucky, said an old river man. is a
blessing to many of the poorer classes
f this city. A tliree-iuoh rise up above
brings down a vast quantity of drift
wood, and at the floating docks of the
ferry landings great rafts are formed.
You can see the boys every evening
riueJ with long poles, with a spike In
one end and a coil of rope at the other
end. spearing the good pieces of timber
;Just as a whaler harpoons a whale.
(They grow particularly expert, and I
noticed one boy a day or two ago who
could hit a log In the center the first
. throw and bring It to bauk. This meant
a supply or fueL Many of the parents
of these little ones caunot buy the fuel
necessary to keep them warm, and the
river furnishes It sometimes and some
times It does not
Much of the timber has been freshly
cut and left by the cutters over night,
when the river comes along and lands
It here. I saw two fine ash logs yes
terday, enough to keep a family going
for a week, and the water ha.l scarcely
soaked through the bark. Of plauks
there la a great plenty, and also some
barrels and all kinds of things. The
riTer is no respecter of timber or per
sons for that matter, and brings down
the farmer's barrel half Dlled with
pork just as readily as a water-logged
and useless trunk of a cypress tree. It
has often been a source of wonderment
to me how many people do actually
live from the products of the river. 1
have never seen the figures as to what
proportion of the population of the val
ley subsist on fish and get their wood
from the overflows. I have been from
St. Paul to New Orleans several times,
an! at all of the river towns you will
find the boys ready for the overflow
season. This, however, applies more
particularly to the section of the river
below St. Louis. But all aloug there
Is the fishing industry, less of it here
than elsewhere, because of the prox
imity of salt water, but above here it
Is a flourishing business.
Seeing the boys spearing logs re
minds me of the case of a man who
agreed to pay the negro 50 cents a day
; r lit would collect driftwood fir him.
, The negro worked faithfully, and the
man was snlliug the timber at a big
profit, of course. Finally, at the end
of two years, after the white man had
grown too proud and too well off to
work, the negro found he ha:l Just the
same right to the timber the white
umu had, and he was the maddest crea
ture In the boundaries of the United
States. lie is not over it yet In fact
he was so disgusted he will not catch
wood even for himself. New Orleans
: The horse has no eyebrows.
There are 4,500 muscles in the body
of a moth.
Thoroughbred dogs are less intelli
gent than mongrels.
A full-grown elephant can carry
three tout on Its hack.
The Dorking fowl Is the only living
bird which In Its adult condition pos
sesses a five-toed foot.
Comparatively few horses attain to
17 hands, but Kansas boasts of one
that measures 20 hands and weighs
2,412 pounds.
The largest bird of prey In the old
world Is the lammergeier, or bearded
vulture, which has a wing expanse of
nine to ten feet.
I Wasps may often be observed detach
ing from fences, boards or any old
wood the fibers which they afterward
manufacture Into papier mache.
The smallest of British animals is
the harvest mouse, which makes a
globular nest In wheat fields. A full
grown specimen weighs half an ounce.
I He WanieU to Go JUacIc Home.
! There Is somethiug fascinating about
the Swede. His honor and candor can
l.ot fail to appeal to those who study
l;iui and see In hlra a lineal descendant
of Henglst and Horsa. The breezy
breath of the brine clings to him. His
generic name is Ole. One of these typi
cal sons of the North came Into New
York harbor a few days ago on board a
bark. As he passed Bedlow's Island be
looked up at the statue of Liberty. A
heavy fog hung over the harbor, and
Ole looked around at the pall which
bung over everything.
"Und dot is Liperty undlightenlng de
i He looked around dolefully. The fog
was growing thicker and his mind
seemed to revert to "The Land of the
Midnight Sun." The bo'swaln's whistle
sounded, and Ole took bis place on the
bow, but those who were near enough
to bear and comprehend bis patois
! caught stage whisper to this effect:
i "Und dls Is New York! Take me pack
to the midnight sun." New York Post
A Word of Cheer.
"Does your husband never compli
ment you on your cooking?"
Sometimes," answered young Mrs.
Torkins, with a little hesitation. "This
morning I reminded him that I made
the biscuit myself."
What did be say?"
"He said that he was glad to hear
It; that It was something In their fu
ror that they weren't made by a trust"
-Washington Star.
Most people can write a better hand
than they do. Thl U an age of carelessness.
Honor for Mrs. Miles.
The wife of General Miles bas had
named in her honor a woman's auxil
iary army post in Washington, the
name given the organization being Mary
Sherman Miles auxiliary.
We offer On Hundred Dollsrt Reward for any
cue of t sttarrfa that can cot be cured by Bail's
Catarrh Cure.
t. J. CHENKY A Co., Props., Toledo, O.
w e the andrnirned. have known F. J. Cheney
for the rat lsvears, and believe him rxrfivily
honorable in ll l uinea tranearti. rts anil fin
ancially able to carry outanjr obligations uiada
by their firm.
Wst Trx.
Wholesale I'rucgiits, Toledo,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O.
Ball's Catarrh Care is takei, internally ,ettn
directly on the bloud and mueous surfaces ol
the system. Price 7Sc per boiiia. isild by all
drueeists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Fills are the best.
Hit Little Gam.
Laiy Louie Hello, Wuzit! You're
look in' like free square meals a day.
What's yer lay?
Wilile Wuzit I'm workin' de 'mis-ery-love9-company
graft. I tells de
jays dat I wuz redooied to me present
circumstances t'roo buy-in' gold bricks.
It's good fer chicking an pie at enny
farm house. Judge.
Are Ton fslns; Allen's Foot-Ease?
It is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting,
Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunhnii..
Aft lor Allen's Koot-Lsse, a powder to bo
slmken Into the shoes. At all lmcelfH and
Shoe Stores, a. Famrle nt FKKt. . Address
Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, K. V.
Riter (after reading his poem) Now,
whst do vou think of it?
Critick Well
Kiter Of course, I know the meter
is a little flow, but
Critick Yes, I was going to say its
feet appear to be asleep.
Grocery Repartee.
"If 1 hud an engagement with you,"
said the clerk, "it would be this."
And he gently placed a date with a
"No," answered the pretty cashier,
"it would lie like this."
And i-lie laid the date beside the
canned lobsters. Baltimore American.
An Unusual Occurence.
Towne You seem to have a little
Krowne Yes; railroad accident.
Towne You don't mean to say that
you got damages.
Browne I mean to say a railroad I
took some stock in years ago bas finally
paid a dividend. -
Chip or the Old Block.
"Thomas," said the minister to bis
five-year-old son and heir, "I trust you
will not misbehave in church this
morning, as you did last Sabbath.
Such conduct is verv mortifying to
"But, papa," rejoined the incorrigi
ble Thomas, "aint we taught to mortify
the flesh?"
wonderful Stone Bridge.
At Rockville, a few miles from Har
risburg the capital of Pennsylvania, can
be Feen a stone bridge that is five times
longer than any other stone bridge in
the world. It has just been erected by
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to
replace an iron bridge of two tracks.
The new bridge contains four tracks and
permits two passenger and two freight
trains to pass each other at the same
timd on the bridge. This cannot be
done on any other bridge in the world.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow'S Sooth
ing Byrup the best remedy to use tor their
children during the teething period.
A Favorite Spot
Miss Dunsap (disgustedly) Tftti is
the sixth jug I have hooked into and
pulled up.
Mr. Bertwhistle (confidently) Good.
That thews this must be a pretty fine
place to fish. Brooklyn Eagle.
Not tier Fault.
"What a scornful expression Mies
Nurich has."
"Yes, but she really can't help it.
She bas resided during the greater por
tion of her life near a glue fa"torv."
kittle Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
5m FaoSlmlte Wrapper Below.
Tory small a4 mm sawy
i;i KrS WHtF Ail fiSF FAILS.
Courth byrup. Tasuis tiood. TJse
in time. Itold nv driicrmtii.
Tired Out
" I was very poorly and could
hardly get about the bouse. I was
tired out all the time. Then I tried
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and it only
took two bottles to make me feel
perfectly well." Mrs. N. S. Swin
ney, Princeton, Mo.
Tired when you go to
bed, tired when you get
up, tired all the time.
Why? Your blood is im-
?ure, that's the reason,
ou are living on the
border line of nerve ex
haustion. Take Ayer's
Sarsaparilla and be
quickly cured.
All iraifist.
Aik y.nr doctor what he thinks ef AyT's
Sartavitnll. lie knws all boulthU rrand
old family medicine, t llow bts adTlce aua
i wui oe sausnea.
4. V. ATBB CO.. LOWell, Mil.
lie Ought To.
Bigway Yon Fee things in a r,ew
light since yon were married?
Bayw ay I should pay so. We got
36 lamj8 for wedding presents.
AVrgetabJe Preparationfor As
similating tlicroodanilEcg dia
ling theStoinachs amlDwels of
Promotes DigcslionChcf rrur
ness andRcst.Contiiins neither
Opium,Morphine norliiieral
fk 1:
Atw afOUlt-SAKlUPrrClIZR
P?1:Ih Sent
Aix.Sautm Jnur Smd e
Aperfecl Remedy forConsfipa
Tton , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Corrvulsiona .Fcvenslv
ness arid Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature, of
'mT n WW M YW . sT- aAi" . - . lfli'M. i- - . ,1 1'... Ilfl .
DnllcatPly formpd and gently reared, women will
find, in all the seasons of their lives, as maids or wives
or mothers, that the one simple, wholesome remedy
which acts gently and pleasantly and naturally, and
which may be used with truly beneficial effects, under
any conditions, when the system needs a laxative is
Syrup of Figs. It is well known to be a simple com
bination of the laxative and carminative principles of
plants with pleasant, aromatic liquids, which are
agreeable and refreshing to the taste mid acceptable
to the system when its gentle cleansing is desired.
Many of tho ills from which women suffer are of
a transient nature and do not come from any organic
trouble and it U pleasant to know that they yield so
promptly to the beneficial effects of Kyrup of Figs,
but when anything more than a laxative is needed it
is best to consult the family physician and to avoid
the old-time cathartics and loudly advertised nos
trums of the present day. When one needs only to
remove the strain, the torpor, the congestion, or
similar ills, which attend npon a constipated condi
tion of the system, use the true and gentle remedy
Syrup of Figs arid enjoy freedom from the depres
sion, the aches and pains, colds and headaches, which
are due to inactivity of the bowels.
Only those who buy the genuine Syrnp of Figs
can hope to get its beneficial effects and as a guar
antee of the excellence of the remedy the full name
of the company California Fig Syrup Co. is
printed on the front of every package and without
it any preparation offered as Syrup of Figs Is fraud
ulent and should be declined. To those who know the
quality of this excellent laxative, the offer of any
substitute, when Syrup of Figs is called for, is
always resented by a transfer of patronage to some
first-class drug establishment, where they do not
recommend, nor sell false brands, nor Imitation
remedies. The genuine article may be bought of all
rename aruggisis
lAlirSftNlA nfYRVD( o
tram a ah
ve arc ih. target r,,ti . f rians Is ih n-iii, and etten hv a lars
ef crc vr et e. 1 bra we li h i t r, d m-e.j rr . e. tK.M r il ll U fr K n.l 1.1 A l If
y o wm .ar.etiuanoii.a. r.OUHnK-U Ir .ih vr w.k.i I. XV nn s dt I1
ft e Vaii f Wl: I'e d'ii l i ... . I o rmd i V. rl- i-e.
I 111 I II 1 1 II III W 1 " ' ' ' lv l'r l I i. F I ' a y I'm i:
WW IWU VII U ft ,.,.,,.. 0 i .. ,Y , 1 , . V, r. I. ic H.l O l.h.
rtinnirtro n iw ijne or i- i.c.i m kimi i. n..i u .i. inwu
UnUUHULV . (fni,0iii,wMlii, l, lv inxiv, I'.Ml.nil. Or
A'fw Year Resolution
i1 Kcclcy Curo
sure relief bom Hqw, oplnra and liaM
atabiia. baa4 let aartuoiania
Faafae Itie'llnt. Xoeed to 4-10 William
IllilJ IQS.IIUJ, A.. t-rMaud. Oregon
Don't be a Drudge
You can do your washing in an hour
with my Washing Tablets. No rubbing.
No acids. Send 50 cent for iackao
and instructions. V. O. POWLLL,
Box 6oO, Portland, Oregon.
Foundm ISIO
A Ho mm Mchmol tmr Bora
nriHmry mnd Mmnuml Tralnlnm
I Wrha or lllumtrmtmd OMalanum
Changed Meaning of Word.
The word hoyden, now applied ex
clusively to a noisy young woman, for
merly denoted a person of like charac
ter, but of either sex.
Tho Kind Ton nave Always
.In use for over 30 years,
yffji J1', sonal supervision slnco its Infancy.
AllrtTirnn nnn tn1nriivn von in ililri.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Just-as-cood' are but
Experiments that trifle with nnd endanger tho lictdth of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphiuo nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys AVonu
and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Coustlputloa
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears tho
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Txt ecMTaua coBn, rr eniaaa srrastT. nsw ,oaa err.
every wnere si to cents per bottle.
mrx a m. va ii iv v
j j j
I (live belter satisfaction thananrthlng en
IH murkfl M any'1'!'1!! like the prli-e. In- V
c cause they .re m'i 'f e"od malarial la
N stand Miri'soil MllV' - litm corners on
lollM. braces on Aliens. It.avy eecnmW
i Krowtri a heels, screwe.1 run., irvoawans J
I t reel enrc that r are arettias y-or snoa. V
3 ry's worth, esk lor a "He I 'lie" ar a J
"Mitciiell" (11. une ) llupuy. Yiura C
J tee them.
i Mltchmll, lowa At Slaw Cm. I
? Heaitle, Hpukane, lloe. I'tirtland, Or. r
N.r.X V. No, K-twoa.
UMlKN writing ts clertUra pluaa)
tuaiitluD this vapor.
Bonglit, and which has fcocn. '
has born tho signature of
lias been inado tmder lils pcrw
Signature of
t sl . IT. .1 . ,
ii m) t ivVZs ,
n firs ii
pi il
mm mm