r I 1 I IIERR STEINHAUDTS NEMESIS 5 EY - XL ; - a. - - Sie c r- a? . at. c 1 z : t a? cy-.: s a Uiy t aai : r".he".: tt.ev iTV t .-ae.- V. l f .- :.: ar :. f-rsi.er. sr-s -c ra. rer- .-.;per.-.: :. i ':. vr :...: tr.e an :a-:tv . lit :.r :a ie- i--rr r. rve cia,..y i cvrw ::: :tt. c nt-tr:.-.;. : a: -a". y. ir.-y a : ;.ssa e.- w it w.r. .4". I si .-hte.i cpt a 7 a .:. ; t .a i. .-wait' u.ar. :s ' js: :a;.ire of a. 4 I-r-:.7. .:.iv a:c. a.l x-r '-: 7 ari - CHAFIEr: I. ai-y in th? f : T:n :r-y. w;::.:l a (- iT.iitrs of a .ari-e I jir.ca t'.i.. If I haJ liad nit:':t choir I wou'.J have i:hc-r. a cure of igi aniv:;.- n.:.. hantl an'i niiners. I wof.ii i.avc prr ftrrii to j-rf'triii rr.y tiutur-- utiu-rr a clear sky, rather than wwr a can' of smoke; witi.in call of ei i- a:ii wnoO)-. rather than in a fore-: of ta chimneys and black hea-i of coa. pi. Put Bim I a iii-prj:r.te-i in n y hot of a cure in a certain piea-ant vii laze of ftu.--!. I rewjive-i to go to Tim perly in Ijin(7a.-':.ie. So wher. one dark af'.ernoor. of Feb-ua-y I a..:.te-: at ti.e iiearst ta'.i n on a ban-i. ra:. way, and a-ki a feli'w yii.z:-. i.c loos: i.a; and w;,r. i.:;y- xr. away. :.::.? he ciul-i c:rei:s me to Tin.:-riy when I a an-werei with a curs "N a " I wa- w. di-: r.-cer;-:. I r.i 1 i-jni-w-.' ';r::n t.Ihclhie i:e'".: .t. fr - rx r. i-jT- ter. ar. i iuv::.; f-r 7 ".-7.;: j n.' liiim I e:.S 01:: ir..'. iL.t. ai. . I s.-ari.;-i i i.il: a n...e or ari' a w-.. r.uvi r a i, ar. :.er. a'-.r::!. to c.ret :i I :xi .t:j I scri.e-i ii-.s; a La-row Ian between a h-;: and a wden i-.'i-e. I srjdse-i ar-'.e d.-tit' e hrji-:. i-r. n.Mi.n -' ,-sun.b t:p;r. :om:. or. ::,e f.ro. -ijte of i& car.8y. and n w p.::n.-:r.z :r.".o h'.ie. ;,-r. iane e-n.e-i : i'-e it-el f ;c a fieid. J hev;tatt- i a kv.i and ti.er. re-j.vt-d , retiirn to tiie road. Vy eyes w--n'w ;ney Hail and farther under his arm. nsf: s., the dart, arw I iir'e:ve: a Tic;prey Hail I di..overed uvr f'jjt past. acr-a Sne fieoi irnomir.'-- looked She vahev fnrn the aid or,r bats V ward tlie roa'l. SMr. S;.ii.k:n'.' it wouid I ?sru i int. ' save n,e some iound to mi ;e-t way arc.- ; di-Srie. liut I soon vexation si.at "she hort m she lor..-rs wav roun vere , t ie i.ren eras tiniee on.tii!i:Z else ne-Kle era, an prer-en'.y ir-B-aii Uj sent .-n.ew;,as oi : tne plea-ans vi--r of russioity. and my I epinte r e a 'isr-ee or two. I pued : a low black -,den buildirif. cno ' rner-e: it wa a cow hou-e: I heard toe animal .:!. inst as their chain ano ; ni-ir.oi.ir. z t.-.eir fij.i. Fy-and-hy I ' f'i.iii'i n.yri: aain on a tolerably r,oi roa :. c-,: :n-up-jn some hotj-e- oi cuburbaL ttii.i-detaitited villa de-crip-j tcjr. 'at or.e of whi-.-b I knocked and ! iii'.;u:rwj n y an-i s""r., stumblin: and spij-r.: mud and cin ei'e of Siie v lav. z through exusjeratir t -r-. can.e out upon ti.e .i-y in which Timperle. I et od and gazl around me. f-ruci a spei ra-rie I i.a i never -eeri before. I listened to and ie.t ti.e ;'everi:i ruih o: tne life of Lan -a-hire indu-trv. Tiie birr and buzz f tn-iusand- of spindles. the ew;:t cii k and thud of shuttle and loom, and tr.e rwuiar sob and repira tion of mi-i.ty engines triingied w iti tlie rush of watei and the plaintive pantini of -on.e maci.me a of an en-' siaved (ieni of tne Arabian Ni.-hta. J j could not at first apportion the sound- i to trie various group of buildings be-.' neath me. 'n mv right was a m.-n j storied mill, wh e bricht windows i were refievted in the glasy euriai e of a pond, on the bank of which there grew, pensive and forlorn, a few scrubby trees. On my left an aggregation of long low buildings wish gia-s roof, that looked with their shining backs like monstrous, crouching dragons of antediluvian days. Far.hercp the val ley was another group of building wrapped in a cloud of steam. In, me diately before me was a ruined mill, onrooied and gaunt, w ith its bell tower and its tail, cold chimney outline: against the sky; behind it was another yronp of irregular buildings. A dozen tall chimneys poured their smoke into the sulphurous air, which was pervaded by a certain glow insufficient to di si pate the darkness, but enough to make the stream which wound down the val ley gleam l.'ka a blaci gigantic make. l-E-N. v. o: r;:7i-: n.:.. r.. .t:. a : i . .i-j sr. i -e :rr . ti.e a:r to other foani t.-.e fr:::. 0: p:;T a;. i r..ji..:.; o: a- n't .-r: : I a.- ::;. '.s.eh i 'pa-e'i ry t:.e :e:.e c .'. i.-errr;-i at ar.yt:.i:.; that ci.-ht L ;n tr.i st ir.je r-Ci-r.. I ra-T-ed. ho-ev-r, hcrri ;.y m a n the t-T a r gh path, and -..c:. i the r ad :nto the va.iey and t:.e vil.aje. I : ?d o!-w and law a d:n. er. i of ;e t ie a:-jr.t the ruined e..',.. be: the -treurr.. b.a.:k ar.d ev;..s:;ie..:r.. ta? re:een me and it, and I had :-:'or'.-e ;et tr.y ci:r:oe:ty wait. I c'r.t:r.t;e: u.y way in'', .!: v:..are. ;,. I ;-:nd. icy behind tr.e n.ary-t .reye.i n.:.'. twar.; nioutt of ::.e val.-y ar: i ci'-e to she hii-& r-.ad iv w;.i.-n I Ketore I was wei; into l a--'- ar arrangement of w.:.-, h.ank ;., to tr.e r wr.ich can.e no oun i 'f ::US. icrtead, the vhe-t and -m-'.s t:.at ever oftende. t a:.a iron. S:.e n.iait of wi... t- er:ng c.in.riey that sm. -d 'uctci.y. Thww, I cue were of t;.e ciien.i'.a. ): of w:.i. h I :.eari. I found trie rect .-y at the otner end of sae viLaze. I d.d not tr.e rector was in bed but ajed to tm C;rected to my i.i;nc. I had jme Via and tr.en I pr-parJ t ?" to dinner at tr.e nou-e of .r. Ku n.anuei r-tein.'.ardt, or.e of sne creators and iordi? of sh Tophes into w:.i .r. I ha ' entered. He cu re:t"r'f c;.':r ?r. warden, and I had correapoa iei w itn h:n. cori' err.ir.s: tr.e cracv, and had maue dinner arranzen.en' ai'o. I aed my iandiaiy stiocid find 1 inr terier Hai.. a wee w here "' 'n." ai.j s:.e. iikir z at me with a cn.ica. eye o: retpei-t. "you'U bei ;r.i to ilu.-ter frSctfthea-sV?" . .r.'n-.ua-.i tr.e n.a-v.a-e's nn.e.. "Ke' at tr. ' oter en-: ' tn' vi!.,i'- -,r. .'. fcr-jw" r.e ia. .e-i ;; "Lrew" . a :.. : tiit m iiit e wei.t : '."a. i-:, e par-.n di.eu ' .. Sua SUA. rjn. n ss' ' el.r.ear .e a.i, ' i , m jL, . was am- two e-J ; end ue Ca.ied "r.en rom ; a mm:' Ut h-jSS. reary, parson? a Wait 1 positively lauehed to cr.yelf. M v ' rr;uemer.: incea-e"i when I aw my juide. a ycng Hercules in clog-, who n.isrt.t ea-ilv bv '-taken' me to Tin,. -ite to that from which I had bra: viewed is. Sn I was in it dravinif ' r-m. shaking hands with Mr. (or, fierri i.n;n.anuei steiiihardt; fori saw. r o:.e ..f T. - -"M "-"- '.y" .t the :-.r- i and . ;c r., .-. s:- - --i-i i -n- - -.:7 e:.t-.-y c:y ir,s v:e Er.;.,:' are na- s u: : ; V1- ?iT nre y - . , r - . er e" . he rerw-.-ec. and tie taI cf'air witn . -s. t i:-.- r:e a, :f he 'ei :t. i Lit. a ;s .. v'l.i'H . v ; , sn fcr the ha i d.r.r. ! 1 . , "' . - Ei-.r: , :r' V I pe"e- ; at once that he was of pure Teutonic . and ome- ; oreeii. and I heard, when he had spoken ! a tew word, that he nmt have spent j ill hi youth and part of hi mar.nMxi . in toe fatnerland: he Entrii-h, but wi:h an teii-Saie a cent. I bad perie,:; indrwrribubie. ;ii.S time to notice i.is nur.y cirure. hn somewiia 'ounded shoulder, and his n:a.:ve haid head, when I was introduced to,li.7. I'uring the year 1'). li;2 the ms wiie, a tall. nand-;nie, In'-a.hire ' annual nunjir was about 200- in si woman ( her : h betrayed her, witn .ev i.air evidently a gl oe.ii older: lan he: then to Miaa Lt uis-i LaiToix. ' of whom I will only ay at p eut that ' iie i').jkexi retine-i and foreign a rare! ' -xoic in this region of surprie; and, '. iat!y. to 'my sojn, Frank." a young ; jmnof one or two-and-twen'y. who; j io.k-i in every way and spoke like an ! i Englishman. The- intr-xiuctions over, : we sat down to wait for the announce- : ment oi dinner. Inere was very nttie -aid: they seemed constrained, and I was. perhaps, shy. No one seamed to think of trying to set me at my eae. Mr. Steinhardt eat watching the cii:. ana a: intervals tnrow inz cueaSion: -ion f I Oat: ove' his snouider to Lis ue ines.ion I noted was, "la Jim coming at ail?" to which she answered, "Jim -aid be niisht iook in after dinner and : -moke a pipe" and I wondered who! Jim wa. I was w i-bin I had not c. ! ce ted this invitation for my Erst even- j ing m Timperley, when the voung ladv ! ed''l her chcir w littiA nea.er n n.a . ! - - - - ., , anu saiu, witn me sweetest oi imiiet and the mo-t musical of tones: i "You come from the south from i London; ye?" j Her ac-ent was that most delightful j of ail foreign accents the accent of an i wi u rated Frenchwoman. I answered ! that I had come from London, though I was not native there. "I, also," said she, "come from the onth; from London last, but from Paris before." Here wa common ground for pleas ant reminiscence, and wa became friends at once. While we wer talking I happened to glance across in Mr. f-teinhardt's di rection: be was looking straight at me Si ri-s: t.rr-- Ee rs ar J argrily 1 rvr ;: :';;t (nt is K tir- sat i; s.i hits f" re ec is hiti ss ie-- r- : l.' V?j a e-"- - i j t a.r-?"i srs r-y we-e --.y f-Lfli. -Mi-' r .ri...r. bet o; r.e t- 77. T s te uri -. . : e V. - y. .7.:.. i:'"r -rt I w ai i : j i t it I JJkjtSeU y s. -t- o: r; sah e. ' er a: -p: v. 1 v ;h: vne-s. sc:ii on s.'.e die Lac-v :i was n.e. Vet. n -w now ohrv:n iie at n-ar r ra:.i at t:.e i lan"1 , I c-chd not reman t-vt a i-.k of sadne over pread her sweet face of adne. and a of ar.i;ou.y waiting for something or ,bi on- whenever she wa ieis t her own tho'igr.s. Thi eip.-ei'..n I wa ahle to a.x-icnt for eatifact".-iiv very ..,n. W e had i.c -ni time in she draw ing rn; wi.-n she dr bell stn led a i'.a i p-a'.. and at on e I aw- tr.at r.i-d-. : eTi-re-!.ioi, of tati.-nt waittns on Mi. La -r ,:x" :'a :e f.a.h upTr.to one -d ea-e- ex; san--y. For a moment i.e .j' '.-.--.i at :::f ': .r w ith her pale fa e l i a.-r.ar. i .:t-.-ned w i jT. quick ear, l.-.-a: a:e of v i-:-o', ea J er ii 't e co, sadne-e s, ieerv vi- p-i and sank ijt.-l re. Is I heard come :.-. t u: wa.- a ri'.- iron; s.-ie :.a... 'I th' new parson come' of .'irr.e one. "Tnat's Jim," said .Vr wist, a laugh "my brotiie: Thi, then, wa the een' it a-ked "te-.nr.ar. eman who r.ad come to m"jse a pire. He en tered a tall, stont, ruddy F.nirlihman, (foue somew has erey. He at once took po--e-:on of she room and of tne per eom in it. Hi bri.-i.t and ample pres. env-e extinzui-hej the traudy, gorire-ms furniture, and his voice, in-tinct with humor and un-sel -cirs ionsne. filled she void which unuaily reigned in mat r'j.jm. fTo oe eon-.lnat) Divone in Euroot. Divorce was established in in lTo. Fron IS1 to 1S5 Germany tiie vear- ' iy nuniW of d:v..r- es was about S.0O0, in. e ui isie years it exceed 10,000 In Flni-iand divorce was et;.h'.i'r.fI in j abo-jt 530: in 1!S iUt so In Austria, wnere onlv non-C'a'h .i can apply for a divnrre. ti.e number of demand- for divorce increased 25 pr cent in four yea-s. and in Ild-ium about 20 per cent in four years. Hard on tlx Cook. Lord John Townend, a lirituh gour met of 50 ye:,r a.-o, would often C-.J; to trie f ".'.man in tne midd.e of dinner: "Tell ti.e cook to come to me this moment." wnich o..casioned rather an awkward pau-e. Then, on theentrame of the poor cook wish very red fa, frm the Cfjmbined effects nt rf,. n. c. . , '. i .."ii una n:'tai .Tnusion. be would address i.er in a vol. ot ti.umier: -priV have the g-dr.es to taste that dish and teil me if you do not atrree with me that it is lat!y." A Big Hoi. Down in Vlado-ta, Ga.. reentlv bocf was killed. vl,ri im-a .v - - -- -. . . ,., ,-r- wriicni mam i.-"v p-iuntis: ni net weight waa &55. Each ham weighed 102 pounds. This 'at mon-ter produced 5bl pounds of lard, or neariy a tierce and a half enough to Last a small family about four years. Besides the lard, there was nearly a wagonkad of sanatre from this one pig. to say nothing about dish pans fell of hogshead cheee, liver pud ding and other product. Right ia Their Line. "Thoe cold Boston gi'ls enjoy the Abljey 'Holy Grail' tions in the public library." "Whv?" naturally decura- liecauae a frieae is right in thei .-.j - ;i.e ret- f)- ;.r?.:i. j--J i ; .a'-e : r :n- itrv. an 1 it w- . 1? 4r Vrt." I a-ni I.:n. 7. -w r r.! r'- - we: i?Je m... wa- cr. :- : - -at H at tr.e. r. ar--d. feCJj i cn.u,.ky. It a-a : :nn:::; mil'.: yF or..-..seo:sheft-r-:V..':.-.r.1u?h. k:..- jfg in; my ;e- : .e. and :-is wa. fl turr-e:. a.. :n It' yetr; yes. a.l :n 10 VwiT-" .?1r4 'WX '"if "Aci f.iar h set!. v have St,1 ' to is. w - - f ;::::.z - Ke lx.i at f Tkjf . 1 gi,.r. .-::., :r- rr. ,r.e t, another. fff tli iff riKto J No: N-,neo: s,-,, had ivari. Vj fl4.?i -i mttee so :f he -aid, ar.i kJSfe Ai' r.-i S:i :i- :f o- w.-,f ' ,.r r n T 'ir jf. 4. 111 n i fff'' i'-': r.::7 :. -r .1.1- ' i; H' i hi. 3 m sr.e d-aw:r.s r-.r!.. however. I wa 1 - mi t. Jr g e -i.-e. ..... . ... .... J a. n.anne- o: t;." . ro-e a . . : . . . ' a urf.-.s :s sati z c stvuz. .j...y .ue .e7i. . "rarv a:.'-e:i''e o: (.in. ... r a" .... - - : " ; an-i t:n .ever. c. .sr.e-.v: Frani ti -w a fcwar-ae-" an: iel:;htt.-d n.e with h; piatt'-r wr.ii- Ma-iemot' very br:,d.t and win .r.ver::.; witn her an l.e when, f'.r intari't THE PiCTL't&SQ'w'E GREEK- Native Cm cjrert ixc of a Hia" Un4 Chief or a Ballet Ilnrrr. E. Cstrr.ss. the Antertcnn rrerir: lens who is traveiirr; in Ea rr w-t frx Atben: At e " TTt'iraT station werecrowris o re-tr!e. 771 7. y of them ir. 7 7 p plfrtrr s;" niti" c-w"urr:e. whu-h : a rro '-rw-e-- sitt of a ;L"e; d:,.r.'"er tn-l a rT ;zili J chieftain. The fciits are white ,to?tton. "-rI '?.n r't.it!. atii worn .-T ri. inn.ps sights, vr:;!; c-".r"ar h!w tie ir. The hoe or Cir-r 1 r.apl !:ke a Tttri'.a calotte, w ;: a h-i a:J cr.r'.inr r.p over the : Ii' r.r. nid-fsshiorjti "sate. fcaf'.c? a L'e r--s-re or r-mp-..c s'.ik or biack r . 7 rv . The ps ! for tiie ree; ccfurt'.e in (ivp;i and or'en in The '.eeve of whit" error: are r.i ;t't:;. and the front of the : T'lf '.:ei. The cniir i. a st.ff t. e"nhro!dar1 wi;b s.i thread of lather. and :: "time a wrx of haw ! that is quite 1-u.iT. A '.ireei cc:isuin in fell or a serract !a -'rr:ti'.ete firery will a pyoi and tro or three dnrrzers i'r .e 7 stui.k in itTea Lis belt and his shirt front in a bandy sort of way. The peasant wans a iathem hols, wiu: a sheathed ducser or a jM'Uch over the p.t of h: ssctr.a-.-b from which she handles of a knife and a revolver csn aliy protrtid". The Greek still wears th red Fcrypiar; cap upon his bead, and the tassel hans? down upon bis shoulder in an artistic pose. A 'well-Erroomed Greek" is the most piituresjuff loohinsr ohj"t in Enro;e. There is no cosrurne that will compare with his. bus. like all other national peculiarities, is is rradually becoming obsolete. Toe se it !n the counrry towns of the interior, but in the cities very few people wear it except oid fashioned eer.tmen and the servant c:aj. The aristocracy dres.o: their ser vants in that way. makir.r it a sort of liv.-ry. r.nd that practice. I cm told, has mad" it unpopular anions the mechan- ics and the workinc classes renerally. because hey fear pieople will mistane them for household sett ants. LAST SHOT Or THE CIVIL WAR. Capt. S. H. Barton, a Texan. Claim He Fired It. "I alone, sire, am the rear truard of the prand army! - u e-- ' ex-laimod .farshal -he last shot a: the ' osrt.iciis on the banks of th Ber isino. In the re treat of Napoleon from bis disas trous campaign Russia. U"n a line of Confederate cav alry was slowly retirlnr from the deld on the plains of Brazos .Sauti atro in Texas. .in. i.. ' vrher ti" biue an'J Cy bad met in deadly encounter for the last time, a soldier turned in his saddle, and after ! : repeating the words of the great French marshal, he threw his gun to his shoul- ' der and fired. It proved to be the last 1 shot of the last battle, and it was cer- : tainly the last shot of the Ions war. j :The man who describes this event and who claims he is entitled to the d.- i tlnction contained in be. tig its central ' i figure is S. II. Burton, of Lei Uio. in I wes-era Texas, where he owns a Cue ranch. He was a captain in the Con fedemte army, and he was held in high esie.-ui by b.s superiors and dear.y : loved by the brave Texaas. whose dan- ; r and privations he shared on the . ; march and in the trenches where balls ' : fell like hall. Promotion sought him ; many times after the smoke of battle ; bad cleared from a red field and sol- dlers were talking of bis dauntless i courage, but be preferred to serve with ! the comrades of bis boyhood. : The story of that last battle, which ich was fougat on tne 12:h of Mav Iku ; after the wtr was ended and pence de- tarpi. uaa wrm.nlivKl tue BtseCtlOn that ll mrne. .u. .1. n. wu amr Of 00 lit- tie Importance. Gen. Egbert Brown. w ho re.:ently died at West Piaina. Mo., waa in command of the Federal troor.. II- marttl (ctr it nn .t. a . In southern Texas, and he was doubt less well Informed concerning the termination of hoetll-ties. Gen. J. E. Slaughter, who commanded the Con fed.iret troop encamped at Brazo Santiago, bad heard rumors of the snr render of the armlew commanded hy Lee. Johnson and other generals, but be bad received no official notice of these facts from the War Department Gen. Brown, under a flag of truce. In formed the Confederates of the stute of affairs about Washington and Rich mond, at the same time Inviting them to come In and lay down their arma, as tha wax was certainly over. t:p 07 Gen. Plsnirhter refnwed t art In affair of snch importance nntii be was hotter informtHi. Thereupon Col. Bar ret, at the hesd of a eonnideraMe for-e. wa dispatch-! nf ,1,r T1" csmp. A tot lr.tt enoi. and ciir. ons.y eoccsa. m. of the Cshtics WK' do:.e on tie oid Eeid of Palo Alto. wb re Geo Taylor n. hirred a rirtory over the Meii'tns ceariT twenty yes- lfore. The frrnch Foldier ervmpel on the southern i.ore of the HioOrande worv in i-.-m-n-hy with the imitherncrw. and thf.v kept Gen. Slanchter and Col. K.r- Ford p.wt.v! ns to the movements of the Fderu! troop. Several epirired eni.'i".t.pr wcrre! and the sun w.liil I? ime of the ne-rro resiaients as: ha ve lH-r e'- ere. While the hi tie rilled tiie C'i.ife.l-rare were fre ;". er.t;v ir.furzned by "U.e bold mTalry liien in hiae that the war wan over. One d;.r:nr fellow snooted: "lr cur rendred a month nro The war i enle.'.. V, !.y idoL't yon go home"" V.'Len the enpaceui'-nt was hottest '"fu. Siau-'h-er fw-eived dUpatcb and the French sent him a hundie of news paper. Fniiy a:!sSed that the cause for which they were hi-htins was for - evr lost, he ordered the hrins to cease. At that p;.rt!' i:hir moment neither side cedd have . !a riid r.r.v advantage over th- n:tr hut r:n armies bei-nn to re- " t . ,, . :"" a: :;me- i apt- H. fh.-'.n. in command of the rur cv.nrd. was slowly ridins away a stray i stru' k a youn: man by hid side and he fell from his saddle. That : was certainly the last man killed in the lor.? war. Capt. Barton wan unahle to! r iV. hi. name. "I thought that was : bard lu -k." sa.nt the old soldier. "The younir can had served four yenrs and ever -ot a s'-rntch. The Inst bullet that .-a me otir way killed him. Frompt e-'. more by a spite at fate than bitter ness toward ti.o enemy. I turner' in my sa'.d.e and rd toward a dark blue l.ne which I hope was out of ranse. the last shot of the ""at war." PINI5TE1-: WU LIVES IN STATE. Chinese Lecatinn One of the Finest in Waeh iucton. C'ne of the haLdomest of the foreign legation in V'ash:n?ton is the Chi nese, ti The ho ca: at (j and ls:h streets, j :e has lucr ien considered I one of t lit. snow r.hi.-M r.1 W'o r..-. and its Ene location and beautiful arch itecture make it moss imposing. It is of white Indiana stone, with red tile roof. The hallway is of oak. wi;h a lar: stone frieze, and from it one en ters the iarze reception room known as the onyx n-om. which is distinctly oriental in character. Farther on is the pario-. Cnisned in licht woods and decorated and finished In delicate col ors. When the Chinese minister moved into the house be added much of h.s own fumi-ure and ornaments, brousrht froai China, to the various mmmm il' if iiii i.iii. U.G..llu.. apartments. He converted the oriental room into a veritable Chinoe apart tnent. and in this room the minister and Mrs. Wu receive their cu..rs ia I whre tea is Invariably served. One t of the most prominent features of this or seat of honor, a IarSe and mai,-nicenf.y carved piece of teak wood furniture resembling somewhat a large settee, with a black puocy table or tray across the center Tne cistern is to give the cuest of honor one of the seats on the ho...oi. . ctair while the minister takes the oth ' er. and tea is served on n- . . .. , , .u tin.' Du..o..tg is the luiuieuse ballroom, and ' t&c2id;r et in Washington. 'wunia iu il.A ii. is ui.iueu m carved i . . .. . s;oue. wiih a di .-.c.i ,Ur tsjsie. space for dan-.tg. ins and an immense New l r.,,. cinders. oeorge r. Ave.-::;. pv. E at Arverne. I- si:ys that he has disco vi.rul o means of ns.i.g waste eoa. ... ...ai ... i-iKe tne h.tuerto use- , esa mater.al of tr-en. A v.-..-.. t r - r: great couimen-;.'.! e use which Xfr x , -:o , . r,.. j 4 i hi una L0'jTr.r P-r cent u;a,,e up of con tr.e re- f.c.iv v .. and - - ... v..,e b.t ursolic cement h has had tests made imrf., Mr. ; supervision of th- department of bulld ; 's m ilcr.hattan. wbicb show that . tw insuiatmg properties of , constructed a-ordine to Me s'Z.. spec;ti..at.ons are very great A Quesrlon of Climate. An Old colored n'Mi.u .. I u- w US telling E.S COngregat.On that S'ter A..,l L ! ould prohablv E0 to rh. he' j meeting one of the bes nf?rT AtM 1 hre-Wn ..m . 'nrt"ud of the - iu li.ic; m P'f ck:n"- 5n't ,0D kno dat de In de w.y you gwine ,a it."-At:anta Constitution m'M New Word r,r to designate the TJ Jnns heen ordc.U, t" ir'Miif .i-roi,'s ubi DAN GR.OSVENQR SAYS: Teruoa is an Excellent Sj.riaj Catn KttneCj ! an as well as Eer." Hen. lun. . GroTnnr. of Che fano-a Ob. ditor ior ti e war department, in a !. ter w ritten lrom vn ashington, D. C , ay: . "Allow me to express my jrrtitut to you for the benefit derived front bostle of Peruna. One week ha brought wonderful chan?es and I : now as well as ever. Besides beis- one of the very bert sprinortol?. , an excelent catarrh remedy." Vert ; respectf.l!y, Dan. A. Qrosvetmr ' Hal P. Ienton. chief national emcn exposition, I'hiiadelphia, I'a.. wriW "I was completely rundown fiomove;. work and the respons-ioility natanlit connected with the exploitation of a s-eat international exposition. Ki phy-ician re- maended an exteoW vai-ati on. When life seemed almost i in-.rden I liecan taking Peruna, ui w :th tiie use of the fifth bottle I fr.njj myself in a normal condition. I tin !-:n e enj-'Ved the best of health." Almost everybody needs a tonic a the i rins. r-omethinf to brace tk ne-ve. invigorate the brain, tti ciei.ne the blofl. That Peruna Ji d i ti.i is ix-yond all question. Etwt--lie who ha tri"l it has bad the nat experience as Mr. D. XV. Timberliie. d Lynchhiirp, Va., wlio, in a recat -fcr. n.ade u-e of the follow ing wonk "I aiway- take a dose of Peruna aftB -.i-".::e-s hour, as it is a great thisj : r the nerves. There is no betw --.-riiiu' tonic, and I have used abocl a.! of them." For a free book on "Chronic & turrh." adire-s The Peruna Medici Co., Columbus. Ohio. i Kept a Record. Mrs. Ptyle John, do yon keep u account of tiie monev you spend fool ishly? Mr. Styles Yes, dear; I've got ill ,i)ur milimery bills in my safe;. From Gor IV. to Edward VII. Should the raroness Bnrdett-Cootti live to witnes the coronation of Li ward VII next June, it will be fit third event of the kind she will bin attended. At tiie aire of 16 th lieorce IV crowned, and she sl it tended the coronation of Queen Vie toria. Danger of ReicntmcnL "Republics are ungrateful," said thi hero, sadly. "Well," answered the business tntt "I suppose a republic has a great di of human nature about it. Nobod' likes to be dunned, and eome peopi are liable to make the mistake oft tinuallv reminding republic of is debu." Pro-Bocr Piptr In Pitta. A new pro-Boer paper called Pf Pretoria has made its appearance Paris. It contains communication sympathizing with the R-ers from large nubmer of senators and doputk It Wu of Him Dibbs (facetiously) This isspicW of my wife's first hubsand. Dobbs Great snakes! Whit brainless looking idiotl But I diial know your w ife was married before met you. Dibbs She wasn't. That'sap01 of nn telf at the age of 29. Tid-Bi what became of Him. "What became if your brother Bill, ho nevnr could learn history at school, ar.'i always insisted that Benedictl'' nold discovered America?" inquired ti former Resident. "Who Rill?" .ol Ihfl Pf- i son Addressed. "Oh, he don't Ii here any more.' He made a mW dollars out of a historical novel tin hao Adam for its hero and Joan off , for the heroine." Baltimore Am" ' ican. A Different Mattsr. "Let me see," said the clerk, fiUW out a marriage license. "This fourth, isn't it?" "No." said the hnsband-to-be, indig nantly, "itV o ily my second." GET SOA0 WHEN r OILED. v f CLOTMjn-- ' WlLLKEtPTO-i ' MABDMTSTflfi A mm MR MOVE TPAje MWt Of KflTA ' . CATALOGUES SBEE ..Ti 40WtNG fUUL LINE Of- GARMeNTJ ff-T