Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, April 17, 1902, Image 3

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    Jill Humors I
Are impure matter which tin- skin,
liver, kidney, ami other organs ran
not t.iki fan' of w'thont help, there is
such :tli .nvinmlation of them.
'fl.cv litter the whole sytoin.
l'ii pies, boils, eczema and other
, ril ' c.ll, loss "f appetite, that t:- I
fcelin,'. biliot'.s turns, tits i indiges
tion lu!l headaches uml many oilier
roiil!r are due to them.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
' atil Pills
Remove nil humors, overcome all
their etl'ecls, strengthen, tone mil
invigorate tlie whole system. .
1 hfd 't rhi'iiin on my Immto Hint 1
m!l ii"' wnl- I to ik Hnoit'H shi-miuui-i -t
ami il "lrv t tin' hiniiiir I ciiiiiiiiihw in
w HI' ""' "' itiiiiiaie.l." Mks. Iiia ij,
Bkown, Itiiiuioul Kall, Me.
Hood' Saraafarllla praman to
euro r" keopm tho promjtmt.
Hard Luck.
Mav Woodhy h! induiw Unit's
just .my luck! .My new cunt's black,
uml here my nude's gone, uml died!
Sue iiilily looiliuvs! hat are you
mniilaining nlioiit'.'
.May Wimdhy Why, if I'd only (rot
ten a light coat, I could Wear one of
those swell mourning halidH on the
leeve. I'liilailelphiu I'ress.
TV'lth local nppllcniiiMis, a thry cannot rpach
thf flfit oHlKMliHt'HK'-. t aiarrii is n Itinoil or
const 1 1 n I itniH I ili ase. ami in order lo run' it
Ton in list tui internal rt'tticilien. Ilnlla
tturli I iin.-iM tnki'ii intiTiiiiil) , uuo hci so i reel ly
on tin lilood nml niui'ous Kiiriio'cs IIhII k Cu.
tarrh I'lire is not a Miiai'k nu-ilinin. . It wag
prosiTi lit-i.1 by out" of Hie IteM iitiYMt'itin in I Ins
ivumry lor "'ins. iiiul isiircfriilur iiti-.i'ri.iinii.
Il 1SCOI11mi8. ollilO tKSt tOniCS kllOVMI, l!ll.
I.nnsl with tt' ln-s. blooit uriliers. arum; ill.
root i y '"ti I tie mucous surtHt-cs. Tin mrU'CI
t-oni lo it Ht imi oi i lu- two mmeiitents e- viuu pro
liiii i's t-ui-li uouii'-r in I losuitb iu itiinngoauirrh.
jjem! (or ifsiiiiioniul. frt'v.
F. .1. en KM: V a Co., I'roprs., Toledo, 0.
Solil by ilrir.' isis. prH'r 75r.
Halls i-uuiily 1'ill.s are Ihu t.eat.
"Yon don't get such poetry as was
written in days gone by," suid the re
prctlul per.-nn.
"(If course you don't," answered the
nine modernist. "There is so much
riavs (.'one hy poetry already on the
market that there is no further demand
for it." Washington Star.
Hamlin's Wizard Oil knockH the spots
oft" your throat when it is sore, and pre
vents diphtheria, ipiinsy, etc..
"When the lecturer made a grunint
iral error, it. brought down the house,"
raid .Miss (itirley.
"I don't think the house had been
well lirou'.'ht up," commented Mrs.
(iiirioy, gravely. Detroit Free Truss.
Mothers will Iimi Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
tiiff Syrup tlie best remedy to use tor their
children during the teething period.
Dodged the Questran.
"What is your name, yon lany vaga
bond?" exclaimed the new woman
whom Dusty I 'an asked for lunch.
"l'-pardon ine, madamc," he stam
mered, edging away, "hut I am travel
ing incog." Ohio'siate Journal.
MOW I lm the rime to USE IT. ?
She Knew IL
"Ceorge Ooslin declares that he.
wouldn't marry the best woman alive,"
remarked .Mr. Spatts.
"Well, ho won't," assented Miss
Frocks, "for I have refused him."
Philadelphia North American.
Poison oaK
Poison ivy
re amonthe best known
of the many dangerous
jilil plants and shrubs.
To touch or handle them
quickly produccsswclling
and mflauimation with in
tense itching and burning
of the skin. The eruption
oon disappears, tlie suf
ferer houua forevpr- Ytnt
almost as soon as the little blisters and
pusiiiles appeared the poison had reached
lue blood, and will break out at regular
intervals and each time in a more aggra
vated form. This poison will loiter in the
system for rears, and every atom of it
must be forced out of the blood before you
caa expect a perfect, permanent cum.
Nature's Ani.dote
'Nature's Poisons,
W the only cure for Toison Oak, Toison
Ivy, and all noxious plants. It 19 com
Josedeclusivelyof rootsand herbs. Now
w the time to get the poison out of your
system, as delay tnake9 your condition
worse. Don't experiment longer with
Mlves.washes and soaps they never cure.
lrM.' M- MIiill, bookkeeper of the Atlanta
Cu ' G,a Itight Co., was poisoned with Poison
mi, j toolc Sulphur, Arsenic and varioua
?owr drugs, and applied externally numerous
oiions and salves with no benefit. At times the
welling and inflammation was o severe he was
imost blind. For eight .ears tlie poison would
Break, out every season. His condition was much
unprove.l afier taking one bottle of 6. S. S., and
ait "'"cleared his blood of the poison, and
ui evidences of the disease disappeared.
People are often poisoned without
knowing when or how. Explain your case
'""y to our physicians, and they will
eerfully give such information and ad
ce as you require, without charge, and
e will send at the same time an interest"
og book on Blood and Skin Diseases.
111 tllna ArtlH h HriisriTlilt.
An Old Hot or a Shovel Marie a Thins
of tiruce liy Mini.
"Tho Soiithofiior or the Westerner." .
says an observer of men. "ciin carry
off his line soft slouched hut with dash
ii ml grace. Hut when it comes to
downright ahiiudou and perfect pictnr
osiiucness lu this there is nobody who
can excel the Italian laborer.
"No cowboy with u brond-ritunied
tweiity-live-dollar felt hat whose brim
Mies back a Kill list the side of the crown
mid stays there as he gallops across
the country can get u gayer twist ou
his hat than tin Italian laborer wear
ing a cheap, naivow-hri mined, ragged
liny innyhe mortar-stained, soft hat can
get on his.
"Not all Italians are thus pictur
esque, to be mire; but the Italian that
is wears his slouch hut lu the most
I'antasiic forms with absolute uueou- i
sciousness, with perfect uaturnluess of i
manner. It is not something studied !
for effect, but his hat is a picturesque
and perfectly hurmouious purt of his
attire. i
"He can turn the brim at the front
siuare back ngniust his head, leaving
face anil forehead wholly exposed; or,
Ik can turn it up at the side, or for
that mutter up at the back, and his,
battered old hat will be jaunty ami '
picturesque still and absolutely becom
ing tl) 111 111. !
"And wearing a hat In that way Is
not the only thing he can do pictur
esiiuesly. He can carry a shovel so; and
maybe he is the only man living that
can do that You will meet, going to
their work, Italian laborers carrying
their shovels by a cord tied one eud to
tlie handle near the blade, the other
etui to the grip end of the handle. Hy
this cord, passed over his shoulder, he
carries his shovel suspended at his
back, just as he would carry a carbine
there by the strap attached to stuck
uml barrel.
"Whcu he is picturesque he's as pic- ;
turesque us he can be, the swarthy 1
Italian." New York Sun.
A landlord, though not an Insurer of
the safety of premises which he is
I about to let, who knows that they are
defective and In a dangeruiis condition
mid does not Inform the tenant of such
defect Is held In Moore vs. I'arker
(Kuu.), K5 L. U. A. 778. to be liable for
I an Injury thereby occasioned to the
I tenant or a member of his family.
A sbitule requiring railroad compan
ies to fence their right of way where
the same Is contiguous to private prop
erty Is held In Johnson vs. Oregon
Short Line Ilailruad Company (Idaho).
fill L. II. A. 744, to be a valid police reg-;
Illation adopted for tlie benefit of the
general public and not for the sole bene
fit of adjoining oromtlguuus land own
ers. A parent who permits his child to
have possession of u deadly weapon
when, from youth or mental weakness
or from the use of Intoxicants, he H in
competent to be intrusted with it. and
the parent knows the danger, or in the
exercise of reasonable care should
know it, Is held lu Meers vs. McDowell
(Ky., 53 L. It. A. 780. to he liable for
injuries inflicted upou other persons by
the child's discharge of the gun.
Where one claims damages from a
contractor because of the failure to
erect a store nn'd olllce building within
a given time, and the evidence sup
ports the claim, the Supreme Court of
Georgia, in the case of Cannon vs.
Hunt (38 S. E. Itep. 1831. holds that the
proper measure of damages is the
rental value of the building for the time
elapsing between the time tlxed for Its
completion and the time when It was
delivered and turned over.
The salary annexed to a public office
Is incident to the title to the oftice.
holds the Supreme Court of Minnesota j
in the ense of Larson vs. City of St.
I'aul (8(J X. W. Itep., 50), and not to Its
occupation and exercise, nor to the
usurpation of colorable possession of It;
and a sergeant of police, illegally re
moved, Is not prohibited from receiving
his salary because It was paid to an
other between the date of his attempted
dismissal and the date of his reinstate
ment When Oil Paid.
Atient the exeltonicut of speculation
In the Texas oil fields. George Mcliae,
who Is at the Waldorf-Astoria, tells of I
the disco m II tu re of a speculator from
St. Louis who wanted to drive a close
bargain. The St. Louisau selected a
well for purchase, and it was offered
him for $15,000. Ho demurred at the
price, aud finally oue of the officials of
the company selling the wells re
marked: "I'll tell you what I'll do. If you
will pay 10 cents a barrel for all the
oil produced there for thirty days you
nnn lm VO tllP Well "
v.." j
"Agreed," said the man from St i
Louis, and he signed an agreement
The well produced 10,000 barrels '
daily for the next thirty days, costing
the St Louis speculator J30.000. New
Vrtrlr Tinipa, i
First Kun on a Bank.
The first "run" on banking Institu
tions in Tendon was In 1UU7. Many
Lombard street goldsmiths and bank- j
ers had lent out the money entrusted ,
to them, and being eauea upon tor
payment were unable to meet the de
mand. A crowd of creditors and
others assembled and a riot followed.
In which four bankers were hanged at
their own doors before order could be
restored and the angry creditors per
suaded that they were not being swin
dled. Germany's Customs Inorease.
The Increase In Germany's customs
receipts from Klao-Chnu last year was
28 per cent. The total sum, however,
was only $70,000.
gh:o Duty
What uiTcring frequently resultt
from a mother's ignorance ; or mort
frequently from a mother's neglect to
properly instruct her daughter !
Tradition says " woman must vat
It." and young" womon are so taught,
riiere is a little truth and a great deal
ex!ic?eration in this. If a yor. ;j
a otuan suffers severely she needs treat
rent, and her mother should see that
.ie fets it.
Many mothers hesitate to take their
4 itightcrs to a physician for examina
tion : but no mother need hesitate to
write freely about her daughter or
herself to Mrs. Pinkham's Laboratory
at Lynn. Mass., and secure from a
woin.in the most elliuient advice with
out charge.
Mrs, August Pfalzrraf, of South
I'.vrou. Wis., mother of the young lady
w'lose portrait ve here publish, wrote
in .January, ls'.ti). saying her daughter
Hid surl'eiid for two years with irrc
c.lar menstruation had headache ail
the time, and pain in her side, feet
swelled, and was generally miserable.
She received an answer promptly with
advice, and under date of March. 1SW.
t,:ie mother writes again that Lydia E.
I 'ink 'nam's Vegetable Compound cured
Ii-'- daughter of all pains and irrcgu
lar'ty. Nothi nty In the worl 1 equals Lydia E.
r-'.nkham's great medicine for regu
Int'iig woman's peculiar monthly
Got Them All at Once.
Sue Ilrette I see it stated that if the
eugs were equally divided among the
inhabitants of the country, each human
In-ill would get 141.
l oote Lighte iracious me! I got
that many one night while on our tour
out West! Yonkers Statesman.
The ffl. &. M. Arcs are Causing Quite a
Nothing is more annoying than
THiorlv lighted slov. I rom thetiiue
old tallow dins millions oi penole h ive
been licit lli'tvi Itv tusil llicient . . v, netl
Hie wening comes. l',nt n-.ti -,.inns
the whole question is settie.l i iv tlie
beautiful, brilliant, ecoiioin uai - AI ,v
M" Arc Lamps that ar" lieeoinitig so
popular. They arc cheap, too. Wrilo
to ('. W. Lord. Port la ml. Oregon, for a
circular telling you all about tnem.
You'll be glad you w rote. Agents are
wanted in everv town.
Multiplication and Division.
Hodrick This is a wonderful couii
try for arithmetic.
Van AUiert Think so?
"Yes. They make two one at Niag
ara and one two in South Dakota."
Chicago Daily News.
Lmliea Caa Wear Shoea
One iize smaller alter using Allen's Foot Ease,
a ;ioiier. It makes tight or new shoes easy.
Cures Hwellen, hot, swcatttiK, Hcliiii(r feel, in
Krnii iiig nails, corns antl Inm ions. AlliiniL'
t:its Hiid sunt" suites. '.'.x Trial piirliat'e FKKE
liy niHil. Address Allen 8. Climated, Le Ituy,
New York.
A Pertinent Query.
Magistrate It has been proven
you struck your wife, and
Defendant Well, judge, I stood
bossin' as long as I could.
Magistrate l'hat doesn't excuse you.
She is tlie weaker vessel, and you
sin mid
Defendant Weaker vessel, eh? Then
why does she carry so blame much sail?
Philadelphia I'ress.
The Great Pain-Killing Remedy.
Never tails to Cure.
And All Bodily Arhes and Pains.
There is Nothing so Uood.
Sold in 25c and 50c Sizes.' 4
t ST. JACOBS OIL (Limited), I
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
Foot ol Morrison Street.
Con give you the beBt barsains in
Buggies, Plows, J'toilers and Kngines,
Windmills and l'unips and General
Machinery. See us before buying.
M. P. N. IT.
Mo. 111802.
lyimx writing t advertisers picas a
maiitisn this paper.
-i !!
1 4&m
Used tor 50 Years.
Warm Within.
"Mercy, pee tl.e e drink! Why
s ; i'nisi ctnt 1 i i 1 that J -nil of water
A'l-a-'-i the liuiit-r ith hitiiV'
"i'.e i c ii a'atn. I thitik hi' ate t'
.-!;.r.i ui-ior yi hi !o;t ly in" on t'
'en t.il e." fievealnd l'lai:
As Explained.
Pe Swell lbwv is it. every time 1
order n pair of trmwrs you make them
jtist a little short?
Taiior U believer I send a statement
of your account, you are short ; 1 meas
ure you accordingly. Chicago News.
Kit Requirement!.
"I can recommend him as a man who
never took an unfair advantage of any
"1 don't know as I can find employ
ment for him," aswered Senator Sorg
hum. "You see, every mw and then
there gets to lie some pretty sharp coiu
petition and all 1 want is to know that
ley assistant isn't going to take advant
age of me. The rest of the world is at
his disKisal." Washintgon Star.
Boston Browningites.
Mrs. Ciiish How do you do, MandaV
How did yon like the reading of
lirowniiiL' at tlie club last night?
Mrs. P.lnff (Hi, pretty well. Tut 1
didn't like the way her dress hung.
Mrs. (hish NVr I, either. And it
seemed to me she niiirht have held her
book more gracefully. lioston Trans
cript. Only a Woman's Wile.
He was a very shy young man, and
the girl well, she was like most girls.
They were seated on a lieuch in Moor
park, l'reston.
"How do you pronounce 'K-i-s-ni-e-f."
" she asked.
1 "h, in this instance the 't' is
sounded," he replied.
I "I'hen that would be 'Kisme,' "
Ami he did, although he was a
young man. London Answers.
si IV
I do not hclipvp IMso'h Tare for Con
(intuition has nn citniil fur oonirlis ami
ioios. .imi J-. ImviR, trinity titirints,
J-'en. l.l. lmm.
Man Behind the Gun.
"(ireat cinders! Smith, look at this
paper. Jones kicked out of the house
by his father-in-law! Awful, awful!
Why, Junes is one of our biggest guns."
"And his father-in-law, 1 presume,
was the man behind the gun, as it
were?" Ilaltimrire News.
150 Kinds for 16c.
It ia&fiit tliat Hu1r' Wfrrtahloantl flower
t-llft UK lolllKl III llmltt KKi'IIH
mi m mure 1st mi Hihii tiny mhor
1 i....r..n 'I I...... i u r. i I.
ftmvn nurl mu-i titiivir IdiiiHera li.i
tlie iiriMlin'tmn of our rhuii'T MH-tiH. In
omit 10 HKiui't you iu iry l tiiu
iiiiikf ti t luuuwuttf uiipruu-
Fa cema poiPaidM
til hind f mnml laarltma radUkM. TrlL?
til hind or mnml lrlin rdUk. TJ
14 BitilRrnl urlirtl neloas,
16 surU f lurion Unaloru, JVt
la prltt lliyc riUi. jTl
11 pivaaia orri sortt, 1
srroulr beftutir al lewtr Modi.
In all 160 kinds ponfilTely furniBliina
luiniiHlB of eluirimnif (tow cm rtinl
IOIB ailU IOUI UT I'lluXt) T-KMHllhB,i
uK-iiifr wiin our kh'iii i-uiaiuiit'i
wiiuiKaii aoxHii iwnini Kim iv '
Oat and Hruiniia and MwlLz. onion
cru at wn a iioiiiiu. fit., mil on v
lor 1 Oc. In alani4. Write UmImj.
La Cross. Wis.
The Literal Mind.
Little 5-yea-old Margie was out walk
ing with her mother recently, and find
ing it difficult to keep up, she said:
"Mamma, are you a stepmother?"
"'o, dear," was the reply. "Jiutwhat
made you think I was'.'"
"liecause you take such awful long
steps," replied Margie. Chicago News.
Overestimating Him,
"Paw," said little Willie Gettit.
"give me 10 cents to buy a story book
"Ten cents!" shrieked the old gen
tleman. "Do you think I am Andrew
Carnegie?" iJaltiinore American.
Tired of Walking.
"Well, I suppose you want some cold
Tramp No. lady; I calli'ii to impure
if von had a kecond band automobile to
give me.
The Question.
"Supposing that women could
and hold office, would you allow
wife to run?"
"Say, if you were crossing a Drldge
over a deep stream and right in the
middle of it you met a large wildcat,
would you keep to one side and let the
cat pass on or get out in the middle
and go to arguing with it?" Chicago
Something Wrong.
Mr. Pnapgs Another batch of pretty
girls have formed an anti-matrimonial
Mrs. Snaggi? There is something
wrong about that.
Mr. SnaggsWhat?
Mrs. Snaggs If they are opposed to
matrimony, they are not pretty. Pitts
burg Chronicle-Telegraph.
Too Inquisitive. i
She When we were married a year
ago, I never expected to see you coming !
home here at 2 iu the morning. j
lie Well, you wouldn't now, m '
dear, if you'd only go to bed earlier.
liohtm Gl-jbe. I
"One of my daughters ha J a
terr.hle c.ise of asthna. Vt'e tried
almost ever ttiins;. but witltout re
lief. VC'e then tried Ayer's Cherrv
Pectoral, anJ three and one-half
hottlcs cured her." Fmma Jane
Entsminger, Langsville. O.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
certainly curesrr.any cases
of asthma.
And it cures bronchitis,
hoarseness, weak lungs,
whooping-cough, croup,
winter coughs, night
coughs, and. hard colds.
Thm tlin : 25c.. SOc.. $1. All antfttKa.
Cnnvnlt ymir doctor. It lie HTl tak it.
then ait Ht tic snvs. If he teim ymi nut
tit iik. It. tlien tlou't ink It. Hit kuona.
LeT It ith lorn. W" rt ill I to;.
J. C. AVtK CO., 1aoII, Man.
on sale 's- yt" imp up
CVCRYWhCRE:. C-'Wsl nEsAin&iK.
A.J.T0WRCO.,B03TON.MA33. ,.
St. Helen's Hall
A Ititnrilliig mihI IIh.v Krhmil for;hU.
Has a Norimil k in.lcriitirU'ii TratniMt; 1cihi - .
incut, which Iih h ft'i'HiRW' ri'NintMirc for k i :
dt'ruHrlcn cIhhm', Tin' Hoattlini; I i i u ill
provi'icK a cIum rf nl uml wt'H arraiiK'11) iintm
for yiniiiK iRillcti. Kir ( tttaloui or oilier u
form hi ton Rpi.lv lo
fuitlaml, llH'ifun. Foiimle.t lain.
ft Home School for Boys.
Military and Manual Training.
Write (or It I nsl th teil h t nloerup.
ARTHUR C. NEW ILL, Principal
Don't be a Drudge
You can do your washing in nn hour
with my Washing Tablets. No rubbing,
No acids. Send oi cents for pnckice
and instructions. W. O. POWELL.'
Box 606, Portland, Oregon,
You Find the Difference
JMii' liriti'i
. in uiu pure
RrnPCPPPV C I IPO KI lOr !Ha 1 .""Hl
UlUbOlJgUn O I-IUC nillCI I in- .r.r
Your Chickens.
rliifkf'iia nv
" "
ine ureal
ITM.r, nttrs
Pri'rsian Kkuhhv Co., Kt. I'loil. Minn.
h-i"'""!1! HM.KN ;' '"'V ''"" f'"''"K r I"io kian Stock Poor, to ml
thoroughbred awine. It gives them 1.11 upprtite. ami niikes the iZi
grow. 1 also tried it ou stunted culv.-a wit I. .,i,.Ih" ,rv ulta V "
BOWEN 8KKI HTOKK, Const Agents Portland, Or.
AVtge'able Preparation Tor As -similaling
rtieFoodandltej? tola
ting tite Stomachs and Dowels of
Promotes DigeslioivChperftir
nessanrlReslConlains neillier
Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral.
Aas W
Jtx.Smiut HtUSJO'
tfmmmme -JHCutenmaJmU
A perfect Rented forConstipa
Tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Fox Simile Signature of
1 VI
I Sri
J H 1 tiT S-iIk niako siy-j -'
rots. i:eotl s
uke inurrt 'iia-
II f Y t'lM.l m HHi'll pur t
i-r i inn
K 5' ..r.iu :i a . llt. F. Thm
r. ! l the F-rrv f
Mitre 1 . rrv' Soi1 m
I ,,3 Mllil Miw 11 ttlHH :4" v n Ur
wtji t,M'1- So'1 l,.v tri
rf, I D Ferry . VO. tf
Lv'J OMroit, I f
t il'TIOelt I tti'b; initiif tiinfii.iiiit .tinirufOMbol(uui
finttc tnrrfitte f suit m tatit Mottt
HM"-T, TIKI rir.
Ioo i "il Pntr.
11101 rl,5,72 Pairs.
H istnrni M rm than Uoubltd in tour Ywm.
i.. i"um..t in.'' nun 'MRntorrnin win ami i
H.Ml ulio'-i U hi .iMV tUluT l m ii:iii 1 in tn Hit w.f ill. I
. .. P"!it;i i i in :iik .., l)nr iiimtHi mni' n
lilt Willi J... On ainl f '.i lu t of nllier ihhiO'p, hi
titlllKt lt !' llt II K.'iitl. I (ley Will Ollt W -(,! M
p.HIH of onllllllry S.I.III M T Ml f-.lJ Kill-!. U
Corona Hid, Cnmmt Colt, ni1 hntmtml Kamniron II
matw or tnti oet fttrne inriuaina rrnr u
W.I,.Uiui1m4.IH-;IH fctlro I. mnnol htaallti. II
rt roir Kvrlolt ftnn ! nmn iirmks
Ktiilv mull W .. t'alrit. I Hlnlg Irrr. 1
We Will Give You
2 Hyacinth Bulbs CDCC
Or 6 Tulips, rnLL
Together with our Complete Catalog
for lool, if you will semi us a mail
order, no matter bow small. Write us,
and make your selections from oifr (at
nhi''. Springtime is here, and it ta
time for planting.
LAMBERSON - Portland Oregon
Sew Year Resolutions
ICeclcy Curo
aiua fallal lioin ll'iaur, npiiira anil lonaoM
auiia, twna lot partloulantj
luty InS Jtllte,
l 01 ftil to 4 ii ivillUmi
Ave.. ritrtlHiiil, Ori'itim
Hicklv. luli-v rliii ki'liM ami Ii.m1iI.v .,...,.,.... i-
imi in-iit-y 10 tour truvt. t ht- oilii-r iim him m.iuur
Hit n w MM m htiv. T
Hinl ,,r Wny Hh-i m. Muli klv l.-iroynif nil
ih u.Mlni. c in imiimriMoti to (hi- lmihI it will ...
i ' v if i i y
rf a rc-M (mif Hhtrlt 'a rvir l'roiliuir mul II... ilia i..
i - itl" nun u. In v. lulu u in a u inv hin when II vo ur
- ' r ci ii i. more i-jibh 'il o UI' l'il.
Street. Portland. Or. Co mot A omnia.
conditioner and Stuck Pattener. HOUSKS da
on I.CAS l ee.l. tUWS viva Mlir. and OI. k
l-atwn Quicker II given this I nod.
Package, 6O0 and Sl.OO.
" '. lilwln. Neb.
mul Hit nl 1 1, Uu.lt
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
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Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years