The Small t of the Back fjiat is wheie some people feel leak all the time. jVev are likely to be despondent jnd it i? not unusual to find them rrowi::ff trouble as if they hadn't Lffigh already. Th? fact is their kidneys are leak, t'ther natiy'j' or because sickness, expos i." .worry or fiber influences. "I sin thankful to say." writes J. L. Camp- .. of Sycamore, 11L. tnt Hood's barsapa !t has cured ma. For many years I was froubled with backache. At times I was so id I bad t be helped from toe bed or rbalr. un now well and stronf and free from pain." tut this treat medicine did for him it has lose for otbers. Hood's Sarsaparilla Promises to cure and keeps the omise Begin treatment with flood's todav. A Terrible Dream. "I had an awful nightmare last ight,"aid the footpad. "What wan it?" aked the burglar. "Or on nun I held up the iceman and it after I got his money along came e pitman and collected his bill." iltiniure American. A Safer Sport. "There's one renpect, at least, in iiicli tithing is a good deal safer sport ;in hunting. "How is that?" "We don't make any fatal mistakes oking up men who happen to look fcefi.-h." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Some neotile eniov Rheumatism or I'imilpia If they did not they would luinlm 8 lzurd Oil. lt a Mots On t flow. slti?glsh system; lary. leaden liver; inns uraui: n.sfnreib t anav uattiarttc will ike them move aloug. Wove on I All druir. tit, luc, , itiK. Her Opportunity. Kate Well, I got my revenge on turn, after all. Alice How ho?" Kate he let me trim a hat for her. Sonierville (Mass.) Journal. its or omo, rmr of tolido, Jbank J. ('hknry makes oath that he la the L..V, . ici ui uie nrm oi r . J. UHKNEY it CO.. Wi D", ylv '"7 ul loieuo, UOUtlly r ,v anu iiini sBiu nrm win nay fciiim 01 ONE HI'NUKKD DOLLARS for each . v.. . Line ui imrru mat cannot oe cured toe use of Hall's Catarkh Cure. orn to before me and subscribed in mr iPSeiice, this th day ol December, A. D. 1806. fui A. W. GLEABON, r- ' tfotarv Public. all's Catsrrh Pll m let to ii i ... oVh. M J.H.Tr"'"" L"""?.?"" " E . aim uiui:ifUB nuriBUCfl Ui ijitem. end tor testimonials, free. 4d by drugRists, 75c. jpsll's Family Pills are the beat. A Silent Signal. "And your husband doesn't arouse ehutise when he eoines in lute?" "No; we have a KtiHuL-ino tnl-a " "And does he yell up?" -M: lie uiHt III nun hill VtrontK nr. T Mid tell Jlr. Bender's in' . meimd." Chicago Newbs. Larilea Can Wear 8kia Size smnllav . . L'uer. it make ttsht n- -v.- ' Mne .? ' b0t Bweatlnff- feet, in- 'and . . J' .corn "d bunions. All drug- iii 7 v;,."1 package FREE Vork B- olnl"ed. Le Roy, ENGLISH PRIVATE PALACES. Vaat Bum a Expended on Their Decora tion and Furnihins. The rett'ut sale of Buttle Abbey for 200.000 a figure at which the proper ty Is considered almost ruiuously cheap gives some small Itleu of the vast Bums that may be expended on one's domicile. Eaton hall, the Duke of Westminster's Cheshire scat, cost the late holder of the title considerable over 1,000.000 sterling to build, and probably even this figure would go only a very small way toward purchas ing any one of some score of London bouses as they stand. Perhaps none of these the visitor with a vivid sense of their wealth more than do Spencer bouse. In Arlington street, and Norfolk house. In St. James' sauare. StnrTnrri hnnu James' palace the largest of theul by far contains probably more mouey's unii man any of the others, but is not so lavishly decorated. One may discover timt tnr sideboard without any history or age to enhance Its value the sum of 500 may be paid; for a suite to accom pany It another 500; for a caret for the dining-room, 750; for curtains for the same room, 12 a yard; on fire place and mantelpiece, 300 may be laid out; the tapestry and carved pan eling with which to clothe the walls will cost 100 per panel, and the cell ing, If a Whistler or a Sargent deco rates It. will run away with fG.OOO. Altogether, one may Invest 11.170 on the dining-room one of th cIk.hi... of apartments In the house. The mere mural decoration in the grand drawing-room Will COBt more, mill Its nthor appointments four or five times as mucn. men there will be three or four smaller drawing-rooms, boudoirs, and music-rooms to furnish at a pro portionate cost: a morninc-room or two. which will cost a mere 10.000 apiece; a library, that ennuot very well be fur nished in keeping with the rest for less than 12,000, including books. !tn regard to the bedrooms. 7nn apiece mny be paid for some of the Buiies ana 10O for the beds. Tliese ngures are by no means fancy prices that it would be difficult to spend. To such a firm as Waring's they represent items tnat there would be easily sup pliedLondon Mall. aTTEMPT THIS TRICK AND HAVE SOME FUN. According to the Season. ''Would yer like ter be took ter glory cherrvoot er fin.?" "Well, ef 'tnm in A ,:4- : Jeube I wouhl hnti.tni. .i 1 , , t - VI AUgUD jti lavor a refrigerator wid wings!" f'anta Constitution. There Is a good deal of fun, but more for the onlookers than for those who try to do It in the following tricks: Several persons can take part in the game, and each must assume the posi tion shown In the accompanying pic ture, nnmely, he must stand on his right foot, hold his left foot behind his back with his right hand uud grasp his right ear with bis left hand. When all the players are In this position a newspaper or some other object which ls about six Inches In height Is placed on the ground, and each player Is to hop toward it and do bis utmost to catch It with his teeth and raise It to his own height Those who succeed In doing this are balled as winners, while those who do not succeed hare to pay a forfeit OLDEST LIVING STONECUTTER. Catarrh haa . kase tW 7 rt - ""n i. j; entirely tree irom M disgustrng complaint is seldom met y loapeaic oi (.atarrn Simple ltlflnmmotin t .t, J lr(,s, . . UiC IIV3C Will PtOat, It 1C in ( ,; w .rv ja compticatea ana fcrv, v ; n not at nrst, it Fy soon becomes so. VJTJu1 c,rcilaton is carried to all .uc aysiem. calves. wf,.. a ktnr j j- opraya are unsau aehmmate, lrom the system all tstar i E?!L!! thonwghl, I . ' j ue worst cases. Ir. t Mntof Cfi-w of 'nends, but i5?S3 Ii fJftot 8. ' h.d te Ji and cured aw taw I? n2??",k0 a & S. tatbeoalr niaU- is the only purely veg etable blood purifier known, and the great est of all blood medi- if canea ana tontas. (yv,. . i " uuh t mut anal a In r ' "wu Hill carvuic, DDL DP VS? 5r o' S. S. S.. and .end Lj j, 00 Bood and Skin Diaeasea - .iu paynoans about yonr case, IFT SPECIFIC C0H ATLANTA, OA.' 'of'sMrt.llml, 5 ,edinr dry-goods mer- tUBtS B-tUh WHltt AlLtlSEfAILi I r I HTrtin Tut. j.w 1 Tlmm I time. Sold h dmMUL H 'a w "w" uj unimiina. w w Here la the picture of a union stone cutter nearly 100 years old Robert Bailey, of La Crosse, Wis. The Stone cutters' Journal says that after working at his trade more than seventy years, Brother Bailey is still bale and hear ty, and able to use the chisel and mal let as skillfully as many journeymen half his age. He was born in Coun ty Wexford. Ire land, In 1803, and bout, bailey. came to tuis coun try with his parents when 3 years old. A Critical Case. Perambulating Pete (solicitously) Lady, will you kindly tell me the Ingre dients of an' the method in which you made that pie you gave me this morn ln'? Mrs. Boerura Place (flattered) Cer tainly. Why do you wish it? Perambulating Pete Your pardon, lady, but I have to tell It to my family physician, so's he can know what to gimme for an antidote. Brooklyn Eagle. Music. "I think It's a great pity everybody doesn't like music." "You do, eh?" "Yes; because they have to stand a lot of It whether they do or not." Puck. Negro Creeks. Of the 10,000 people belonging to the Creek nation, according to the latest report no less than C.OoO are negroes. When a child gets sick, and keeps Its kin up at uight, the father has a sus picion that the child got sick on pur pose. ' i 500,000 Women Havo boon restored ta health by Lydia C Ptnkham's Vege table Compound. Their let term are on file and prove thia statement to he a fnct, not m mere boast. When m medlm cine ham been successful In curing so many women, you cannot well say without try Ing lt"l do not believe It will help me." P IN KHAKI'S Vegetable Compound It ft positire cure for all those painful Ailments of Women. Tt Will Ai.Hroltr nrtw, fh. w m Female Complaints, all Ovarian troubles aiiuiiuoi.iuii nU i iff ration, railing and Spinal Yeaknes8, and is peculiarly adapted VaatsW A'nur nissHiolt.. I ' a 1 y nuie iemaie illness. M lift. M. E. MFLLBh. IA Concord Sq , Httsttn, Muni. Backache. It has rnred more cases of Backache ana Leucorrhoea than any other reuieily the world hasever known. It isalniost infallible In such cases. It dissolves and expels Tumors from the Uterus iu an early stage of development, and checks any tendency tuiLDimm iiuuiins. Colds " I had a terrible cold and could hardly breathe. I then tried Ayer't Cherry Pectoral, and it gave me im mediate relief." W. C. Layton, Sidell, 111. How will your cough be tonight? Worse, prob ably. For it's first a cold, then a cough, then bron chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. Tans alias : 25c. Mc.'tl. All arafffsts. Consult votir dor tor. If ha says take It. then do ait h m?i. If h tells yon not to lake It. then don't take It. He knows. Leave It with hint, w- ro wllllns. J. C. AVER CO., Lowell. Mass. An Optimist Susie Robinson Somotimea it iun't so bad having to wear a big sister's clothes. Mamie Brown It isn't? Susie Robinson Xn? whpn m v ritv sister's got this coat on it's a box coat; but I'm so short that, whpn T mr it it's an automobile coat. Brooklyn r.agle. Your WfrntRhlM rfiii...n,.H moved a Fibroid Tumor from my woniD alter aoctors luileii to give relief. AIK8. 11. A. LoMitAHD, 'estiittle, Mans. Bearing-down Feeling Womb troubles, causing pain, weight, and backache, instantly relieved and perma nently cured by its use. Under all circum. stances it acts in harmony with the laws that govern the female system, and is as harmless as water. paasakv Buckache left me after taking tL Sv the seooud bottle. Your medicine cured me when doctors failed. MllS. NARAH HOLSTKIN, 3 Paris Block, Gorliam St., Lowell, Mass. Where Ignorance is Bliss. Maude Kitty, do you know what awful things people are saying about you? Kitty No, dear; and I suppose you do not know what terrible things people are Haying about you? Maude Perhaps, on the whole, it is well that neither of us should be en 1 ightened . Boston Transcript. The Heavy Work Explained. Bighy Hunting trips cost too much nowadays. Bagby Yes; if a man has to buy all the game he brings home. Bigby That's so; and I have to buy about two dozen extra ducks or turkeys for my wife to giveaway. Detroit Free Press. 1 Irregularity, Suppressed or Painlul Menstruations, Weak nttss of the Stomach, Indigestion, Iiloating. Flooding, Nervous Prostration, Headache. General Debility. It is a errand medicine. 1 am thankful fur the go.d it has done me. -Mrs. J. W. J., 76 L'nrolina Ave., Jamaica Plain (Boun), Mam. Dizziness, Faintness, Extreme Lassitude, " don't care " and " want to lie left alone " feeling, excitabil ity, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy, or the " blues." and backache. These are sure indications oi Female Weakness, some derangement of the Ctorus. 1 was troubled with DizzlnftHR. Headaches, Fuintnena. 8nelliuff Limbs. Your medicine cured me. Mkh. Sakah K. Uakek, - Bucksport, Me. The whole atorv, however, Is told In an Illustrated book which goes with eai'h bot tle, the most complete treatise on fexuali complaints ever published. amgnsrsaa For eight years I suffered with womb trouble, and was entirely sTsr cured by Mrs. Finkliam's medicine. Mks. L. L. Tuwke, Littleton, K. H. Kidney Complaints and Backache of either sex the Vegetable Coninotmd alwavs enres. Xue vegetanie uom Sound is sold by nil ruggists or sent b) mail, in form of Pilu Ljdli E. Pinkham'i Liter Pills ours Constipation, Sick Headichi, 250. or Lozenges, on re ceipt of SI .OO. (orrtp(mdence frtl Yon can address in strictest confidence IIUU E. FIHKHAJl HaD. CO., Lma. Provoking. "That is a lovely bracelet George gave you for Christmas," remarked the girl with the Mary Munnering curl. i yes, sighed the girl with the band of crepe on her sleeve, "but as I don't know where he bought it, I simply cannot find out what it cost!" Brooklyn Eagle. Piso's Cure for Coiisiiiimiion is an infal lible medicine for ninths and colds. N. V . oamukl. Ocean Urove. N. J., Feb. 17, 1U00. In rdinate Vanity. Johnson loves to see his name in print, doesn't lie?" "I should say so. Why the morning after he was married, lie got up at 5 o clock to read the wedding notices in the papers. Town Topitrs. Don't Want to Learn. Night schools establihhed a vear ago in Honolulu to teuch English to Ha waiians have been abandoned because of iionattemlaiice. Dream of Boyhood Days. "The dream of my boyhood days," observed J. Pierpont Morgan to a friend, recently, "was to be a farmer, and have the finest stock in the world the dolce far niente of the farmer's life was my farm." "Well, you have your farm and vour stock to say nothing of Btocks," re torted the friend. "Well, but I am the man of all work, and 1 haven't got the dolce far niente and I can't buy it, either, as big a price as I might be willing to pay for it." Aew lork limes. The Farmer's First Profit Is made In his selection of seed. Bend for Our Complete Annual Cata logue for 1902, FREE! It contains full directions for garden work and many useful tables for the farmer. No one sells better Seeds than LAMBERSON'8 SEEDS. " LAMBERSON Portland Ora-on The Kind You Have Always Uou-rbt has bornei t im sio-na- ture of Clias. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 jears. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, JJrops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Tows Office Anxiety. I Pnstam You are looking bad;' what's the matter worrying aUnit the stocks? Subiib? Oh no! lhit I f'l it in my Nines that my chickens have got out and are scratching up my garden. Hrooklvn Life. : St. Jacobs I 0il : Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth ing rvnin the best rvmerlv tn n i. th,., children during the teething period. The Groom's View. First Groom I say, dese rich guys has de cinch. Kuhlicr-tired wanotiH, rubber-tirtHl automobiles 'n' rtiltr. tircl bicycles. Second Groom Yes. 'n' all's left h-r us is ter rub 'er tired horso wheu thev come in Boston Herald. WELL LIGHTED STORES. The M. &. M. Arcs art Causing Quite a Slir. ' Nothing is more annoying than a poorly lighted store. From the time of old tallow dips millions of people have ' been bothered by iiiHUlticicnt light when : the eveninir comes. lint now it uiia ! the whole question is settled by the neauuiui, brilliant, economical 'M A M" Arc Imps that are becoming so j txinulnr. Tlv nn i'lian .w v,;i,. to C. W. Ixiril. l'ortlnml Ilroui circular telling you all about them. You'll be glad you wrote. Agents are wanted in every town. No Climbing. "Ah, my friend." sighed old Skin- flynt, who was dying, "I'm going a long, long journey." ever mind." renhed the friend. who knew him. "It's all down hill." i ' ! : X IT ACTS LIKE MAGIC. AKK wnnls familiar tliroimhmit the I'ivilisrtl wiirhl, words iIihi .land (or all that Is pur and rfleeiWe in Died tome. No power on rsrth has bin shir to oar Its r.ire,. Ihisiim- tl ili.l tl si pointed work. in every rlini and with evrrr people It has worked wonders iu alkylating psln. it eiir' of Kheiimatlsin have ai proHrlied I he mlraruloiia. lis intrliisip value la the wrret o( suivr.s of lis world. wide Mipiilritv ot its wonderlul sale-nf lis conxsiit grow ih. It v irliies are stsmped on the hesrn ol the oiii'e vripvlnl aixl tnriiirfdevprv-where-never Hi be effaeeil while Ilie lams. (iin-h In hrlet is ST. J A CO MS oil, the pain killing marvel ol the ceiiiiirjr. 1 PAIN i MOREJHAN HALP A CENTURY Wr EAKLKILrKD AND OUR GUARANTEE, AM BACK OF EVERY tTATtRPROOF ClbLD 5LICKER OR COAT MARWS THI5TPAPE MAKK. Wits AM al II IflrDMSjutDa tv CAIALOQUO PKCfi &HairVtKia i iusi A f.TOWEBCO..B0aT0N.MA33. , J BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY rurtland, tlrt'son. ronudetl ls;a. K Noma School for Boys. Military and Manual Training. Write for Illustrated Catalogue. ARTHUR C. NEWILL. Principal WASHING MADE EASY By using my Washing Tablets. No acids. Send 50 cents for package stillicicnt for 3 months, with full dircctioiiN. Agents wanted. W. O. POWELL, Box 6o6, Portland, Oregon. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, Foot of Morrison Street. Can give you the lx-st bargains in Buggies, Plows, Boilers and Kngines, Windmills ami Pumps ami General Machinery. See us U-foru buying. In Use For Over 30 Years. TMK CKMTAU OOHNHT. TT MUMMV OTMCT. NIW VORK OITV. Vjvr' lVV THKlas StorasM X&'ts nd t,ie " i II p "Tpr VV ertJ wliera, II Wt!m'&-P&. I ri H rsi'Tiost f i"f '2 tJH Tliegrnulne Vfi C IbSb hRT,!W-1" Wis If UNION MADt " tfotict iitcrtast ef mill imtollt bctmoi ISSS mm 14S, tOS Tmlrt. lsi)lHs.lsa Palra. 1901Z1,5H,720 Pairs. More Than DouUtd In four Heart, THE REASONS I W. L. louKlaa wakes and sells more men's $3.00 and $3.60 shoes thnn aiiyothertwonian uf loturers In the world. W. I,. Douglas 13.00 and shoes plured side by side with S3.U0 and CUM) shoes of other uiskes, ara found to be Juxt as good. Ther will outwear two pairs of ordinary 3.00 and $3.60 shoes. Made of the belt leather!, Including Patent Corona Mid. Corona Colt, and National Kangaroo, M C.Uf Sr.M. uS ilw.;. Sl.rt NmIi ittt. W. L. Souirlu ta.OO "Out Kds Una eannot be equaUea at tor price, atboet by mi.ll SJte. ilru. atBlog free. " I S. Juali4. ItrorLf JUUk X. P. M. C. Mo. V-iVOi. WHEN wrltln. t stdeertlaers please mention this paper. Tot The Farmer The G&rdener and The Housewife f Tlier cosl . inn. m..M ti. f 7. .. V' rui nrm mini ' tliAtl Oil i.nlit.K.. k....i ..i.a I J erorjrwliere. luuj unuiuil 'inse. D. M. PERRY X CO. Detroit, Mloh. New Year Resolutions ?hkk" tCcccy Curo aura relief bom llqaor, oplnm and tooaaaa aablta, bend lot particulars u Ibp!p Inc'itllta M"d to 4tn WlllUtns aBBIBJ InSilIUIB, Ave.. I'ortland, reWun BESTF8BTHE BOWELS ff Ton harnn't a regular, nealthr movement of tb4 bowels every dar, you're sick, or will be. Knep your bowels open, and be well, torce. Iu thetuaiieof violent plirilc or pill poison. Is dangeroiii. The nmoottjeftt. easleht. most iierfect way ol saeplDM Uss oowats elesr aud clean is to take WB CANDY If Xasa' CATHARTIC raaoi atajiN soianaso S,nasant. Palatable. Potent Taste Gooa noOoofl, lererHloSen, Weaken, or Orlpe, loo, BAc WrlU or free samp.e, aod booklet ou beeltn. Address Httim. m4, IomT, Ckimf. Sawl, S lart. tSlt KEEP YOUR BLOOD CIEAN 2 Notminq so oooo rote CHicxena as the PRUSSIAN POULTRY FOOD It makes Hens lay and Keeps them Lsying. ;t cures Roup, Cholsrs snd all Dlieaies. It strengthen! young chicks, and them grow, Pries 25c snd 50c. y youna ehlckans commenced dying, and after imlna four diiifn I pur eluued ckaee of your PRUSSIAN POULTRY OOD. which .t,.d tliViu it ttTu. , h i 7 pl 11 00 a1 9YW slnr. I iren n-uonimvnd "WK attEO Sllilln, Cot AgKulm, UKKIIN. Latah. Suh Porllaud, Ore., and Neattle, VV CLEAR THE TMCK1 KkoltoB varlli las. uAia f ilal ikkss St.. .k. s ptitm M lb blait jicldar trrr-whfft Th TmI ti, ttaiHr'i oU tut Lrd toprrxluesi. T6 U. M. I'ttptrt Dlasf AriaDllsira elaima il.atn.ii .,r uai i la IMUd. Hgal-r'. . tbm fa.s llo. A ......... r- fsrmsrt Our n aOih Century Ott ii bound to eoiupietclf raroloUooiu o( f rowing and we rxrm 4utini of friori lo report jMdm lo 1 (Ot ruBnlnsT from BOM tm. MHA kaa.sasal. n .... t. 4lrl np. B ,m ths avim mi4 bur ihia ssrlair Llila anrinar & suii ia fit mslgbbta thm aoaUut fall for a. It will aurel if jum. The eoly epri watu ob eerU Uiat wiU ylrM pajlaier-piMrlh, lui, aoatli, m4 watt ao4 la vwsry ateie ) the Union. We aJae uare Use ealabreia4 Maaoe, nmi taui, jiei41a( ea Mir fax ma, ta buaoaU per ton. &PELTZ Tt most Mwelew aereel and hi feo4 oe stuth, predMloc I l VlM sad lems ef rlab ea par eere. I S I SO ksitels VEGETABLE SEEDS We art tae larraet pewere and ear aioek ef aarilaat Peee, Beana, gweet era and " 7 bmmk rspiMisi w eitermoae. rriaea are rarr lew. Oaloa eeed to Ml aod m a pwaad Catalogae lei is. Tor 10c Worth SIB Oar freak tatalocae eon lei a fell deeerlptloa ef eur BeardleN Barlev. , niyis iswuit uwra, fotmm WW DIMDtLej nw ru sssaissS ww osvfn pr aflrti wsi free aoa oleaer aiiwN, preaeeiag a too a er nafnineeal nay; eur Pea vea, wihi iae e aeaa at nay, ana i eeeiote vita ao teaa , r greea mdaer per aere. salier'a graei ealeJofae, wr viww w any wiae awue farseaer at eroisr, wiia 10 nrm eeed aanplei, worth v te fa a atart ie nailed yea en reeetpt er IDs. ftaataf. 2?M JohnASalzerSeed Cof