Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, March 27, 1902, Image 6

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ji ftli li-er iz x dty
of tt tin it will tak tlm to w:ij ,
;i; ier .
she would t im
!-t-.-. r.--.i i- 'I i'lltriC ' of tt tirr It will tak'
, TO IAL till COLUN ; ,B tb -ry.
wo;.:.! f-euj tint ti s
! :l o:J.er f A. Tber
f A. Tber U o mocL n)o-
EVTE?.? -151 O? ZOOS
t- .r
"a " '
trt v .
: : -y w i:: :-e. : it
f t. m. t : i i r-- i' i
' " l "". ? :.i v . ; - -.t y e v
. Li ii t-i:
'it '' i .: i it i.i ;.i - fi
t'lit :.i'.i:v; 3-i: :.i -l 1: v :-i :
:g i :ir .e ft it:
r . lz .:---r--t .i i tjl--
..r -io-.t .pt:t. ii trie-rei
- --i Ill a f -c v ;.t - e
1: . t r:; fe.icw til a
iLi gLiie :ort"
Tj:d.i.ft Ki:t it tt Lrili Litis
T":'i kii.f:.T :f ore ie rat :-.ay
Ti.- . t ;e"Lt.Ty TitT Le fit-r i
corxmti -w.ti tar grt.s wriow.
The ?tLiiiri OH off.- '.r-j of a few
ye-tr back . low f-ev-rt; time t ii-i-2-uiL.re
He c.ii: speai til Lis en
ergy .i:i.er.ig tie w ori or. tLe otier
Ever s.nce tie city L wrote Witt
tie Hatter w:tL Kiists?" Will it a Ai
lex Wh;t it beer tell.ag the people
Tii: i tie rattier witi tie couitry s
greatest me:..
There is a magsx.ae story cf a rufx
wtio was e j'CKir ii-ft.jit;er worker two
tT Lead cf a &..... oil e;tL;itty.
PtKir iitws:ifc;-vr a-i, ere o-ee.v finvei,
out of list but.i. itto tC'xeti-r c
tli!6 sort.
A llttir Ilr.:L pcrL.xd try c.-sd
ratiiT a taturtl u,;stak Tit Le :i
tLm tie etc wii... i-x-ktd -l tLt- t.r.'tL:
elW ' ti:i:i wts -.t.Ii-J tc jc.e.st.
I'Ut Ie li:i.i Vi;. '. 01, tLe uarc
Fide wts ttljii t ;'.ttt. A I;ttl c.r;
Lei: :ar wet a usurer wi.
B CtX wi,;, ftiV.jd ZZil V.r-e i.r OUjer
O. A- c-r M-..i.tr...'N V.. ni;.
oeta rrvn LtiCf t5':: aatt.
Ee r-t t :iii.i.er tii a. :it.t; .i t,..
t-r-r i f. '-. Liter i- y'lw it-.-.-i
-ti -i fii;-Li. i..t ve t.tt
ttii fir t.i-;. : . .- Tie r--: cf .:
'.ij.: :.:--t :-f -,t,eti tr? ieti T'.t
if Li Ltt,.' r :-1.imt-, tii Jet ;t
-. t.-: ;r--et: Lt rri.tt -rtttj: to
re e-e i. tj it Tie .-. .s r-t:
itt tie revj-ri .t -erti-t
""iiei Mr i-i.-i v. t v-.rc.jtr tt L.s
e-.tr.'. . i : t f :ir t:t.r:tteit :t
,fcM-r.4i tLt ;..tit.i.it.ir ft wo-j.w
f'J I'S: ei.r-teii 4 Lit tiete VLi
ZAX.i'.- :-.r t t.u,e fcSj..Lc icters of
i.Lret .t ft l.rt: '.-n2.;,Li.-t Tie
fc-etr.' i.e..: V as J-rt'e.tea IWettT
yeLrt trt. tii-i it, peteri! t-:
Ii.r .t iictr rt,(tre ptf '.-C'LFztt;-i T't.j-r,
t:pr. tic fiitr- of ptf l.iri; .n,..
I-i.i;e I'tLIttlii L.-i.er jr. .-e tit
'er. Tie w:rleif. fTfr.en. :cr ftort
i- Lt-'.-er- wLete t.-ttij tr? .tcprat.
.i'j Lt tt-itj- r.f t-vi .trtistii.e t.c:
liti.-.-i tji cf rs-.-iji.f-. OcTvii
liif .' .s l.Ttle ii.re titr t t-ceit Lc
TL :rdf -Lt -ttr..c-je-; 6 -r
Ci.i.rfc ' t'.. t -t.t:-.r (.r ii-j-
re-itit.i e. tstil.t n.-Lt; a-o-.-t itrs-rr
tLt.L te.r f-rl.ii.- Ej"ti.iz wtrrtttt
Ix order ;-r:.;r..r : ttK.t tit- rt;-je
"i'e l'Cl't t-f t tL'Jr--
renjeit:fr titt c,; ;vl"! t:
tititttiii a.Ktt?vf it.-t.ii'-4-c t
tuiirea t.L.j.T tre ;ited. ii
I'.t--; tit.eIiiiL- tC- tie O...LSt;-.f.J,T
lie iUfti; ni...rLi;:T rii:.if tiea jf tj
tll.ri i'.-L Lfu- Ojirret-i t
f'-ur vt n,uzi v'. jirnjfctif Jyr t ':i-
ieieXtt tltfeiClieit to tie Ot'tS" r U-
tiji-"' tLiil 6iu title t.ii
i-Li fa'.i x tiif: j ti.-eie tnieiii-
lieXi. Ljj wLifL -rt ItiM-CDfUM-
of a pr: Ciril VTtr. rej.rw-et: tL
ijT cLtixe? Eiti ii tit CiiiistJtctj'jii
tie f'ri!5MiC7 t.I TLotLt J-eft?r-
?-rtiirtrrie. yji ten j-L-Tsic-tl
rtreirti tii ii)tSe-ry fceerc to 1 Lkj
J'-y tnte; tt tie jirsiPL of a four. ei-
yLT-'-'ji llLliOi (.'-iotilCirl -'i Li Oil
ier tr to fi-juoo: oie iiicinii-jg ref -fitly.
ie-x ie irr3 crie for i;.. tud
d-M-oiere-i tiat a aii tf etrngg-ii-.e
la Ti rttT of a -j-ir-ly jm-jd. gie
prt'ic;itly wreuvLed a rail from a fenif-e.
drtgireid it ar- a fce-jd. j.-u.ie3 it cm
ct- tie Jce aid drew tie man la to
Mfety. Tien, being afraid tie wsi
icxe, tie rta to aciojL When tie rn
T - "1 t Ti- -1 ' - zi
-' " - i -f - "i - ;-' i. : i
' - - - 1. " v. y li: .- i 1
. : ''i. :r is - A: y .-:
V . :-: t f-w wr-Lf
v-.-. f n ' ti:-t-.--d t i -
i- ' i iT" ;.tr"y .i Tit: y f
i--- t l-u.i. wi :-;. it L4--.r
" -i i Tit y K.itj -. t
; -t .it r;.- ri, if ti..L-
-- - i i : ii !.-:i.i It tit
"'!..- i i 4 j.' f-. . eei-t-7 .1
;.-. f V ' -( i?e-
: - -f i Tj i i.-: tt
-- ----- -,-!; t:.it : i.t :
? i ' r j. . it 1
- i - . ;
i... rt
t i : i . ; v
r t t i;
r ii
-i e r. i tie..- fi, VJ L---5.
t;;..-jt:-i ti;. ti. i. il .v;--. - r e.: -ri.:e
tie ; i-i-ri:.. l .at j-trrti
teii-t7. 1: r.--.s tic-re tii.i :t t. lie
Ktij t ri-.-l liii r u. tie
tie - er.e?: ; t i;-r.
AT:-er t.. tie z,.g cf Arierj:-a
LTe ii". tie ii.jv'itirefc. Tit- JeLvW
Bio tre rtj-ifr- ivgs tic cttTjt. tit
ttrier tii ti.e t.---i.iici itw ct- ii
"-it ti'Petf.r ili; tit: tttet tie
cuiii.jtei :rttiie of a Gtiei litic.ti
t.ig- i-mK l.te i'Jti-it6- Itlt tln.'K
titiji ::icutr,t ;f you wiii, Lu:
3ji't furge: lit: ;.r.iitr..T tLj i t
foij-pr-lu-J.f utt.oi. It grcvi tLiigs
to ett. 1: Iii-tet iLt uLltii.-e tit;
Luiiti::y rtut Lt-. t. I tie Tiiie gwj
.or iMai. Tie litrt-e. fur pitius tii
gjjd wttries i-ty ln-.Jit Ciei.reaei.
'iioe wio i.t:.i.:ia(.ture iuiur.e iitv
i. tie ;i.ii-.i of iX'teT tt ttiies. Bu:
; u iuig li i-iuai.:y etti, clijuu u;
Oi ii. of UiolieJ liUt fi-.'W to tit
I'i'tei -.i-.e. Tie t'i.te-i stt:e tii
'. I'liJi.e'-.e-J h .-eIi'U6 Of tie dl-IieStiC ti-
a. of tie country. It .n-.-jtct! ior.
a-Uirt. '.-tttie. iJ-. Li-gf tii gaits.
Tie lotLj ; tid tie tggr-
Cfe TfcJUe ; ?i.4.tS-I.iX. Tie itUf
of tittle tji i f li.'' tii of
ii-g i'-'-J? .-. Tie irure tre f-i
'tt-t tit -ier Xi-etL-lg . tiTu'Jfr. jt
A i.l-jli C'.e-ii t C i'i.TrJ liU- i .if rtifc-
'.i -i :r tie terige li.iii le: try '
ii.tier VIJ. Tie LfZTeiie t.Ue t-f
-'e - '.- tlf-efi tie t.'ttl -i.-.i-ed
"i-ie :f tie j.r:iic'. (' tie tv.L.
et Lii i.ie of tie ittj.ii for tie
t'fc-. JriV iTi'.-e LiTt tj-Li:-ei fc.iiie
tie :-iif w-. ttiieu. tii ;: a f-ettt.i
".it: tie ;.rer-eit ttlue of tU tie Le
f".: c i tie r.:tec Stttet eive-i fi'ur
Ti-.-t.Nti.; itllljoi oolltrt. Tie ye-tr
'ti tie grettei-T ii tie L.?:ory of
tie I.u-iesp. ttO'.- rtiser. ii:-je-r
ii; ji-.i-erf til ctse iuoiey. All ti.-:.;
tie 1 e li .Teise T- ere eic-w i. OL.
'.ixi' rec:"ea crer '..'.-.'.' i-tnie 4.
. sir;. tad l-.-.-.' ifr. Kti-
Ml City ""t 6 -l-4r -e-:"Oiii. tiC '.LL&
it ":i-:';iiit tTjd t OoieL liore t;"j-
tiiie Lie re.-oris.
.L t;;res.i.c tie :uaer.: of tie
TL:-"ers.:y t-f ilL.t;..! A- C Btrtjet:
t-tid re.-ettly tist a youig liEL wLo
o :t.i- U--C-e-eC It l'U.ief OBgLt to
e: a .-otidtry f- -i-.-i.l trt.iitr titt
Vx.cl n.tte it j-. s-s.i'ie ftr L.iu not
lily -c eier -.-iljece w:-.i.iu: c-t'i;:toi
fc-i-tutLy ti- ;elj f-orre-.t:y. Mr.
iiarriet' ojiiuiot, :-. tii cjsr.w rtr
ries -fiie e.i.-Lu He i tbi.ri.tjLiy ft-B-ll.tr
-rrt tie iu.ie!.f wotid tid
I'ii'it to tu w Tie iiw Titt g'-Ten. ii
I: iff True TLst Lis ;:tiiot '-ui-ijt-is
w-iTL tii: 'f -,-ertiii o"i-r ;-ei--ne. I:
it :-e-i jL el'.-Uhe of tileC-d i&x-
.-y :i Ta.-L.iC f;-l.L? ".La: Tie t of
J-...Li iiere.y ii a'.-'.-uu.;tliiji'L: ;
Tit: :: iio .itdi'-f.jitti er.-i-r of
F-.rr-.iTi t-r t V. eiie5 of li.ii. Tit:
it ':-"er to ti.je to :L.i titt
-.t t- tiie to ;"-: ".Li;: tt ri:reiir.y
f.j..ki liiL i.c y ie tine To ;eii eery
-"or; ";.e JiLi"Uf.e. "Li.e ...iie ex
Treiiriy ts .sr jitt, li&y uo: 1. tine
;eli t: ti iid '.it: JC v,ir- .f tiese
ffcf.k KjK-.l.ig -iut I restrd-d t viie
of tie li-ior cra'.r of ti. e-cu'i-ttjou
Lt.Tijr.. j-rriti- evei d-.rtOie. iut
iy iio lietts eri;tii Wjti. tl. view
of tie ,u'.-eijon ?dr. fctrtieTt if ev,d-rj:-:y
at vtr.ti-e. K :t CMLv.i-v-fj :ij.-;
t iy iouii W taugi: f-j-.ll.Lc eerr
- i-oiir t.-irr TtiiX:g- Live ;o W ie-c-ir".-.rd.
H.f rethi i a s.'n:;.,e oie. iu!
TirourLiy (.-oiT.in.-iig. ;6 tLi; Eii
j'ioyen w tut tieir youig del to te
tile to vr.-e t.utitie&f etters ?iat wit
tiot ftuit.fy tie trrrj iu tie eye of jt
mi!ii6eXT. It may t Tiat tie
e:eriii :i wiici gfxd r,h:tg i j,'jw .
irld if- DOtiiig list biiXld IrjDdj'..
tid tit! a liti ougLt tiot to ctr
wirtier hit letter tre well or
iit. Tiis may Ve. But tie actual id
dition uow aid here it tiat ceo do
ettefm g(.d ;eUiiig and tiat tbey Jo
want tieir Jetter Filled in .iifo.-n-,
iry esrablitiesJ cuFtoin. A wine
yociir man wi is eEteriiif lUF.ues 1
life will bear tiis iB miDd and wil ar
commofiate iiiuwlf to circ umrtaiK-e, '
wia.erer ie may ttinl- cj tieir pLij. !
otji'LictJ juFtlLtatkia. ;
l.-rm .id 1t Ty-fdm. Are Nov,
r Txt. tx lTiiclj; I-
M-LJ44t.a I-tnt t!.
Af rt H S- t. Li. i f f.Jtwer. Tie
ir: .-ct ti t t . y i. iit L c;K.i tie
"ir u.. ;.r.iie u tii.;
i-.i l-.-L. tii i't-r Jjv"-,t-i
tr., -r- -. -1- fr.-i. t i.;-iii.e
Mi .f lit.ii vi -r -:.ii,-r ty i;.-t
.-r . -1. . i .t 1. 7- t f i : ii
J ' : . -t t--t . k-- Vl v'i iir ii..
l-.. i- -.i"- t-i;-.i-: til in jir.-ev:..
k-.-i.j.i-i ..i til i -.C.li VrTeJcJ
i1; r .-t ti-r ..yii.
f try c v irt..-. of .r.
. i. j-.
-,i. 4-f ii".
: ; .t i
. '. . . . t
.l-i -f tir ;
t- t : ' " . . L
- y v : t v -
: . - -1 -l. . j? r
i-.; i't itti .-.-;:
-t i: t- v t i ltf ti.
: v i? i Ti.; g ij-: re i..:
i.;i ti- ..red w .:i
. ;. i. -: --e v
- fi v i i ". v t; tii: tf tie '.ri.t-
f.-rri ;-r--y litter . ,n t fiT.,--e
oi tiiiy a diJity ;,r--ifif-t tt:..r
tt-i-.ij -.ie -..u: ie.-ieri tii tie Jerey
tiri : tt tit ti;.iortrt tie .: ;ii g.-.'i
l; ;---e-
'iVL-i Tiey g t 6i wi it'i. tie Artii-f:-.f
'.liitry. tiry tud iire figiii.Ttee
w i riirj-.if t l-j-iTy Tie WtTerUjej-:.i
if ittve :.. Af.-.'.-i. iu: :ier ludi.
f iov rd tie t;;ce-.-:iT.oL of a gtn-d
or Eirl.fi ooii'L:f and j'ltit.ir tie a..
1ie .n. cro;- of tie Lou.s-.tit a-u-try
itrger L(-- titu :t was tieu. tid
:: ;f J'UT to roo-rt d:vert..fied tid vtfiiy
liorr jirofttiie ufrs.. It tie jiioiirrr
c;y i; w tf tie stuff of ife of Tie rsce
titt it tffeerd tie grett valiry. I:
w-fct tie oi':y IcrtdfTuff ctrried tmoig
tieir fUj'ti.e ly joiet tid MtrguetTe.
Tie l'r-iii -Ttjrrf a: Old Kaiiaf.t.ii
r'.ir-Ted ;: a vi-tutif i: otiy feir ctttie
tid fw-.ie. Tie luei w U o-r.ed tie
Ali--gitiii-f w:ti Bt0ir tid SeTjer tid
I.oWr:j.iL tid s-iiei'ty. tf well tf tiKe
wi;- ft-ie iro '.'Ljc r.id Kextocky
i cier bj.. trtvei-i tid fouci: lid:tif
of:-i w.-.L io oTi-r Fu:i'l.e titi a
fi-.-k . f ;.tr ir; f-rrx Lid t :.:t ie liir t-f
f-ilT ;-er liti. Tie:r j.wder ioria. :
i uii-: j-ou-.ief ii; Kir .fit --i-:.t itc
T.t't T-ri. -vjded til tie turtey. ir-tr tid
c r niet: tiy teeS-i
li Tie -diTF of C-1'iiIie.-j.ti tr"ur--f
tid tii.-.tr :: of f;r--.tl ii-.er-f: :c
jri.- f.--..-i tie F-ttt--.tl. of Tie tret
cry it Vi ttiitr-r-.i tit: :i g; rear
tit 'ur-. Li.fe titce !. ..-.- t.-j..
e.f of i-.-n.. vi.-i if ;u- t:-..u: itlf. or .
t 3. tie more T i it.i of Tie Aiie7j..r.i
of g-t-i zi i--w coiu-ied :i tie
f ni of M-rtiiir.-e f id rutf-tr etr.
Mu- L t-f r.-e :o f-ed Tie liu.rf ti-.!
Tie i,i v l(. tti te Tie cre-t: ctoi
'.f ':- ..f tie Souti. Ttsr. qutiTit-e of
:: s - .L"o :iie ) f. j-crfc tid -.ouitrT '
ti:.: frCTie ii-.-UTif Of Tie d-ise HJiiU-
fiv-ur.:.; tid i-ou.-ijereit; j.i;.iiatioL of .
-.ie ioTi-fc:eri fetiKJird S:t;:ef..
I'.y Ui'tLf of f-ori ArLeri'.-t; ctt--(-;;.we--u;
fe; tur- f.-0-ifor. to Euro;-e '
tre ourveiTi- sc-rLe- i;.: voni-
:2 ii re:uru. Of i-ort tid vrDnin.i
w e feu: a?.r2 itst yetr ft lie &...... 1
Iv nor.: tid go: tie a,tiey. Tier. '
ti-'re err "ie liore fomf r-iiic tid tdo
core 2'ri'f.Tti.ie ::enif f lerf. Ltiis.
ii-oi. jKrk. itrd tid i: t-on.:uidf. ;
seusice Hid Ftuftre meat, octtrr. i
cie-Ne tid otter ti.ujti -riiu"tf the i
tifif of -rhi.-t if -iuiiil-y oori. of tie- I
we i-s-ed :ie ou'.f.ie world w.ti an i
L;uiidiL'.-e that iirotigit iietriy $i o '
.' ii'-o Ameri.:-tt jx.-'-tetf. Etlf of
:: ti: fume ou: of :ie soii of tie Ix.iis.i- '
tea jn:r'.-l.fcFe.
low a. ol wioe foii Jolie: izt Mtr- i
f-U':'--.e werf- f-d M-tiiitter 1-y tie lllc
Ind.-iif. i (rref.eft of ti; zt:'. '
'-'Hf Si L--'Ui IJ.Ul.l.-;. N.ie- ;
"?'--'f 'f ti Tie '-i-ri ctowx weft of
Tie M.:s.;ti;.: f-oi,o ou: of -ie so.: of I
Iowa. Kf.ift:f. N'-i-rtfta ej,i M.souri 1
Illiiojf if tie oii'.y j--.t:. ets: of tie ;
rvt-r that turii out a f-ort -r-. e:;ut;. '
itr or ur-ff.: g titi of tiy oie -tiee
Stt:-: it 1 .; Wtweet ier tid
Iowa. ' ;
rrcent Need of a MKrier for the frt- i
tection of VciU, j
-rndergrtiund robtery is a new ts- ',
r.ety. of vourse: but it it always :ae in-
t-redlbie that happens." remarked tie I
last mtn who tad found a titac jo I
ttlk. "We've Ltd a good mtay ti-ips .!
ttoien out of our lckyaj-a since we 1
l-egta to liT en tie old place where j
we tre bow my fttier's old plt'je; tut :
the theft which 4rricTd n a,'t was j
litt of cur weld our old well that wt ,
tug ato.rt forty yetr tg Tots tn '
replaf ioTeis. axe, tat'-het. t-oth ri
wo-:i. or kindlliif which ii ptoa frcis i
your premise, bet yon cti t rep-tce -ax-
old well"
Tie other mei adl rtire-d. ttJ ne of '
them sa id tiat he tfiin": se Lvw tx-T- J
-otid teal a well. j
"That true, too." said tie other J
Baa; "it it astiiiishuLg. u.d w wniida t ?
belien it for a .Lf tim. Our old well i
tnddwdy liegao 'a?-t.tjf vp' and we 1
tit far th jinxtipmtii. thii.lcix.a' tie '
pum; was out of order. lie ttdj Te 1
re-" iff a -oew y-ta-r-: ir it w o-V e 1
ar-i ;-t t T-ii;-e a f.T- t-z.zl.t G-od
zri.; I -K.t ; it ;;.t ".5 i.k
rr a f.w dty tie wit--r fv-eri?--To
u.-e til r ctt. :-d tit-t :Le e..
tei r;" irt i: wi:er w-.uidi t .vtt
i: ii. S-r: f.c ii; igi.i.
ti-". t-iii L.-t: i lJ ;t-i.;i it-t i i:.y
t : 1 .tt t :c.g rj- tty in'tz
He .:rs rt:ed ti r-irer re-.;ri-ed
:te t--T.-:T)t.ix Te-i,;t tit; Tiere
ti: try iTrr .t ti -e.l r..': a
dr.-Tv Ti r-ould i.trd.y :l.eTe :t: i i:
Ltd :.- a.-:-,-;.-, t W-. tid m;c:i
"-: : "y i-; z: r well ierer --trie l;-t
t !-ixi'f- t: tie f.id sctid. TL wLo e
fa-ii.y f-e-rd (-er it. ilc ti ie gi
I'rv :. Tit: oii wen Ltd t
l-il ; irr.ir:i. s' to ft-ett. Ol a :ti
o:e .If j 1 wt Teil.r.g iixi-: r.ar.
'" Tt ur.fc-couiTtSie d..st;.;-e-tr-i.: -e
cf z- g..:.d .; fttilly ell. tid ie
i-i -i ie .f try tew i -e fi-f-Tore Ltd
-trted .i Tie I e c i c L ; :d. I t .d
- tiit lad 1-gxt (-nrt: i a
i i t t wi t fr-.rr r:f iuf: iSoit :ir
T r:-- - e j.-t oir weri.
TLit L" ie fid ft -"-"-
i :. Te-y dr-' -xel.f. t:jd :it:
"e fi'T'- y Lt 1 t -J t ff T.--ur ell
T i. 1. 1 L: :jt ie it otr :----- i-f- t :. 1
i '! vi-:t : F.e ; i.ti.: T' v. :...:
a . otT :.-
-if .f t
At ii:ereT-i.g sr gLt is To le se-i ii t
Iv.-td.-i r o. where Tir-e L.'U cui-s.
li-ou: i ii-..i-.L old. tre S-eitc su- kie-i
tid br.r.cit cj. 5 y ax Ir.sh t-rrier. who
s ts ;.roni of her fost-r t-t.idrri as :'.
titey were h-r owu t.upple. A-i
V-.. ujy t iietrly s:;utre Sk.x. iiie-i to
k-e-ji :he (.-cif wi-ti. Nothiig. :: i stii
cti exceed tie iffe.TjoL of tie d.g for
tie oui. tid Tie j ! ie fhow wIih.
they tre tdti.red i quiTe ton-.-tiig.
The two Zioiefj-s att lis kitteif tid
tre a htr-iies.
A French g-fCfk-gisT. M. Tourti'-er
its repor:ed tie exis:ei'.-e of a striicr
ttlmtl, iew to s-.-ieioe. in PaTtgoi-.s.
Tie "hymohy." tf tie itiire ttll it
Ui fetr tid awe f its woiderfui :ow
ers. i a big a a j-ctut. with fur of a
deep browx eoior. tid it seeiu to hauit
tie r.rerfi M. Tourioaer f.rd at oue
t ;: Fwtii. bet i: suik tid did not r;se
trt-i He if d.s-frd to regtrd it a
t liriig rejiref-itttire of tie "ie-oity-ifk-i."
wie remtltF. fouiid receitir
i oiTes of PittgoL-a. hire ex'.iTed
liu-l iiTer-st ii F-.-jeitlfic crrcies.
There : ooa-e ttlk :f a pro.ie-.t f .
orgti-rii-g a Lul: for a fzmn of
ie AUftrCtL buiyiji. tx tii-it! -.Lht
titty "e-i.ere tt- -s;st oily Ie tie ititc
iii:,:i of Le.-iou Lttiri- tid of thuf-
L:Te rei jeLt w io tre It Tie tabit of
cirr.-.tig :-oj:.i;tl run. i:.m witL tiera.
Ti-re tre litiy. iowerer. who kiow
i'.g tie Aus-.rt.liti bufb well, believe
fitt ti. uriou trre-t" are may yet be
fouid. tid io: Kt. ftr awj-y iu TLe ii
tTior e:tLer. Etke .re.rge. ;r
.-oisT dj-ir.'-T of New Souti Wade. .
Ftid ly s-'iiie to be a touie of tie bui
yij. t-d t s-tt-ci iu tit: quarter a.sy
1-e uidertikei.
He W as Busy.
It is S"j.r.-e:y cre-dibie tilt so faith
ful f-rvtu: tid gt-d a .-ourtier t
Join Brown, of Bt.lijo.-tL i-ouid erer
deliln-rtTely Late kepi hi srereigi
wtiTiig. i'u: the Eondun Tttler reitte
tn e-iei.-do:e whk-L fehowg tit: ie itd a
very human side.
Brown wt Tery fond of fshiug. tid
one day. when he had a fine salmon ou
hi book, there fsae a message frots
tie fstie ol lee-side. desiriuc hi pre
ence t: oa:-e. yueen Virtorit wis gt
ing for ier tftemtKin driTe, tad it wt
Brown's du:y to tr.end her. ts he ti
weys did. s;r. iig in tie rumble of tie
"Tell he- ma.1eTy that 111 be quick
ly." he stid.
Est the silmon was strong tad could
no: be liad-d a: once. Another tad
more ury-L- mesige retched him.
"Tell her ma;i-TT that I hare a sal
mon ol but I"i be there in a few cic-
Sidl tie salmon held out. and a third
tnd hi.ert-ve commEad arrived.
"Tell Ler mf jesty." shouTed Brown.
That it's not pi.ibi for me to leave
without tie salmon."
Nor did ie. But wiether th Queen
knew enough of ishinp and n.hermen
tn epprecltte tie circumsttnees is no;
Wbr ElncUud B-dt and S1U Wheat
The s;x inarte-. at w itch most Eng
lish wbeat is sold are Norwich. Mark
Lax. 1'eteriK.rough. Lincolm Hull and
Ijifwk in tie order nameil Peter
borough La taken the place once o-ci-p'i-H3
by Lyjut Tie markeu for for
eiro whet w hich occupy the trst sis
places aire LiTerpx., Mark Lane. Ens- :
tuh W.a.acieter. KulL and Birmiig
hjum Tbe London mtrtet remains tie
iuot importtni of English com ex
citnge. for it 1 pvod s-cond for
toitii Bort of wheat, where Norwich,
which dij:h-Jy surpasses h for Eng
Eh. sIis rery Ertie foreig-n, and Lit- !
erjh w hich i th premiem market
for foreign, regards an Ecgiish sample '
at quite a cunot;:. London Graphic.
Lom from Fotm Fire.
More thta SV.:VJb.iM worth of em
ber wa Jetrtyed ty forew tre lt
Mary a gift co-.tig e-f ucitoa L
gri aid ead wdii nukitt chocjultLe-etXe.
Cwi - SCwS5E2-
ri.trri-fi lit
ttt I Nf-t sri-
-. ti lW.f as
a: -eery
- cv.id"
tie of
l:Z j-fi-S.-if
f :i y--ir t'.ri ft
tffl -.tod w .:;
- .-..2 t..:ir;:-t
; -ie t z -r :r. u-
ot e
;;: .t ;f t f t;. -tr y ;-r-r-
tff.tnC t Tie flir. ti- '--e
-.-.de-i.y o::.it:e if re-ird :: tea
Cei ie ir-i:
-i tie i-r .
f.if f ri.f i
. Tor te -o..
f :i -i-.f trc'ii.ie
L .Z.- ii if - iio
: .-.l it- f i::f y.-c
r . f- :.: td -
. ;...-r.r. ti' tiif
r .i ti ei te:i-
:. get wed w.:L
t ..-
;re tid
T - ...
re :
- til t.i
W r
tre r.;i:. tii ti ;.retd of vi'd
Tir-ici a t.-.u.-:-02 u-ty : a-.ivuit-ei
f.r Oi fie .-.ei:.:-i ;ci:.j..t of or-
are titty. 1 l-ei.eee ;rr..iiliy ii :tk--ii
ti ;-it:e to Kttrt w;ti. iu :Le Lt;
of if:i or :wot:y dr.-; of (.Li.oiyie
-i wtter. re;-ei:.ig :Le d.-f-e ii. fMy.
four Lour A I:-er ;-c.wder t
:.:i-e sy :et gr-t.if aid a h;
tik Ly
w ty of eic-..urLgiis skit actji.a. :s tiso
ii ei'.-elie:.: reiie-y. -.rcvided r. .f
--.id tid tLUl . avoided. Tie U-ti
;r wL
may tid muti rel.ef
fr.'i, j.;-ic up a iir.le liei-.Loi fluff
now tad agaii. wLile my ex;-er,eice of
coids la the hetd-a fairly large one
perf-oaiily accordf to cuteb c garette
a high measure of suc-oes in rrettrneii.
Of course, you cast bring the m-. ke
d'.-w-n :Le n-;s ii if i: is to have tay
gx'd effect
How to i-revea; cold i ano:her end
a far more im;K.rtta: matter. Th cold
on :Le cies: i of:en tie prelude to more
se.jous trouble, and for neglect 'f
cough we Lave ofrea to pay very sma
su'. unr.; ji:er on. Mttx of u
folisL ia tie matter of uaderciotL.
tad f xitgear. forcert:Lg tLat w am
of to-dy tnd drynes c.f fee; tre t
eut.-us tiat noMKfy caa afford tc
if.t TLere is ye: tnotLer j.;Lt w L.
mt: people over!; in U.i mar.er
cold-preveation. tnd tia: i tie mar
of f i la witter our die: should
dude a Itrger proportion of fat tita
summer, and our own ttftes lead u to
a mean tiat is more liberal in tLi re-spe-.-t
ia tie cold season. A great miLT
evics mirl: t avoid-d were the system
braced up by additional fat tatea a
fw.i We may make such an add;:;., a
tirreribly enourh in tLe .- of our
or-i.iary d.et. but many pero:,. lJj
cLiri-ea esT-.-laily. would be well ad
vied cid taey employ, after meiis. tn
emu.M..a of t-oddiver on or some tliieO
prepart:ioi. I Lave teD r..,rt:fyinc
mys.f of it-.e day by rasing Tirol
wii'.-a i pj-asta: to :Le tiis-.e. and
wi.-.-i. l regard i;s com;.8:-if.n o'
frr ft: ;L in agreeable and ts ir a
ii-ia-.ed form. Tie ioag and snort of
Tie -::.ry of oid .rvntioa i tie forti
fying of the to-dlly cithdei. tad a e--ou
dettry. w;ti ta addiT.oaal modi
cum o. fit. is probably (,ur
meaa of t r -v ;,. j . .- , . ,
. - --I ces.rab.e end.
Eonaoa Circa.. -ie.
Neworien,. M.n Think. Fc.rin
Mfr '..utckl, Walked.
-3 have o:er,ed a curious ti.ag
t-'cu. t-Kti'.-eti- said a thoughtful citi-
xi. e. see. tT Stt.sf actorr ex-P-axat-oL
of .-. ;a ib, ,
, . .-, . -L more open
lJ" L r-'"t: "0- Us oh
. ; ,t " At thy rate.
r-C"-. to regard the
r- ' ttr ar
-,' C"f. tcSt them-
w--" - eip-titt.oa of ti.s a,tv :f
veg: tie "f T
t-.. Litlyt f-ai'r
' . e C FT r-fc i
-Le me c.-.v t-Jr Lf
ti-igi,.a,- rV.: w
p.-r- t : ta ia.
difp-ty a, iow -,., , J.t"'w
tt met tid w
tif :i.ti.
t Tior.vj. i. ... j
r.e td
detiex. to K-mt f ti--h ;
. . eie-tl w i. .w
ttnc tii c-.cs-,ui,."T ulT. ' '
1 s-etmigiy .iw-t TZ U'J !
taai. ti corxtry mil. ,tJ . J" j
T tii wt j
rugxeiies of fei,. T '
i am tiru.- .
- iuua iar
rv,- - i w straw.
.til i
- '-11.0101 new o
t mad In e
th wu -trr -nr.- . . . A?8 tlme tl'an
ti I
a tmd. to titJ t I
re: b.s artection. to atop t;
i.ifu-u Li tiiu. In tb co-niay
riy is liear. and ttre U Bothing
cm to d tut fcnstie for bU de-n.
-if i-or.rf. L walking Is lttw'
tL city iKvauso or pood aidewalkt.
tz;i :e i:f: of tie feet is not o lieary.
Kit tie uain ron for the ahorter
: i.e required, in my opinionte foun4
ir. :Le s:::i.u'.ys a hich tbe city pede.
:r au rex-eiy .'Kin: tb xeiteaipnt
aroiid Liii. Everyt-isJy is poins at
;ceikLek f-d. ETryb(dy t hn.
liir.c. TLcre is noise and t.uftle. and
:u f;.::e of the far-t that bis atteatioa
i srrefie-!. snd in Fp:t of being bciup.
ei arid jo :':el arxat by men and worn
or. gi rg in 05.1:: direvt'ons. in fpite
of delays at crc-F.:r.'rs ansd by pass
i: g csrs and reticles cf every kicd. tb
pi.!.f:rian if worked np to a qcitker
moven.-ei.t. ET'-ifemnt is the tiinj
that des-?et:f tie idea of distance, and
make : fwa so mocb shorter in the
l:y tiar. is :!;e conctry. and e-icit-c.e:
.: : :Le t i. 1 r. jr wLioh cans? a man
tv- f.ik a u.i'.e in ti city in just two
third ' ti e t rie required to walk tb
si::- d.sfa::.-- in tie wnntry. and tb
d'.ff Jrf-tweea a dirt r;ad and a
7-irei s:ree: for walking purposes has
. v.: 1 t to do w ith it." New Orieaiii
; -s-I-em-vrst.
The Firt JapaneK fovereijni to Mill
cle with His I'rople.
Tbe Mikado is the Erst Japanese so.
er- ra : emerge from tbe dignified re
tlr? m-et: :a which his predecessor
iivi-i TLi :ep has only increased tl
passii'tate l(.yalty of bis subjects to
ward tlm. aad people are already com
parlag h;m with the Kaiser as regards
Tie prominent public role h seems dit-;-.ed
to play.
I'ur.Lg the army manenTers. say a
Yok.Lama corres p'ndect of tb Lon
JoB I -ally Mail, his maiesty. wbo fol
lowed eTeatf with tb greatest Interest
tad enthusiasm, ordered two private
to be brought before him aad que.
-jtned them tLroagb the meilium of
h- ch.f tide-Oe-camp. Hig questk'M
were of tLe paternal kind, such as tbe
follow xc:
H.-w c.d :Ley get on wi;h tbe hard
filpf of barrack life; Did they long
to go home whenever they thought of
tieir nearest relatives? L'id tbey not
fh.ak -Leir lot a hard one each time
tie:r though; wandered lack to tbe
, eas- cad joys of their homes? Were
they not feeling th- effects of their
du.iy exercise and maneuvers? Lid
not the exactions of the military serv
ice sometimes make them err iu se
cret? The soldiers answered that they were
- ;uite lmppy in the nrmy and that their
' only desire was to do their dutv to
. ward their beloved sovereign.
: A few days before tbe Mltado. w bile
. Traveling by rail. wns cheered bv a
Lt"iuer of very old people at Sbirai
j m station, lie sent them all present
: firough the local Governor, au act of
! k.ndi,ess which moved the old people
to tears of Ki-atltuUt".
IJttle Elsie's Comment.
t A f-.v ear-old meiulier of a Harlem
family of hve girls has been the mno
oea: oause of unich surprise and tmue
; meat to her elders lately by reason of
maty droll remarks.
A few days ago a relative, on a visit
to tie family, told of the progress bis
t-on was making n, his tirst year at
public school. The little girl had seeui
mg.y been interested in a doll on tbe
Coor. n,ar her fathers knee, but no
sooner ill(1 tte lalk thflu
iot.ke.1 up at the visitor, and said:
' llave y..i a little boy. l ucle Wilir
les. El-J And wuv do ukr
. hnjk of "M-iness spread ovtv. El
s.e s face, and brushing back a golden
cur, with her tiaud. she said verv de
liberately: Well, indeed, you re a luckv man.
I nc.e Will. f.,r ,heTe s a ca.Ia -..y cf
r-r.s in our house."-New Vork Times.
j Trt Caller.
I la Scotland there is a curious st)r
' stitunon to the effect that cood or bad
lonua is brought to the bouse b.r
v c.braCTW f l'e first caUer on New
ears I a the eightenth i-entury
'1,,i8.wa8 ""J'Posed to take effect after
themselves outside of tbe door,
f lLe tou- "bere their sweetheart
- -11 snnrLurtiiw
dwelt so that they could enter at once
-iu .ue suiting or the hour. From
midnight till morning the streets of
Edinburgh were crowded with youo
men. all making merry la one wav or
another. Indeed i. .. "i.
j portant celebratiou of the year to th
Product of Beet Sugar,
in the last decade the world s product
or beet sugar has been double that tt
cane augur.
t - a:
neg- , vv. sv l r-. 4 .
;iople a,t th hog ,U their Urea,
ait theu dou t get much.