Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, March 13, 1902, Image 3

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p-v. moist, scaly tetter, all forms
0f ecf ina or salt rheum, pimples
jnd Pt"1 r cutaneous eruptions pro- !
Hi from humors, either inner-
iora qvureatnrougaaeiec-uve
dipnoi ;vna asstnuiauon.
To these eruptions xrith
ir "die-in es is dangerous.
T.eu.r.g to do is to help the
gvstf u ti'.scharge the humors, and
juenirint-n it against their return.
flood';" S -rsaparilla permanently eored 1.
G Hip- - ranks. 111., of eesema, from which
t,( tan offered tor seme time: and Miss
tic Wmrer. Box 212. Algona. Wis., of pini
pies on her face and back and chafed skin on
br txx'.y. l'V which sbe had been preatljr
nouhM. There are more testimonials in
tir of this (Treat medicine than can bt
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Promises to cure and keeps the
promise. Don't put off treatment
Buy a bottle of Hood's today.
Inordinate Vanity.
"Jarkson loveg to see his name In
print, doesn't he?"
"1 should sy so. Why the morn
ing after he was married, he pot up at
5 o'clock to read the wedding notices
in the paper." Town Topics.
Are Ynn Tulng Allen Foot-Kane?
It i. the nc:r cure for Swollen, Smarting,
Purimic. s-nn- Keel, Corns aud rttiuioiia.
lkt tor A.i-'ir. root-hae, a powder to be
,nKen n:ti-the shoe. At all l'rMKirists and
Sane v.re.. 2 e. Rini le sent FUEE. Address
aId e. (i.nisted. 1-eKoy. N. Y.
Grtat Tobacco Combination.
The preatest tobacco combination
ever formed is called the Luiversnl
Tobacco Company, capital $"5,00.0j0.
It claims to he independent and the
field of its operation is Great Britain
and Europe.
Heartache ThU Morning!
Tn reti, trier eatinp too-much, drinkini:
I,, nvn i.. w i.i reetit that morn ne torture
t arry a 1mx 'n.farets in your pocket, imii:-
flils. 1' t. 'J-, in:.
Encouraging Practice of MassdCe.
l'pw;rd of 70 London physicians
have expressed their approval of a
society recently formed by women
which holds periodical examinations
in the theory and practice of massage
and issues certificates.
l.' i.l-CofSTV. I
Frank J. hem:v makes oath that he is the
lemur i,ar! r ci the hrm ol F. J. Cheney A- Co..
dome bus::i-H. in tiie t'itv ol Tuiedo, ("uutv
and e:a:ea'orid, and that said firm wiiltar
the sum o: one KtMKEI l tLLAKS for eai-n
n(i every ca.e oi Catarrh that CKnnot be cured
br the me o: Hau.'s I'atap.kh C'. re.
Pwom to V-fore me and suh-.crited :n mv
prcaeiiet:, th;stn day oi leeeniber, A. I). li.
j I A- w- OLEASOS,
' Sotwrp Public
Bali's Catarrh rnre is taaen internally and acts
directiy on tne bliMid and mucous suriac.es oi
tbesytem. l-eml tor to-t'.ruoniais, free.
. F. J . H E N E V k CO.. Toledo, 0.
Bold he driiEsists, Tic.
Bad's Famuy Fills ara the best.
Industrious Little Manufacturers.
Wasps may cftcn te observed detach
ing iroin fences, boards, or any old
wwl, the fibres, which they afterward
manufacture into paper maclie.
1 do not believe Piso's Cure for Con
sun -nt. on has nn equal for rouirhs and
F. lloTta,
Trinity springs.
Inc. . K-i.. 15.
waiters Arithametic
"Waiter, I find I have just enough
money to pay for the dinner, but I
have no-hing in the way of a tip for
"i."t me add up the bill again, sir."
Mnttie- will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
Itic rut. the best remedy to use tor tlie.r
cniiuren during ibe teething period.
Seeking Res'.
Mr. Nagc-by Why don't you spend
viiir nighu at home. " I always do.
Xagg-iby Perhaps, my dear, that
accounts ior it. Judge.
Eczema is caused by aa acid humor ir.
the blood coming ia contact with the
in and producing great redness and in
"aaimaiioa ; little pustular eruptions fom
Vd "charge a thin, stickv fluid, which
toes and scale off ; sometimes tue skin is
13 a tormenting, stubborn disease,
. 0 tue nchinj and burnins at times arc
"most unbearable; the acid burning
'orr SCtals to MK out d the 6kin
a are. Salves, washes nor other exter-
P applications do any real good, for as
Jng as the poison remains in the blood
will keep the akin irrtuted.
k.? years I
d Tetter on my
tands. wnich cniVd
to wrll to twice
"wnatuialaiae. Fart
the Uaie the disease
"in the lormcf run-"-
sores, very
gxbt-.mion Four
Jojorsa,d the Tetter
"xHd d i.ot .,i. Z.
J; I trait oEiy three S "r' " y'Vv
tl of a S. 6. cad 4 r " .
"seen any ao of my old trouble." Mas
U JtoK, HH MoG St., Kaaaaa CUy, a4c
S- S. S. ncmtralizcs this acid poison,
"Ms the blood and restore it to healthy ,
slate, and the rough, unhealthy
wwraw aoit, amooui ana c.eax.
curt Tetter, Ery
aipelaa, faoriaaiit, Salt
Rheum and mil akin
disease due to poifi-
for our hook 0 write ue
"t your case. Our phyaiciajsa have
Oade these diseaaaa a life study, sad caa
'P you by their ad rice ; w make no
F'e for this senrice . AUcorrespondena.
conducted in strictest confidence.
B CoiMcta far run. Tiaum OuoO. V
hi time. (toKi h dnnritti.
.. . '-.Vt.
LnglUh Traveler Did Not fW A. ,
preciate American rcraeverance.
Ao English traveller in America re-1
in Travel certain evi.eri..m-P
wbk - h be had with the Yaukee "drum-
i"1"' IO WUuIU b s'v '"U credit for
zeal and etiternrls.. Tli ,wo,-ur.n :
u, KoU.ri BruiVg J
li insignificant beside the tenacity of
Uils "gentleman of the road."
A hollow-cheeked, uervous man. with
thin hair on the tip of his head, gjt
Into conversation with us.
Oues-s you U.u"t linve buggiea in England?-'
he volunteered.
! "Ion't you think they're nice and
; bandy to drive round the country in?"
! "Splendid."
! "Why don't you buy one? Here's my
' catalof ue. Number seventeen that's
a cute turnout; real elegant; polished
, panels aud green cloth cushions. Pat
j tell you what. of course you're not in
(the trade, but you're a deeeut fellow.
; I'll l... i. .
i-.. ........ our ui uiuesaie price.
i wouuin t do that for everytody."
"But I ride a bicycle or use a han
som cab when I'm In London."
"I don't know what a hansom cat
Is. But that don't cut any ice. Every -
' body rides a wheel. There ain't any
distinction In that. Now a nice, smart
American buggy would let folks see
you were somebody; that you ain't like
other people; that you've got character
i and Individuality. Mind, I'm offering
i you a bargain."
"I don't want a buggy. And I've no'
horse. I'm cycling from here to New i
lork, so what would be the use of "
"Now look here, you're a man of
sense. Have a change. Kide the rest
of the way in a buggy. It's mighty
bad for a man to keep In one groove,
ain't it? You cau't ride your wheel
when it rains. If you have a
bucirv i
what does rain niarter? You get mighty
tired pumping along all day. In a bug 'v '
all you've got to do Is to sit at your
ease, like a gentleman. Now I ain't a
philanthropist, but you look thin, and a
buggy would rest you. Your bicycle's
nearly worn out. anyway. Now this
buggy, when you get to England, will
he "
"I don't want a buggy:"
.Now dou t get curt aud snappy. Ol
course you don't want one. Nobodj
wants anything that's good for him i
that's humau nature. But look here !
you might trade it when you get tt
England. You'd have the use of it frou
here to New York, aud theu make ii
profit on it. lUiu't that appeal to you?"
"No, it doesn't. 1 have my bike."
"Bicycles are all verv well, but bicv
clos ain't buggies. Now I'll make voui!
reduction of thlrtv-three tier cent Com
pare the price of a wheel. Iieckoii .
Tm bad at figures. Do you mind ui
reading my newspaper?"
"Not at all. I'll talk while you read
Now as I was saying "
j An ordinance limiting the height of
bill boards to sis feet unless permission
to exceed that height is expressly given
by the common council is held in
' l'.ochester vs. West (N. Y.), 53 L. U. A.
54H, not to he unreasonable or an undue
: restraint on a lawful trade or business,
: or upon a lawful and beueticial use ol
1 private property.
' An ordinance forbidding the keeping
of any inclosiire in or connected with
any room where intoxicating liquors
: may be sold by a licenseJ dealer, which
is or can by any ingenuity or pretense
lie Used as a lounging or drinking place
; or for any immoral purpose, is he.d iu
State vs. Bardage (M.un.i. .".'J L. K. A.
4l.'s. to be reasonable and valid.
Mere failure of au indorsee to pre
sent a check for payment for eleven
mouths, during which time the maker
paid the a mount to the payee on his
assurance that the che. k was mislaid
and that he would return it when
; found, is held in Bradley vs. Andrusj
I (C. C. A. 3d C), oi L. Ii. A. not to
j estop him from enforcing payment,
; where the maker relied wholly on the
j word of the payee In making his pay
, meut.
i When a Juror on his voirdire admits
I that he has formed and expressed an
opinion of the guilt or innocence of the I
aud expresses any degree of
doubt as to whether such previously
doubt as to whether such previously
formed opinion would affect bis judg
ment in arriving at a just and proper
verc'Jct Id the case, the Supreme Court
of Appeals of West Virginia lu the case
of State ts. Johnson (30 S. E. Ilep.,
(JGo) holds that it is error to admit him
on the panel.
Where a partner dies the surviving
partner takes the legal title to the part
nership property, subject to the equita
ble right of the deceased partner to a
distribution of surplus after the pay
ment of debts, holds Forbes of the Su
preme Court, special term, Chemung
County, New York, ln the case of Mc
Cann vs. Hazard (72 N. Y.. Supp., 45),
and where a surviving partner dies his
executor takes a legal title to the part
nership property for the purpose of set
tling his estate, but does not succeed
him as surviving partner.
Quit Difference.
The department store is useful and
convenient, but the multifarious na
ture of Its activities sometimes leads
to a dilemma.
"Wht're shall I find something nice
In oil Jor the dining-room 7" asked a
stout, smlllnf? woman of the floor-walker
In a Western department store.
"On the third " began the floor
walker; then be paused and looked
doubtfully at the Inquirer. "Did you
mean a painting or something in the
sardine liner he asked.
After falling to be a satisfactory
brother, a man has one chance left
with his sister, and that is to become
satisfactory uncle to her children.
Generosity of fir Krneet Caaael.
Kngllh Maitmlc.
Tne ctt"D of "r Kluot Cassel. nn
i - nglisb masmite. lu placing SUKXMHKi
' ,lle disl"sal ot KiDS Edward for
. ..m,
u'l"n will l 1,s,hJ to erect a sauitarl-
ii m for consu nipt ies. causes a Ixmdou
paper to draw a comparison liotween
English and American millionaires. It
"We hope the gift will be the precur
sor of many more. Euglish million
aires do not behave
well In this respect
-far worse, for in
stance thau their
American rivals,
who have spent
this year $125.W.
uOO in the endow
ment of universi
ties, colleges libra
ries and art sejiools.
It is thoroughly
discreditable to us
that Oxford and
Mu cksesi cassU
Cambridge lack a million each year, re
quired for their complete equipment."
Sir Ernest Cassel Is an instance of
those who have worked from the bot
tom to the top rung of Euglish life.
He was horn 5( years ago at Cologne.
His father was a German baker. Sir
Ernest entered the London financial
house of Bisscuffsheim & Goldsmid as
a clerk, finally attaining a partnership.
He was made a knight commander of
Michael and St. George for im-
portant financial services to the Egyp
tian government, and also decorated by
Norway and Sweden for assistance
rendered to railroad enterprise in those
countries. Sir Ernest was Interested
In the Issue of the Mexican 5 per cent
loai. and was among the first to put
fa'tu I" ,ue "Two-Pouny Tube." as one
of ,lle Lmln. underground railroads is
termed. Ijidy Cassel. his wife, died lu
Sir Ernest's only child and daughter
Is married to Wilfred Ashley, of a no
ble family who trace ancestry back to
the time of Kiug
Henry the Second.
She will Inherit on
her father's death
a fortune of $"('.
iido.uoii small be
side that of John
1. Rockefeller, but
nevertheless quite
respectable. Cas
sel is London's
greatest merchant.
He Is besides the
most popular man
Miio. A1!L1.
ln its U-OOO.UOO people.
He gives im
mense sums to charity every year aud
knowing tint King
Edward the Sev-
entu had a Parti(,"!ilr Interest in cariu
for consumptives, resolved to make
this gift coronation year
Declared the Handsomest Woman in
the lvoniHiuiiu l'urchase.
Competent judges have declared Miss
Aunye Mae Yaeger, of Monticello. Mo.
:o be the most beautiful woman in the
Louisiana purchase, and she will be ac
corded exceptional honors at the expo
-' ";-.;,, t 1-.-
siUou which Is to be held In St. Louis in
1V04. Just what form these honors wlil
take has not yet been decided. Miss
Yaeger ia 20 years old nud Is of the
Venus de Medici type of beauty, about
5 feet 4 inches in height and weighs
118 pounds. She Is a perfect blonde,
wltb sunshiny, golden hair aud the
most delicate apple blossom complex
ion. She Is an accomplished musician,
has a talent for elocution and dramatic
work and is expert at needle work.
PUtr aa a ,iulbbler.
Senator Piatt of New York Is the
most noncommittal man In the upper
house of Congress. He never makes a
statement without qualifying It.
George Gorham, the farmer secretary
of the Senate, met the senior Senator
from New York in the committee-room
occupied by the latter the other day.
Greetings were exchanged.
"Well, Senator, now are you
day?" said Mr. Gorham.
"I am not as strong as a horse,
am not aa weak as a cat," was
reply. Washington Tlmea.
Lieaaena the Coat of Grain.
It la said that automobiles have so
cheapened the cost of harvesting grain
In the immense California fields that
wheat can be raised at less actual cost
than in the Argentine Republic.
A Traveled Bottle.
The longest measured drift of a bot
tle was ln the Pacific, from 4 degrees
south of the Equator to the Fiji Isl
ands, a distance of 0,700 miles, ln 453
da; a.
: I , , , f
tall Hat Inducts Baldness. 1
A Iondon writer claims that th? !
tall hat Induces baldness and creates ',
a liability to Insanity. Baldms. '
which is so universal in what ar
called the upper classes. H contrast
to the hair-covered scalp of ti.o
poorer, is mainly due to the tall hat.
Manufacturing in Mississippi.
The StntA nf MicsiAsinni fit.nwl
pretty near the lower end of the list
of manufacturing States. When the
count was taken last year there v. ore
only 2;.4S3 wage-workers in the
State and the production was valued
at $40,000,000.
Graduate in Blanket Costume.
Anna Parker Cox. riauehter of !
Qunnnah Parker, the noted Comanche!
Indian statesman, who is married to '
a white man. has donned her blanket j
and taken up wild reservation life
again. She is a graduate of the Car
lisle Indian school.
An Ontario rlostpilaL
Ontario will soon have a hospital
for poor consumptives. A Mr. Mas
sey bequeathed the site of the institu
tion and $30,000 toward the building
and furnishing fund. The Grand
Trunk railway will carry patients to
the hospital free of charge.
Water Power lor the Alps.
Gigantic water power develop
ments are projected in the Alps. There
are now in the French Alps 43 factor
ies supplied by 250.000 horse-power,
electrically generated.
Gulls in London Parks.
As the winter advances the gulls
come up the Thames in great numb
ers in search of food. They have al
ready invaded the parks, much to the
alarm of the ducks, who find to their
cost that these hungry intruders rob
them unmercifully. In St. James'
Park there are hundreds of these
waifs. From the bridge which crosses
the lake they may be seen floating
on the water or circling overhead,
uttering plaintive screams as they
dart, about in search of food Pall
Mall Gazette.
tf yea h&ren't a renular, health t movement of tbd
bowela t?Tery day, you're sick, or will be. Keep your
bowels op?n. and be well. Korue-in ibettiapeuf
Tioleut pbyslc or pill poison, in dannerous. The
irmonbfB.L. eak-8t. juust perfect way of kxepiog it
Oowels clear uti cltMUtif WUUte
Pleasant. Palatable, totem Taste Good Do Good,
lever Sicken. Weaken, or (xrfpe. luc. Site Write
Kir free sample, aua bookit oa bealtn. Addrefas
SWIlas Beswlr Oapuj, tklesi. MaalrMl, ( lark. IC3a
1 VI
1 F0RmfTfi5YRUP((a,
I . .... San Frtvnciaco, Ca. jmm M
,1 i Loul'VlIIe. Ky. New York. N. V. IHl
"B wish yota
publish my letter
statin j tho grand effect
lizs had on my ItcsSUu
"I wnsesufferinRtostich
that my physician thought an operation would 1 e nrecsMtry.
Your medicine having- been recommended to me, I decided to
try it. After using several bottles I found that I was cured. My
system was toned up and I suffered no more with my ovaries.
Lydia, E. Pinkhum's Vegetable Coni(Huml is the greatest boon on
earth to suiTering women." M Rs. Axxa Aston, Box 13, Troy, Mo.
Ovarian trouble is seriotia trouble Everv woman knows thi. Frennently
she has ovarian trouble when she thinks she has only a "min in the side." Ail
at once she finds herself unable to walk. She is a sirk woman An operation,
dangerous and expensive, ia the usual procedure, and. at best, she ran expert
merely to gather together the shatterd nmnanta of health after s tedious
Many times this is necessary and many times it is not. It i wise for every
woman to be convinced that every backache and sidenche, every abdominal
pain, indicates something wrong, and something which will not go away itself or
be driven away by hard work. It is also right for every woman to know that
for every disorder of the feminine organs Lj'diil 1". IMliklinitl's
Vegetable Compound is the perfect treatment, that it is thu medicine
always safe to use and always certain to help.
When your health and perhaps your life is nt stake, is it wise to pnss by n
remedy which holds the record for the greatest number of absolute rurea of
female ills and which is recognized by the profession to be the greatest medicine
for women in the world, and accept something else which you know little or
nothing sbout?
Read the records of cure in the letters like Mrs. Aston's printed regularly
in this paper, and if you are sick, do not be satisfied to take a substitute for
Lydia E, Plnkham's
The Farmers First Profit
Is made In lii si-lectlon of aucJ.
Semi fur
Our Complete Annual Cata
logue for 1902, FREEI
t cnnlaitu full (Urcrtfnns for Kftrtirti
work flti'l many iiHcful tahlftt fur the
iarmer. Nt. nm bvltur
SecilH than
LAMBERSON - Portland Oregon
For Chnrch, Htftre,
M.it. l. Ilnll, Sir. -l
LI Kt I' "It. 'Ull'M!
I .h in ftp Hre Hftfe, ero.
lioinicHl anil relia
ble, see what users
think ol llii'in liy
Portland, Or.
N. P. N. U No, -190'4.
WIIKX writing t advert lacr plotwa
uiut'Uju thia paper
j i$j
Vnil Citirl trio nifforonno "etwei'ti atekly, Imify i lilckiMm ml henlthv. efnilftileii fowls.
ILIU rlllu ll I C UlllCICiluu lirinia no iiimii y in vniir pni ket. Ilie ullier iiii nii' iniiiiur
In otir iiir-e. Wiiirti will ion luivi- ?
PrnrjchnfL'o I !no afillor a 1 '" liR'nl or i.niy Ilie t n. Miilekly ili-mroylnn all
vlUCblJuLtn b LILC l 1 1 1 0 1 llee. "I'lie Kli'" 1 liothllil? Ill einilliitrianll l" tile K.m.l II III .
CqUQ Yniir PhinvQMC l4''' 'i'oelieeli'H Kkk I'l-uilileer mill llenltli F I lii tlia
utilU lUUI ulllunClli eliii'kein ini'vent iimriiiltiy. Iii 1 1 1 -1 h ln-j;in Ih lint lien live nr
six innniliK olil.
of Syrup of Figs is due to its pleasant form and perfect freedom from every
objectionable quality or substance and to the fact that it arts gently and truly
as a laxative, without in any way disturbing the natural functions. The
requisite knowledge of what a laxative should be and of the best means for its
production enable the California Fig Syrup Co. to supply the general demand
for a laxative, simple and wholesome in its nature and truly beneficial in its
effects; a laxative which acts pleasantly and leaves the internal organs in a
naturally healthy condition and which does not weaken them.
To assist nature, when nature needs assistance, it is all important that the
medicinal agents used should be of the best quality and of known value and Syrup
of Figs possesses this great advantage over all other remedies, that it does not
weaken the organs on which it acts and therefore it promotes a healthful con
dition of the bowels and assists one in forming regular habits. Among its many
excellent qualities may be mentioned its perfect safety, in all cases requiring a
laxative, even for the babe, or its mother, the maiden, or the wife, the invalid,
or the robust man.
Syrup of Figs is well known to be a combination of the laxative principles
of plants, which act most beneficially, with pleasant aromatic liquids and the
juice of figs, agreeable and refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system,
when its gentle cleansing is desired. The quality of Syrup of Figs is due not
only to the excellence of the combination, but also to the original method of
manufacture which ensures perfect purity and uniformity of product and it is
therefore all important, in buying, in order to get its beneficial effects, to note
the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front
of every package.
rrafy -iU'v wyrt
to Jk
an extent from ovnrian trouble
Vegetable Compound
WehnvftippOHltrd with
the NutiuiiHl City Hank,
nf I.vnn. n.u. which
will te ptiiii to any per
imn who call find that the oUive tMttntnial
lrtier in nut urtniMir tr vmn ptihlinlicil hefom
obtaining the wtiter'ii ciwvia. iKTtiiinioa.
Founded 1870
A Homo School for Bovo
Military mnd Manual Training
Wrllo for Illustrated Cataloouo
llltl.li'i.N. I'UU 11. AM-
St. Helen's School for Girls.
Thiriv-lhlnl your. Cotn mh l ions Uinlil
ihV. Muileru t'tnupmiMtl. Artt'h'fiiiii
Htitl t'o.lcKc prfpitratury roiirH's. sv
i'IhI citurr.(' in muit' antl art, lllit,
trati't rtiiiliiunt'. All tlepartmi'iiU will
renpeu St'i'U'inlier IH.
Sew Year Resolutions
Kcdcy Curo
tuts relief fiom llqa. r, opium and lonaiia
kablta, band tuf parttoulaia k
faalow IneMlnla ""'"I '!,t tVIIMwina
IB8IBJ inSlliUIO, Ave,, I'urlluiiil. OrKuu
Y liu want to lictli-r llieircondi tinn, write
toilay fur my plati of itinking money.
1 41 rite profit unl iitiiiiuiciiI. liiiHinesa
assured. Lock 15'ix 111)0, I'orl land, Or,
'J-'i to ii tit-r cent, more niihttii'e
St root. Portland, Or. Coumt Atlanta.