Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, February 27, 1902, Image 3

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    What are Humors?
They are vitiated or morbid fluids eours
Ins the "lns BnJ nfTting the tissues.
TIipt are commonly due to defective diges
tion bu'r-i sometimes Inherited.
How do thoy niaiiif.-st themselves T
Iu many forms of cutaneous eruption,
salt rheum or eczema, pimples and boils,
..nd in weakness, languor, general debility.
How are they expelled T Uy
Hood's Sarsdparilla
whih also builds up the system that baa
suffered from them.
It is the best medicine for all humors.
Love Idealizes.
All active love idealizes tlint is, sees
and loves the ideal of the loved one.
Often, indeed, the absorption in the
ideal iH ho complete that the outer life
in mistakenly mipposed to be identical
with it, thiiH opening the way to shock
and hitter disappointments.
I am sure I'iso's Cure fur CoiiRiiiiintioii
rived my life three years nso. Mrs. Tims.
Korkhc. Mapie street, Norwich, N. Y.,
Itb IT, WOO.
A Lawyer's Fine Distinction.
A lawyer wan passing along the street
wrrying under his arm a law book
when he was accosted by a friend.
"Ha! Sir. Ulank, and where are you
going to preach today?" "I ilon'
preach, I practice," replied the lawyer
Mothers will find Mrs. Vt'inslow'8 Sooth
ing tyrup the best remedy to use tor their
Children during i lie teething period.
A Delusion.
Willie Those gold fish you genl
home are fakes.
Hinison How do you know?
"Why, I took them out of the water
and they turned brown in 15 minutes."
The wise ones use Hamlin's Wizard
Oil for Iiheumutism and Pain ; the fool
ish ones try experiments.
"Pridget, did the dog eat much when
he pot into the pantry?"
"Share, mum, he ate evverything but
the dog hiskit."
FIT A'ernmm'ully Curcil. i-io fits or licrrousncE:
lllO altrrlirnt Inv' i.eoflir. Klinp'MirtMtt Nem
Hcjtcir.T. KMi.llor '"It Ml: SI 'J. 00 trial lioltl.viml treat
ise. Dn.lt.it KliiNK. I.UI..IO! An:li.St..PuiuulMiU.Pa.
in Nautical Terms.
Fnreon Yes, on one occasion I mar
ried four couples in a quarter of an
hour. Quick work, wasn't it?
Nautical Young Lady Yes, rather.
Sixteen knots an hour. London Punch,
BQdl Poison
There is no poison so highly contagious,
o deceptive and so destructive. Don't b
too sure you are cured because all external
signs of the disease have disappeared, and
the doctor says you are well. Many per
sons have been dosed with Mercury and
Potash for months or years, and pro
nounced cured to realize when too late
that the disease was only covered up
Uke Beget Ukc. fS
out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi
cation find those nearest and dearest to
them have been infected by this loath
some disease, for no other poison is so
surely transmitted from parent to child
as this Often a bad case of Rheumatism,
Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease,
an old sore or ulcer developing in n;iddle
life, can be traced to blood poison con
in early of the Parent.
life, for it renvtins smoldering in the sys
tem forever, unless properly' treated and
driven out in the beginning. S. S. S. is
the only antidote for this peculiar virus,
the only remedy known that can over
come it and drive it out of the blood, and
it does this so thoroughly and effectually
that there is never a return of the disease
to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards.
cures contagious mood
Poison in any and all
stapes: contains no
(Vj fl Iw'S nnn-"ral t0 break down
Va. "tiy Sttjr your constitution ; it is
purely vegetable and the only blood puri
fier known that cleanses the blood and
at the same time builds up the general
health. V
Our little book on contagious blood
poison is the most complete and instruc
tive ever issued; it not only tells all
about this disease, but also how to cure
yourself at home. It is free and should
be in the hands of everyone seeking a
Cure. Send for it
-.mmvj 1 ull Lint, urunm 11. 1 j mwnni
LlimS iVriikf ill (IXF (AltS. I
Beat Cough Byrup. Tutu Quod. Dae I
in limn. Hnl1 it druifirtMA.
na, em
Pjr ttnolpn and solrn
r bhereber good crops J
I are groltTL I j
V Sold everywhere. I
V 1902 Annual FREE. J J
NflV D. M. PERRY at OO. IS
Detroit, jBr
WIT that Avtrrr-o A RIOT.
John Krnuuhunis, AVell-Timed Joke
Cu lined a Turbulent Crowd.
"There liave heeu 11 good mauy sto
rii'K told of Hi,. ,,uli 'i wit of actors wtio
have turned ,, aei-ldciu or a pauic or
a low iiilo a joke." su ill To::i l.eiii.
the old-time a,-ir, A j,uoU u.mv or
I he glories are Takes. I suppose." he
continued. "uut SOiiie are true, nud
there are lots that liave never found
their way into print. The pi-ess iijjeut
wasn't as numerous or us clever Iu the
old days as lie Is now.
"1 remember 11 ti instance in which
John Uroiiuliam carried i,ff a most dif
ficult situation liy a clever bit of im
provisation and saved the old Wiuter
liard'-u from the disgrace of a riot. It
was the lirst nijrht on which he played
his burlesque 'Columbus' there and the
house was tilled with his friends.
"Anions the most enthusiastic of
these friends were a great crowd of
JA'Uluns. headed by Mahouey, the man
who had Just theu been elected presi
dent of the Irish republic at the old
Fenian headquarters in 17th street.
There was a Jollification Iu honor of
his election, and as he was a personal
friend of KroiighHiu'g it was natural
let he ami his followers should buy
nil the orchestra seats iu the house
for the opening tiifjht, as they did.
"1 was iu the cast, und so was Jack
Studly. but If unybody else iu the com
pany is now alive I don't remember
who It Is. I played the part of a biff
Indian who lirst appeared on the Binge
as a messenger bringing dispatches
from Washington.
"Just as I came ou a discussion that
had sprung up anion;; so:ne of the ex
cited Fenians developed into a quarrel.
The house was already disturbed and
there was every prospect of a fight iu
the orchestra in another minute.
"I delivered my message and
Brougham replied to me In the words
of the piece:
" 'Confound you, have done!'
"Then turning from me to the foot
lights he went 011. as if it was a part
of his speech:
"Or would you like a band of Feuiau
lirni Iters,
All fame nlmiiihiti to defame each other?
If wiih such sentiments I sent out any,
Keuiember I'm lieiij center here, Ma
lioney. "There was n roar of laughter from
the whole house at this, aud the Fen
ians joined In It as henrtily as any one
else. There was no further talk or
Indication of trouble and the play weut
on without interruption." New York
A door opeuer is the Invention of M.
J. Donnell, of St. Louis, designed pri
marily for the doors of retail stores at
which boys are usually stationed. It
consists of a series of rods connecting
the door with a lever or wheel, which
may be placed any desired distance
from the door. I'.y pulling the lever
or turning a wheel the operator opens
and closes the door noiselessly, aud
one boy can attend to a uiuuber of
doors connected iu the same manner.
All the mechanism except the opera
tion appliance is placed under the Uoor.
A Congciiiul Culler.
The Maid "There is a gentleman at
the door who wishes to see you
The Widow "Does he look like a
caller, Marie?"
The Mald-"Yes, ma'am."
The Widow "But, Marie, you know
I'm in full mourning and can't receive
The Maid "But this is the young un
dertaker, ma'am."
"Oh, that's very different Show
him In." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Had Found His Strong Point.
A member of the bar not richly en
dowed with intellect after years of
brleflessueas married a rich widow.
She died. Again he sought a bride
with a large dower aud again became
a widower. Then he thought he would
return to his long neglected profession.
He approached an old friend, who bad
meanwhile become a. Judge of the Su
preme Court, and asked what in but
opinion would ba the wisest course for
blm to pursue. "Stick to the probate,
and matrimonial." said the Judge.
Family Pride.
"Mr. Cumrox Is only suffering from
an ordinary cold. I believe," said the
sympathetic visitor.
"Well," answered Mrs. Cumrox.
"we've done our best to keep It from
being ordinary. We've sent for the
most expensive physician In the city."
Washington Star.
Where Hals Come From.
Hat dealers buy principally from the
English and Italian markets. England
furnishes stiff and lialy soft hats.
They now say that had grninmir Is
a disease. We are afraid we have it.
'is fa
t"rs Valentino Tolls How
Lydte Em Piaktezm's Vc&cta
LJo Compound Cured Her.
nappiness will gx out of your life
forever, my sister, if you have ny
of the symptoms mentioned in Mrs.
Valentine's letter, unless vou net
promptly. Procure Lytiia C Fir.k
ham's Vegetable Compound at rnce.
It is absolutely bure to help you. Then
write for advice if there is anythinjr
about your case you do not under
stand. You need not be afraid to tell the
things you could not explain to the
doctor- your letter will be seen only by
women. All the persons who see priv
ate letters at Mrs. Pinkham's Labora
tory, at Lynn. Mass., are women. All
letters are confidential and advice abso
lutely free.
Here is the letter: "It is with
pleasure that I add my testimony to
your list, hop
ing it may in
duce others to
avail them
selves of the
benefit of your
valuable rem
edy. Before
takin? Lydia
E. Pinkham's
Compound I
felt very bad
ly .was terribly
nervous, and
tired, had sick
headaches, no
srnawinpr pain in stomach, pain in my
back and right side, nnd so weak I
could scarcely 6tand. 1 was not able
to do nnythinp. Had sharp pains all
through my body. Before I had taken
half a bottle of your medicine, I found
myself improving. I continued its use
until I had taken four bottles, and felt
so well that I did not need to take any
more I arc like a new person, nnd
your medicine shall always have my
Brail." Mrs. W. P. Vai'entixe, 664
Ferry Avenue, Camden. N.J.
&5000 """ umldlfthlatmmtlmo.
nlitl la not fmnvlnm.
iyjla . Finkhmm MmdioSn C
Society for Preventing Tubercu'osii.
A society lias been organized in
Moscow, Kussia, the members consist
ing of both physicians and laymen, for
the purpose of preventing tulierculosif
by putting into practice those means
which science has indicated as effective.
Btate of Ohio, City of Toledo, (
Frank J. hknkv makes oath that he Is the
senior jiarier 01 the tirm of K. J. Chenky i Co.,
doing biimm ss in the tMtv of Toledo, Coutiiv
and (Slate aforenaid, and thnt said firm will i,av
the sum 01 ONE HUSDKK1J HUI.LAKS tor eaeb
and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use of H all's Catarrh Ccke.
Bworn to TMfore me and subscribed in in
presence, thistiih day of December, A. I), lssti.
j SEAL j
b'otorv Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taiten internally and acts
directly on the blond aud mucous suriauea 01
the Byatem. Send lor testimonial, free.
K. .1. Oil ENKY Si CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by rirueKism, 75c.
Hall's Family Fills are the best.
The Man-Who.Didn't-Oet-Off.
"For deep-laid, underground, double
dyed, contrary meanness, give me a
"Goodness!? What do you mean?"
"They al troys go to cleaning house
just when a man is thinking of going
fishing." Chicago Hearld.
Uronklyn, N. Y., Jan. 'iUih : For many years
Uartield Tea, The Herb Cure, has hceii earniii;
a regulation that is tare it I I NIVEKSAI.LY
praised! Thi rei.iedy nri'scum unusual at
tractions to those in search nf health; it in
made of I1KIUIS thnt cure in Nature's war by
rrmnviiiK the cause of dmetiHe; it Is I'Uli'K: i'l
cleanses .tie s stem, purities the hlooit and cs
tahliuhes a perlVci aciion of the digestive or
gans, it is equally izood for youni; aud old.
The Real Thing.
She You don't mean to say pro
fessor, that you have given up all your
studies in the higher mathematics iu
order to play golf?
Professor Yes; I have. I wanted
something to discipline my mind.
His One Chance.
"Goodness! I do hope our young
minister won't marry that Miss Strong
niind." "I didn't think you took so much
interest in him as to care very much."
"I'm thinking of myself, that's all.
If he marries her he'll never liave a
chance to talk except from the pulpit,
and then we'll suffer." Philadel
phia Press.
'ilie Kind You llavo Always
ture of Clias. 11. Fletcher, aud lias been made uudcr liU
personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one
to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
' Just-as-good " are but Experiments; and endanger the
Lealth of Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Plcasnnt. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Nnrcotie
substance. Its are is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach nnd Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Sears the
In Use For Over 30 Years.
I'm Knives In Quarrels.
In F.urmah in Ceylon, and, though
fortunately in a lesser degre-, in Ma
dras, quarrels are constantly ivcurring
in wliii'h knives are broug it into play
and serious wounds inllicto 1. resulting
more than 1 ften not in d -atli. The
knives used in Ceylon are sluith
knives, and for long the law shilling
community lias lwen trying to get the
authorities insist on these knives being
made with a button on the tip. They
would thus be rendered harmless fur
stabbing, while still available for
legitimate ue.
Motors lor Fire Eng'n s
The first town in Kngland to do away
with horses at the fire .stations is Ke
cles. Mayor F. Smith has supplied the
engine houses with powerful little mo
tors, which were proved successful in
every way. The engine carries five
men, four ladders, 300 yards f hose,
two stamlpipeg and other appliances,
It is driven by a seven horse power
double cylinder water cooler engine
fitted with variable ignition.
Surely NoL
Mrs. rpchurch Maud, I wish you
wouldn't liave so much to do with that
young llintiingside. 1 am told he is a
confirmed agnostic.
Miss Maud Why, mamma; the
agnostics don't confirm people, do they?
Chicago Tribune.
A Bad Break in Society.
Jack Fortune-Hunt Yes, she reject
ed me and all because of a bad break I
made when 1 was proposing.
I'ick Adams What was that?
Jack Fortune-Hunter (111 I told her
she was one in a thousand. She thinks
she's one of the Four Hundred. Cath
olic Standard.
When the lalKir organizations turned
out the other day several well known
politicians were seen in their ranks.
"Didn't know those fellows be
longed," said a querolous onlooker.
"Oh yes," said a man of informa
tion, "they're members of the Wire
workers' Union." Indianapolis News.
Craft in Our Ports.
There are about $30,000,000 worth of
craft in our Atlantic and gulf ports any
day in the year. The weather bureau
can reach every vessel master in every
port of material size within an hour in
case of danger.
Profits in Attar of Roses.
One of the most profitable products
of liulgaria is the oil or attar of roses,
which amounts to more than $1,000,000
annually. The town of Skipka, where
was fought the decisive battle of the
Tiirko-Kussian war, on the 7th of
July, 1877, is the center of the rose
Soiil i- it Don rind Rtorcnanrl iliPtMgtflhot?dialrrK
very wuwr. ti nuni 1 iih Kenuiii iiiivt . i,.
UuugittsV iittiueauu puce aHumpeu tu boitum.
Notice increase of Males in table below
1 T4H.TIIB Polrt.
1901 l,5G(i,72O Pairs,
B ivnftnt Mnre Than Qoubled in four fears.
.U DouKi.uuiiaKeHan'i iwMlanioremen'B f.i.ooanrt
$i.uu ithota itiau nriy other ivto Hum i rs in u.- worm.
, 1 luu Kins :.Ui nnd (U.SG utiotR iltul mde ty
Hidewilh ti.ui and V,.w ihoeK of other uinki-n. n-
Ittiiflrt lo lie jtmt an K'Kxl. 'I hey will uutweur two
pairs 01 oraiiiitry ari'i rtuut'iL
Made of trie best Ivatlwrs, hwludirq Patent
ftnnft te,t4 On,inn t'nt. nH tili,..tt Mnntinrnn
Iourht lias bornn tli akim.
Signature of
f f union wiaoe
IN THE V x. !.. I 'M
FOR MEN &n4M 4 I
Uses Pe-m-nasL in His Family
For Colds mk and Grin.
mmmm m m m mmmimt m
CAHTOL r.ril.niN'C, SAl.KM, OKBiON.
A lA"tter From the Kxecntive Olhce of Crcgon.
Fe-rn-na is known from the Atlantic ' tinnally in the house. In a recent let-
to the Pacific, letters of congratula
tion and commendation testifying to the
merits of l'e-rn-na as a catarrh remedy
are pouring in from every state in the
union. 1'r. Hartmait is receiving hun
dreds of such letters daily. All classes
write these letters, from the highest to
the lowest.
The outdoor laliorer, the indoor arti
san, the clerk, the-editor, the states
man, the preacher all agree that l'o-rn-na
is the ratarrh remedy of the age.
The stage and rostrum, recognizing
catarrh as their greatest enemy, are
especially enthusiastic in their praise
and testimony.
Any man who wishes perfect health
must be entirely free from catarrh.
Catarrh is well-nigh universal; almost
omnipresent. l'e-ru-na is the only
absolute safeguard known. A cold is
the beginning of catarrh. To prevent
colds, to cure colds, is to cheat ctitarrh
out of its victims, l'e-ni-na not only
cures catarrh, but prevents. Every
household shntild be supplied w ith this
great remedy for coughs, colds and so
The governor of Oregon is an ardent
admirer of l'e-ru-na. lie keeps it rou
fui tland, Oregon. Koiinilvil loiu.
i Home Schcol for Boys.
Military and Manual Training.
Wrltn fur IllinitmU'd Cntitlnioie.
' 1 l.CZf 1
For chnrrh, Won",
Ilnt'l, Hull, Str ia
I.) K h I i n k. 'I I'Pu
l.aitinH arc siifi;, fi-u
iiomli'sl nml rclla
blu. S;e wl.Hl liners
think ol them by
Portland, Or.
JOHN POOLE, Portland. Oregon,
foot of Morrison Strsafc
Can frive yon the bent bargains Iri
Ttnggies. l'lows. Hollers and Knium,
Win. 'mills and I'll mo" sn i limiemt
Machinery, boo na beiora buying.
It lTVPfltt OlTX
will be paid
port to us
- someming
for, and furnish ridoca trpon wlucii w ca
y?K -vx
Jtm tj i i i
f(p B
fsT jtm
- L JL
ter to lr. llartman he says:
State of Oregon,
Executive I'cpartntent,
Salem, May .", 1S'.)K.
The re-ru-na Medicine Co., (Viltimbnti,
lonr Sirs I have had occasion t
use your re-ru-na tnedicine in my fam
ily for colds, aud it proved to w an ex
cellent remedy. 1 have not had occa
sion to use it fur other ailments.
Yours very truly, W. M, Urnl.
It. will be noticed that, the governor
says he has not had occasion to use IV-rii-nii
for other ailments. The
reason for this is, most other ailments
U'gin with u cold. I'sing I'e-rii-tia to
promptly cure colds, he ptvtocts his
family against other ailments. Thin in
exactly what every other family in the
I'nited States should do. Keep I'e-ru-iiu
in the house. I'se it for roughs,
colds, la grippe, and other rlimatio
affections of wiuter, and there will Imj
no other ailments in the house. Such
families should provide themselves w ith
a copy of Pr. llartmiin's free book, en
titled "Winter Catarrh." Address Dr.
Hartiuati, Columbus, Ohio.
The Farmer's First Profit
Is in ml e In Ms selection of see,L
Seiul lor
Our Complete Annual Cata
logue for 1902, FREE!
It contains full illrerlli.n. fur nsrilea
work ami many useful l n l)"i tor Ilia
farmer. No one sella bellur
Seeiln than
LAMBERSON Portland, Oregon
hew Year Resolutions
111 a
Kcclcy Curo
feirarellaf bom llqaor, opium anil loum
mmwi iivihi ua (MirilOlllUltJ
Keeley Institute,
MovhiI lo 4 IO WMIUiaa
Alt., furllHUil, llranuu
Si lling my goods under ni-w plan, A
tried article that sells on its merit. Wrila
ipiick for pHi ticulsrs and exclusive ter
ritory, lock I5ox (Hill Portland, Or.
N. P. N. V.
.No. -lVU4.
HUN wrlllnc t advertlsora iilaaaa
iubiiU'ju this paper.
33 SO
taste ffOo4. Eat them like canity. Thejs
remove any oua iiikih in Itie mntiin, It av-
iiik me iireaiu iwci una penuimu. I
m nl.a iru , r fuUa 1 1. . m . . V, i
It la
nut a esjeciaiiy by children,
swrrten the stomach br rlrnnalnr
mouili, throat and food channel. That
means, they atoi unillgestcd food from
-T irmmvj nmrins; In lh stomach, irevent Ks forio
saaasssssss" li.g In tha howrls, and kill dlsiaaa air ins
of ar.y kind Ibat breed aud feed lo tha en
tire system.
are purely veattsble end contain no mer-
rurtul or other mineral polron.
j ney con
i Inedlclna.
ton tha stomach and bowels and stir np
na in 17 iirer. i ney go not merely soften
ma stools and cause their dlscharKe, but
(trengthen lha bowels and put Hum Into
lively, heallhv mntlitlrin tniii.ln lli.l ...
Uon natural.
nerer grip nor grips. They act quietly, pos-
"J m "'efy ana never cause any Kind of iinrom
ITTVPT 0 fortable feeling. Taken regularly they make
T WW WS na ItVflr rVllllirlv n.lxr.llu u- I.
should. They keep the sewerage of the body
properly moving and keep the system clean.
Increass the flow of milk In nursing: moth
ers. If the mother eata a tablet. It makes
r milk mildly purgative and has a mild
t certain effect on the baby. In this way
ev are th nnlv lufa luallwa tnm . V. a
nursing Infant.
taken rtatlntlv nat-lai.ilv m.111
form of constipation, no matter how old or
juw unco uiuer reineoiea nave lauea. I hey
mi iubuiulci; UHI ll IITfU IQ CUHI mV CBSS,
or purchuss money will bs cheerfully re
funded. cost 10c. 2Sc, 60c a box. Samples sent fre
for the asking. We publish no testimonials
but sell Cascarets on their merit under ab
solute guarantee to cure. Buy and try a
box to-day. or write us for free samples
and hnnklft
to any reader of this paper who will ro.
any attempt of substitution, or salt of
just as good" when cascarets ars called
convict. All coirespondeoct coalidentiaL