Disfigured Skin Wasted muscles and decaying bones. What havoc ! Scrofula, let alone, la capable of all that, and more. It Is commonly marked by bunches In the neck. Inflammations In the eyes, dys pepsia, catarrh, and general debility. It Is always radically and permanently cured by Hood's Sarzaparilla Which expels all P'jmors, cures all erup tions, and builds op tbe whole system, whether young or old. Ilnod'sjlils furs llw till: the non Irritating and onlT'caiiiartlo to take with Hood'i Sarsaparllly Tolstoy Independent ol Doctor. Count Tolstoy Is not an obedient-patient. Some time ago his" physicians told him not to walk or ride on horse back, but he aid -what he pleaseu, re marking. "I know better than all phy sicians what Is good for me." DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED By local applications, as they cannot reach tbe diseased portion ni the ear. There is only one wav to cure deafness, and that la by constitu tional remedies. Deal nem is caused bv an In flamed condition of the mucous lining o the KuMHcliian Tune. When this ttihe gets in. fUine.l vim have a rumbling sound or imper jeet hearing, and when it la entirely closed dealings is th result, and miles tlie lii'flamnia. tioii can be taken out and thin tubr- restored to its normal condition, hearing willbodentrovecl forever; nine cases out nt ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing hut an inflamed condition oi the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred I'ollars for any caKcof lcaincss(cnusel by catarrh) that can not he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY ti CO., Toledo, O. Bold bv Druggists. 7oc Hall's Family Pills are tbe best An Independent American Citizen. While riding in a Maine country road a traveler observed a field of corn which was overrun with rank weeds, and midway of the place was a large, conslcuously displayed sign with the following: "Notiss! None of Your Dusiness if This Corn Ain't Hoed." A BOY VIOLINIST WHO DRAWS SIS.80 A MINUTE. Jan Kuliolik is a mere boy. but the violin s master. In Carnegie Unit. New York, he played S3 niiuutes and re ceived $1,000 for his work. Jnn Ku belik was eight years ago getting up winter mornings lu the garret of the house of his father, who Is a Hohemian vegetable gardeuer. and wuking up the rnvlng family by playing Beethoven and Bach on the violin made of wire drawn over a eigar-box for a sounding board. Now he has come to this coun- A mil WUs JAM Kl'UKI.IK. CITC Permanently Cured. Ko tits or nervonsncst IIW alter first IiitN mat Dr. Kline'mireat Nervt ilestorer. Send lor KR KKS'j.OOtriul ln.ttleand treat, lis. bit. It. 11. Kline. I,td..v31 ArtliSU. Philadelphia, Pa, Wire Gauze lor Hay Fever. The newest idea for mitigating hay fever a disease which seems to claim more victims every year, in propor tion to the population is embodied in a small disc covered with wire gauze, which is inserted In the nostril. La Grippe conquers life Wizard Oil conquers I .a Grippe. Your druggist sells Wizard Oil. A New Billiard Ball Trick. An entirely new performance with cue and billiard ball has been given by the famous billiard player, Robert de llremont, says the Peoria Herald. Mr. nremont calls his trick "William Tell." He performs it on an ordinary billiard table, upon which a lighted candle has been placed. By hitting a ball with his cue he sends tlfe former over the flame, describing an arc. The holder or candle is not touched by the ball, but Its motion extinguishes the llghl. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth Int; Syrup the best remedy to use tor their children during the teething period. Clean Persons Among the Lepers. In the leper settlement in the island of Molakai, there were 909 lepers and lf!4 "clean" persons. The general opinion was that the "clean" would in time become leprous. Nearly 1,100 people are housed, fed and clothed for about $80,000 a year. Piso's Cure cannot be too hifihlv spoken of as a cough cure. J. W. O'Brien. 322 -liird Ave., N,, Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 0, lJUu. Freddie Would Have His Way. Little Freddie Mamma, doesn't Uncle Bob like plum pudding? Mamma Yes; but the doctor won't let him eat It. Little Freddie Well, if I was as big as him there wouldn't be any doctor big enough to stop me. Boston Herald. al Sores and Ulcers never become chronic Unless the blood is iu poor condition is sluggish, weak and unable to throw ofl the poisons that accumulate in it. The system must be relieved of the unhealthy matter through the sore, and great danger to life would follow should it heal before the blood has been made pure and healthy and all impurities eliminated from the sys tem. S.S.S. beginsthecurebyfirstcleans mg and invigorating the blood, building up the general health and removing from iuS CONSTANT DRAlk efFetematter' UPON THE SYSTEM. When this has been accomplished the dis charge gradually ceases, and the sore ot ulcer heals. It is the tendency of these old indolent sores to grow worse and worse, and c ventual V to destroy the bones. Local applications, viuile soothing and to some extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does, and no mattci now apparently hopeless your condition, even though your constitution has broken down, it will bring relief when nothing else can. It supplies the rich, pure blood necessary to heal the sore aud nourish the debilitated, diseased body. Mr. J. I). Talbert, Lock Box US, Winona, Miss., ays: "Six years ago my leg from tbe knee to inefoot was one solid sore. Several physicians treated mc and I made two trips to Hot Springs, out found no relief. I was induced to try S. S. S., and it made a complete cure. I have been a per lectly well man ever aince." is the only purely veg etable blood purifier known contains no poisonous minerals to mitt tli flicrpatinn flnrl fdd to, rather than relieve your suffer tngs. If your flesh does not heal readily when scratched, bruised or cut, your blood is iu bad condition, and anjy rdinary sore ta apt to become chronic. ' Send for our free book and write out physicians about your case. We make no aarRe for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. I'.IIUHi WHIUf ill flXf tillS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use I in iime. pom rv onimrmn. try, tinder the management of Hugo Goerlitz uud Daniel Frohman. to pluy to the tune of $100,000 for the trip. When he played in Home the Pope, upon the advice of the Senior Curdl nal, sent for him nnd told him that he had heard the soul of Pagaului was new born, nnd he decorated the boy with the Order of St. Gregory, rarely bestowed. In Vienna the Archduchess Theresa sat In her box while he played eight encores, and afterward sent him a senrfpin mnde of her crest in dia monds. All over Europe hu has been sought. TEACHING DANGERS OF LAMPS. ChildrenAre Instructed in Their Hand ling iu London Kcliooln. Authorities in control of the public schools of London have Introduced as part of the system of Instruction object lessons in the cure and management of kerosene and other lamps. The idea is n good one. No one element of the tire risk of cities is more serious from the underwriters' point of view thun the careless use and abuse of lumps and In tlummnble oils. An illustration of this is found In the historic incident of tbe great Chicago conflagration, which tra dition says was started by Mrs. O'Lea ry's cow, which kicked over a kerosene lamp which had been set on the stable floor behind her to illuminate the milk ing operation. To impress children with a whole some respect for the Inceudiary charac ter of a lump is to impart useful knowl edge and make them through their whole lives discreetly careful. Among the points emphasized In the London Instruction on this point Is the folly of placing lamps on chairs or rickety ta bles, or on narrow shelves; of the at tempt to carry a lighted lamp and something else nt the same time, and the general lnadvisnbllity of carrying lighted lamps nt all. It Is also made clenr by experiment why oil should never be poured upon a fire, either to stimulate it or facilitate Its kiudling, and the danger Incident to the leakage of oil from vessels containing it Is ex plained by methods calculated to leave a lasting Impression upon the minds of the children. Some clever apparatus have been ar ranged for illustrating the dangerous chnracter of oil, and as children dear ly love everything which savors of an "experiment" the method of objective Instruction is remarkably effective. The children take home the ideas thus Imparted and are constant monitors in the family circle to remind the careless adults of what Is imprudent in lamp manipulation. The plan is one, snys the New York Times, which merits con sideration by progressive educators In American cities. Hia Reason. "No!" exclaimed the eloquent orator nt the meeting of the Society for the Suppression of Other People's Foolish Habits. "No, Indeed, nt my establish ment we will not employ a man who smokes while he works." As the hum of approval went around a curious person in the rear of the hall arose nnd Inquired: "May I ask what line of business -ou follow, sir?" "Powder-making," replied the elo quent orator in embarrassed tones. BaLiniore American. Mint Follow the Rule. The soft-voiced Salvation Army girl with the bundle of War Cries under her awn stopped at the entrance of the apartment house. "I have come," she said, "to brin the good tidings of " "Take it around to the rear door," arrogantly Interrupted the Janitor. Chicago Tribune. A Personal Grievance. "I never fully renllzed how shnmeful ly corrupt our municipal elections are." "What's opened your eyes?" ,"Why,, I worked all day for the re form ticket nnd better government and thej never gave me a cent for It." Clet eland Pluln Dealer. Nothing pleases a young girl more than to have her older brother fall in lovei then he can't say anything to her about tbe boys. Did Goethe Hive PockmarksT Tne Goethe specialists have some thing new to talk about. A Breslau professor his discovered !n a plaster cast of the poet's face, spots on the chin and the left cheek which look like smallpox marks. The savants are now discussing the important ques tion whether Goethe really had pock marks in his face, or whether the spots discovered indicate mere Imper fections in the plaster. It is known that Goethe did have the smallpox when he was six years old. New York Post. Good Price for Manuscript The late Russian savant. Dr. Kulesh, made a translation Into Little Russian of the bible, which the censor would not allow to be printed. His widow has now sold the manuscript to the British Bible Society for 5000 roubles. Not Up to the Mark. Magazine Editor Haven't you got a poem to go on this page? Assistant Here's one that I don't quite get the meaning of, but I sup pose many of our readers will under stand It. Magazine Editor That won't do. I want something that will puzzle every body. Judge. Two Girls. "If ten men should ask you to mar ry them, what would that be?" ' VWhat would it be?" TA tender." ''And if one should ask you, what would that be?" "I don't know; what?" "A wonder." Life. A Peculiar Wasp. One kind of wask found In Brazil and Guiana makes its nest of a bril liant white pasteboard suspending it from the highest branches of the trees, so as to escape the attention of the monkeys, which, in those regions, have a troublesome habit of investi gating everything, even a hornet's nest. Tricking Chronologer. President Prltchett of the Massa chusetts Institute of Technology in relating his experience in college re cently said that the way boys had of finding a certain professor was to step into the middle of the college yard and call out a date in American his tory. Instantly the professor would come out from some window or door In the college and say that the date was Incorrect. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. ! 0'v "oz., Portland, Oregon. toot at Morrises Str -r ssimt r.iisiiiri, W-n.-miii an. i rnmn an i General Machinery. See us beiora olivine fomdod 1870 A Warns School for Bora Military mnd Manual Training Wrtto for llluatrmtcd Cataloovo Brain-Weight and Mental Power. It is stated by an authority that the weight of a man's brain has nothing to do with his mental power. The colder the climate, the greater the size i of the brain. The largest heads of all are those of the Chugatches. who live very far north, and next comes the heads of the Laps. Oil-Burning Locomotives. Locomotives to burn oil are appear ing in the Pacific states. They are built with the cab and furnace in front and the smokestack behind. The ten der is discarded, and the oil and water are conducted in pipes. The Kaiser's Palaces. In the twenty-odd palaces of th German Emperor some 3500 servants are employed, about 2000 of these be ing women. A huge income is. of course, required for keeping up estab lishments on this scale, and the Em peror's total expenditure is estimated at some $25,000 a day. A Prehistoric Canoe, A prehistoric canoe was dug up re cently in a bog about five miles from Dungannon, County Tyrone, Ireland. It is scooped out of an oak trunk, is six feet long three feet wide, and eight een inches deep. It has a ring shape at the bow, evidently for mooring and haulage, and also two lugs at the stern. In the same bog a woman's body was discovered in a remarkable state of preservation. According to medical opinion it has lain there for 200 years, but the peaty soil had pre served it. ...Columbia University... Academic and Collegiate Halls. COrRSKS-Clasaical. t.ltrrorr. Scientific, an I Commercial. Kor particulars apply to REV. E. P. MURPHY, President. I nivemtT ?an. Portland. Oregon Wc Teach Bookkeepinu, Stenneraphy, Mathematics, Kntilnh, Lan guages, History, Etc., By Mail IN 5 JSeeds niaaaH&kjs. YaW stckmI crops, srood s-T ' M yjr crops ntak mora cue ft W toiners-ao each year the k f-"f crops and customers liar 1 till crown greater. That's tha I IvJ secrsl of tha Ferry fume, f ", 2 Mora Ferry's Needs sold 111 and sown than any other iy i I ' i kind. Hold by all dealers. Jrf f I'-A l9tH.Wtl Annual fHtlK. ? ; I O. M. Farry at Oo. S IV '... J Dotrolt, .ft'M For full information address Pacific Coast Corro spondenco Ins tituto Portland, Crtpon. Holiday Resolutions TAKK Kcclcy Curo aura rallaf bom llqaor, opium and tosaoo nana w partioaian aablia. Moved to 4'iO Williams Asa., 1'urllHiid, OrKuu leeley Institute, Patents Send no Aloney phi moapi or ariwing wm n aerrtption The Farmer's First Profit Is made in his srlection ol seed, fetid tor Our Complete Annual Cata logue for 1902, FREE! It contains full directions for sardm work and many useful tahh'a for the farmer. No one m-lls heller Seed, than I.AMMKUSOS'B BKKim. LAMBERSON - Portland, Oregon n. r. n. it. No. a two. and we will advise von. J. S. 4 Co., (Dept. A) Washington ,!.",,ie FIs?L-F VU,CN writing- ts, advortlsara pUaaa I IN YOUR POCKET! Yflll Find tho flifforOnPO ,,,'wn sickly, l..ny chickens and healthy, contented (owls. IUU 1 II I U 1IIC UIIICICIluC ""c hrtitsa no money to your pocket, the other means money In your pur-e. Which will yon have T nrflDchopIf'o I fa Ifillor l"l"il1 " palm or spray the roosts, quickly dealrovlns; all UlUGOUGun O DUG ItlllCI lice. The price la nothing in comparison to the good it will do. VSVD Ynlir PhlntonO ''V",, "roesherk's h.gg I ri.iliir.r mid lle.llli V t to tha OuIG IUUI Wlllb!CilO. chicken prevent mortality: Pullets Lenin layluu when tlva of six months old. 2S to oo per cent. moreeuKS produced. PORTLAND SEED CO., 135 Fror.t St root. Portland, Or. Coamt Agonto. Why Syrup. of Fids tke-best fajrvily laxativtv It is pure. It is gentle. It is pleasant. It is efficacious. It is not expensive. It is good for children. It is excellent for ladies. It is convenient for business men. It is perfectly safe under all circumstances. It is used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world produces. Its component parts are all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable substances. It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste. All are pure. All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the orginality and simplicity of the combination. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine. Manufactured by San Francisco, Cal. Louisville. Ky. New York, N. Y. FOB SALE BY ALL LEADISU UJlUOaJSTS. mm ,MMMMt'',a,''tt1 'Maajl-yh '' l i af iiriartili aaiaiisili y i ...J A New Milk Adulteration. A new milk adulterant has heen dis covered by the dairy inspectors in use in Minnesota. It is called giseogen, and is composed of sugar, lime and water. It has the effect of making milk appear richer than it is, as the lactic acid in the milk turns the lime to a thick white substance that as similates with the milk and Improves its looks while it does not injure the taste. Hard Place to Build Railroads. The difficulty of railroad construc tion in some parts of Africa is illus trated oy the fact that on the Free-town-Mattru line in Sierra Leone eleven steel bridges had to be built in a distance of thirty kilometers. The Truth of It "It's my opinion," said Mr. Medder grass, after complimenting the grocer on the fact that the store bad been furnished with a new stove for the fall loafers, "that some o' these here navy officers is workln' for the coal trust. 1 b'lleve that's why they didn't tell Schley about their coal supply hold in' back on him till prices went up another half dollar on the ton;" Bal timore American. ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Genuine Carter's yttle Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of 5ea Facsimile Wrapper elow. Not Up in French. Willis I prefer to eat a la carte. Gillis Ah! I see you frequent lunch wagons.: Boston Herald. Answered. "But how do you pass your time?" asked the lady from the city of the re tired business man who had settled on a farm. "Well," said the retired business man, "I spend a good deal of it in ex plaining to inquirers how I get along out here." Somerville Journal. Vasry eaamU mmd ma omay to take aa aagaz. CARTER'S CJrmE. IflVER FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FDR RIUOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECOMPLEXIOR r patgrn I OaKJVUJZVB MUSTHAVIJUOmatuhC. CURE SICK HEADACHE. a Old-time Droughts. The first great drouth on record happened in 678, and the two succeed ing years, when, according to the rec ords, there was practically no rain fall in England. In 879 the springs in England were dried up, and it was im poBBioie for men to work in the open air. In 993 and 994 the nuts on the trees were "roasted as if In an oven." Automobiles Scarce in London. Automobiles have become very scarce In the city proper of London in oonspquence of the application of an old ordinance forbidding self-propelle.i vehicles from going faster than throe miles an hour. - Very Queer. "It's mighty queer that Frank Tick leton should turn out to be a default er," remarked Tenspot. "That's what it Is," added Bunting. "Nobody ever heard him alluded to as 'Honest Frank Tickleton.' " Puck. Xij BEST FOR THE B afefatXlXafijrsa- 1 CANDY I I CATHARTIC VakffaTSFtaffk'teFkaaW'a j SWEETEN I THE STOMACH ? i PURELY I VEGETABLE I WVVaWsafa'WM ALL DRUGGISTS. LIVER TONIC VaWanWaiWMrl fVUWUUfXafef MILD BUT i PloONoT' JW01TJ1ERS pwcureww IonstipatjonJ niivRoLLr The It la are tha HnA T7- tl . III.. t . . moiv bjw-. i.i uiri line tunny, 1 HKJ remove any bad tasfe In the mnuth, nig inc uimiiii avvi'.-L afiu peri URIHI. J a pleasure t') take Hum. and they lined eijtciauy vy cmiurtn. sweeten the stomach bv clfanslna- mnuth. throat and food rhnnm-l Th.i means, they stop utiriiKPstcd food from Kourltis; In the stomach, prevent pus form lug In the bowels, and kill (Jltf.uae Kerma or ar.y kind that breed and feed in tha en tire systerm. are purely vegetable and contain no mer curial or other mineral poison. They con slut of the latest discoveries In medicine, and form a combination of remedies nn eojialed to make the blood pure Hnd rich. cicau nam ana utauuiui com plexion. tone tha stomach and bowels and stir vo the lazy liver. They do not merely soften tne stools and ciiuwi their discharge, but strengthen the boweis and ml tin m inta lively, healthy condition, making their ac tion natural. never grip nor gripe. They act quietly, pos itively and never cause any kind of uncom fortable feeling-. Taken regularly they malts l2e ,YeE,act ,reB"lrly and naturally as It should. They keep the sewerage of the bodr properly moving and keep the system clean. Increase the flow ef milk In nursing- moth l' Mi.the.,mother al'' a "ablet, It makea her milk mildly purgative and has a ml 14 but certain effect on the baby. In thie war they are the only safe lazatlva for tha nursing Infant. taken patiently, persistently, will cur anr form of constipation, no matter how old or now often other remedies have failed. The are absolutely guaranteed to cure any case or purchase money will be cheerfully re- cost 10c, 25c, Boc a box. Samples gent free) for the asking. We publish no testimonial but sell Cascarets on their merit under ab solute guarantee to cure. Buy and try a bo; to-day, or write ua for free samples and booklet. Sssrsai STSBLISB BIHEDT CO., CHICAGO er IIW Toll. $100 RFWARO Pai any reader of thi. paper who will re. vpiVVf 1 - tlU port to ui any attempt of substitution, or aale of .... v . , " omethuig Just aa good" when Cascareta are called tor, ana furniah andaace upon which w ua convict. IU correspondenc confidential.