Humors They take possession of the body, and re Lords of Misrule. They are attended by pimples, bolls, the Itrhinf! tetter, salt rheum, and other cu taneous erwtions: by feelings of weakness, languor, pvjjral debility and what not. They cause more suffering than anything else. Health, Strength, Teare and Pleasure require their expulsion, and this is posi tively effected, according to thousands of pratfful testimonials, by Hood's Sarsaparilla Which radically and rx-rnninontlv drives theiu out and builds up the w hole system. No Deferred Payments. "Is your daughter learning to plav ly note?" "Certainly not," answered Mrs. Cumroxa litile indignantly. We pay casli for every lesson. The idea!" I am sure Piso's Cure for CVtisiimtnioii saved my life three years aso. Mrs Tiis. Koriiink. Mapie street, Norwicu, N. V., ieb. 17, 1Sio. Taught by Experience. "We shall need," said the officer who was arranging for tlie government expedition, "food supplies for six men and a hoy." "Supplies for eight men," said the secretary, jotting it down. "What else?" Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth lne Syrup the best remedy to use tor their children during the teething teriod. Made in Germaay. The much talked of Chinese astro nomical instruments brought from Pekin and now in the possession of Germany have been proved to be the work of a German named Gogeissl. who died in 1771. He was attached to the court at Pekin and was presi dent of the royal observatory. HOWS THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for an Case o( lattai ra that cuu uot be cured by Hail i Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props. Toledo. O. W e the undersigned. have knon n F. J. ( bi ncv for the past l.". years, and believe him perfectly bnn'Tubie in a!. huiurs transactions ami tin. aneiailv aide to carry out any obligation! ruade by their firm. Wavr & Ti:r ax. Wholesale Iinu-gists, Toledo, Waluing KisnanA Marvin, Wholesale lirngir.sis, Toledo. O. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken imernallv.actintT directly on the blood and mucous surface of the system. Price 7.V per bottle, bold bv all druccistc. Testimoniuif free, iiuli'n Family I'ilis are the best. The Golden Hint "I see that petroleunii s being used for laving dust. Something new, isn't it?" Scarcely. Petroleum lias been 'lay ing dust' for John I). Rockefeller for nearly forty years.. " Cleveland Plain dealer. CiTO Permanently Cured. Xo fit or nerToucnef HIB alter rim 'Iht'b -itrnf Itr. khne's (ireat Nmi llwuinr. Send fur FKEI1 3'J.OOtriul i...ii1, um.I treat. to. Da. ft. U.Kust.Uu..iul Arch St.. Plnliuietiuia.l-a The Difference. Pater You are very forward, sir. In my day the young man waited until he was asked to call. Young Man Yes; and now he waits until lie is asked not to call. Tit Bits.. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Perhaps Daisy Lives in Boston Daisy I have made up my mind to enter society. Hardhead What has your mind got to do with it? Smart Set. Sufferers from this horrible malady nearly always inherit it not necessarily from the parents, but may be from some remote ancestor, for Cancer often runs through several generations. This deadly poison may lay dormant in the blood fot years, or until you reach middle life, then the first little sore or ulcer makes its ap pearance or a swollen gland in the breast, or some other part of the body, gives the first warning. To cure Cancer thoroughly and perma nently all the poisonous virus must be eliminated from the blood every vestage of it driven out. This S. S. S. does, and is the only medicine that can reach deep seated, obstinate blood troubles like this. When all the poison has been forced out of the eystem the Cancer heals, and the disease never returns. Cancer beginsof ten in cstnall way, as the following teller from Mrs. C'hirer shows . A small pimple came on my ja-. atoutan inch below the ear on the left aide of tuy face. Jlgavi me no pain or inconven eince, and I should have forgotten about it had it not begun to inflame and itch ; it would bleed a little, then scab over, but ould not heal. This continued for sometime, when my jaw began to awcll, becoming very painful. The Cancer be gan to eat and spread, until it was as large as a half dollar, when I heard of S. S. S. and determin es torsive u a lair trial, nu ii waj icmaraaDie what a wonderful -ffw Tfty-uaa!- it had from the very beginning : the sore began tt heal and alter taking a few bottles disappeared entirely. This was two years ago ; theie are itU no sign of the Cancer, and m enerst health continues ftood. Mas. R. Shiueh. 1 PUia. Mo a 4 "Saw te tb crfV.Atc.ct s.f iM , blood puriliera and tht XAonly one guaranteed ) wJ Purely vegetable. Send KTStr for out free boolc on Cancer, containing valuable and interest ing information about this disease, and write our physicians about your case. Wl make no charge for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. GUHiS nrlr.Hr. AlL ILSt 1AILS. Best Cough Syrup. Taoies Good. Use In time. Sold hv druirirists. true SOME CURIOSITIES OF HABIT. Peop'e Psll t lade or Hay, Ptraw. Ktc , from Mysterious Impale-. After counting that twenty-four out of thirty pass-rs-l,y had pulled a wisp out of some one of the many bales of excelsior piled up on the sidewalk, the traveling salesman looked up at the proprietor of the excelsior place, and catching his eye, they both U-gan to laugh. "How many does your count show?" he asked the salesman. ,-l noticed you have been counting them, same as I do sometimes." Ami when the salesman told him the proprietor remarked that it was about the usual average, al though lie had often counted as many as nineteen out of twenty passers-by whet could not resist the Impulse to take a pull at the bales. "It is a very funny thing. What makes people do that-;" asked the you tig salesman. 'AVell. I di n t kmnv. really. I just know this, however, that It Is a con founded nuisance. I ilon't mind to have about fifteen to twenty-five pounds of my (jnoils wasted every day just be cause a lot of people have m control over their hands. Un just look at that sidewalk: You'd think It hadn't been swept for a month, wouldn't you? Well, that sidewalk has been swept four times this morning. "As 1 say, it isn't the stuff that's wasted I care about, but 1 don't want the bother of keeping the sidewalk free from excelsior, as my neighbor here next door insists when everybody that passes throws some dow n for my men to sweep away, and if 1 don't have It done then my neighbors light w ith me about it. I have twice to go to court about it. "It's the same thing with hay. straw or hair for mattresses. Some people, even, can't stop themselves from pull ing billboards all to pieces as they walk along. No, I e-juldu't say wiuu makes people do It. My bookkeeper 'nside there is quite a dab at phrenology, and he says it's the bump of desrructive hess makes people do that. I'.ut. then, what makes me do it? 1 ain't anxious to waste my own goods, and 1 often take a pull at a bale myself when 1 ain't thinking. I guess It's human un trtre. that's all. You're going, are you? Well, so long. Iirop in early next week. 1 expect I'll have something for you theu. "Now. just look nt him." exclaimed the proprietor, with a grim smile, as the salesman walked away. "There he goes, too," and the salesman, passing by one of the bales, pulled out a gen erous wisp and was ubsent-uiindedly crumbling It away In his baud as he walked off. Song with a Sentiment. People living around the vicinity of 5th and Chestnut streets had a good laugh one day last week. A little ne gro girl is in the habit of coming to the pump nt the corner to get water. She brings her bucket along, and, being too small to handle the pump, she usual ly begs some passer-by to pump for her. They always accede. The other day she had reached her destination with the bucket, and as she did so a tall, sober looking gentleman passed. "Mis ter," said the small African damsel, "won't you please fill my bucket for me?" The gentleman instantly halted, put the tin bucket on the spout aud started to pump. As he did so, the negro bloom er began singing in a loud voice, "l'se got er white man wukkiu' for me." The familiar tuue of the variety song struck the bystanders aud passers-by, and they were convulsed with the sit uation. No so the pumper. He evi dently did not know anything about comic songs of that character, and did not see the joke, for he went on pump ing gravely until the bucket was filled and hauded to its songful owner. You couldn't get any of the fellows near there now to till that bucket un less the girl could be bouud over to keep the peace while they pumped. Louisville Times. Sea M ater for His Wrist. Ahern, the telegraph expert, put his brawny arm over the launch's side and let It drag through the salty water. He had half a dozen reporters In the launch, all armed with specials to file at the Highlands of Navesink, and af ter.tbe launch had slipped through four miles of the Shrewsbury the operator withdrew his arm and looked at his wrist. "There," said he, according to the New York Mail and Express, "I am good for 10, 000 extra words," and he rubbed the wrist In a patroniging way. Somebody asked him for an explana tion and he said: "I have found that by placing the wrist In cool water for half an hour any operator Is able to double his energy and endurance for the following twelve hours. The wrist Is the main machin ery of the telegraph operator. Its mus cles and nerves are dependent upon per fect action. This Immersion in the sea is worth considerable money to the company. Not only can I send quick er, but I can send better Morse and with greater endurance." His Conception, of Punishment. Once when the Secretary of War, Elihu Boot, had approved a punishment of an offender in the Philippines with a severity which seemed somewhat dis proportionate to the crime, a visitor ventured to ask him whether he did not consider such a penalty a good deal like the old law of England, which hanged a man for stealing a sheep. "Certain ly," was the answer, "and we Impose it In the same spirit, not as an expiatory sacrifice, but as a preventive. The thief was hanged, not because a stolen sheep was regarded as worth a human life, but in order that more sheep should not be stolen." A Dark Outlook. Stranger (in Frozen Peg) I sup pose a poet would be liable to starve to death in this place." Broncho Bill Well, if he lievd long enough to starve to death he'd be gosh-almighty lucky. ruck. End Is Not Yet, For Him. She So this is the end of our en gagement? He It may be for you ; but it will take me a year to pay the bills. Brooklyn Life. The Modern Maid. She Do you think it is safe for me to go out on the lake alone with you? He Why not? She Well, the last time I went the young man kissed me. Town Topics. Authority and Psy of Admirals. An admiral may command a fleet or fleets ; a rear adm iral may command a fleet or a squadron, or division, under an admiral or vice admiral; an admiral receives $ 13,500 whether on sea or shore duty ; the first nine rear admirals receive at sea ?7,5O0, on shore duty $6,37"); the second nine at sea $5,500, on shore $4,G75. Medical Profession Hereditary. In Korea the medical profession is lieriditary, passing from father to son. The basis of medical study is a work in 1J volumes, written about 2,000 years ago. Another British Sporting Man. Sir Thomas Lipton hardly stands for so prominent a representative of British sport as Lord Lonsdale. The latter owns the finest pack of hounds in England, is a splendid boxer, rides and drives to perfection, and has earned fame as a yachtsman, hunter and explorer. He is also patron of 40 church livings. Parental Sarcasm. "Yes," said Farmer Corntossel, "our boy Josiah is devoting a good deal of time to games and light liter ature jes' at present." "Isn't that rather an unprofitable result?" "Yes. But, you see, all the cabinet offices an big diplomatic places is filled ; so I reckon Josiah feels that there ain't much else fer him to do at present." Washington Star. St. Louis' Rag-Time Music Mrs. James L. Blair, of St. Louis, has stirred up the musical circles of that city by reading a paper before the Congregational club in which she affirmed that "rag time" music in that city was more popular than clas sical music and that the city had ut terly failed to show any appreciation of music of the highest quality. Substituting Electricty for Steam. The extension of the use of elec tricity in British wai ships in place of steam for subsidiary purposes was made the subject of a series of experi mental tests in November. At the present time the capstan, steering engines, ventilating fans and derrick hoists are worked by steam power. She'd Give dim One. "Madam," said the hungry tramp, "I haven't had a bite for a week." "How extremely careless of you," she replied, as she called the dog. Denver Times. Foolish. Robert Lowe, afterwards Lord Slier brook, once saw a deaf member of par liament trying his best to catch with his ear trumpet the words of an ex tremely dull speech. "Just look at that foolish man, "said Lowe, "throw ing away his natural advantages. Her Logic He You will admit that man is the most sensible of all animals? She I'll admit that he thinks he is. It is for that reason that it is so easy for a woman to make a fool of him. Boston Times. Delaware Without a Senator. Delaware was, at the beginning of the present session of congress, entire ly unrepresented in the senate, though it was one of the original thirteen states and has had eince its admission an almost continuous line of senators, some of them of very much more than local reputation. Horseshoes Draw Electricity. A writer states that the difference in susceptibility to electric shock be tween horses and men is largely a question of shoes. The sole of a man's shoe has a very high resist ance, but a horse with his four iron shoes, fastened on with iron nails, is apt to get the full benefit of the cur rent. WAY GET SOAKED. . when 'AKC' rtWFlW OILED CLOTHING. BLACK Off YELLOW WILL KEEP YOU CRT, IN THE ' van mnfr-tt WOK fOR AMVt TPADE Mm BtWaRC OF IMITATIONS. CATALOGUES FREE: 4H0W1NG FULL LINE OP 6ARMENT3 AND MATS. j A.J.TOWER CO.. B03TON, MA33. at A Neglected Apple. Mrs. Benham You used to say that I was the apple of your eye. Henham Well what of it? Mrs. Henham Nothing, except that you dont seem to care as much for ftuit as you once did. China's Beer Imports. China has imported this year more bottles of beer from (lermany than any other country in the world. The presence of the Herman army is held in part responsible for this. Novel Decorations. Christine Nelson has two of her rooms in Madrid decorated in a rather novel fashion. The bedchamber is papered with leaves of music from the 0Hras in which she has sung and the dining room with the hotel bills she has collected in her tours through the world. KgulAte th I.lvtr. Irropularitj- kills. At the first sicn take ras catvis l ail artii'. Kim-i a bix IisikIt at honip, in your pocket, in Tourdi'sk. Ail drug sjUta, luc, ;iie, sue. Well Bred. Gentleman That looks like a well bred dog. Owner I should think be was well bred. Why, he won't have a bit of dinner until he's got his collar on ! A Chance for Poor Lovers. A curious custom exists in the Frussian royal family of selecting every July a half dozen young couples too poor to marry and having them wedded in the garrison church at 1 otsdani on the anniversary of the death of Queen Louise of Prussia. After the ceremony each brido re ceives a gift of a sum equivalent to about $125 and a handsome family 151 ble. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of Set Fac-Slmile Wrapper Below. Year mall and aa easy to tajke as anfnx. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FGR THE COMPLEXION CARTERS ITTLE IVER PILLS. McSnH I Purely TegetaMB.&!&s&i6 CURE SICK HEADACHE. 9M IF1 mmmmmm Making Bondsmen Pay Forfeited Bonds. District Attorney Fhilbin of New York City has devised a winning plan for making bondsmen pay up forfeited bail. lie tint lu IhiihIs- inen's projH'rty into the hands of a receiver ami then it is a case of pay or bring in the man. The scheme is CAUsillL? nil Kiirt itf rmistfrtiiitinii among Umdsmen, to say nothing of me criminals. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. ...Columbia University... Academic and Collegiate Halls. rol KSKS-ClHSaical. I.ltt-rarv. SmuiiMo an4 Commercial. Kor ariW'nlari apply to REV. E. P. MURPHY, President, rntvenity i'ark, IVn Intnl. Oregon BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY foitlaml, Oiokoii. Foiiinli-J ISO. Vl Home Sclicol for Boys. Military and Manual Training. Write for lllustrntt'il CiituWut-. ARTHUR C. Ni:VILL, Principal iESTFQftH If jfm fetven't a regular, health t movement of tft boweli every df. you're sick, or will bs. keep your bo we It open. n1 be well. Koroo. In Urn Mmi or violent phyMe or yi poinon. In dannernu. The limtHUhrst. cuKlent. most perfect way of actiplntf U eoweii cirur auu citaui to wiio Ploasant. Palatablo, Pou-nt TanteOooit fViOnod. IeTr Slckn. Weaken, or Grlpp. lw. 60c Writs for free sample, and booklet on bealtn. Address Bterllaf IiM) l pM7t Cklcu, loalrul. Km tsrk. Utta KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN Patents Send no Money Bat a model or drawltiit with a ilexi'rlptioii. anil we will advise vou. .1. S. Dulliu i:i:p Co., (Dept. A) V ash i ii ton, I). V. 'V 1- BOWELS JfP&l CANDY f 2 CATHARTIC y TA0f MARK )0IS)TISIO .'""" sis sappipsa MS E'V C' .Tr, lunik or express company In l'undletoii. THE INDIAN ROBE AND PICTURE COMPANY, PonUloton, Oro It Is Well To Do Prepared.... No tcllliiK about this climate of ours sunshine one minute, storm the next It pays to Invest In time. AIXKHINA'B ANTI-RUST V Ml! KK I, I. A Kit A M K protects and will practically last a lifetime. 1-et us explain why our umbrellas do not rust. VK MAKK TMK fKl.KHItATK.n ANTl-UOT I MIIKKI I.A KKAMK. immMMtMMi S&i FV e.r.cifi Louisville, Ky, for Jo by fell druiats. HOOSIER DRILLS Are tv.t brcA'ne ther re thoro'tf IiIt well mud ol let nuitt'iinl. Are i ron-jer and heavier tlmll inner, lieaee more diKnMe. llie teed ts nloliitely at curate, reliulde and miilvi, aiul w ill mi ,atne iurmiI, 11 1. or ilim 11 lull or on vile lull llooier Priii ere eheiext ler4iia IlKsl. W. keep (till s...'k of refiuM at p-tnel. al Hiiutn In Hie NortliweL t'aialoitiie free. MITCMULt., U:VIS & STAVLR CO. first ami Taylor Sts. Portland, Oregon. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, foot at Morrison Btraas, Can give yon th heat harjaini In l'tiv"j!t'. I'lims. I.iiier ami K.nines, Witi.'miUs ami I'iimui-i an 1 lioiieral Machinery. See us twiom buying. Holiday Resolutions TAKK Ills, Ilccicy Curo aura relief fiom liquor, opium and toaaoa aablu. band lor particulars M Kesley Institute, i'V-Tit.VS: N. I N. U. No. Bi-mm. w II KM writing tf advertisers plomsa luentlun this paper. jiSTfixMi. AZ.a ayTT i f Knohm and sohm l I Ivhcrebcr good crops j J are grolpn. j Sold everywhere. I V tgo Annual FREE, t j X D. M. FIRRY Jt CO. f Detroit, "v Won. jQr PEHDLETON INDIAN ROBES Make rrenentiihle nul Valueil (lifts. Pendleton Inilinn rohen, made of l in e Oregon Pleeea Wool, are iiiaiiinaeiured liv the I'enclk-li.n Woolen Mills and chirped l.y them to nearly every Indian HeHervalion In the I'nlted Slates. They are (III hy "(I Inchon In also, ot heauilful I nd Inn l)ealKua and rleit color combinations. NothniK hut (ho tiext K'u'le ol ilycs are used, eouaciiientlr thu colors aro warranted to he absolutely FAST. JUST THE THIHO tOR A PRESENT. NotliitiK U prettier than one ol these heiuitllul Indian Kohea lor decorative purposes lit the home, and for lauev eorneri iitid couch or louniio covers they are uu excelled. They l-o iniiku excellent Mteamer Ku.s. Milliliter ltohea, VeramlM Wraia, l,Mi Holies, ami lor 'I raveling are liidiNpeustible, helntr soft and warm and can easily lie folded into a neat package, which will weigh hut four pounds. Keuiit us fi.oo. stating color wanted, and we will send you a ifenutue "t'KNId.KTON," expri a charges prepaid. rite us uhotit liiditiu photouiauhs. We ruler Lo stir JOHN AUESINA, SOB Morrluon St., Opp. Po.toff lo fkcis pieavsarxtlyj Acts Berveficially; tsilrvjly as a.Laxaiive.. Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the well-informed and to the healthy, because its com ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be cause it acts without disturbing the natural func tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable quality or substance. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine manufactured by the VYirviTrv a i cr. Cvl. Mew York.iN.Y. Frice- fifty cert per bottl.