Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, January 30, 1902, Image 1

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ity Official Paper,
City Oflicial rapcr..-
jXVIII. N0.2J.
-rfQ Tip
'2 ill (si'tsiiVsil
Begin ains Saturday, Dec. 2Sth, we will place
:a!e :.ni;Emen3e line of merchandise at aton-
i-.lv low prices. We do this :n order .to re-
. ' cur btcck before taking our annual invoice
. I.-;, and. evry one is invited to call ind
: il th era -.el ves oi this opportunity to .secure
k&v a. . ;.
We also take tV!s ofpornity to ex, re.:s to one
iuu all our appreciation of their liberal f atron-
2 i ur.ng the pa.-! jear and st licit the fa :e in
iL f'.uie. We a.iure you that we will do our
p:r,-j.-L '.o merit y ur good will, and endeavor to
.. y. i: fa'ihful'; .
Vw: ;rg ai; a prosperous and happy New
we zrc
Respectfully yours,
. X
li. M. & M. CO.
county court:
Changed, and Election Officials
Lost fraikib precinct: That the
boundaries of Lost Prairie voting pre
cinct and road district shsill In? as
f .'.lows: Beginning at a point on the
state line between Orogon and Wa-h-i'ljtL-in
due North of quarter Sec cor
i.er on South line of Sec 16 Twp 6 X
K 44 thence West on said State line
to the Grande Bonde river: thence
following the East bank of said river
to a point at or near the S W corner
t Stc 19 Twy 5 X II 43: thence East
:o S W comer Sec 13: said Twp and
range: thence Xorth to X W corner
c 24 Twp 5 X R 41; thence East 2 V
ui'es: thence Xort!i v n.ile: thence
"ast $ rule: thence North f i::ile:
i hence East I mile: tlunee North J
.ailo: thence East mile: thence
"or:b to the place of betinning.
I he number of this precinct shall be
Jos"i H r;;EVK ?.o
rhe b..iiTid
.n PISTKIfT KO. 10.
s shall b? as follow.:
0 'iiiii.t T.tjiri at a joint on tht State
li e at il.e. s i: o.mvr of s. c 4 T.vp 0
n -'): at a point on state line between
r in-- 44 ::!.! 48 K 4.v :: thenoe south
o l rat.; v line to k corner sec Kl,
r .j. i n ,! ,: uh nee East to s : or-1
n -r se 1.1 r .vp 4xi(4,: thence North
t state iiue: thence West on state
li ie to ii'ici1 of beginuinir.
IV.raii;. road i.istrict so. 11. The
hiMii.hu-ifs shall be as follows: Coin
:n 'iifir.s i t s K corner see li r.vj) I) s
45 K v: m on state line between
::a:i-es 4". ;ui 1 4fi K W M: ti.enee We-t
m M.,te e t- fee .'in' bctwei n slc
ine 1
1 1: I hence soi
Judges: Joseph Hayes, chairnian, J S
Horner, J S Pratt. Clerks: J M
Weaver, J H Horner, J A IVnny.
Tine o;kek rr.KoixoT
Judges: B Y Robertson, chairman,
Albert Harper, S T Tippett. Clerks:
11 Haskins, Giles Daughcrty, J K
Tkovt preek listkict
J J Ward, chairman, Samuel Dor
rance, E II Could. Clerk: Church
Dorrancfl, II C -Mahaffey, L V Wriglit,
Judscs: Sam Apph-ate, chairnian,
it li .Mc.ea!, Bert Uerland. Clerks:
Harvey Hendrickson, W C Wilscn E
A Bodmer.
Flora precinct
Judges: A D Buzzard, chairman,
Frar.k Johnson, J M Kinul. Cloths:
Isaac Biuframan, Grant Johnson,
George Clark.
Lost ritAiRiE i kecisct
J"d;es: Edward Ileiu'row, chairman,
U m Ferdney, Geo Cannon. Clerks:
Willis Wright, IVter Eurdney, Win
fir.ow:-: precinct
A Queer Mubitatiun in the Heart
of the Town.
Over in Weston, within a stone's
throw of the bit; Eastern Oregon
Normal school buildinir and beneath
the very shadows of the opera hous,
a queer habitation that has for its
This and That.
The odieial eensm returns of Can.
ada for l'.ttU give a pnpuUtiou of .I.
INi'.l.tliKi, an increase .f .ri;K', t'J." for the
Sir Thomas Lipton lias bei;un build
in:; Shamrock III., and in ay as well
begin thinking of plans for Shamrock
IV. right away.
Eiiends of .Mis. Harrison, the widow
'hairman, J I)
J'vdjes: John Koch,
Al.K.re, John Silver. Clerks: Eiwin
IK.r kins. Lew Wiln, W A I.Ioore.
F.;( S'.'.'K I'RECNCT
.ii '.Uvs: ) ', Mann, chairman, V S
rowell, B K Miil..-. C!:.r!--r V
S:;-arns. A c iLsooek, () C Fi- simian.
'J'Jl coyote scalps weredvstn.ytHl.
The Wallowa Chieftain bavin-the
greutt n:;ii:!)(." ,.f yearly suhserihers
was declared to be theoliicial papt r of
Widlowu countv.
owner ami IM,u i ruen.isof
ivcentrie man . -itl, ,.11 .!, , ,lu' llto I resident, at her reoneM
of a dime novel hermit, His name j J1'"" J''"- '"abandon the bill in.
Hysses Wilmore; but to the trout ' K" "
A ton of lead is lucd for eveiy man
killed in battle. Statistics of Euro
pean wars show that from Il.tHIO to 1(1
(XII) shots are lirt d for cery person
There are three things about which
one should, not be too conscious nial
Avhieh it is well to leave undisturbed
one's digestion, one's love, one's re
ligion. 1'Yb. I.adi.s' Home Journal.
Oranges are a ninst valuable b irt
1 1 ,,, -,.. .. o i
few exception is well bor.ie on lb.-
urchin he is known as "I'seless
In appearance he is as iii..int and
picturesque as the small ln,y was ever I
lea to believe in moments of his
hrighest imagination, Kobiuson Cru
soe t) be. In fact oietioes .f MiU
pieer peison.ige would not be out of
place on the freak pag. s of the San
i ranciseu Examiner or any other
'yellow" journal.
A little b. low medium height, stock-
ily built, with full be rd and Ion;,
shaggy locks, he impresses one as an
old fur tr; pper of the lime ,.f .),.
weakest st amaeli. Il i.
Meek.or as ju.sf. stepped into the ni'w J live, mid if taken at
i a
Oi n century Ir.mi a s! ill n
past, the time of the e:r
for such he is. 'Tsi le.-s"'
a cavi' not i-n n ie..i:i,,
side, but in tlu-
art (
re icinoK'
dwells in
f the Fusi
ons lit!!;,
'dor;., ,u."
A contract was entered into
Clark i Fciehannn oi Portland, Or.
ness di:. trie! of tin
city of WiMull. A
in the banks of I'ine i-n ek is bis ho:k,c
his) castle. In lieu of a- canopied bed
with eider down euveiin.', whet, straw
forn.s his d .wny bed. Tie- othei arti
cles of furniture to be siiii in tiiis
urban hermitage boudoir irt a mil of
burlap and thy straps o! an ai.ti.pia'.i d
On the ouli-'.de stands a f.,il,,. n
looking cook st'ive
-..i;!i broken li
It was order, d that the Flora Ju:-t-
le : (list net sb': II w. .1 ifiM.i . I...
pr-diict of Flora, Paradise and Lst
ami caved-ui grate mid front. One., a
day the hermit, emerges fro!n ),, ,,,,,.
I iillt. a tul fin-. I.- j .i ii...., t .: i-
c-n 11 a: id 1 j twj (3 X K jrountv from llw ,V.t.. ...!.,...:...'.!,.... u I. iel, ' .., ..
h to N w corner see 2.3 ,,t ,i ... ,i ..... ! it .... , . . ..
... t.jiNiii, ub uii. iiur i .i-i.i nr i. 'in niiAiiiii; oeaien iii r u ,.i
1 . , . i - i
insistency in a rusty tin nan. Tb s
in. to expert tie.
ri e.rd
i d Wii
Y . V W i1 .1 t iiicnr. f.iw- v i- .
, .. ... ...... . , x
i -r si c 21 iwji ' n u 4": I'nence North
: i State lii ; or J lace- of beginning.
Grouse Load nisirlct No. 13. The
'Uiidaiies h:'ll be as follows, tow it
.11 that pjrt oi Wallow.i county lying
.'.-t of cii.nde Konde rivtr and North
.:' ."-ahnon river.
li?:di n of Eden Kor.u LL-trict No 17:
":c bour.daries shall be as follows:
Ml that part of Wallows eounty lying
st of the orande Hondo river and
'n!i of salmon river.
The following road supervisors were
rip-iintcd forth.; new districts and
hoyii in which a vacancy occurs:
Enterprise road district j W Kankin
'mnaha j II Horner
I -eph Citek N Y Applington
?lora H jrencii
i.irde.i of Eilen Geo. Padon
:ai'l read uu.arvisjrs shall hokl
!iiee until their suceesiori arc- e'ecttd
md p:; Ii: -c!.
Tin." following ji).j;-s and clerks
rc appointed fir tl :- sev-r.il votin-.'
..recinc:.- oi Wallowa County:
Wallowa i-hiv lv :t.
uJges: Jam i H. Hayes, Jas. A Tui
v: c'ia;r;:::.n. M. C. l)vw- rV.l-i I
. .Smhh, C. T. JKD.ii:..:, Jam-
:: Jr.
day for each per.-o;i, and the fr.rc f;
an ! to Purtlar.d.
Alestin;; of Teachers.
om , 's spread on n , greased fkilh-t. placed
on the btove, ' sauted" ami eaten with
genuine relish. Then he finds con
tentment in his I.ndy lonlim-s in the
s.ditude of I Ik; 1i,,v. 1 he v.Ma home.
It is useless f, r l.lie Pre-:s to try to
1 i oe I eeeiil I lenies (It t Sell .s.s
aoer for
la-;t meeting of the Teachers of ; a :.d it i. ,. t,. ... i
Wallowa county, was h-M iit Kilter-. further information.- . I la na'l
prise, Jan.2-,, FW2. j
The atte:i Janets was good consider- j
ing tiie severe cold weather. Many I
J.iftructivo and beneficial points were
pi i'.biced on the var'ous topics. A
niong the speakers weie Met..-ra. Har
ris, Wood, Carleton, Peterson, Hodgin,
Kerns, Conner, Itev. Walker and Key.
The next meeting will be held at
Wallowa, March 1, Y.y)l. All teacher
ur jjd to be present.
Lena Li; Vo:;e, Sec.
A Birthday Aaiiiversary Cebhration.
On T : '
j Udgei
"ay, Benton Mcr..;
hairman. J 15 Pace; ''Inks: FuinJ;
'o.-ier( W Wade, (j B i'arkcr.
u.lgrs: .ioi.n Zr.rch'T'ciiairin: n, G S
t ivi-. !; IV,, o !; Clerk-: D I'.rusha,
M Vcris.I WKvrn.H.
Joseph i-ux im r
i ?: J? Cor v, eliiiirman, J T M-;-
ly last ii goi.'Jlv number of
j fi iei.i'r and neighbor .fathered at the
i b-..::ie of our esteemed towDsinan, !l.
i W. jJ'oom, t- celebrate the iinniver-
I sriy of his (J,) , .jr, je, ..
i '
-ir. ;loi)jii was born in Brown
e-iuiity, Ohio, January 2S, iHli. At
tie: nge of FJ years !i remov
I'is parents to lb muirf. Th
a.:eiv,ar! in;y removcit to Iowa w hen
tiiey reiiiaim I until 102, when tncy
Teacher's E .-..r.iiisi: m.
N'otice is hereby lmvc:i that the
County Suiiei int n.lc it will hold the
r -giilar examination of applicants f ir
state and county papers, ijt Enter
p. ise, iregon, an fi,i;.e,vs.
Eou S t'A'i-A l'Aci:. s.
Commenei!,).' .'ei!n day, p. bril i ry
) ', at nil e oVlv k a. m., ai.il coulin
uing until Salunh.y, Fi.-linie.ry 1, ,,t
f ur o'clock p, m.
Weila.-Mlay Pen mam-hip, hi-iiuiy,
spelling, algebra, n-a ling u:.d sci",
T:;r. mhy Written , iih.-,,,. ie,
tie n-., of t-:.ichil,g, glltOIII. ar,' book
ie ; hics, i ivil r;overiimei,i..
K.II-.'iV I'll V:-i'. logy, ge:.i;ri,,l.y.
I !Ot: I nr.i l, me' ie, eomp, ,:,', ion y,,,
p'iy i. iai goK;-,,;,iy,
o ouai.u l.-.alilli:-, t 'ani "enini --v
h.ih lilci.it oi e,
a !
ni -lit or
breakfast il will be found to h
be:i, i'u i.il. Feb. Ladies' il'iiu
The quickei-t way to warm a hmis
in the nioi ning is to op. u t he d...u s .e
w i mli ws a feiv tniiiiieii, . Ion;; i i:.ee:li
to ehane-a the uir. The pldlo.-uphv ,,t
this is that tl.n air of a h.,:we or mom
alter being closed oer night, is i.u
pure and slustgidi, s-miewhal like
muddy water. Proah air i purr
buoyant and nctie and v il! ciiei;:,tt
iiiiekly throiiL'h the rooms, carrvin.;
the warmth of stoves or radiators
uifiiy to cw-ry corner. It.-side.i : h :..
i.- joy Mid eomfoil in br '..thin f: . -,
As soon as pessiol,- .iVinlss fm;u
the mind eery suj:;;es;i,,n that h..'s to
do with illni f.s. If yon ,,V1 ,.t,
operation, and Ii is over, lot. it, ilide
inlo the shadowy back;j;rcuiid of innu-
ory, Do not dwell upon it, do
j talk about il. Cultivate thoueht
bout others, about the gnat round
World, about its heroes and its martyrs,
its battler! ami its victoiies, its happy
homes and loving hearts, but nttirly
turn from the night side of sulVeriii ,
e;.ccpt as you may relieve it, and
d'lell in the bles.si d suii.-hinc. Theic
is no sv.eeler thing on earth th.ilito
be one of (bid's light bringi rs, and !o
mal.e those abool, yon stronger
cilia..: you are iiiicoiiiiilaiuiii'r. I''.
aiiiii.c' 1 lome Journal.
1 ilh:geueraf ls.toi y, 11
ree yers 1(.ye!,o0,;v.
:d tie; p!ai,.s and wero among j 12 ., t,;nc
Fou Col Niy P.'.i'KI.S
Coi.imenein.r Wedm-.-dav, I'e
in Cov
I n ion
It'jii; r,
'lain, W
i Kj'&x.-. J, ( imr Cl ow.
I'J:AIKIK fl.'EEK l'I'.Efl.VCT
edges: E T li
the hrst
Count v.
In bi72 he was married to a daught-
loek a. m.
i ' i - . . . .
.,e.-.ej n r.igi .,.'1 . .... , I i i .t . ' u c. i.. i
. j . . ..... . . ' 1 1, iii., a ie i Rooji
alter rci,iord to a homefctead on Al-'di-r
tfe-p", w I.e,-e he was again one of
chairman. S P i.. . , ., ..t , , . .
' ' ' 1 ..Ji" 1 n oi biic tuuiuy, .irs.
. idiamsj. X Craven. Clerks: AI i poom did in October, 1S87, and in
i.-ek, L E Cavmess, H B Dawohier. j isyi Mr. Bloom was united in mur
D:viDK I'l'EeiNfT riag'j with Mr. Maggis Davis, his
udges: Win Hepburn, chairman, J j prrs.imt estimabl.: wif.j. Mr. Bloom
r IFiffm in, Pet ;r Miller. Clerks: ! lum been esteemed, in every commuii-
. H Mttyers, ,S A Bievans, Jul, a Bran- j ity in which h.; has lived, as one of
j its best citizens.
Paiik I'kkcnct j A fcrand dinn.'r and social inter-
udges: h C Hinimclwright, chair-: course were the features of the oc
mn, T O Marks, J j Bievans. Clerks: j cusion. May Mr. Bloom and his ex
lis it Morgan, T F Iticli Jr, R E celb nt family "iivj long uud pros
t'iieou. 1 iJer."
N'otice is hereby e.iven lul. Hie
f.ighth Grade Final Kxundnatioii will
held I'ehru.vy fith, Ctli, and 7th,
I !I2.
J. C. CoM.KV,
Supt. of Schools.
Will buy all kinds of hides,
(old robber boots and i hoes, (,,
i p"- ete, Wjil li.- in Mi, i, i p. ,e
lirst week in ev. ly iiioiidi, in Ji M-pli
' th-second, in I.'.rii.ie the third and
in Wi'liown tb" fourlli. I n eai-i-of
ley iib.- uec; h ave all furs and hid
at Cnlvi:'V or Funk A Hor.i.
A . Sol oMAMirt ri
Trnvtl Dwlrg
Wifilcr Seasr.n.
The journey to the East ie. Salt
mg u;:ui v riu.:y , l-comary li. i.t i.air . Lake City and along the shores oi t:,e
"'c!'"'k P- "' Great Salt l.ak,; ti,r.airh benulif .1
. 1''i,'!,t' 'C'""1 Ttiird Grr, Ie cer- (iler.w I, C,,-.;ado Sjaiogs and De i-
uu't'-li- Ur'-r isoneo'tle- iiiiin:ernipt:al delight
Wkuxk.-jihv IV n:ii.iilhip, history, ,!(, winter as well us Mimmer. In fact,
orthography, reading. 1 1 he Fall and Winter reason adds but
'I il cuhdav Written arithmetic, a new grandeur and charm to the
theory of teaching, grammar and 1 travel seones and infuse mi element
wlioolluw. iofvariityand beauty to the unsur-
Fr.iDA" Gerigriijihy, mental iirirh , passablu wondes along the 1,'io
metic, physioloify, ci.il government. Cr.indo Western and D. nver ,t llio
Pkimaiiy CmniiCATi.ii (liaude lines. Through Sleeping am)
Wednesday Penmanship, ortho- ! Diidng Car servie,.. I'ernii.illv,
graphy, reading and arithmetic. ; dueled weekly excursions. Ferrates-
Thursday Art of questioning, 'or in'ormalion apply to J. 1). Mans
theory of teaching methods, jihyi.iob li'ild, General Agent, 12t Third St.,
; Portland, or Geo. W. lleintz, Assist-
J. C. Co.ni.ky, nni (;eneral Piissenger Agent,
Mipt. ol Schools. i Lake City.