Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, January 23, 1902, Image 3

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j 'Rheumatism
I What Is the usu-of telling the rheumatic
hat he feels as if his joints were being dis-
!cated ?
He knows tht his sufferings' are very
inch like the tortures of the rack.
H hat he runt, to kntw: is w hat will per
lanemly cure his disease.
I That, according to thousai ds of grateful
testimonials, is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It promptly neutralizes the acid In the
tilood on which the disease depends, com
pletely eliminates it, and strengthens the
system against its return. Try Hood's.
Of More Immediate Value.
Miss Emerson (of Boston) I pre-
tume yours is not one of the May
flower fa mi lies.
iMiss Triplex (of Minneapolis) Jso,
ndeed. Ours is one of the famous
Minnesota flour families.
!A Christmas Philosopher.
He Bits three Rreat (rifts Health.Wealtri and
Happiness! Then Rive him t.artield Tea: it
diriucs tiood Health, promotes Happiness and
anakes the pursuit of wealth possible.
IHt Loved Lawyers.
It is said that Peter the Great,
after witnessing a contest between
?two eminent counsel at Westminster,
jfLomlon, remarked: "When I left
f St. Petersburg there were two lawyers
fthere. When I get back, I will hang
jone f 'them."
We offer One Umidrpd rinllort Pnw-- i
, - .iwuiurnuT
ease of 1 attarrh that can not be cared by Hail "i
F. J .CHENEY & Co., Props. , Toledo, O.
" e the undersigned, have Known F. J. Cheney
for the ;.at l." vears and believe him perfect y
hon.. ruble in all nu-iiies- transactions anil fin.
anciailv al.le to carry outauy obligations made
by their firm.
Wsvt A Trcax.
Wholesale lrnc(tists. Toledo,
Waujing Ki.nnan A Marvin,
Wholesale Drugi;;8:s, Toledo. O.
Hall SCatarrnCure Is taken iiiternallT.aptins;
directly on the blond and tmieoiis sur't'aee oi
the system. Price T.v p. r bi.tt.e. bold bv all
articctsts. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pilis are the best.
A Happy Medium.
"Was their marriage a success?"
"Oh, yes; through it they both met
ethers whom they really loved."
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
Inc Syrup the best remedy to use ior their
children "during the teething rjeriod.
Why lit Went
A I say, come around to my house
this evening. We're going to have a
little whist party.
B All right, I'll come. You can
coax me to go anywhere to play
whist. Tit-Bits.
Piso's Cure for Constinitition is an Infal
lible medicine for Courtis and colds. N.
W. oamuel. Ocean Urove, N. J., Feb. 17,
He Didn't
Fish Are you a suitor for Miss
Brown's hand?
Sprat Yes; but I didn't.
Fish Didn't what?
Sprat Suit her. Tid-Bits.
The skin is the seat of an almost end
less variety of diseases. They are knewu
by various names, but are all due to the
same cause, acid and other poisons in
the blood that irritate and interfere with
the proper action of the skin.
To have a smooth, soft akin, free from
all eruptions, the blood must be kept pure
and healthy. The many preparations of
arsenic and' potash and the large number
of face powders and lotions generally
used in this class of diseases cover up
for a short time, but cannot remove per
manently the ugly blotches and the red,
disBguring pimples.
Eternal vigilance is the prioo
of a boaziiful complexion
when such remedies are relied on.
Mr. H. T. Shobe, 3704 Lucas Avenue, St. Louis,
Mo., says : "My daughter was afflicted fur years
with a disfiguring eruption on her face, which
resisted alt treatment. She was taken to two
celebrated health springs, but teceived no bene
fit. Many medicines were prescribed, but with
out reault, until we decided to try S. S. S., and by
the time the first bottle was finished tbeeruptioo
began to disappear. A dozen bottles cured her
completely and left her skin perfectly smooth.
She is now seventeen years old, and not a sign of
tbe embarrassing disease has ever returned."
S. S. S. is a positive, unfailing cure for
the worst forms of skin troubles. It is
the greatest of all blood purifiers, and the
only one guaranteed purely vegetable.
iiaa Dlooa makes bad complexions.
purines and invigo
rates the old and
makes new, rich blood
that nourishes the
bodv and keeps the
6kin active and healthy and in proper
condition to perform its part towards
carrying off the impurities from the body.
If you have Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Salt
Rheum, Psoriasis, or your skin is rough
and pimply, send for our book on Blood
and Skin Diseases and write our physi
cians about your case. No charge what
ever for this service.
A.el.TOrVtft CO.. BOSTON, MAiS. 44
CllrttS WrilHt Ail flNf UlLS.
I Best Cougb bjrup. Tastes Guud. Use
in time, bold r. nniffet.u.
sa 62
t, sl-Tr--is"
Whoee Beneficent Firp -ae Has Lei te
l-atal Kiot.
The recent riots In Athens. In which
the troops and great numbers of stu
dents dashed with fatal results 011 both
fides, and which have lieeu followed liy
the resignation of the cabinet snd dis
turlianees in the legislative houses, had
their origin in a uiost peculiar cause.
.V desire on the part of yueen Olga to
do something for what she considered
the good of the soldiers was responsi
ble. During the tJraeoo-Turkish war
die was everywhere told by wounded
soldiers that they bad not read the
gospels because they didn't understand
the text, which was in old Greek. The
Queen then arranged for the publica
tion of a translation of the gospels into
modem Greek, exclusively for family
use. The Holy Synod of the Greek
Church protested against this proposi
tion, and the metropolitan of Athens,
Proeopius Oeconlniidis, held an audi
ence with the Queen. In which, how
ever, he did not so energetically cham
pion the opposition as was desired by
those who objected to the translation.
Queen Olga would not change her plan.
Recently the students took up the mat
ter and. armed like soldiers, paraded
the streets and occupied the university
QfEF.X OI.0 A.
buildings, their purpose being to resist
by force the work of translation.
These riotous protests against the ap
parently beneficent purpose of the
Queen appear all the more remarkable
when one remembers how Olga has
heretofore been adored by ber hus
band's subjects. She Is a woman of ex
traordinary intelligence and high-minded
principles. She Is tall and of com
manding presence, with splendid hair
and a most winning nnille. Throughout
the kingdom she is renowned for her
unceasing and wide-reaching charity.
She founded a model hospital and goes
personally twice a mouth to Inspect the
Infirmaries so as to he certain that tbe
sick are provided with every comfort.
I)urlng the Uusso-Turkish war, and
again when Greeks aud Turks dashed,
she attended the wounded with her
own hands. Besides, she Is a good
mother and a devoted wife: and she
superintends the education of her chil
dren. Ky birth she is a Russian grand
Tbe Kutuan Saturnalia.
Feasting and revelry and all the mad
pursuit of pleasure are the features
that seem to have especially marked
this carnival of antiquity, as It went ou
for seven days In the streets aud public
squares and houses of ancient Rome
from the seventeenth to the twenty
third of December. But no feature of
the festival is more remarkable, noth
ing In it seems to have struck the an
cients themselves more than the license
granted to slaves at this time. The dis
tinction between the free and the ser
vile classes was temporarily abolished.
The slave might rail at his master, In
toxicate himself like his betters, sit
down at table with them, and not even
a word of reproof would be administer
ed to him for conduct which at any
other season might be punished with
stripes. Imprisonment or death. Nay.
more masters actually changed places
with their slaves aud waited cm tbem
at table, and not till the serf bad done
eating aud drinking was the board
cleared and dinner set for his master.
Ice for Nausea.
A physician advances the theory that
the distressing sensation of nausea has
Its seat In the brain and not In the
stomach, and that relief may be ob
tained by cooling the base of tbe brain.
He claims to have tested this often and
thoroughly In tbe case of sick headache,
bilious colic, cholera morbus, and other
Ills In which the nausea Is a distressing
symptom without a single failure! Also,
that he once relieved the nausea result
ing from cancer of the stomach by the
application of Ice to the back of the
neck and occipital bone. The Ice is to
be broken and the bits placed between
tbe folds of a towel. Relief may be ob
tained by holding tbe head over a sink,
or tub, and pouring a small stream of
water on the neck.
Canada's Homestead Law,
Canada has a homestead lav? Farm
lots of 200 acres are grauted to each
head of a family and loo to each male
adult on condition of their building a
log house .16x20 feet, cultivating 15
acrea In every 100, and residing six
months In each year during five years
on the property.
Sioux Borrowing.
Among the Sioux, when one family
borrows a kettle from another. It is
expected that when the kettle Is re
turned a small portion of the food that
has been cooked In It will be left In the
bottom, as the owner must always
know what was cooked In her kettle.
When a man stops smoking aud be
gins again, be Is mighty timid about his
first offenses.
' "They say that apple butter is i
adulterated a great deal now," said
Mrs. C'umso,
"Yes, much of it is only apple
butterine," added Mis. Vawker.
ltVS RorsG, of San Franelseo,
mirier the experienced management of J.
!S. Young Si Sons, hat lately ien exten
sively altered aud reconstructed in every
department, at a cost of $.S5.0O0, neither
pains' nor money being spared in making
it a t.ri-'ia-K. up-to-date, home-like hotel.
The llonve is tire-proof and thoroughly
equipped ihr.-tiehoiu with all the modern
conveniences 111 vosrne at the present time
in hotels. This established house is finely
located in tne very heart-center of busi
ness and hotel portion of the city. They
are noted for the excellence of the table
tliev set. Their dining-room hat now one
ot the iinesi interiors of any hotel dntine
room in the stale. Tueir service through
out is tirst-class.
Wish All A Merry Christinas.
And tell them of Garfield Tea which cures tn
dlpestion an-1 liver disorders and insures the
return of many Happy Christmas limners by
removing the cause ol dysoeps.s and ill health.
Mabel's Haste.
"Mabel doesn't believe in long en-
"Yes. I understand Mabel's young
man had a good deal of money."
. w AnarassYsi
AV'cpetable Preptrationfor As
similating ti?FoodandEeSula
Lng the SbJUkxbs arti Bowels of
Fromotcs Digeslion.Chff rful
nessandRest.Contains twitter
Opium .Morphine norIiiicral.
fl-, is. Smd-
Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa
rton. Sour Stonwach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions ,Fvensh
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature or
iYftra-'nTig5gsrafr Is
EXACT C0PV OF WRAPPER. 'J M 0 pi Hj jj .
lit aBr ,ru Uasr U s? ULl
"OvEBfOflB" pERMAHEtlm.
With many millions of families Syrup of Figs has become the
ideal home laxative. The combination is a simple and wholesome
one, and the method of manufacture by the California Fig Syrup
Company ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product,
which have commended it to the favorable consideration of the
most eminent physicians and to the intelligent appreciation of all
who are well informed in reference to medicinal agents.
Syrup of Figs has truly a laxative effect and acts gently with
out in any way disturbing the natural functions and with perfect
freedom from any unpleasant after effects.
In the process of manufacturing, figs are used, as they are
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinally laxative principles of the
combination are obtained from plants known to act most bene
ficially on the system.
lb Jet its bonefici&J effects
buy the eruirCT-Ma.rufactired by
Louisville. Ky. SAfi FrAn&iaco.Cal. Hew Yorh'NY
bank or express company in Pendleton.
Is Wall To Bo Prepared...,
No telling about this climate of ours sunshine one minute, storm the next. It
pays to invest in time. AI.I.KSINA'S ANTl-Rl'ST I'MHKKI.I.A PRAMK protects
and will practically last a lifetime. Lei us explain why our umbrellas do not rust.
Why Pay High Prices?
For WATCH KS, DIAMONDS and JEWELRY when you can bnv nn
redeemed pledge for Amount of Money Loaned with interest at the
Portland Loan Office, TnTokIw
New Jewelry at 40 per cent lower
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Make Prinlhl snil Valued Holiday tilfts.
Pendleton Indian robes, ma.leot V uroOr-a-nn riree
XV .M.i. are manufactured bv the Pendleton Woolen MiUs
and ahipiMM by thorn to nearly everv Indian Kest-rvation
In the I iiited states. They are 60 t? Tu Inches in me. f
l-CKiiiiful Indlaa lla;iia and rich color combinations.
Nothing bin ihe hsnt grade of dyes are used, cotieUi'iiliy
the colors are warranted to he ah-oluielr KAsT.
Nothing is prettier than on of these beautiful Indian
Kobe (or decorative purposes In the home, and lor
fancv corners and eouch or luuuce cover they are un-
tcclled. Thev also make elcellent ltanii Kii,
Klumlier Kanas, Tarantta Wraps. Lap Ituliri, and
tor Travallni are indispensable, twine soft and warm
and caneasilv be folded into a neat package, which will
weieh but four pounds.
Keinit us 1y.uu. statins: color wanted, and we will send
you a Koiiuiiie "HKX OI.KTON," eipn as chaws prepaid.
Write us about Indian ohotoiraohs. Wa reicr i. i
309 MorrlsMMi Mt., Op. Pmrntofffc.
than at any Jewelry Store in Portland.
rood crops, food
erops make more cue-
nisrs so each year the
eropa and customers liar
(rown (reater. That ttie
eeorel of the Ferry fume.
More Ferry'i Reeds eold
and eowu than any other
kind. Wold by all daalere.
IWUI H4ta A nnual Hi aau
D. M. Ferry A Co,
New and Enlarfed Edition
of Enclikh. bivarieuhv. Cieoirranhv. fr u-iimi at.
25.000 NEW WORDS, ETc!
rAjiica oy w. 1. nAKKIS, Fh.P., I.L.D..
Uniml StalM ('i.mmiaBi..nr L'.l
Naw Plato Throughout. Rich Bindin.s.
am. sooe illustrations.
Also Webater'aCellat lata
uicnonsry wita a Taiuuble
wtnii vjtuHMiry. 1 100 i'sgc s. ,
i4uollluirtioDS. Siw7iois;.tin.
bpecimen pages, etc., of ixilh
iks soul aa aaDlication. V V
G. 6 C. Merrfane Cs., Sprinffiel.l, Mass.
Holiday Resolutions
Kcolcy Cure
feure relief bom llqaor, opium and toooooo
aabita, bend far particulars to
fRplflV ln!titll(a Moeed to 4'iO WIIIIbui,
ftBBIUy inilllUia, Ave.. I'orllund, lrKuii
Patents Send no Money
But a model or drawing with a deerlptlon.
anl we will advlsi-yon. J. K. iullii
Co., (Dept. A) Washington, l. C. KLiL,
N. P. N. U.
.No. ftl-lHIIl.
WHEN writing t advertisers ploaae
uieutl-n this vaoer.
Wise Author.
Tulilialirr Your roller! inn of
pornm is first rate, Imt we Iiuvh
('itoiiKit of aiirh inatrriiil to ut un 12
Knytorn Krnnip Well, I ptiraa yon
will li!ii to Intve aonudliin for the
t liirti'ctitli vrjir, won't von?
Sammlly people want !,.o.' 1 1 I f.r('lirliinaa
fr iintliiut; s pumi hsi j H'. v- snd . . ,.
I'hier. I hrrefon-, la,.,- liarhi- d lea una : u
M".e are 111 a 11 1 11 l1 ; li un a ail ilrtnin. 111 -it 1 a .f
vtoinai'h. Itvrr. kiilii ttrtue:.; u , r-m.s
Hie Ms'i-in ami purities the i,i,.l, thus le-
movlnn tnerailM' 01 r i.ali-ln.n .in mi l insnv
rhroiiio .lion-,.. l I (,,r v.un and
old ami lis i. on lni,t in iin htuln -t r pute (nr
uiatiy yoais. I'hysu iaii- n . ..uiim-i d it
In Arcord- Nitl
Hor Motlur .lolin. I lliink Mnry"
voire slion Kl Ihj cult ivutrtl, if it iltin't
cost ttni much.
llcr Father It. cun't cist tiai imirh
if it will imiirovc it any. Hitltinioru
"I'm tired out," miiil the author.
"Never limit!," replied hi friend,
"the tiuhlie. is in the smne lix!"
For wenknesc, atilTnesa nnd aorenoaa
In hp PiHiple nan Wizard Oil. Your
druggist knows this, and fells the oil.
A Sly Dog.
Pile It'i no use lmtheriii' me,
Jack; I Khali iniirry whom 1 pleuso.
He Tlmt'11 nil I'm asking you to
do, my dour. You please. 1110 well
TT9 P'rnniirntlr rui-isl. So ills or nrrToii-ne
sttvr limt Is'- ua.iflir Kliaf'llri-ul N..rs
Itn,ti.r r. Sruil 1.. 1 CK Ki t J.OOi.ul l...ili .,ii. u.-au
!ss. Du.lt.ll Kl.IVS l.IU I'll rrllSt.,l'lilla.lrl.iivk'a
At the Shore
Slip It will take um halt nn liour
to net hack to the hotel.
He Am! in that time I must
know my fate.
"Hut 1 cannot give you my answer
"Oh, I know that. Hut hy that
time 1 will know how niiieli my hotel
bill is." Judge.
Bl;t((tt Nunuft on Record.
Nig gold nuggets are extremely
rare. The biggest on record was
found in Australia in lH.r2, weighed
upward of t!i!3 pounds and was worth
Kntw Her Man.
lie was desperately in lovo with her
but larked the courage to propose.
"This line," she said, as she bent
over his hand, "indicates that you
have a long life before you ; this 0110
indicates a good heart, t his one an
artistic temperament, ami this out)
that you lack courage."
lieing a (lull and stubborn brute,
always ready to prove other people
liars, be popped Indianapolis Sun.
A Sharp Rcjoindtr.
Mr. Ilaldpate. (to bashful boy)
What's the matter, little man? Has
the cat got your tongue?
Tom Nn tv, has he got your hair?
New York Journal.
Wc Tench
I'.ook keeping. Stenography,
Mathematics, Knglisli, l.au
Ktiuges, History, Kte.,
By Mail
lot full information address
Pad flo Coast Corro
sponUonco Ins tl tula
Portland, Cngon.
...Columbia University...
Academic and Collegiate Halls.
COt;HKKs-Cliislcsl, Mt'Tiiry, Hrlmitlllu and
Commercial, ror particulars apply to
REV. E. P. MURPHY, President,
University i'lrl, I'ortlaud, linigon.
St Helen's Hall
A Itiiarilln. aoil lay Htihool for (llrla.
II 101 a Normal K ImliTitariKii Training depart
mi nt, which will have a Heparan- residence lor
klinleritartcn clan.es tl. is rail. .'I lie Hnardtni
iM.paruueiil provides a cheerful and well ar
raiiKcd home for youiiK ladles, fur CatalOKiia
or other Informal Ion applv 10
MIKH Kl.tAMK IKilllhTTH, I'rlticlpal.
"errirfaaf IB JO
A Homm Sohmml low Boy.
Military and Manual Training
Writ, tor llltialfat.d Caialoaum
f.sl w 'at MT .r a
Are bestliecaiise llicr are IhoroiiKhlv wall mmle
of l.tt material. Are stronger and to avoir
than oiners, hence inure ilinalile. 'Ihe feed Is
aliMiliilely accurate, relisldu and positive, and
will how sttiiic iiiaiiiity, up ur down lilll oi uu
stdolilll. llou.-ier lirlils are irheHpe-t IicchiIho
lihsr. We keep full htoek ol repinrs at uinui.
pal points In the Niirliiwcbt. ChiiiUikuu frou.
Elrst and Taylor Sis.
Portland, Oregon.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
footoi Morrison Street.
Can give yon tha best bargains In
Engines, 1'lows, Hollers and Ktiifitioa,
Winumtlls and I'limns and limiernl
Machinery. Sea us before buying.
a 11 v. t, enriiL