ornciAL. uiri:ctort FT ATE S. Wiliiani lIcKicley John Ha' Lyman J. Ga J. V.. Hitchnx'k Kliha Ki:' . . John Lont fc MTetarT of .-riea!:ure . James WiUoi. f ostmaster-' ier.erat Charles E. SmitL .:;orne 'js;i.jrai John V. Gri? UNITED President V lee-Fnwi dent Secretary of rotate Secretary of Treasury . . Secretary of Interior. . Secretary of War iecre:arv of Naw T. S. LAST) OFFICE, LA GRAXliE. Better E. W. Bartlett Receivr-r r. 0. Swackhamer STATE OF QIIEGON. i Joseph T. s. senators T .;. W. McLriiit ( Thoe. H. Tonirue I. ;')resen:a::ves , t i v.-.k- Governor T. T. Geer VioMt-iry of -Stale F. I. Dunbar orate Treasurer Chas. S. MiMre ttoriiev-i ienera! P. P.. N . Blaefchun: S.i-at. 1'u- lie Infraction .J. H. Aekermar lllals Printer W. H. I.eed.- ( F. A. M.xirt Cupreme Jad.-es C. E. Wolvertot K. S. fcac wallowa coryn u im. enator. . Representative. J.:ie C.LTi C j:umis!"iotier6 Assessor. . 'l readme r School riupt Sri.-veyor Coroner 'keek Inspector. ( . .Justus Wad G. !. Eeavii G. W. Hatuiitor C. H. Zurehe: H. ('. Cramer ... John Jh-DonaU . .. Hiram VVi'.hams John MirOubbin G. M. Her,.irii 3r , J. C.Coniev D. I.. Keavi- .IT. J. W. rij-r.anl , Jas.Teirv LOCAL HAPPENIH3S IN AND ABOUT TOWN. Picked Up Here And There By The Chieftain. J. W. Hornbaek and F. A. Bristow, j Fresh bon Lous at the Stationery The Enterprise football team sayj two former Grande Bonders, are now j Store. that they wanted to how man that running a fishery on Mad river, in j Fhr and date at the Stationery he was not ' the whole kitchen if he j Humbolt countv, California. Thev ship their catch to San Francisco and ire doing a good business. Observer. Mr. Hornbaek and family will 1-e remembered as a resident of Alder Slope two or three years ago. Mr. Wallace, the foreman and busi ness manager at the Lively mines on ' Lower Imnaha, was in town the first ; of the week, lie says the mines i uav passed the speculation stae and ! chat their great value is now a well 1 known fact, and that the world will : hear from the Ininaha copper mi nts : were tr.idirg rrom now henceiorth. i Lueien A. Tullev did have a Steel Range." Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Graves returned was in town Wednesday. G. H. Furjason of Joseph was in Store. Miners chocolates at the Stationery ! Sv..ire. to Wallowa county Saturday. They London Laver raisin? at the St. i have ren living the paat few month tionerv Store. i a: r:-alP. Washington. j Mr.J. D. Woode!I passed through! X; Crave. road supervisor of j t.'v. ii Wednesday. ! Prairie creek district waa in the city j ... . .,, ,., I Wednesday attending countv court. I Ji! Rat u; Murray of Alder .Mmc " ' i. v . vteameny 01 1 rairie cree , thinks he would not make a good cen- j tor rush in a font ball team. s. Bud Hwkett of Lsap , , , . . . , , ' i the cltv -""turdav and took advantage in tun citv Wednesday. . . ." ... ; oi some oi our clubbing oners. i Mr AluT Mn VT-irrv- k'oniiir TIi-w ' li-rt Uarninli arnred in tiin t.ie m tne c::y lues.iuy on a business trip. , m , in th -tv .,.,., County court is in s.-wion this week. J izi,i? the dentist's otlice. Noxt v.e will have the full proceeding. G. I. EatcIitV is able to be out again after a threatened attack of pneumon ia. Ed Averv has been assisting I. N. clearance ale the city Monday on business, Mr. and M oi Wallowa was 1st in.-t. with hu household goods a nd :ai:iiiy and took poieijion of the property recently pureiiased from Tom Bunnell by Barnhiil Bris. J.thu Barnhiil will not remove t) El 0in until spring. Mr. Bunnell will move to Wallowa county immediate ly. Recorder. Cottingham, who is now in the tl.i L'iuou county jail charged with ste.ii n:g a watch from Juhu Heifling will aave other troubles to aiirwer for should ho escape putusLmeut t ,r the vatch businosa, as a warrant L- ready fur him charging him with burglary. La Gr-nde Observer. A few fiiends gathered a: the horn . of Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Lay Tuesday evening, it leing the auuiversary o; Mrs. bay's birth. Tiie evening wa spent in playing progressive whist af ter which a delicious iuuuh vus serv ed. It is reported that T. A. Re.ivis and fariiiiy wiii return t Wallowa county next sunimer. H is now engaged in Beginning Saturday, Bee. 28, itz?rin his LiaciiS!iith shop the pas: f.vo weeks. Miss Maggie Funk arrived home' Saturday from a visit with relatives in Lcine. J. F. ur ih and 0. F. Mays Monday on Everybody will take notice that Hector McDonald will he in Enter- pris;- to buy horses on Jan. 20. I Sam Baker and family of Elk : mountain were in the city Wednesday. ' Sam delivered some sheep pelts to A. I Solumunowit. j Woodmen of the World will find it 1 proiita'de to be on hand next Wed-! nesd:;y evening. Jan. 15, at tiie hail in j Enterprise. Important business. i abocc dale mi I.o.-iiiie were in the citv 2 rebate busine.. ' A. Wurze5Jer and J. M. Blakciv i were tl..wn f-om Joseph Monday on a.s !jiiine-s. the biiaiue S..lted peanuts at the stationary h ttre. Win. Fordra y o: Arko was in the city Wednesday. . Fresh gun;, cr.nties and nuts at the Stationery Store. . F. A. CU-fc returned Saturday f -om t. trip to outside points. Sen Sen and ('-jn Bei cough drops 6t the Stationery S;or-. Le'r.K: Jan. 3, to the wife o: Frank i A. Beavis, a pound girl. W. S. Burleigh, returned, the latter part cf veek from LaGrandeetc. Gienn Whitniore wa? in the city Tuesday from Li- horn ; at Leap, i II. A. Thomas of Paradia wai at tending comity court Wednesday. . Mark Cm.-tney. wife and 1 abe spent the .;y Sunday at B. T. Longs. Geo. V.. M;.i;t started, Tuesday for LaGrande or. busin..-. before the land ciTi.ie. W. p. C,;le ::r. of Joseph was renew ing acquaintances in Enterprise Wed nesday. Mrs. J. A. Burleigh has b.?en ill fur several days with a severe attack o: the giippe. Tise Enterprise Foot Ball team en d tiie Wallows team Saturday tiight.v ith a dance. partuersmp with th. iormerlv of Lostine. in Ashland in Mitch el. I-roa. i.-..a.' Iltl-.'w'.i.. V It rf. ma n.sday -Vort.-n Jol.ti . -rv: -r '.I'.itity S. 71. Mind:--. Ia.bi-;- startid on Tuesday s .-t..er- for tor.. Wash, to OUR CLUBBING OFFERS. -as Is !..' Wtd- i Cora L.I :i ai: (Dn and ait;r II pricc5 brill be orcallV reduced on tk following lines of Winter Goods;: tu- r.iad sm-'Foa . wixt-: v..- .tending! LS-IDHSTG" Vrinter weights in Word comes fr jm Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Iiarsiii :, who r..ceutiy b.ovtd from her: t j Salem, that they are well pleased wit:, th .ir new home, and that their health is very much im proved by the chang of climate. Iiev. Mindermau, who has frequent ly visited the county in a ministerial capacity is la tiie county in the inter ests oi tiie Unit d Arti-.au His present home is at Pilot Lock, (."ma cula county. Geo. Uiisseil and Polk 2Iays of Swamp creek were in tiie city Tues day. Mr. liiisseli wa.. jus: returning from a trip to Middie Valley where lie had bten looking ai.er ttie feeding of his sheep. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Funk served a delicious supper, one evening last alter d.::-l ti;. :!- w:: r,'.t or. tiif street ::..- r.r.t tune since his: We conduct the only up-to-date ; ;:.-... ,;-. 'Subscription Agency in the county. - eeuttig star may be seea "e receive subscriptions for any ;-.:. -. ;.i:. it. ,:i ttid nest lew sky j.-i a..-; cl iiul-'d. a. f. .- 1 Aii Wlii periodical in America or Europe. : and seep a complete record of all t' i Biibscrintiona so refeived Wa'l.i-.va M'jiul.-v of next vejk and I n,t return until :.;..tii:d.:y evening. Clarence Yes: reVirned to the lamaha Thursday after spending sEW.SlArKIlS. At greatly reduced peices. the holidays at- his home in this city. L. .1. Booth, I. X. Bare, John Bare. Joe South and Baldwin the city tiie first of the week Imnaha. from .veeK to a lew o; tlieir iriel.a which the t'me was pitasanciy .-pent in pi-iyiug pool. Joe South, who has resided cn the Imnaha fur several vears, his pur chased a stock ranch near Forest, Idaho and has moved his family to j the new home. Mr. end Mrs. It. L. Day drove up to Joseph Wednesday. Mm, Day re i.iained with her sister Mrs. Harvey Wiison and will visit until Sunday. Chieftain & Oregonian 1 vear ?2.00, j Chieftain & S. F. Examiner 2.2o ; Diuain oc a. r. cnroniL-ie J.'o Bros, were in ; . . . . ... , .. , uniettam cc t. L. Kepubnc Z I Chieftain it GlobeDemocrat 2 ' : Chieftain .t-Tri-Wcol.-li-Wr.r1f1 0 : jiiss lnue ueacu o; i nra.::-.'? pa-.-ei ; through town Sunday en route for Joseph to assi-it ia the public schools I in that city. 1 .Turin A "f:ile- mi .1 fl.rr.Mcli L.r,iei:ain & loledo Blade 1.75 Chieit am Atlanta Constitution A. I town Friday, enroate for Elgin vhere Chieftain it Chicago Tribune 2 Chieftain ifc N. Y. Tribune 2 Chieftain A Daily Tt-legram for ! two months 2 and ' he m.-t Will Wi;r.tv.eii-:i- and touk him to Joseph. Scott Henderson, formerly of this ; city and an employe in the Chieftain olliee arrive I in the valley last' week Chieftain & Munsev from Illinois. 2.: Magazines, ! Chieftain tfc McClures j Jas. H. Hartshorn, the saw mill Chieftain & Cosmopolitan man wa; in to.vn Friday on buhness. ', Chieftain & Puritan j lie tnu closed ms mil. on Aider slope Chieftain cv Cliristain Advocate 3.00 until spring. j Chieftain & Christain Herald 2.50 fsiac ;i:itimari r.i.d J. J. Berner of j Chieftain & Penny Magazine 1.65 i Flora were in the city Wednesday on Chieitain & Puck's Library 2 ! business before ths county court on : f:h;ttin X- fiwnmr'c r.. o c-n I T! r W li. At greatly reduced prices. road matter.;. Hi i! El iV frA K.fls da f?3 are supplied here the best combination of leather and labor. The harness will fit. and the saddles are easy. riding and the latest styles which is sure to give satisfaction. The quality of our. horsewear is the best and our prices right L. BERLAND'S Harness & Saddle Shop. j Chieftain & Young Peopl'e Com- 1.83 turned irom Union county, Monday, j C1): . ain & Poultry Journal 1.85 ; where he has k-..-n ii'.stisur.ing logos 1 ru t. . ' ci t t ... - - . h ; Uueitain Amer. Sheep Breeder 5; , of Jfodern W ooclmen cl America. r.- .- 2.2o t: I - " "- " ; laeuain S liiaet Cat 1.75 P-1 has been played over a lh-nn:vnd times Chieitain & Chrhjtain Standard p . in the low days since by everybody ; f "0 h wlio the 8-n,e- ! Chieftain it Arena s'oo . E J- F- Jo-r.ston and wif- and H. c. j Chieitain & Woman's Home I I Cramer and wire drove down to Wal- j fComnanion. 2 00 I My greatest Bargains Mr T"!11 1 , ui oe closed out at 50 fcents on the dollar. Iowa jioinia Si j instaliations at that place v, attend the Odd Fel- Ch;e,tda & Xlional Magazine, i "2 00i Jhn Calvin i, closing out his stock Chieftain & Home Ma?azinP. 2 fHV millmery at h:df pric. j Chief.ain & -'Land of Sunshine." I 2 00 gj ; John Ct ! of winter PRIZE, f.airjfa,' nun," li ; Mep in and eiatrune the iutest styles and get one for I-.ss than cost. Hi rif .uis Mary Llian.il r win. Ijas lieen j B!tttyi.sc with her .-ister Mr.;. Combes i during Mr. C'jmV .V aiekne;.'. returned to her hoaie in Ulgin Monday. ! I Sam I ace was- up it(,;n Lo-tine' ! Wednesday. He says it is about time ! j. ' to lx gin to ly up the gaps that have ; fences, t -Here are some- Combinations that can not be Wat for the money. The County news, the news of the World and a Magazine STATIONERY STORE, ADA E. HOE : : : Proprietor Confectioneryf Books, Fine Stationery, etc. fOCF" School supplies always on hand. 3- ueen ma i ' i.i certain KliiUs 01 John ov.n-f ami Geo. Boyd uregonian l brought Sherman Bovd of the Lower j McClures each 1 year for Wallowa Valley to Eljin Wednesday on ieftain ) tlieir way to La Grands to have him ' Globe-Democrat ) e.taminid as to his sanity. Recorder. : Munsey's V each 1 yr. The Woodmen of the World h.:lil I Chlcftain an iiiformal smoker, acrobutic and ! rei-oman muaicii enterU'mment after their mectin; Monday l.ight. Th.-ir next meeting will Ihj held next Wcdnesda-.M Examiner ) evening. j Puritan each 1 yr. for 4 - , ... . FOSI-OFEICE BLOCr .enterprise Oregon ?2.95 2.85 T ti ti i Chieftain I eac'a 1 yr 2.95 Ih E. r.ochesier. a well-to-do furni-; er of Wiilli.wa precinct was the I none ' these comli'nations city on bimiiioss Monday and return- ' suit von, we can make one that ed Jumday. He reparto everyfuinp ! will suit you, and Bave money fori Winter weip-hts o in - n f cp -At greatly reduced prices. aivio as betnjr in normal coii'lition in his ' you. ?' .' - locality. f THt CHIEFTAIN Enterpr