Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, January 09, 1902, Image 4

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Cjunty Official
'the most powerful of nations, and great distress and subject to dis-
' -o strong that we muft be kind! turbanees from lack of employment: j
I J with the weakest. , without this benefit all the sacri-
Land Office at La'Jrande Or;on.
lH?c. 7, i"Oi t :
ti Sntt ore T otttio
Ptter - '- i ikvs of the Cuh.-.ns for their free No55ce ?t?T T Ih, rZ The tourist travel between the : wuua
l U -it .... ' named settlerhas tied noticeof Ins inten-; , .ant infiUftn l.i.J
' I A: the Farmer- Institute atim w:Ii he at nansht, for in a tern to make final proof in nPPort East and the Pacinc Coast has It oj nant to me on and,
" . . ,;- "r ! Cove last wvk. Ir. James TTitbv-' rvinz condition thev cannot en- 'f ?m ""V' ?id ir cached enormous proportions in Zll AZt7 '
t::i T.t i in til.- 1' t-.tr..,v a: F.--.t-:-p::- , . - , - I made hefore I). W . Mieahanl . S. Loin- - ' . or State lar.Cl, or transact r.ny
('.-... a, .ss.m.i-ola :ua:: r. j cntr.be in discussing ui-to-dau j--.y their independence. I am con- ir.Liouer at Enterprise, Oregon. i the last few years, and ca..s lor a 0f lund business, cull ,
-r dairying said: vinced that the toi.le of tl.e I Ja 2t. v,z: . . 'special class of equipment. To .,;jrt.?g. .
; m w JimM HiltMi rtt .1 . . . m
I "ou cannot be successful wi:- United States know verv well that ! eph.'Orezon. forthe ?WW. E.'SEi meet this demand the 1 ui.man rj yt Ok
f-'i ' dairv cows by letting them run c- it is to their own interest that i S14 nd SE.4' Sec 25 T. 2N.lt 4.; Company has issued from its shops ' "Ui
'therr.mre with their first calve- : Cuba be in a nrosnerons rondithm E-)s-M- ! what it technicallv calls the "Pull- . V. S. COMMISSION'S
:'.: :;:i-nox i:at:".s
::.. 1 'r y-.-jr
1. ..' Copy. -" lU'iiH:..
'ie coov. i:t7-v months
':.t. yoti t!:.i-.i.v your a. l?-s. i."ti!y
J.; ..::.- y I -lit .-.:..:
j t a.Urr... . that tlie Cu:crr:
i:i.-.v r.-i h ;: t romotly.
T,.'.-i'i:vr is k-t on ti'.e hy AiST.
Thiol's A iv.Ttii: A-seccy, rorj.niii
lir-jon. where advert.Uir. may Le re-iv:ve-!
for it.
isL"Ei evi:i:y thuk.-day
Tlin:s:AY. JAM' All Y .', 1 '.'(. 1.
Without t-noujii snow for -i -i'ji:-i;.g
yet this winter, we may exxt
a snow st irru ai .o'.it Ju: v 4.
!:e rr.nL'e w:tn their first calve- : Cuba be in a nrosnerons condition ' '.. what it techn
;e::er must no carelUi.iv ini.k- and in a slate of nrder nml nor r,mv. ,;: Mnm,,n,.. ,.nn nn,i mp.n Onhnnrv lecer
el well un toward the second calv- and for that reoson I am BTir, tlit . cultivation of said lan.i, viz: ' cars ar.near similar to the resruiar
on I e
These Enterprise,
- Ore
, r. ... , V . . cars armear t-nnnar 10
. .. , . ... James m. ciateiy. James! Daujiieriy, , , " . v i
i-: iu c.-,ju.:m, uic aiiiu; nuf! . a ma ontv oi me Americans will ; r.t n.., ti.....T T,....,.tt ,-' rl'-
. , i.hui.but n.-.t furnished with tlie n i.f oi t
mora commerciaureaty i-;. ot cjhco. ogon, aud Y.lha.n F. Cra.g. . tMK.,.i,,.n,.e. Thev are equipped J. V . SfiE2;;an,
; i ou w;.i not succee.i in
wi::out the exercise of
' r!t'thoiis. You must road, vc
, must study: you must crow crop
a hpted to the production of milk
you ivji
'tween the countries advantageous ! enterprise. Oretton. 1 w'-h mattre-e. blankets, shee
'with to tb Init.1 (!t.,- faAKILbrr, Kectstor. ' .,, .,, , !. i
' Cuba."
: I
pillows, pillow-cases, towels, combs. rf p . i
Kru-lies. etc.. requiring nothing of n:L3riDy LOiinSSlDr Ht
: the kind to be furnished by the KNTi;K?KIsn. OEEGov
t practice gentleness an.'
tr?a:raent of the cow, an-."
list, but not Ijas:. vou sltculd l.avi
on they will 1 prac
. a rain.
mav i - ::.:'.t a.iowa cor.iv
w:.l have t-.-ivgraphic comninr.ic
t: :n with the outside wcrld
we gt a r
!y discov
c .uac-s into general use.
your cows freshen in the Fall whti. I To Samuel Brown:
butter is hlsh in price. Then v. her. i
' ments upon t!:e '
and Calumet" miiierul claim lex-ated
In diff-i-rent parts of Eastern i
. Oregon lar.'e
are it.-tr s re-t
United States; I.a:id 0!!k-e.
! La Grande, Oregon, Nov. 21, l!01.
Vi'ailoWA CnllllfV. .Inn 1 1' V : NotilV IS hprihl- trivI. tti if Pkorlnt I
, riartsnorn ot Jose;h, (ire.'ou. ha." tiled mstalde talde. A untlorniea por-
You are herebv ' 10ti't in.nten,,i-0n make i.rooj on his ter accompanies each car, his busi
iou are nereoy . il,.ert-l:inii Mum ,i ?n for int. . . ' . ,
passenger. Each car has a stove ah business and correspondet
for makins tea and coffee and do- t-r!:ud to with (lii:iteli. I'rai-tice
in- "liitht 'housekeeping." and each r'(1 Federal Court and L
....;. . Kr. nrtf with nn nd- . --pSneDt.
M. before A. C. Smith, i". S. Commits -
i.u.iut;u ma; i i.ave exnenae.; iiiree coa - r. . 1.2 ;v h. 4. k. . t . . . ' . .
K'-ejj ine car ciean. arm loot, a.i
Enterprise Oreg
tracts of arid land
isirti -J under what i-r
i i? .... .4 .n 1 :
jin-u iicuiiyiwia iu mji ami improve- ' . v. . . . .n-.n-. - . -
ment upon the "Luoicr Fonr." -HW '.fl Knt-rpnse t.re-on on lues- the ints and comforts o: the pass- PHYSICIAN
.. . u,.u,,, , :enL'"r in eacn 01 t;ie irat!.
11, , 1 . . ii . . . . .....
t .. ... " . ion. iiui itnesses to ,..,., ft iMi:i!c iiiiv tr.r
eastern , "''.' ne; am; :n wi.k-i-. . prove the complete irrigation and re-.,,':' V r v f. v rv. r.,1U t -it .., .., n... -
!i-ta:nis vou were owner of une-K.urti. carnation o: said land : um.wi.. u.cu. u ... v. - , .... .. r
' . ... . . ..n . . r-. i... .-..!. it-, 1,. . . 1 to tie round one ot t
i.jn-1-.-a. an-.. ia aiMHjar iv ecri:ucai"
tiled July 20, l'KH. iu Uie office c: County
oad. that is if the new
I wirtlvss t-.!-.-r..tr:.
r rviiirii'ic -.itvnr 1 1.1m a - 'J ...... ....... ...v... H. ........
Albert Hartsl.n rranl n ifV. i Ordinary Sleeiers." The car at- besider
termed the Carey Act, a law passea : Clerk of Wallowa countv (.n in or- Jeph' regon- taclted to tit- "Chicago-Portland , u,urU'
. uumci., jiet;iiur. ' .- j-eeiai fines iiiriui:;!! n viiicuitu
!.,.! .... 1 1 .1 !. .l'
.ey-Ger.eral D. E. N. Elack-
I'ltrn has ttiven out an minim tr
which h;- says that a sci;ix;I dis
trict is bound to nsy a teactter ia':-t-.ry
should school i-e closed by or-
0: the aistrii?t tx.rd on ac
: of an epidemic or disease.
- 1 ' con
The Carey act was approved Au
gust lt. 1!'4, and remains a kv
until August IS. iy-34. its tim.
limit having 1-een placed at th.
end of ten vears. The act nr. -
vi iesforthe reclamation of arid : proportion of such expenditure as" eo- !o .n. h l"001
, . airi ui ion
nirnar v.-vnr ,tir.ki..j;. n. ci.l .1....... .. . . r ....... .....
:!er to hold said premises under the
provisions of S.-:ijn 2J24 Kevised stat-! ' '
' ntes of the I'nited States, beinD' amount ' TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1373.
required to hold tiie same for yi-arendim; NOTICE F'OR l'lT.LICATION.
ISrcemNjr 31, 1-01, and ii within '
days iU'ter this notice bv puidioatioi; United States Land Office,
vou fail or refuse to contrioute your! x- , - T ' '
o be iounrt one oi tliese Tullnian pronimiy onssereu.
ers." The car f.t- residence one Lloek Last of .'iet!
L'tiice on jiiiuii Stred
block Went o; ltat,k
i-u in "i a .1 i ' t. .o it , 'reiron. Lai- ' - -m : uur o, eniuieii .n art
ti.v, -r -t- ! hecome the property of the subscriber : fot tlie S3le of liml-er hmtis in the States
" '" ' -1-"-"0- "Jn.una. , youur g , . , , , of California. Oreson, Nevada and Wash-
C oior.v.K-. North Dakota and Utah i i n?ton Territory," as extended to all tl
At a meeting o; ;he
e Teach-
no. it was
each count v in
or more public
ers As.;.,-:..ti ot
brought out tha
ti.e state ha .'t o;
--:.-o;s nut iio.wtng a session from
...:.-;t of t-?ac;.crs. a resolution was
d urjiiii: itpoa the tatt
i:;.ard of Education the formuiation
r : a plan where! -v teachers could
t. - ohtaine,
.ranting toea-h state all lands rot
tc-exc-h-d l.rv).0.Vi acres th;.t h
may reclaim. The state mav ap
propriate funds for this purpose i:
it chooses, and realize the cost oi
ditch buildiu. borir
nutiutng reservoirs, from
lands. This might not he possible ' dred Do-liars in
in ui. cares, in Oregon the le-is-: l:'HJI; u,v
lature passed i'.n act
t:ie runt granted to the state bv
congress to private parties. Ar.v
person or company may reclaim
arid lands according to the provis
ions of the national act.
j - ........... , cAiriiu.il IU nil lilt
i I'nblie Lind States by aiU of August 4,
1 1M2. ElzieO Makin. of Enterprise county
ot Wallowa, State of Oregon, has this
i day filed in this office his -vorn stati--
. "lem .o. ciaj. tor uie pnrehase of the
il.ots3.md4S NW-..,- of Section No. 2
Wallowa Countv, Jan. 1, 1P02. Ton ,,siiip No. : h'., It. No. 4" E. V. M.,
To Samuel Eivx: a,ld T'1" oli,;r rroof to sl,--' the land
more vaiuaiiie lor its timber or
, , """c .iiuiiiif ior ns nmoer or
the saie i notified that I have pvpoiulfd Or.m Inn. ! to estaiiiih i.is I'iiim c.o.l 1.....I i',l
" I . , ,v ..ii. v. ITCIUIK
aoor ami lmr.roveruent.- 1 "'!---i m.u nfwivw oi tins onice at
.1 Mill" mineral elaim ! p'0n "'e
.uinerai mil mineral cianr. ; i
: wouua i. i ttrj
I. i rfni in Imrolio A'tT.ir.f .Wt.: X... II
ansierrin" "'" ne names witnesses: Godias beau-
- . oin, (.naries wortman, l'eter Beaudoin,
k.,1 appear by certificate fild July 26th. j Frank Cooper all of Enterprise, Oregon
!.':, in Ine office of Comity Clerk of: Anv and nrSr, nl,,;m; ,i,...i..
Wallowa county, in order to hold said i theafve .ieserii ed lands are requested
preiu..-t. uiiijor ma provisions oi ftfotion
'X'Ji Levied Statutes of the United
States, heir.-.' amount required to hold the '
si.i.e for tiie vear en-dins: December 31. i '
1W11, and ii within f-0 day? after thi- OTlcE FOR PUBLICATION.
dence is the to f the i-V K. pa0,";atlon -V0U l!Hl or refu lo : I-ana 0.1ice at La Grande, Oregon
c . t..jnsr.cut vou- irorortion ci such i-t
, Eva
! without change, anil the one in the
' '"Atlantic Express" runs to Kansas T , r
li: :.!.. .i t. .. . J. A. B:;ku:i.;h.
Vyi v .YiLiimi . u '". I "i 't'ls
in this car for Chicatro change to a rsj! I r,"Ml f HtJriir
similar car at Granger. ; btJfcLIIIJSii Ci L'Jnlt
Much of the first class travel is ! ATTORNEYS AT LAij
"nig carried iu inese cars, i lie I
itites heintr lower, and the service'
lion I'll fiill'il f i- ili of it- ta n.J.ion "
cl,.pI)Pru fc't-'ll P.cal Estate and make C
For rates and full information. ' tions on Commission.
including folders, write to i Do Conveyancing ar.d Alstr
Fracticeit! all Ccutts of the S'J
A. L. Craig,
General rassonger ENTERPRISE
Agent, 0. R. it N. Co. Portland,; "
Oregon. I
Oilice in Court House!
o. e.
The great cause of China's deca-
he New Year's r.umi-er of tl
egoniar. has ijre:i recvive:!. It is
aneu i of t.;c issues of previous
.ir in ,.i-.iitnir with u.fi--rent sGc-
ns ot ti.e sta
usidn-jtor. and Idaho tlutt are Tiiere are only three paths whk-
to . orttan.:. it also our dvnastv has orened to nfi'n-.
i'.us vie Clarx expedition and will ond rc-comEienuatioa and the third
a Croat advertising agen: for the is purchase. Those who enter bv
r?:.w.--t its osv-sidun
..... . nIt; ri-ijueieil
: lo We tneir Claims in this office on or be
; fore said 2Sth day of January, l!J02.
E. W. EAItTLETT, Register.
Wallowa Valley Chapter, No 50,
Order of the Eastern Star, holds its
regular communications on the First
and the Third .Saturday of each month,
at 7:30 P. M., in Masonic Hall, Enter
: A. C. Smith J S II
Cl 'Jl fl TT -1 .
ind parts of 'men to shepherd the people. ; renditures s co owner, votir interest it. ?oti? Is ,wrh.v s5vn that the foliowii.tr
ii- -11. a. . ""-" --'. . ii;t nieu iiouro oi hi mien. 1
saul olaim wili become trie nrnvrtv n htn.n rom.-.r.. 1MKI' i
... suITon oi ins claim. an.l
n T T7 . t'j'. ut" II i :l ) 1 1 1 nn
oi ine a uv nr-v is t-xaminauon. tne sec-
In all its departments tr.i
in mis oniee. Land Pints fo;
prise, Oregon. All visiting brothers A!1 " !1.in"s .lll,d Coll,-
and sisters nr. nnnliu !..,. i ... corned and attended
iiiiiitu tii iiri-inintt..!.-..
: aiieim.
Amy E. Fousythe,
J.o. S. Honcu.N-, Worthy Matron.
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the tin-
lore ii. w. theahan. t. S. ronnni.ioner
Woodmen of the World.
Oilice upstairs in the lie
H. h. Mary K. Perkins, of linmilia I i ,
Ore-oii. f..r trie XE'i SWi,- -t t"i' I Wgularly
IV'v'1' -S'E- tcc- 33T.1X1 lt."is : day night.
e. v.: M.
He names tlie followins witnees to
1 iarmtrj of Wallowa coun'y
lou.i itiouire into the creamery
;-;:t:.-s from every stind point.
i ::io out tiow :e farmers of othr
S'.ctions of th.- country like tii
proj'osttior.. Read all you can
it sift on the suhiect. A creamerv
v. ill he nuiit sooner or later in the
: 'Unty and if it is a good thing
v .u should encourage it ininiediat-.-
ex.:.r.itnation f.re entirely ignorant
i..; law ar.d taxation and the prin
ciples of government. Hence they : eeutor of the last will and testament
5rt. ,m,Wrc,; ...i',.,,,!. -d i , ...r .':""' Ja,ll K- Shields a,,,
------ x.... w.,.,-., aim m.,ui u, oii.-, ueeeaseti; anil ai. : William V. Warr.ock of Imnaliii. Oreaon
clerks whose life business it is t ' !ersons havintr claims arainst the es-; Virgil J. Levander. of Y.mp-nr i nr,Z...,'
. I! r - : I ..!! .t i '; . . ' ' P I
manage tilings ior successive olhci t liUe oi cam ueceasea are nereuy re-pnr-1 . l'AI'.TLFTT Re -i-ter
rier.ce abuses ealore are ine. - tu 10 Prese"t me same wun the projer
, . .: -- . '" ujiiiiwniK TOiie.i'j to
lersignetl lias been du!v adpointed E-1 !,r"ve "!" eivmniiom resilience upon and
eentr,r of th. U.t wHI nA ! "-t. land, viz:
-utlier i.loyd, James K. Sliielil
Enterprise Camp No. 53,"), meeu
on the First and Third Mon-
s of each month. Transient
Neighbors cordially invited.
F. A. DePi-e. C. C.
C A. Avi.T, Clerk.
a is.
vouchers to said Executor at Lostine.
Oregon, or to his attorney, D. W.
Siic-ah.-.n. at his office in F.ntni'i
If it is not vou shu
ttahle. As to those recommend-d
th"y are nioitly put forwarded for
unworthy motives, and not on ac-
.... . wre'.'nn, wi
CJlint of their htness fur tha nn.-i.- . - '
... . , r-... date ot this notice.
1 he purchasers of oiiice are worse Dat,id tnis 17th dav of Dec ; 19nL
sti... tor in their case the only j HASCALL COLE,
itiestion aked ia the length oil Fw,,
"irv. s .
Investigate it
.- t.-.nd point.
from a b.tt
.-:now it.
' iheir jouse. The really able men D. W. Sheahan,
" 1 ti,e v-"ige Ciomw.lls) are left to! Ex'rs Att'y.
j wate their sweetness ou the desert 1 12-19-tl.
air. Ine actual lncunilnt s of t....!
Inrec- thousand eight hundred ' sheid.erd o.T.f.. 1, a v no;tv.. i,:.
. i r t 1 ----v. a.v. .v. ivuin-i an. j
-J-en raouits were KiU-jity or knowledge. Each of them!
Land Oice At La Grande. Oregon, I
Tl,.., , . ... ..' i
Oregon, within six months from the KoUceis hereby sriven that the fol'h.wiii.'
,ion to eo.nniiKe aIl make linal i Enterprise & Lostl'nP Ore
.; proof in support of his claim, and H -UObtllie, UTC.
i ftaV aM, P""'"! made before : , , '.
1'. . Siiealian. I S I'mm,.;. ... A larrrp nnmlmi. l t. .
Enterprise, uron. on Feb. c -i7-1 ,am8
H. E. William M. Snvder. of i-;. i listed for sale.
ivrimw:, ure-on. tor the SW! XW,4' Sec town
i5. Xi XEW and XEl' vwi.-x.. -r ,T0WN
1-23-02. J 1 -lt 4; L. V. M. "j Can gu:t Vfm
fc- iu Miij niiii; per
Barber and Tons
Three Doors West of PcJ
e.i in aoout two hours iu a drive 1 ia anxious to mal-P hi, ,.;u nt
j Wl OUUiV
fir I .llffilF nrouL n l .ah . . I .-.... I
-.. -..w ......w wum; ;ymetai ior Lis fimiiv and dt-
last week. fc:x hundred people : scend-ints" -A-o 1 p.,r.
v.'-.ejon xoos part, excursions
were run or. all the railroads. An-! Tlie Republic of Cuba held its j vay, deoascj, ha. been filed in the
other drive will be made during i nr election on Jan. 1st. and Gen. ! 1 Int
.: :. .v t- .., .... . .,"'p;!m.. .-.i.... . t. Orejron, an t ev ottieio elerk of th,
uiMii'.u. i ne ra units in ii.e cm.itu iireaiuem.. in . ... . .
... . , , ..i.i.-v , i.iirf. nml rfi'jr v.i to....... i. .. i
He names the f.dlowintr witnoei to
prove hi." eontiniiiiii. mi,i., -. ,
ionivti..n ... ., .r . 'r; ' "P""
i.ii.ii vi,s:
esper Brumbach. of Imn.il.. n ' PRflDrDTW 1 -
Henry Becman. of wrZT' : ' "w wn 1 1 C-U
taining to real property.
, H..1 If vow w:int to sell, lmv Ine.
E. H. Ores
"Watches and Jewel
paired and cleaned.
Shop upstairs in the E
lexe.-utor of the .if Tl, .. u TntP.FR T.ivn ipt m.-n
dtc-ased, has been filed in the I NOTICE Kfm PrmirMTm,.
! i"St election on Jan. 1st, and Gen. j --f'.''nt.v Cierk of Wallowa conn- United States Land Oili,
La Grande, Ore., Xov. 12, lyoi
Jartlett. j
I Call on or address the firm j EXTERPR.
at either
-" 1 i.nuniy court, anil
sagebrush portions of Oregon and i tailing with a newspaper corres- jary, s. u;e at, 10 a.
r'..:.,,.. .t.u ! nondent the new nresidenf used thl ('oun,-v Jnd'e in
u:iiiu.'iuj uie ui a uiuereni van- 1 " -
. AiUlleB IS llf-rinv invar, 11,... :.. ,.
m.. at t ne oilice i.f i r " eomnii-
Enterprise. Vallow ' " ' Kn ,ne l,rov''on8 of the act of V,'T DR. JORDAN'
H. E. OA
.ctvthan we have
iu Wallowa
, io. lowing woras:
I .V.lntV Th. nro no!!uil tb.-. l.l.,r,V- !
' ' ... . kllV HIIII.A j -
t.::!, while we have the jack rabbit. C.uban RtTublic sboulJ fast of
jaii to secure the mo3t friendly re-
! ! Itlrtne ntitl. rt. 4 ... . ,
.....u.i nuu iuc auiericuu people.
... i t yiiir no tnnm.i.. A
eoun.y, Orpn. has hen ,ett.y the County j Jne 3. 1873, entitled "An j 111 IfS !i 3 RC ilTHvi TinfllOP. PillrTsh'nfT
Justice Brewer, of the United who helned us in our hour of n.l
aiesupreme Court man ad-, XVe always bear in mind the work
i.ress ne.ore the W Lngland &--; of the United State, in helping oe
t-y at Philadelphia the other day t00btain our indcpenden ima
gave an admirable statement of s1anil,h rule and at the ime time
tne meaning of this country's l-o-1 try to g,urc roni the Washint,m
t,on as a wond power: e j Government all the atvantlges
kiuiI deserve to be called a world ilKMsi,lleforon rproductsb ea(.
?wer because our relations with reUuctbns of tJ in
nations will be carried upon : du:os
t..eh,gnest principles of truth and j hacC0r as thig is U)e ony way for
jistice. We stand m the council j Cuba to escape the absolute ruin of
... unions airong enougu to lear nojof those two industries, which are
n .tempi to wrong us; so strong
that we cannot afford to wrong any
not even the weakest nation;
, Strong enough to be firmly just to
the only basis of Cuba's actual
"Without this benefit the Cuban
people will find themselves in
Jud-e as the time and place for the hearine c 'or he sale of timber lands in theV iomi. F
it objections to said final account and the j States of California, Oregon Xevad-i -ml ; I ? " f8Ci3C0. UL 9
settlement thereof, at, which time and Washington Territory ex endln t ' I i
Id.ue all oero.w i,,t.,r,,...i ,!,.... . . - 88 tended to ; 9lf''Anioci!MM f
objectioBs to such final account are hereby a l.oo V. t -Aufe" ! d J-f ri. f Vet of Tlv
th. .,. 7, ' - eretn.lge. of w.f" i 15n:l'uuuc
;,.- : iMi ENTERPRISE, r
The principal object of the! of
place all persons interested
notified tobe present and corut th..; i . ' . - M
Dateot lirst publication Oib dav of Jan. c1? ' Wallowa, State ot
l&.:c. j regon, has this day filed in this off,
Steam & Gas
Smith & Hoihjin '
W. P.. Holmes,
W. V. White,
- Executors.
i in Township
W. M. and will offer proof to show thai j J Jl
rb?. u--r. r.i
Will cry sale for farmers
and others at any plac. Charges
reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed.
REFERENCES:-. Cochran. Hood
River. Ore.. S. L. Hrrxiku A, m.. n
Ore.. John Conlv. 1a (iramie rim'
II. Achureh. Lostiiie. Daviil Knhn n.,r'
Tuesday tlie 28th dav of .ln... i Wi-hili.
" "i uifuatflta.: - .
Crade.and Isaae RTi KSV
Ore .d D. W. Warnock and t VTr.P
Richard Warnock of Joseph, Oregon. j $ miZS V "
the .boyeescribed land, are" ri SffSS
. " " ,U,D luce on or be- iToSwfe, '"".onorirr
(ore said 28 day of January, 1902. 2i SVi "Ei t
F. W,B4RTurrr.
v. S. Craig .1. M
i. H. Vkaskv. W. K.
Ovo-. W. Hyatt.
F'idpnt, V
Utm. IUIDMI m. ask.
! 1)068 fieneral bankil
Exchange bought and oj
1 lonspromntlv ma.i hr
; loini abroad.
o v ';
sC v