Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, January 09, 1902, Image 3

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Is a constitutional disease.
It originates In a scrotuloas condition of
the blood and depends on that condition.
It often causes headache and dizziness,
Impairs the taste, smell and hearing f.
(ects the vocal organs, disturbs the stomach.
It Is always radically and Dermanentiv
cured by the blood-puri'ylng, alterative
ana ionic action or
Hood's Sarsaparilla
This great medicine has wrought the most
wonuenui cures 01 an aiseases depending
on scrofula or the scrofulous habit.
Hood's Piixs are the ban eattiutio.
Relict of a Ajc Long Past
The petrified forests of Arizona were
recently examined snew under the
direction of the general land office.
The silicified logs lie in the greatest
abundance within an area of eight
square miles in Apache county. In
some places they lie more thickly
than they could have stood while
living as trees, and it is thought they
must have been carried there by a
swift current of water in the meaozotic
Dogi Work In Relays.
The 1,980 miles between Skajrway
and St. Michaels, Alaska, are covered
by 600 dogs, working in relays of 25
miles, in four and one-half days.
Between wnite Horse and Dawson,
140 horses are kept going day and
night in relays.
Permanently Cured. Ko flta er nerronanee
after tiret'lAT'ft illof Fir. Kliae'aOreat Narre
Reetorer. BeiidrorPKEEM.OOtrialhottl.aiifltreat.
lee. Da. B. 11. Kline. Ltd..ui ArchSt.. PhUad.lahia.Fa
A Wisconsin Family's Prominence
Dr. Roswell Park, one of the physi
cians who attended President McKin-
ley, is a son of the Rev. Roswell Park,
II). D., who founded and was the first
'president of Racine college, Racine,
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Booth-
ane Syrup the best remedy to use for their
children during the teething period.
Present of Philippine Product.
President Roosevelt was recently
presented a handsome cane and seve
ral pieces of cloth manufactured in
khe Philippine islands by A. Abren,
Filipino merchant traveling in
jthis country to get a knowledge of
American mercantile methods.
Piso's Cure cannot be too hiehlv spoken
Jnf as a cough cure. J. W. O'Bbien. 322
C'liird Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan.
, lauu.
Madrid to Erect Eight Statues.
The magistrates of Madrid, at a re-
ent meeting, voted the sum of 250,-
JtOO pesetas for the erection of eight
statues of Lope de Vega, Murilio,
IMoratin, Ventura-Rodriguez, Goya,
Arquelleo, Quevedo and Salamanca.
There is more Catarrh In this section of the
Country than all other diseases put together,
nd until the last few years was supposed to be
incurable. For a great msnv years doctors pro
jounced it a local disease, and prescribed local
temeilies, and by constantly failing to care
with local treatment, pronounced It incurable.
Hence has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease, and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man-
factored by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio,
ii the only constitutional cure on the market,
t is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to
teaapoonful. It acts directly on the blood
nd mucous surfaces of the system. They offer
ne hundred dollars for any case it fails to
lire, fiend for circulars and testimonials. Ad-
reas, F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, t.
Bold by Druggists. 76c.
Ball's Family Pills are the best.
Fire Escape Instructions.
A descriptive article on Norway
fontains some striking instructions
or the use of fire escapes taken from a
local hotel, of which the following
Sines are part: "The plaited snotter
hall be found in every room. To
ncrease the hurry, let down the
lody one by one until all shall be
left. The cord shall put out the
round from the shoulder there
nder. "
Msnv frond nrivnininnn anil nnnpi nnn
Wizard Oil for obetinate neuralgia and
Jheumatism. It's the right thins to do.
Nationality of Our Presidents.
President Roosevelt is the second
president of Dutch ancestry, Van
Buren being the first. Of our other
(jhief executives, 14 have sprung from
English stock, five from Scotch-Irish,
Sjiree from Scotch and. one, Jefferson,
torn Welsh.
1 Hever Steken, Weaken or Gripe.
f A Constipation cure that pleases your palate,
fleases your stomach, pleases yonr pocketbook
e-Cascarels Candy Cathartic. Druggists, 10c.,
Must Be Lovely.
'But none of the other girls seem
p admire my new dress."
is that so Turn around. I
idn't .realize it was so pretty as
jhat." Philadelphia Bulletin.
f7 j
1 A.I
Patents Send no Money
nt a model or drawing with a description.
rd we will advise you. J. 8. Duffle pnep
Co.. (Dept. A) Washington, D. C. 1 rVL-I-i
CIIBfS WHt.... all fiat fills.
i Beet Cough Bjrup. Tastes Good. Use
in lime, gold DT aratrnata.
Carlo of Porto aral a ad Brltiah Beef
Klaa Elward'e Taate la Hoenely.
Being very Tat, the King or Portugal
Is forbidden by bis physicians to eat
much meat He.cnlmly disobeys the
doctors, however, and Is especially fond
of beef, of which be eats great quanti
ties. When be visited England a few
years ago be was stopping at Lord Sal
isbury's country seat, where also King
Edward was a guest One day at dinner
King Carlos was asked what had Im
pressed blm most during bis short stay
In England.
He replied thoughtfully, "Well, I
think English roast beef is very delight
ful." "Oh," said King Edward with a
laugh, "surely something else has lm
presed you as well?"
"Ah," was the reply, "of course the
English boiled beef also is delightful."
The dish dearest to the heart of Will
lam of Germany Is sauerkraut, served
with sausages aud bacon fried together.
The Kaiser also Is passionately fond o
beer soup, made up of potatoes, onions
and beer. The Kaiser's cooks are
strictly limited as regards table ex
penses, and never are allowed more
than a very limited sum for each per
son a meal, unless, of course, there Is a
state dinner, -when the" allowance Is
more liberal. ,
As to what King Edward eats, he Is
happily possessed of a first-class diges
tion, and thug It Is very seldom that
anything which he eats disagrees with
him to any extent. Therefore it Is his
custom, and one which his medical ad
visers are thoroughly In agreement
with, to eat Just what he most fancies
at the time, and to cease eating only
when, according to an old-fashioned
and sound prlnclule. he has reached
that stage when a little more would be
acceptable, but Is not necessary. When
King Edward Is In the countrv he likes
a good substantial country breakfast
with fish, ments, and all the rest of It.
Luncheon, at about two o'clock. Is a
very simple meal, and as reenrds It the
King has no particular preferences ex
cept one for quietness. When he can
avoid It, he does not like entertnlnlnir
to lunch, and as Prince of Wales did not
often do so, preferring to take the meal
alone with his family, since It was sel-
dom practicable to make dinner a sim
ple domestic event In this way. Dinner
Is limited to an hour, and a late minnor
Is one of the most Important meals of
tne day. Mainly About People.
On the Inside cover of a newlv il.
signed watch a thin pocket Is provided
having an open center and a slot In one
side for the Insertion of a photo
Outdoor chairs and benches for narks
are provided with hinted backs, which
can be closed over the seat to protect
It rrom the weather and keep' It dry
when it rains.
A Brooklyn man has designed a com
bined bail and cover for palls. In which
half the cover Is fast on the oail. with
the other half hinged to It and provided
with a handle on Its rim to lift the
When a newly deslened fountain nen
falls to work an auxiliary pen can be
pushed down to take .its place by ope
rating a sliding ring on the holder, the
second pen being Intended for use with
an Ink bottle.
Ribbons and fabrics can be easily
measured by a new device consisting
of a graduated strip of paper, which Is
rolled In the fabric before It leaves the
factory, being unwound and torn off as
the cloth Is sold.
Bicycles can be fitted with a new
pravement-cleanlng device to keep the
wheel from getting muddy, which Is
made of a cylinder brush held In a
frame ahead of the front wheel and
geared to the axle to revolve and
sweep the street as the wheelman rides
Bishop Whipple Aanswered.
Early in bis career as a missionary
to the Indians the late Bishop Whipple
had journeyed into the Indian country
to preach a sermon to the assembled
Chlppewas In Chief Good Thunder's
village. Bishop Whipple had with him
the costly garments of his office which
he wore on such occasions, and It be
came necessary to leave them un
guarded In the chief's tepee. It seems
that the bishop had his doubts at that
time as .to the Inherent honesty of the
average Indian. Before leaving he ask
ed, turning to Good Thunder:
"Chief, do you think It will be safe
to leave them here?"
"Never fear, bishop;" was the reply;
"there Isn't a white man within three
miles of here." New York Times.
Harvesting with Automobiles.
The cost of harvesting wheat on the
Pacific coast has been so lessened by
the use of automobiles that a greater
amount of the grain can be produced at
the same actual expense than In the Ar
gentine Republic, where labor costs
only a fraction of a dollar a day. The
large automobile traction engines now
uavtf In California are of fifty-horse
power and are provided with driving
wheels sixty Inches In diameter. They
do the plowing, planting and harvest
ing in their proper seasons. One trac
tion engine performs the triple work of
plowing, harrowing and planting In one
The Orig.nal Woman.
Now, Eve was writing a letter to her
daughter-in-law, who was Cain's wife,
and she asked Adam to get another
beet of birch bark to complete the mis
sive upon.
"All right," said Adam, "but you bad
better let the trees get another ten
years' growth before you try to writ
any postscripts." Baltimore American.
To Mothers of
Largo FamiHoa
la this workaday world few women
are so placed that physical exertion
Is not constantly demanded of them in
their daily life.
Wo make a special appeal to mothers
of large families whose work is never
done, and many of whom suffer, and
sniffer for lack of intelligent aid.
To women, young or old, rich or
poor, we extend an invitation to accept
free advice. Oh, women 1 do not let
Wholesale Beer Drinkers.
The British are the largest drinkers
of beer in the world and the consump
tion is erowine. The Quant ity of beer
'absorbed in 1900 amounted to 1,289,.
1 766,000 gallons, or not much less
than 208,000,000 cubic feet; in other
words, the contents of a reservoir
2,000 feet long, 1,000 feet wide and
104 feet deep.
Dreyfus Returning to Alsace.
Captain Drevfus, who has been liv-
; ing at . Cologne, near Geneva, foi
some time past, has determined tc
leave Switzerland and make his home
in Alsace, where he was born. He
will spend the winter in the Riveria,
after which he will definitely settle
down in Alsace, devoting his time to
literature and scientific pursuits.
Allegations Certified To.
A Sumner county (Kansas) man
who had a neighbor arrea'ed for slan
der, swore to the following affidavit:
"I hereby solemnly swear that the de
fendant set upon me, calling me a
lobster, a pauper, a scarecrow, and an
idiot, all of which I certify to be
Has. Gaum Beluetou.
your live be sacrificed when a word of
advice at the first approach of weak
ness, may fill your future years with
healthy joy. Address a letter to Mrs.
Pinkham's Laboratory, Lynn Mass.,
and you will not be disappointed.
"When 1 began to take Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I was
not able to do my housework. I suf
fered terribly at time of menstruation.
Several doctors told me they could do
nothing forme. Thanks to the Pink
ham advice and medicine I am now
well, and can do the work for eight la
the family.
" I would recommend Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound to all
mothers with large fanv'.ies." Mrs.
Cabbix Belleville, Luuxngton, Mich.
Advice for Astor.
Mr. Astor cannot be a peer of Eng
land because the law prohibits natur
alized subjects from attaining to that
dignity. Mr. Astor has tried so hard
to get away from his fur and pelt
ancestors that he has brought it to
the notice of all the world, and got
nothing else for his pains except dis
appointment. It is a wise son who
accepts his own pedigree. Pittsburg
Ti mes.
Not Smooth,
Quinn I think Bob Evans called
his book a "Sailor's Log."
De Fonte Yes, and it seems to mo'
some people ran against a good many
knots when they read it. Chicago
South American Underground Telegraph.
The Argentine Republic has been
obliged to put the telegraph line
between Rosario and Buenos Ay res
under ground, because on wet days
the electric current was dissipated
through the numerous spider webs
attached to the wires.
e A Smart Girl's Deception.
A wise girl in Garnet, Kan., ties
an apron around hei waist whenever
she sees her "steady" coming, and
when she lets him in she blushes and
excuses herself on the plea that she
has been "helping mamma." Kan
sas City Star.
Regard Peruna as Their Shield Against Catarrh, Coughs, Colds,
Grip and Catarrhal Diseases.
Holiday Resolutions
kurs relief bom Uqaor, opium and tosaoee
aaoiia, eana lor particulars to
fnalnv lntitna Moved to 40 William,
Kcclcy Cure
N. P. N. V.
vs., Portland, Orea-on.
Mo. 481901.
WHEN writing ta, adverUaars pUaaa
mention this paper.
We mmkm thm ctlgbratmd
Anll-RiiBt Umbrolfa frame.
Do not come to onr itore to ploane n, bnt we are
here to vWuze yon. ALLEMNA'8 ANTI-RU8T
UM HkbXl.A FRAME, covered with onr own make
of goo.la, will please you as you have never been
A MCE UMBRELLA is a flue Christmas present.
809 Morrison St., opp. Postofflce. PORTLAND, ORE.
You Find the Diffp.rp.nRi ?nerr'"
X , " " "- csib omu iicniuiv, l-lMllcillca iOWIK,
brtnifi no monev tn vnnr tmL-(t th nthn mosns n.knA
in your purse. Which wfll you have T
luiuia to paiut or Bpray the room, quickly destroyine all
Tlin riVMitsi iai nnthii.a in nn.nnne.iann Vw. J i m .
- - ....aaa...aj V .0l inwil m Hir RHWU II Will UU.
roBbeckB Eg Producer and HeMtth Food to the
UrPVPtlt mnrtnllfv Pull. if at hooin lavi..a wtw.n
mtm. awiitiiQ uiu. ao w uu per cui. more proaucea.
PORTLAND SEED CO., 133 Fror.t Strmmt, PmHIand, Of. Com Agmntm.
jroes beck's Lice Killer .si. X
Save Tour Chickens,
Why Pay High Prices?
For WATCHES, DIAMONDS and JEWELRY when yon can boy nn
redeemed pledges for Amount of Money Loaned with interest at the
Portland Lnnn Office n third strkw,
New Jewelry at 40 per cent, lower than at any Jewelry Store in Portland.
Mrs. Belva A. Lock wood. Late Candidate tor
the Presidency.
Mrs. Belva Lockwood, the eminent
barrister of Washington, D. C, is tin
only woman who has ever been a candi
date for the presidency of the United
States. She is the best known womai
in America. As a pioneer of her sen
in the legal profession she has gath
ered fame and fortune. In a letter ti
the Peruna Medicine company, sht
" have used your Peruna boil
for myself and my mother, Mrs.
Hannah J. Bennett, now in hei
88th year, and I find It an in
valuable remedy for cold, catarrh,
hay fever and kindred diseases ;
also a good tonic for feeble and
old people, or those run down,
and with nerves unstrung."
Yours truly,
Belva A. Lockwood.
Peruna cures catarrh by removing
the cause, inflamed mucous mem
branes. .
Dr. Hartman, the compounder of
Peruna, once said in a lecture to wo
men: A great number of women
consult me every year. I often have
occasion to say to these patients : 'I
fear you have catarrh, madam. ' They
will generally reply, 'Oh, no, I never
had catarrh. My nose is perfectly
Mra. T. J. Italian!,
Ktirt'ka sprinta, ark.,
cured of a efer case
of eata-ah by i rruna.
clear, and my breath is not bad. I
am not troubled with coughing or
spitting, or any other disagreeable
symptoms of catarrh.' 'But you may
have the catarrh all the same. Ca
tarrh is not al
ways located in
the head. You
may have catarrh
of the lungs, or
stomach or liver,
or kidneys, and
especially you
may have ca
tarrh of the pel
vic organs."
The doctor
went on to say :
"I have been
preaching this
doctrine for the lust 40 years, but there
:ire a vast multitude of women who
have never heard it yet.
Catarrh may attack any organ of
the body. Women are esiocially
liable to catarrh of the pelvic organs.
There are one hundred cusps of ca
arrh of the pelvic organs to one of
atiirrh of tlio head. Most people
:hink becauso they have not catarrh
if the head, they havo not catarrh
t all. This is a great ni intake and is
he cause of many cases of sickness
uid death."
Mrs. T. Pelton, 562 St. Anthony
venue, St. Paul, Minn., writes: "Fe
runa has done
wonders for me.
It has cured my
lieiidiiche and pal
pitation of the
lieart; has built
up my whole sys
tem. I cheerfully
recommend Peru
na to all sufferers
a 111 ic ted with ca
tarrh. My moth-
or is never
without reruna.
When one is tired and generally out
of sorts, if Peruna is taken it imme
diately removes that tired feeling."
If you do not derive prompt and
satisfactory results from the use of
Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hart
man, giving a full statement of your
case and he will lie pleased to give
you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartmun, President
of the Hartman Suuitariuin, Colum
bus, O.
Mrs. T. Pelton.
Shih Photographed In Bed.
The shah of Persia is an amateur
photographer who has attained great
proficiency in the use of the camera.
He has a mania for being taken in
everj conceivable pose and dress, and
has even been photographed in bed.
The Second Distillation.
The "bright child" whose sayings
get into the papers usually has bright
parents who are quite facile with the
pen. It is a very bright child who
recognizes its own joke. Minneap
olis Journal.
i ft ftm heven't m reirular, bealtliy moTemen. of tbJ
bo welt wmrj Amy, you're IcM.or will be. Kep youf
bow a It oimhd. and bfl wtalL FurtM. In ihsiba.ua off
Violent phytic or pill polaon. la dstiiunu. f b
fimuoLheit. aalHii. moit perfect way of aeepinf tint
Dowel dear udclMiii(oUi.
Well Informed.
'He Beemi to be a well informed
ruoiMMt asaiarsaao ayr
"Ceitainly. 'His wife tells him
everything that's going on." Phila
delphia Bulletin.
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taate Sood. Do OooA
Berer Mloken. Weaaon, orOrlpe. HM. - SDo Writ
for free sample, aud booklet on beam. Address
HeHlat aeeaeS; Ueiaaay, Plieae. laHei!, Sew leak. SSM
l, r, IS . r- .,UV lAYATlVr.
m is Refresh ' A 't
. x-c, Pleasantly and (Jently.
f Assists w ,0HL
. With many millions of families Syrup of Figs has become the
ideal home laxative. The combination is a simple and wholesome
one, and the method of manufacture by the California Fig Syrup
Company ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product,
which have commended it to the favorable consideration of the
most eminent physicians and to the intelligent appreciation of all
who are well informed in reference to medicinal agents.
Syrup of Figs has truly a laxative effect and acts gently with
out in any way disturbing the natural functipns and with perfect
freedom from any unpleasant after effects.
In the process of manufacturing, figs are used, as they are
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinally laxative principles of the
combination are obtained from plants known to act most bene
ficially on the system.
Ti jjet its beneficial effects
' bjy the erxuineTMarvufactvjred by
Louisville. Ky. Sa" Frarxciaco.c!. Mew YorkMX
Are best because I her an- tlinroiichly well mail
ol bem material. Are ilri.ninT ami heavier
than otnera, hmiee more durable. The (eil la
absolutely accurate, reliable, anil poaltlvo, ami
will ow tame quantity, up or iluwn hill or on
tele hill. Hoo.ler Drills are cheapenl because
HfcHT. We keep full at'H-k ol remlr at l. thiol.
tal points lu the Northwest. Catalogue free,
First and Taylor Sta.
Portland, Oregon. .
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
'ootol MorrlsM Street
Can ! yon th beat barealn In
Busies, flow. fioiler and Knifiaes,
WimimilU and Pnmns and General
Machinery. Eea ns belor baying,
Local Agent Wanted.
WANTED A local agent in each
townhip to sell onr np-to-ilat
publications. (iood remuneration
and steady employment. Address,
Koom 10, Lewis Hid.,
Cor. 8th and MorrUon st.. PORTLAND, ORK,
i iii-ia i it i
Fa untimri lain
A Noma School tor Boym
Military mnd Manual Training
Fall Tmrm Opens Soot. 13, 1901
wwrnm tor lllumlratmd OataloOuo
...Columbia University...
Academic and Collegiate Halls.
COURSES-Claaslcal, Literary. Sclentlflo and
Commercial. For particulars apply to
REV. E. P. MURPHY, President,
CnlTsrilty Park, Portland. Orafoa.