Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, January 09, 1902, Image 2

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    gj Jhz Dostor"5
By fiesta
I I I 1 I I I
: I tv a "
. ; - art icrt;.
tr i -TL -r it; t-t-
ir: it o ; i tl
at--- t ;j ft a ar
-; x
i --'r it .-t tj
- ii - r . i
est r-i.-i tc cot; i
yotr nvt o; -t . t
!. t tit-
f'.ta;; a;--r.
ntr-tit; lit; a
tilt car 'j -- al:- 1
w-a; to :; cv. t-rr t.i
her 1 ;;;--- it ccr Tt
'It !:'.!.' 1 t-T-r-i- "at-:
fa tt ;---a- 1 ti-
ic t.ttti. :-Tti.:-. -tir
ac (,
it :- t
. tr. f r
Cy Mt i
- ;
wcrta. i t;:
Mfa t-.t. :
i C- X. -t i
70; j.-t
' -
-r.it - c
I i
li j-;tt a:,iT
near . I-t. -ai'jT. w
ea was t ait.i
Hr I couid v;t 13 everj dij. Nr
had ar; t5rer. uaier tat a.ar-s: tt:
weaita;it rtj. greater car aad a.;j
are ipa;d ntjt aini ttia Ii .arti
Tae pr .zr?j of als re-rovrT wa alow,
bat it ni sur. 1 flt ttat it wotj.d o
o f roar, ta crt Ijij 07 daj I watt
ed tie paiUd aue of i.eitts cp-;t cai
fae caanzits into a more aatur-! ten.
I aaw ii, trtrti cmix faa':i by aliat
bat rteadj drffreet. Tae maiadj- wa
forred to ret;sit into its mt hlddrO
eitad'L wtrr it tn;gtt iar as a prj-jaer.
bat not cwll aa a aitro7r, for ttuitj
yeara to war.-.
Tiere waa no triaaiph to me in thia.
ai taere would tae in had cy patient
beet an 7 one j. To cure arooed
do atiterest am:cz ej eol.eayuea. and
made ntr naati more mown. Bat wiut
waa teat to me? Aa Ion,
is taa man 1
IjTed. Olivia waa doomed to a ioneiy end
frieadiew Ufe- I tried to is into tie 1
future for her, and mt it atretic oat ,
w z c t : t. ; ;r .tt t; i-.-fTjC
r"-T. I tc ';tt t. a;-t
Cf C t-TT-t tt. 'Tit '.TI L.T.. it.
... -, . it; c;t-.t-T ifiT te r it tt-re eittr
dftt't i-s t'. ;-rt.tt t-ri. ki " - tt; !
t-- t I it.t I r-t "tr
"F'r t-rr i.? t -.-; i. w;tt a etr-rr
. .... . . . - - i ... -T
- - - - - i t.js ytj. c:-ti.r f-r a trrtttt or tt"
J--1-7 L Lr t- ii;r, rr;:-: -J", ta j a &ot to
" ''- ?'jC ' " . ti ttarr of jotr t;r-' Ati t i::j-s
ac-if ta C'-trj T.,t r-';t. i-J t j-'-.j, .. T Q;it fjtj-
trtitt.tt of jotr c-i act sg-i frr -
a- it-, f--d;c froc a.-r.att .-' tta.j. "i
i t.t ----.t. ,-t:i tt, to' ifc5.B-' L' ,'-d
t;--. Ta, ?oc ..- tt.- -s- 24 1
u. T.,.,-. . rj ?,-ttrri. tif to atotter
L " " - J .""' .. . . . - vj. : w-"-t tt;r it; 7 tx ar. aa i-a.-i sj
. , ; . - ?j4L-i. at; tt uat . of oraa oa tj
r-',. . 'J.' ttVi!r-,'..iof ta J ' 'ii iitt wI and a it itou.d be, j
jt tirt-r fr-.-c .i-.t , pr-.'r-T. for I ' J
wort.; t,t tz?7 to ar aUtxj itr VVW 'c;t;L'.: 1,jlr.gi. , - , 1 i
tar; il- ttat odd ; ct . f". v':
ato ion. oreary 1 w';u jm miortnaT;oci taat do oe o; use to ua, aaa
waere tae wooid find a home. Coald 1 1 we are willing to pay you handsome for
perstade Johanna to re-reive her into her ! it It caa't do you any harm, n.tr no
pieaiat dwe.litj. which would berome oody else, for it's only a matter of buai
o iiceiy to her M Captain Carey j nes. Y're not aooTe taiits ten ail
had nwed into Julia's house in St Peter- j linzs for a bit of useful informati.m f
port? That was tae aeat pa I cou.d ( 'No: by no manner of mean.. I saa."
form. -Go on." I said impatient.y.
Julia's marriage arrangeanents were yo
Jaf on speedily. There waa ometaing
ironic: to me in the cnan-re that made
me so o!!t tae witness of thean.
We 1
were so merely coasiai again, that she
discuawd her parthasa and displayed
them before me, as if there had nTer
been any noti.n between us of keeping
house together. Onte more I asirtei
in the choi-Te of a wedding drvwj, for the
one made a year before was aaid to be
yellow and old-fashioned. Bat thia time
Julia did not insist apon havitg white
aatin. A dainty tint of grey waa con-ider-d
more saitabie. Captain Carey ea
joyed the purchase with the rapture 1
had failed to eiperien ,
The wedding wis filed to take plaee
the last week in July, a fortnight earlier
than the time propoted; It waa also a
fortnight earlier than the da:e I was look
in? forward to cm: acxioaaiy. when, if
Ter. news would reach Tardif from
Ir. Srfnior bad agreed with mc that
Foster was sufficiently advanced on the
road to recovery to be removed from Ftii
bam to the better air of the so-jtb eoast.
We req aired Mrs. Farter to writ us
fully, three time a week, every varia
tion she might observe in bis health.
After that we started them off ta a quiet
Tillage in Sussex. I breathed more free
ly when they were out of my dally sphere
of duty.
Bat before they went a hint of treach
ery reached me, which put me doubly on
my guard. One morning, when Jack and
I were at breakfast, Simmons, the cabby,
waa announced. He waa a favorite with
Jack, who bade the servant show him in.
"Notilag amiss with your wife or the
brats, I hope?" aaid Jack.
"So, Dr. John, bo." he answered,
"there aia't anything amiss with them.
i c ; i
t t z.z ECT ff "em r"rp. fli
T - t i l w T ( ri tc tikit. iirt
t-- f tv,r ; a ti ; i r ji-
It Iwtjcj. tc. I u, , : Ic Mzui
r! ' - tit; J" ' t- a t.t o5 :t.
"T'-c r-r.;. tiir .7 'it it- Grrr'a
-o r tL". I aa.s.
? t- t-? " "a:i. 7'it ta ill T-rx
-i'-i. rr- tiji; Et t-rd t.f trT of
t - tt rt of est. a : j
"t- i: vrr t-t . w.t u i.ri
s: tnt vie r : tj t-r a c;s' a
H. Tt'. T.t.- rjr I - : t:,"T c-
Ic -.r ti ;..ot:t f..T- mr.r.
&.'L. ;!. ti c. ic; i-r
Ir- I.
-s .,
. ;a-t;-itri.
7- yi'Tt. s-.-ot.
!r'- Orxr Icm, IsaC Of rvir
Ti n.-rri-e' ti.iT.. I i Tr-i;
t; - t;u I we t-;er. at
ta; t;
A TrTT rlr or a wo:
v .tt
t ;tr
t an. ?7 a t.-i aj ma at.i
it.; c;f-.t-T i tt se z r iz.
C-.'T. ti ?rrit I ii rL rr.'jT. ir;tJ5 a
;-rt. r, 1 :l ; -j eit-T. II io.-iLi T-rT bard
it l;, ar.: c it -; . i. -I tiic
I Li"- j OCT fat cr.or. cj w.-
-tj irt-L: as Ti-i; a a vTarz. u luii
"I tii i jot; iiT,. I "Oru-d
nnd-er the weataer. TV'nat'a your aanie, j
nty 11111? asiec tie tiari rent. 'Wa-er.' ;
I aays. "And waere do jou lireT he t
ays. taking ana aerious. 'In Qtieer j
rtreet," I says, with a little winx to aaow ;
"em I were cp to a tri-.-s or two. They j
ai three larfed a iitte aanonj tientuelTea. j
bat not in a p.eatant sort of way. Th
the jeat hegzaa ayain. 'My sa1 feliow." j
he says, 'we want you jo jrive us a little
"Jest so, doctors," he eontinned. "but
this time I waa minding my Ps and Q'a.
'Yoa know Dr. 8nior, of Brook street?
he uys. The oid donor T 1 aays: 'he's
retired oa;
of town. 'Nu. he says. 'nr
the young doctor neither: out
here an-
I says. 'Yes,' he says, 'be often tjk
your cab. my fr.ead'r" "F.rst ot anl
then tae other.' I says, 'sometini-s Dr.
Joan and sometimes Dr. Dobry. Thy re
as taicx as betters, and thicker.' 'Good
friends of yours?" he says. "WelL say
L 'they take my cab when they can have
it: bat there's not mach friendship, as I
see. in that It s the best cab and horv;
on the stand. Dr. Joan's pretty fair,
bat the other's no great lAroziit uf mine,'
'AhT he says."
Simmons" face was illuminated with de
light, aad he winked sportively at us.
"It were all flummery, doctor," he
said. "I jest see them setting a trap,
and I wanted to have a finger in it- 'AhT
he says, 'all we want to know, but we do
want to know that very particular, is
where yoa drive Dr. Dobry to the often
est. He's going to borrow money from
cs. and we'd iike to bad out something
about his habits. Too know where he
goes in your cab. 'Of course I do," I
seyi; 'I drove him and Dr. John here
nizh a tweivemonth ago. The other g-at
took my number down, and knew where
to took fur me when yoa wanted me.'
Too're a clever feiow," he say a. 'So my
old woman thinks,' I says. 'And you'd
be glad to eara a little more for your
oid woman T he Bay. Try me,' I says.
'Well, then, aays he, "here a a offer fee
you. If you'll bring oa word where he
spends his spare time, well give yoa
tea ahUlinga; aad if it turns out of any
ose to na, well make it tve pound.'
Very good,' I says. Tou've not sot any
information to tell na at eneer he says.
"Wall, no,' X says, "hut TU keep any eye
froc iVI?.r; M,ri fVi Iff f . V f VSSO - V ' t h I
1 tx' F'rr.S&; V.',. .Ka
ill ff I Iff
we tr be say. I '
were f j-if riT. tA--y kee? a taCrrtar.
or iroc-7 entrac" 1 ay: at
ta goi of a c.-ic tat iua't a cr-
MR aad f--T "I'i lb? te ;
tc:T y ft. 'Su: o't-t." rs 1;
T-t --r t. ra L. nikr if it ok Tlx
'Very f jc-d." a ay. "cd mira
lat my frvriko." . I com J. Ut3
cr.r ts- aata to tie stani."
"And yoo ie-ft ta uiCj u-tT' I ask
ed, wi-i ni dcat a. l; mini tl at i; was
Jin Fir.
Ye onoz," h it--7i. tl.;;ig
tij Hie a p .li-jrarrx w;ta the b-aci-ia.-rei
gat Taat were last Mociit;
at; tLa a.tTXji ttr-T
;: tvf a t.yt-f x lae t ca
tit UTocct; Bj hi-re
t.'tf isto JaT' taai:
f-ia.'-tj at iti, rFd it cc
at 'U TTT1'I
acd b. aft
Tt Mria wf ai:t:T Ttar
Tir: :c-tii k r-;-?t-; to
Cil a; 'itt i Iti a: f'r.iay
eT-t-t:iuf." Ti taiiwri-itt tn..'ic ia
tt ou I had wret an; L-j'-.-ei b.'uT. I
atrTl iz n..T -'.--.t f-r a xtmcte cr
to. --"t a fjLt;r 'jf It tyat
Zfj din ctvic cj t&crT. Cociii it t?
I f-rit ale.-: a-T :t was. Ib iS-tier
ciOTjte I -a jTta :: it at it u
iff. ki-Ei a ttat tad wrrr-a tie
i-r.rr ata jCTj -it; O.i'i cti. iT t
i t J 1 foiiu - ri tt-catstip t'f tie
tiT p-srtiwT. I b'ju.; tni i: to fa i.iD
ti ! T.tt ttat of tt c-fiiTa- nit.jt-
c: i td a-r".-tpii;d tt k-tter.
-IiTe t a'.tt "iti ira, jimai .ai "
I .d. ffT-icj ;3i ttlf t cr" it
r"ttt5- f .r it I irai iiTTitie-d ttt
tt rt; r Lad iwi f ore-i, bt:t n; w;
OjtU fnTi.-t. M'u F TeT b.in
rlf a f trry to it" Or tad llr. Foster
a..cn:. rriia tt aj-t of tt- fr.-ai or
tj'.t of iktrrv f ..'trte-i tiJ ratTa-; cut
tt a ttt. a.T;tr t;tt it ifTaa tDi
I crxiM-rd is tt til saser to Gara
w?t, ot a M'ituj c.;t as tb vfidrnz
a to tiie I't at at i::t hotr !!
Wtiaia.T coTtitf- jjs time for Cajitalt
Ctt an; Jt-a to ctt.-t tt rct to tt;
iati. Tt tti.m:; js to b j.-?itt-ii-d
at Ta. rnir tt cjrnn-tin
tier !Mjt-d fa no formal w?iimz vrmi
ftsr a r mt tci to i pe?r- -i.
Cptiit CiTT and 1 wr-re rtati.ix at
ti aitar of tt oii catrt fimt itiaut
t-fore its fcr.dal !TjTi-c pp-riTr(t
H iifu pa-e. ttt utad cp to a r. rft
pitct of T-:ut ciiTirifs. Ta citr-.t
u n-i.r';T full of 2 -r ST-ttors. al.
of iuc I txi ia-jwx from iet ctll !td.
Far b-acrt, hilf ititrd "c-j a filar, I
saw tt -Lit fa-ad ati ht.d.-otu fat
of it fitiier. witt E.ste ItitrT ij t
a;i. At trtt lz'-U spivear-i. pa Lixe
ta- fcridzro-jrt. btt ciztitfi and firp-.-eixt
St id not fiH;- at c: te
TaBt-T kt no U'itijtt to u. xu
wIi. and aj it -tou.d t.
Tet taere was a pans in it reason as
I would, tiers waj a pans in it for me.
1 aaoaid hare Hied her to plaare on at
me, wita a troabied and d; aimed eje. I
ahoold hare liked a aiade np-M her fare.
as I wrote my name be.ow ara m th
reyiater. Bat taere was nota.nx o the
, kind. She rare me tae inas, which I
j demaaded aa her coaaia Martin, wrta-
ou-. taiMmjameiit aac: alter mat aae
pat her hand ajain npon the bridesTtoni'a
arm and marched off with him to the car
riage. A whole host of us accompanied the
br.dal pair to the pier, and saw them
start off on tneir wedding trip, with a
pyramid of bouquets before them 00 the
deck of the steamer. We rn round to
the lighthouse, and waved oat hats and
haadxerchiefa as long as they were in
s.gnt That duty doae. the rest of the
day was our own.
It was aimjet midnight the next day
when I reaehed Brook street, where 1
fouad Jack expecting my return. A let
ter was waiting for me. directed in queer,
crabbed handwritiag. and posted in Jer
sey a week before.
If had been so long on the road in con
seoaence of the bad penmanship of the
address. I op-ned it careieasiy aa I an
swered Jack's first inquiries; but the in
stant I saw the signature I held up my
hand to silence him. " It was from Tar
dif. Thia is a transiarioa:
"Dear Doctor aad Friend This day I
received a letter from maan'zeiie; quite a
little letter with only a few lines in ii
Sae says. 'Come to be. My husband haa
found me: he is here. I have no friends
but you and one other, and I cannot send
for him. You said yon would come to me
woenever I wanted you. I bare not time
to write more. I am in a little Tillage
called Vllie-en-boia, between Granvilie
aad Noire a. Come to the house of the
cure: I am there.'
"Behold. I am gone, dear monsieur. 1
write this in my boat, for we are crossing
to Jersey to catch the steamboat to Gras
vllie.'' To-morrow evening I ah all be in
Vilie-ea-bois. Will you learn the law of
France about this affair? They say the
code binds a woman to follow ber hus
baad wherever be goes. At London you
can learn aaything. Believe me. I will
protect maa'zelle, or I should soy mad
sme, at the loss of my life. Tour de
voted TAEDIF."
"I most go!" I exclaimed, aaoat to rush
oat of the house.
-Where 7" cried Jack.
"To Ohvia." X answered; "that filain.
that scoundrel has hosted her out in Nor-
Sead that. Jack. Let an go."
?jt" L aid; -tier is to
wiaiTT uf fttf o Ute titia.
c -r. i. fr a itrw nLEtt-
Ect at ttat masyent a furic.es pI o;
tfa hrl. Titf j if fa'--C-
Krt; raa itto tre i,a- Ta r; aLt ta :
cj-ra toi oe tt -;. w;tt a t-.-prac
wtri it itr-t uito u i-"-
It cu ctt-; u c. 1 tt-Te .t -.--"Ft
in. Ja onti'jti i ; "at. .. fc. to It.
Iftne, iirt-o ttr--i. l.oat-" I c:i
. tucw atj Jat oriiti: of tirst" ?;
it wt tt r, r tti of a stntp-'r to ttc A
n-i;r ru :tr L caieraitt ix Nor
aaa iato. .ct hi cuai;.;; atv jart i-c
i ri t." tiiit I evee ct.r
oct ti ksk of it Tt t!j wor- I
tu rt? abotr. rert tutx b'Jt," 'i o
ter," -Tariff," aad "a iasjt-"
waa tc j-iit of Os-aTi I rouic ao: t.
(Ta ke- eottiiot-i
17 l tke Fnsit'a
t Tr ma. i-.t-. Ytuj-k.
i Ti l&tg-tmrT aftd tfect to prodni
ti s-cjtui 1 of c-caiBjere .t Ctli
' f orta-a La i-ct crcwijcC w:tt ii.vt.
j Ti Lj:utt a; tLe ti;:ricett itter
! esttj. it begu. over r ettr virs t;
, w;tt utrxctitioi! cf cutr-t5 troa. AJi
iltjr. Pif 5 tare trt proda.-e-d froa
! tL-ee tad t.tar ;rt;.jrd cerates, bu:
. liwT wtre i ri liaons wt;-.e tg of
j cuctterti-fe. Xa crec-t of jiruja.s
j tie litter it c:zn n iii;f4 to utv.
; C. Ii.dxj of FrDo. 1"i;-jU liis so
: Ci-r every rrut Sa.vrti idg tre pttrd
, it CtLforttda wtj.-i. bore fruit faied w
1 itiTure xr: tie firs were ciArr.
ttd witietreii tad droj'j-e-1. If wll
' lu-alij c-s-t-veresl tiit ite ferr" ration
1 of t:,: 5 oe;-i..iHTii u;ti tit srvict
j -' tie i!atopti:zi wai-j.. wice lAbitat
t is it tie cupri, tc wiic zz. Tiie litter
j was iE-t-orted tafi tirtTe-d tr:t-.v.:.f.
t tut tte ijistijpiija c.d not ac-oii.iiiJ.j
i jr.
I S;cial iir;;3rtt.ciis of tie wsj, foi
: lowrii. tat it ttrtred otlj f'?r t s-rts-jt
! ot ti cp- fir tit id-si piin.d.
' li was uniT-d tit: it could io: sur
i rtT our witters. Lct yenr tie Ie
I pirtniett of A.iruIttrre tuoi tie itat
1 ter it Laud. A frst ettsirtiHiett was
I ;ittjo d aad its care intrust-d to ilr.
iij-editg. Last April tit vent; itse-.t
coiot; emerrr-d it full for. Iron, tie
first capri eot. etterd ti-e feroLd.
eraerr i irtait, tad tiet xuvi jus!-es-slot
of tie SEjTti tz tres, tie fruit
011 wiici was r-eadj- for fertiiizttiOiL
ilr. Hoe-dlitr reiorts tiat tii:s exptri-rtei-t
ias ic prfe-rtiT suevessful. A
ton of tie fruit irea piufced from
tis trees and tie ettirt crof will vieid
fiTe or sin tots mart. ilr. Iiotsiii-r th
ieves tifct tie i.tstopiiti iis ctiiae
to stj jitd ie ei;-7ts tiit 'llillfortia
will be etririe-d iwct witi at otter it-
itoroes or Wall btree-r.
Tie Turtles of Wall stre-t fionrisi.
Taey are thieving brokers. pnuote-s
of dining scienie aad disreputable
si-rotuators. fci.d a tteviiig broker ul :
one occ&SiOE: "If tie Postofii-e Depart- '
ii.em wuind let ae tioiir I would nave
to hire a cart to carry dowx ity cioaey- i
laden ittil All yon Live to do is to
appeal to tie cupidity of tie peb j.-. ;
Proitise C per c-ent d Tideiidi on a firs'.-,
class frecanty &iid jou esx't do bus.- j
iies; but promise 51 pr cent on a ftke
and you can get net." investigation
proved tils statemett to be true. He j
is of tie si-ine ciass as tie tipster fraud j
who adTetrae that be knows exactly i
which mocks will adven-.e and tioe '
that are jroitg to decline.
For SZ a week be will tell you pre
cisely how to make a fortune. He ad
Tertiaes in strange ways, using a ridi'.
ulous code. For example: "Hit Kan
garo for a jump of 'JL points." etc.
Thia interpreted means buy a certain
stock for an advance of fr'-iO a a -are
Such Hi en are swindlers. Quite as con
temptible as the man with a fake gold,
silver, zinc, copper or oD mining
scheme. He Erst beys a ruining pros- j
pert for say and then organizes j
a UX'.OXI or SLWO.uw company under 1
tbe laws of New Jersey or West Vir
ginia for say S2JVJ0 more. Tbe shares
have an alleged par value of Si each. !
but he offers them for 27c each from !
as elaborately furnished office where
be poses as the fiscal agent. The
rofpoe. who selects the broker aa.bic
victim is more plentiful than the brok-
ers are willing to
confess. World
TiilBTiraaiborn's Bosw to Xncappenr.
Yet another famous house has to
make way for street improvements. It
is the mansion in Lincoln's-inn-neids
adjoining; Sardinia street, and was
built from the designs of Inigo Jones
for tbe Earl of Lindsey. The right
hand room on the erst floor of the
bouse was chosen by Dickens for the
scene of the assassination of Mr. Tulk
Inghom. Sir Leicester Dedlock's law
yer. In "Bleak House." Already, how
ever, the painted ceiling, with the Ro
man soldier pointing his truncheon to
tbe body of tbe dead solicitor, haa dis
appeared under a coat of whitewash,
wickedly applied a few years ago.
London Globe.
Hls Words Indorsed.
It was the worst domestic storm they
bad ever encountered. I
"Too don't deserve even hanging."
v :A Ii, 1 n W. V. a.. . . 1
"I deserve It better than yon dor she 1
sent after him as a parting shot. Phil
adelphia Times. I
A Monament for VirariL
Mantua, after nearly twenty cen
turies, has remembered that It Is the
birthplace of Virgil, and set to work to
erect a monument to its great poet. The
sum of S20.CG0 has been raised and
artists are called on to send in plans
in competition.
axmdoa's Cemeseriea.
London baa twenty-one municipal
cemeteries, and ten which are owned
by prdrau euxpanlea,
London Is tbe iuot popular
-v,.. ,. tj-.ri' t.t on either rd
of fie Ailsnnc Erery yr of bn li.e
e W'e : 1-ast tiree lot? b:stonfi
novels for boys, nd no Chrliws
wonid eera quite compiete withcu: its
p fts of "Henry bk." He ias writ
tec about e'.ch'xj of tie Jcvenilo D'.t
ei lc all. besides enourh other Nv.1.4
to muie a total of nearly a bundred
volumes. Mr. HeQtv n'-w i .Tea
of afe. bo: hi? marrelou rv.wprs of l;t
erarr production continue nnalrtited. In
i!s youth be left CamS'Tid-"' I'liiver-
ry to enter tbe Crimean war. and be
hits been a correspondent from the bat
tlefield during most of tbe important
European wars since then. Tbif expe
rience has fitted bim for writin? tales
of military adventure, and there
seems to tie no end to his resources.
arkable Feat of a Woman, Who
tacar- Serin I j irv,
Mrs. An i;a Edsoti Taylor, of Bay City,
Mkh.. ceiebratfrd her forty-tbird birth- :
diy by making a sueirersf ul trip over j
Niagara I alls In a j
barrel. She is tie ;
first person to at- !
tempt such a per-
foruiauce. and the
f thousands w L 0
41 wi:aesed the per
formance were
amazed at the
manner In which
r V over reel after
reef Ir. the untier
V.2S. tarLOE. rapids, rushing
witi tie current toward the famous
w&terf ali
Iiegardmg tie feat. Mrs. Taylor after
ward snid: "T would sooner walk up
to tie nioutb of a cannon, knowing
tiat it was going to blow me to pieces
than to make another trip over tie
falls. 1 made it voluntarily, but I
would not do it again for ?l.""0.,vO.
Tie barrvl in which Mrs. Taylor ac
ct'inplished tie feut was alKiut six feet
long. AttacLed to the bottom were
ieavy weight to hold it upright. With
it tie barrel were straps, attached to
tie bottom, wiiuh were placed over
tie woniat's shoulders to prevent her
i-ad from bumpiric against tie top.
Over her bead, during the trip, was a
pillow for farther protection.
Cm tie memorable dcy Mrs. Taylor
and her barrel were rowed into the np
jt rtver and set adrift in a current
that rapidly bore her toward the rap
ids. Stritinc the first incline of water
in tie rapids, the barrel took an up-
rght position and bobbing like a cork
moved straight for the curve of the
horseshoe falls. A little to the Cana
dian side of the center of the falls the
barrel took its plunge and dropped,
clouded In mist, to the lower river, a
distance of 15S feet.
Whiie the desperate plunge was being
taken thousands of spectators held
their breath in anxiety and suspense,
everyone believing that the fall would
be fatal and that another would be
added to the long list of the victims of
Niagara. Two minutes after the plung
ing barrel had been lost in the mist of
the tremendous cataract it appeared In
the seething white water below the
falls. It gradually was carried bv the
current to the Canadian side and was
hauled ashore. The top was hastilv
sawed off and Mrs. Taylor was taken
out. She had suffered a contusion on
the right side of the bead and had re
ceived numerous bruises on the body
Her nervous system had suffered a sei
vere shock and since then she has been
afflicted with severe headaches. Ex
actly fifty minutes had elapsed from
the time she was sent adrift until she
was released from the barrel. When
she reached ber hotel she broke down
and wept.
When she was rescued the barrel was
one-third filled with water. Tbe tre-
meuuous pressure bad forced th- water
through tbe air tube which connected
with a small opening near the ton of
the barrel
vMI If-Tlor u Dae of Auburn,
N. Y. She is a graduate of tbe State
Normal School at Albany and has
taught school in Texas and more re-cn0-v
l? City. Mich. She owns a
ranch in Texas and it was with the
rtew of making money by exhibiting
berself and ber barrel and lifting 1
mortgage on tbe ranch that she made
her Perilous trip through Niagara wp!
I, .tL:aVi'i'- .,l
GEORGE A. 11115 1 1.
E'uring tbe trip Mrs. Taylor prayed
constantly except during a few mo
ments of unconsciousness following the
plunge. Sbe says she was span around
like a top and struck rocks three times.
More Iiacetroot, for Variosm Keaes
than Tbose of the It.fl.
Wounds in civil life d.ffer from these
in military life in tbe greater after
danger of septic involvment. Revolver
cartridges are more liable than ire
rifle cartridges to have been handled
frequently, to have been carried In dir
ty pockets aud to have come In contact
with various forms of infectious mate
rials tiat may prove of serious conse
quence when buried In the tisanes.
Moreover, revolver cartridges are cov
ered with a coating of grease, and this
encourages an accumulation of mani
fold microbie material, some of which
may prove to be of a virulently infec
tious nature.
Rifle bullets are practically always
sterilized by the intense heat develop
ed by the powder at tbe moment o(
their discharge. Their rapid progress
through tie air while in a heated con
dition still further serves to cleanse
them of any extraneous material that
may chance to have accumulated od
their surfaces. This cleansing process
is very effectually liegun by the rifling,
uf the rifle barrel through which th-f
bullet forces its wav. (
All of these favorable factors
txef f 1
lacking In the case of the revolver bnl
let, and so it is possible that in anj?
given ease such a bullet may carry ln
fectious material with It Into tbe tW'
sus. If this were in small amount nil'
ture might effectual! wall It off ani
no serious consequences result. On th
other hand, such infectious materu?
might lie seemingly dormant for dajsi
but really slowly gathering strength b
multiplication, and when Its toxics.
were elaborated In sufficient anionic audi
they might paralyze protective chemq
taxis and produce a septic condition.-! rme
New York Medical News. I J,'
Art of Sw oping.
Domestic work Is now ck ST-KtonmHi
ed that a West Philadelphia housekeeil f
er finds sweeping and dusting a roomf "ii
" ui ii -p. 11 ri Hiiuo&i ueyuuu il-,
capacity of the ordinary bousematf
Domestics, she says, take alarm at tt!
simple paraphernalia necessary
sweep and dust properly.
"I have," she added, "a large aprti
lor the maid, which has five pockeri
one for the dust cloth, one for the das-
brush, one for the whisk, one for
paint brush to go Into corners, and
chamois skin to polish up the furt
tnre. 1 ben I tell her to take both
broom and earner aweener -lth he
and a long-handled feather brush if
dust the pictures.
"With these necessary utensils. If
walk after a servant, I can get a wo:
Swept and dusted nmtrl Rr
strange as It may seem, not one erf
ploye in ten will follow my Instnf
tions. Some ask me: 'Where are &
man and horse to carry the thing?'
Another Impudently said: lf jel
rooms are so bad as to need all tb
It will be cheaper for you to get
carpets.' I really long for the t Engl
times, when a broom and duster sr.- $iree
need for ordinary housework, but tiff f om
appliances make furniture last long
hen I told an Irish girl this." cc)
tlnued the housekeeper, according
me t-nuaaeipaia Record, "she s-'
And what for are ye so saving? U
to kape yer house fine for yer b$
nana s second wife? "
He Gave Ibem All rn.
"Some of those foreign dishes on t
dinner menu were a puzzle to me." f
tided the first seasick passenged to tt
second seasick passenger, aa they stof
conveniently near the rail
passenser. I niHi tw o. hntr fi
gave them ail up long ago." Baluxn
Boston streets, where traffic Is beaj
are oaved with nni. u . J
base of solid concrete, and with pehH
ana concrete grout. Former!
was used In the Joints, but now ta
are nuea with a mixture of cement 1
sand that hardens like stone when
sets. Such a surface Is expected
last for decades.
By the advice of. eminent cuIS
the authorities of Munich have deci4
uo longer to use gas or petroleum
lighting school rooms.
length of the World's Seacoast If,
seacoast une of the globe U f,
Pnted to be about 136,000 mile. I
P ccumulatk.n of money U taJ
i P
A eoi
1 easei
a uaott toat alL
- mininmm
'r "'