Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, January 09, 1902, Image 1

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antj Official Paper.
City Official Taper.-
WHOLE N0-!):
I ?. - M jg8C rlFftY. t rM.
r 23
Beginning Saturday, Dec. 28th, we will place
on sale an immense line of merchandise at aston
ishtnlv low prices. We do this in order to re
diti our .stock, before taking our annual invoice
Feby. 1st, and every one is invited to call . and
avail themselves of this opportunity to secure
I '
bargain .
We also take this oppornity to express to one
and all our appreciation of their liberal patron
age during the past year and solicit the same in
the future. We assure you that we will do our
utmost to merit your good will, and endeavor to
serve you faithfully.
Wishing all a prosperous and happy New.
Year, we ar
Respectfully yours,
E. M.
1 ' - ,
M. CO.
Clipped From Our
The Huntington Herald says: J. S.
Locke returned from Fortland Tues
day, where he has been attending to
business matters. Mr. Locke says
there is a general feeling around the
Northwest Kailway company's office
that work on the Northwest road
down Snake river will begin early in
the spring.
A boy can sit on a sled six inches
Square, tied to a thigh moving eight
miles an hour but couldn't sit on a
sofa five minutes for a dollar. A man
will sit on an inch board and talk
politics for three hours; put him in a
church pew for forty minutes he gets
nervous, twists and goes to sleep. A
man will fill his mouth with tobacco
juice, till i,t runs down Lis chin, and
feel good, but a, hair in the butte
kills him. Ex.
General Beebe and staff have just
completed an inspection of the differ
ent organizations composing the
Oregon National Guard. There are
now 1497 officers and men in the ser
vice all of whom are completely equip
ped for service. They have full uni
forms and accoutrements, blankets,
shelter tents, and 40 rounds of fixed
ammunition per man, in reserve.
Any of the companies that might be
ordered out for service could go on
short notice. They have everything
n hand at their armories.
ALBA, Dec. 30. A strange natural
phenomenon is reported by Camas
praire stockmen returning from sum
mer ranges or frontt cattle-buying
in the Wallowa country. According
to them the freak has never become
known outside the Wallowa district,
but is said to be worth going hundreds
of miles to see. The scene is at Wal
lawa Lake, the. well known summer
resort, and the phenomenon is a mi-
age of remarkable distinctness. Ob
jects on one side of the lake appear to
i man at a certain angle on the other
to be rushing rapidly up the hillsides
into the clouds. A herd of cattle be
ing driven past the lake homeward by
the Camas Prairie herders was Been to
;o straight-skyward to the horror of
the deluded spectators on the opposite
side. The phenomenon is supposed
to be an ordinary mirage rare in this
'.iountry and common in some parts of
the world.
State Finances.
5ai.em, Jan. 3. The State Treasurer
has filed his semi-annual statement,
showing the condition of the various
funds in his hands December 31, 1901.
Greneral fund
Com school
gri college
$ 81,173.14
fund, prin 5C1.123.54
" int 72,694.40
Uvamp land "
Tide " ' "
Salmon industry "
.Military tax "
Or. Soldiers' II Nat "
St Board of Exam "
Hatchery dist No 2 "
Oregon stove f'ndry "
Hatchery "
Rounty . "
Pure food "
4,052 98
$ 828,297.25
State Taxe Fixed.
Sai.em, .Inn. 3. The Governor, Sec
retary of State and State Treasurer
f odsiy estimated the amount of reve
uue to be raised for fltase purposes for
the year 1902 at $895,000 for general
pnrpttnes ar(T $25,000 for the Agricul
tural College,, or a total of $920,000.
This is $250,000 greater than hit
year's revenue. This gum is appro
priated among the several countin
aording to the ratio fixed by the act
of the last Legislature. Under that
act, each county will contribute to
the expenses of the state to the pro
portion which their average assess
ments for the last five years bear to
the average of the total assessments
of all the counties for the same period.
The purpose of that law was to remove
the incentive to reduction of valua
tions, and now each county must coo
tribute its proportion, however low or
high its assessment mny be.
Wallowa county's state tax will a
mount to $6,533.50.
Wallowa County.
"The fallowing article on Wallowa
county appeared in the great New
Years Number of The Oregonian.
This comparatively new county has
during the year 1901 enjoyed a rea
sonable degree of prosperity. More
land hns been put in cultivation, fenc
ing done, more houaes built and more
irrigating ditches constructed than
in any previous year since its organi
zation. Successful experiments have
proven that alfalfa and brome grass
can be raised here, and many acres
have been sown, alfalfa on the lower
lands that can be irrigated and brome
on the high, dry lands.
As we have no roilroad or other
public means of transportation, farm
products are not extensively raised for
exports, but enough wheat of the best
possible quality was raised last year to
keep all the mills of the county run
ning until another crop can be bar
vastcd, and an abundance of other
kinds of grain and hay to supply all
the ttock not sent to the winter
ranges. The vegetable and fruit crop,
owing to late frosts, may not have
been quite up to the usual yield, but
there is no danger of a famine in
The copper mines, about which
there has been some stir, are still be-
ing prospected, and developement
work is being done, and the difficulty
of access is orobubly the only reason
that more has not been done with
them. The same may be said of the
granite, marble and coal depoBits
known to exists in the county. The
wonderful agricultural, grazing and
timber resources will eventially make
this a great county, whether the
mines amount to anything or not.
There is also much Government land
within the limits of this county on
which good homes will be made if it is
not all leased f.o some syndicate.
Financially the county is fairly
well off. The money coming from the
sail of the wool of 250,000 or more
sheep, and 10,000 hogs, 6000 cattle
and a great many horses at high prices,
ought to figure ' out in the aggregate
quite a large sum. When divided a
mong the 7000 or 8000 people in the
county, it gives an amount per cap
ita, perhaps, as great as any county
in the state.
Educationally, socially and morally
the people here are probadly getting
along as well as those anywhere. The
exclusion law would be a dead letter
and the scenes that caused little flur
ries of excitement in the South could
not happen here, as there is not a
Chinaman or negro in the county.
The Indians, once to numerous and
not always agreeable, after scvoral of
them had to work out fines on the
streets of Enterprise fwr violating the
fish and gane laws, left in disgust and
are seen no more. Only four persons
have been found worthy of the peni
tentuiy, which is much less than the
usual yearly average. No one has
been sent to the lunatic asylum and
the two or three attempts at suicide
were not successful. It is doubtful if
a people more justly better satisfied
with themselves and things in general
can be fovnd than in Wallowa county."
Notice is hereby given' tha. the
Eighth.Gradc Final Examination will
ne nciu xeoruary otn, otn, ana Yth,
J. C. CO.VfcEY, . . .
Supt. of Schools. -
The Foot Ball dame.
Razzle Dazzle!
Rackety Crack!
Zip Rah Bixim!
We're The Enterprise Team!
Give U Rooml
The game of foot ball between En
tcrprise and Walowa, Saturday after
noon m this city, was one of the lest
and hardest games played in the
county this season. Victory had
been pinched the entire year on the
Wallowa banner while the Enterprise
team had been defeated by the Wal
lowa team on Chrstmas day. One
team was determined to make a clear
record of victoties for the season, while
the other was determined to redeehi
The first few minnits of the game
appeared as though neither aide would
score and the game would bo a draw,
lmt during the next few downs and
while Enterprtse had the ball, John
ston of the Wallowa team grabed the
ball from the Enterprise man who
was carrying it and struck for gou
There was some wrangleing about the
play but the Wallowa team was alow
edits points and the game was OtoO
in favor of the visitor- The Enterprise
rooters were rather disheartened at
this sudden turn in affair, but the
iiome team negan to pmy v im renew
ed energy. Gradually the bull was
forced toward the Wallowa goal but
the close of the first half of the game
was advancing faster, nnd the ball was
lost on downs within a yard of the
goal line just as time wsb called, and
and the score was C to 0.
The last half of the game, however
belonged to Enterprise. At the cud
of nineteen minuites the pig skin was
over the Wallowa goal line, but fail
ing to kic-K goal the score was still in
favor of Wallowa by G to 5. The
next kickoff was made with six
teen miunites to go on and the Enter
prise boys were determined to put
th-j ball over their apponents goal
line again within that time.
The boys plays were fast and furious
being one torliriiius bmnrneiii.ir a-
g-i.ist the line which gradually loss
eivd the number of yards to the goal.
The shorter the time grew the faster
av.il harder the Enterprise doys play
er!. At lact the ball was within two
yr.rds of the goal and the yells of en
couragement from the side lines bo
came deafening and they were almost
si. re of making a goal the i.ext play.
O.k) minute of time remained until
ti c game would be oicr and the score
G to 5 in favor of Wallowa iuiIom all
ot her goal was made. But the Wul-
l(.v, :i team rallied and hold them for
no gain. It was a critical point, but
(;,:' :k as a flash the ball was put in
p'.iy and going around loft end for a
t( ..chdown with just one half minute
t(. : pare,. A failure to kick goal and
1 1 . i.1 score was 10 to 6 in favor of Eli
te -rise.
The only serious Accident during
game was when Fred Minor, the
jeuttr rush for the Wallowa team
obliged to quit with a broken
Minor was a b.id loss to the
Wallowa team.
Roy Dale of the Enterprise team
li.it his breath and senses nt the samo
ti :;), but Dr. Temple aoon found
th.-in for him and he continued in
t!.e game.
Large deligations from Lot-tine and
J. -eph witnessed tho game and thor
oi .;iily enjoyed it.
, Notice.
I will be in Enterprise Jan. 20th to
b: y horses. Description: Age, 4 to 8
yi r.rs; height, lfij to 16 hands: weight,
above 1070 to 1200. Broken or' un
bu.kon bays, blacks, bl owns or sorrels.
IIeotok McDonau).
; Notice
Will buy all kinds of hides, furs,
(.Id rubber boots and thocs, tiMt-cop?
per etc. Will be in Enterprise the
f'.rsfc week in every month, in Joseph
tho second, iu I.ostine the third and
i i Wallowa the fourth. In case of
ny abtencc leave all furs and hides
at Calvin's or Funk & Sons, , ,
Fire In L Grande,
Lt Grande, Jan. 9. Fire thin morn
ing destroyed a row of wooden build
ings on Fir street, between Jt (Tersoti
avenuo and the railroad. Tho tiro
originated at the rear of the Frenchy
chop house, which was being vacated.
The cause is unknown Losses are
as follows!
George Ott, saloon building, $1200;
Dray Bros., Btoek liquors and lunch
counter, $1300; no iusuraneo.
James White, three building, $2
000; insurance $1000.
J. Bull & Co., groceries, $3."00; in
surance, $3,000.
Schmidt t Hoffman, meat market.
$2500; insurance $UMHI.
L. Do l'etris, chop house, linhi..
Schmidt & Hoffman had $1500
worth of pickled pork.
The new brick building of John
Mars adjoining, was uninjured.'
From John Hull to Uncle San.
The forthcoirin number of
The ImU-pni ent will pi int a poem
by Alfred Austin, poet lnurnit of
England, entitled ''Ti i!n':'." mid
dedicated "With wnnvivt smnia-
thy to the American people."
Following aio the two closing
verses, which speak the best senti
ment of the poem:
"Should envious uliriiH plot ami plan
'Gainst one and now tin.' r.tlirr,
They Hwift won!. I lcnrn haw tr llio km 1
liiiuls broilicr unto hru'.ht-r.
How quickly they wotiM i hat.c their l.u k ,
Amlfchow tlii! roiTL'unt foatlmr.
Should Stars nnd Bl ripis ami I'nlon J: ok
Hut flout niust-llieU toKi'tlier.
"Now let us frivu one hearty Kl ip,
As by true mvii ure given,
Ami vow f rnternal fi ieinl.,i,
Tlmt nevnr rfhull be riven.
Ami with our peaceful flans unfurled. -
lie fair or foul the weather
Should need arise, face all the world ,
Am! stand or fall together.
Q. A. R. Installation.
John F. Reynold Post Xo. 15, at itru
regular meeting in December elect d
the follow ing officers lor the ensuing
year and they will be installed next
.Saturday afternoon:
L. L. llambelton Commniuhr
C. It. Pratt Sr. Vice Commander
J. M. Heals Jr. Vice Command, r
John Zurcher Adjutant
W. C. Endiontt Ouaitormanter
John Uaulcin
L. M. Chapman
Chu plain
Delegate to the De
partment encampment.
D. K. Eades Alternate delegate.
Th-i Post meets regularly on the
Second Katurday of every month, .
I. O. O. F. Installation.
The Independent Order of Odd
Fellows belli their annual iustallaiion
of officers Saturday night in tlii, eitv
The officers for the following year are
as follows:
I- Green N, (irand
T. It. Akin y;t.0 Grand
J. F. Johnson Recording Secretary
Sam Litch Financial Secretary
John Root . Treasurer
V. R. C. Installation.
The officers of the W. It. C. were
inntulled, before a number of member
and gupHts, on tbt evening of Jan. 8",
after wnich a banouet was spiead.
Following are the name of the
officers elect.
President Ray E. Ruler
Ken; Vice President Mary Rankin
Jun. Vice President Flossie Legore
Treasurer Roso Voris
Chaplain Helen Zurcher
Secretary ' Grace Wagner
Conductor Laura Haas
Guard Edna Beecher
One Vwckskin mure, 2 years old,
dlack luftne and tail. Uranded circle
on right shoulder. Any one return
ing the same will receive a reward of
I Junky Dumb.
( t