Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, January 02, 1902, Image 8

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    orri-iAi. iuu:nouv
President William McKinley
Secretary of State John Hay
Secretary of Treasury. . Lyman J. (ia!
Secretary of Interior. . J. Y. Hitchcock
Secretary of War Kliliu Koo
Secretary of Navy John ' jong
Secretary of Agriculture. . James Wilson
postmaster-General.... Charles E. SmitL
Attorney-General John W. Uritigs
Register E. W. Bartlett
Ueceiver K. 0. Swackhamer
.. o . ( Joseph Simon
y.b. Senators j w McLriae
T1 , .. (....Thoe. H. Tonpie
Representatives j M.A.Moody
Governor T. T. Geer
Secretary of State F. I. Dunbar
f-tato Treasurer Chas. S.Moore
Attornev-General D. K. N. Blackburn
!jupt. Public Instruction. J. H. Acterman
litata Printer W. H. Leeds
1 F. A. Moore
Supreme Judges C. E.Wolverton
( K. S. Beau
Joint Senator '.. .Justus Wado
Representative G. S. Reavis
Jude G.W.Hamilton
Cleric C. H. Zurcher
gheriff H. I'. Cramer
,., . . John McDonald
Commissioners mnm williaros
Assessor John McCubbin
Treasurer G. M. Hendrickson
l?chool Supt J.C.Conley
8urvevor D. L. Reavis
Coroner Dr. J. W. Barnard
tock Inspector Jas.Tetry
Bicked Up Here And There
By The Chieftain.
Foot ball Saturday.
Attorney Lake was down from Joe;
eph Monday.
Foot ball Saturday, between Wal
lowa and Enterprise.
Sam Adams was out from I run aha
Monday on a buisness trip.
Mrs. J. W. Rankin spent Christmas
in Joseph with relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Griggs were pass
engers on Saturday's stage for Elgin.
Wilford Green began this week to
learn the printers trade iu the Chiei
qwi.v office.
Assessor J. II. McCubbin was up
from his ranch below Lostine Monday
on a buisiies trip.
A. D. Buzzard anil Isaac Bingaaian
of Flora were in the city Friday and
Saturday on business.
Henry Haas who has been spends
jug the holiday season at home will
return to Lower Imnaha in a few days
to remain the rest of the winter.
This week we have a new corres
pondent from Prauie creek. Let
others come forward. We want news
from every section of the county.
Rev. Green informs us that his
iK-riif of meetings will begin on Sun
day, Jan. 12, instead of the first Sun
d ij' in the month, a was published
last week.
The Chieftain is in receipt of a
copy of the Boise Statesman of Dec.
20 in which there is an account of a
Christmas game of foot ball in that
city with a team from Tayette. In
the line up of players appears the
names of Clarence Lutttell as right
half back and Libert Luttrell as left
guard. It was a hard game in deep
mud, neither side scoring. The Lut
trell boys played in the celebrated
Enterprise team three years ago and
are good players. If there are going
to be made any points in a foot hall
game it is certain that with Clarence
as a half back his team will make
their share.
J. S. Downey is managing the
Western tour of the great Hypnotist
of India, Dr. Duchesne and is arrang
ing to appear in the Enterprise Opera
House, about Jan. 7th. Ho promises
the Enterprise people a feast, as Dr.
Duchesne is considered the greatest
hypnotic performer on the American
stage and is direct from India.
The Joseph foot ball team passed
through town Tuesday morning, en
route for Lostine, where they met a
team from that town during the after
noon. The game resulted in a score
of 12 to 0 in favor of Lostine. This
makes it even between the two teams.
Joseph defeated the Lostine team
last week.
A few friends gathered at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bater Monday
evening in honor of Mrs. Rater's
birthday. The evening was spent in
whist playing and Mrs. Bater gave
prizes to the best and poorest record;!.
Mrs. Roe received the first prize and
Mrs. Bater herself t he booby prize.
It is icportcd that J. D. Cottingham
who was taken out to La Gronde last
week, waived examination and his
bonds placed at $500. It is stated by
his relatives that the charge against
him is false and simply a piice of
spite work with a woman at the bot
tom of it.
Chas. Copeland, of Ilailye, has in
vented a machine for counting sheep
and registering the count. It will
count and register from one sheep to
2,000 and then can be. re-set and com
plete another count of any number up
to 10,000.
L. B. Emmons and wife and At
Emmons and family returned Satur
day from Mud creek where they spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Emmons. They report a fine time
and plenty of dancing.
The Homan boys recieved n tele
phone message, Monday, from their
father at Astoria, stating that their
brother W atson was very sick. Pren
less and Arthur started for his bed
side immediately.
The return game of foot ball be
tween the Enterprise and Wallowa
tenuis,, will be played in this city next
Saturday afternoon. It promises to
be the beat one of ths season.
Married i At Grouse, Dec. 23, 1901,
at 12 o'clock at the residence of C. D.
Slow, .7. W. McCaully and Miss Min
nie Slow, both of Grouse. Rev. Smith
Geo. B. Robeitson of Lower Imnaha
was in tha city a few davs last week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Foster and S. L.
Magill were up from Lostine today.
Frank Ott was fined $20 in the Re
corders Court, Thursday, for permit
ting gambling in his saloon.
Just the same number of of mar
riages were reordid in ttiis county
buring 1001 as were during 1000.
E. II. Carmen has sold his ranch to
j l'eter Baudan and will move to a
ranch he owns at Whatcom, Wash.
The game of foot ball last Saturday
between the teams from Joseph and
Lostine resulted in favor of Joseph by
a score of 5 to 0.
Julius Vowinkle, who is working
for Ed Weathrrly in his sheep camp
in the Paradise country, was in tin
city Tuesday.
Mahhikd In this city, December
i 31, at th e Methodist parsonage, Mr.
Edward J. Avery and Miss Ida Wort
man, Rev J. C. Walker officiating.
The County Courf has sued the
Range stove men for $200 on account
of the failure to take out a county li
cense to peddle, They are required to
appear before Justice Voris on Jan. 11
Miss Minnie M. Gift and William
II. Wagner of Enterprise, Oregon,
were married at the home of the bride
in Smith Centre Saturday afternoon
at 3 o'clock. Rev: W. J, Meredith,
pastor of the Methodist church, offici
ated. None were present except im
mediate relatives. They will leave
the latter part of tlw weak for the
groom's home in Oregon where they
will reside.
The groom is the son tif J. C. Wag
ner of Crystal Plains and formerly
lived here. He is now engaged in the
stock buisness in the northwest and
is quite successful m his operations.
Tne bride is well known to Smith
county people generally. She has
been in the millinery buisness here for
several years and had built up a suc
cessful trade. She is a daughter of
John Gift of the Crystal Plains coun
try. Smith County (Kan.) Journal.
51 r. and Mrs. Wagner nrrived in
this city Tuesday evening and were
met by a number of friends at Mr.
and Mrs. 15. T. Longs, who surved a
bounteous supper in their honor.
Marriages for 1901. '''
Your Horge I
til BQESSga i j
I hf 3 Is 3 -
m Vv y D Pi
are supplied here the best combination of
leather and labor. The harness will fit. and
the saddles are easy riding and the latest styles
which is sure to give satisfaction. The quality
of our horsewear is the best and our prices right
Harness & Saddle Shop.
ADA E. ROE : : : Proprietor.
Confectionery, Books, Fine Stationery, etc.
j2T" School supplies always on hand.
VOZT'OFEICE BLOCK, Enterprise Oregon.
Date Ja.vuA.'iV
2 D. C. Wood and M. S. Shook.
13 W. R. Wartioek and Sallie Alford
13 I. S. McDonald and R. M. Doucl
10 L L Young and Etta Jones
7 0. Tratt and Theresa Goebel
27 G W Fra.ier and Jessie McCall
20 J A Denny and Grace B Beal .
13 L J Bell and Alice M Denney
15 Walter A. Fay and Ada Johnson
23 Jas 11 Story and Susan Tucker
2 G M Voris and Rose R RatclifT .
(i WM Ilnnter and Mary Graham
21 D G Carter and Nora L. Dunn
1 W II Post and Annie Christensen
J 5 T F Jacob and Delia M Cusuiii
25 L G Snell and Vertio Meek
20 L J Willett and Xanna Johnson.
5 L B Emmons and Bertha Wright
10 II C Davis and Edith Skaggs '
10 F J Englehorn and Mablo Hall
20 J S Renville and Mary A Cole
27 0 J English and Dora Simmon
3 C E Akin and Mary A Otto
21 Harvey Wilson, Emily Berland
30 Bruce Box Jeanne Reid
10 A E Jones and Luella Crawford
25 Henry Mitchell, Minnie Earley
25 A H Robinson and F M Smith
30 F C Shafer and Vena Booth
5 Chester Turlay and Daisy Wassou
1(5 Robert L't. and Tearl Sprague
18 Neil Baker and Dola Cruder
23 F L Fletcher and X L Henderson
2 William Halsey Virgil Ph.kley
7 Chas C Bloom and Brtha Rutter
27 Robert Dunning, Nellie Brewer
22 W I Calvin and Berta L Reavis
SO G S Templeton, Lizzie Leonard
3 G W Miller and Ida Thompson
17 E T Riley and L M Eddlemon '
13 Walter S Lovely, Sarah 11 Conley
13 Jas M Conner, Fannie L Moore
24 Win Locke and Maggie M Botts
Deckmhkk . '
15 L E Wilsey and Maggie Pritcliard
25 Chas E Whitmore May V Fleet .
25 Paul Moore and Ethel Eddlemon
Chas C Day and Ada Dailies
Ernest A Bodiner, Mtry Conklin
L Lea man and Leo! in Ifammock
31 Edward J. Avery mid Ida Wort-man.
One buckskin mare, 2 years old.
dlack mane and tail. Branded ciiele
on right shoulder. Any one return
ing tlie same will receive a reward of
Henry Ohms.
Notice to Stockholders,
Notice is hereby given that the
annual meeting of stockholders of
the Wallowa National Bank, of En
terprise, Or., will be held at the office
of their Banking house on Tuesday.
January 14, 1902, between the hours
10 A. M. and 4 P. M. for the election
of directors for the ensuing year, and
for the transaction of such other busi
ness as may legally come before said
W. E. Holmes, Cashiev.
our patrons who owe us past due
accounts are requested to favor us
with payment at as early a date as
posible. We wish to effect these set
tlements before the first of Feby.
This notice is intended only for those
accounts standing the length of time
that they would be .considered past
Respectfully Yours,
E. M. & M. Co.
We conduct the only up-to-date
Subscription Agency in the county.
We receive subscriptions for any
periodical in America or Europe,
and keep a complete record of all
subscriptions so received.
& Oregonian 1 year $2.00
& S. F. Examiner 2.25
& S. F. Chronicle 2.25
& Spokesman-Review 2
& St. L. Republic 2
& Globe-Democrat 2
&Tri-Weekly World 2
& Chicago Tribune 2
& N. Y. Tribune 2
& Daily Telegram for
two months 2
& Toledo Blade 1.75
& Atlanta . Constitution
Ch: - din
& Munsey 2
& McClures 2
& Cosmopolitan 2
& Puritan 2
& Christain Advocate-3.00
& Christain Herald 2.50
& Penny Magazine- 1.65
& Puck's Library 2"
& Scribnerys Mag. 3.60
& Young Peopl'e Com
panion 1.85
& Poultry Journal 1.85
& Amer. Sheep Breeder
& Black Cat 1.75
& Christain Standard
& Arena 3.00
& Woman's Home
Companion, 2.00
& National Magazine,
2 00
& Home Magazine, 2 00
& "Land of Sunshine,"
2 00
-Here are some
that can not be teat for the money.
The County news, the news of the
World and a fllagazine
Oregonian )
McClures each 1 year for $2.95
Chieftain )
Globe-Democrat i
Munsey's each 1 yr. 2.85
Chieftain )
Oregonian 1
Ladies' Home Jl. V eac'a 1 yr, 2.95
Chieftain )
Examiner )
Puritan each 1 yr. for 3.25
Chieftain j
If none of these combinations
suit you, we can make one that
will suit you, and save money for
1 1 1 m.-i--. - Tr.i t.!1
Beginning Saturday, Dec. 28
n and afftr tlje aboce date m
prices unll be grcatlV reduced
on tl?e following lines of
Winter (Jooc!
Winter weights in
Men's & MM-.
At greatly reduced peices.
TTT. a.
At greatly reduced prices.
My greatest Bargains
WlttfSS Miillit-
Will be closed out at 50
cents on the dollar.
i Winter weights
i P KM flRy tR n
ter lm iff as ir U3 c,i