Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, January 02, 1902, Image 4

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County Official Pap
:-, f V'f.-iS': a: Er.!
Sflrs'.-KJTIuX fcATila.
i .
)'.'", - .7 m.'.r.ttt .
v - ..T,". ti.rv- inr,:.th
'.V ,t; -'Hi cUtrue your
: ' .rti'r. inin.; your
T..i!.t aldrTT'.. :.'.v
.v r -.I.- M; 1 r 'it..'..:' .
the county who have had experi don't have Da!: r. an I Wa.ie s:l-
L creameries ar.u tnev are tir.2 m tne ccoice of the fc:r.2-
ry ar.xio'j.-to have one estal. - doni of glory to jreet us and say;
i! r -j.ka w-51 "We are save-l. If we are t- be
from the Lt:nu-rs t ntertamel lv Luton .md V. ale.
and ws hop; th..t Thrown an I Johr.-on. Cz'dgir? and
I eneouriize the c-?- Guiteau. the d-i-'.ard'v creature?
tabii-hrnent of the plant at g.T:e
poh.t in the va.lev.
ire o:..v
all v
':':. Tliis ce:
!'.. b .-. r .' ' "... l.
s'.ar.d troint
cvervhodv wi!
Laxd thmcm at La'tran.U rv2r.r .
lc. 7. l.uI
.vL Settl&s lS5 Claimant
it vnu want 10 d p on lanfl r,... t
who have killed .-otnehvly, .lease
sive us traiisjj-.rtation to some
other realm. IW.liv. revere-id
::t ari'i fuvire
Tm p-irar kept or. file by A!'irt
T..7-r' AdverlHir.2 Agency, portiam!
Or -t'oi. where ad verS:8r. mav be re
:.'.! ior i:.
a worn in rn iy not be r-?-
ouired to wori mo:? th'.n te
hours. t!ii. a set mur. be provid
ed for her wii r. i: actually em
ployed, and sae ceneraliy shs.'.I
he trf-itM differently and shorn:
more consideration than the made
emtdove who work- bv her tide, Is
K. w. yi.
-netnen, we do not want to go to piw ,JS COD!mtJ w .n upoa
a heaven where Daiton is a favor- coltivasion of Ucd. vU:
i Jame M. Blae!v. James ratj,;:ieriv,
ed an?el. ; , , , -.. ,
of Joseph, Orern, STlvesterT. T.prr!:.
I of Ciiico. Oregon, and William F. Cri.
'. of Enterprise. Oregon.
. W. EAKTLETT, Dee-is:er
i bere"rT pier that f.H:..j:r.z Tl" totjri-t travel be
naaiej ??.irroa? Dwirot iw inir::- .
tioo to mke linai i'joi in ::t rt r.asi ana me i ac. at v-u.m . - i run
cl hi, ciaio. a.. h.t tn,; i:: ir.i . nrmnM r-wmortions ia : P 0,5 -r 'croestend, buy 8choJ
miioner at Er.t'rrrie. Ore-jorl." the li-t few years, and cal
on Jan. 24. I5jrj..iz: awvia: class of eouirmient. To ,;,i
eOVXnwl NLt -eet thu demand the Pullman rj' y.. Choahflll
S'E-i ai.i sWi. m;-, ; $ T. "N.E 4., ComriRV his issued from its shops i u. .wiscai.ail
, . n i. rr c hi r t c o t r t-i
wns.ii: tectDicaiivcai.stne run- t. o. ot.-uuoojiv 7i.
' . ' ' or stateand, or transact any othj
or a . o; janj jjUEjneg!, cajj
Whiie General Miies is a
a law pa3ea i-y tne Its. W ashus.:
ton leai.iiature r.n l which has lee:i
declared V b unconstitutional by
Judze D-inney. at Ev-ntt. The
, decision i- causing lunch comnter,:
through tiie tate. Ti;e
Executor's Notice.
Notice : h-rehy pn thit the nn
iler.-ij'nfrd liAc Ven i::'v a.lnoir.Uu Ex
-eiitr of the Ust wil! and testament
of keutx-n 1), Cole. decea-d; urn! nl!
Land Otfic, al La Grai.ie.'-e.
i'rr,v, h-vii- rli-i jttrirn' t!io hereby sr.ytn Ibaz luv t ... .iKinr
tate of said flecti-ed are henjhy retjnir-' ti.m to make tinai rr-f ii. sunpxrt n:
ed to present the -ame with tie proper , (,!V A. c. Smiti, r. s. Vtun;...ner
i. VDiietier to saul Executor at I-.tine. ; a' t-"trr.n irmoii. nn IVt. 1 . ! !.
. in : 'j ii vii Ma it. ii:r:"i.jvjik'i-. t . ii L' -i ..j . i.. . . . - l .i.jt-
e 1 i .t . v i .1, : t)reon, or to his attornev, I). . .,,r!. iii, , t., u-l- vu-i. .
r and fifiir-ur. iif- ii inclined to . , ' rfheahan. at his orSee in Entemrise. i - v " br:v-
..iiui. c; wittt ii'u t. Hi .i
n little too U!kv.:ve and parti-; w;.h ,he h,. (. laUjf t0
IT T. i o P.. 4 S W. M
O-.. .1 .1 .- names iiie i'iiii.wifi wi'n" t.
recton. within six months from the! ,,.... i. r... ... - . ..
as a c.su-
lUiP Ui 1UU li.I.T. (
The ease in point was mat or the j T;iited this 17th dav of D ; 1M j
1 ... it
siaie 01 asumion asain-:
' 1 Knudson, a lanndryman, the state
SiK-retary of the Trei-tiry Gae! labor commissioner having cause 1
.a resh'iutiand ex governor Hhaw jhis arrest because he worked fe
tus laundry 12 IS 'Jl.
of Iova has 'oeen atrointed to :':-; male emploves in
r::ed him. Shaw is the second ; longer than ten hours iff each day.
member o; President Roosevelt's j In the justice court the laundry
vabinet from the state of Iowa. rnan was founil guilty an-1 fine l
Wilson is secretary of Agriculture. ! An appeal was taken to the super-
; - ior court and the decision was re-
.. ,. .. i versed Jude J.:nnv said that
II AM-A L.L. L(Ji-t,
! Executor
Es'r Att'v.
ultivatino nt, sai'j tami. viz:
William H. WV-aver. mr W.
W. W. White
Ent:7pri.-e. Of'j.:n.
man Ordinary .eej-er." iiiee . t nterpj-fie,
cars apwar ?.::i:iar to tne regular
sleepers being bnilt on the game
plan, r ut not furnished with the -j gt j
-;n.et'.eganct. They are equipped U, Vl. oncCkilian,
n-:r5 ?.-.!f klar.Vpta sh'U
rillows, pi'.iow-ca-es. towels, combs. . ,
brakes, etc.. re-fuirinz nothing o? AttCmSy CHQ COUnSCIOr 3t LflV
... l-:..,l 1... i.T.r-.Ul t... J,
wiir i.-.iu 10 iir iuiiiuiicu .'"- KXTKIIPIIIHK, OREGON.
ii'ir 'f-r r noh Mr hna fl ctnvp t i i 1
for making tea and coflVe and do- (emied to ilisimtrh. Practice in tu
r.c: "lirht housekeepintr." and each State Federal Courts and InteriJ
section can le fitted with an ad-, Deart,nellt-
justah'.e table. A uniformed per- 1
ter accMnatanies each car, his bust-1 .
iess ltng to make uo berths. PMSQ A T I
k et. ti e car clean, and look after j rx, r.-L I ,
ti.- ints and comforts of the pa'-, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEO?
ri.rr xit t:ai. ll tiir li.il:? : r- . -4 l
i..ieiJiiae Oregon, I
widch a. dispatched dailv from'
Portland bv the 0. R. i- N. Co. is ' Calls
;o i found one of the?e 'Pullman
to all parts of th counl?
1-23-02. ; NOTICE FOP. Pt'BLlCATION.
Notice of Settlement of Final
nromtitlv misivpn-il
I:.. . H I'L i Rndiilnnnn 1.1, ..I. 1' r . i .. i
.. wruiimrv s.tepers. ine car at- - ' ' i-ai ui meiiicui.
.tai-hed to the "Chicago-Portland iu,,urc,, OHice m, Main Street, on)
.reciul" goes through 'to Chicago! blook wt of Bank f
. atMwit;? nii'imp tlio rr.a in tla I
Atlantic Express" runs to Kansas i ' "
Citv without change. Passencers p., . , n.T,,. T
in tlili ip:ir fur f.hnnrn fhMn7t in i ' W,
siniilar car at Granger.
JIui.ii of the first class travel i
i c would r.-sect:u.iv u."2 tr.it ' . . . ....
tl.eiiMe. 1onotco:m.ya.,ornYsbe.9mackedo.cla33 .g,ation; ; Chenoweth, adminutratrix of the
r.i. forvj.t:a and th'.-candidates o: . , , . ... estate of Jnm IV4?pv f!hnnwAtl.
t.Qj iiuon aarxr nn t rw Trio tin. -- . . . .
:-..i parties rjr u.e legislature
ii .- . . . i ii Pme court
pledge tuemse.ves to vote and work
to ti.at end. The fact of tnere oe
i:;g no deputy district attorney in
this count;
evi! doers.
is an encouragement to
doing to Glory?
The Portland Evening Telegram
j has the following comment to make
on the conversion of a murderer
recently sentenced to he hung in
I)il"-5 01 ; that citv:
I 7f VtaB ti(-nn rrtr-fr.l flmf r-.iii-1
Tiic insets andhorors infect the' , r, n i u , " v r ! hearing objections thrr-to,
!.;. r.n.l..rw1 on,1 r.r.r.r! I ,,J-V n,e.1 111 " otfl e ! VOfn Ctati"
, ', . . ! n.ent .No. Sifl for the pun-hase of tn-
; ior settlement ami men m tne county j uts 3 ami 4 S K. N W' of Section No 1
: Court of the Htate of Oregon, for j Township No. ;" S.. 11. No. Ah t. W." M."
i Wallow., cotintv, her final account of "tTnV 1'T ,K
' . j sought m more valaanle for its tniits?r or
I her administration of said estate, and stone than for u-jrii-nltiira! niinw,.. ,n.-
i.i niniiipii i, naim io ?am lar.u iielor.
Umtei! .ytat- Land Oilioe,
ili Oraud.-, Vtk.. Nov. 1.;. 100!
Notice is heiehv aiver. tliat in i. imph
: anue with the provi-iuns o: an act ui L'or.
i ifrei-s of June o. 17 entitle. i "An act ' , , .,
j fot the sale of timber Umls in li.e State- ,atrt, ,, ln? ,Iower- and the service
of California. Or.'oi., Neva la and Wash- nearly equal to that in the palace
I i nut n territory,'- as extemlf.I to all ttin sl-t'icrs.
i nunc iiiiii Mutes ry act ot Aii-rust 4. 1 p i ti ,
ljg. Eizie 0 Makin, .,f Etarrri ..-ounrv -. .or..rates and ful1 mrormation,
of Waliowa. SaH of flr-.ni:. W II. i".
DePue Sl Cook
including folders, write to
A. L. Craig,
General Passenger
Agent. 0. R. N. Co. Portland,
Office upstairs in Court House
J. A. Bl'HLEKiH.
W. S. Iiv::i.EiGn
A citizen of Hawaii is in Oregon ;
at present t) secure 100
woodpeckers for his native land
!,.. Ar.wi ... ft.-. i:.i. .1... ,.r t ...
- .. w ij ine "in uat ut .J.illLi.ii . ,, ,:
i-.no in ,--.ii. r ,i r .' l"e 1"?isieraMi lteeelver ot tins i. line a!
..02, at 10 o clock A. M. at the Court U Graml. f,r.. on Tues-iiy, the --it. da
mom oi sain ourt in sain countv
I ot Jannarv, lyjj. i O. E S
and State has been clulv apr ointed hv He nau.es as witnesses : Uodia Bean-j
aid Court as the time and place for '''" Wortman, IVter Bea-iduit,. ( WalWa Valley Chapter, No 50.
the settlement of said accoM.it and : ' a" .r.e, .-regon. , 0r(ler of the Eastern ijtar. holds iN ! n n.... . .
at which I, healed: '" regular comintinications on the First I " "-u Atractm-
..,! ; to tile tin ir claims :r K... and till-Third rinfimLiv .f....ol, I,
KStf Ollicu in Court Hon
o. E.
Practice in all Courts of the State. 1
trees o: IT.-twnii and it u hm.crl',. . . time and piace anv nerson mtorestei i to tllB t"i ir claims
...... . i 5avci' xxe i.a ien w iniorm- ,A ,,. 1 :i i. ; I0re saiu -Uti dav o; January. IMj-j
th.-it rhf wond takers will n.-.l-i ". " ' ; in said estate m
1 ' " (-. i hit ariitnttiil ndt.i
war or, them and thus preserve the j v ' , - , T. , lnctlom " ""ting toud account and.
f t 1 j Farlitirom The Telegram's- contest the -same. , , j
j heart to dispute or deny such an j Amanita A. cWxowkth, I
1 et it seems not exact-: Administratrix of the estate o
James Wesley Clieno-.veth. deceased.
Soil T?oii rt-(..... i ... ,
wiaic ami maKe uoilec
fioii-s mi P.v.i...:..:
. . ' " : a.-siiraiicr-
. The action of President Koose-v T'A,t or f iir
velt is very commendable in the) Jim Morrow was no doubt a sin-j IrueA Cook, Attorneys for the
dismissal of Maclay from the Gov-j ful y0Ung nian- jje was killed estate.
ernment service. Maclay is the like a dog, in his sins. He had!
f-dlow who pietended to write a ! been out. nn that fatal riht .. i
history and who caused the demand! joying a social evening with a
of Admiral Schley for an inquiry. : young kdy whom he expected to i
While the President h un admirer j marry. He was thinking about !
..? i .I.-.:...! c t . i . i I - .
..I -v.jiiu.ai ,.:anip?uii ui! nas snowo marriage, home, t omc-sti.ity, in
United 8lates Land Office.
La Grande, Oregon, Nov. 21, 1001 .
h spirit of fairness toward Schley , come not at all about hiisn-.il or: Notice is hereby given that Charles L.
!.. tt ! "arwiiorn oi .io-epn, Urexon. haa filed
-n-1 a lii.-position to remove and
-.i.ciice that which might cause : 0r saying at the time: "1 believe I
irritation on cither side, lie re-; thus and so." He wasn't "prepar-
moved.Mitday as firmly as he re- ed." Therefore, according to rev-
iriiuaii'ica .Mile?
V,. O.Rhude, a Yamhill rancher
4: rr ix xt- i. Hartshorn ol Joseph, Oregon, has fl
4 taivaiiuji. xiewasni minKing ; notice of intention to make proof on hi:
nt aqi'inn nf U ltn.. it t 1...1 -' dejert-Iill'd I'liliin ?Cn 9".1 ff
SKH NK.lj- So.:. 27 T. 2 N. It.' 47 E.
M. before A. C. Smith, L'. S. Commiss
ioner at Enterprise. Oregon, on Tues-
. . i 1 , . . ,, , 1 "a-i. tna L'l dav of Jar.imrv. 1001'.
erenu logic,, ne is in a . parlous i m ,1 (n ..
. . ,, . , l, I Ho names the following witnesses to
giaie. ii, lust tne moment netoro prove tne complete irrigation and re.
11... -v -f.i .' , , . , clamation of anid land
lii. mai or Tito rrct . ha hn. -
" - ' ....... .v . ... 1 1 1 j 1 1 V. A.U...
rrr.idi.d f..v,,l,,. fnrn00 ..:: v,.i ! .,.! " agner, Willium A. Jones,
' : . mil- ".v,., ,mu a ,ni.ju, ns-.u .Aincrt narti-iioi 11, and crank D McCuM
1 r r'-.-x i ... . . ... ill-.. i , ..11 . .f l 1. . - -"
l-laillt OI L lilted States Altnrnov
- - ..... .... ,
Hal!, charging him with cutting
timber rm Government, land, near
the north for!-: of Gray: river,
Yashington. He was I ound over
to the Federal Court at Tacoma to
appear for trial in February, and
binds for his appearance in the
'tim of !i',"0"J having been furnished
he was released from custody.
The Government also hag a suit a
V iinst him for $10!), the valu;: of
the timber cut.
. Soma ye.'.rs ago a county in
idinnesota voted Londu to ail in
tin: construction o: a certain rail
ro id. For some lint past the road
has not 1 ecu paying expenses and
the recdv .-rof the road has ordered
it torn up. lint here conies the un
usual part of the proceedings.
The tax payers obtained an injunc
tion to prevent the track being
lorn tip an 1 the circuit court issued
in ordw.for the odicials to contin
ue the operation of the road. The
people are still paying interest on
the bonds issued to encourage the
voad, and they expect some lasting
, , .-.u,,., i, ii.iriMiniii, anu rranK u. jlcuul
fallen on his knees and nose and!aI1"fJo(!l'l;i 0refori-
exclaimed "mea culpa," he might! E. V.'. Bartlett, Registor.
have had a different future fate.
Rut he got suddenly a bullet in
the brain, and so, according to our
instruction, was forced to tread the
''primrose path to the ever
lasting bonfires."
Thus we leave him, an ) turn to
our saved friend and angel-to be
Daiton. He, let ug suppoec, pulled
Will cry sales for farmers
and others at any place. Charges
reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed,
lirrriicvci.v. c . ,
the fatal trigger. It was he with ! Kivcr-, "!"-' s- h. Brooks, sammcrviile.
the rest of the gang of young toughs
Letters have been received ask
ing about the probability of secur
ing sufficient encouragement to es
tablish a creamery in Wallowa
unity. No bonus is naked, but it
is desired to have the milk of 300
i.Wfl promised before the proposi
tion can be declared a sure go.
who loaded the gun in Mrs. Whit
ley's lodging-hous". They went
out to rob and, if necessary, to
murder, and thoy did. Daiton, our
esteemed friends the doctors of di
vinity tell us, is going straight,
surely and triumphantly lo glory.
He is "saved" Eternal felicity is
his portion, because he opens his
murderous mouth to say: ,:I
believe." Daltcn, the murderer.
the man who pulled the trigger, or
was responsible for its motion;
D:tlton who sent that theoretically
sinful young man to his grave and
to his eternal destiny Daiton, is
to be bathed in ambrosial incense
and be eternally crowned with
wreaths of fragrant immortelles!
That he is going immediately
from the gallows to glory, while
young Morrow's soul is in misery,
is diflicult to believe. There is no
mental or moval process imagin
able to the healthy mind by which
a murderer can in a. moment, by a
word of hislyii.g tongue be made a
wint. No, reverend gentlemen, if
Ire. .l.ilm I'.nlrt. I . ..
II. Aclmrth, I.ostiiie, David Kahn,' Flora'
Enterprise Title & Abstract Co
at 7:30 T. M., in Masonic Hall, Enter- ENTERPRISE,
prise, Oregon. All visiting brothers
and sisters are cordially invited to
Amy E. Fo!:svthe,
J.vo. S. Howiix, Worthy Matron.
E. W. EAKTLl-rrr, Bet ter.
otick Foit prnucATiox.
I Land Olfice at La Gr.inilc. Or. -nti
Dec. l:;. l-sii. -Notice
i hereliy friren that the f.,nn ii.e 1
namwi ett-t.r ha tiiVd notice of hi- hitcn
tion to c-Kimiate ad rtiuku rina: pr.jof
in support of hi? claim. and '
that ai,t ,,r0f wilI ,.,
fore I). W. K i...il,m. r w r ;
at hiiterpnye.-i treson . on Teii. 1. i t j viz
O "ion.r- thN KTr8W?: w"'" : ! ETEBfBiHB Camp No. 533, meets
NE;' Sec. s; X. 1 s! R 5 reSlarly on the First and Third Mon-
Ue . pi ,J'T nights oi each month. Transient
names llie following wiitiees to vu;.vi.i , i- i, ,
nrove i s rn i.tii. ,,.. i.i7.-. ... . -M . Neighbors cordial v invited
cultivation of. saiil laml vi-,- r rn..
Luther Liny-!, James K. Sliields and j
William P. Warnock of Imuaha. rirr--7r.11 1
Virgil J. L'.-vaiider, of Enterpr ise. Oregon
Woodmen of the World.
A. DePi e. C. C.
A. Aui.T, Clerk.
E.W. BAIiTLEIT, RegiMer.
A. UMflni J.S.Hodg,
Smith & Hodgin
inVhif11.,'8 dVlM,rt'ent transact.!
in this ofiice. Lund Pl,.t. f... : )
&' ' V rd Contests can!
SSqS01' -dttended toWi
Office upjhiirs, i the lierland
Land Odi e At La firan le, Oregon, j
Dec. Pol.!
Notice is hcrel.y givPn that t!.c followinir i
named settler has tiled notice of his intHn-i
tlOll to Cl.ltlltlllT ,....1 .........
" ...... iii.inu iinai . ,
proof in sui-port of hi, t.aiIli nd -Enterprise & Lostine Orp
that saiil nr..r ..-ill l. .... 1 . , r wtnn., VIC,
A large number of choice farms
listed for sale.
I). W. eiicaha:i, U. S. .-oiiii.ii,iner at
KnterpriM... Oregon, on Feb. -Jo, fr, viz
H. E. O-'iTi, William M. Snvder. of Fn
terpnse, Oregon, for the NW'i. V w a
?'v,.X,."!',i KE W'Sec. -2T, t! TOWN
'es the foiiowms witness to Can suit you in anvthinc ner
proyehis contmuou, resi.kiK-e upon and . , g Per
cultivation of aui land viz-. !. taming to real pronertv
Vesper Brumhach, of Imnaha. Oregon
Henry Uee.nan. of Joseph, Oregon. W. , PROPERTY LISTED FRPF
Arthur Jewell and Elmer T. Wagner, of Tf
Enterprise, Oregon. I -If you want to sell, buy lease
E. w. i artlett. , rent either farm or town property
Besister. L . '
, Vall on or arldrpea f:
- mv- AliLU
., ,at. either
United States Land Office, -La
Grande, Ore., Nov. 12, 1001. ' a
No'i.e i- hereby given that in ..,r,,.i; a
ance with the provisions of the act of VIS,T DR. JORDAN'S cheat I
... June o, 1878, entitled "An UUSti CF gni5TnMVi
U. S. Commissioner'
busijmss cards:
Barber and Tcsisoriaf;
...ARTIST... . I
Three ors West of Post-Officcf
act for the sale of timber lai ds in
Owners of the onlv .spt nf
Abstract books of Wallowa fit.atf.ofCaIlfor'"a. Oregon. Nevada and
n 4. -v J Washington Territory," as extended to
County, Orep-on. 1 all the Public Land k. !,. ' ? . 0
I j ,j . avk ui .-A 1 1
ust 4, lM2, William II. McFetridge. of
Enterprise, county of Wallowa, State ot
Oregon, has this day filed in this ofiice
his sworn statement No. 850, for the pur-
D.L. REAVis,!y,a8eo,,71Vsw'i of Section No. 25
m iowunmpo. -i a., Range No, 45 E.
V. M and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poHes, and to establish his
land before the Itegister and Receiver
Tk.l.. . .
to ttai W"""""08' Mai?1
Abstracts Prepared
and Titles Examined.
Fka.nk A. DkPi e, or
President. Secretary,
Office, Court House Building,
irrolt,t attroctu, t- tf.. n.. A
.1 "'-rurr"iT ,
1 I
B. H. Dreske;
Watches and Jewelry Re
paired and cleaned.
Shop upstairs in the Berland
CR. JOnSAH-PRIVATt meeiiorr.
iV -"""ut.
Nart-i.nL ' miuirar
'"'".Uoi.orrlira,, "l JMM.tnlo,.
A r I rluHiu,- elo ' V'' r r imui-j '
. vurnilvn ivi.. .
"rrBiiawl hlj treu
r only ir ,ru Iiumwlmi.
"fining, Plumbincr,
sam & Gas FittinJ
r!M 0f Trdephono Offce, :
' yra
Ore.on, and D. W. AVnrnock .ml
Richard Warnock of Joseph, Oregon. j
Any audall persons claiming adversely'
the above-described lantla are requested !
to file their claims In this .office on or lo. i
lore said 28 day of January, 1902. ,
E. W, Bamxbtt.
-..iivcr uuil IfccCClVer ' o-u m w.ll Mntuf.. in Im. "riii
of this office at La Grande, Oregon, on i H'STSJtf
Tuesday the 2811, day of January. 1902. ) uT'iM-r olta.
Ha nninna na a ;i - , Trim,, tte, h "rrilr).
n.reooM, viiar.es tor mbb.,,,. a, .J- "tii
rader.and Isaac Root of Enterprise J BrrMSW--
. lo.oeo
a. R r...
. book lor mta.t riii . -;." U.vlooJi
i";.:,d' . O.W.HYATT
W R lint . vicc-Presiaeiii.
- li- "OUlES, Cashier.
TJ L'roTMui 1. rn yv.. .. . .. .
ion. ZL 'Kl'tniMl sold. Collect i
Pt abroad'. hHmo :r