Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, January 02, 1902, Image 1

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City Official Paper.-.
!i 4
County Official Taper.-
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Ik 7 I I ! M ill ' I , ' L- -i
Beginning Saturday,
on sale an immense line
A K-..ishing,iv.lp prices.
' 'v duce our stock "before
f t' i . n eoj 1st, and every
avail themselves of
iJ . nnrrr'Mtic!
J ,J;T Wi also take this oppornity to express to one
1 ' '
. and all our appreciation of their liberal patron-
age during the past year and solicit the same in
the future, ; We assure
V utmost to merit your
f rveyoitfa'thfully
OI ' I WlcVii'fir 4,11 4 .
Wishing all a. prospofous and happy New
r'.Wear we ar
A l. l &
1 v .
Dec. 28th, we will place
of merchandise at aston-
We do this m order to re-
taking our annual invoice
one is invited to call and
this opportunity to secure
you that we will do our
good will, and endeavor to
Respectfully yours,
M. CO.
Clipped From Our
George Eeno, a discarded suitor of
Miss Lulu Mercier, of Spokane is
charged with sending the young lady
a coffin us a Christmas present, also
sending another coHin to a woman
employe of a local drj'goods store.
The State Forest, Fish and Game
Commission reports that express com
panies which operate in the Adiron
docks carried 1286 deer during the
past season. This is believed to in
dicate that 6500 deer, were killed in
this section during the year.
John R.' Rogers, governor of the
state of Washington, died Decem
ber 26. Henry G. McBride, the
lieutenant governor is now the
the chief executive of the state.
Rogers wap a Populist and McBride
is a Republican, so there will be a
general shaking up in the appoint
ative offices under - control of thp
governor's office.
Figures have been, prepared by the
Railway Age showing that railway
building in the United States during
1901 lias been for 11 years previous,
the total approximating 5508 miles
of line. In 1890 tho total approxi
was 5070, and in 1900 was 4437 miles.
The coHstuction of the year added to
the total mileage previously reported
brings the total mileage ot the
country country to approximately
199,370 miles.
Sampson's flentaTCondltion.
Urbana,. 111., Dee. 26. John B.
Weeks, of Champaign, a .personal
friend of Rear-Admiral Sampson, has
received, a letter from Mrs. Sampson,
in which she says that the mental
condition of the Admiral is beyond
recovery. The letter was written in
reply to a note expressing sympathy
with the Rear-Admiral in the person
al annoyances he has suffered in" the
controversy with Rear-Admiral ; Sch
ley. The letter follows:
"Washington, D.C., Dec. 23, 190L
My dear Mr. Weeks:- iVdmiral Samp
son is too ill to really understand
your most kind letter, just recieved,
but if he were well he would wish to
thank you for it, he cares so much
for all 'old timers' and for anything
that concerns Palmyra.
The wording of your letter shows
that living in the West has not blind
id your eyes to the truth concerning
recent events. I have enjoyed your
expression of the true facts as you un
derstand them. My dear husband is
luite worn out with a long life of con
centrated duty. Physically 7 he is
.comfortable and happy, but the brain
is tired beyond ever being rested. '
:r The Coal Fields
1 . -' -. ' , ' '-..'.'..'
Lewiston Tribune. , ; '
Fred .M. Russell, the astayer of
Wallace, returned yesterday from a
trip to the Graude Rounde coal dis
: coveries. The wip was made for the
' purpose of making an expert examin-
ation of the properties in - connection
j with the option recently given dy the
owners to M. J. Dowd of Wallace In
speaking yesterday of the real pros
pect Mr. Russell said;
"It is simply a matter of transpor
tation. While the coal deposit has
not yet been explored, there is coal
exoosM in quantity and quality to
make it of merchantable value. The
surface exposure presents coal of a
quality that could be used by smek
tors. Summing up my observations
I will sny that I consider the discov
ery superior to any. coal prospects, of
which I have knowledges in the north
west. It is it wonderful showing for
the' work done, and it is! ccitninly an
immense body."
Mr. Russell explaius that no great
depth Las been obtained in the work-
jngs, and that a shaft should be sunk !
thrugh the present layer when harder
ooaj and of a suierior quality could
probably be encountered. He desig
nates the surface layer as ft cappincr,
which, while of a 'grade satisfactory to
smelters and similar use. is not neces
sarily the stariiLrd nf ho lnrr.
- ' v " .j in irv i
""I'l". ' ninuerj-uoai was IO 11 11(1
at aertn. ' ; snitifiur. khssr i "th
transportatio'n'" problem would .be
quickly C solved. A railroad .would
str6n be. on the ground, and in all
irobability it would betheO. R. & N."
r. ivHssell says the immense out-
proppings can be traced four miles,
wie field being one of immense 'mag
nitude , u hen questioned reguarding
the futkj-e Jilans of himself or, associ
ates reguithling the properties, ?.Ir.
Eussel 8ai4!.he had. no stateipent to
make. ,
r ' .. r. -
Under No Circumstances a Candi
date for Governor.
Sunday'sOregonian, in connection
with others- mentioned the name of
our fellow, .townsman ' Hon. J. M.
Church asaC!indidate for the nomina
tion of Governor on the Republican
Ticket. ', . '" . ;
'. Yesterday an Observer representative
sauglit an interview relating to his
candidacy, wherein he stated emphat
ically, "I arnnot a candidate, and un
der no '.circumstances will I be; but
am in fayorj os I believe the greater
poi tion of the republicans of the state
are hi lenoiiyination and election of
Governor Geer, wno has so ably filled
the position with honor to the stae
and himself'.' ' - i : . . , ,
Mr, ; Church further stated: "I wouln
indeed consider it a great honor to be
i.he chief executor of the state wherein
I have made my home for the past
forty years, and especially so during
the next four years which I consider
will be the beginning of a now ara
for the Pacific C'ast: but for various
reasons under-jio circumsrances would
I accept the nomination. However,' I
appreciate the honor of being men
tioned in connection with the highest
office within the gift of the people of
the state, by prominent and activ
members of a party, whose record has
so indelibly stamped its policy and
principles into the history of our
country. I cast my first voat for'
John C. Freemont, and have , worked
in the ranks of the party ever since,
and will continue to so do, as in the
past." -
A Lively Ch aise
J. D. Cottinghani is , in trouble a
gain. Last Friday he whs riding a
horse around1 town and as a diversion
rode for a short distance on the side
walk. Complaint to the city author
ities was-made, 'and a warrant was is
sued for his arrest. In';., the mean
time,, however, the marshall of La
Grnnde telephoned in to the sheriff to
arrest Cottinghani and hold him.
Deputy Conner went into the sa
loon after him and as soon as they
got to the door, Cottinghani made a
break for liberty. Conner ran after
him and shot three times at him but
failed to stop him. By this time con
stable Weaver was in the field with
the city warrant, and tho sheriff also
took a hand. Mike Knight was told
by the deputy sheriff to go after him
alsb, and the chase across the fields
and throug the brush south of town
was certainly interesting. He was
finally surrounded in a thicket of
brush in Prentiss Homans field and
Mike Knight went in and brought
him out. .. . -
- He was brought before the police
court and fined $10 for riding on the
side walks. The fine was paid and he
was turned over to the sheriff who
held him untill marshal Childers ar-,
rived sometime during the night,
when they started to LaGrande.
It is understood that he was wanted
out there for stealing a watch, pistol,
a pair of shoes aud some other- arti
clesi ' ' '
r - CQ
iAt Bight ' Prices.
WHOLE N0019.
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