» » M F a llo o O i f i t a m . ¿i Editors & Proprietors. si nKcuirnoH bates : bingle f >opy, per year...................... Single Copy, six months............... •J Single Copy. three m on th s............... $1.5» $.75 $.5C MT yon change your address notify this o <•*, giving 5 our present and futur* post! ice address, so that, the C hikkta O tcli you promptly. FRIDAY MARCH 10, 18‘ 9 UN INTERESTING LETTER TO THE C H IE F T A IN . Inspired By One of Our Recent Editorials. » ■ p art of the conversation between the Mr. S m ith showed Imw, in the hands D IED Judge and myself. Here is w hat he ! of a desperate man, i |le seat of life told. He said we were telling our war could he easily reached. T aking the I van P ratt , aged 13 years, older experience in Missouri. Among other knife in his h in d s he continued ; “See, son o fM r.a n d Mrs. Virgil P ra tt, o things we told the Judge o f a scout tin - your honor, how deadly this weapon is, Wallowa, died March i , of scarlet fc der o ur c h a r g e ;lh a t while traveling J pow sharp and kern of point.” Just along a rountryW oad, we m et a little , here he o|ieneil the knife and to his ver, after an illness of about 7 days. man with long black heard, whom we surprise found about half an ineli of C i . viie Ti'i.i.v, aged 12 years, oldest informed would have to go to eam p , tile point broken i ff. He looked at son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. T ully, of with us, th a t when passing th e little the knife, and then at the court, and I m an's dwelling he asked perm ission to tell von the co u rt I III all it could (III to Wallowa, died March 5, of scarlet fever stop and hid his wife good-bye. We m aintain its dignity. A. C. thougl not only granted him perm ission, hut checkm ated, did got falter long, hut C, W ahiien , of Wallowa, died Marcl went in with him , and noticing some closed hv saying that it was a nasty I, of typhoid pneum onia, after an ill­ tine blankets and bed spread’ , we con­ looking weapon at best. ness of about two weeks. Deceased! fiscated the best of them . Now nc- One more incident th a t particularly was a native of E ngland and has lieen We found a few settlers in the lower cording to Vensey, while we were h ‘R - ; effected the residents of Lostine. Some in tl c country l i n t a short time. For. valley; Messrs. Bram let, Powers and ing this war incident the Judge had one had reported line grass nt Lost the past six m onths lie has been man others. In middle valley were the been using Ids eyes to some purpose, Prairie and a num ber of the residents «ging the Faniur»»’ ami T raders’ store.;• Tuliev’s, W hile, Emory, Sturgill, Mas for when we finished he said, "Sir, I of Lostine and vieinitv took th eir eat He left ve» « wife, two boys and a la r g e ’ terson, McCubbins, Womack, H alley, was tiiat little limn with the black tie tb s e late in the fall, and left two circle of friends. Sam and Aaron Waile, Francis, and heard, I t was mv house you went young men to watch them , prom ising others. At Alder was Ycasey, Reavis, through, and By George, there are to lake them provisions. This, for, Miller, Davis, and a lew others. On JEflSK YV fatherly , the young man some of my q uilts on your bed now !” some cause, they failed to do. The Prairie creek, I rem ember Roup, W il- who ncciflcntallv shot hi»n««lf in the leg! Our governm ent made a great m is­ hoys rem lined until the snow fell to on, Perkins, and Downcv. These, take in not sending Tom Yeas v to I he depth ol four feel and then came « s h i r t lim p ’»«»», n raged, h o t . 111 1 for all our supplies, which, over tine , , . . lIV te r Bondnn and while ('leaning his a candidate for t i l » logisl it ire, ono of right on, nnd to.lnv are counted as.’ . 1 v I hen poor roads, was q u ite a hardship, . ... , . , a A» evolve r, it was accidentally discharged our citizens was in G rande K inde val­ among om thrift» st and ucst citizens.:» . . . , especially Io those of sm all means. w»he hulb't entering hw tliigh. Itw a-*’ F ley and was approached by an individ­ I .have w ritten the foregoing fro m . . . ' of<>re . . he was able . . . to a ttra c t < I will give yon our own experience. ual who wanted to know how things memory, and if 1 < «ve used tin» per— 7jS(»metiine . - S w W hen harvest cam e on in G rande Iiiriu ! « j atten tio n hv palling, and 12 hours were going on politically in Wallowa, sonal pronoun “ I” <111*0 frequently,*! . 1 1 1 1 Konde, our hoys would take a four— 1 limore elapsed l»efore medical anl reach- ami incidentally rem arked; “ Of course do not ’ charge it ’•» egotism for it ,S ?<1(! p j|M ir 1.» t . to . Joseph,', I«—...I burse team and go there to w i k. H< ......1 w in h .. r .. o iiih you people will down Rex.” “ W ell,” our own experience we are w rit.ng,jf I'he wages were $2 per day, the price a fc’ r days later his leg was flin -M said the W allowan, “ I don’t th in k so, and if this shall stir lip the pioneers to «and « , .1 1 of wheat was 40 cents a bushel and lor ' (p u ta te d about hall wav brtw’e'm the.)] we rath er like him .” “ R u t,’’ said he, organize and pen ‘tunte the earlv mein-1 . • . • , ..¿I every 5 bushels of w heat they could K , ftkiiee nnd thigh joint. I he doctorssavrig “ he is a thief.” •‘Oh” said our friend, ories of the settlem ent of \Y allowa val-1? ,, , 1,: . get a barrel of f air. They could gel . fc.his blood was in poor condition, and “ th a t is ju st one of Tom Veasey’s yarns” Iky, it shall have accomplished all is;1 work long cnoiiL- io load Iheir team jihev ha: atten tio n for it was odd, unique, and inn, good l.misc, best of E u |lt r()Om llolIHei „R whiskey, there was a sudden death in such as would e n im ite Irom the brain 15 acre, in li.nblhy, s! out two ae»i-8 , go„d ,,.(rn cow slrtt,le, noddle valley. They called it heart of »iiio reared in th e state of Maine, e tin fruit tree.«, good ranch for any 8,lp(J a|)(I ,)en ,)(,usp O(M1(, failnro T h at is w hat the doctors say and I have always been glad th a t only purpose. f inde from school, and water E xceptional bargain ¡it.'F170B when they get a ense they know until­ two men fiom th a t slate ever found >(«I(1 industrious ( hrislian people for ICO acres 5 miles west >f E nterprise. ing about. Why nut he holiest ami ih eir wav to this valley. Perhaps 1 ueiuhhors. I'riee $12.10 ! 60 acres broke, 40 at res tim ber, rest suv juUs'unv.t t,y a »pie decoeQon la­ ,» A. im «>. I«»*«» t .i tlu a P h w t i »* ICO M .-ruu ». * -rM I'l»’, It' «0/1 gofsi tunm e lauu. p | hihm wa « . , .•»» beled whiskey. mice, h u t I have it nearer ro rie c t now. ranch, in the heart nt the winD r range fenced. Price $1100. T here waa another tragic death in Upon arriving at the house when »n Joseph ( ’ret k, good young orchard 160 Acree. A good stock ranch, the early settlem ent of the valley. A the m arriage is to take place, and tin ind garden,« ’‘mail mill with which to w ater which grand old man in the lower valley scared couple being brought befori grind corn on the place, will leave in , l’le,1,v nf P o , m I w inning freezes. T hree miles from the nam e of Wilson went o u t with his him , with th a t deep resonant voir» ' lie house a cock stove heater 3 bed $650. Flora. Price ■or.-in-law to gather berries, and never habitual to him , says to the trem bling «teads and eiq.hoard price $350. before stood us in good stead. They had provided a rough-lock, largely ol I heir own invention, which answered adm irably. We n ached the foot of the m ountain in tact, where we found a toll bridge th at had lieen erected hv K m i** reu »n the Postoffice at Enterprise,Oi A. C. Sm ith, wow an E nterprise a t­ torney. We paid our toll and crossed, as Second-olnss matter. hut from our long acquaintance with Mr. Sm ith, we now know we could have crossed had we had no money. The ascent was then made w ithout ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY m ishap, camped on top, and next day entered the valley which has been our L. J. R ouse & C arl R oe home for 21 years. E ditor C hieftain : Yottr recent editorial in regard to the organization of tile pioneers of Wallowa county m eets with iny hearty approbation. 1 th in k it should be done, anil soon, or there will he some th a t could give in ­ teresting experiences th a t will not he here to m eet with us. Some have al­ ready answered the last roll c a ll; o th ­ ers are far on the shady side of life. W h at rem inisi nces would he called up a t a gathering of the first settlers of o u r now prosperous county. In Nov., 1877 we arrived at La G rande and like m any other ¡m igrants found ourselves dead broke, having hut fifty cents left. We stopped fur the w inter on the m ountain side above old La Grande. T heoutbiok for us was not very cheerful, with an Oregon w inter before us and not a single acq u ain t­ ance in the en tire valley, lin t stran g ­ ers as we were, it was not long until we had gathered about us friends of the grandest type. Our hoys were strong mid hearty and anxious to work. All W«. ooul*l <«o»W AH U> o u t cortlw«*d*l' nml haul it to La G rande witn a doubtful chance of selling it. The m erchants had nlready taken so milch wood from residents, th a t they were slow to en ter in to an arrangem ent with an entire stranger, to let him have supplies and take wood lor pay, when they already had plenty. We were in a fix and som ething had to he done. »Surely we had not traveled thousandsof miles Io starve to death in the bountiful state of Oregon. W hile pondering over the difficulties th a t surrounded us, 1 re­ m em bered th a t I belonged to a certain secret society, in which the lie that binds is said to be a powerful one, so it occurred to m e th a t my present ex­ trem ity was the tim e to test its merits. 1 went to town, and selecting h busi­ ness man I th o u g h t to he b u ilt about lig h t to lie a square sort of fellow, I gave him a e e rta in sign th a t was quick ly responded to. He know th a t I was a stranger and supposed of course 1 wanted som ething and ho was not m istaken. I explained to him our situation. We wanted tools to work w ith, and supplies to do us u n til we could earn som ething. “ O” said he “ th at M easily fixed, ju st go to |,. Baer and Tie will let you l.ave any thingy o t w ant “ Why" said I, “Good Lord, lie's a Jew .” "Vee, said he, “ and the whitest man in all this country. Come on, 1 will go with yon." He gave me an intro­ duction to Mr. Baer, and in shaking hands, lie gave me evidence th a t our friend had not m isrepresented him , and our dealings w ith him th a t winter proved th a t tlie.e is virtue in th.il mystic tie. He f-ritialied us with all lings needful, and when M arch came e had paid every cen t we owed and were ready to s ta rt for the much talked of Wallowa valley. I t was am using to hear some of the residents of Grande Romle talk of this coun try. They would solemnly aay th a t it was n o th ­ in g hut a hole in the ground, th at there was n o t a single n ig h t in the year th a t it did no t frost. In fact they painted in terrible colors w hat is now one of th e best counties in the state, and would general!) end up with the statem en t th a t they had a farm in Grande Konde, which they would like to ren t you. B ut we had not traveled so far to become renters, hut to secure homes for ourselves, and notw ith stan d ­ ing their woeful predictions, we left for Wallowa, not, however, w ithout «ome apprehensions. The road was n o t in good condition, and when we got to the top of the m ountain, and looked down, we th o u g h t surely we had come to the junipping off place. T he road to the bridge was a glare of ire, and th o u g h t came to me th a t we hud lietler bid eachother good-bye, but th e experience of the hoys in hauling wood fn n the m ou n tain s the winter »___ __ __ - - _ » ; W . J, F u n k <5s S o n s : 4 r J , , , A. pair : “ Stand up ; join your rig h t hands hold up your left. You and each o' you do solemnly swear th a t you will support the constitution of the U. S. and of the state of Oregon ; th a t yon will vote the republican ticket and join the Grange as soon as possible The answer is, 1 will. Now by virlm of authority ill me vented aa a judicial officer of the com m onw ealth of Oregon I pronounce you man and woman, and let no man a tte m p t to bust up tin union. Five dollars please.” Tom never swears, b u t no were informed th a t when he read the above, he ex­ claimed “O God! show me the man tiiat wrote th a t, and I will kill him on the spot.” B ut his ire had cooled before lie found us o u t and lie has per­ m itted us to live. So you see that amid all the hardships of pioneer life, llirre was no under stra ta of fun, ami we had our practical jokes. D uring those early days there wa» very little theft. Occnssionnllv then was one th a t seemed to lorget tin golden rule, and would nppropriati for th eir own use, the property of an­ other. One incident I pa rlicularly re eall and wife insists th a t I shall write it. I t waa the arrest of a young man who had cau g h t a collide of work horses nod was w atching his opporT tunity to run them oil. .Someone sus­ pected his plans and watched them until the thief cam e. He was broughi to our house, ns we had just been elect cd a J. P., h u t we had not yet qualified so con hl not act. He was left in the house, while his guard rem ained on tho outside. He told the wife a piti­ ful ta le ; how it was his first offense, an I lie would never do so again and it would break his poor old m other’s heart, etc. H e cried and wife cried in sym pathy with him , and when A. C. Sm ith, who had charge of him , came in, she began to plead for him . "A h, Mis. Rex,” said A. C. “ I have to do l(a> much hard riding after such as lie, to feel any pity for him .” The funny p art came soon afterw ard. O ur own horses were missing and we thought they were stolen. Then wifa said she booed Mr. S m ith would retell and hang the last one of them . So after all it depends on whose ox is gored. Do you rem ember the incident Bro. Sm ith? There was an o th er incident in which Mr. Sm ith figured and it was so funny th a t I know he will patdou me for telling it. A m an had been arrested for assault wilh a deadly weapon, a large knife. A witness swore to the size and keenness, and in his •peeuLi,| ■■ ® , * J ’ a . *I)rydio(ie made before D. YV, Sheahan, U. 8. Com­ missioner at Enterprise, Oregon, on Meh. j 24, 1899, viz: EBNER BRUMBACK, I I E No. «280 lor the I '1» 8W L , A , > W«.j S F 'i, 8ec. 20, Tp. 2 N It 48 E W M j, He names the lollowinii witnesses j . to prove his continuous residence upon ! r ind cultivation of, said land, viz: Horace G. Chase, Waldo Chase, John S. P ratt, and William A. Hayden, all of linnaha, Oregon. K. W. BARTLETT, Register 4 5 4 4 • w 4 I o t e r a i K M -"; © 5/.T y JOHN CALVIN. Ik j Ú k » Ä< i(fik afin h C ií . A Ta Cure Cold In()n< Day. T ake Laxative Bromo Q uinine T ab­ lets. A ll druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. CITY HOTEL P T R j J t l ^ V J T J; T ilE X j O T s T O - Proprietor. í l W Ü ’IÍIHHQIi'. I IY F IíY AX I 4S» « E N T E R P R IS E L IV E R Y AN D F E E D « STA BLE A "( / , Wm. Reavis, Proprietor. ♦— T he B est T u rn ou ts In T he C ounty. Somebody will be in the barn a t all hours of the day and night. O 4» 4S» I T H E BEST HAY AN'I) GRAIN T H E MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. Call on or address E n terp rise, Ore. B U R L E IG H , IS tT , Mrs. C. E. C hurchill, Enterprise town property Property of all kinds listed for ad v ertisem en t.-^) J. A. B U R L E IG H , :• N eat and comtnodius. Both hoard and lodging furnish- e(I cheaper than elsewhere in the city. fable loaded \\ ith the best the m arket affords B oard...............................................?3.00 per week. Board and Lodging. ...................$4.00 per week. STOCK G RA IN and F R U IT farm s for sale on easy » term s and at mederate prices. GOOD B A R G A IN S in Lostine, Ore. ^MIIII.'JWI ~T"7 a I •• . - : G ro c e rie s —A- • i the entire Mercantile merchandise, including , • F W A L L O W A CO. R E A L E S T A T E A G E N C Y j F. Oregon. W ith an increased stock of general . £ That the best photographs in Wallowa county are taken by /A It. B A K E R , o f Enterprise. He alsodoes first class era 'ton a n d oastel work. liis prices and his work defy competition. Call a n d exam ine and. be convinced. E ast side Public Square. H. H. B A K E R , E N T E R P R IS E , OREGON. J. . Ready For Business 'T T -T ' ■5*. . business of the A. Levy Merc c rlile o. and are Camera for Sale. CONTEST NOT1CF. United States Land Office. I.a Grande, Oregon, .Iannary 25th, 1899. A sufficient contest affidavit having wen filed in tlda Office by Thomas Sims •ontestant, agsinst Tindrer Culture entry No. 2041, made I line 7th, 1887 forth« E,l2 NF’., ct F l._, S! See. 7 Tw P 3 S K 46 b •iv James C. McAllister Contestee, in A liirli it is alleged that said McAllister as wholly abandoned said irn«,t, that ie has failed to break plant and cultivate rees seeds or cuttings as required by law, hat lie lias wholly abandon« I said tract or the past 8 years, Said parties are here- »V notified to ajqs'ar respond and offer «vntence touching said allegation at 10 »’clock a. in. an March 18th, 1899 before Y.C Smith U.S. Commissionei at his »ffice in Enterprise Oregon nnd that fir al hearing will be held at 10o’cbs*k a m. on \pril8th L809 Iwfor« tl«’ Register and deceiver at the C nlkd States Land Office n La Grande Oregon. The sai«lcontestant having in a propper iffidavit filed liovendicr 5th 1898 set forth 'acts, which show tiiat after due diligence lH-rsonal service of this notii,e cannot he nade it is hereby ordered and directed hat such notice be given by duo and prop­ er publication. E. YV. BARTLETT. Register. 8. 0 . SYVACKH AM ER , Receiver. . e have purchased » returned. The son-in-law fixed some kind of a story about th eir having sep­ arated and th a t the old man would soon return, hut the n ig h t passed amt he did mil p u t in an appearance. Af­ ter 11 day s his body was found hidden by some brush. I t was reported Hl the tim e th a t the son-in-law, upon see­ ing the body, exclaim ed, “ F ath er has ro m m itti d suicide and c u t oil' his own h ead!” I can n o t understand why lie was n o t hung to the nearest tree. N othing was ever done with him , and lielieving in his innocence, his wife still clings to him, A nother thing of interest to the curly settlers, was the Joseph scare Stockades were bu ilt in the middle val ley and a t Alder. A t the former place occurred one of the saddest things J ever witnessed. A. B. Findley had brought his fam ily,consisting, I th in k , of a wife and 7 children, for protection Diptheria broke ou t in the family, and if memory serves me right, v e buried six of them in five days. I t was p iti­ ful to see the father trying to save the two little ones by keeping them a t the snmke house, 1 ut in vain. All the children except the oldest d aughter, who is now Mrs. Jack Johnson, of Im - mma, died. There was no physician in the valley. We cared for them the tiest we knew hirw, bill falc was inex­ orable and the children passed away one by one until all were gone saveone. I have stood on the battlefield am idst the dead and dying, have seen the dead laid-ill trenches hv the hundreds hut it was a sadder sight to see those Innocent little ones dy ing, with no power to help them . In wsr we ex pect such sights, h u t in peace it is terrible. B ut we will leave the sadder inein- orit s of the past and lake up the social conditions existing in o u r then new country. You m ust not think that because o ur homes were some distance apart, we were an unsocial set. On the contrary the latch string was al­ ways o u t and visits from one neighbor­ hood to another were frequent. I will tell ol one of these visits and what came of it. One m orning quite eaily. we were surprised to sec Judge Reavis approaching our cabin. He was in too big a hurry to let us p u t his pony up. We sat down to have a good c h at and the Judge forgot his h urry u n til it was nearly nig h t before lie started home. Toni Veasey learned of th a t visit, and concocted a most diobolical plot against us. M eeting one of his chum s he do­ tailed to him what hfc pretcuded to Lc Levy M erca n tile Co. Enterprise, REAL ESTATE AGENCY, u a s s o «ífc 'H'."-. Ï'VCCESSORS TÖ n vi "