» , * • • ■ • • *-î< ■ * -< 4 • • . • " j . COUNTY. - - - - - E N T E R P R I S E , W A L L O W A C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . J A N U A R Y (J, 1S98. V O L . X V . N O . 2«. tunnel as soon as it can be got in posi­ tion. The boiler is already on the ground and the machinery of the compressor is expected next week. The tunnel is now lu 125 feet or more. THE NORTHWEST. The boiler of the Joe Dandy has been hauled over from M urray and will be shipped to the Canyon Creek Electric K ie l. K l g l u , . . .o f the P .- | j Company fll ,)urke. , t weighed 12_. W H O LE NO. 763. ORKGON. l*eti1 *«• tit ions are being circulated for the V o l u n t e e r H e « I invi» t s O r d e r e d l-'ro m u i c re a tio ion of a new county to be forme«, by M a c itii lu C u lm . taking a part of Crook and G rant. Albany is preparing for the next state METALS OF OUR NATION IS NOW A POWER GEN BROOKE'S PROCLAMATION W ashington. Jan. 1 -Orders have been poultry show, which occurs in that city TERSE TRICKS FROM THE V, IRE issued for the dispatch of additional troops from Jan . 9th to 15th. to Cuba to assist in the maintenance of U e.u . F r o m t h e A rthur J . Horn, one «»f Malheur coun­ T h e ( lib ai»'« A re * ìi i I> mì «I ìiik t o A iu e r ie u n lt u s s i ii I s J e a l o u s o f O u r C o u q e s t s in t h e A C o m p le t « R e v i e w o f t h e E v e n t s fo r good government there. The orders ar* clttc N o r th w e s t , N e w s F ro m A ll «»»«• _ A nt h i, rit ie* D e n y i n g Deii»«»ii<«t ra« I o n s - I’a r l t ic t i i i e r l c u i l i e A l l y o f t h e C z a r 's t y ’s leading citizens, is read. He was t l i e P a s t W e e k In T h ia a n d F o r e ig n P r lu U . 1 . M in in g C am p. F e r .o o a l .- | 000 Pounds “ >‘d *»*> brought over 1U Sec addressed to Maj. Gen. J. II. Wilson, coin F u e m l e s N e w s p a p e r s C o m m e n t o n t h e born j»t Salem, Oregon, Jan . 24th, 1858. T h e O r d e r iMwued fo r T e l e g r a p h U n e t L u n d s S u m m a r is e d F r o m t h e L a t e s t tionu. M in in g N u t « ,. mantling the First arm y «orps at Macon. N a t io n i s , a s a w a r n in g . S p a llig li (¿u n Boat** L e a v i n g . I he stockm en of Paradise are busih D is p u t e h e « . T ile M o r n in g G lo r y . < Jeorgia. engaged in rustling their cattle arouml. Samples of ore from the Morning Glory Tne secretary of war directs that the There is com paratively little feeding «lone George Casey and R. B. Turner, well I claim taken from across the ledge a t two Havana, Jan. 1.—The city is quiet and headquarters of th at corps, originally New York, Dec. 31. A dispatch from yet. W alter M. Clark, cattle king of Sulli­ known in B utte mining circles, have epth across the Cuban indignation at the American fixed at Cienfuegos, Cuba, be changed to . feet, six feet and 10 feet depth Paris w v , . -pi,e Herald’» European edi- A coroner’s inquest held at C'orvallis, van county, Missouri, has failed for $200,- turned from u two weeks visit of in- , ¡g inches, assayed $665.30. .................. This is the authorities forbidding demonstrations is Matanzas. and Wilson, with the head­ tion prim s the following: on the body found in the W illam ette near 000. subsiding. There have been no incidents quarters and the Eighth Massachusetts, spection of the Republic m ining d istrict in j-iebest ore ever discovered in the rttUlP . Russia is evidently beginning a cam- l ire recently destroyed several small Monroe, failed to disclose the id«*ntity of \\ ashington. Ostensibly the object of near the surface, of disorder and General Brooke is confident 160th Indiana ami Third Kentucky vol­ I paign against the Nicaraguan canal. The the deceased. stores at Alliance, ()., with loss approxi­ their Visit was an inquiry into the leas-, R e p u b l i c M i n i n « N o t e « , that Sunday will pass peacefully. unteer infantry, lie put in readiness for ! Novoe Yiemya publishes an article not N athaniel C. Richardson, a prominent m ating $100,000. the e M Mary A general order was issued yesterday, transportation to Cuba. In a «mlwquent ihility of establishing a custom mill there, ' T)|el.e .g now ¡n , he boltonl of [ th ary only warmly advocating the P a n a m a , r, ,.,.sidillg „ , re(, lllik/ g()uth (d Maj. (Jen. Green went to W ashington This will in all probability be done II ar-1 Ann H ,,uft fivg {t,e, o( solid 01 taking over the Spanish tel»graph and tel «udcr Wilson was directed to proe«s*«l with „ „ „ , h , ,rV r a “l ¡ T T - b,; lll l le d b,tt.w *’« HiHalwiro, i» .lead, He was born In Mad- \\ edi»es«lay to resign his commission and ephon«* lines. headquarters amt e«|uipni«*nt from Macon ¡better than any t 1 a t has heretofore b«*en the I m ted States, 1 be w riter says the I ¡son county. Ills., in 1808. retire to private life. The Spanish auxiliary cruiser Rapid«» to Savannah in time to embark oil the ous mines in th a t vicinity. They were encountered. ! predominance of the United State* would Revolutionary forces in Ecuador are Isaac Allison, of Oregon City, ng«*«I and the Spanish toqiedo boats Marque* transport Panama. The Eighth Massa­ perm itted to take from 700 to 1,200 There are 20 men working on the Gold­ have been desirable for Russia a few years m«*eting with some success. Tulcan hav­ Ensenada Dalicia, Marquis Molin* and chusetts and Third Kentucky will embark pounds of ore from each mine, making up en Lily. The work is to determ ine the ago, but all this has changed since the about 55 years, was killed Wednestlay af­ ing ,»«*«*n recently taken by them. Diego Velasquez sailed today for Spain, from Savannah on tran-ports to , m * pro­ a car load, to be shipped to B utte for trend of the ledge. The Lily lies near the late war. The writer g«»«*s on to say that, ternoon at 1:30 o'clock by fill ling on a Frederick Chalmers, a partner in the steam wood saw while it was in motion. via the island of Martinique. The ltapido vided, ami the One 1111u«li«*< 1 and Sixtieth the purpose of ascertaining the most pro­ Morning Glory. having despoiled poor Spain, the United banking firm of Brown, Shipley A Co., A g reat depth of snow is reported in had on board Admiral Manterola, the Indiana will pr«x*c«*d to Charleston, one fitable mode of treatm ent. Mr. Turner Development work is now going on in States has become a colonial party ami an the m ountains adjacent to both the Su­ «,ie«l suddenly a t London Thursday. Spanish naval commander, and the Pa­ battalion at a time, ami embark on the pronounces the Republic mine a veritable the Q ami Insurgent ledges. They adjoin Asiatic power. Admiral Sampson spent Christm as day bonanza, and makes mention of the triot a, another Spanish auxiliary cruiser, Saratoga, which ship will convey the regi­ the Lone Pine and Last Chance lodes. A ■‘Forgetting the Monroe doctrine of sanville and G ranite placer camps, ami with his family ¡n Glen Ridge, N. «1. He M ountain Lion, Sun Poil, Black Tail, Spokane company is being formed to op­ ‘America for Americans,' which implies miners predict the season of 1899 will be takes the Spanish naval officials. ment to Cuba In three trips. is uncertain as to his future plans. Lone Pine and other properties as hav­ erate the properties. T h e P r o c la m a tio n . th a t the doctrine of .American dominion the most successful in years. The hoartl of directors of the new lin­ ing large exposed bodies of ore. Edwin Baker, the 12-year-old son of W A SH IN G TO N . The Lone Pine developments are most must lx* confined to America, the Y an­ \ proclamation by Major Genera, seed oil trust has been announced. U n­ T h e S tu u r t Ilo ln t in U u lt e . The Olympia fire departm ent is I be favorable for it to become a g reat m in e. kees,’’ he oay , “ure now cnteiiug into I Postm'.i? tei M. A. Baker, of Weston, was Brooke will lx» issued tomorrow to the reorganized. The new S tu a rt hoist, which is rapid­ There is certainly a wonderful bo«ly of ore »pen competition with ns in China aud I «••‘’■‘JenU lly shot and killed recently by usually large powers are given them. |M*oplc of the island. It is as follows: Th«* huge iron p lant of th • Zennet-Sol- The postoffiee a t Forks, in < lallam ly nearing completion, promises to be the in sight on the surface, and it is reason- Corea. They have no scruples over an a l-1 ,he >2 year-old son ot George Marsh. •‘Coming among you as the representa­ vey Company a t Ensley City, Ala., was t iv e of the president, in furtherance and county, has been made a money ordei of­ largest and most thoroughly equipped of 1 ably certain th a t it will be found to con- liance with their traditional enemy, Eng I ' The boys were playing roblier. Three horses fell down a fr«»zen hill­ damaged by tire recently to the amount W. A. Clark's properties in the B utte tinue down to a depth of several hundred land, and with Ja p a n for this purpose, in continuation of the humane purpose fice. of $200.) H)0. Dwelling houses are now scarcer in camp. feet a t least. | “ For this reason Russian financiers and side on the range, about seven miles from with which my country interfere«! to put It is officially announced that Germany Fossil recently, and were dead before they It is safe to say th at the S tu a rt mine There are no special new features in the diplom ats can ami ought to give their an end to t he distressing conditions in Rockford than they have been before in has by this tim e installed i toe If among the situation a t the San Poil. The ledge has support to the Flench undertaking when reached the foot of the hill, where their ha.s no intention of buying the island this island, 1 deem it projier to say that years. I’crnado, South Africa, from tlie Spanish Munroe W yckoff of P ort Townsend has rest of the solid properties of the eamp. not diminished in size and the values are it comes to seriously giving their sup{>or’ carcasses lie not ten feet apart. the obj«st of the piesent government is The annual meeting of the Commercial government. to give protection to the ¡ample and se­ been appoint«*«l deputy state fish com­ When the plans were draw n by Jam es said to be up to their former standard of to either.” The Dallas Terminal railway will ex- Doull, they were on lines of construction excellence. Progress is not rapid in the The Novoe Vremya says: “ Russia Club, held the other night a t La Grande, curity to prop«*rty, to restore confidence missioner. must, therefore, be on her guard against was one of the moat enthusiastic and im­ ten«l its line to Fort W orth and change to encourage the people to resume the All of the m erchants of Palouse have th a t would not necessitate the stopping drifts, as the rock is still very hard. There is still fully four feet of clean the l ’nit«*«l States, and «-»pecially in view portant in the history of th a t body. Of­ its name to the Dallas A Fort W orth & pursuits of peace, to build up waste plan­ signed an agreement to close their stores of hoisting, and in consequence, a tim ber foundation of unusual strength was so and solid ore in the face of the drift in of the enormous wealth of Pacific shores ficers were elected ami much work was Gulf Railway Company. tations, to resume commercial traffic and a t 6:30 p. m., beginning .Ian. 2nd. The steamer China arrived at Sau to afford full protection in the exercise of The bondsmen of the defauulting Walla built as to straddle the old hoist, thus the Golden Harvest, which is being ad­ and stratiigie p«»ints possessed by Ameri­ «lone looking to the future development Francisco bringing 660 eases of opium, ull civil and religious rights. Walla banker, J. K. Edmiston, are being leaving shuft operation unhampered. The vanced a t the rate of about four feet per cans in the Sandwich, the Philippines, the of the comm unity. Samoan and the Mariana islands.” “To this end the protection of the Unit- sued by the state for the sum of $20,000. dimensions of the new hoist are 30x96 .1.» y. A. T. Brewer, the Adams merchant, worth $55)).)H)0, tlie largest consignment «*«1 State* government will lx* directed and The Palo Alto is improving w ith every i was robb«*d last week, losing approxim at«- which ever reached th a t port. Mining companies are now being incor­ and 70 feet in height. M. Locw, president of the criminal T h e IIUNin D lw tr lc t. every poggible provision will lx* made to porated at the ra te of three or four a day. blast and the high hopes th a t were rais­ i ly $1.00«) in money and goods stolen and HUGE TRUST. «•any these objects through the channels Most of the properties arc locattxl in Re­ M. L. H ewitt, who has arrived from ed in regard to the property when it was in damage to his safe. Mr. Brewer lias cham ber of Hie court of sassation in P a r­ of civil administration, although under public camp. the Busin district, in speaking of th a t exposed a t the collar of the tunnel th at T o <-«»ntr«»l A ll t h e 1 'n p e r M ill« of i report cd the ease to the sheriff, and Dep­ is has taken the testim ony of Premier m ilitary control. In the interest ami for uty Sheriff Joe Blakley ha b«*«*n placed Dupuy r coiling. The cable is to lx* is known ns a mix«*d train aixl the con Babcock last fall, has commenced suit for ore is showing in the face. The ore show­ face of the tunnel ’on the Lily claim. Manila, Dec. 31.—The schooner Albi re­ province, causing the la tte r to retire to a doctor was busily engaged in switching $20,000 damages against Babcoi k in the ing on the Convention is quite as favor­ This is presumptive evidence th a t the ports th<* massacre of the Spanish g arri­ coiled in skeleton tanks in different holds on the vessel. The cable ship must ac­ jungle. Trouble is expected over the in­ freight cars and clearing the main line W alla W alla superior court. able. The tunnel on the Anglo-Saxon is ledge will he encountered much sooner son by the combined native forces at Pan- commodate» on the forward.deck the “giv­ cident. for the arrival of the through train from Hoquiam's new w ater system was given in 44 feet and pockets of galena are being than was anticipate««. T he quartz is ap opi. Caroline islands. Henry Naoti, an p«l- Ambassador Hitchcock has cabled tbe ing out” m achinery, which will weigh Spokane which is «hie here at ,1:40. He an official test in the presence of the city encountered. parently of good quality. ucated chief, has been se,«*cted to 1 m * their from 15 to 20 tons, and the accessories, secretary of state th a t he has been offi­ had just signalled the engineer to make a officers and larger property holders. The There lias been a change for the lietter ruler. He is said to lx* favorable to the N u m b e r O n e, R o n n la n d . weighing from 5 to 10 tons. In the after­ cially notified th a t a contract for 80,000 flying switch and kick car No. 127, load«»«! plant is conceded to be one of the liest on A strike uf considerable interest has in the appearance «'. the quartz in the Americans. hold will lx? fitte«l out the quarters for tons of rails for the eastern Chinese ra il­ with wood, onto a sidetrack and climbcl the Coast. It was accepted by the town. been made in the Number One mine near T reasury tunnel an- this was found to 'Flic British cruiser Buena A’« nt m a has the crew of 20 men. This space will he road had been awarded to a Pennsylvania on as it pass«*d and set the brakes. In he not deceptive by nssay. gone to Iloilo to,protect British interests Judge Hanford, presiding over the fed­ Rossland, where the vein has been cross­ attem pting to jum p off his foot slipped eral court at. S«*attle, has fined Orville A. cut a t the 200-foot level in the shaft. The The Merrimac sh a f. is 100 feet deep and there. The Spanish steam er Romulus, used for coal on the way out. The ship and Maryhin«l company. will be kept on station as a cable ship, or The governor of Illinois has issued a and he f«*ll directly in front of the car Bemis of C athlam et, Or.. $100 and costs a cross-cut lias be«*» started. The fore a hieh has ju st arrived, confirms the re­ ore body has thus far proved to be two can be used aa a tra n sp o rt She is to lx? proclamation forbidding the entry into or which passed over him and beyond, the for sending obscene m atter through the feet wide, and is of excellent grade. The man states th a t evei thing is looking sat- port th at the insurgents at Iloilo ar«* in secured at once. shipment across th a t sta te of cattle from wheels passing over his neck and severing mails, in violation ot the postal regula­ lowest assay received gave gold and cop- *rt^a cto ,y* H not tbonglit the ledge is dined to surrender the town to tin* A ner any of the states where Texas fever is the head from the Ixsly as though cut tions. — The rock is clean, fine more than 40 or 50 I|-ct away, but it may ¡cans if satisiie«l as to the form of govtm- per values of - $2. T e n T h n a z a n « l I*erl«b e«l. prevalent. with an ax«*. W ith the exception of the ment which will lx? accorded them. A coup,«* of divers from Vancouver, B. grained copper pyrites, associated slight­ he much farther. During Christmas exercises in the Ger­ Victoria, B. ( ’., .Ian. 1. The steamer-* right hand being criished there was no C., will examine the steam er Ainsworth There is one shift- working on the Eu ly with quartz. The strike was made in \ ietoria an«l Yamaguchi Mam have ar man M ethodist Episcopal church a t Pe­ other mutilation, the face and head living and ascertain whether she will be worth M o re 8«$l«llern S (n r (e « l t o C u b n . reka Queen. The n< rth drift is being ex­ the 200-foot crosscut from the vertical unscarred. Charleston, S. C., Dec. 31.— Three tm ns rived with news from the O rient to De­ kin. lib, the Christm as tree took fire. The raising. None of the bodies of those lost shaft, which was started several months tended. Tlie Eureka tunnel was only ex­ Another serious calamity, pastor suceceded in preserving order and tended about 20 feet beyond tlie ledge. ports have left this city for Cuba. The cember ,5. in the wreck of the steam er hav«* 1 m * cii re­ ago to open the ledge. M a n y D eri H im b y A c c id e n t . A force of men have been working on Manitolxi sailed at 7 :30 yesterday morn writ«*« the Hankow correspondeirt of the preventing a panic, and while the congre­ covered. Y in lr» II. C. Chi ago. Jan. 1.- According to the sta­ Hie Minnie claim for several days. The ¡ng for Matanzas with General Alger, the North China Daily News, has befallen the gation sang a fam iliar hymn an inipr«»- The Walla Walla Electric L ight Com­ Yrair can now boast of having two full ¡xsiple of Hankow. About 10,00«) of the vised fire brigade succeeded in sm othering tist i«*s compiled by the Tribune the loss pany has subm itted a proposition to fur­ fledged shipping mines in the I’orto Rico property is suppose»! to be the north ex­ brigade headquarters, bis postal corps an«, inhabitants have met death by drowning the flames. of life from various disasters in this eoun- tension of the Republic lode. the Twelfth New Y’ork r«*giinei»t. The nish light at the ra te of $8.33 per month and Blackcock. The latter mine will try between January 1 and the morning of The navy departm ent, in order to be in People arc enmi:!-«. irlo Republic a t a Minnewaska departed a t the same h«»ur A,sm t noon D«*c«*m,M»r 3, half the house- on a basis of 60 lights. Additional lights ship from eight to ten tons of ore per December 1, 1898, was 7345. The casual rapid rate. The sic dis come in crowded, for Cienfitegos with General Bates an., extending ah »ng the edge of the river sud­ a position to meet any emergency th a t ties are enumerated as follows: Fires.1670; over 60 are to be furnished nt $5 per day. The first clean up of the Porto Rico and others come on loot amt in all possible skiff and the Sixth Ohio. The Saratoga denly broke aw ay and tumble*«! into the may hereafter arise, has laid in a supply mill was made yesterday and a clean up ways. I t is unfort nate the rush has g »t aw ay in the afternoon f »r Havana with water on top of all the boats then*. The of nearly 500,000 tons of the best steam ­ «Irownings. 3,10; explosions, 586: mines, month. The Spokane Street Railway Company of 94 ounces in gold in 20 hours was taken 680; falling buildings, etc., 599; cyclones begun so soon, ns many of those who a battalion of the First regular infantry. houses and boats, with all the ¡»«‘«»¡»le in ing coal. them, disappeared in n moment. About and storms, 502; lightning. 2po. The loss presented eac.i of its employes with a tu r­ from the plates. This did not include the come will probably unable to get work A ttorney John R. Parker, of Chicago, ,00 buildings and the same number o, who so m ysteriously disappeared from J a p L a b o r e r « t o L h ik I. by railroad accidents of various kinds was key for Christinas. It took 145 turkeys concentrates. Olil and experienced miners and unless well supplied w ith money will claim th a t the Porto Rico is one of the to go around. Lester Notbohm, superin­ 3590 in 1898, as compared w ith 2764 in have a hard time to pull through the win­ Oakland, Cal., three weeks ago, returne«! .San Francisco, Dec. 30. — Twenty-four boats arc gone. tendent, was the recipient of a handsome richest mines in British Columbia, a l­ ter, 1897. out of 36 Japanese lalxncrs brought to to that city yesterday. He has been in though the laxly of ore is not as large as T b e N n v> . The number of legal executions in 1898 diamond pin from the employes. M ln ln ic M ote». Stockton all tbe time. this port by tlie steamer Alice Blanchard, Archie H utton, 17 years of age, acci­ th a t of the Ymir and Tamarac. w a s 100, as compared w ith 127 in 1897. W ashington, Jan . 1. Secretan Long Bishop AV. E. McLaren, of tbe Episco­ Ore shipments from Rossland for the from Clippcrton island, December- 6, ap T h e G r a n it e . There were 72 hanged in the south and 37 dentally shot and killed himself the other week ending Decemtier 17, 1898, were as pealed to W ashington from the decision has announced th a t he has 0 were-white, 4 8 l day d»«l«ni fi«*ld there for th«* promotion of the Epis­ for which thev were executed were mur- I His head was blown almost off. His home gold saved on the plates constantly in­ to N orthport; rc tn i.n le r to Trail. ground they were assisted emigrants. A ct­ Philip ,»f the Texas commandant at the copal conference in W ashington. was a t Anacortes. creasing. I t is now in shape to run stead­ der 100. and nine for rape. Zinc ore is still climbing up in price, ing Commissioner Larned has reversed the New York navy yard. There is a plan on foot to organize a ily, barring accidents, and is considered passing the $40 -tutch, the highest in decision and the Ja p s will be permitted to Captain Kempff, late commander «»f the I l f . tr i Ini t r X (a ii fu r.I K ntH lr. E x h i b i t i o n n t G lnm ««»tv. new county in this state, which plan will one of the most promising properties in years. A few weeks ago it was $34. Monterey, has ,»«*«*n select«*«, as n a ia l g«»v land. San Francisco, Dec. 30.—Superior Judga the gold belt. A considerable p a rt of its Glasgow, Jan. L—The lord provost of come up before the legislature for action ernor of the island of Guam. The only im portant paying silver mine Coffey has granted Mr». Jane L. Stanford Glasgow has charge«! three commissioners, ftt its coming session. The proposed new values are in the form of base orcs, but in Colorado is the tkimmodorc, a Creede M ells-Farg«»*« L on «. Secretary L»Vng lias or«l«r«*d that about an order for the final distribution of the Messrs. Crawford, Simons and Mason. Io county will include portions of Lincoln there has been little trouble experienced bonanza. It lias »! eaily this year paid San Antonin, Tex., Deo, 3 0 .- I t is re SO«» sail«n>. volunteer*«, who enlisted solelv estate of her late husband, Senator Leland visit the I'nitcd States and lav before and Douglas counties. It is proposed to in concentrating the ore, and there is $360,000 in dividet •>, and is now paying ported that the local office of W ells-Fargo; i<,r the war, be niu*tered «mt. Only about Stanford. Legacies am ounting to $5,115,- President McKinley and his cabinet par- divide Lincoln county by n line running considerable of it which will stand ship­ $48,000 a month. suffered a big loss by robbery Wednes 20«» volunteei-s an* now left in th.* -.*ivi«*e. 000 have been paid in full, w ith the excep­ tic u k rs regarding the Glasgow exhibition north and south nt a point west of Ilavcn ment as it comes from the mine, An assay was recently made in Ross­ day. It is reported th a t $60,000 in cur­ tion of $230,000, which is in dispute, anil I ln t t e a n d I lo a to n S m e lt e r . to be held in 1901, in order to insure ade- port and ju st east of Harrington. The G e n e r n l A h n f le r R e t u r n « . land, B. C., of an a \ erage sample of 200 rency and $ pressor to furnish power to drive its lower to indicate small uud weak lungs. TROOPS FOR BROOKE. y • ESflNDMI! • ■ - t > / ■ ' • [ •*M ? • • ■ •»>