-J. « .. -1. ’t 1 ENTERPRISE, OREGON. OCTOliEK |¿ m J being, a< we learn, a capitalist and a ________ j'"».-«ey loaner. We regret that ».me Owing to lack of space a few com-1 ° f tl,e m,’*t ‘»bjectionahle and ground- inunieutions were left over and will l‘”"' M*«r‘h>ns elicited considerable ap. Appear next week. • pUnse. It is a little illtimed pro ...w,...vro to l>itj i »ounce even a qualified eulogy on law W allowa . leaaneaa, for lo, wc are confronted with ( ’Iiickcns are on the strike. the results of it. • id you ever see a liner full? We hoar once in a while such re­ WHOLE NO. 64. even at »129 ounPe w,)¡ch ,g double its present comodity value, is The examination of F. M. lvail|lP Editor C aieftain : In as much as very small in comparison to our other •nr .booting R. C. Greig w « held „ the free and unlimited coinage of nil products D„ not let us be deceived by Tueaday. A. C. .Smith a p p e a r, ,0 'era t the ratio of 16 to 1 of gold is the , ea that free coinage at the 16 tó I Interesting Items From City be state and D. W. Hheah.in and it proposed by the Chicago platform as 1 ratio will benefit the American p eo -< L. Wilson for the defence. Severs and County. the remedy for the existing depression I'le even though some of us live in wtlnesses were called ami testified n, in the financial and commercial cir­ close proximity to silver mines. The ‘he part of the state. The defence de NEWS, NOTES A” l) PERSONALS Ob such a potato and onion crop! marks as "If we cannot get it hv the cles of this country and submitted to St. Isiiiis platform declares for the chned t,. introduce any testimony l.„ filed a motion to dismiss the defendam Our new road has been opened up. l ballot we will get it by the bullet.” fbe American jioople for their intelli­ same monetary system as wc have This, That and the Other that had for the last twentyyears. During hap oil lack of evidence; which after argn A Darning Club is being organized. I Lincoln was elected by the forn.er and gent consideration as being the real As writtsn by the sustained by the latter. If McKinley issue rather than the ta, iff question ‘bat time, up to 1893, we elljoved U|e m en t, was overruled and the defend­ |b c bridge lias been partly repaired. I l-e elected we intend to ratify, and if snd as tins proposition Is more readily gre -test prosperity ever known in this ant held in a bond of »1300 to appea, Chieftain. M. C. D a.is is building a new barn. not we ex|iect to «quiesce. Fverv accepted by the people of those stales country. Since that time wc have la-fore the grand jury. The bond was Buckwheat Hour at Calvin’s. Evoribudv is working their road ga citizen leel# that way or the oth­ which are producers of the white met­ suffered the evils of a low tariff MnJ given and ‘he defendant released from taa. R. C. Greig is up and attending to custody. er. al rather than those of which the the cry for cheap money. If wc wotl,j his store. have again the prosperity of former chief industry is agreultnral and man­ L. J. Coverstone I,as moved into Did you eyfr tl.i.ik that followers The prelimidary examination «f town. John Martin and Ben Ownby, for reb- of Bryan bidding commissions of office ufacturing. The writer would ask vears let us vote for the same measures L M ,t M Co. pays 15 cents per doz- ‘hat produced it then, viz ; Protection M at«r was turned into the new mill llI“Ier tl,e present adininistration are that you give us a little .pact in your I mg the Josenl, bank was held on Fri­ cn for eggs. Änd sound-money. valuable paper to submit a few facts t«b Wednesday i denouncing those in authority over ditch Wednesdav. day, Dave Tucker was sw-rn ami Bower, Clark, of Crow Creek was in and figures showing the comparative A P rotectionist . gave evidence for the state to the ef­ Henry ripetise bus moved into the them. And yet it has been said that town Wednesday. values of the different products and the office holders should be in accord will, fect that both Martin and Ownbey Esterwond residence. POLITICL SPEAKING. John Calvin stn-ted to Portland on aisled in planring and executing’ t|,e amount of money invested for their “the powers that be." The show liere Huturdny night was production as compared to the product o H<’"‘ Jol,n F- Republican »business trip yesterday. robbery. His evidedee was auffl.-ientlv stiver within the state of Oregon 1 Prt'"den‘'»l Elector will address the a success. Everybody appreciated it. I of silver Oregon. R, Olsen has secured Abe Tharp corroborated by other testimony to in­ F lora V - let us say that the very fact of • ' People of Wallowa at the following to t un his blacksmith shop. First, Mr. Tlieo. Williams’s infant child duce Judge Hamilton to bold both of Oct. 13 bus been quite sick with pneumonia. the silver producing »tales standing as dates and places: Wallowa, Monday'. Hu Maurcier, the author of Trilby, ‘hem in bonds of »1000 each to appw,r M e had a mixture of snow and rain they do so favorable to silver coinage Out. 26 at 7:30; „ t Joseph, Tuesday, ¡«dead; bis remains were cremated. Knbliers— guns— p o - litic s • — . m ill— are (yesterday. M ore the Grand Jury, L. default of I .H I ,— H ip cu 27 at I :30; at Enterprise Oct. *»8 as proposed, is of itself evidence that ‘he subjects talked almut here at pres­ which they were sent to jail. L. ( . Oliver of Lost Prairie was do­ The academy started with about there is an inclination to look to a at 7 :30. ent. r ing business in the city Wialnesday. The show liere on Tuesday night thirty-five scholars. local, self interest by the people of Work on the 1,1 ill is rapidly progres­ given by the McCleary«, was fairly at­ I lios. Gwillim, of Joseph tnade our Etta Wilson of Paradise is attending those states rather than to the great the presbytery . sing. The ditch and wheel-pit have t'*ie tended. It wus a shabby affair, their office a pleasant call on Wednesday. acast Prairie the last Plums and primes October 21, and at Enterprise Thurs­ 199,700 The most economical tea is lea that i-f the week in the same iaudible work. Factories total No. . . . 'X e ',ave notified every whola- 1,523 day and Friday, Oct. 22 and 23, for Lbe tastes the best and does the most good th it w Ä l ‘ i16 S U *« capital invested »32,122,051 purpose of buying »»id number of - if it d'Nsn’l cost too much. Schill­ Willie Wagner who has been on a to give y *" ' No. employees 18,793 horse«. ings Best doesn’t cost much—your extended visit to Western Oregon am ” wages of ” Wasliington, Iowa, Indiana and utile »11,535,229 W m . F razier . money back if you don’t like it. cost of material To the members of the John F 21 793 578 Eastern states, returned last Fridai The Eastern Oregon Nursery Co. value of products 41,432,184 Ra' Holds Post No. 16 G A R Kept, of located at Union, Oregon baa ull kinds He says that Wallowa county is a I Gold product, ounces least as good any place as lie lias see, 46,648 Oregon : y o„ Mre hereby notified to lalue at »20 ,w*r ounce »932,960 beat the next regular meeting of said of fruit and ornamental trees for sale, on bis travels. at low prices; orders by mail will re­ S Iver product, ounces , 17,861 Putt on the 2nd .Saturday of November J 0. Shafer, of Hurricane Creek- value at »1 29 per ounce »23,027 next, for inspe, tion and other busi­ ceive prompt attention, an trees will tobacco be - el.vered at Post-Office of purchaser loft at this office some apples of supe­ W ec« „ s..e at a g l , ,,ce from the ness of importance. By order of Catalogues sent on application. Ad­ rior quality and which seem welladap rvsr or«tr te r-srT h ïû ioÎ “ sl.r“ "l,h above that the rclatiio value of silver H L. Har.ilton, Com. dress: Eastern Oregon Nursery Com­ ted to this climate. We would like J. A. Hunter. \djt. for some ,ip,.|c e.<|-rt locali and iinma an.', Union, Oregon I» — DURHAM . N. C. W"W«NT. Blackwell’s Genuine Jiu-ham Smokinr BLACKWELL’S DURHAM COMPANY m íXo“ch.r.7.n^ .^ £ : y‘ ENTERPRISE JOTTINGS