T Z tî It! VOL X II . NO. LX T A T I V I! N E W S P A P E R , O F ------------------- ------------------------ V7 A . . L I j O W A EN TERPRISE, OREGON, MARCH 6 1 8 < CO U N TY . W HOLE NO. 59 — . '. y K SkaHtfiX is riqUltted ru good at the lake The Knssiipi thistle bits entered New«. * sin Jim and Cash creek in O bñ C O R B t S h Ö N jL h ¡ic.itc » uc loss of cattle by sibling, .Oregefi, and farmers will scon have to this "oglt, fight. Look out for itjk T he ti«rt re­ Paradise W II Ptdlen was r f ^ l J L Pn Tito bent*4-ifu! weather we have been we hope t be loss wilt n o t prove serious. this w eek*. port from localities infested is tli On last Saturday Di Bunnell paid Bte resting Ite m From Differ - l,Bvi'’K •'"<:«)* has taken .. "th e Russian thistle has done nfl ¡Mr and Mrs .1 I! p ic e ' were visitors relapse. our neighborhood a visit and mode Interesting Items From City «cyr as yet.” ' The second repc ent Parts cf the County Tri the ci|y M’e|lne>ilu|'|^ George Tat ten r.nd Frank Lion of things lively fur the Davidson brothers the same localities a year later, ‘stales ' Sum m onille was in Paradise on last for a little «¡die. Dick says he knows and County. There will h e ^ n a P A I/rcture nt th a t " it is already lieyond control.” too much to suit some people and Thursday en rente to Lewiston. flic halt Wee’ncsuity-evcniiig. It is therefore nocessnry to prevent they are trying to run him out of the GENERAL EP1T0WÍ5 CF EVESTS W . II. I’nlion I k s rented his ranch Teams are haiiling ice from the lake. the scattering of seeds the first season country. Wo know nothing of .the j fi.T. A Stowell nrul S. B. Conner. N ETS, NOTES ANO PERSONALS if Jibe locality is to he kept free from The cold s»«p- . i F ill getting away with the fight in The cold snap has lio med the w^tod Id this m anner. I t would tie far in the branch asylum case. you attend. : A. Bodmer loft about ten days ! good shape. I t seems to us th a t this , lwtter tlintwvh have no change of seed Prentice H um an is Working f„r ' ”Z»> for Enterprise and lias not beeu j is a hard way to w ill» n little diffi- m arket. J \V Hooper, recently engaged in Anron Wndc ■ heard from since. His m any friens j cully over a game of card.s. Tlrey T he stage changed back to sleighs : for a hundred vears than th a t new the meat business io Joseph is in town. 1 setn(beings ps af^wsrlike this to tight, , , T , „ . . , .. , , , , arc gelling unease about him. I should arbitrate all such difficulties. Monday. Mrs Lula Ferris took the stage la st, H e will probably engage in business week for Union On. | The nation Is save 1. The -".lo o k England W heat is now quoted at 50 cents on says'the Pendleton Tribune. understands theso things here. Enterprise is inclined to ruq to ex­ „ , ii r. i. i . . . , a« 1 for the coming y**r is ver!.•«, I th a t sometimes .two. The sleighing has) March came in like a lion. Will it Rynolds wore the star. Lie is probably offers for sale. be.n g.sid until quite recently, A ' g > out like a Iamb?. A bucking horse succeeded yester­ If you could see the neat co', :d ¡he signs of the th in s iudidate the • lory is current th a t two of our yteun«,} There will lie a grand hall at Joseph the tallest man in the county, well day in dum ping its rider head first and bonk ease John Weaver made for | downfall of this republic.” The tffi.-m- proportioned and weighing over 200 j mv.i, who are of rather light weight, en UiB 17 IrelalK|. J Haas you won! I employ h u n t talent ;.,tive Sike of the question was b in H--.1 pounds. This year in the election of into the mill race. I t was fun for the I and who lias taken a fancy to two of. th e next time you carpentering done. W I I Pullen, Applegate, Twaddle ! our buxom country girls, has in sleigh-! Sunday night was the coldest of the “ Billy” Snyder the opposite extreme crowd hut tough on the rider. Mr. Weaver is doing some w irk for G, Barnes nnd McNeal, the negative was j ¡ng equalized the difference in weight 8e*wn ream ing 18 below, X, N. Sleeves, the Portload attorney has been reaciied. Ho is in thehantum 6 Reavis. weight class, probably tipping the convicted of m anslaughter for the In.ndlod by F S Johnson, Strong Ed- by pi icing a large rock on their (the Scluxil will commence again Mon, Utah's a t about 100 pounds. However m urder of George Sayers, has been W R Bloom ba-- bought la id north dleinan, Uriustead and l'ishcr. The hoys) si-c of the sleigh. The gitla da) for a throe m onths term , he d o n ’t anticipate any trouble in fill- given a new trial by the supreme and along aide of the GaiHuer” a d -' jurors was Mr Lee Henderson, Mr Leo deny this, h ut the Imysor.ly laugh and A num ber drove up to Joseph Mon- court. his office. ditiou in Enterprise, Upon which he 1 Churchill, M L Wilson. Mr llender- say «11 is fair in love and wars Tlie drn n ght to ’ta k ein th e debate, «xjiects to locate. Ttie rend lie hough; son voted in la. iro ; the a ¡Urinative, By order of the Governor the com­ Arrangements are under way to have Bills are out announcing a grand joins with land he already owns mak-1 the oilier two broug!“ in a verdict of out j ; rs are tickled and all a sh th a t mander of the state militia, the third a subscription school instead ot a pub­ Joe ami George, though outclassed, bsi: at Hie city hall March I7tb. mg a neat 1; lie li,-u,i.- Mr Bloom i- iii-ir.l- r io t'.- t;:.-t d.-gree, and the regiment ON G will pass out of ex­ lic school this spring and tints save may win at last. .!. F. Johnson of the lower valley istence. This will necessitate the dis­ the public money for next w iuter’s sine of the oldest reuid—its of Wallowa i udience all v.ffred th at it w as a very Rex. h .iibccn in town during the week. valley. H e lived at Aider m — than just verdict; banding of Company “ I ” of Joseph, term. The district is some behind KoOtt K. i,-v Templeton preached a sermon which may be done this week. Com­ financially and by such arrangem ents tw enty years, from which phs-c be A. F. A . Fb-S V/ALLCWA. will he missed ns lie was aiwe v- ready Sistday touching on election matters. pany “I ” has l»een a part of the state it will again be placed in good con­ to assist in educaci,mal m ailers or any ( H Zurchi r lias accepted a position m ilitary organization for a num ber of dition. \V1 isk"'" Creek (q , March 1 18)15. Tlie edit dito^of this ¡Jcqa'r is in rreciot A.... A I • I'.! W » re *. ,1 e r, t i.e- Jseiiph ynsrs, and. its I'eiiqz d.ismiiiiin.ue'l vviiE public cnUueaiiimcut. We Are hiifi% g«ìrt'ft-hK’ks>wcvt W . Mr.O. M. Kendrtrksrmj who s e v '1 o ' a foil ter Tram Dr. W. D. N"yv», m leave an opening for the organization cred Ids connection with Will Wurz- Oi avec. The oi l gen'lenian is certainly a pro- stete organizer of the A. P. A., stating M erchant. j pket. In the last five days we have th a t he will deliver a lecture in , . . Tom Humnhrevs, who is now a full of a new company to complete the full wei,er the firgt ()f thp |n6nlh ,eH wn •his „ , , , . . ni dg' d man of tiie range, was in town num ber required for the niaintainaiice 1 Monday m orning’s stage for E n te r­ Paradise Or.. Marti 2, IhUo. j had all kinds except good weather. place Wtklpesday evening, the I2th. of the third regiment. , Tuesday, prise. Wo are sorry to see Mr. H en­ I Politics is quiet, the wave of educit- mst. tie also requests us to post; The woatlicr is tjuite cool. The cold snap with all its unplcsaut drickson leave as a good citczco is hool again next Monday. Me The bigyest snow storm of t.ho i^r. tiou not having reached us yet. We tome bills, which ns a m atter of co rn -’ features tuny possiblv prove to he some­ lost to our town,— Herald. understand onlv one teacher will he ' presume it wiii be a long in time. tcuy wo have done. The lecture is free sou. thing of a boon after all. The ground : Wiicu that tim e conics we have a few but it is requested th a t a hal' he f ilm - , e!,,l^<’.' ed. M aiieied .—Mr. Chas. Kenworthv, of A child in the fami! of J A Fite squirrels made confident by the warm j questions to a k the reform party. ¡shod and en tertainm ent provided free Alder, anil Miss. Azana Wright, of Har- David Koovli is progressing slowly is dangerously ill. We have no ax to grind this rear, and i ir himself mi l wife, who is organizer « '‘d '•* •><>11 suffers considerably from a weather of last week had conic out. in rlcan Creek were united in wedlock J \V Rails bo «» to Enterprise tin- ;,r„ !K,se to have our say w ithout Bar great numbers and were caught out in Wednesday evening of this week. Rev. of the l i lies division of the order. t sprained ankle. week on business. the zero weather of this week. I t is , A|p|ar officiating. The happy couple were r favor. The V. I’. A. may be n good th in g . The usual large grist of road petit- presumed th a t a good many were the recipients of niuny valuablo presents, ,n its place, but Wallowa county is not ions will be presented a t the next frozen to death and are now hunting i and a host of freinds extend to them best in crying need of any such organi/a- session of the county court, pastures new and green in the liuppv j w ishes tor a happy, prosperous life. lion. >i u aleier members of the j The Academy is making elaborate hun tin g grounds of the tribe of ground Master Forrest Ivanhoe considera atliolis church th a t reside in this preparations for a literary treat at the squirrels. himself one of the most unfortunate section, they are good citizens, and s o ; c,(J(.;ng of the prespnt term We overlooked m entioning the | boys in the county. His birthday far wo have linen free from ony strife Political m atters are warming up a marriage of Fred Wagner to Miss Ini- comes on the 2btli, of Feby., and as whatsoever and no doubt wiil remain little. One or two prospective Candi­ Ider. Mr. W agner is th<^ senior mem- a m atter of course he cannot eele- so. W hile we are a long ways from da tea arc o ut looking after the state of ber of the firm of W agner and K arts- , th a t im p o rtan t event but once in four being a Catholic we have no syinp-vthy fences. horn, who are extensively engaged in I years. However he is now recconciled with any movement, in this county J . 1A . A I . i . l t N i , P r o p r i e t o r . the sheep industry. Miss Im bler is ' to the situation on account of a birth­ H 8 Magill, general m anager of the nt least, th a t will tend to raise an ill Covd day party given in his honor last Sat­ feeling am ong the good law abiding Lu.stine mill, was in the city Wednes­ a well known resident of the urday. Twenty-nine of his young and has many friends ami acqualntcii- day looking after business interests j cltizer s of Wallowa. IIorpeR b o a rd , il by th e duv, week or m o n th . A ccn- friends gathered at the homo of Col. ceg in this valley. for his company. n io d c lio n fo r p le a su re p arties. F irs t-c la ss rigs a t rea- and Mrs. Ivanhoe and enjoyed them ­ 'The Portland Oregonian has just aonahle ra te s . S p ecial a tte n tio n given to C o m m ercial The proposed foot ball game between CITY ELE0TIGM. selves as only a merry lot of vouny tra v e lle rs. Enterprise and La Grande has been awarded a prize of $150 for the best Monday was no exception to tropical called off on account of failure to come j definition of a baby. The Heppner people can. Those in attendenco were »«k elections for which Enterprise is some­ to satisfactory terms. lady who won the prizo sent in this Geo. Ftink. Wallie Snyder, Lizzie Ewing. Ilaiiile and Izia Calvii , w hat noted. While ns a general rule answer: "A tiny feather from the Com munication was interrupted 1 Grace Allen, Mary Ztircher, Rebee Tar- good feeling reigned it did not prevent between here and Elgin for a few days 1 wing of love, dropped into tlie sacred ^ dee. Ida Hater, Freil and Elise Holmes, good hard fighting, pnliticaiy speaking on account of I he storm, b u t every i lap of m otherhood.” Bert Dimliar, Audrey Combs, Gail Gard­ being done for sum., of the candidates. thing)is all (). K. once more. Tin bodv of Mrs. A B C idy was re- . ner, Owen nnd Ralph Stnhblefield. Lucy On th'j, contest for Mayor the vote was It is alm ost an assured fact th a t the j eentlv found near Tacenin. I t is be- and Chester Luttrell. Sydney and Eti- somewhat close hut W It Holmes sne- lieved she com mitted suicide. She ! nice Dalzell, Warren, I, -o and Eula For­ Academy will he continued as h perm- , eicd ed in polling 44 votes to A E. alient institution. A catalogue is be­ bad been missing for some time and .*)the. Merrill. Julia an 1 Mabel Hender- Elowers 35, and in vsngueiiee wiil for $1,000 reward had been offered for her 8"n, Bunn d.Gussie and C essie ing issued anil will soon be in the Reavis, another year be the chief executive of recovery. hands of the public. S E N T POSTPAID the city, The Cuban resolution which passed J. A. Burleigh was in Joseph Satur- In all seventy nine vote’s were east Awarded IN EXCHANGE FOR 100 C0EP0N3, n ig b tan d spoke in n joint debate with the senate with only six dissenting which is larger by a considerable e g . I f VOO P R tF E R . H ig h e s t H o n o re —NVorkut» U nir, am ount than lias been cast in prev­ Scott Powell. For some reason the votes went through the house with a G U I Medal, MLiwi . .er F air. FOR 2 COUPONS AND $1.00 IN CASH. ious years. There were quite a number meeting hilled at this place for Mon­ vote of 2.11 in favor and II! against the measure. The watch ie nickel, good timekeeper, quick Mem wind and act. Vou w ill who did not vote, which would raise day n ig h t failed to meet. had one coupon inside each 2 ounce bag and tw o coupons the total to about 85. inside each 4 ounce ta g of jifîb It is understood th a t some few At the educational meeting held in The officers elected are: W. It. the hall Saturday the canvassing coin- changes will lie made in the election Holmes, Mayor; W II Decker, record­ niitte made a partial report, and a precincts to remedy unavoidable errors er; F A Reavis, treasurer; Win. Snyder very favorable one. They were given made in the recently established m arshal ; E V Johnson, S E Combs more tim e iu which to complete th u ir ; boundry lines. J B Gardner and G W H yatt, eouncil- work. Send coupuna w ith name «ad a d d ru a to Wallowa county will enjoy nn im ­ hien. BLACKWELL’8 DURHAM TOBACCO CO., Durham, N. C. Ed E Cates is n receipt of a letter migration boom the coming season. The political canvass for the June Wallows fsidge A. F.