Wallowa chieftain. (Joseph, Union County, Or.) 1884-1909, August 19, 1892, Image 4

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    Stailowa 0 lutftam.
lu iu a iiu
Itc w s u o y s
S lr lk t.
w iiu u i
iv r
P ortlaxji , Aug. 10.—T h is m orning
Deport of the Jov public school, di«-
the newsboys in au g u rated a strik e trict No. 15. for the month ending Au-
1 R1DAY. AUGUST Ht. 18112.
ag am st th e O regonian, w hich they re- «"«< 5th, 1892:
fused to take ou t a t th e old price.
Total number enrolled, 19; average
At nine o ’clock ab o u t one hundred fol-
“ttemlaneu, 14; number of visitors,
lowed in line and m arched th ro u g h J.®- . The pupils neither absent nor tardv
The R ep u b lican P a rty is E lim in a te d th e streets e a rn ing flags ami tran sn a- ‘.,Iu ri" . « ' ¡ ' ou‘h w ire, Clay liavis, Fred
i s ' S h ,’ “ : ; , . ! « “ -
to Start o u t K.ya w ith papers, but they
Report for the term, beginning May
* * ...* .
P ortland Or., Aug 13 — Gen. Janies warp
were nvorhtL-.jjv
overtaken k«.
by »1.«
ttie strik ers ...u
who iu*i.
ltitii, 1892, and ending August 12th, 1892 .
11. M eaver, tile Pet.pie's p arty nom inee took th e ir papers from them and de­ lotal number enrolled. 19; average daily
tor president, arrived here yesterday, stroyed them . T he hoys have been attendance, 15. The pupils neitlier tardy
accom panied by a sm all p arty consist­ paying th ree cen ts for th e paper, and nor uiiscnt during the entire term were,
ing of Mrs. Weaver, .Mrs. Lease, V. O. they dem and a reduction of one-half Clay Davis, Fred flarsin, Maliel Dodsou,
Arthur I*odson and Janies Winston.
S trick ler and C. O. S trickler represent­ a cent.
Total num ber of weeks taught, 13.
ing the n atio n al co m m ittee, Mrs. I
— ------------ ——
S trick ler and C. A. Powers, of T erra | G en . W eaver ’ s estim ate of th e ,iolit-
H au te, In d . The party took room s at ieal situ atio n , published in th is issue,
the H o lto n Hons«-, where tem porary is some»» h at of a curiosity. His views'
>!aMes m any U ym uiUemble, and often le»»tl
head q u arters were ojicned in p arlor are largely im aginary, "and n o th in g
to self itestruetion. D isrre» after MUuA
N o ll.
|s h o r t of a m iracle could prove th eir
•Irk headache, heartburn, «our •tojinirh,
W hen th e general arrived, he was tru th a t th e polls in November. If it
xneutul deprcMlou. etv., are caused be thU
m et by a large n u m b er of th e People’s is as he says, th a t th e contest is be-
very common an d Inereaalag disea>o.
p arty adherents, who thronged the tween him and Mr. Cleveland, the
Hood*« Sarraparilla to re s tho »to m ar h,
headquarters till lu n ch hour. D uring dem ocrats of Oregon can hardiv afford
creates au appetite, promote» direction.
th a t tim e, a general conference was
ltere» headache, clear* the tniuC, and ouruf
.... . r — „ _____ w ith
d ; spepKfa.
held between the general and his O r­ the sole idea of defeating H arrison.
egon m anagers, who inform ed him However, there is not m uch lost in
In n T e rrib le C ondition.
th a t this state would send People’s claim ing the e arth and th e fence
•' I owe my life to Hood's Sarsaparilla. T’ot
I was in a terrible condition w ith
p arty men to th e electoral college be­ around it in a political contest.
dyspepsia. 1 c« i’d <•»». nothing but aoda
yond any doubt.
erack aix and my w eight fell fro » 170 to 13A
" I am sure of election,” said Gen­
T here will n o t lx- u m uch fun in
AI l i d
H ixm )"- Sarsaparilla help«*«! uie ai
eral W eaver to a reporter, ‘•and I will the coining cam paign since E d ito r
an«! after u - f : ^ 12 bottles I was en-
be elected, too, rig h t j u th e electoral Dana, of th e New York Sun. has de­
eurotl I have gained niy usual
coliege. I do not th in k the election cided to do his su p p o rtin g o l Cleveland
w eight, 170 pound l and have hod excellent
health ever aiu« e ” T J. W ilcox . ao-^i u t
can possibly lie throw n into th e house. hv tak in g a trip to E urope.
Louth Street, Salt Lake City Vtah.
D urin g th e past two weeks a wonderful
H e a d a c h e — H ot F la s h e s.
change has taken p lace fn the political
Owner Wanted.
“ I had headache, hot dasher, arreties» and
situatio n of this country. By virtue
T ak en up a t lay place, th ree m iles east
•vrcUlnx aeroM my body, pain in iuv right
of this change, the R epublican party of Jo sep h , one Hay horse, about three vears
aide, w ith h » p ie n t vom ltlug I u«ed U«x «!'•
b ran d ed AL on rig h t hip. T he ow ner
has been elim in ated from th e race. old.
ta n a p a r illa w ith the best result«. I am In
m av have th e an im a l hv callin g im m ed i­
T h at p arty stan d s n o t a shadow o f w ately an d p av in g for th is notice
better health than for four >eara. Hond a
chance for success. T he H om estead
Farm par ilia is «afe, reliable, and sure
m a tte r has caused a study of Repuldi-
t . W il m o x , Auburn, Cal.
can principles and m ethods. There- I
H o o d ’s S a rs a p a rilla
lore, the battle lies between the Peo- 1
BnM hv d-ugji>r. »1. »lx for « .
L.uid Office a t La G rande, O regon.
cub ip i. noon j. co.. Apothw.i c.
p ie’s p arty and th e D em ocrats, an d the
. A u g u st 10. 1SH2.
lxCV.li »¡„..,.
lorm er has every advantage.
Notice is herein given that thefollowing-
100 D o se s O ne D ollar
"Mje will carry the solid South. We nam ed s e ttle r has tiled no tice of his in te n ­
tion to m ake final proof ill su p p o rt of bis
can do th a t easier th an the D em ocrats claim
, am i th a t sa id proof wili u - m ade be-
can carry a single S outhern state. ‘orc J. A Rum ble, C om m issioner F . S.
T he people of the South are tak en with C ircuit C ourt, at Jo se p h . O regon, on Sep
th e O m aha platform . I t su its them . ten ib er 2fith. 1862. via:
I lie elim ination of the R epublicans
—GF T H E —
has em ancipated the South, and the H u. No. 3504 for th e N N I K . section 2S.
colored and w hite people alike will
Grande Rende Valley
He name» the follow ing w itnesses to
vote th eir choice of tickets
We will
an d
carry the en tire West solid. O ur party E
e n LuV
tram Mav-
will get tile en tire silver vote, s in e i narri George W. Evutt
ih 'K a y
there is no choice on tlia t line between ’ “>“• Ole Miller, all of
To be held on the Society’s grounds near ;
Cleveland and H arrison. The Repub­
licans lost n ine states in 1S90 which
they held two years before. To win C otice for pit
they m u st regain those states and •
Land Office at La
carry all th e silver slates, and tiiis ■
August loth. 1862.
One Week Only, Commencing
they can n o t do.
Notice h ereb v 6iven th a t tlc-A iilow ing
» S
D y s p e p s ia
M ill Occupy This Space in about 2 M eeks.
So be on the Lookout for it.
SECOND Annual Fair
Agricultural Society
La Grande. Oregon.
nam ed se ttle r h as tiled notice of her inteh-
C om er 1st and Main Streets, Joseph. Oregon.
Monday, October 3d, 1892.
I tion to m ake final proof in «tippurt of tier
claim , a n d th a t »Mid proof will be m ade be
unngfer anti a ta r . a t i o n .
fnrr the (. om it« < lerk of W alnwai u. tire
H avann . v . Texas, Aug. 14— Suffering , at l-ntcrprive, O regon. • i >■ p-’-iiii r 2 l.li,
H nn<»pr i n d
F, D. M c C u l l y & Co,,
.f in .
I rider the auspices of the
am ong the laboring class of the Mexi- l54ZJ' vlz
First Eastern Oregon District
C3o population on both sides of the
. . / ° “:A A ' ’AFGHAN.;
Rio G rande is appalling. M any fanti-
" lor t‘*e «’E’-. 8E>.\sectiun 5
lies have been living for days on cac
t fc_}' * section ;. atit£\i
N v. ,
tu s plant and mesqtiite licans, a n d '
m a n 'c h ild r e n have died from lever
<’n' riani€3 lue louowing w i t m o t„
t, fl.iGO (,’nsli P rem ium s uffcred by
S tate.
and biliousness The rd ta f com m ittee
.M1^ , , ^
issues barely enough corn to keep lit- and • W
” ddo e. Cha-e
... .. of
,, Im naba. V Oregon.
». t.^l H, , Ik.
It $10GG Special P rem ium s ottered by the
in th eir em aciated bodies.
A goon C h u n ia p of Jo sep h , O regon, a n d K. M.
business m en of la. G rande ami
rainfall has w ithin th e last Week Downey, of E n te rp rise , Oregon.
Islan d City.
A. CEKA V E R R eaiater.
swollen the river so th a t it is in m any
-O V E R
S4O O O -
places o’ er its hanks, h u t the w ater
A dm inistrator’s Notice.
cumes too late to lie available for this
J n th e P ro b a te C ourt for W allow a count»-, T otal prem ium « for ex h ib its of ag ri­
y ear’s crops.
S ta te of O regon.
cu ltu re, m echanic« and th e arts.
Agricultural Societv.
Washington Republicans
In th e M a tte r of the E sta te oh
A. J . U lsa ev . deceased.
o whom these
p resen ts r sh i i a j ll
n««-'»’ pi
o. .
J ne R epublican M ate convention greeting You wi.I take nutir-c that on the
of W ashington adj itim ed on th e 11th EHhdayof March, 1»62. J A. Wood was
inst., after
after n n o o m
m in
in s.in
s.in g c th
the e following
following d}l|vapta>inted administrator of the e state
A J Lhsnev. deceased, by the Hon. T.
tic k e t: Congressm- n—Jo h n L. M’ilson ol
II \ e a - e y ? c o u n ty ju d g e a t said tim e id
of Spokane and M m. H. D oolittle of W allow a co u n ty . S la te of O regon, an d th at
T acom a; Suprem e Judges—T. J. A n­ all p erso n s h av in g claim s r.gains*. said e s­
F or prem ium list or ajieetl program
te will p resen t the sa m e to the u n d e r­
ders of W alla W alla and Elm qn Scott ta
signed a d m in is tra to r, u t his piace in L ight- address A.
Miller, S ecretary G rande
of W hatcom ; Governor— Jo h n II. n in g can y o n . W allow a c o u n tr , O regon, of
Ronde Valley A gricultural Society, or
McGraw of S eattle; Lieut. G overnor— by m ull th ro u g h th e Jo sep h p o stn ili'e of
E. S. McComais, Secretary F irst E a s t- ’
h . H. Luce of Lincoln ; Secretary of said co u n ty , d u ly addressed to the said a d ­
m in is tra to r. tlie claim to tie duly item ized ern Oregon D istrict A g rien llural Sttci-
S tate—Jam es H. Price of - -------
P ierce; . »>•..
...n .v o n-
an d verified
as lo
req jn u iio
ired i by law, at anv ev
elv, Lu G rande, Oregon.
A u d ito r — I,. K G rim es of i .- ik lin a ; tim e on or before th e 1st day of F ebruary’,
S tate P rin te r—O. C. W hite of Colum- ( ,s5?
, ,
" ’ —
bia; S u p t.o f In stru ctio n —C. W. Bean ’ Jub-’a n h " 'U rt11' a t E n te rp rise «iregon
of W hitm an.
July JVth. 1S6-.
A d m in istra to r of the e s ta te of A J. Dis­
ney. deceased.
Two o f a Kind.
Ivanhoe A- S beaitan, a ttv s. for estate.
.Adlai—“ By the way. Grover, wliere s
your war record.”
Delivered or a t my m ill mi reasonable i
Grover, grin n in g — “ I th in k y o u ’ll
L and Office at La G ra n d e . Oregon,
lind it in tlie tam e pigeon-hole with
„ .
Ju ly 25. 1892.
Cash or Stock Taken.
yours, Adlai.”
N otice is hereby given th a t th e follow ing-
nan.eil se ttle r lias (¡¡cd notice of his in te n ­ For purticu'.uxat I en
cm quire of
Dalles C hronicle: T here is ju st this tion to m ak e final proof 111 su p p o rt of hrs
G - 7W . M E E K ,
claim , a n d th a t said proof wili lie m ade be­
about the lalm r question : W hen a man fore J A R um ble, t ’om riiissiotier I'. 8.
Prairie Creek, Oregon. '
wmhes to work and an o th er wiahea not t iic u it C ourt at Jo s e p h , O regon, on bept.
to work, all tilings ahoultl centralize 10th. 1*62, viz:
on giving tiie work to th e mnn who
w ants it, and all the force of th e gov­ H d No. AW!, for th e H -, N W |, an d NJ4
ern m e n t should he used, if necessary, S W *4 s e c ion 2? to w n sh ip 2 so u th , ran g e
'I'lu l l e s i u n r u a t R n a li
to protect him in his choice between 45, K. W . 11
3X C 3-2ST :
H e nam es tiie follow ing witned«.« Io prove
idleneM and labor.
O v e r * 2 5 0 0 in P u rs e s
F o r T r ia ls o f S p e e d .
Rough ami Dressed
u ‘r l 'l ’i;
his co n tin u o u s residence upon am i c u ltiv a ­
tio n of. said land. viz. H iram M .ivnard
You can break the new silver half- G
eor ." W E van- . J . A . F r , ¡ .-t am i Will
dollar w ithout shoving it in to a glass W uCr-neilcr. all of Jo sep h . (I -•
A. C I,E A V E R . Il gister.
of beer and g ettin g the change b a c k .,
It is so b rittle th a t a solid biow of a
ham m er will sh a tte r it. The moat
plessinng way to break it, however, in
to buy vour girl forty-five een ts w orth
of iee cream or ra n d y and get buck u
"Where the Lean Man Grew Fat.
JO S E P H , |
4 0 I I X S. C L A E K , > \
.Settlement Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all who are in­
debted to me to call at once and settle bv
cash or note, r.v so doing, you will con­
fer a favor on
Yours Raipectfully,
G. M’, STgrnEsso.-i, M. D.
Settlement Notice.
Notice ik hereby given to all who are
indebted to the Pioneer Drug Co. to call
I 'd tt.r’r r ; i * : : '• " ’■v «ettlemeot of th ro
H. C. KENNEDY, Proprietor.
I l‘\
The Osborne Mowers, Binders and Reapers
Have Given the Best of Satisfaction.
g r a n d e , o r eg o n ,
Does a General Commission Business,
Anti Deals in GRAIN, FEED,--------
-------- WOOL, HIDES anti PELTS.
The only Machines sold in the County for which
Extras can be obtained without delay.
--------- ------------ o --------- ----1--------
Our Patrons are assured that the machines
Ample Storage Facilities for Wool anti Grain.
Liberal Advancements cn Consignments. they purchase will be given the same attention
C1F* Office in Hd
8 t i » c
M’ v i . k
• i„ ,p i..„ ,.
as heretofore.