r 8* Matlock, \V i - * t o t i, .61»» ■k * i ’^vvqA l E ntsrorise tax 1< s 90 f 1 25. > r T. J. Bethel, apractical denfistfrom I Millen. J B—L-’s I. 2. 3 an I -i B.v virtue of a w arrant isoie, '' the t o unt.^ ito lten , J B—Lota 1, 2. S aiulifc tending the fair ..... ,, ; p, , , , 9, Town of E uterp r» .', tax lletj, THURSDAY, OCT. 8. 1891. Geo B. Jacobs, of lxiflthie, was in all work in his line Dr. Bethel is skis..to ■ « « h o f ^ ¡«o J be »com petent dentist, and no d o u lt be , * 4 clin,iueul tUx-p bnd “ nv «<»”‘1» or eb attcls belong Saturday i, « 4 to the fleluHjuenl» h erein after liuin« t, Town t>f l-oKtine, tax $LtM head of dry cows for the Portland m arket 5th> the election of director« was or p a r­ Sunday R inehart, T A— Ix>t? 1 and ►» bl. c . Monday. ' postponed until Saturday October1 • ith , i:p*.n th e tol’iw ihg'dert.ribfd piece» » ail tax cels of real «iMtate a* »cl fo rth • Monday. Town oi Routine, tax 1S9 ’, $1 1X1. xt __ xm Itfs ir tfla v * * ! 1x01 n t *2 i t ’ t'lfM 'k P . M . lock P. M. Kev. Connell Cox returned on Monday*• lòtti, at 2 o’cl list4,* lying and being ;n . Wallowa < 1 un tv, Tuesday... . R ose, I. A— Lot 3, l»L B, tow n i of 1In- stage fròin G rand Ronde, where he has J’; W. K i mble , Seeijtary. S tate of Oregon, d ead oed ami a*ses cd as terpriiie, tax 1890, $1.00. W ednesday been attending the presbytery. , A. C. fexiiH, 1 resident. # follow *: 2, Tow n R utter*(> C— Lotw 1 an«’ ?. bl. 22, Heported by observer of Signal Service. wfoitTovirs. * The funeral of Dr. Sm ith'» child Sun- M r. T. F. Rich. accompanied by Miss çe. Co.- ■ of E flterpi iKe. t«.x 1S89, ^2.60, A m erican Freehold I- am i >lo'. ’ .'»$»' d^y afternoon was attended by a la,'g* 1 j ] H|"n.| (jreasey, visited our oftii-e'ast T les- Jt 1 bl. Rinehart, I 'd —Lota 1 unta 1 am i 2, W. i beat it? H, himself witii ail the com torts of Jnodern • laud of W iib Bei«G».c. > . 17. Tp. 2N We note a pleasant call from W. J. Town of Loslii.e, tax 1888. $1.25. Col. Ivanhoe, of th e firm cf Ivanhoe A D rum hiil, of Sheep creek, last Monday. Shealian, started for Pendleton ot. Wed­ I civilization Such men deserve success. • "j,? »02.60. 4 • Shumway, C C—L »ts8,9am 1 10 , bl. 1 anadion-A m erican M ortgage < 0 .- m ig Town of Joweph, tax 1S90. $l .;»(h Dr T. J. Bethel, of Denver, will arrive nesday’s stage to attend to soma legal . MeH|5rH. R .qjingH eld A Cole l iv * pur- 1 lam! of M W G oodm an, n * >» m p ; sec. Shaw, C C— Lot 12. Id. 8, Tom of 1 in Joseph the 17th lust., and open a business. , | chased Simmons’ blacksm ith «hup on 2d , see. I n, h i n » 'i . »" '♦ ” " <1 s' -'* terpriae, tax 1)89, $1.73. d en tist’s office. The school m a ’am s have come amt htreeti nnj »¡¡I enlarge the building ill * 23 T( . 2 S K It E. fa x 1S1X1. i2 0 b Sm ith, B—Lot 3, bl. 10, Town of •o Brnii- Our genial friend, “ T lnde Billy Ham- gone like a pleasant dream , leaving our . suort tilnP. They desire us to in in ’m the I Collin», t B- tax 1889, $2 CO. ’ ,* m elt, has been recreating on tlie Iinuaha town lonelv and dull by their rX’jdus. ¿ |iu th a t they will do any repairing : scoiu. n ‘i se?4 an d e S sw% sec. 2 T p 2 S seph, Shun wav, ( ’ t ‘— Lota 8, o and 10,j Peace he with them till we m ed age n. , lh#t (,a „ l,e done outside of a foundry, at K 15 F. Tax lÄtt». 42 03 the past few days. , s Hiim- 18, Tow n of Joaeph, tax 1888, $2.2-8. Patrons can now arrange to deliver us W alter Beith, who lias been over in ¡reasonable rates, ami th at one of tlie firm 1 Collins. F B - m f g o n land of J»i 1’s.x lbSU, Sinunoiu-, A — L ots 3 uni 4 bl. 8, wood or good wheat on w hat they owe. W ashington for the past two months, ar- will always be found a t this slipp ready 1 irv»c , nv‘ fc sec. 10 1 p 1 S K b. terprise, i. x of 18x88. $2.25. I Col ins, F B—m t’g o n lan d of J K M artin, TueBtlay rived in E nterprise Tuesday night, and , for business. B ut call imm ediately. Shafer, Georg»—L )t 4, hl. V, Ex» I s t 2 Sw»4 sec. 22 Tp 2 b K E. la x Ib O, J. A. Tully, one of the prom inent citi­ ...ado arrangem ents to attend the Acad­ An immenre lot of new goo^s, includ­ prise, tax 1888, $ .63. zens of Wallowa precinct, was in town emy during the winter. W arden, D M—Lot 3 in hh 10. , ing gents’ furnishing goods, blankets, etc., ; $1.30. F rank Bros Im plem ent Co. - iMt'g on lam i J. A. Dow nine, of Whiskey creek, was just received at F. D, McCulfcf & Co s. I 1 of John T McKay, sek* sec. 35 1 p 2ft H4a K. part of lot 7, towit : 4 feet in width t .< yesterday on business. and ftouth and 110 feet in length east a Mrs. E. D. McCully and children re­ in town Saturdav for tl,e purpose of New advertisem ent next week. Tax issi), '3.30. i r vv it for his . son, . Gilliland. Jam es m t'g on hind ot vv 11 west in Mouth «id«.* of sai l lot 7, LL -yviiiiiK « a hoarding ----- - place • turned from a visit to G rand Grande val- securing St A pile of new goods just received horn he contem plates sending to school Black, Ion 2 am i 3. block 10, Town o i l . n E nterprise, tax 1890, $20 00. lev last Friday evening. W u r z w e i l e t C a l l and see terprise. T ax isku, $7.50. , , , . ... Wood, E m m a—Jxw, 6, hl. 16, Town Rev. Cennell Cox will preach at tiie during the coming winter. ( .’ven folci- m i’g on land of Jo h n Iviig, E nterprise tax 1890, $1.00 Geo. Foster and Mr. W ortman are Presbyterian church next Sunday, m orn­ Im portant Noticct .set, sec. -T 'lp I N R G E - T ax 1399. Wilson, b B—Lots 5 and 6, bl. I’, Towi doing some substantial improvements on íiu lc rv George mt g un lan d ot A ustin ing and evening. All invited. Notice is hereby given to ah parties Alder, tax 1890, $6.25. Tlie directors of this school district de­ the building of Dr. Barnes east «>f the who are indebted to us (h it their ac­ ,t ftinim'oiii. lot 2, block 9. Town of Jos<»)h. of W arnock, J G—Ix»t 9, bl. 10, Jo w n of printing office. Tito Doctor is having the 1899, 120.00. , . , , o a sire bids to furnish wood. See them counts must lie settled beforrt pecem hcr Tax Itali. A M in t’g o n lan d of Jo h n F a rn s­ Joseph, tax 1890, $12.50. building fitted up for a residence. about tlie quantity, quality, etc. 1st, 1891. From those who ifuinot pay W ebb, (ieorge—l/»t 6, bl. 15, F.nter- D. K Allen, of Ant Flat, has purchased cash we will accept Isiyi catfia, lings, or w orth, Ion 1, '-’ ami 3, Town of Jo sep h , lu x Andrew Rauch, recently from Illinois, 1.390, ¡S3 13. lan d of George 'a x 1888 »2 SH. H otaling Co.—m t’g on visited this place last Tuesday. Mr. R. the property <»t" John Shoemaker in the any kind of n iark e ta b lF p a ii, ft prooucty hl. 4, EnterprÍH-, Wood W m—Lot expects to locate perm anently in the south end of town. Mr. Allen will com­ For furlfier explanation in reg»rd to tlie I lu le rv . I t ft,block. 7, town >1 Jos, ph. Tax tax 1888, »2 50. plete the building already begun, and necessities of tliis den,a id. etc. .call at ¡690, él.89." . . , . , Wilson, W O—Tjots 8 and 9 hl. 9, E n ­ county. J ä r v i - l onkiin i o . - m t g on lan d of A make it one of the most valuable resi­ our office, and be sure to call early. C arpenters began work on the new Pio­ dence properties in town. I M FleenCr. e 1. s w ', an d n '.. s e î, sec. .,o Ip terprise, tax 1S88, »4.87 F. D. M cl’c ti v A Co. ’ L ands . • neer Drug Store building yesterday, and 2 ft R 4S I'., 'l ax I »13.la. • Andrew Fellows was arrested on last .larvis-l onkiin <ï> .~ u it g on land or J r Brophy, Tlios L— Isjts 1, 2, 3, 4, sec. 17 will complete the structure at the earliest Stockholders’ Meethi?. Friday evening on a warrant sworn out ! W .;,„ n .s c } 4 s e c .7 T p 3 ti K Hi 1- la x 1690. und lots 1, 2, 3 sec. 20 T |i3 S R 45 E- possible date. by W. Jennings for stealing an overcoat. The annual m eeting of the stockhold­ Tax 1800, »10.00. See the elegant new Todd heating The piisoner was lodged in jail until - — T . ‘L-nil’g on land of F M Goff, of the Wallowa Wrater Dit< 3 Co. will ’ M atlock, Briggs, W W— h 1-2 nw 1-4, nw 1-4 nw • stoves a t Challis»’ hardw are store a t E n­ Saturday, when his case was tried before ers 32. and s a b . nw% he held a t the First Bank «’‘doeeph on se)., nel.,, n e l, ¡ 11 ip sec. 1-1 and sw 1 4 sw 1-4 sec. 14 Tp 2 S R 16 3 N It td E . lu x 1690, terp rise. M apf bmmt , and sold at prices Justice S imms. Ivanhoe & Sheahan ap- ursdav Octolier 15th, 1391, si It) o’clock i i i j l i . « » ! , sec3 Thursd to suit the times. M , fu. I h . ' “C a n t i l e Tb list Co. m t’g on land of Geo E. Tax 1890, »12.40. priired for tlie defense and «..« Smith - ........ < -- x . __ The severe and unpleasant w eather of Smith for tlie prosecution.^ The t n »l i ¿¡Vectort to serve one veal’’, one the trans- Rivers. »J-, -4.' J , sec H a n d c-y sc;., »cc. 13 . Brophy, Thus I.—Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 soc. 17 and lots 1, 2, 3 sec. 20 Tp 3 b R 4o F,. last week has given way to several days term inated slsjut m idnight Saturday, rc- I U(,|jon of an y other buiinese th a t may To 3 « Pc lit E. T ax lft90. »17..III,. 1889, »10.40. of the finest fall weather im aginable. suiting in an acquittal. M atlock. T J —n it'g on h u id o t F M Gott, T&x ' come betore the meeting. Huggins. F A—e 1., so 1-4 sec. 5 Tp 2 8 nc'.l. n e li s e l, rc. 32. am t sw l. u w ji Notice the weather report. J. D. M i C uixy , O cretary. Married,—At tlie residence of tlie bride's , R 4 5 E . Tax 1890, »7.50. a"ml n w ‘,4 nw-Ji sec. 31 t p 3 N R 10K. T ax Miss E dna Pickett, Miss Lucy Bunnell parents in E nterprise, Tuesday Oct. 1st, Heirs of Susan Mclxay—nw 1-4 sec*. 29 lftfth »211.0'J. . , . , and Mi’s Marv R ankin, three of Wal­ 1891, John P. t'nllen and Miss Zannie | D R . O . w 7 S T È F H Ê N S O N . M ercantile T ru s t Co. m t g on land ot Tp 2 S R 45 E. Tax 1390. »10 (10. low a's fairest of tlie fairer sex, favored Akin; Rev. \V. P. Sam in»officiating. The j For Ilo eto r’s Fee will acitept stock | o ,.\,rae R iv ers.s', swl,' sec. Is and e.M self Hulse, J B—n 1., sel-1 and s- '» ne 1-4 tlie C hieftain with a pleasant call last young people, who are well and favorably , j j ag [lllvmeri t > th e stork to be l i ; To 3 - It til K. Ta.x iftsn. »18 20. . i UI1VI ,,'C wn , v >•., . — — — - —,— - - I». see. 21 Tp 1 N R 43 E. Tax 1839. »9.32. M atlock. J T -m t’g o n land oi 8 M Goff, known, have the best wishes oi a large | iv.Kre(j y|.iv i„t iU,d Novemlx-r 1st. Aft Saturday. H am ilton A Iliilfm ann—, se 1-4 sec. eki n c 1,. i n 1, sc 'i sec. 32 and sve’ , ,n » ' i 13 Tp 3 8 R 45 E. Tax’ 1889, *11.31. The board of equalization of this school circle of friends and acquailitanccs th a t ,..ulgelliellts can Ixi made at guv tiiuo. WÍ4 tiw , sec. 31 Tp 3 N i t 46 L. 1 ax 1686, district will meet Monday evening, Oct. they may tiave a prosperous and joyous Miller, Chris E—se 1 4 so 1-'4 sec-22 , , , , , ____ _________ Ilem enilft-r when in l i , h- i.lii *5tci;i -m tileT rn « t C o . - m r ? "oii^TañW'ot sw 1-4 sw 1-4 S6c. 2b, r,w 1-1 nw 1-4 sec. Igtii, to'consider the assessm ent of prop­ voyage on the uncertain sea oi m atri- mutual Ufa. so often fra»«,!»* ««til “a ^ a a lla ” , produce, Gist M cCully A G nb.a t will pa V erly. All interested should appear before 26 and ne 1-4 rie 1-1 sec. 27 Tp 2 8 R 45 ly o u th e . highest hig h est cash price, and amt that m at >“ '•> I s r ’ io É’ ^ ' i x w . í í í j í i : ’ f and shipwrecked hopes. , j you tlie K. Tax 1890. »15.00. th e board. M ortgage Co. ru t'g o n land ’ to tow n S u n d ay can furnish yen a n y th in g in th e line ot | ^ ew j,.;, Mitchell, D C—n '2 se 1-4, sc 1-4 nw 11 ■ R aphael Rodriquez, of Im naha Park, i D. W. Sliealian came in .,.k. m n w ‘,4 se'» t-M and sw 1-4 no 1-4 sec. 9 Tp 1 b R 43 F. aeuds greetings to the C hif A tain . We I in somewhat the same r plight th a t the | groceries, paints, oils, etc., at the lowest I {,p , a fishing expedí- prices. Goods will be delivered in Mal- «ec. 3 'l’p 1 E R 4 5 F . 1 ax 1«*9 »13.on. Tax 1890, »10.00. are also under obligations to E . A. Hart small boy returns from an. was out horse- ¡ Iowa county on reasonable term s. ílei'sel. P G m t'g on land of O N bohop. .McKay, Susan—sw 14 sec. 29, Tp 2 8 and Mark Homan, of Alder, tor favors tion. It appears that Dan. n 1-2 se‘4 a n '1 “'‘‘v ,WH “lx'- 33 back riding for ins h ealth , and stopped at 11 45-E. Tax 1889, »13.1». th is week. -May they all prosper. T p’l N R '13 E. Tux HUH. $lv.n0. Trout creek to water iris horse. Unfort­ I.E G 4 A .X . I 3 I . A . ls r v lS - - O M clxay. S u san —sw 1-4 sec. 29 T p 2 6 J II Riiichurt—mt g on land of M ill,am J . T . Wilson, E. T. Rihluer and other . « P tC lA U V U 'B O ïB T .B tS T ASO CS»AP«»T STOCK IM Briggs, sw M III-M SVC. It. und w t-2 nw ', R 4 5 E . T ax 1888. »12.50. Im n ah a stock raisers will start for Spo­ unately lie rode into a hog and was .OdLQOD tV tR Y FORM GUARANTtloteORRCCT. ACCU- ' am ise 11 m- 1-4 sec. 14 Tp 2 S R l.r L. lu x to wade ashore and (mil his horse I Stickney, J F.—s ' , se 1-4 see. 6, vv ft. F AND RELIABLE. SF NO FCR OAT»L0OII t ALLKINOB kane Falla in a few days with a hundred I obliged »17.08. , , , , , ne 1-4 sec. 7 Tp 2 S R 46 E. Tax 1890, head of beef cattle. Since the buyers out., ftheahan thinks that physiology is I 4M. 3B. o r PRISTINO DONE AT LOW R A T I» E»TIMATE» O'VEN. i lfttw. .1 II R in e h a rt- m t'g on land of Andrew in recommending horse back rid­ will not come to them , they are going to correct Me A lexander, s 1-2 se t - 1 an,l cl-2sw 1-4 sec. »7.50. ing as a healthful and pleasant exercise. Parian Marble Co.— nw 1-4 ne 1-4 sec. 19 T p 1 N R 43 F. T ax 16»9 »2.4 ,. th e buyers. Fair Warning! Il F Stewart—nit g <*i» lanu «»I 1 rank 26 Tp 3 S R 45 E. Tax »2.50. For our brief, though excellent, report Johnson, s 1-2 mi 1-1. sc,,' 4 nw 1-4 an d nc Ail Note3 due W ill ifurzw ciler ,uu,. I And on Monday, the 9th day "f Neve . Trout Creek Items. of the teachers’ institute, the C hieftain la x lftft.i. | )er^ m < ||, ,,( tl;,. jicu r of 10 o'eiock M. 1-4 sc 1-4 sec. 26 Tp 1 b 1- 44 F is under ot,ligations to its efficient corres­ Good weather causes the farm ers to which are a t the F irst Banl4of Joseph ' l l ' P Stew art—m t'g on land of F ra n k of said day a t the court house door in said pondent, Mr. W. G. Burleigh. Mr. smile. for collecfion must be paid W ore 0c- County and State, I will sell the above Burleigh wrote the entire report except lohnson s 1-2 ne 1-4, se 1-4 nw 1-4. nc 1 4 sc described real estate a t l’uhlie auction hr The cowboys have been gatiiering cat- | t obor 10th, 1891, or suit will be brought 14 scc i l T p l S R44 E. Tux 1388. »10.09. buc I i portions as referred to himself. immediately thereafter to collect the Il P Stewart—m t’g on land of 1- rank the highest bidder for cash, subject to re­ Place being given in tliis issue to Mr. tie in tliis vicinity. Cole & Bacon, from Lost Prairie, l same. Call a t the F irst Bank of) Johnson, s). n e 'i. s c ', nw>4 and n e i, dem ption, to satisfy said w arrant, costs Gw illim 's article, tlie slieritFs sale cf costs. ............. sc'., sec. 29 Tp 1 S B H K- I 10- and accruing THOM property, institute proceedings, etc. the running their thresher on tliis creek. AS H V M V H R FA c, Joseph. ______________' _____ Telford, W Is—m t'g on land of' T IJ La- Miss Cora Jones will attend school a t editor is not forced to write locals draw n Sheriff of Wull ova County Oregon. Bids to Furnish Wood. cert, n G 1, and j 3 n c '{ anti i nb. sw>4 see 7 Tp 3 n from the imagination. Tlie editorial scis- | the Enterprise Acadetrty tliis w inter. Bids w ill he received hv the undersigned 1 R 45 E. Tax 1390, .»ill. 00. sors also enjoying a much needed rest. j H attie Bumliill is stopping a at t I’nter- Our public school opened last Monday | prise with Geo. Craig's family tliis week, OT1CE FOR PUBLICATION. in attend.- After the next meeting of the Trout m orning o riim g with .......... about 60 . pupils . . L and Office at La G rande. Oregon. ance. Already the school gives evidence “ Creek Alliance the membership will uutu- October 2d, lit)I. tie delivered before Nov. of coming success, and we predict a term her twenty-seven. Telford, W L—mt g on land of C a n s r y given all bids reserved. of great advancem ent under the able J . B. Olm stead is out at La G rande right to reject ttnv F. or D. .MeCt'i.iv A Co. ' Miller, se',1 sr ' i sec. 22, swig sw'4 sec. nam ed settlei has riled notice of hi- in te n ­ m anagem ent of Prof. Bunch and Mrs. after a threshing machine engine. H art sec. 26 and nel-4 ne)^ tion to m ake final proof in su p p o rt of his Fowler. & Olmstead always keep up with the sec. 27 Tp 2 S R'45 E. Tax 1889, »20.8H. claim , and tlint said proof will he m a le be­ P a in tin g «ml P a p e r Hanging. F . D. Sm ith, of San Francisco, visited tim es. They believe in gett.ng just what - ïeïio rd , W L—m t’g on land of J R fore J A. Rum ble. C om m issioner I W hen you want painting ur paper- ircuit C ourt, at Jo sep h , O regon, on No­ this place during the past week, and while j t j)e eount ry dem ands hanging done at reasonable ratei, call on Martin, s'g sw '4 sec. 22 Tp 2 S R 45 E. C vem ber 21, 1891. viz; m e delegates iieivaan-n from «„..A th is pri'cinct to the I). Bruslra. He guarantees rtttofaetion Tax 1890, ,*6.25. here investigated the mineral [e80'"'iT'' I The ORLANDO M. T. PROUT. of our d istric t He was very favorably | a]|iance tonveIltion belli ai Alder last to all patrons. E stim ates madb and con­ Telford, W L—m Pg on land of J U im pressed with w hat lie saw, and it is week report an enthusiastic meeting, and tracts taken. Carriage painting a spec-| Martin, s>i swl^ sec. 22 Tp 2 8 K 45 E . Hd. No. 3877. for the Lot I an d N E t, NW l* probable that his visit will be a decided say that they are well pleased witii the ialty. and NM NB'zk Sec. 19, Tp. 2. 8., K 45, E. I Tax 1889, »6.50. benefit to tlie district. Telford, »V 1 m tg on land of D A W. M. work th at is being done. Rochester, n»á Be'4, swl¿ sebi sec.«, and OT1CE FO R PUBLICATION. H e n am es the following w itnesses to I am glad to note th a t our friend Mr The accidental shooting mentioned in n w 1.. n e l4 sec. 7 Tp 1 N R 43 E. Tax prove his con’ m inus residence upon and made onr last issue, and tlie trial at Enterprise I’arkyn in iiis argum ent last week bu lfli' I L and Office a t La G rande. Ortoon, cultivation of said land, viz: H enry 11. 18»il" »12.50. last Saturday, were the m eans of ridding i thrust at general agencies . on the ,, Pi . a A ugust 1», 1891. F urguson tak e sp te:» l Telford, W le— m t'g on lanu ol J M Cole, Osear I (hat Ml, (l)UowinR this conntv of two parties th a t were not slope. Your item .zer has' ^ R e d and , n o tice.) Thom s H u m p h rey s, E n te rp rise. Sutherland, w’% nw 1-4. se 1-4 sw l-4 a n d settler h rs filed notice of Ins Inten- above suspicion. Property of other people written about tins sw indle for years, and Or Harvey I rb.v. George W . Martin se 1-4 nw 1-4 sec. 25 Tp 2 8 R 44 E. la x Will W urzw eiler. nil i f J o s e p h , Oregoi . found in their possession will not allow a even asked our representative last winter , (.oa (() milke qnu] p ronf in support of Iris 1896, »20.60. , , to introduce a bill in our legislature to ] a n ,j t |,at S:iid proof will !>« made be- more charitable conclusion. A. C L E A V 1 R , Register. Telford, W I,—m t’g on laud of .1 M proliibit general agencies in tlie state of | f))re , Rum ble, Cotnm issloSer U. 8. J.C .Shaekleford.thepopularstftgedriver Oregon It seems „ lllllu . educate the (-¡rcuii Court, at Joseph, Oregon on Oct. Sutherland, w nw 1-4, se 1-4 sw 1-4 an d hard to se 1-4 nw 1-4 sue. 25 Tp 2 8 R 44 E . Tax Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. supplied a long-felt want in pn^{Jf T people to understand th a t they are being null. 1891, viz; t e 7 ± ^ hme Ä ^ Ä ^ h i " « " t o ’ b u t " ' e 'i«".1, is dawning, and VIRG IL PRATT, 1889, »20.86. Notice is hereby given, th a t by v irtu e of TOWN LOTS. of ore frr m 20 different ledges in this dis before tiie sun croses tiie equator many D. 8. No. 9683, for the RM «KM Section 15 an o rd er and decree of the p ro b ate court of trict, and forwarded thorn to the fair at tim es, middle-men will do to write about, and NBM NE% Section 22. Tp. ? 8 .( R. 45 Austin A M—Lots 1. 5 and 7, block 9. W allow a conntv, in th e sta le of Oregon m ade on tlie 4tli day of F ehrim ry, 1891, in La Grande. Clate, deserves a mineral but will seldom he seen. Let tlie factories Town of Joseph, tax 1889, »5 a certain proceeding th erein pending, E. W. M. m onum ent and lots of success. A ltm ltm a an, sell to the local dealar, and he to the H e nam es th e following w itnessestoprove A n , J J —Ixjt is o i- 2, , block r w 7, Town of En- w herein th e undersig n ed as g u ard ian of consumer. Or, if a man wishes to is continuous residenc e upon and coltiva- te rp rise , ta x 1888, »1 ->. Tlie quarterly m eeting services of tie M arion E. Lang, m in o r h eir of A gues A. hl Ù. of. of " said a id ia land, blocl 1, Joseph, tax Lang, was petitio n er p ray in g for th e sale of n i viz; . It. f ! W il’ nnjH iram . B ell, J B— Lot 2, block M. E. enurch will be held next Saturday order an article from tlie factory, tie tion ales ........................ .. - m ‘...... rtain real estate belonging to said inor and Sunday at Enterprise, tlioeonferenee should have privilege to do so. All honest M aynard, Peter R andan, H a n hkrydslrap, 1890, »1 00. i Bull, Jeff—Lot 1, block 30, Town of anil herein a fter det-cribed. ltw n s o rd . red ail of Jo sep h , Oregon. convening ' at 2 P . M. on Saturday. The men should cry down tliis curse. and decreed by said co u rt th a t the u n d er­ ■ Enterprise, tax 1890, »2 75. A. ULEAVKR. R egster. presiding elder is expected to he present, We a re going to give agencies a flip, 1 Beddingfieid, W C—L o ts8 an 119, block signed ns such’ g u ard ian sell the follow ing And farm ers will give us praise; and in addition to other services will real p ro p erty for cash in h an d , to - w it: OT1CE FOP. PU BLIC A TIO N . I 0, Town of Joseph, tax 1890, »1 preacli at the Lower valley next Monday So Mr. Dealer don 't turn up your Up, lad s one (1 ) and two if } in block to u r (4 ) ! Black, W 11—Lot 3, block In, Town situ ated in rhe towu of Jo sep h , in Wufiow a Aud say it’s but a local craze. evening. L aud Office a t La G rande, »"-exo". H . V. L. county, state of Oregon. Now therefore I yepteinber 21st, 1891. j of Enterprise, tax 181», »15 00. Frank Wiles received notice yesterday I Conner, 8 B—Lot 5, block C, Town or will on th e 31st duv of October. 1891, a t the evening, from Commissioner Carter, th at „ .V I I li Notice is hereby given th a t the following Lostine, tux 1880, »2 25. hour of 10 o'clock A XI. of «aid d ay in A S ap C ase .—Mr. John W. H all, of n „ nlpll settler has filed notice of his intcn- the local land office has been ordered to Chatten, W R— E )ts 1. 2 .3 and 4 ,block front of t l i e co u rt house door in th e city if Paradise, was brought before Judge I tion t0 ,liake final proof in support of his E n terp rise in said Wallow» co u n ty sell a t issue the final receipt for his land which 1, Town of Enterprise, tax 1st» , »1 88. Veasev last Friday and by him adjudged ! , hii,n.and th at said proof will Ixi mad« be- auction all the rig h t, title an d In­ lias been under a cloud of litigation for insane Kckler, George—Ix>t S, block 10, Town public On Natiirdav morning Sheriff fore J A. Rum ble. Comnnss.oner U. 8. terest of th e ssid M arion E. lam « in ami the past ten years. The letter from Mr. pi.ri^s, aeS m panied b ? .I .F . H all, ; Cireuit ¿ ¡ n r, at Joseph. Oregon, on No­ of .losepti. tax 1890, »2 50. to th e above-described prem ises to th e C arter also states there can he no appeal Hum i l for Salem with the pattont. His vemher , tinJ*91' ' Erwin. Eva—Lot 13, block 3 Town of highest an d b«st bidder for cash in h an d . W , L1Y s ta r te d ------------ . from his decision in Wiles’ favor. Dated this 23d day of September A. I).. tax 1890, »5 00. patny from I*L. case is nnfl one th a t excites sym s y m all p a WOK t l H h ............. y ... .. . Loetine, Hubbard, H. D.— Lot R, block 1. Towu 1891, at Joseph, Oregon. Legore Bros. A Ross have been engaged will) know tlie circum stances. Mr. H all D. 8. No. 93,4. for the .86.,, Se,. .15, p. 1 E. R L i n o . of Joseph, tux 18!», » .50. th e past few (lavs making tlie first clean is highly educated, holding several lite r - . x;, K, pi E. W. M. As giiardi I f of M arion E. Lang, m in o r Huffman, Philo— Undivided U lot 6. up a t their Hurricane creek arrastre. The ary diplom as and is also a graduate of a Hl, nam es tlie following witnesses to block 4, E nterprise, tax 1890, »3.76. heir of Agnes A. Lang, deceased. result«, we understand, nre such a» indi­ first-class law school. His mental troll-I pr„ ve his eontinuons residence unoi and Hulse, H A—B lo k 16, Town of Enter- cate that, the ore from the “ Sullivan” ble is due solely to over-study and anxiety, ! cultivation of. said land, via.; Jaium C 'lO S V E Y A N t INO OF ALL KINDS, R. G. W inston, Mike l'boim (pn ptis«. tax 1889, »2.00. m ine is rich enowirh to pay working, and i a ’m bap unfortunato condition th a t V_i_Ua—A ho ire- ¡ Doth N otary W E tc. done by Matniuvm / N.aarv W e«k. c ■on. . Rn