/ V O L , V I I I , NO> 2 2 . J O S E P H , O R E G O N , O & T O J ÎE R 8 , 1 8 9 1 . W H O L E NO? —— _ T T A MYSTERY IS SOLVE». The Nebraska P p IfOl'IJ. The Murder of Twenty Chinamen The N ebraska Repuh.'s is h »' Week on Snake River, m et in convention, aril adçoW a The Wallowa Chieftain fS I8SVEt> EVERY THURSDAY — BV Tint— Highest of all in Leavening Power— U. S. Gov’t Report, Aug, 17, 1889. platform th a t is a pretty fair itiica- . ?------ The following article is now going tion of th e grounds on which the CHIEFTAIN TUB. COMPANY. th e rounds of the papers: j party will m ake its ( a m i.s ic A i8 9 2 . S an F rancisco , Sept. 30.—The mvs- F . M . M c C U L L Y , E d it o r . The platform follows: t ’c ismice in i tery surrounding the finding of the I the restoration of the virri>ran|stftte«- | bodies of tw enty Chinese in "'nakc ■ m anship in the conduct i< ouiforidgn SUBSCRIPTION RATES: river, Oregon, in 1887 has been solved. affairs under the guiiti fg ‘Und of Single Copy, per year ................. The bodies all bore gunshot wounds, America's favorite son, ..lenes O. Single Copy, - i t m onths .’75; showing they had been murdered. The Blaine. We approve o ' .vb silver Single Copy, three otoliths ____■ Chinese consul in stitu ted an invnsti- coinage act of the prrent adm inis­ i gation, hut was then unable to find tration, by which the ç»fre product of TROFESSIONA L CA KBS. ‘ who com m itted the crime. Consul i the pilver m ines of <.heHT ic v r nited .lt Bee now m akes public the following arc added to the / of the peo- 8. iVAXIME. P . W. 8 hkaman . 1 statem ent, dated \A alia \\ alia, A ugust j pie, b u t we denounce n. 'democratic 31,1891: j doctrine of free and uul. •:)«4 coinage c Paragraphs by Gabe. J " - -¿A. I L T T N d T B L I i L IVANHOE & S IIK A H A N , I “ I Hugh McM illan, now of W alla of silver a financial pohftiiable to - ’'Aft“ « While some of our sister north- U. S. Commissioner. 9th Hist. ,,f Oregon, i!n’ " ash > but formerly of Im n ah a. I precipitate tin e people of cipitate th o f , . |e|- city and i wait'' w a cot I Or., make the follow «very stai/- in ihc U n it,U n a pro­ west-wn states are com plaining of u n ­ —Is prepared to take all kinds of— ing statem ent, to the end th a t justice longed and disastrous cam p, four miles from (Snako river. weakening the porch».-y, power of er to wh ich we were treated on Monday, application will be inudo out free of charge. My son and Evans, Canfield, Larue the dollar which woulj bi used to Sept. 28th, was a rath er rude rem inder All work carefully and correctJy done Office in poHtoffice building. and V aughan w ent to a Chinese cam p purchase the product oltho farmers. of the “ wind'' up of sum m er. Enterpris«, - - - - Oregon. on Snake river. Canfield an d I.arne We are in favor of ha-. i r evbry dollar According to the ann u al statem ent Will tnumtet a general Land, Law and i.ainn at ai all ... times tim es ?7“n t ,ahove tl,e Cftmn n’ul E ' a "« *» dm! ’ ‘ tiiuirV and' li'v tiot.tiiny; erf The' b aseb all games and The ««.at n|tpctixi.r . tunic athl liver — OREGON, i cam p, «bout lour miles d istan t, where j which all or; people shnl1 receive in prize-fights. ExTK7tPR.I3K, legnbitor. In use for more than udyears th irteen Chinese were working on the I exchange therefor a lour Ano -if prod- in biigland. Positive s|>cciUe for liver The hop crop of the W illam ette coFiplaint. Dad taste in the niontli on river bar. These were all shot ahd | nets which do not proluce the most Office in Ln r rt Buildimr. Main street. killed, and the bodies thrown into the | ruinous com petition among our own valley is almost a failure by reason of arising in the morning, dull pains it. the Treatm ent of Pile» and Rectal Diseases river. The eam p was robbed, an d people nor destroy the developing the dcpieilations of the hop louse. Il bead and back of the eye«, tired finding, a 8 |* eiu lty $50,000 in gold secured. My son was industries of our country. Wc are the campaign lies would attack the dizziness, languor—symptoms of liver Ketnedv—l»r. Henley's En­ present only the first day', b u t w as heartily in favor of file general pro­ crop of office seekers in this country, complaint. glish Dandelion Tonic. Relieves consti­ K . T . J . »K A 7I« acquainted with the facts, ns they visions of the interstate -empmetee law, liberty might not thereafter comm and pation, sharpens the appetite and tones were talked over hv the parties in his and we dem and the reguhtion of all so high a price as eternal vigilance. Up the entire system. Get the genuine P hysician and S urgeon, | presence. The circum stances here railway and transportation lines in Some of our local w eather prophets from vonr druggist for » L an d take ao- cordlng to directions. JO SE PH , - - OREGON. detailed occurred on the Oregon side such a m anner as to insire fair and predict a severe w inter, giving ns a of the Snake river, in W allowa county, reasonable rates to th e pijiilucers anil reason for this inform ation advanced U . HE. H I L L , near the northeast corner of the state. consum ers of the country. We favor the wonderful crops, as they say hard 7 K. H A S , A. *1. M. I». Practical The Chinese consul-general in this such legislation as will prevent, all winters invariably follow a bounteous -J» ■ - city will at once com m unicate these illegal com binations am all unjust harvest This rem inds us of the editor facts to his own governm ent, and it is exactions by aggregate!! capital anil w**°i contrary to tradition, was ileter- ’’ ’iysician and Surgeon. Repairing fine watches u ajieclaliv. probable steps will he taken to punish corporatc powers. We iihist upon the | red from his usual occupation of hc- All work warranted. Ori’.crs by mall ail! the murderers. suppression of all trueifc, combines moaning his unhappy lot, by bis sub­ receive prom pt attention. JO SE PH , - - OREGON. To the people of Wallowa county, and schemes designed artificially scribers calling in large num bers nnd Shop with K. C. Mays A Co., Elgin, the revival of this old story seems increase the price of the necessaries of settling for the paper. T his was fol- Oregon. peculiar and some of its statem en ts life. We indorse tho Wellfi’s Colum­ lowed by a severe w inter, but it » A n n « !•>.(,«, A i.n «... chased by o.ie of the oldest and best made a new strike which gives prom ­ ns m any growlers abou the Census if », «m l .h m , I'. rin , I olvtln, t-h f î. Lu, l ie L a x g t k v . c u t. O thers are tlo h ig n s v ,« II. W h y bote] proprietors in Eastern Ore­ ise of great richness. From an assay some of th e very growleh : themselves To Messrs. Wisdom & Co. no» y.»n* Mom« earn o r« r t f l W M i« a iMonili. rt>n ra n do Ih c w o rk an J liv« would have consumed tiirictenough in of the ore tic got the following re tu rn s : gon. and the same having been M lio in«, w h erever y r « «e«, i r e i ! b e ­ the first place to answi j jlroperiy the ginners «re eneilv e n m liiv rhmi t h to Lead, $33.60; gold, $2,» silver, $4.86. l»a«1«.v. A ll «it««. W c ■»■»«* yon how thoroughly renovated and many When it is Built. nd »r«et you. ( a n w o rk in »¡mr.- ihm» The above paragraph is now being questions of the enum erit ir. « r a ll Hie lim e. Iliff » io n e ; *o rw « < k - commodious changes made, is now printed in the papers throughout the From five to ten team s loaded with Failure ntiknow u iiiiong t|i. rn. open to the public. grain from Wallowa, may already he H . l l a l l e t t A l « ' o . , l l « i M M U l* ..itl:,,i,|. WhRt is Good Baking Powder? State, and we copy it to show our peo­ I t is a well known /n t th a t car­ seen on our streets every day. Elgin ■ Vlenl». 9A eta., I,i>dstl’i(r, S3 cis. ple w hat is considered a “strike which Itnu,-< I a m t I-iO ilg tH g , $ ,5 .0 0 p e r ' gives prom ise of great richness” in bonate of am m onia is m l by bakers will soon be the leading shipping point ek* | o th er m ining districts. I n - h e Joseph in the preparation -if tlq- finest anil in Union county.—Elgin Recorder. G ests at the above-nam ed H o u se i district such a strike and assay would most wholesome bread! and cake, and i And when the builders of railroads will he furnished with clean beds not a ttra c t more th an passing notice. has been from tim e in^iwnMirial. I t is ‘ TjtUy recognize the im portance of a am ong the oldest and »t the same lim e h '" 't o tap t he Wallow.i grain fields, and the in st f 're the market affords, THE OHLY TRUE most healthful constittents of baking ! Wullowa m ineral, Wallowa lime, mar- cooked by one of the he«t cooks on P r. Meek and W. II. Spensc, the two powders. I t is ill evolved in gas by ! bl“, building rock, and Wallowa prod- men arrested a short tim e ago in Pen­ the beat of the oven./an l leaves no j u r!e nn‘l m anufactures, the shipping earth. ‘ J, V, LUTTRELL, dleton for procuring an abortion on trace of itself in the food, and it is ' P °m t will he in \\ nllowa county and a Pronrietor. the person of Mrs. Weaver, a widow this th a t gives it its gteat, value as town will he b u ilt nt some convient whose husband was drowned nt A rling­ leavening agent in the opii|ions of the ' lK>lnt th a t will surprise all Eastern ton some years ago, had an ex am in a­ physicians.— Ne*- York Journal. | Oregon. tion last week, which resulted in both - F O R SALE BY— being bound over to appear before the W tll PwWfy «b* iwvnlatathe A new variety of wlicati known as , Mind Read in: Li»-r nn«l Kldacy» and ■esl«M U,« T he Joseph Lim e Company. grand jury in the sum of $1000 each. th e new golden is attractii»; ronsider- i A bashful fellow called oil his girl, ' Hraitll «ad Tlrwrof Vnnlb. W « n t or AppMit», I iv H m m U ia, were unable to furnish b onds-' able attention among wheat growers, anil they both sat on the sofa, nt oppo- . Thev ................ I noli of BtronKth « n i T ìtm I 1* • • I Lo r abito i i i « i 70 > i r» d . Mon « A supply of first-class lime, tnnnu- j m en’ ant* wer® “g'»» rem anded to jail. , I t is a.product corning originally from 1 site ends. After a silence of consiiler- •n tiirlM ani* norr«« rnvtl Q new forco. F abronntho m i r i foctnred from pure Wallowa limestone, „ . ; ; t,ie d epartm ent of agriculture, and able duration, evidently spent bv each -aand _»wpr>lle» B rain Power. Some interest is being taken i.i the produced in Oregon fir the first tim e ¡in « snfforintf front rom nlaintp co nstantly on hand. sum moned up in bard hard thought, she simimoned .A D I E S ¡ruKBo;^ -ri-« i'«oi courage -- to ask Stine-w ork, plastering and brick j m atter of irrigation. This is proved in any q u an tity tin- prcsisit season, enough ---------- — •- him w hat he •N IC a anfo and apoody miro. Gira« « a aofoar. « M r . boni* ' by the fact th at th irteen states and The yield surpasses tin t of little club was th in k in g about, lie, hoping t< work done at lowest rates. •om pioffioa. Froqoont attempt« nt o o u n^*i n '-rte iv in^»nty 7 add to tho popularity o f the il » « o oou r i« n « - - , . , _ _ ,, , te rrito rie sw e re re p re s e n te d a ttb e c o n - under like conditions, whil$ it is ap- please her, replied : “ I was thinking of not oaporl mant—»at t i onrafW M , «w i «arsi. v ottbo <------------- Leave orcers with T . P. McCully A veution held at Salt Lake recently. p aren tlv less affected \v dfv w eather the same thing von were.” S h e .tu rn - Go or w ith the undersigned. There were 450 delegates in atteud- than any other rariety heretofore sow n I ‘ '' ' ......... 1 mg around, replied, “I ’ll slap emu on "NEI.L i J'JHNSwN. ance at the contention. in E astern O rcjjii. the m outh if von try it.’’ Dr. MART«« MBOICIMC CO., S tills , I s I Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Attorney-at-Law, THE WESTERH HOTEL, D Ï Watchmaker and Jeweler. THE JOSEPH TINSHOP General Merchandise, Etc., Tinware, Stoves, Etc. ENTERPRISE HOUSE, IR O IÌ TONIC THE BEST LIME IN OREGON i