i F i l l m r a tíM rfta in . I u G range , Or., Ju ly X - W h r t was ,in.liat.lv the m ost disw trt.ua tire in the hi»u>rv of lut Orande^jccurnxl to­ TH U R SD A Y , JU L Y 9. W M . ill. Mr. Joseph Oili made u» a pleasant night a* about » :30 o’c l o W * * » t»w kitchen of tl.e blue M ountaM Utotel srtT /x rr w r z f s s . « n .’. call last Friday. was discovered in flames. I he b a l d ­ L _ _ ---------- — Ml i F * t M i Mrs Akin »nJ ‘bild, oi l !lke ” ing was of wootl, old and dry, and ' are lying ill oi scarlatina. Rijjjulur co in in u n u b um .-. M MaMonk'bali --- ,'i.re a stream of w ater could be úr-1 < u »11.1 S u atu ra . h h mnnih. | \ \ e Are im fcbUxlto Mr. H am ilton i1 . . . . . Itu i , n . i i « . n rd r . ay i . a » > u ui l cm . ; , ' . s a & £ ¿ ‘1 M M m good standing are c«‘i F. D. M c C i lly , J- A. M asteksos . T iios . R oup , E. \V. R umble . f ttlV B K L A K E LODGK, S o . M. 1 «• •• 8 F Iteg.itar m eeting» ev»iry » evening ul iM d 1 eïlow» h a ll. \ ta m u l b re th re n in v ited to « item i, b ley. N .U .; W ill \ \ n rzw elier. K. 8. hopping dime at any’ tifne. A. ‘ 1 F lour and Feed sold at tho Mill clear. I fire departm ent resj.onJod promptly for cash or exclmngc only. worked faithfully, but as its facil- The boy» in blue arriv a l Tuesday i F. D. McCULLY, Matingef. evening from the seat of war a t ’ he I itietl for fighting the fire were lnade- i quate, the greater p art of four blocks Dalle Exchange Bought anti S o li on all t e Principal Cities of the t o n s ' F R E V S"1 l’> POST. fl. A. K Mr. Alex, Donnelley, of Elgin, is were burned before the flames were J M e e t s the -re md Saturday ot oat h '»onih 6 United Slates and Europe. a t 2 o ’clock 1' M a t E n te rp ria e H . W . stopping for ft few days w ith hut! gotten under control. No estim ate of I the losses nor insurance can he ob- Iteerbet . 1'. ' .l.-bn ,'-iir. h er. A djt. parents here. ______________ o ------------------------- son, wlioee ill- i tained tonight. The following is a Mrs. Akin and little l l ' l - ' - f . y I l - . R I AS i III R' 11 J O S E P H arc im- partial list the sufferers: tv. J. I .U I I M I I l,a . - of ............. - — 1 K egnlar service» b} Kev. It. J . nesd in mentioned elsewhere, „ rull; in- Snodgrass, stock and Hires? buildings, S p e c i a l A t t e n t i o n G i v e n t o ( o l l e e t io n s . All work done ou short notice, «r.il at re sid e n t m in i-te r , c»< M t observed Gazette Publishing C om pany; F .U ll Kh Ä and proving raj idly. lowest living prices. Every precaution shoitl, ' , Wood, photographer; Young A Dart, Repairing carefully done. fo n ie read in g ev ery W s d u o sd s j evening. to prevent the spread Of the sc g hardw are; R. E. Bryan, building; J Shop on 2d street (back ot bank build­ All co rd ially in v ited . scarlatina maligna. , K Romingi building; J. A. Boskowitz, ing) Joseph, Oregon. The funeral of the son of D. Otto, Mrg Litton, m illinery ; L m f t HODIST BPlsK’OPAL < Wl IV ? ’• aged 4 years, who died of scarlatn J , avfs j, Vo>> billiards; Joseph Me ÿ Â » . - ,.h — O F— , took place Monday. i t ’reary.'tw o buildings; \ \ illiarn Noble. T.x, much rain goes against the four ¿uildiugs ; Sommer A Blunt, brick »versanm, aud Has a Complete Stock <(? grain an.l makes one complain »nd j hi(M?k ; Mrs. Parker, m illinery; C. O. think things pro— swear. i Bunte, jfcwylcr; C. 8. Dumphy, drugs , .. .. i i c,n ;.h of the krin W arden McKenncu A Holmes, groceries; > ew- tree upon a^pheat.»«- f pusU^ > —G RO W ERS OF— t Q Co San F aneisco.' spent several j ,in A Palmer, drugs ; J, Diamond, gen- da vs in Jo " ph last week. ! end merchandise. Several easua ties o i k tv i. t i n t R ÎU PO R T . Hardy and Thoroughly Tested Trees All kinds of Tinware munufaetmed id t l U of Fridav night, Julv 3d occurred, the m ost senous being th a t 7 and Plants Suitable for this Climate. order, and repoiriwt prompRy done. The ball of Fri.day ■ f <)f William O’Brien, whose leg was ______ \ (Week ending J u r i st, 1S91.) in Roup s Hall was well1 tttU . currving ROod„ 0„ t of the 1 L o w e s t P r ic e s in th e C o h n ty ; -— — ------- I I ml ___« 2 V K A ltN O F P U .M T H ' A I . K I P K K I E 3 C R — w as the event of the sc aso . Snodgrass store. Senator Dolpl. and O.VV,_ We were visited by a heavy _rain on b ftt the B lue M oun . A share of the trade solicited. Thursday Friday night which banished th e oust having room» on the second J ob « J . T oole C o ., Proprietors. . ' Friday. i J. S. HOUCK, Manager. ’ • and made the air m uch cooler. . floor. They escaped with some dith- R eference: F irst N ational B ank of I daho , Boise C ity , Idaho. Saturday The raeve here on the. *ftcr?f excitem ent by the sudden sounding ,, v V MeCullv, editor of the ‘ of the fire alarm , arriving on the . „ b l u n d e r th is h ead ce a b . a Wvak. n ,v?T«is ‘le-t The Dalles for P o rt-' scene, clouds of »moke were seen lssu- c a s h m u st aecoinp»'.?' o r d e r __ __ ? I ? ¿,11 „robibkv reach home ing from the new roller flouring mills . j h MllHng Co Tlic tire a WRSrr-< ■ - v ' W H K É J C B * WMU land; he-will, I robt.t^y. rcae flf'com pany arrived prom ptly and fortu- sen sew inc nini bine >•■“> *• 1 't Friday or . aturday. r a i s e d bv * rc.-is,nsii.lv p a rty The Christian Endeawir so< l natelv, the Haines were under control a n d ‘th e r v m .in d e r m m ^ t f o y Enterprise and W b ^n a few m inutes, The fire originated p ay n w u tx . or o n tim e. E n q u ire a hours very pleasantly* cclebrati g j in th e apparat,iS for heating wheat, I _____________ ________- U ioksit of Wallowa lake. ;l„fr. stu m p , the entire struct 1 « ¿ id » o r d e r at the Cmr.«*»» u n n ei, ---- ------ , __ huvr been a have smoulder * Cbuis work, and ..UslaeUo.. nronertv of Mr. Stum p, are almost tire would soon been a smoulder­ completed. The house w ill la-occupied ing ruin. Mr. S. shut down the mill guark-^fed- _________________ V e are now over-crowded with new about 6,30 and after taking supper wnMVCYAMClNG GF Al.l F itV '' by a family next week, probably. Mrs H. E. Vermillion is selling her w ent over to his property on Lake Ft. z Soterv Work, En douv by Hu.ptlton goods for spring. A. Mcftillyl Ortii-e in i aiarrw s build in g large stock of m illinery goods a t cost, where he first discovered the smoke rou those wno cannot possible . all p *»- issuing from the mill. The foss is Z , ' 1 I E l T H I N S G I V E S P ROM PT A I - for the next twenty days to make WNXLLT.BOME TUEAT8ENT rL .A E U WITtt- A great plenty of the very best. estim ated at frein |7 5 to |1 0 0 in the Cx t e l i n o t i . H a m ilto n A XloCully. ( m i l room for a large stock of lull goods. 1N THE MUCH OF ALL THAT WILL «IA H T it s b u ild in g . J o M p h ._____ _ _ _ _ _ _ The boys of company “ I ” complain . destruction of heater and damaged INSTANTANEOUS I lE L I tf AND A More new styles, handsom e sélec­ ÉBIA .TK A ND COMMI? 1’WtUANKST t’L'KX. of a lack of courtesy shown them by grain. The building and machinery m i-ins»«. R easouablo 1 U ,n ' Tire Dalles people. T he «ext attem pt was in su W . The most speedy, positive an.l perma­ tions, and choice novelties than i¡t©n A MeCully. < intervt> building.____ to txKim the -and scoured town on the NOTES. nent cure for Catarrh of the Head, Asthma, Many members of the fire t o., being u r i 'ever before displayed. Z-. -1 z \ HEW »KO W l l.l l b P A ID Columbia F • tire help of this company and all Throat, Bronchial, Lung, Heart, absent a t The Dalles encam pm ent, to r th e recovery ot a ligtit-gr.iv Stomach, Liver an.l Kidney Affections börve « n v a n old. b r a n d e t w ith a com will flash in the pan. great praise is due the few rem aining Nervous Debility, etc. Consentpta>n. iu We received a pleasant call to ds> for their etforts in reaching the fire n ccied U t on left sh o u ld e r a id TF on rifcht e a r Such fine goods you never saw. sold its various stages, permanently cured.- from Capt. F. M MeCully, of I Co., Stalhe. A d d ress. J o s e p h . O r. D r A lorn ’ s O riginal M ope c f T hkat - at such low prices. th e hose cart. i t r editor of the W allowa CHUirTAts, at with mknt an.l his M edicated I nhalations A stranger stopping in town, on Joseph and Mr. Ray Yost, m unctan of oives instantaneous relief, builds up and ------ ' „ . l i t Lfoift M'illiam ! hearing the churcik hell ringing xio- W a^vill gratify your am bition to « j B 'I i t I L -„ift W lilt Law Office In Joseph. ¡^Vitalise, the wUola~' »r or llllailiig . A p c ic tly pabilcis treat­ e run wm i(W y(1|< The ment aud a guaranteed euro in f ' crj case/, Land Olfice. Persons intending to be distanced for all time. regon . whftt wM known a-- I no milter how long ntanihag. rb n trent- ppjve up, need only send me the i u,■■nt, for Htricli.re, of In. B o y ll I«, is tint -| Browny. The oration by Hon. E. W. names of tlreir witnesses. I will make I o r , n i e s l discovery known to Mednme. It The Maces. ! Baniee wa5 an able effort. A t night their application w ithout cost or trou­ IfliMolves and cm(.letaly removes the Although thc sun’s rays were rather t ,i(.re were two dances; one at thc new | & present. a g.. ll’tn. f has. G. Bnnte, Vegetables will not be so plenti.ul i b. 8. Mustv, second, C onsulting l’hvbioian, * The leading jeweler of i Grande has j The third race, for ponies of 14 this year a* formerly, ou account of BT. PA I 1. li l .S P I .S K A l i t , rsoiovod from the postotuce to ' ' F- I hands, or under was won by D. M ar- dry weather in the early part of spring. Poun.A SS, O mk . os . Ford’s building on Depot sheet, lie lias ________ ______ j Sotii-p for B uilding !'”l">ol House. a complete assortment of watches, clocks n o c k ’ „ a s p e c ia lty th ia se a so n o f w h a t and jowelry, and makes a s|«»ialty ot i'/ahave tho Exclusive Control ot Front the Boys. Notice is hereby given th a t sealed repanng fine watchmf. ociallv ctti. a- 1 in m separate H V »V V\»O J. p...-- - bids. The rig h t to reject W e’re busy. t o o n e p e rs o n as a cion* m CSS.W of roughness of the skin, I ’ll write alter this cruel war is Over.4Bnv *nd all bids is rescrveti and 1 haw been using it «^ry day for s a m p le f o r # W ill W' i h /. weili . k j the last f-a-tnight. I have found the Rots .1. M. M iivheli -, Directors r.i.i«!. Notice lo s e ttle . «•rtine an ex««Hent pre;airatioo in cases J. D. M< C l LI«Y,\ of tan, sunburn, etc., canned by exposure All parties indebted to us will lie re- to Match winds and a Julv sufl. quir.d to settle their accounts either ^ ■ L E O A l s B L A N K ö .<> Your« faithfully, by cash or a bankable note immcrh- atPtG'ALT* l **G«8T 8ÎOC* L illw L anotkt . ao«s t*airr » otte» •«*«*«’««» C o «"«. ct . ao '. u - i ately Otherwise accounts will be O ' r A T * A M > M M A * L > Hfwro* CATALO®«! ALL To Messrs. Wisdom & Co. _______ ___ idiwied iu com petent hands for col­ « « i m o OOMC AT LO® «A f» » (»TIM AT»» ® * * " - OHEOON . twl< J ' J X K S r i , HAI > fwT ■ li yon want w V..If house the very best k-eiu.i. F 1» M '‘ 'i.v SIMMONS & DUNLAPj —Blacksmiths.— THE ADA COUNTY NURSERY, THE JOSEPH TINSHOP -Ä, PAYETTE, Ada County, IDAHO, Tinware, Stoves, Etc» aborn s Ì A' POINTS FOR PATRONS. Í«“ f* “ ir uri W ï*v I ( 7 uri uri .uri uri uri F. D. M cC U LLY & CO. ¡..STRICTURE! h JOSEPH PLANING AND SHINGLE MILL. Diseases of Men! A. M . H A LL, Proprietor. 1 First-Class Work Guaranteed. 4 IU E $16.50« T musical instrument you can purchase. D R . G . W . S T E P H T fiN S O N , Money to Loan. one that will last you a life-tune and give For Doctor’« Fee«. ,dl accept stork Parties d u r in g to obtaiu loans on vou no trouble, porehase one of tlie ecle bratetl EarhufTs dust and mouse proof improved farms will find it to f . i r and feed as pavinoiit, thé stock to lie de­ November 1st. Ar- organs, and Tour friends w ill do b^w iao. interest to apply to H. F. Burl, igh at livered May 1st and und” at ar»y time ritf> Sold by A. C. H cpttbstox , La Grand«. Elgin. N«» delay ;-*»! term«, etc. < Merten i rA OHE AND ONE HALF POUNDS. F. D. McCULLY & Co< .m e tri-* » , JSSF t v ’$1