Mbw VOL. V., N O . 3. w JO SE PH , OREGON, M AY 24, 1888. W H O LE NO. 211 -County Seat Letter. tariff system; that the tariff en- PARA(JRAPH3. hanees the prices of tl-eir necessities ' ' ,, , aoo I --------- without, a co: respoiidjnij advance- To||)f gH(or of Ch|iift^ . I t take« experience to m a k e » lASL'EP EVERY THURSDAY ment in the prices of their products, j With your permission I would complete and satisfactory assess- —nr the — ----- O F - This is the whole »tory to let n like lo B|',v a few wor(j4 tot)w read.| ment of a county. It. M. Downey'« CH IEFTAIN PUBLISH INO CO. democratic editor tell it, and it is a i era of the C hieftain , 1tnd esjieci- F. 41. MoCULLY, • • EDITOR. effort indicates that he is a County Buildings and trapsadroitly set for farmers’ votes. i ally to the residents of the upper faithful and zealous officer- It will The argum ent,' however, is only end . of the Jail il Offered Wallowa BURsK'KU’TIOK RATES: county, upon the county be safe to re-elect him. 0 ______ .. dpoi “skin deep,” aMd.for the purpose of, questi„n ! n(& c0 Wlat thig Pin&lo Copy, por year . t2.IW | , , ,, , , .i A ll republicans should see th at County Free for showing its weakness, l e t us _ aun. M'uisls Copy, nix montila ............... EOO f inode of addressing the people of-.. . ,, v , .. Singla Copy, threo luoiitlw ................. 76 fr„„ . , , , , , the names of Mr. Norval and Mr. poseí that we have absXhito Ten Years. c c | particular localities has been u»ed| j j U)der on their legislative tratlt, and then sois wiinj, tjie effect i j u tbe C hieftain quité fre q u e n tly / ■ OUR R U L E S: no petty consider­ will he, not only upon ih tf ^ a r m e r ,L o x will in)itate tbe exatlipj0 al-! /, i i * * n t i n n « r diiu, l i n i th Businas' card» <12.00 per annum . ations the importance that the uilt*1»|»on alt classes. ready sit by some of your cotre-i Laud notices payable w I umi affidavit oi T H E O FFIC E R S W IL L I election of these gentlemen is to Without a tariff’ wo Vliall be pu'diuatiou in g; van. ipondents. H A V E S U IT A B L E A C ­ Local notice^' in reading columns, 10 offered goods of foreign manuiactx - rafter having given the county your party. _______ —HAS JUST A RRIV ED AT— eouta per line. ure i t jjist «bout one-half the price sent question careful study, having -O ur people ought to agitate the C O M M O D ATIO NS. (f j paper or advortiaoment discontinued of thosl n\:»iu:factured jn' our ?,vn considered the matter from every’ building of a wagon road from Jo- ni.til all arrearage* arc paid. country. Xltitler such-ciicriinatanehs 1). different stand point, I bnv« satis- seph to Cornucopia. Wallowa can our .^goods' "cbirfd not he sold of fied myself that the interests ot the get the bulk of trade from that Court pid Jury Room, Clerks, SO CIETY NOTICES. cfflirse until ^hey could tie manu- Upper valley demand that we ijn- section if the road is built. It is Sheriffs and Judge's Offices i factuied cheaper. Thewfirst'em er­ uitimously support the town of Jo ­ an im portant matter to our county, and a fire-pjroQT vault in JO SEPH LODGE, KO. 81. A. F. * A. gency to meet then would be one seph for county seat. a Brick-Building. ti. Regular communication nt Mu- and the road will tie built sooner or between m anufacturer^ and “efti- Honic lu ll, tin t and third Saturday« of Although this decision involves later. Let’s begin to talk it up right each mouth. M. M. in good standing ptores. The first-name«! woflW'^b a change of sentim ent upon my une eorliallv invited to attend. J. W. compelled to ask the latter to w’ '« to maihtain a protective Ownhey gives utterance to his wait- VJ0,8Vi a|,d (bat jg gcarcely n i at’ the C hieftain also awepted the La (¿rande, V uioa County, O repon. Hulery, T. L. Fine, F. D. MeCully,, tariir’ carefully adjusted so that it inga because we cannot patronize, doubl but lbal sb{? wil, pol, tb(. resolution referred to. We sincerely » » W m l»e in ttttc n d n n c e a t th« W allow a C irc u it C ourt. A. A. Hall, M. V. Knight, J. W .' wil1 j ust offer Protection enough European labor, and figures our voU of tbe Lower end of the vaHey ! hope the republicans in Wallowa Ilayes, Samuel Arney, W. II. Me- against cheap labor and foreign losses without apparently one very nearly solid and th at in any) county will abide by the decisions I and resolutions of their convention. N1 U a k k u . J. W .S s tl.T o a . J. F. B a x s u . Cully, W. W. . Briggs, and A. W. capitul to enable such of our in­ thought for the results which would case it will be a m atter of moral dustries which could not compete J ^ A K E R , SHELTO N 4 BAKER. follow. Uowan, parties of the first part and impossibility for Enterprise to get A vote for Hermann is a vote to Wallowa County, Oregon, party of with these conditions (chenp labor As a republican, I am free to say a majority oyer both Joseph and preserve, in tact, the dignity of labor and foreign capital) to thrive. that I believe the tariff needs read­ Lostine, with every prohibility that i and bequeath, to all time, the price- Attorneys at Law. the second part, \itnesseth : The policy of the democratic justing occasionally, hut we should i That in and for the sole consider­ she will be cut out of the second . less legacy of a civilization that has O r F I< ’ E6 U n io n and L» G rande, Ore ation of the continuance of the party is, to abolish this tariff sys- ask for free trade and the importa-1 election. gull, tip ecial .ItU m tiuii g iv e n all bueitie»» no parallel in the annals of the icm for the sake of cheapening cer- ««iiruaied to 11». county scat of suid Wallowa couaty, tion of cheap Chinese labor at one! Much us I ifftould liked to have wojjjd. It will do more. It will Oregon, at Joseph in said county, iain manufactured articles so that and the same time, and so would seen the county scut centrally j open your Columbia river, the A W U V W A K e t u WPIMC the said parties of the first part living expenses may he reduced in Mr. Ownhey to he consistent. located at Enterprise, I must eon- natural outlet for Eastern Oregon’« hereby ugree and hold themselves this country. R epublican . fess that Joseph is even more con- products; it will multiply the iocal As the necessity of protection separately und severally hound to venient for us of the upper country, [ industries, it will make it possi- furnish said county for a period of is not always acknowledged by The Wallowa C hieftain com­ and that, us it has here to fore been ) hie for the farmer to own uninort- A T T O B N E Y S -A T -L A W , teu years from and after the loth democrats, let us first consider this pleted its fourth year with its last stated, the difference of u few miles > gagod or encumbered his homes, it and day of September, 1888, free of all phase of the subject. Europe and issue. Mr. MeCully has made an is a very trilling affair, especially will make labor respected and re- America are separated by 3000 ^O T .tK IK IM F I K I.JC. rent, tnk’ccsf, tax ur vthcr exprnse» excellent paper and from the looks when we consider that it is in our spectable, independent and intelli- In Europe there L-mu Lu m i. Insn ram -e n in i C ollection a'liateorr to to id eou nty, one room miles of water. of the C hieftain ’ s advertising col- favor. ! gent. A v e n ls " IH prai-tiee in b o lli State unti are thousands upon thousands of Federai court«. Otti«« in p o s lo llie e b u ild ior county Clerk's office, one room urns is receiving his reward. The Enterprise is sujected to opposi-1 ----------- lo g , Joseph. Oregon. for Sheriff's oflico, and one room 1 pauper laborers, and as a result Wallowa country is one of the tion from above and below, H ttd iu 1 U ni . iku his opponent, Jam es A. for county Judge’s office and jury j wages are very low. The enormous richest in the west and will not be my opinion if we eyer get th e ! Fee. republican nominee for judge, T D K -. To7A.3STC3-, room, one vault for use in keeping ! wealth of the aristocracy is con­ long in becoming developed. The i county seat in the Upper valley, wt j has deemed the Wallowa county stantly seeking investment, and Joseph, - - Oregon. the county records secure, and one j C hieftain is doing splendid work ) shall have to unite on Joseph, for voters of sufficient importance to Ixiavevalls at Forsytbe’s Drug Stare or jail, together with one hull to he the result is, that the current rates in advertising the vast mining and truly the rivalry existing between ; visit our valley. A filter speciuieu at residence. used for all circuit and other court of interest are h I so low. Combine agricultural resources of its section our towns is sure to work Hgainst ) of western manhood ia seldom met these twocouscs, and we find that purposes, said offices, vault, jail and and those people who have ulready Enterprise. If Joseph should h e' with than we find in the person of hall lo be at all times during all of Euro|>e can manufacture much invested their money there can not cut out of the second election there j the republican nominee for judge, said ten years aforesaid subject to cheaper than we can here in be too liberal in their support of is little doubt, that she will work ! He is, in appearance, of medium P U IM K IAW A.K» 88 «<4«:<»-> the exclusive control of said county America, where wages and interest such a paper— [Milton Eagle. against the Flat ano try to put it at height, dark complextion, of are much higher. JtMKl’H .....................................OREGON. for the purposes herei n specified, I Lostine, where her business m en ) thoughtful and quiet manner, has The Atlantic offers a certain and said offices, vault and hull to be No republican can afford, if he is are now interested to quith an ex- given the law his entire attention Also Devotes Attention constructed of brick, plaster-finish­ amount of protection, and in the a republican, to vote against Mr. j tent. We can come neurer uniting : for the last eight years and when he early days of our history might —to--- ed, commodious and convenient. Hunter. He is a man of conscient-, upon Joseph than Enterprise, and I assumes judicial duties and respou- That said Wallowa county. Ore­ have been considered protection j d z e z n t t is t z r / y . gon, agrees to accept and receive enough. But in this progressive ious convictious in all matters, and it is even more convenient fur us. si bib ties, he’ll not labor to make tho Artificial Plate Work and Filling said buildings so agreed to be age when supplies for a whole state has lived too long, in this country! So far as Lostine is concerned public believe that he knows In ore done in a Skilltul manner and all furnished at the time and in the not to have enemies. No man of with indisputable evidence of their! than the Iwr. He will be brief and condition here in mentioned ; Pro­ cun be brought from Liverpool by Work Warranted. character and ability ever lived strength now being used ; with the) to the point—not ao prolix and a dozen men in six or seven days, vided alien yt, That, if at anytim e during suid ' the republican party considers the without both warm friends and hit- system and determ ination which, meandering that no man can tell ten years aforesaid the county »eat i people of all classes in America ter foes. Mr. Hunter has always , they ate now using, their can ho. whether he is passing on a question Administered for the Painless o f Wallowa county. Oregon, ceases need more protection than the frac­ been loyal to his friends and ju st to little doubt but that she will gel) of taw or making a dcuiocratiu Extraction of Teeth. to he and remain at Joseph, in suid his enemies, and commands the I what she is after,—her own vote, ( speech. He is old enough to be U. county, then this contract to lie tion of a cent per pound freight respect of all. When at Salem, he and worse than that, two years ». Senator und alm ost old enough void ; otherwise, in full force and charges across the Atlantic. will command the resjicct of demo­ hence they will fight us even. ! to be president. But, possibly, the Tite democratic argument is, that -f l T / l I I l \ r ««WARM«» «re those effect. J Ç 1 1 I > 1 w lto r n o l th is mid E. J. F orsythe , A. B. C. (icople want to foist upon the district F. D. M c C ully , with the exception of those en­ crats und the admiration of repub­ the n in i ; ih i-v «91 , ll' ' l Im iio ra h le e m p io )- lican workers. an imported relic of nuotlter age. meni Unit «ill D uni tli.-ir W ill W i rzwlii . er , S amuel A mey , gaged in sheep husbandry farmers him » s and im n tlii-s. T in - p rurit« «re lu rg r G eo . W. H ulery , W’. W. B rig « s , have no benefits from protection ; I t is generally acknowledged that I from whose mind you could pluck mid c ir c n re v e rv iudn » lrio « .» p i rw m . nnu-v A. A. JI all , have inm li- «nu ure nuw m a k in g sci «rnl T. I.. F ine . A. N oi . tner , a veteran democratic Thos. Veajy, as judge, aud Messrr ,, moss and from whose brain you that their products arc sold upon M. V. K nioht , lilin d r r d dollar., a In in illi. D I« easy fo r W. H. M c C ully , niivniii- tu i i u i k i - H H ' i ui>wi«reen ap- Tully and Imbler, as commissioners: fold blow the d u st of the middle a lit i 1« « illii. g tu w o rk . L itlie r «ex. y o iu ig they a e forced to expwnd the re­ pointed postofiice inspector. It will form an economical and ju d i-! "gt-'S. But wa think not. Ourpeo- J. W. H a y e s . « r u l l i ; ' iip it iil «ut ne. 'Ieri ; «e « tu ri vini l-.v- « rv th in g ne» - No *|H'eiul n lilllty re.|iur»