2-SS. ■ m hucrlptle« B »M M Copy, per year, io udvsnce, . *2.2.' If not paid in advance, *3.75 | Ninel* Copy, six month».............. I'.2' »ta«le Ninel* Copy, three month*. *0.78. Com m unication* n t an Interesting public nature w i'l be cheerfully publish.'.I. V O L . IL . N O . 52. JO SE P H . O REG O N, M AY 0. 1889. gressmen were chatting a few days R. O LSEN, F O R R / L E ago ; when allusion was mad» to (F rom our Regular C orrespondent.) the popular idea that men in legis­ It ling been determined that the BLACKSMITH, M. A . n E C U r t t l O B V. recent decision of the «uprenw W ashington . Aprii, 19, 1H8Ö. lative position* Work little and get S A D D L E & H A R N E S S ! .4 hi«», ............................. Ortftn. , Attorney-at-Lav court as to ihe registry low relat- , . , The Labor trouble’, the pro* good pay. Mr. Scott, the wealthiest ; I ffiaeksmlthlair s f «very ie tc rlftlu e ine to registration, and that the „ . . . ... . . „ Mendier in the home, spoke up: Nota ry Tublit *■ " ’ , . , posed Exposition in Washington, T W , E N D O P V O I, I t . part relating to the ooriduc*. of e l e c - ; , ,, , ,. „ , “ I have worked harder since I be­ business with a fatly tad dorably dear. an d ilin in y P e r d e r , * the probable fate of the new tariti To-day H‘>ae» the sweond year of 1 lions is in full force and i.ullmrity. came a Congressnl»n,'* said he, hill, and the President’s rumored .............................. Of.SOOM JO SEPH . the CftiKFTAFb'a existence and con.» jjQ U g j* ' W 0 T W O 1 O T ^ ' ’ StJ,ci,lit-v This law, under which we are soon marriage are arming the subjects "than ever before in my life. I ineucea the \ .'ear of it* editor’s to hold an election for the first time, that one hears discussed on the get to Work every day that I am in Cheaper than ever tor Snot Cash Ufo, a man, unlike a news paper, J xmib U aatM T T , J. W. B a u t « « . in Joseph. does not differ essentially from the streets here now. At the Capitol Washington at eight o'clock in th - does not always bear liis age on his old election law. It provides a sim­ our lawmakers are talking about morning, and Tseldoin get to bed E. J. FO RSY TH E, face, you know. The former has, SHELTON A l}J T :b rt,T T ple and definite system in the spirit InU r StMte Commerce, Secret Ses­ bef >re midnight, and my work is perhaps, done as much good in its of the old law, and for the most 1 sions. the Hsberies question, and tint quite done thetl.” The Demo­ D R V U O to r. two yeurs of life ns the latter has A T T O R N E Y S -A T -L A W . part in its identical terms, with the ' crat millionaire added th at he bail Of 200 acres on Elk Flat and J dvxbu , . Omaoa. approbation bill*. in all of his ; we are certain it has ' l i d . IL ion of a few regulations do- , no expectation of having to work about fit) head <>f At e n ib u sii’tic meeting « » ’ not done us much harm. —DEALER IV— Will practice in Union. EakrT, Two years ugo, when the ClttKF- ¡ signed to protect the ballot, and! held at W illard's hotel a few eve­ like that. Grant. Umatilla an M o rro # GOOD STOCK HORSES for tiiu ••onveniencc of voters. ‘ '««tifies, also in th. dupreni» DRU G S & C H E M IC A L S. nings siie.e, at which representalive TAIN Hrat flourished the scalping G iC N E R A t N E W S . The in >st im portant change ii business men of Baltimore and Court ' ' Oregon ; Dittrii t irtu it knifw We had the encouragement, ‘C h a m p io n ’ Trv.sueA, respectina voting places. The new Washington discussed the pro­ »ml Mbpretne Court uf th« United of even our (test friends shaking Apply io nt ate», S h o u ld e r B ra c e s, The Greeks are jum ping up and law requires County judges to read* jected Exposition to be i l i f t g t li ated their heads and shrugging their i o r * M li.in i at>4 CftrpMtiloa hattMM « down again, arid Turkey is in a ju st the precinct lines nt the coun­ F is h in g T ack lé. JOHN W. CULLEN, httre in 1889. An addies« was pre­ shoulders and whispering ‘'The u>.* Speciality. gobbling fit. ties, and where necessary to sub­ fi^ lF , CLOTH. TOOTH BAUCHES. sented, which is to bn scattered dortuking Is short lived,*’ How­ divide these precincts into voting I.ale statistics show that St. brtadeast over the country, setting ever, ih a short time, wo had the PERFU M ERY districts. This regulation is im­ Petersburg is tbe th ist unhealthy forth the plan of the grtilt W orld's nnthfiirtlon of hearing the exclu* LAND OFFICE BUSINESS portant only ¡n the two or three of city in Europe. Island City, c f Joseph, Hpecial A ttention to Locating and Fair. Congress is to b; asked to million on every «ide of '•Better the larger cities of the state. ÎtC Ü e i: (îr F iC /n H . 8irvtyln< dalm i. By a Japanese process sea weed establish a number of permanent than I expected I” And we have Unión Üóutity, * ..............Oregon. There is tin im portant regulation WALLOWA REAL-ESTATE OFFir». nrtE CUTLER, is made into pujwr so transparent Exhibition buildings in tlie city on heard that phrase more often rein* designed to protect careless voters iosKrtt oMonN that it may be substituted for win­ the M i , for tli • pro 1 Jets of X >rth . five to the (’ h I ektaî N than any S 'P O - i s r a - j E i s . e o j k J=> Sx (.wlleetlhg * i ,<1 Local Lltigetlw i, from bogus and fraudulent tickets. South, and Central America, ttrid dow glass. other one group of wurdis In the SILVER LAKE MILLS. i’lata of tbe O, i-npie,] and Tarant t and«, It. is provided that tickets shall be STATIONARY. the Empire of BruatL The Mall is Reeeht Investigation shows the last two years, • nrrected at the l.a OraitHe Othre ««eb printed only on a particular kind m onth. Free for the h i’ pectlou of «il. A Full Line of Druggists Snndries that extensive area of parking ex­ existing "avy of Great Britiun cost It Is true, We smarted out Under McCULLY i B B I0 0 3 . of paper, to be furtdshed bv the sec­ l * u r e W in e s n n d l>l«|M erk le v A * m À K V »»I BA.W tending from the C tipi to 1 to the $210.000.000. and that its present Very unfavorable circuiti*tuncea and Alwaya in the uaii'». retary of state, and it shall b? un­ M to A li t u a i « »e», White House, including the Rinith- value doC» riot eXcCCd $60JMX).000. have been laboring tinder disadvan­ A. W. «0WAÎC, lawful to counterfeit it party ticket (■‘ in e Proprietor. s ,niun, A iric.iltur.t'i an 1 Monu- tages ever since, hut the C hief ­ A seventeen-year-old lad in Pupe ' B E S T FAXIIN i V F lj O l ’t t , or interpolate of substitute mimes P H V s c iÀ X s r K E s c R i r t i o x a riieht grounds. tain still survives, all the sume, county. Mirth., lids invented "a cum-1 F E K O , C H O P , A.vil* T U B upon it. Another provision is that It is the intention to strip the bined bavrake and Vrt?k»i1’' f o r l-r > + 4 rtH 8 g i n a f t 4 A t :ompoun(leil with accnrucr and .lt-spu < «-1:. soT.m y r r s i t c and if tiotliing happens to nt tr our UAt-BKTtT« AO T. all ebnoges from ft ticket as print­ pfiiject of all local purpose, and Io which lie lias refUSed an offer o f( li arder* Mr tfiimls » lit ••» b io rn o ti-. J l V i l l A 1 JLaiVjjJi plans, Voi. Ì li, No 1, will he pub ed-—that is, all scratching—iritisl iilleit «ini f Drug« Ninety-seven men and five wot»1 A T T ò R N S Y -À T -lA W . ed slips, heretofore largely used in for sale or exchange. m d P .itent Medh;»n»î9 tiortipWe. %vîli eMs ofali countries. For instance, en have been shot to i */«r$epÀ. . i/rrew..» M i l l Ont. Co’s. Hîïectrtrlvs Aau erected for t h e display nt working Bullettcounty. Ky. i t is tiffie to steadily lftereased io circti'.ntioo , It i s ’ vldch the p ii Miti ori* HiVited tb cali alvi ’ counted. For convenien i 4 *.. , , „ , i rriodels in h' I.NX» .'i'i/ ks a bequests from prlvàtb lliilividbals. talle}. Olile» at IhTidcneb hear isfaction. and Mississippi at $1.25 per acre oill iers of eltiction and iL-pUtcd It is expected IHilt ritic and perhaps In the future the editor will en­ challengers shall he allowid within The lands hold 15,000.000,000 feet lOSÀPlt, ..................... OltEGOh ear, wnrth as* l>r*ulv» - both Houses of Congress will take deavor to devote more space of the 4 ♦«» wl^per dpip*h. N one hundred feet of the poll. Vot­ of standing timber. ;— -«Bas-TT some favorable uetiun on the sub­ • ost dr îts’-j >éi iene« to C hieftain to n deseriptltin rif the ers will advance singly and deposit •pernte. Hoi is Thirtv-five men ami 140 women ject i bis week. tigricultdfuL atook raising, mineral »’rice 12. lu A n a’b soiufe uccr.w«, Perfect L. DANFO RTH , M. D. their ballot-, free frutli the “dop- »initMtkui beh W . Idibp- h,» eyphwle. As to Stoathrs and their secrets are In l y in the a n n e x o f t h e A g r i 1 hnd natdfftl reSoUrees oí the Wal­ Fenbrn.** will pe> ?2uf*p¡*»tít |» va yei»r. Send I’ l l t « » < I l T b b d 4ing ' so oootui ol ui iiiil-s p.i’t. tilbïë teiiti liait; Been in the debate cult tr rill i >ep'.»^r,.< nt R btldirg H*p- $•-. f’»»1 new 30 pp. b»H»V .»»» •*o*,hry .Í’ jlu U: lowa, Citrttfi bUtioris Ini Any Of the »rs. di«eH«e«. ote. F . ■>. e..i that lnvenUv, treacherous, are Platt, Logan, the local happenings of each com­ Tt»e « r is a a » c r i b a te seek to disturb the proper order of 500 of flower seed, 300 of {bliacbu, -Ullis, »kili kuti iuo II r ran r rOdiiutf. lzdnrol M iu rh « n < «a#«., ------------------re -______ e ; ; . Bdtlef* Hnd Ri.ddleberger. SenMtor munity. SUferdi Hltildfed copies ; »»til rear, 0¡r >M pana; the occasion. g E o H g L t b H a m i l t o n . 20 qdrtfts of sorgilhiii. 20 of corn, Log,,n was wondering how execu­ of the C hieftain is circulated each Those, we believe, dre tile only tv ife v 50 of gras-; 28 quarts of sugilr liei i tive Secrets leaked iltlt. NeWSpdpèr issu s through mt tlie dittero» t F le tu i» O a lle ty . notable changes provided in the TOilFORlHL GIVKS WbtoUaal« Hrk»« OHÔÀH States in the ütiiofl. $<»{ a nllffi- iiiriH ulttÜyi gbi tliedi iit édifie way and 32 quarts of cotton seed is the •f/eert a-, aeweSHrrra nu a ll aeada l gtrek «nt;l rort aaarjr- i lie' Interest of tinuvsty and conven­ Reprewmativ«. BÀMTlUâ hands of sonfé dite litio desire's to ience and may be easily understood of how (bey were exposed. “ 1 tu tu a * 5 ä ttar, w ,Ä Ot-Udt. w ea r, ar JewjtX, ...... Orrgen H artJ Î È w l t ü « ¡ « ¿ ¿ X f A l * ’ A » I.lt «Wit FOB Change his locution and if the Wal­ and carried out. The law Ila’ just nave a private secretary” said he : B haring and ils.r -D r r tiu lig N eatly P a n e FAYB «»ii ifi» B bba « keljB ««C. €»• werict. V. > lowa is written tiff iti it.* proper been ISSttcd frttm tbs office of tin- •'I tfalk down the avenue with him will miUl • e»p? PHM- t* ÍÍÁ B 0 . TLW ABK dr*«B upo* reeetpt •£ JO èie« t» «kArvjr light many of thebe pòrtoti* will bt. state printer in the forth o f a thin he asks tile a question dr two, and STO V ES, «xpfcoto e f malUwji. ua frvatf i t . J & i-L tu , induced to Come titid ntakC their volume, blit the Work is so slovcnlv being sm arter than I am, heknbws SSfiTbSwÜllTSrARB ¿ co, • homes ntnong tlk. • And, we will (w ithout annotation or IrliUX) that more in five minutes than 1 learn itfiii CUTLEHV - Tiie«e O-"Mi* art eelelm tcd for roîume CINCINNATI WATCH -MAKIS. » • » A ««tt Wabaeh Aataaa, CUea*», Alti S u a llrto i ions, i», quick ---------------------- rrrponsc,arllMIo decloro, venture the assertion th at WHo'-eCer it aIMnl rapta T r im m fc h f D E N T IS T I independent Ori atti ¿UlljeCtS and Biistern Itlid Middle ¿tatòs. The it provides for ü réidiissiticulion and .on fc m A A iüíf «»" - CHtetüO. A M a‘Vfc h ithing Will ba fod id id these col­ speech’ n'f Ésédàtor Teller tin the reorganizatiori of the civil service 100,000 Ë lS ii it o u c ........... . Orafe»,’ 3onsta/itly on hands, sanie Hide of tlie qUesllon has beeli umns of a f/dhlic nature but what at Washington, and its purpose is l 8 8 e ' at(lu t< r S n f t l i i t f S t l w r Ji'nkl llnltM t Regiihii riaiU w ill be made to Jooopb ’ o e s * sf ^ cpsssue the editor conscientiously believes nearly as mdeb in demand. On to so arran force of the De- r «2 • stojw •tid ntttct- fiblhti lo tiie Wallowa. U a c sia m lV m r ia a List. ~ . . . /iMi’p /l, .................... Ol'-gon. is bentflciiil to the rffirjoffty Of . the tlie silver ifiegtidii tli-i pedp’le of partments the sanie kind Of O n l y c o «« ‘« • è d h r i the extrenie East appear to have r,ff a«« Ostai M Clah-eslaara Free. people Of VTUIlown, but as editors work will receive the sanie pity. u d m u kN F i FARM, " healaVIII», f I tur are hiOÎIUu; tbei'é (day b'e ttfroneourf followed their leuders without iff tich Under the plesent. .plan ujeré lire A i W . (IO W A N inquiry into first principles. Tlie Vie** ftdVOcateil ih th'li pfipò'r Us eierks drawing $7j<) to $81!) who P lâ it é r e r . F U h assertion tbiit the silver dollar Was JRACkSt Well aS Others.’ are doing tlie "iairie work in r -gurd ¿ E E P 8 À r i i t L 8T0G K OF not an honest dollar bncauue its . ( ‘Á H E R n A ^ t R . We wish Id thdritf {liti p’rfHlffc for t o quality and rinioilHl an clerks bulUori.Value was less than ihat wlio get f fd t ii 1 1,200 to $ l,(JOij a s C tid o l' B tto a A Its liberal support hi the past and ‘I $R. • \ > i ! ( 'im ji*’;* and Kvatljr bon«.’ we hope that tile C'tiifiUAiN may • if gold wlns .accepted Without lif u c li yeqr for-* VtartMii « lÀ f io G 't h . •.a-iir ft «hoi I, »ad »H • • ihrtilght. Peni,ite did n t Stop to merit it codtt u ¿ la tí on di th'c stttfie tr. TMy »o « The J latí was made *’ rlÎsçlfication t lässt! C o u r te o u ^ v « ^ ............. • one-hulf itu!» North ut Jesegh: think that g od had no mure right L iS Ä t S ; in the filt .»V»«-.«*?-., tfrci way j* in i§54 1854 When Whcii ilii there were only 719 •*-**>« •« b J" è . A c t i v é «h’fls ! t »N i '• (HfUIMHJl -------------------------------L»— _ ja to tiicasUre tlie iiiluc of »¡¡vèr than clerks in’ tlie departiiients, now __ _ HU tty «rl*!, •-» ÎH tifi Aast/iaO tpwn thirty female silver to meà/tiìrè the vdltìè o'f gold. there dré $,’(Í3l. Under thia ar- ìlrt». f e A R T t i J í . " ^ L i b e r s i. HHTltlx J t t H . p rltttlrl #fcrè* introduced. .The Almost eVerj Eastern newspaper of rangediimt there a(;é four cltwsef— I f e & s d t e i X ¿Cay to é ê WHvtno M l#w ¿ o »«adon ä * » . t * losf.Pit. a ñ ta o i ftiettiherl ò'f the TyfidjlrKJjìitcft^ prominefibq was,. tifiti! Wit hip A lb u m s , P e n s , I r k . Untoti tríé'd fdftn’y tild es to get rid y e a r , f i ' t e n d t y i o ,tììe jt'itó siiipdnrd. qhiss I, receiving $1,200: class 2. ' TX&lrt«,' drésêi Á A k M D a ily A lt a •fr«f*a.i*a*u ÍL4*?JH,, class á, 11, 600, and cinrs lìtui a Gulf-IK I fii’tn of rUY& »if Ihrttfl, HltKodt stícces¿ At last The Hew York .S’ah WitS the first to ii. IfesBo. , Clerks pave been em­ »A«!«« M S the tíiSliib'éís of the Union why dohie out for silver lirhong papers a n d T A ÍL O R ÍÑ Q i ployed and ássi¿ned,to these classes A,id X d ljijX ri needed wl'rti Riitrrièd thè pilnt Its far East its lliiit city.’ , TJ1? ditji bill little regard to their gra,de. l*4.,<^aik# at jfC J, -, • era ttftd fhiit Sìdèiiit thè jiròbletii. sjieeviics of ¿éiitttori ¿eck and Tel- truthful w i 0 1 Cotiseqifenlly there isri great deal rtw B'lokr lA liVMi' J nil '»lini ; h »V A l l w .f*... H Í a t í y ¿ M d í í t t i ¿ - The WOthe O c r i J i u yi^'tjght.' ler /lave served td show th at the M waste id the Uix-puyers in thÜ Ii. « uf charge. silver dollar is Sii iidnest dollar.' b it ÿ d o ù n c i r h o H K H tià e i S Í, “ «.•«h* Whttt is sifíd to.be the fiUfléét wea­ pepaHnierit*. H utas there is nil The light on thin ¿ase, rose ,|tp in Pull at W’tüffl. b H H. ini. ver ever taught in' thè Ñiirtliwest fixed liiitit to the reyedtieS oj the »no the Mi’eat and eXi/inded its influence • a'lO.A was trapped last rrlontlf nieai Tort feast, 'fife, ¿old organs have »liver (J ivitfnMient and the biirdsus ¡n ArtUaUM lO fK P tt. fcood Artiiur, Liiki'Superior, ilwtujfhedi ttie tajf-payvfa,' the waste is qotper- a, (TiaU«a, Uh. ala., au ««« M poroiBMlHsw^ oM W i«« to tMBoOjM (ittCmpte'I ty nnijwer tlie o'rgdriiepts FEED STABLE ieufc-r N fi-J k «ha ».Xu «a*» •n«PW*r* ■plMtBiaptOmfUMOOhUUtO sixty pounds find ffiensures fluff/- pirt forth bv fife Senator. Tiie ctdveif. While the no# Adrninls- L . J. P IS E L L , . i/ati oh Is setting tlie (r >vefqincntal Wookly «Mtó..« cu . j ' e y five and »he Miff /»cfietf from' the standard atjfunicnl of the ¿bid men ir TMSMM OS W t t l u t i . e: g I ä T O N ß M A S Ó N . sdl), -Li » ■■’¿■k ' ' .n'li % n i house In order, It propoli®» fo sub hose to f i t t i __ Tf>e» i M ♦ü a »'It*« is to miff rhantfes mi th(* so-called I » -. ;ji< j i . J 1 ■' , yil. M ilK U C v U to o ; d ’ CJJ.’ W '• ■ ¿i . . feet toe nten and w.itncn emoh»ve<: Sliver dollar. Not ohe o f ” ¡ ; A recedi {•fl'ifNtt éxiïitifiïà'tÎo.n , a ‘10-cenl m . By '^tn. ••em in.Uj, I, » ? j i , i J,, i here to a thorough invuctiffaunn J 5 4 r’ Falndition«; Aillai Ho« Ì them Ka«t tiiidertidtcn to *how that ï » ic . . T- ! 1 A . ...... » S shows thiit finità mfe’fey. »se'iuior 2Ï ¿.. ii < f V. #eeil out the incompetent, and rc- A» f. «tlAbi f f i v f ’» ffrffu'belli tp prove ’ I, . -, ' • J ’J K Ó h i f i in è y ì f t i i i i t feM ". three tim es ti# jW |é JW A’/ fife t or 8isn«or 13« d postal • a r 4 « * } M a t « t r fr« « « v a - i/i J. j ' i , ! distflbiite the •■tilers srt aï! to enuble Art. lx«ar> *«4, auwo w ¡•-•o ifiy «rf D*ny o i W » *ltìy A fta. fire x t i j i / ii / io sil Vet «alfar is ( . , , . , . c 'Ioide* ns all Ihtf W f '•/ Kitfóf* ¡ tleit ad rt)’* ! tertJttíBC«» ¿ j/i i ». g ¿ • I' ichi Ui do the greatest ammlnt and a r was ndt XJti.-id. . . . j . „ , u . . .. » y a U A W U rtb rd e « oi A i.d «Il Itltlii» nf itimi Work ii«u» wiF v T s o o i o » “ ““ together. Her coloni** fir# elfî/fj- a l'.rj-òertt , d d ¿2LÏÂÜ. ¡U’at kind of #idk of which they are 1 «BT C«»A. nestne*} »irrt dlapetrk. âve lime* a i big a i thè tilOtbét' TkW d rfiiy «dillo» bf the lejiidun I capable. T H E N E iV ELE C TIO N LA IF. W A S H IN G T O N L E T T E R . ONE GOOD FARM A Only FlvsfaClääs T. J. D E A N , M, D, C H IC A G O COTTAGE ORGAN = C I tìC K 8 UV; r uh ? < @ ïu o i’ ' ■¿Mearlo» A lta fcrttotr/. Suti& a U no# I / J I Apropo» at #drk, « gtdàp tH G'tMP S S L Oretri «sa t< ie/i si Mie o$b«i