lei»,» • I *«we »« IW I tluM ■• 'Mi I0al¿¿u>& é h ì t f f o i * . Wallowa Chieftain. •V R EC LI P U B I, in H EI) EVERY T H U R SD A Y AT JO 8E P H , ila io u County, OREGON. < 5’ _ Business Cards 81.0# a m sath 'p sr look Land notice» payable when alfldsvt • publication ia given. Iztcala inserted in ra id in g e o l s a a at 1 cent» per tin», ta ch Insertion Office on Main Street. —«Mf— S. A. H E C K E TH O R N . ■ssk«<-rlptloa Bat«»« Otngle Copy, per yvur. in advance. If not putd in advuncu, Single Copy, nix m onth», Hlngle Copy, throem onths. 82. ZS 12.“ft * 1 .» PI.7Ù. Coniliiuiiicnthiti» of »n iMtvreritllig public nature wi'l bu cheerfully published. THE W ALLO W A V O L . II., NO. 46. JO SE PH , O REG O N, M A RC H 25, 1886. W H O LE NO. 98. T H IS P A N E S Ä S 2 S S ffS W ^ 3 R r « ’l COUNTRY this valley are situated two towns, four years the Wallowa was regard- ed from $50 to$90, growing richer The Welsh communities of tiie B U S I N E S S C A R D S. R. OLSEN, ' Alder and Joseph, The former is ed as a country fit only for a stock as they descended from the surface United States are talking of taking lall village about ten miles range. It had always been claimed of the ledge. I.cgore Bros, have a up 10,000 acres in one locality and BLACKSMITH, A Section of Oregon that Itaserves a ■ . A . H B C -K E T H O M .X Attention. from Lostine, and contains proba- in the “early days’’ that even the ledge south of Joseph that has as­ buy adjacent lands tor the purpose A ld tr , sayed $300 to the ton. A shipm ent Oregsa. i Attorney-at-Lai» of establishing a gigantic colony. 'whlc), i , the ...uei 11’lv fifty people. Joseph, although hardy cerea's could Rot be grown JThe D tily Orrr/oMiaft, which in ihc moi" Hlucksmitklng e f every description ' Notary Rubli» popular p » jm ? i in (he North-weM, pubi ¡4 mm l the youngest town in the valleys, on account of the late frosts and of 500 pounds of Silver Aerie ore, John King, of Cincinnati, was ft the follow ing article (f.>)u » correspondent, |,enrt! (|lc honors of being the “ me- the short season. In the spring of one of the largest ledges yet dis­ neatly anti durably done. and N in in y R w /rdtr. A r M e ,lt H o n t a i » » l i 1883 * « « several v a r a i f farmers a r m e r s s sowed o w e d g grain r a in covered, gave returns sufficient to crippled newsboy and poor, but he At t P present it c contains' OREOOS was horn with exquisite literary © -F irst Class H orse-shoeing a Speciality. JO SE P H .................................... ug rid ili unit, stock ruwiug, umi m ining rc- a b o u t L50 people, and has nearly as an experiment, having been en­ insure that it would pay working, taste, and in his few years of life Hourceh of the Vulley. Vernons wh-) liave | all kinds of general business repre- couraged by the promise of a flour­ if reduction works were erected in Cheaper than ever for Spot Cash. n e v e r mm » i t th e a o u iitr v , c a n r«lv on it not ] , . . . J issu H a b b is t y , J . W 8 b SLIM. ing mill at the town of Joseph. As the valley. Such an event in not he gathered 2,700 volumes of ex­ . b e ... , ... - , | Henceu. At the southern extremity in g o v tr d r u w n . h b .J ! cellent books, many of them rare, improbable the coming season. One According to the assessor’s re- of the Upper valley, about one mile a result abont 10,000 bushels of E. J. FORSYTHE, aud when his frail life closed he SHELTOM A HARDESTT turns for the year 1385, Union j "°uth of Jo8”Pb « ie situutwd the good milling wheat were harvested of the most favorable circumstances gave these volumes to the public toward the development of the that year, and this led to a greater DRUGGIST. county has a population of 9,588. ■ *Il,nolia WAl.I.oWA LAKE, sowing the following season. Now Wallowa nunea is. the tact that the library. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Jossru, ............. O bsuon . This ia-probably bulow the actual Which undoubtedly is one of the the Wallowa produces not only necessities of lit? cltn he obtained number. From the data in the A curious coincidence is noted — DEALER IN— Will practice in Minion, juitvy, finest bodies of water in Oregon. more than enough wheat' to supply at reasonable figures. Flour and writer's possession, the population by the San Bernardino, Cal., Timet. Grant, Umatilla and M o r r o w Four and one-half miles in length, the local demand, but thousands of bacon, the "miner's friends,” are as of that portion of Union county A few years ago the town had only DRUGS & CHEMICALS. Counties, alio in thv 8u r«m» from one-half of a mile to a mile bushels of oats, barley and lye. cheap here as elsewhere. Building Court of O regon; District, Circuit known ns the “ Wallowa country’’ one physician, and lie not a regular C ham pion’ Truebes, 1 tit width, the waters of unusual The fact that it can be made a grain material is sold at very low prices. and Supreme Court of th» United may be estimated at 3.2(H), with the ! < learncss, the sides bordered with practitioner. Then only a small Shou lder B races, State». growing country is now satisfacto­ There will be no silch known as understanding that the number will < E F -M iiiliig B»d Csrpnrati»« b u alnu s timbered mountains and hills, all rily demonstrated, and this is play­ “ mining prices” in this locality, plot answered for a cemetery. Now F ish in g Tackle. more probably reach 3,500 thun fall combine to present a view of far ing no insignificant part in the although the country expects some­ there are any number of regular /Df/i?, CLOTR, H TOOTfi BRUSHES, Speciality. below the estimate. more than ordinary beauty. The development of the country. thing of a “boom” during the com­ physicians and the graveyard is Not many months since the Ore­ full and the -town has purchased Wallowa l'iver, both above and be­ The soil generally is good. Along ing summer. As the various dis­ gon state board of immigration is­ LAND OFFICE BUSINES9 low the lake, contains the usual the foot-hill slopes between the coveries are developed, and new fifty acres additional, sued a pamphlet entitled "Oregon j Special A tten tion to Locating and varieties of trout, and at proper mountains and the Wallowa river, ones made, the results Will be fur­ BarvaylnglClaitas. as it is.” In this pamphlet was ; seasons the disciple of Waltoh a large section of land on Prairie nished the Oregonian. WALLOWA REAL-ESTATE OFFICH. ' FINE CUTLERY, what purported to he a description may find unusual encouragement crrfbk, and the Middle and Lower In the opinion of the writer the JO SEPH OREUnS of Union county ; but in the la c e & E > O .lX C 3 r-E R S . S O - A - F t t e C ollecting and L o-^V ptigadon. to "whip” its waters with line and valleys liRVe all been cultivated marble discoveries of the past sea­ of the fact that the Wallowa coun­ fly. As evidence of the fact, I liaVe with good results. The average son are as important, and will he Plat» of tlia Occupied and Vacant Lands, STATIONARY. try, next to the Willamette valley, Corrected at tbs I j . Grand» Office each several times known fishermen to yield of wheat to the acre will not of as much permanent value to the m ontli. Free for the Inspection of ail A Full Line of Druggists Snudries. forms one of thy largest, distinct fiH a medium sized creel with two fall far short of thirty-five bushels, country, as the quartz ledges. There k*ttT» W it» « « a r d I ,lq n « r is f o r ▲ NOTARY P I BI.IC sections of the state and has great hours’ work. The fishing in the while the Averages of other grains are two “locations” of marble in 4a» attained » standard o f excellence which A lw ays in the Office. X le tllv ln u .1 u a en . inducements to offer immigration, of no superior. lake, they auy, is not so good as it are immense. Timothy is a never the Upper valley, both ju st nt the admits A. W. 00WAX, 11 contains every improvement that In vsntlvs l ine 4'iKnr», it was not mentioned in this pam ­ Proprieter. Jcnlus, skill and money can produoe. wus in years past although at failing crop along the river bot­ edge of the mountains. The P a ­ PHT8CIAS8 PRRNURIPTIONB phlet. However, the inhabitants times large quantities of lake, sil­ toms. The soil of the hills Is dark, rian marble company controls the of this country, so long used to compounded with aecnhm? and dispatch. aoTABT r c s u c BBAL-ISTATB ÀS T. ver and salmon trout are caught, by find apparently rich. The thous­ Prairie creek ledge, Which Is about OUB misrepresentation and no represen­ ll orders for tfood.i w ill be prom ptly "trolling" and boat fishing. For ands of acres of hill land will a seven miles south-east of Joseph. filled and delivered alon g Mail tation, do not complain when s e c ­ H. F. BURLEIGH. Route w ithout extra charge. the past two Seasons the run of few years hence be the grain-pro­ Of this company Dr. J. M. Clailey tions of far less importance receive The public will find m v Stock of Drurs red-fish, peculiar to the Wallowa ducing section of the Wallowa is president, and 9. A. Heckcthorn A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W . Htid Vntbut Medicine* com plete, and will due attention, and their fair val­ )ld at reasonable prices river and lake, has been extremely country. At present only the val­ secretary. The ledge is extensive N lose attention to all kinds of Law aud leys are regarded as unworthy ot I a ls o h a v e x fu ll lin e o f th e J o h n s o n limited. Whether the species has ley lands are cultivated, and the and yields Several different grades Z La hand business. Charges Moderate. O p t. C o ’s, S p e c ta c le s a n d E y e -G la sse s notice nffire at Joseph, Oreftn. become nearly destroyed, or whet h­ excellent range, furnished by the of marble. The other location is call and h the public are invited In order to represent the country exam in e. er they are stopped somewhere Unsettled hills is fully utilized by about three miles south west of Jo ­ fairly abroad, the writer has chosen along the rivers by traps and other tlie stock men. Cattle and horses seph, on Hurricane creek and is the Orejonuni as a medium. What These O rn n s ere celebrated for volume, T. J . D E A N , M . D . obstructions, is an open question. frequently “ winter Upon the range,” controlled by K. 1 . Beale, F. D. quality o f tone, qUlok response, k rttstio design, L. J. BACKER, is here written is gleaned from a beauty in finish, perfect c o n stru c tio n , m a k in g Were the fish as plentiful every and the losses are comparatively McCully, E. J. Foresythe, George them the most desirable organs for homes, W ill practice in any part of W allowa residence of several months in the V ä lk y . Office a t R esidence near summer a s they were four years light. But here, as elsewhere in Ham ilton, D. McCully, George D. Sdhools, churohes, lodges, societies, etc. Orejón. Joseph, BVTABUbBBD REPOTATIOM. country and from interviews with ago, they would prove a source of the North-west, the provident stock White, of Portland, and others. ONBQCAKED FACILITIES, JO R K P M , OREGON responsible persons. The state­ SKILUSD WOMBM8S, considerable revenue to the fisher­ man prepares an abundant supply This deposit L^m jch more exten­ DEALER IN b e st M a t e r ia l , ments will not be “colored with en­ men of the lake. of feed, for he knows not when a sive than A *^^^H k*»ntioned, and COOK STOVES, euM BIM X n, MAAE THIS L D -S y r a c r ìr in r thusiasm ” or made with any idea The southern boundary of these hard winter colneth Mr. Beale, a practical m ar­ PARLO R STOVES of personal bunefit therefrom, but THS POPULAR QBQAN valleys I have so briefly described I*H>N«TAN1 nast MmClEONf. It has already been demonstrated ble man, claims that the grade is will be plain facts as seen through is a range of mountains, the lower that the more hardy vegetables and equal to that of-any marble in the T IN W A R E . Instruetlon Books and Plano 6tooli. H as located at Joseph, Or. W ill araalh the “glasses’' of an impartial ob­ the profession in a lf its branches. portions of which are covered with fruits will grow abundantly in the United States. The specimens ex­ Catalogues and Pries Lists, on application, r u n . Repairing dona n eatly on short notice server. SPE C IA L TIES, ¡in almost inexhaustible supply of Wallowa. The tender fruits, vege­ hibited from both ledges indicate CHICA60 COTTAGE 0R6AN CO. GENl'flAl. DESCRIPTION*. Disease« of W om en and Children, timber. These mountains with tables and tin melons will have to that they are valuable, and that T h e B U Y B IU k U V IB B la Csr. ffoago^A MX A m St»., CHICAGO. U * A traveler, leaving Grande Ronde iM a e d M a rc h tht-ir snow-capped peaks, form a come from the warmer clime of the they are all their owners claim f?r I e*eM y e a r. SW »1» pages, valley, takes a northeasterly direc­ GEORGE W. HAMILTON. I »X a l l J i tsseksa,wlta over portion of the very attractive sce­ Im naha, fully thirty miles to the them, ' 3 , B O O U la a tra tlo a u — a tion. passing through tile beautiful nery of the country. To the north eastward. g e n e r a l remarks , srlsale P ic tu re B a lle ry . 1886 1849 TOHSORIjiL j i R T W . Indian valley and "Cricket Flat,” « I T B 8 W k o ls e a ls P rU sa and east the valleys terminate in E N C O tR A G E M E N T TO IM M IG RA TIO N . It should he remembered th at ten ; dtrrrt to ootussmort . a a ll gaads Iter a total distance of perhaps fifteen Main Street, two doors S ou th e f Pestofltoe peraeaal o r fk aatly sue. T e lia Mow Sa hills, which gradually grow higher I think it can safely he said th at years ago the Wallowa conntry was order, an d g le e t X M t eoet o f »T »ry- miles, and finds himself on the and higher until the timbered foot­ the Wallowa country offers one of in the hands of the Indians, who ta tn g yo n neo, a t, d r in k , w e a r, o r Joteph, Ortioo bluff’s o’erlooking the Wallowa h e r - Yun w lt k . Tfcsaa IW V A L V A B U I hills of the Blue mountains are the greatest bodies of desirable esteemed it as only un excellent lo­ U O O K 8 c o n ta in tn fb rn s a tlo n gleaned river. Descending a hill some­ S h aving and H a ,f-b res» in < N ea tly Tfons Y r.a . tk e M a rk e t» n t tk e w o rld . Ws rear bed on the north, and the government land there is in Oregon cality for grazing their herds of w i l l M a ll a oapy P f t H R to a n y ad - thing less than two miles in length, droes n p a n rsaalp t a f 1» ata. to d efray “breaks” of Snake river appear on or Washington to-dav. Naturally, ponies and preparing their winter list arrives at “ the bridge,” where expenao a f M a tliia g . L e t 0BU|e Tr^e,_li> tlta United StaWs sad KEEPS A FULL STOCK OF To a person front some of the results were good, nevertheless. the population is sufficient to wnr- ! and timber. A low “divide” sepa­ PAPER-HANGER. Eastern states the climate of this Several claims of the many record­ rent an incipient agitation ill favor; SoBdsyBdlUon, 6 m Tear............ ............ u j . ISO ScffoOr, nodus, rate» the Lower from flic Weekly Alls, One Vesr....................... 1M Work Prom ptly and Ngatly D»n», country would appear very mild. ed indicate from fhe assays and of a new county, The tient legis­ MIDDLE VALLEY. Saad postal card request for free aaaz> U T A T W m t, Resilience one-half m ils North ef Is ss g k , In extent the Middle valley is So far as I can learn, the winters practical tests made that they will lature will probably be notified of * cop y o f D oily or W eak ly A lta. I ts Checks, and other remlttancea T fan m ade p « /a b l$ to tM order o< considerably larger than the Lower are not more severe and a very lit­ pay working, and further develop­ the agitation, Ami the new county 1 WEM8TEHM UNADKIDGRO M r« , B A R T O N valley. From my knowledge o, tle longer than those of the “hunch ments will be made as soon os the idea r»ay figure to some extent in A LTA C ALIFO R NIA PUA CO. the coming county election. grass country” of Eastern Oiegon DICTI0NAR1R8, the country L would judge it to season opefis. A majority of the Ban Franoiaooj IOSÈP1Ì, tiK S 'jO R It ia not improbable that the have an average width of at least and Washington. The present win­ claims already located are within Albums, M a , Ink, lour miles and a length of probably ter has been an exceptional one. eight miles of Joseph, which will Wallowa country with its many DRESS twelve miles. Near tl.e center of 1 he greatest depth of snow has be the natural supply point, The natural resources, its stock raising, SILVER LAKE MILLS. Ahd a General Li he of TOYS this valley Is situated Lostine, n not exceeded ten inches, and then ore that has been tested is richer in mineral deposits, healthful climate, in d T A IL O R M a . village of about seventy-five peo­ it only remained upon the ground silver than in other tnetals, though its possibilitie« in manufactures, McCULLY & BRIGGS. and NOTIONS. A ll W otk n e a tly h ad dura ple This, I twlieve, ie the most for a week or two. Generally speak­ it is not improbable that a thorough agriculture and “marble q u a rrie s / will one day add not a little to the ing. the winters may he estimated thickly settled portion of the W al­ investigation will disclose many ¡■ f- Books Delivered oh Mail toUte b ily dono on abort aotisa, lowa country, and contains a large at from four to eight weeks in gold bearing ledges in the district. wealth of Oregon. Strange possi­ free of charge B^Prlcks modefatv.^hdl number of well improved farms. length ; that is to say, stock has to Candidly speaking, the extent of bilities littVe developed into fact« unstT f a m II jv f L o i m , Call at Post D fflfs Building, A few miles east from Lostine is a be fed for about that time. The the mineral resources is hot known, during the past few years, and it is PH B, tHOP, ANU THE range of hills, which separate the snow seldom falls to a depth of ns the ¡woepecting thus far has not not improbable th at the coming Jd3E PH , ............................OFEODN Middle from lie more than twelve or fifteen inches, been Kt all extensive or thorough. veats Will show th at the Wallowa possesses further possibilities not B E S T G R A H A M 11’1‘EH VALIXV. and it is never excessively cold fof Fnotlgh is known, however, to saj* yet ctlspectcd. M. L. J. PISELL, 1/ooking down from the dividing any length of time, During the without fear of contradiction that in the WORLD constantly o n hand, hill upon this »alley there appears present winter the thermometer fins the Walloiva mountains Constitute Ufofessor Young, in a lecture for sale or exchange. ST O N E M ASO N. to the eye a magnificent level tract I not registered below zero a half, a rich mineral district, and that in Boston, remarked that there is no of land folly fifteen miles long on»L dozen days. The summers m©ex- some good paying mines ate al­ patch of tile moon's surface Of half Foundations, Flues kM six mil«» w id e, with timber in I tfemely pleasant, and the beat is ready discovered. The highest assay a tnile square that is not accurately Only First-Class Mill abundance, awd at least three JDever M great as to serlouslt ltn> yet received is 1 1 0 0 0 In Silver, from Chimneys Built mapped, while there are immense In the Wallowa Valley. •treat»» of water wfneling their way lener» tetfere with the comfort ol the th e Alpine, Htanlsiawsky St King, tracts in Central Atrica and the p e o p le And ait Linds of Stone » d rk don» With Lew and there unti} lo.it io fom- «oft. A nd knofivcTiONkr i ownors One of Dean & Martin’« northern part wf the hemisphere neatness aud disputrh fcion with the Wallowa river, in VntM within the part tfctee or ! mine«, the Royal Purple, ha« asaay- which bavs n i u r bew i su rveyed . Jouph Otego*.. Znler« row bo left nt thii o f ot. ________ iff C H IC A G O COTTAGE ORGAN A C ? MAKER,