sw ollen tongue, which protruded troni mv m outh. felt like m olten lead. I had eaten my last food p rio r to the b a ttle —three sm all arm y cracker»—on th e m orn in g of A ugust 30th, so th a t in n n weak condition h u n g er as well as th irst came to Increase my sufferings Wallowa Chieftain. PUBL BHBD EVERY THUR8DAY ---- *»----- J o s e p h , U n io n C o u n ty , O regon. ---- BY----- H R C K 1T H O H M , B. A . P r o p r ie t o r . M u b arrlp t ton I ta te a : Single oonie«, per year, in advance .. If not paid in ad v a n ce......................................’• • •» Slnffia copy. Biv months .......... 1 *•? Single copy, three months — 75 Advertising rates furnished omapplication. DBATH Or A COMRADE. Tba ta la o f a Cat, or th e KflVct» o f Cold l'o lso n . The follow ing illustrations are from a book o f illustrated humor by Arthur R F n a t, published by Cbaa Scribner’s Sons, an I have no reference to The New York Sun o fflo cat: THIS MASH ACT d .0 â THT PANO. U Ì 1H X r . r s u THROUGH THE HALL. 1 DOWN T 3 E ST A IR S- NEW FOR THE GKJVT. TREATMENT - ^ “ 7— I THE HITCH >N D THFN THE CELLAR OUT THROUGH THE COALz-HoLE. / / K IT KB rn ■ a «** tkst o r a V e . On one of our pages to-day w ill be found a striking and instructive ill n i­ tration of the comparative worth of the various kinds of baking powders —n I Ht «urket. TA K E N HO M E. A Fncir O rpliau Girl II »ri»« Iu th« i brar** o f th e Mouth W luti to H er Mother« D a v id a v v in a , Fn'- Gnu night, after she had crept t , her be 1 cf rags, bruised and sore (rent Old N: it's daily lieating, she had heard the South Wind softly blowing past the window, anil she whispered: “ Oh! South Wind, have pity on me! I ana beaten anil worked and starved! Be­ hind to a poor orphan girl!” ••But I can not soften Old N an's heart,’’ answered the breeze, "n o r can 1 bring you food." "You can take a m essage tor m e." ••To w hom ?" "M y m other In H eaven." “ W hat Is the m essage?’’ "T ell her that my days are full of misery, aud my nights are long svilii sorrow. 1 w ant to be with her in H eaven.” "Sleep, child, aud I will bear your message!’’ xviiispe oil the wind: and s e orgot eer wretchedness and, sleeping. d> earned of g eeu valleys and auuh beau liful flowers ti n t she cried out in tones of jov amt awoke Old Nan. “ How dare vou!” grow led tho hag: and she beat the child again and again (or her dream . Th i noxt night tho Sooth Wind whis­ pered at f i e window« atul the child rose up and asked: “ L id you find my m other?” “ 'T is a long way to (H eaven!" nn *Uawe p patieuoe and T he n ig h t ot the 30th It rained quite TH E DEATHLESS. b ard an d o b 'U ed the badly w ouuded to the m ai row. On th a t night, also Some never ill«. Not all are dead who ««eh S ergeant Jerro ld s, of Company E, of Serene repose after the lue-toag «oU,-' He w as w ouuded I Bey slee p so sw e e tly m iu th e grassy n n regim ent, dted. iu the abdom en and hand by a shell, The solem n elm » and early violet», w h o se* and It enanoed th a t 1 had been laid Their h ou ses all In order and arranged dow n close by him. He could not rest, Their tired lim bs for slum b er calm and d eep It can n o t be th at th ey, the good, th e great. com plained of the position of his head, The useful, faithfu l serv a n ts . as we were alongside of each other _ Ate dead—gon e hence f.o u t th is th e earth and, on th e sloping ground. I m anaged to th ey blessed? . th producing eir cold, bloodless, s juiriti- T h e y llv stn alH h elrtb o u g h ts,th eli word» and rig h ’t°and ’o n k u U " " « m b e n ^ his { loosened, 1 think th a t n ig h t I experienced the in- no agreeable feel- ble feel- first real sjm p to m s of home-siekness They l i v i In oo a n tlese liv e s. In h istory’s iii contact w ith tho neck. form ing a pillow. “ God bless « hey came subsequent to enlisttneAL To be so jewel» snatched From cold ob liv io n ’s relen tless grasp. you , th a t feels b e tte r." he m urm ured, fa re sain. i near home, only a couple of hundreds Yes. th ere as shinin g a» the stars ot h eaven . and thorn. were the last w ords he ever j E t tho surgeons and a «P to one of ie surgeons of miles away, w ith a loving m other Au«l there (as here) th ey thru I th e grateful The well known preacher who addresses In He w aiting for a sou whom she never ex­ u ttered. L u rin g the darkness I M t | “ i w ^ y w « w d s. Central Mu«fe Hall every Bunday an audi­ repulsed m e rudely with an oath.w hich They oheer and b le ss unnum b ered -e e r y h txi shudder and Heard him give pected, to see (tor my nam e had been ffive two ence of from 2,500 to 3,000 jieople, was bom That taint up on th is th orn y road of life, ! or t h ree sh ort "quick^g&sps. ” Sergeant, struck me h au ler and h u rt m e more published in tho list of the killed, In Cincinnati, O., Augxiat 18, 1*30. His father l>i«ralng «h. tourney .note»». J are you o l d ? ' I inquired T here than did the bullet th a t cam e so n e a r though 1 w as not then aw are of the died In 1832 and hi« mother married again, lh) live: In lavs of passion, beauty, p o s t r.— - ,» taking my life- His assistant, how ­ fact) it was terrible beyond the power ing ho song with its thousand tongue» of lo.ty I c a m e n o res|MYiisc. an d , su removing to Readaburg, O., when David " U ever, a m ore hum ane m an. gave me of language to describe. «even years old. Three years later his family IU ’dream s of bile», IU brillian t flower» of m ig h t be sleeping. I said notKinjg more. about two yards of bandage, w h eh 1 N ext day, the 6th, a t high neon. I In the m orning 1 found him dead. removed to a farm near Williamsburg, l>. succeeded in tw isting about my neck in reaehod G eorgetow n College Hospital, fan cy. At eighteen years of age he entered Miami It. ten d er eafloe"« d e .r e r far th an b y . A PILLORIED ARM. a m anner to som ewhat staunch the They liv e In h o m e , their graelou» deed« neve University, at Oxford, O., graduating in I attem pted to w ithdraw mv arm flow of blood, keep ofl’ tho flies an d act ju s t opened, and was taken into reared, 1852. He studied theology at C.ncinnatl for W ard ti. In loftv a sp ir a tio n , th ey h a r e lit. from under him, but failed. It was as a supporter. one year, when ho xva» appoint»«! professor Tliev lir e fo r e v er In a nation s> tren ««n. IN HOSPITAL AT LAST. n o t until the afternoon of Septem ber In i.'od » etern al coven an t w ith Fre-dq in. of 1-atin and (¡reek at tho Miami U liversity. a BIT OF FOOD. 2d th a t any one eamo to lift away his Oh aav n ot a ll m u st die It i . n o . death I sat down upon thp cot assigned to Hero ho remained thirteen y ea n , occaaionall; G regory, a pleasant- When labor p a u s e , In her »acred eerv.»w; oodv. then very much me with a sense of relief. 1 hail won preaching till 1800, when he was called to tl i\ hen lo v e aiehanirea w o r ld ., reu we Itself, teil C onfederate su r­ A nen knowledge roaui. to brighter anorea to the goal for wli eh 1 hail striven, now Westminster church, of Chicago, name, for I m ot and wring ■Olli united with another (Old ■everal years a fte r the reached a place w here even death, The Preebyterian church, retaining ,Yij.jneT. teaspoonful should it come, would be robbed of pastor. The flro In 'Nix d some of its te rro r/, and was glad., _______ _____» o y ste r crackers, I church, and he preached . her dream s had not sa t there long before an oi h n •^JMniliWtopT^uñriu was ravenous for food, but the hardest darkey w ith a bucket of w arm w ater, sho sat beneath green trees and 1 atone-1 ter. In 1873-74 ho wiis tried ____ __________ shroud; . _ .. , , I The dav and night of tho 31st of undertaking of my life th u s|far « as my soap and a sponge cam e along. to such sw eet music that Old Nan was chargee brought by Profossor Pa’ So d ie. the ceuae of free tom w heeH hegold , • n a iw v j jn attem pt to swallow those two dim inu­ tho Chicago presbytery. D u n g f "Boss, you’se lookin’ m ighty like’s ao-a n aw akened by her words. And a r m . o t ty r a n t , drtve It to th e l.earto, | A u g u s t w e r e p aexe-i In about tho m an- tong trial which ensued Mr. Swing wil tive morsels. My th ro at was dry and if you o u g h t’n bn w ash ," said he, with The b a n d a r glow in g haarts, ot m jn w ho n er th a t the p receding day and night ‘ ••Wretch! In g rate!" cr ed th eo l.l hag from Presbyterianism and preached i l l ? fearfully swollen, the muscles of the a good-natured grin. I agreed. Then in her fury; and (lie beat the child a» it ciaap had been. 1 was much w eaker, in Vicker's theater as an independent ministel It c lo se , shield It, nil nonr1»h 1« wRh holy g re a te r misery, ow ing to my con- neck and jaw were stift aud inflamed. he cut from mo my verm in-infested, she m eant to k.ll her. c sre. until the completion of Central uiusiu hall, For th at d e v ‘s labor w hteh It ehxli achieve i strained position, and during the dav- I t was only by m oistening the crum bs blood and d .rt encrusted clothing, send­ On tho third night the South Wind where ho now preaches. The great, Ihe good I Oh m any such have t me hail bren g reatly pestered with thoroughly that I finally succeeded in ing it, all save blouse and cap, wh ch I wa- late in coming. The child was A C o leb ru ted D e t e c t iv e . ily p lacing them where they would do tho kept, away, and, naked as I was born, alone in the gloomy room, and t <• And are, w ho n e v e r can know death—«hey ¡lies, such as lust after flesh, live clothing, which had been partially m ost g^od. washed me from head to heel. fever was on her tint I she to- ed and Eternal a . th e hill» and TOlcelew «tarn I w ould like to say here th a t absence dried by the sun, was saturated T alk of your m om ents of luxury. As moaned, and fancied »-,a-ig- thlnes. And being parta o f all th in g , boaiitttnl. H aring bleat life In all th in g , good and tree, again at evening bv another shower. of food anil w ater while I lay on the the liquid w ater an d castilo soap were • • It w on’t c o m e - it w o n t to m e!" field was not through any fault, so far Like reu th herself, are deatnlee». M eanwhile the sullen thunder of the softly sponged over my person I forgot she kept calling; but by and bv she —t i t l e Rich, in Spr««iyteW i.Vp th a t would cut ofl' some distance 1 •lasseil clear through. calietl out: apple" (about five inch«« below the palate was tantalized by visions of concluded to t ike it instead of the pike. po!e* on an isiau l in n neighbn ing river he The surgeon under whose care I for­ “ Heath! M other' Heaven!" left ear), passed between the w indpipe tables sp read w ith richest viands set 1 had gotten about half way to w here I tunately happened to fall was the only “ L .d n ’t I tell ye!" scream ed the old discovered a djs-rtc.1 camp, winch he be­ ju st beyond my g rasp. L anguage is (which it grazed) and the ju g u lar and ; iuailoquate tc describe even faintly the would again strike tho road w hen a one am ong scores w ho saw me who hag. who had ju st returno 1; and she lieved bad been th« retort of co.interf jirei'A b y lolloftiug up clew» »uggeste I by him t io carotid veins and m ade its exit a t the suflerings of those far-off, awful days. sudden taintness came over me. and. as thought recovery poadble, and h a f i Ih knelt beside tho bed of lags to beat the reeult was that the grin; of counterfeiters back, a little low er down, between the T h ^ u io rn in g of the 2d of Septem ber 1 was w alking alongside of a steep was not very stro n g until a m onth had child. weiu caught and puniahe 1. Tins incident •‘ Too ia te '” «aid the South W ind, led t » his be.n : frequently employed hy tiu spinous processes of the fifth and sixth my thoughts were turned homeward. bank on my right, I thought I would passed and more. When sloughing set in a t its w orst there were continual with its face at the window. cervical vertebra-, which it 'ractu red . Step bv step mem ory led me back over lean up against it and take n brief rest. siienff in captnrin; the deqiorad »«4 that 111- Ave! it was too late.— Detroit Fret festetl the sparsely populated s etton 10 The blow benumbed me, a« a m atter life’s track to my earliest childhood, ; I diil so. but the instant I got out of hem orrhages occurring, and I renietn- n -r til'll on two occasions when the •Feofirse, and th " blood-iru-b«*^ in h ur­ Wnd th ere mv n A ^^ at^ ett at- ia t e n a l -jvthe p e r . ; - u n d u ly dropped a ll in a hsi which ho live»!. His (ante roa ^hed Cuicago, ______ __ ___ P iefi. lo that on his removal there ho w ji soon ried jets, responsive to the throobings for hours, liu t n ot bo m uch upon the in a sort o l d Tell th at ran along Ilio large arteries w ere th reatened he re­ tw o en- slter ap|K»intxl deputy shevtiT »(ldaftartvar J mained bv my bedside during N O T H IS PRO PERTY. of my heart, as I fell, covering mv face, scenes and associations of my la te r edge of tin» path. I tricsl to get up, but ippointod tho city’» tin t deseodve. i.i 1371 i t re nights until all im m ediate danger g ettin g into my eyes and m outh as 1 youth as I had previously rem em bered, could not do so. I wallowed around in T h e E x p la n a tio n T lia t P r e v e n te d a Dis­ he founded the celebrated de tetivo ogencj gasped for b reath ; but ve' w onderful seen and known them. Blessed visions ■ the darkness like a wounded anim al. | was past. tu rb an ce on n T e s s » Itstlroa il. which has since ferreted out sm u * of th« ui childhood’s cuu ’ xuu ’ ju early daw n rose up u be- — ___ began to bleed afresh and T hough 1 regretted leaving the good a- it m av seem, I never It >t conscious­ of My wound "W ill you b ) kind enough to lake most desperate crimes of tho age, nn I I as ft» ness. On the oontrary. my min ’ ap­ fò i^ m e “ dearly"foved, 8miling"fM»s”of ! I thought th e'd ay lig h t would find m-: Ì S am ar,tan who cared for me so fa th . i .« i i i (m l,- m i l fo m ln r lv y et it fully and tenderly, it was n a crini glad that grip- ack ofl that s a t," said a tamed its respectability an I the conlldeuce peared m ore keenly active, although mv ___ early boyhood’s friends thronged dead. I hail la n there probably an hour i day when he accom panied me to the countrym an, who got on a Hain at L ul­ of tLe public through the rule htk. -o w n by tor a m om ent the sense of sight failed | jn ^ , «¡«w; is tender m other came to its founder never to operate in a divorce alto g eth er and sounds were eonfused a n pain. 1 was her boy when 1 h.-aril footsteps approaching. depot and saw me ofl' for a brief season ing, Tex. case, or where family m atterj were In dis­ as if I w ere in th e m id st o f a hurricane. again, sittin g upon her knee, th e n —a The com er proved to be Billy Glasgow, a t home. He w as one of G od's noble­ “ No, sir, I d o n 't propose to do any­ pute. a e ra io rs sensation . tw inge of pain—a feeling as if the lin­ of mv own regim ent, whose left Blioul- men, w ith sym pathies tender as a wom­ thing of the sort,” replied the dnim m er, B r i d s l i F o r e ig n • « c r e t a r y . an ’s; a firm, steady hand ami a strong, der-bla I ■ had been shattered «bv a bul­ A com rade helped me to a sittin g gers ot death were groping for my faithful h e a r t I pay this tribute to Ins who was sitting on the other side of the posture, and while I was endeavoring h eart and I was returned to the real ­ l e t I lost no time in a ttractin g his a t­ worth and gooduess, not only for w list «.■at. tention H e worked with his one good to repair dam age* by stopping the leak ties th a t enveloped me. “ Lo you say th at you are going to let arm for fully ten m inutes before he got he did in my behalf, but because of his m mv anatom y with a small bail of lint MENTAL PHENOMENA me balanced on my feet, and then we kindness and un rem ittin g oare of all that grip sack stsv right there? r and nandke-cnief I chanced to have, I es. air, I d o ." after hour, like the second hand , t raveled together, lie suiting his pace to who were under his charge. W herever the lighting was going on fiercely a l l 1 of H a our "In case you d o n 't remove th a t grip­ watch, my m ind k ept d a rtin g from ho is m ay he dw ell in the ver.table about and over me snd men were fall­ one th o u g h t to another, but with so I mine and occasionally steadying me orcsence of all th a t m akes life pleasant. sack I shall be under the painful neces­ ing by dozens. B ut I did not m ind t h a t , much regularity th a t the sam eness soon , over rough ground. sity of calling the conductor.” so much. I was in no pain. I reg t i d ­ grew monotonous and tiresom e. T he j T he next m orning, Septem ber 4th, “ You can call in the couducto-, the [ilSM A H G K . nd sang circle of ideas traveled over was al- i about daybreak, we m et between F a ir­ ed the bullets th a t flow by and engineer, ¡..id tbe brakotm an, if you th eir d'—-ily music only with a . languid ways about the sam e a t the start, and I fax and Annan laic, our am bulances III» P eraon allty s a d H ow l i e A which then for me was ' to ^ f^ f^ r c a d apiece, but my tongue lias appeared in the statesm anship of "T h e conductor will put you off the d an g er of the situation. 1 ° * ° ‘ , home. ' 1 realized realized the the precarious precarious condì- condi­ and th ro a t were so tra in .” now, after more th an tw enty years tion of my m ental faculties, but yet, and th ro at were so inflamed th a t I Europe since Richelieu, and he carries " I d o n 't oare if lie doe«. I am not made little headw ay a t eating; besides, with him all the outw ard signs ot have passed, causes me to shudder. going to tako th at grip-sack from that though striving h ard to do bo , could I had all the time to steady my head in majesty and power in a g reater degree AN OVERPOWERING THOUGHT. no t control them. I be! eve I could so ne m anner, else, on account of my piano where it is.” I t was not until I saw o u r boys driven have died then feeling com paratively injured neck, it would bo d ropping than any personage of his time. He is The indignant passenger went and going back th a t my m ental facul­ little of m ental anguish—the physical ov -r aud causing the m ost excruciating taller than the late Czar Nicholas, lias through the train, and soon returned ties took lairly hold of realities. Then, pains of dissolution had been already pa n. a head the size of W ebster’s and a with the conductor. “ So vou refine to remove th a t g rip ­ in the tw inkling of an eve, camo the borne. A fter we left A nnandale my com rade breadth aud massiveness of body equal thoughts: “ 1 m ust die fiere, w ith no B ut it was not to be. In the after­ stopped to rest, but I continued, reach­ to those of the late General Scott. sack, do vou?” asked the conductor. XABL OBAXVILLK “ I do.’' fa m ira r face to cheer, no voice to corn- noon ass stance came. T he corpse was ing Alexandria about 12 m. of the day. In ths cabine; of Mr. G lalstin". Earl fort no kindly hands to care for mv 1 lifted from my arm , w ater was brought From Cloud's Mills to tho city lim its, When he enters the Reichstag it is like Great sensation. O ianvllla holds the most difflcu.t |Misition, dead body when 1 have done using i t .'' in the crown ot an old slouch h a t to on botli sides of tho way. sat people the entrance of Ju p ite r am ong the liier- "W hy do you persist in refusing to b u o n » in which by irevloiis issin iu g li» is It was terrible. N ever before had I quench the f iver b u rning in my veins with food for the wounded com ing in, nrcliy of Olympus His eyebrows are remove that grip-sack?” better fitted than probably any ether man nor have I ever since, felt the awful Hope grasped me firmly with her good and such a display! Hog and hominy, thick, white and overhanging; his m us­ “ Becaus i it's not m ine." ip ih» kiugdom. He is >¡0 years old, and anguish of th a t moment, n or do I ever rig h t hand. I resolved, God will ng, to bacon and ureens, baked beans, “ biled tache, likewise snow white, aud, as a •'W hy d id n 't you s iy so a t once?" wax first appointed under serre ary of recent correspondent describes him, expect to again, not even in the final do my share tow ard living. "B ecause nobody asked m o ."— Te,xat foreign affilila in 1340. a ln o which he lies dinners,” cakes, pics, fruits, chickens, grapple w ith the g reat destroyer. several times had m arge of the olllce. Hi» It w as difficult, a t first impossible, roasted, fried -anyw ay one lik ed —it “ his face is covered with folds and Siftings. faoo indicates tbe cool de.iberated J idgm nt D eath was then bending over me; I was for me to d rink; but drop by drop the was a perfect paradise for a hungry wrinkles, broad rings surround his eyes, C annibalism o f F ishes. be brings to m a tu re of stat>. HU popu­ gazing into his fearful features; his liquid blessing trickled dow n my th ro at, man, and yet I could not eat. B ut It and even his forehead is draw n into larity la equal to that of tho premivi'. chilling oreath w as stealing its way to slowly I felt its refreshing influence was difficult to refuse to m ake tho a t­ minute corrugations like the skin upon A few weeks sgo [opened the stomach iiaxed my h eart; b u t the m ental agony did within, th ro u g h o ut my system, and up­ te m p t Tho banquet was furnished a withered apple. His head is nal G o p h e r - T a ll C u r r e n e y on the>wouiiearanre lowed. From the m outh of the whit­ t i l l s When tlie drawer 1» full as I lay upon the earth. T he benumbed officer came and told u s th a t those able of burnished m etal.” His voice is soft, ing a largo live worm issued. Besides taken to th.« county oifloe and rede« sensation produced by tbe bullet as it to g et to C entreville could do so and be with vinegar, which w ent first rate (the alm ost weak, and when he has spoken Hies - there were half-digested rem ains paid out. It look« a liltla novel ii Chur little I succeeded in sw allow ing), and forced its course through the bundled paroled. I resolved to m ake the a t ­ for a while it grow s somewhat hoarse. of other llsli, chiefly flounders. All the seo goph r narrative« going into tho cc network of nerves and muscles of neck te m p t At mv request I was helped to she thanked me as though I h ad done He speaks rapidly or with deliberation, large m outhed fishes are curiously bution box._________________ her a favor. and spine gave way to the m ost excru­ my feet, but the m om ent those who hail I according to his mood, but never in a voracious and usually cannibals. —K osm th, xviule still a liv e, enjove ciating pains, wh ch m anifested them ­ hold of me let go I fell to the earth like MANSION HOUSE HOSPITAL. loud voice; is courteous, though some­ have seen a small eel swallow a still tho satisfaction of know ing w hat llie selves m ost cruelly th ro u g h o u t my an em ptv sack. They were about to R eaching tbo city lim its I m et a bri­ times ironical in m anner and gives sm aller eel, head iirst, the tail half of world s nn n io i of h in w 11 be a lt r left s de, jio p a rt of which, above the leave me, one rem arking th a t I could gade surgeon, who, after" inquiring token of his rising w rath, which is fre­ the swallowed fish projecting from the IIo has, it is asscr.oil, cut out wa st, was »en« ble to the outw ard never again w alk a dozen steps, b u t at when and where I was wounded, quently excited by his opponents, rather inoutli of the swallower and m oving for (leatli. touch. I t seemed as if m illions of red- mv earn est en treaty they gave mo a n ­ rode on. Presently ho cam e g allo p ­ by the sw elling of the huge veins in his some hours. The swallowing thenco- all t ie obituary notices th a t hav i hot needles were being th ru st into my oth er trial. T o m eet it I summoned up ing back, dism ounted and accom panied neck and by clutching at the collar of iortli proceeded very slowly, evidently reaclie 1 h ni and they till h aii a d iz qi flesh, or as if each nerve and muscle all my stren g th and resolution. W here me to town, supporting mo w ith an his uniform than by any furious rhe­ accordihg to the rate of digestion of the scrap-books, hundreds of n -w q ■• • ri having been sent him from diticrohl were being reeled off my bones by I was, if I rem ained, death teem ed in­ arm. He took me to the M ansion torical outburst. He makes the m em o­ part that had reached the stomach, as some massive enginery of irrcsistable evitable. T h irty miles o r so away were H ouse H ospital, introducing me to the randa toi his spee<-iiws on loos«! sheets some days elapsed before the end of tho countr.es as toon as it was know n that the rep o rt of his death was u n tr u*. power. all the com forts necessary to m inister surgeon in charge w ith: “ T his boy has of (piarlo pa|>er with pencils more than tail of the swallowed fish disappeared. At the base of my skull, too, a h and’s to a aorejv w ounded body and weari- d walked from Bull Run w ith his b ind a foot I- .q aud the words which he jobs To show the mouth capacity of somo —Twenty-five G e rm a n who haveen- breadth above the place w here the ball brain. I m ight die on the way Put half shot off; do w liat you can for down "'uli them and utters in so soft a fishes take two Jo h n Lorys of equal tered tho Ch aosc sorv ue w -re re p i.r ;d had m ads its exit, there was a curious then 1 would be n earer friends. T hus I him ;” and left me. T he first question tone h iv e the weight of eanmm balls. size, open the mouth of one to its full to take C hine.o names. One of them, sensation, which can only be described reasoned and started. asked. "Do you wish som ething to The old C liaucellor draws now to Ihe capacity, and it will be found large who was form erly cat I tin ot a cor­ by saying th a t it felt as though some On lifting me up they steadied my ea t? ” I of course answ ered In the af­ end of his career; his imperial m aster is enough lo take in the whole of the vette, is now called YVang-Ll-Triaug. one were endeavoring to bore into my form u n ’il I " g o t my h e a d .” so to firmative. which, w h ei turned in ‘o English, means »lumbering aw ay Mie rem nant of Ids second fish. -Ucntleman's ita q m in t. brain, upw ard, with a g ig an tic auger. speak. Mr. Hegii Wall. Hu has ju st been pro- 1 was quite dizzy a t first, and n.~. ........- They gave mo a cup of bean soup Y«I, at first, this feeling was not so then, hope’s tap er aim ly burning. I (arm y stren g th ), bread aud coflee and hours, and when lie passes awav, which be at any time, the work of his —Ju d g in g from tho annexed local moicd to the rank of A dm iril. and very painful; it was s-mply annoying started to follow it to death or W ash­ sent me to the surgery, w here one of m com m ands the Chi o Yung. A nother and uncom fortable. It was, perhaps, ington. I was desperately weak, and the attendants, after looking a t tho ttnghty m inister, the greatest who lias from tin Blanco (Tex.) News, borrow ­ G erm an officer is how nam ed L .n-l’ao, ever served the house of Hohenzollern or ing is apparently done with somo talent two hoars after I fell th a t th irst began stag g ered when I walked like a d ru n k ­ wound in my neck, insisted on putting o r Mr. 8.x Cannons. to torm ent me, but I had no w ater. en man. W ith my rig h t h a n i I was on a compress o f plasters to draw the wrought in the political concerns of tho In th at town: One of our young men — in P aris they havo “ m orphine p a r­ The last drop from my canteen ha-1 obliged to su p p ort my head, and the ragged edges of the opening together. Fatherland, may bo regarded as prac­ while out gathering in some wood with ties" of the small a i d early kind tically accom plished.— Cor. Hmokh/n which to make himself a fire last W ed­ been given to ««dying comrade. paralyzing effects of the bullet and I objected, u rging th at the w ound nesday, got badly left, as when he cam e Those inv ted to such lilt’.c g ath erin g s In the edge of the evening a guard piece of shell upon my left side re ta rd ­ should bo cleansed and properly Eagle. -- --- - - back heTiad no stove iu which to build are known to the hoateis a sb tin ; in the of Confederates was form ea about the ed locomotion, so th a t it required great dressed, if a t all, but he prevailed, —“ So you went to tho party with the fire—it had gene mysteriously. The habit of resisting ills to which liesh is field, and 1 w as borne back a hundred caution to keep from falling, and when squeezing tho sensitive flesh to g etu er Mrs. Elberton, d d you?" asked a wife fact was ho was borrow ing from n heir by subcutaneoits injections of tho yards o r eo beyond tbe railroad cut, on onoe down I knew I could not get up regardless c ’. the handkerchief and lin t of her husband. ‘’Yes, as you «yero neighlxiring woodpile, and wnlle out narcotic above named. T he tujeol on is the edge of w hich o ur im e of b attle w ithout assistance. Before leaving the w ithin or of the agonv he caused me. p e r i'o m e d with a H it« instillm ent, the awav I thought it. would do no harm tho n e irh ,,' ' r he—•»«•—t hi« «teve. had stood, and m ere, until toe atter- o th er prisoners I saw a num ber of inanufsotiirc of wli ch is parsing from " ! « < « ----------- Then I was directed to the w harf and as Elberton asked mo to, being detained nodn of Septem ber 8d, four days and com rades from my own regim ent who —A sleigh In W aterbury, C onn., is 111‘ s u r g e d n stru m en t m aker lo the nights, I lay in the m idst of some 1,800 were unable to travel, and Dade them placed upon a boat th a t was to take a t home and not w anting his wife to lie ieweler, and .«be.oniing an o h jet d 'a rt. dead and w ounded men. U ntil about good-bye—some forever, others to m eet a cargo of wounded to W ashington, disappointed." "W ell, I d o n 't believe said to be 136 y e a n old. Sleighs Jid Guest* and the indy of the house sit in and there offeyod m ore coffee and bread, In lending mv husband to anybody." not g et sm ashed up in the oldvn t m o­ two o'clock p. m of the 2d of S eptem ­ again. but my suffeiings were so g re a t th a t I "W hy not, pray?" “ Becati«cit la not t s they do now. Y oung eolom sta were a Oirciu and lisl in io a concert lr a dis­ ber no t a d ro p of w ater touched m j declined. M eantime, tbe com presses good, according to the Bible, for a ma.i bashful; and drove with both hand*.— ta n t room. Th*y duzer be their m o m - A SITHT o r THE SURGEONS. lips except as the rain fell, and teen tion* to each other. Uarlforul C'nwant From the ormt wa h»d vainly gt- had caused iuoh acute pain th a t I to be a lo a n ." —Dotton T iint... .each d ro o th a t struck mv parch