FACSIMILE. SOUVENIR COPY OF THE VOL. 1. J O S E P H , U N I O N C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , M A Y 1 5 ,1 8 8 4 . N O .l. wheru to leave Union in-the cold.” T he regular day of issue-w ill Is- The thunks of the ( 't i l l l I AIN H t 'S I X H s s C A k M . o tlicc are extended (A |>eiui lo r' "W h y ? ' “ Uhivii 11«« always en­ T hursday b u t the tiret numlicr 1 valnuhle tgssismnce ri'tiilerisl dm mg* l’l UI.I.-III D EVERY T t n i l M l W AT deavored to corral. everything that ailleurs a few days in advance of il» the win k. | j o . - e i - d . V i . uui ('.. iiii ' v « > ir i*< ;• » v . i ll 'll II. wan tor Sts «tau inteiests and bus date. Mr. A. A. Hull and fumilv, done everything possilde m retard Xu'itri) f\ih1ir. brother of our friend A M llall. Tin: editor of the C iu tc m ix N X IIE C K E T U O R X the grow th of other towns and the Pine creek tuitsichm, have jm t O iJ R G R O W L . I» rKKI’lf. hopes th a t tlie "Sick Man" of La «HtWiilY, parts of the valleys." arrived from Colorado. Th^v think **«»» s t I|» i I ou Hüten: G rande, who became diseased by Wallowa good enough for them. The It'iillimii keiil-KnInle Ojfirr. These are some of the reasons taking charge o f ’he lucid de­ P i- ’ i r Ci»,IV | K.r v e » .r . III ¡ „ I v .lll. f . r.’.ui Messrs. M C. Davis mid W Il " I i w i l l il) n .lv .n 'i v , . . . . ..MI which .lie editor In s heaid for Io, an overdose o f ‘'U nion C oupty p a­ partm ent tif the ' IHKITAIX Wc ha vi­ Fr«prleter. F in le <' i »| i »-, - i \ iiiiiiii U-. . . . . ■ f’.iki pers,** will surety« thia isaue.' Phelps h a ie our th an k s for the After close I I . kl.Y.S, La G nitide, Consult* F > » « lv (*,,]>y, i l i i ’ce m o n t il i . no promises to lilllkd or apologies *» TA these m any m onths. skilltul mid nrtistie workmm ship r r* 'li,»»»’- Furiü*l*. J mi Àp|i!l«*aii*Mi^>J observation, and conversation with M b M vkrm , dem ocratic nomine« to «oiler. ing Attorney. Ni irs, a |s'r men with tlotie on our ntHeu and fu rn itu re; A tli'iill.iii b i r n t l i . g « l u ll li « . m any i.f liest citizen* of Union, for Congress, hint been a m erchant tb< |n inci lv Jncoiii" cun silli ly also to Mr. F. W illiains. I.ong the e'u .i iTAi.Y lieiievea that those at Oregon Citv for the last may thev live. A. I \ ' f i . 6 m C K J H W X K fW . tHTitl 'private I, inker to * * * • ideas'originated more from ji.d ■ .vcirs’xijd M plljr- li. ! lii il Ml in I oip' “x. r z 'U b ■f’. . ' t » i - s*' •.>/<• r .i* .r iy iws iitfnl 1 1 I t / . ijiems 5=2— T .-rt-»1 * .g i ••••••••*»•1 • ••• » 4 I 111* 1»I1 l *!>'• the .s'l'iifni-f M’u do not like to U nir dilfk"“^* patron» o make rii^ h . «if ill« ìh A ii .I i U „ml \ . ’ »I UA«!«, a ¡¡vdy town— it b ra s s hand. Tin J tli- «.rttiHc Oljb* «’pli people of V uio'i have ever said, seo a good m an mi»rcpti-«u>icd. Iheir npolojjr », (lm- word will .»f bpvs have foliitccn lirst-i lass in- I llO lltll. r n*v A»r tin* •S E N D O F F .” i t is true Unit there have been »ulHix- as to the character of the .ilruniciits, ami are m aking rapid T kkkk will not lie H i m any sample in introducing the W allowa some things done at tlie co'tinty copies of the CiiinvT.UX to . distrib­ lis h ! s that w ill ap|K'iir in ’. liesi- col­ progress. They practice Maturduy A In S V III t h e I Ititi umn« having my »auction-. Anv evenings. <’Ji:i:»-fA:N to the libera! inhaled scat which liuve worked a hardship A. C. svini. ute for a few Week» ns was cRpcctzM, K. W. .\Kvrr». We noticed the sm iling face of tiling of grave, public in q s'i tan /e lie the ed ito r taken this opjxir- oil some parts nt the county ; hut owing to the rapid grow th of tin 1». • ty to apprise them in w'int the same tilings would happen if w ill ap p i.ir ju st as ouircctly ns pus our eittecnii-d "S tate of O regon" on ‘u'isci iption list. T h at's rightgen- the streets one day this week. We the co.m is seat were moved to any I Is he may lie found . sihlcundcr the circum stance* ; the mv pleased to say th a t peace is ilenien send your mimes right along J TTO kXEYk-AT-LA IP.. other point. exact tiu th will ho aimed nt If again i stablisheil on his rtlllvh : the •I liile there is bill one real road a i l encourage tlie new enterprise I'rompt intention vivun to nil rssss. Col. As long us the county rtim tins I. ’•iinjt out of or into the Wnl- llic'tbrnkon elem ents of' incidences chiidreu have become reconciled 1« lt.no. ..nsliiil. ien,,, m Abler, t'ul.oi of Wallowa. < •»*!!.tv, OniftMt. undivided and Hie present editor and the dog no longer is in doiiht 1» i— and that rim s through u fun- c.'i snot all be gathered and united He T iie editor will, ns the spirit nt iiiii e they can lie supplici! after- of the identity of his m aster. n sliap-»I canyon, at the further rem ains at the head of the C n:i:i- l It. HYY Attnrai»»'nml Nuti,rv. t’. has returned to ducking once inure. / » s Um,I offlep iirartfrv il » im Ì'I ii I iv . . o f which, across a bridge, may r.u.x, he will advocate wlu.t he moves him. w rite up tiie Wnllpwa wards, and redundant m utter can Ist tirsnilr, OrriUHi. Messrs, llhichnrt, Saunders and I. ecu an oininou« i>cutii, th a t of thinks best to build up the count.' vnlley He would lie pleased to be fi li mi nnUn I. h nuiM hr m iu n i- W ilson, the dem ocratic nominees ¿ 7 W. HfKI/ToX, Ati' iced upon tiie r o a d , might lie support the candidates in either lowa is not all a ••barren waste of arnua.l i-tam ung— that tin y who aipl explains itse lf.' ii.a.le a m uch licttvr thoroughfare party whom he conscientiously stimL" W hen he f. i Is he ean do assume unenviable ntlitieles Is hire Onu of our m ost conspicuous G IF. d t L H A S t, 1 lv ed ito r proposes tak in g one ot considers the beat qualified for the the lake justice, or the »litulow of tin public have largely themsclvca voting sports, whose nam e is J o h n ,| justice, lie will dcscrilie it to jhc' to blame. A chirl iimoii;.- ye take succeeded in evading the vigilant P H Y S I C I A N a n d 8 U R G E 0 N , tli -c trail:— wlien fleeing frMn an ofiiic I.A tlJtAXPK, OREOON. in co nelusion, to the reading l»c*t of Ins ability. in notes uud faith he'll prent them. espionugo of ditch com m issioner .-v crank Clink. Jo h n , on th a t particular mil. I' II|.|-1»I||. Xew York sture Mnln St.‘ public in general, and the |icnplc of With charity for all, etc., allowa, In’ing an isolated val- W ith this issue th e e d ito r fulfills dav. was as full ot business as a / zi i dugout is full of liens. lie load. L M ” I its people have m any interests Wallowa in particular, the editor I rem ain, his part of 4lie w ritten contract. A. \V. G i i WAX. liappv tin hearts ot t In Misses .Satin- 1 «**11*1« IA.W ) iliar to them selves, and « f no will say that he is aw are you can Those persons who kindly snh- dels by bringing glad tidings from j ''/l'''.'1' 1",1 ^'."."■ryitle. will gnu tu,« I e»t im portance to its m o .h cr m i­ easily live w ithout the C iiiektaik . l hr proti- Ion In i,ll It. brunelle». scrila'd a loan to uni him , in this K. J. Martin is on a protracted 'Squire t.'ottingiiimi. hut the ViiiKr rAi.-; can not long ll» G rande Hondo, a division of I sl-bt'lALTIEX. enterprise, will pluatc conic forwnril hunting excursion. t*1i(',i»i . of Woiiirn nmt Children. Com rades, Ik-ith, K inney & Ver­ tl.. county in a few years would he survive w ithout you/ financial sup- Tl«. W ai I own C iiiketais is the ami settle, us his financial affairs million were in town last Saturday Y ours Sinccrdv, t l " l»cst way go hdjtisl existing ilif- port. newiit thing in town. R. H. ROBERTS, need repairing. , i w orking up tin interest, which S. A. ’ I k l m m a x . Rig Ingin f uhn s^ C ja UI -then Aha C i:r r - d o von ib i e k o f th o . . t v i m - l |. ^ H;, ( W -'-p » ,» . , s»»i-iyb:-A . T i» r. • •noe!*•, TAi», on the division question, , to be (‘rgunizvtl at do. s nut s.-eni to think »n, are nl- • /<»! ifd?C iuki * r«UN . — —s«nlu tvv. j R O U R A S S IS T A N T S . *:••. -• “ M t u« all travel hariuon- J o s e p h , O regon. I. It. Olmstead, ol Ant Flat, has ¡place. They were here us represent-j w.iyspttid for in adviinc«. If the guic to W alla W alla to rem ain J atives of about tw enty old v eteran .', io'i«!v on one trail ” H is reason > who have stood weary vigils on the »|1,M,t«"‘t,b.l I’.hi. k-mlthing done at A. W Gow a .« nas kindly con­ thoughtful subserits-r docs not mg.) pit s- ' hi:n«i If ns well pleased <'»«prx ,'-. Iliiraeaat an organization can be affected to rcc|ivi) the expression of the on the side hoard witli il.c valivi O i l , ele., etc. Sec notice in an o th er colum n. legg) Voters of this Stutg a t - t h e uf H. Ansoiiriia» fhi^tuF-s« H im ... ... . . . . , .... ih'pnirinu thii'C «ui *lmr! notice. The W allowans. lieconiic.g arous­ ladies dress gfnj-ls iu La Grau.le, . ' ’ 1 ' ( ' r ,Y " »¡W ’’U> ‘ O U R SCHOOLS. , • » i ■ i , mg iiiJlct'iul on La!:e street with ed al the boldnmg of the county Ju n e election L . .1. B A C K E R , Alilvl lC ... gi: s this year are like ihi. |)Uou ,,r v lw .; , (l dwc| | | llg it is a question of great impor- c ..u rt priK'i'cdi'igs in causing to cham paign. I hoy an on the pop Mrs. Clara IL Dean is engaged to tnnee, am i a right that the editor erected the aforesaid "um ini.us J. 1». Eaton, Unton, keeps a fine I „ , ,, . . teach the 11uriieane school for next JO S E P H . . . . . OREGON. bcm ii." ( toll-gate) cast iihoni them Iielievcs should not only tie granted Rt,.. k o f.l-v good- and pm oeti.».| -'H rs. J ( n .gl.to:,, f. L H n e term . Sho commence« under the ., .• „ , , r ,■ i :'»u:itain bnaiks w atching the the birch ut Rruirio creek sehool, iittlei jruut play round hi: h o o k (? ) com m encing next M onday. im m ed iately pounced u|s»n it, ex­ and enforcem ent of our law s. i ’oiitii 'ana -zi t ¡Tig a s u n e a sy W here- women see they are ltqiiilrliig iluti# neatly on »hurl untie«. po iMig-hn easy prey In their Tb.1 expression of political prefer- ns bioug’i :» nest of hornets were needed, ami where tho laws will Joseph school is in a nourishing enix'iYur President «1 the republi­ eng. m ess they signed a reiuon- located in th eir trouser*. condition, with ubout 55 pupils in [x-rniit them to go, Yltduous w ives s i - i c y , that for lcng.'li would lai S h e lls it ririnvti are the "boss'' can primary inciting on Prairie regular attendance. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. '■rivk ehowc.l a «mull m ajority for 1b m oral law in the shade. Tax- i;sl nm lhers will hi found pint,¡ting, black-ini' In» and wagon m akers in fiirmiiig ami executing laws wliole- I a Grande. idvrr tbi »livp. i -* pavers and non-tax-payCrs, with 111 Ed. Rum ble some and ju st for their husbands Mi. .i Rruiinuiu lias liccn sillin g .sati-fui tion us tcachor in the The Blue M ountain H onse is die fTitlilrcu« |< i< tun « n »|s» i..iiv tin cxeejifii.iis, signed Ilia! reuiop- nml upwards. H esold (ie.»rgc district. He is one of the best hotel in I.a G rande for m|tyire .•'.us at and sons. s .i 11 cu 'ii. A good vuungent teachers in the county, KOTICE. meal» and good beds. TJicic will he a colum n of the I' .r lo'tiids upon it. annua* will always bring ti first The hrir» ».( T. .1 Tb.t.gla-«, nil—iiig, will A lady lawyer jn O lym pia tried I j alee. J.-'lte L’.ouiitv «snirl, c,nsf:ng his f'lHEgTAlN timicr the nianagi lm-nt her first ease recently nml acquitted Prof. Nevins began a suhscrip- ' rr' ' b-v " r,t'”* U thtillieii e y es .iblng Unit long of Mrs. Aniiiv W inters Conley, de­ herself i reditublv. H er client went A good Wilier ditch was made tion term o f school at Abler l u s t ] --------- Mill» I f l y ç lu k i- s t r e e t d u r i l i , the w.-i k ; moinhty. This term piakes nine l a wL' w».. . ys'.iiu is nvubly Rook in voted to the <"iuse of W om ans’ Suf- to the ixuiitenthu'^. m o l a i » ' o l ' i o ' . c , ,».,.»». > | „ | » o ; . ,. M . l ' - " ' " ' - e . l l i / ' l " ; - ' - . n .-, I,„»■(.,/ I tL * fr-gc. All c..n M unicnth'iis on m at ■sû». ■'Vr T»' U* . » , tl^_ sjiu afi^,i m,d jts /eil.(tn> sun. Eloch Bros. A- Cn..t La..Gy I , . i .m u 1 •.»..» S hia I I».-: i.Hiw . i ,« In , tfa c iM U g , in* gem ral s u t l« iu e - 1 . » 'ii. > n . in , l i» iii. » l t.. u n i n , t.» il». .R .i« Tlnhik. to Messrs. Chirk Nlibjgi't ,ijhna! be din te l io thi carry n line of 'rctionianiercliaiHii*/ «b- i»,uf .. i : i bo *(«. '.• r^iti ** ♦*»* m>t !•» well vT*?4 tion In- 1ms given in the pu-t as- 1 It« i n ‘l» iy n il u. d Brinnuie»^ *»v Iin r ln tr li«‘T «»it m i' n i* « 'iit it . n * I will tt«*t « » lid y ip n i rr . 1 ’hft (SuipiV co u rt 1 nlxAn iMm d Hid/, Ji •». .!■», j-VifUfti equal io 'h ia t dnrn\-»'ktu. inaEuNt- Hires the same prediction for the I k . * fur nny JuM» «»( ln r v « h ** en: < Ircgnn. d on't v/.rit to la- a» I'lisil t ’n a a lv , Orugoti. n*M lL T t> 5 V .tM K . future. He also closes one eottrsi IriH l i l i g to l d Ib c ( 'n i s i 'f,\lv -tiia t ’fw u : ;i i f- of n il i : hie "li.-ti -inrii'-” we will W c t i r e ' in d c b h s l to Palm er A Tlii-'in«*« hai'.jeul departnicnt of of ¡issiui’ of hi* -inging class ut «•' 1 *«< » -I';...' m i l :.oi . ;»x-|.;ty. (bw'-ntlicv is U ih I it the efl; lent Rev for prom ptness in tilling our ¡usi -i " that tin- boys have l»cen this place next Sunday evening. SU B SC R IB E FGP. ei Tb» :.'b»'C p 'l.l Led 'dill, a 111 order, and for the qhallty, n f the -,.1'nriug suini; ypuiig whale» up It is hupeil he can he retained for AND aim-iul the mill fiume. be .'iniig'his hca-i mu! s'li'iiily stole m anagem ent of J. Owen K uhn, of materia! sent us. another emu's« ot lc.—nns, ns his La G rande. The editor will ‘‘/«/«r.'/ The lwst receipt fur m aking buek- -> y ¡‘ olmi .—-An oil c»»nt, found last pupils are m aking grand progress A D V E R T ISE IN Ihr tin il,” ami nil hands set type. whent cakes in tiie world is the line «lek m irtli.ii-t of town. The under his tutorship. .'r nni/oiuni, in <1 su I m tiss ' of thought hi' WiL . We lotvo eoiTcspoiident* engaged •vhieli tells the poor man ivhera t»> »inner 'nil have tlie same by call­ ing ¡ w h e t'uiLi'Tzrs oflice ami in sm cral precincts tliroiigliont tin; get the buckwheat. A school district ha- lately been ¡bat tiie ¡irrsent. com ity ini) is Dun Moore has the finest gnnlon punì g lor this notici-. organized on A nt Flat. county, who, it it» hoped, will con- ii g -ici to any I'oit’ily, .in i that u ib u te fieely to our colum ns •plat of nine acres ia E astern Ore­ \. I Lmipi: canio in Mondav i A tram p reached into the twmtrv tl I'seapinjr of o : ki crim innl gon, from w hirl; he furnishes with cM 'iiJig t»i a lli ini h im! j nu ti,-e. ' window »»f an out-of-town houseth'e Thu Cheapest Netvsfmpcr in tlw Cori'e-p«ind.inec Loin all over the vegetable« his well filled table«. jn L lit e«»«t a lie e ..m n y more than Being »he U-st matcrnil in the v u l-l„ t ,„.r „¡„p, tr i„,l to steal a -oun'.i'y is solicited, .’(end in the It never oce'.tis to »mne o f the Icy I.a lender the Isiv» have up- pound of I,utter, hut it wa» no | | . new jai! Im i'ding Shoiild be County news '{«.ms, the impo,-taut events chronic otfice scukers o f Unton ,irn for the isnsiniill strong it drew him in und wlutitled which daily occur around yon, nml county th a t the ,«-<>ple are getting of ii, lie m ight lie se e n ,, if tiie Tin 5th,(Uh, 15lh and l ’»th in.-t. for the dog. [Tim , was not W al­ 3 0 ,0 0 0 they w ill gladly find space in the tireil of their biennial scriimbie ftw ushei in a no* year fpr the fort- lowa 1'Utti'l J ^e.i 'less i.fib i; night would per place. colum ns of the C iiiektaix . i»..vM . hior, C u n rr,ir> m il loud "Y es," s.iiil F arm er J o h n ,''s u m - >n r» .ol'og l.is Wav 1»!« «1/ (’a One o f by no m eans the least im ­ • *’0 h , nrofes '.or," cxelainied sent:- edit . tin third Is-aii, ,t- age. Imt! ; mvr boarders coiu,>!.iiii tkiit the Sulisciil.fi.i WAN TED Is'fi.n.- tr. .<•» in . I,.1,111.1.'.i, ».r n uc portant features i t till-ClIlRyT’AfV, inehtai Mrs. C'rumbpicker, uf North. ihe o.liei's’ i i.uiileimiKt-s are ( !) nights are cold, hut they certainly otliei of hi» tribal rchiltobs Huh ni. during a private rehearsal Mr J I) N ' i . i w . r. ;»:»-enling the have no right to expect m e to take will l e the ( ’hildri'iis t ’oliinm on flu mi lit r new organ, ’klo pull out that ’’’In. W allowan» n isi the north ul.. - i!e I -n-' of Mcrphy, G ran, the hl an kets off tin tom ato vines ¡'.»ii' h p a v e ; parent’« will (Tease sweet mix voniie.i stop oner inore.’’ an l o .o il.i,i- hi ioluil. '» its »a »kt’» » Puiihim l, w a -in town last saeh w eather as this, vneourugc their children to write To th u kindness of R. f . Wnrri- w/ek, leaving en the 1» I i l«‘ . idi lit. .if’ r Iioiog d. f«A|t •! II, j A •« Boston »via ■ ••■ ••«•«7 m ««■ an hns xaHnvavv*« diacovcred '« | Upon s.icli sniqoi Is a« n child rail ncr, forwarding agent at Meachem, wa* ificlii’t sk. n». !» r soliciting - th a t it is a m a n ’s legs which drown i on !!si ja il, siili do noi f.a ! 1 'a s i ’r ci nstrnul f-w. and the prom ptne-s of J TV Me- a ’»i 1l»y ln’,,st ‘'r»^k»«l** e at ■I on ■'(•'•n t'lanv u g» in. »it iiiirrsi r«v m ' m ’ i »».. , C'ullv. freighter, wc are imlehiixl for trad' with a full hue of *'nii;d»s. ( Idin I f it wo« not for his legs lie 1 I hat n .-r v -¡Ji <1 the , alley He [ would flout. Parties going in swim-1 »'I.c »till», a».f •liaii.uil i ' ii '. i »».I -I.»»:»»* Isfir ,1 m - «•» e.l,' arrival of o«, p n ,.« a »«I tUc ’.l'ivi* *» is lb ............. (•I tin hasa i A’. h t b.t-pie-s he.nnvi mi l i*. I m ilig would l»e wive to ieavu their S 'll '»..I.» . It.s.*r I-'».»»li«». I.liiili ur, ‘1 An I «.»»I it i|i'»t'rt ,iir," inaterhi! nt Jo» q h. a er.'.!), to tin- firn». lie. gs ,«n the shorn. H LU bCRIRE NOW. Wallowa Chieftain. |)r. M. -t.MM'MKTIIOax — MV— la me j£fi£j!ni|r I I,,..;,. K W.OOWA.y, It nr. r*' n w n m pi nne. Smith & Nevins, C »• v t. 8.c T. I. DEAN. M. 0. ir n nn«lM| itUKO.xt. Bi.ActwmfTHr PETER CARRICO t hi|»«. a is giving general r J1— r THE CHIEFTAIN, ri V • JU L Y L 1884. Tlw Peoples Paper. si rtl. \Vtn )'c ''