Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, July 21, 1944, Image 10

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    Imp Adair Sentry
fists of Adair Provide Bright Note:
T' Flag Commemorates Bond Drive Success
’heir Works Will Live
Years from now Adair’s artists will be remembered,
eir works still to l»e seen in the Portland Art Museum’s coi­
tion of GI art.-where it is estimated some 40 Adairmen
!l be represented,
tdair was quick to sense the*-
ue of its “Rembrandts" and , murals hold a training aid slant,
nipt y put them to work on the j The Sentry has made frequent
POST cilApEL Nt)'
Ils of Service Clubs, day rooms. ' use of their services, with cartoons
ere their murals livened up by Dannheiser. Fossum; Teca Ed Avenue D -and 3wL Street-North
ay an other wifie drab GI McDonnell, 70th. formerly of the; FRIDAY: 2000*Nirftfy After­
New York Daily Mirror: Sgt. Nor-1 noon Service (Jewish); 2015, Sab­
bath Eve Service (Jewish. SUN­
h the 882nd FA day room are man Gollin cf the 370th Medics;1 DAY: 0830-0900, Catholic Confes­
Sid Possum’s pictorialization
sions; 0900. Catholic Mass; 1100.
Signal ('orpci Photo
the artilleryman’s complex Hq. Co., among them.
General Protestant Service. WED-
WAR BOND OFFICER Major Earl F. Armstrong, left,
•s and Cpl. Joseph Turner’s
and Capt. Gilbert A. Waite, director of personnel, hoist the *T”
The “Rembrandts" found a place ' NESDAY: t~ZZ,
1700. Catholic Mass:
flag given by the treasury Department following the successful
ee war theater maps.
to work and chat in the Workshop I THURSDAY: 1700, Catholic ■ Mass,
drive of civilian personnel to achieve 100 percent participation and
n Service Club 2 Pfc. Paul Dann- set up in Service Club 1 and backed I
15 percent deduction in the 5th War Loan drive.
Red Cross Auditorium
ler’s "Induction to Action" series by the Portland Museum. There:
SATURDAY: 1800-1900, Cath-
ds a laugh out of some of bad • many beginners picked up a liberal
Upped on Birthday
es that come to all men all too | education in art, some like Pvt.' olic Confessions. SUNDAY: 0730,
I Ray Alien of the Timber Wolf Di- • Catholic Mass; J000. General Pro­
,t Service Club 1 Sentry staff vision turned out such excellent, testant Service. TUESDAY 0715,
Loots — Founds
Mass. FRIDAY: 0715,
st Teco Don Lynch’s burlesque works as his “Leering Madonna," Catholic
Wants — Sale«
the “Axis in Prehistoric Ore- around whose disappearance Sen­
et cetera
i" makes sport of the master try editor Tec3 Bob Ruskauff wove
e. and at the SCU Officer’s one of the Sentry's most exciting and Confe.rsious. SUNDAY: 1300,
b is his gay four-wall mural, the | and humorous stories.
$50 REWARD for information
General Protestant Service.
jrsuit of Happiness”. At the J The Shop sponsored frequent
leading to return of male, short-
white-haired terrier picked up in
!U NCO club this same :oker de- group and one-man shows in the
Grants Pass June 24. Tippy has
hted in painting a two-headed Post Libraries since their opening, ' Chapel No. 1—Ave. I) & 3rd St. No.
Jewish Services, Friday, 2015.
brindle brown short tail, head and
ike and other monsters on the also the large exhibits at the Port­
ears with large brown spot around
ills of the club's bar, now iden- i land Art Museum and Oregon State I Chapel No. 2 — Div. Hq. & Spec.
Trps.. D Ave. & 3rd St. So.
tail. Ears stand straight up. Fa­
'ied as the "DT” room.
’Mass, 0800; Mormon Service,
vors left hind leg. About six yrs.
And So—New Guinea
PAY RAISES FOR INFANTRY °900: Protestant Service, 1000,
old. Contact Station Veterinarian or
11100; Hymn sing and devotions,
Pvt. Henry Jova. of the 70th.
write Cece Hathaway. Selma, Ore.
fho sold two pictures opt of the
luseum’s recent all-Oregon
LOST: Sihaefer pen and pencil
how. did a mural in the popu- tion raising the pay of Army in- I 7th St. So.
set in vicinity PX 14. July lti.
ir little music room in Service
Name, Barren W. Farrington, en­
tary specifications. Infantrymen •Mass, 1000; Protestant Service.
tub 1. Ironically enough. Jova.
graved in gold. Reward. Call 2986,
rho painted mostly South Seas j | not in combat areas will get $5 a ¡1100 and 1930. Protestant Service
TrailblRi«*r Photo Provost Marshal’s office.
I month increase, and those in com- on Wednesday, 1930.
ubjects while at Adair, is now |
' bat units will draw $10 more a Chapel No. 4—276th Inf., Regt., C 70th Judge Advocate, whose pro­
FOUND: Baoys picture, on
» New Guinea.
i Ave. & 12th St. So.
motion to Captain came on his parking lot near infirmary, 9th and
In the 96th Division Officer’s
A special medal will also be au- I •Mass, 0900: General Protestant birt hday.
C street. Pfc. Alvin Kuznitsky, Co.
lb, Cpl. George Chichester gleans thorized for these men. The Army ' Service, 1000 and 1100; Mass. 1215:
L, 276th Inf.
rtorial inspiration from Oregon’s I estimated that 75 per cent of the ! Vesper Service, 1900; Service Men’s
, WAITED: General office help,
lorful history. In the Timber1 Army infantry will benefit by the Christian League, 1930. Bible Study, |
by reliable Corvallis basilicas firm.
olf Division, Lt. Bougereau did I new- raise in pay. The new law Thursday. 1900. Mass dailv, 1710
Write Box 59« (c o Gazette-Times)
orations for Chapel 4 and Sgt. | does not apply to Navy or the
•Confessions before Mass and on I
ck Lehti’s Signal Co. day room ' Marine Corps.
Sat.. 1900-2100, at Chapels 3 and 4. j
Birthday Present
Ideal: Promotion
For Division JA
Trailblazer Writer
In Sentry Tribute
Capt. Marion S. Francis of the
Judge-Advocate General's Office,
70th Division, took double pleasure
in his new double bars this week—
(Cont. from Page 4»
|sion was on its way ano Camp space does not permit the men­ besides the “lift" that goes with
i« to this poet.
| Adair turned once more to giving tioning of all the names, but it is any promotion, his came on his
(Continued from Page 1)
He was graduated with the first ¡the 70th its undivided attention.
There were the pictures and the
not meant to discredit anyone by so 1 birthday,
iss of officer candidates held at
i Capt. Francis enlisted in June, stone« which cume buck from Yak­
General Marshall Visits
s Presidio of San Francisco, and
Honorable mention should also 1 1942, and. following work as a ima, where 70th Division artillery­
Then, on May 4. 1944. Camp
s been in the service since that Adair had the signal honor of be made of the three first groups of , cryptographer for the Air Ji’orps. men went to take their firing tests
ne. He has served with the 362nd receiving General George C. EM to arrive at Camp. The Ft. received a direct commission as a . . . snort« stories galore , . . There
f. of the old 91st Division at Camp Marshall. Chief of Staff of the Lewis contingent arrived on June seeond lieutenant in February, were the pic'uies of “As You Were,”
wis, Wn., 116th Cavalry of Ida- US Army. Although the visit 20. 1942, with abokt 150 men, of 1943
division revue. -
In June came Infantry Day and
. and the 183rd FA at Ft. War- was all in deepest war-time se­ whom only a few remain. A small
He attendee J u d g e-Advocate
Wyo., as well as other assign­ crecy. General .Marshall made one cadre of 30 men also arrived that General school at Ann Arbor, Mich­ launching of the S.S. Truilblaaer.
or two extemporaneous talks to day from Ft. Ord. If records are igan, than was assigned to Head­ Same of the soldiera of the 70th
91st Eaten Scene
officers and EM. inspected 70th correct only one of this group is quarters, 8th Sai vice Command, in saw the launching; others had to
In November 1943 the Fir Tree
> still here. The third group to a/rive Dallas. Texas. Later he became depend on the Sentry for their new«
installations »bile here.
>ivi*ion. nam«b the »1st, arrived
At last June 15, 1944 rolled was the Ft. Dix “cadre" on. June Camp Judge Advocate for Camp I and views of the spectacular «.want.
And in b< tween the high spot«, the
t Camp Adair from the mrneu- around and the 70th Division cele­ 28, 1942 with a strength of 400, Berkeley, Testas.
er area and Camp White to brated its first birthday. No longer of whom some 40 still remain.
He was assigned to duty with Sentry was a constant souret of
pend the winter. The 91st. under was this Division Camp Adair's
Tale« at Past
the 70th Division in October, 1943 ifeatuie storiaa and picture« aril
be command of Major General baby. It had reached its maturity
The boys of this group report
Before enlisting. Capt. Francis 'general information about the 70th
1 illiam J. Liveaay. came to Camp snd was now a full grown fighting that almost anything could have practiced law in St. Louis, Mo. H* Diviawn, its unite and its unique
dair to finish their advanced unit of its own. The great day was happened during those first few was a member of the Missouri Pub­ individuals and personalities.
The material was uniformly sup­
raining before going overseas.
celebrated by GIs on parade, street months—and did. One story that lic Service Commission. and is a
Once more Camp Adair had be- dancing, carnivals, and turkey din- j drifted to us was of the over-ain- graduate of the University of Mis­ plied by the divmien's own public |
relation* oft ire, unner i.ueetion of •
me a busy place. Two divisions tiers in the streets of Camp Adair, bitious Sgt. who was prone to call I souri Law S.'hool.
ire on the Post Ind that meant
At the same time a 16.500 ton | out drill command« in his sleep,
Hi« benr is in Jefferson City, Capt. George H. Godfrey.
Last, but by no means least, it
Is of work, lota of entertainment tanker was being christened the But he w»»n'( the only one on uige. Mo.
, ivas in the Sentry that Tnulbiasert
1 be had and most of all lots of “S.S. Trailblazer" in the Swan Is- One poor Private who hal come
were told of the publication of each
in mortal
I land shipyards, the first time in in
— the
w —
--------- ...
— of
— —
I new issue of th* tr own Trailbiaaer
Highlight« of entertainment by [ World War II a ship of the Amer- Sgts, was also sleeping Very light-
• magazine.
•Sl' and other civic organizations | lean Flag fleet had been named ^ly. 1° the deep of the night, stter
The Ttailblazers may go far, but
■<ie their appearance on the Post t for an Army division.
a very trying day in the drill fi«!4,
I they won’t i<ia«l the Sentry and
a*«ri S*rl«:al
the Sgt. was heard tn roar oat,
i well as the entertainment Of the J ship was consigned
«.th a
I ■ ( f -4 Ta T*l*rMjf
I what it meant to them every FrU
ildiers themselves.
[name to the Norwegian gavirn-
“ Tenshan!”
T» T«-War"tv» r-nb Gr*4*
CM »-.<«*«,. u U«H-
day morning.
But it wasn’t all play, for the »1st went, with understanding that its
Hardly had his voiee died out inta
T» Cium
Ml Kr*—t* i II.* >»
¡vision was going through its last j former name be returned a ter t e a cemfortabia sigh wnen a heavy
T» T-:*aui*i lilt* Or »4»
Sundey Schodule
I thump was heard at the other end
t of training and making prepara- war.
«Mair-. V V
FRF.L coffve and doughnute are
of the barraefcs.
»n* for its next
. The month |
arvrii vach monting at the Ai'any
March. 1944. was one of the | And now as we draw the hi*tor>
There, in the ray* of moonlight WISCO Cancelled
U80 to ail avrvi'.aiiMn and
x-iest that Camp Araid crews of Camp Adair t • a cloy. ’ “• I sifting in at the bedside window
0930 t<> Lite»
*ay. To the wpply unite the 4go bock aid PK*
• •**
Sing, fvaturing txrth old and new
dance at Gwrgv White Center. Por’
ttion— sound asleep!
’«rk was even greater since the ithread» that we tailed to o
l*t had been aliened by units and, first time over.
And with that, if ypere ate any land, will «tart at tlOO -and on llUfite- flashed >>n a avtaen. will
hers ph—cs in the history’ «f J«l> 30 your favorite WISCO «tort al 1940 and continua until
’■h bit of supply rau«t be figured j Mention should
is great Camp that v. have failed broadcast will be back an schedule the Mwond showiog vl lia movie.
«1 ordered by unit. The magnitude j there aw still seve-»i o
menti*»«' let us attribute it to a A-rer that, the data-« will begin Frank and Lu Zateana wiM lugd and
the work hi rtdl well remembered emptoVees oa th- Post • ‘
err historian and hope that the at the regular time. WOO. Rvn.ew. play the piaau, aad « u *upat «f «•)•
•«any oathe Po«t. FinaH* by the ;b«e» dunng th- -•"•••’ **** .
* rrimb-rwUljMjaaîjrt^-—Mm■
■xt wit! do mûrir better
her the change.
H of the mont» the great Divi-«®n»tn»rttan. however t me
any Have Come and Gone in C A