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About Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1944)
OSEGO ” L’SRARY t A BOLT T/SGT. COVAlt He's a 43-year-old T/Sg< the 70th. He's been around —in three branches of the service — seen enough combat to know w here of he speaks. Turn to Page 12 for T/Sgt. Rudolph Covar's story. Vol. 3, No. 4. LIFE IN RHYME like poetry? Well, poetry with the GI slant on it all. Depicting th. little intimate things in a soldier « life (todav it's Foxholes) is Sgt. Schaefer’s new- feature. See Page 5. $1.50 a Year by Mail tamp Adair. Oregon, Friday, May 12, 1944 Portland Preview of Benny Cast Principals Here Sunday Chief of Staff Visits Camp Adair TYPICAL OF THEIR RADIO SET-l'P. Rochester (left) seems to have snared one of the cicars which Jack Benny (right )seems to have somehow procured, as principals of the famed air -how which appears Sunday at Theater 2 and at Field House, po-e for their picture in Portland, where plans for the big \dair show were completed on Monday. Needless to say. the center characters are Don Wilson. Phil Harris and .Mary Livingston. The show at Adair completes Benny's Pacific North west tour, which has embraced more than 70 separate appearances during a five-week period. Jack Benny Cast to Give 2 Shows Sunday at Adair By Tec3 Bob Ruskauff In a parting gesture to the great Northwest,” climaxing a five-week tour in which more than 70 shows have been presented, Jack Benny. Waukegan’s king of buffoonery, and famous troupe, will .. his .... , , . n'ake two «PPearances Sunday. Mother’s Dav, at Camp Adair GENERAL GEORGE C. M ARSH ALL. < hief of Staff of the tutted States Army, "who visited tamp Adair last week. General Marshall in Visit to Camp Adair ho* admission, which will be by ticket only, may be obtained to By Tec 5 Edmund Arnold witness either of the shows.) ------------- ---------------------------------- ♦ --------- A soldier, crouched behind a fallen log during a bat The regular national broadcast I Those wanting to attend either for General Foods will be made at of the Jack Benny performances at talion firing problem, looked up casually as a group of offi 1600 Sunday in Theater 2. It will Camp Adair Sunday are advised by cers walked by, then he looked again, blinked in wide-eyed Fifty Orogen mother* who have i Po«t and Division Special Service be released via remote control over ♦astonishment, finally turned to his KEX-KGW outlet, Portland. GIs three or more sons in service will buddies. and officers only may attend the be "proxy mothers” of Post GI«. "Hey," he muttered, still unbe- 1 i Ticket distribution will be 90 broadcast All attending must be as honor guest* Sunday at Service percent for EM, 10 pen ent for of-l_ . _ _ _ . iieving, “was that General MAR- seated by 1530. when the doors will Club 1. They will afterward attend, fivers. SHALL?” be dosed. This does not mean, as Post guests, the Jack Benny p:o- 2) Tickets, Both in the Division | It was. though, that there will be a half- , gram. (Story page 8.) ■ and on the Post, will be distributed ■ General George C. Marshall, hour of “enforced inactivity,” as | proportionately to unit COs and in , Another USO variety »how ,s ¡Chief of Staff of the United States most cases distribution will be made Scheduled May 24-25, when “Say Army and one of the leading mili Directly to Field House | through company orderly room-, j | When,” a musical comedy and dance tary minds of the world. .Moving directly from their , Inquire at your orderly room. | But it wu not until yesterday broadcast, the troupe will go to travesty combined, hits Camp Washington (CNS)—The 500 that the soldier’* question was of Field House, where they will millionth Series “E" war bond was l 3) Tickets may be obtained for > eith« r the broadcast or the Field Adair. ficially answered. pick up the reins of entertain purchased by an American some The program will be made up of H mm - 1 ■■ hit not hir Y eeterday. a* the Sentry was ment already started by the 70th where in the U. S. on the last day BOTH. the Musical Johnstons, two broth going to pre««, the War Depart 'Infantry band and special artist* in March, Secretary of the Trea-- 4> At the broadcast. Theater 2, of the Trailblazer division. The ury Henry Morgenthau, Jr., re i only officers and soldiers may at ers whose dexterity on the xylo ment at Washington lifted the total Field House show will last port*. “That is roughly equivalent I phone have earned them top billing -ecrecy «Meh had surrounded tend. General Marahail'a visit for se approximately one and one-half I to 50 ‘E’ bonds for every member 5* At Field House, only GI«, of in pictures as well as clubs and ho curity reaxsM!*, and permitted j of the U. S. armed forces," Mr. hoars. ficers and their immediate families tels; a "gorgeous array of femin mention of the fact that had been Among the entertainers will be Morgenthau said. may attend. inity” known as the Garri Girls buzzing around Camp Adair since Monde Penny Martin, ex-Rudy Val 61 Doors of Field House will be w ho put new life into a dance line; last Thursday. lee singer, now wife of Lt. George thrown open to GIs or civilian* The Chief of Staff arrived here Field House Dance JOCO tonight; without tickets, providing the 8RO Emmet Oldfield and Co., comedy L. Zimmer of the 70th Division acrobatic act, the smooth ioh, Wednesday evening. Next morn ‘ Class B uniform permitted (Standing Room Only* sign is not (Continuel on page 3 column 4) verily!) Eve Matthew*, acro- ing he saw the 2nd Bn., 274th, fit« ! out at 1630. If you get a ticket, «Continued on Page 11, Col. 1) | dancer. [ be an time! How Io Get Tickets For Two Benny Programs FETE MOTHERS Next USO Show Comes To Adair May 24,25 Half-Billion E Bonds Trailblazers Plan Big Mother's Day Program I Army Casualties Mount to 148,425 • .— Í This Week The World ♦ AIR RATTLE GROWS ♦ SEVASTOPOL FALLS ♦ W AR STIRS IN ITALY Monitored by Teel John Stump Total Army casualties through A new note will be added to the OD uniforms of the U — — «------------ —------------------------ —J April 15. a- reported hy Secretary Twailhlaztr Division Sunday as the 70th joins in observance ©f Wrr Stimson. have reached 14*,- CONTINUED BLASTING of the air invarion forces tn occupied < IBHI—IUS .___ _____ » g-» -- ----■ John E. r? r\.Li__ •»_____ »_»_ of Mother« ha. Dav. Major G«er*l ’ c-mnnmnd.-. given ^ermiarion* ------------------ ^WKjUtst. dtyiawn Europe reverberated aero«« the «raters to the waiting Allied fereea, for nwn to wear carnation« <>n their. ¡t .. ' Bi bhmeK »nd flower*, tn.pprooriate | hi, m>ln „ * ** **** “P K eoiors. will be given oat at all f(>rm>l . ’ ■J**^ou« »-' W Hm^l s^ww Sunday. 4^. — I M Lt Col. Lore T Jerk«. Di. .non fro„ “ rizarar.teest p, vimpUm, has ridrred 140 (C-thmed ». p«-. . ____ 01 °° *** « Column 1) ¡turn while renewed action stirred on the battlefronta of the world this THE GREAT ALUEIi AIR OFFENSIVE waa nearing a month of eonaeevtive day* with attack« on northern France, the Paa Da Calais arsa, Belgium and Germany—smaahing at airfields, factories, railway yards and ammunition dumps. Thousand* of American bam h sis (Cootmued on Page 2, C olumns 3 and 4)