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About Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1944)
Page Five Friday, May 5, 1944. Arresting MP i Philippine Army Vet Now in 570th Sig.^Çô^ . ’ /J Ample1 Reasen'für Fel ici tert ion' Was a 3rd Lieutenant By Pvt. Roby Wentz A long way from home in this war is Cpl. Ramon Fajaro, 570th Signal Co. Home is Manila, and Manila isn't just the spot for a furlough for a GI Joe. PIN-SETTERS; GOOD BEAL Back in 1939. when the AT POST BOWLING ALLEYS were just polite little guys If you want to make 7 cents bowed all the time and ate Cpl. Fajardo was a 3rd lieutenant a line setting 'em up for the GIs, in the Philippine Army, the only ct al, who are laying ’em down army in the world with 3rd lieuten in daily bombardments at the 16 Post bowling alleys, here’s ants. a chance to earn some “foun At that time the Philippine tain pin-money." Contact alley Army had about 30.000 Soldiers manager Earl Todd, phone 3493. active and about '200.(100 in re serve. It was commanded by a former U. S. Chief of Staff, one some Malayan and began learning Douglas MacArthur. Chinese at OSC. War didn’t seem very’ imminent, The order transferring ASTP however, and a military career men to Army Ground Forces ended didn't seem to offer the prospects all that; Fajardo found himself in Cpl. Fajardo hoped for. He became the 70th Division and, because of a newspaper reporter, and worked his signal training, was assigned his way through the Far East in to the 570th Signal Co. IF YOU PINCH actress Vivian the tradition of the itinerant leg Bare Shoulder Boards Steffi Austin she’ll pinch you back be man. cause as any fool kin plainly see, Asked about the interesting He worked on the Philippines Rimal Oaxpi Phot» she’s dressed-up like an MP. Or, I rank of 3rd lieutenant, fie re IT WAS A double celebration Monday for two captains at any rate, she’s supposed to be. Herald, the Shanghai Times, Hong vealed that it has no insignia— célébrât- at Station Hospital, ('apt. Fdna Giddings, _ . left, who — wan -------- —r.~- Kong's South China Morning Post, ing completion of her third year of service in the Army, congratu finally jumped to Honolulu and merely bare shoulder-boards. A lates (’apt. Marjorie Linehan, who last week changed her silver got a job on the Advertiser there. 2nd lieutenant wears one bar bar for a pair of them. on his boards, and so on. That was about September, 1941. The unit command by a 3rd lieu In December, the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor. On December 8, Fa tenant is a platoon, which in the jardo was at Bellows Field when Philippine Army consisted of 32 Weekly Publication the Japs came in the second day riflemen, two platoon guides, a and strafed the field. Then the platoon sergeant and the 3rd lieu Newest in Division government issued a call for men tenant. Companies had no weapons Newest journalistic venture in with clerical experience, an<i Fa- platoon, he said, but there were the Trailblazer Division is the jardo answered it. But inaction be I heavy weapons companies. “There’s a job to be done and we’re poinx to help do it.” His parents, so far as he knows, weekly publication of the 770th came more and more galling. Fin That might well be a motto of the Army Nurse Corps. are in Manila, and ignorant of his ally, in March. 1843, he volunteered Ordanance Co., of which Vol. I, for induction and was sent to Camp whereabouts. So are the records At Station Hospital Monday two members of ANC No. 1. appeared last week. ■ —• * Called “The Dull Hatchet,” its I Cooke, California, as a buck pri- of his com mission and of the mili who have been doing »’particular-^ tary training which led up to it, a ly good job, had cause to congratu at Ft. Lewin. editors explain its title, “Bluntly'’«te. From Cooke he went to Camp fact which complicated his effort late each other. Capt. Edna Gid spoken but with a sharp wit.” It She was in the second group of now consists of three mimeo Kohler, California, for training in to secure a commission in the U. S. dings, chief nurse, while celebrat six nurses arriving at Adav^'$ept. ing her third anniversary in the 2, 1942, and is the only one nemaiv.- graphed s’neet3 but will be enlarged signal work, and came from there Army following induction. He hopes he’ll be able te help do Army, congratulated Capt. Mar ing of the original six. Only one as the news rolls in. In addition to to Oregon State college for ASTP a humor column, a regular editor training. He speaks Spanish, Tag something about the recapture of jorie Linehan, chief of surgery, on of the first group of four nurses her acquisition lest week of two who arrived in August aeniuln- ial and news section, the Hatchet alog (native Philippine), English, his native islands. lists the weekly guard roster, the bars. She is 1st Lt. Madelyn I’rszioqa. The ’•ironing-out" details at the wards of hospital patients for vis SSOs, Benny Heads Compliment tn Recognition Capt. Giddings, whose Rofa is Portland session Monday will bring itor»’ use and the week's movie The barn, while a tribute to the in Herington, Kansas, entered the I Complet May M Mans together Major Blythe and Capt. efficiency of the nurses, were in Army May 1, 1941, at Ft. Riley . schedule. Russell G. Fiona, Best SSO, from effect a compliment to* the feet Kansas, and has irtnee seen duty nt The paper was established by Camp Adair with Benny, his Pro that today the ANC recognizes a number of posts. These include - (Continued from page 1) Co. Order No. 10 by Capt. Robert Dean, CO, and is put out by a be made at Station Hospital, at ducer Walter Bunker, Publicity rank and that for those enlisting in order, Ft. Riley; Lemoore, ASF. staff of Cpl. Edwin Levy and Tec5 various Rec Halls and officers* Director Wachsman. They’ll meet tn this corps progress is possible. California, as chief nurse; Letter Douglas Everman, who combine club of the Post. at the office of Q. Cox, program As a matter of fart, it was point man's Genera! Hospital, San Fran the duties of editor, reporter, press There is, however, the fact that •manager of Station KEY, through ed out tliat of the 25 nurses on ac cisco; Officers’ Army procure man and newsboy. the protracted tour of the Jack ¡whose outlet the May 14 program tive duty at Station Hospital, 10 ment, Seattle; Camp White, and Benny cast through the northwest [will release. are first lieutenants. The work of ■ thence in February to Adair, where GINGER LEE JONES has been arduous and, at this writ the nurses, which has long been i she succeeded Capt. Ann Hynds as A felicitation to Pvt. Orville recognized as of the highest stand ¡chief nurse. Jones, SCU-1911-QM. and his wife, ing, the most that can be definitely ard, involves practically all phases Capt. Hynds went to duty at Dorothy Jones, who on April 29 be said is that all of the principal per of hospital operations. Hoff General Hospital, Santa Bai-, came parents of a six and one quar formers—they will all be here— The new promotion of Capt. Line bara, Calif. where she has since ter pound baby girl, Ginger Lee Rochester, Livingston, Wilson. I Harris, intend to “ give" all that han, supervisor of surgery, comes won the gold leaf of a major. Jones. Pvt. Jones, originally from Both Captains Giddings and Washington (CNS)- War Man- «”'»« 20 "i M’r"ce- San Francisco, Cal., has been with they can to GIs. It has been re the Service Command for 16 months i ported that following week-end power Commissioner Paul V. Mc *A resident of Walla Walla, Wash., : Linehan have brothers in the as a baker. Mrs. Jones hails from performances and Monday’s con- Nutt has assured discharged vet she joined the ANC June 6, 1942, Army. Sweet SlUIllVf Home. Ore. 0W1VI v« w - For some 15 clave, Benny may wing south for erans that specific information on hours before the final event Pvt. I a brief and much-needed rest at Ms job opportunities in al) the prin Jones bivouacked outside the de-'favorite retreat. Palm Springs, cipal cities of every state will be made available to them in the gov livery room. ernment's effort» to place them In these jobs. Mobile PX Pleasurizes Hospital Life Mr. McNutt said this informa Hi Pvt. Paul Rosenberg tion will be available at the United ■Solilier, you’ve got a elate, an engagement with a gorgeous hunk States Employment Service office» of femininity. She’s the so-called blond with eyes of Idua, ami ,he ¡•nd will be revised monthly to it>- gees for you. ' dicite the expecte d labor demand There you are sharp as a rack*' — six months in advance. on a tack and root to boot; hair move But you are in. The National Association of combed slick, clothre all pressed - a It’s wonderful to be alive. Just a ‘ Manufacturers also is speeding a i handsome GI. little longer, and you’ll be there. R plan whereby preparations by in Off to the bus you go. It’s rain- was worth It. As the ride goes on dividual companies for re-employ-[ ing a little, but what'» that in Ore- y ou realize standing up la tiresome ment of returning servicemen will gon, you won't need a raincoat. But you will si% down as soon a> be stimulated throughout Ameri Ymi «top, “look at that line." you get there. You will - have ------------ to ar can industry. Whee— it will take hours to get a you will fail down. It was a rough bus. What can you do* That’s right, ride, but you made it. and he W \x r~ \ i » ivdr < f * you wait. It'» raining a little hard i Sow a short mile to her house Loa Angeles (CNS| — Edwin R. er. You don’t mind. Soon you’ll be Monroe, seeking a divorce, told a with her. The Ifr.e grows shorter and rest. You are a wreck of your • former »elf. Trudge, walk, move—• local court that his wife wore a ami you grow wetter. nightgown at the breakfast table. The buses leave, packed to the the hoaae at last. Oh for a soft, It wasnl a nightgown,** retorted guard». There! You can see the smooth, comfortable chair? You* >• Mr« Monroe. “It was a *e- , front of the Uno. Of course you are knock on the door and there she _____ e black negligee.'* The court •» little tired. It’» growing dark, ia. denied Monroe's divoree petition, ¡and your hair ia mussed up, your •What happened to you?” says - •' - — - - — 'clothes are turning to rag». But •be to me and before I can answer the has ma by the aras and I am Mate a voice recording at Club 'X™ maije it, you are in. 1, FREE, to «end home for Moth-! “Take a deep breath," someone on my way to a interim* rente«’ (er'» Day. * lyefl« “Let one more io." Too rant Yeo, I am off to a date •* 770th Ord. Issues The Dull Hatchet' Two Captaincies Now For Hospital Nurses Job Placement Aid Assured U. S. Vets You’re Zoot and Root to Boot, for the Date Is a Gorgeous Blonde Waiting in Salem