Camp Adair Sentry Friday, April 14, 1944. Page Seven Big Guns Launch SCU And the Little WAC Said, When Writing of GIs Softball Tournament 'There Are 7 Kinds Of Wolves' I Recently Pfc Marjorie Davis of the Castle staff. Ft. Eelvoir, Va., visited Camp Adair. When she returned, she wrote a story. It was published in the Ft. Belvoir Castle, It was entitled, “Once Upon a Time-There Was a Bix, Ead Wolf.” Despite the fact that “gradua­ back of the Field House. tion” has cut keenly, the SCU soft­ Thursday, civilians meet Medics i ♦------------------------------------------------ •--------------------------------------------- —— ball league, with six teams raring on the Medics field at 1630; it’s ' While at Auair (we presume) to go, will officially get under way officers vs. QM at field at 1600 and ^c. Davis discovered that there gerous. (There’s always a “next between two points is around the diameter. Tuesday afternoon. MPs vs. Hq. Co. on field 2 at 1630. are seven types of wolves. Her No. time,” he philosophizes.) The Engineer! There will be plenty of spirit 1 wolf is called “Small Town Har­ Good Old Joe though last year's Oregon State MEDICS TURN OUT BIGGEST Number two is Good Old Joe. ry,” but this is a reflection on our Here comes the Champion M Ps, as well as the FOR SCI LEAGUE COMPETITI neighboring communities, so we A happy-go-lucky fellow is Joe. Engineer. This fighting Medics, who were runners- I eliminated that. Her No. 6 wolf is with dozens of “friends.” Nothing clever fellow uses With 40 softball hopefuls an ­ up in Post competition, are practi­ his training to swering roll call and four of last called “The Bluffer,” but we have sly about him but he isn't shy cally starting from scratch. ; J no bluffers at Camp Adair, so we either. He has that, frank and make progress year ’ s first string men to build This time officers, enlisted men eliminated that, too. honest appearance his greatest as­ with the women, around, the Medics “ maroon and ai d civilians have all put teams set. His theme song is “I only He is smart be­ into the field, and what the poten­ I grey” should have a fprmidable ! The other five wolves that Mar- want a buddy not a sweetheart.” cause fre lays ou$ tial strength for the season offers . team in the SCU league. Manager jorie met are told in her'follow ing but try being a buddy to him, es­ tactical plans of 'Russell Churchill is expecting to 1 illuminating and educational ac- will be better disclosed after Tues­ attack and maps i hold down the catching end of the count. (Editor’s Note: Why bother pecially on one of those long after­ day's opening contest. noon hikes in the country. He's out approaches I battery with Pvt. Kulick doing the 1 to have a staff when we can get M Sgt. Cleve Birkes and his boys such a good guy, though, that no from various of Post Hqs. will meet the civilian’s pitching, veteran Sgt. Skare. left WAC writers to visit Cam p one can take offense at his cave­ angles before ac­ team, headed by “Doc” Street and , field. Sgt. Brake, right field, and i Adair?) man tactics ... if one knows the M'Sgt. DeBruyne, 1st base. Pfc.' tually engaging in Herb Fields, on field No. 1, south I Badke, Pvt. Martin, Pfc. Childar- i The Major Types of ES5AYONS combat. He firm- art of Judo! of the Field House, at 1630. The Big. Bad Wolves . Glamour Boy ! ducci. Tec 5 Billings, and Tec 5 ly believes in the motto “essayons. ♦» 1 tough Medics, headed by Sgt. Rus­ By Pfc. Marjorie Davis Then along glides the Glamour He is the most versatile wolf, for I Campbell will probably complete I sell Churchill, will meet up with the Staff Writer, Ft. Belvoir Castle Boy. A smooth lookin’ number who in different situations he acts ac­ SCU Officers at 1630 on the Medics 1 the starting lineup. Gather ’round, children, and you I is firmly convinced that he is irre­ cordingly. He has learned to Already been scheduled for com­ field. shall hear a tale about the big, bad sistible to women, and ready to bridge any obstacle and claims At 1630, Tec5 Otto Swanner’s petition season are two 70th Divi­ wolf. convince them of that fact. He that camouflage is a valuable aid sion teams, the Post MPs, QM sec ­ QM team will begin play against But how can you tell he's a has a good line on one subject — in gaining points of vantage. In the rugged MPs on field No. 2, in tion and SCU Hq. Co. wolf? And is he really bad? himself. He imagines himself to be demolitions, he discovered proper Prince Charming and' tries to bowl use of booby traps and land mines Now, that ’ s hard to answer be ­ Triple Decker you over by his good looks and per­ in gaining objectives by following cause the big, bad wolf of today is running around in disguises, sonality. His ego won’t permit him up crumbling defenses. He’s hot usually in a uniform, which he to take too many setbacks in the stuff with a flame thrower and thinks gives him special preroga­ form of refusals though, so he de­ simulated barbed wire entangle­ velops a roving eye and doesn't ments. And after he builds his tives. concentrate on one at a time like bridges he knows enough to burn Program Available There are seven different kinds his country wolf cousin. them behind him and survey the of wolves and they all have dif­ To 4 Low Pay Grades Studious Type upgrade along the course ahead. ferent approaches. Here they are: Fifth on the list is the Studious This wolf has perseverance, be­ Status of the Emergency Mater-1 Man About Town Fellow. He knows all about life cause he remembers that the en­ nal and Infant Care program as it I This dapper fel­ from books and may be anxious to gineers lay the groundwork proper­ applies to wives of Adair GIs was low is a true wolf try some of those experiments that ly and are first in battle and al­ clarified this week by Dr. Robert i for he even ad­ he’s been reading about. He loves ways the last to leave—if t>ey W. Ripley, Benton County Health mits it. Not at to launch long and involved pay- leave. Officer. first, however, chological discussions of sex and Okay, little gals, if this doesn’t The service is available to fam­ because his tac­ illustrate with his hands. He's a disclose some of the wolf's dis­ ilies of servicemen of the fourth ' tics include din­ wolf at heart so watch out when he guises, then maybe they aren’t all to seventh pay grades only (pri­ ing at exclusive wants to take up a little research wolves. Besides he can't help it if vate, pfc., corporal and sergeant) restaurants where work. Although he may seem slow, when he greets you he says, and may be obtained only from the lights are he claims the shortest distance " Hel - looooooo w! ’’ physicians and hospitals which ac­ low and soft mu­ cept the program, providing com-| sic is playing. He plete medical maternity care on a | whispers sweet case basis. nothings to his To receive EMIC, an expectant ! j partner while I mother must fill out a form which dancing and at Final tabulation of Red Cross may be obtained from any doctor the same time Drive figures in the 274th Infantry accepting the plan. The form is migh t suggest a Regiment disclosed that men in 1 EM and warrant officers in non­ sent by the physician to the State tete a tete in his that organization turned in just un­ combat assignments overseas who Health Department, which furnish­ New Troop Sleepers Will apartment to der $1100.00 in unsolicited contri­ have demonstrated outstanding es funds to pay for five or more view his collec­ butions. qualifications but cannot be releas­ pre-natal visits, the delivery fee, Accommodate 30 Men In light of the reduced numbA ed for OCS because of the im­ tion of first edi- hospital charges and one post­ Maybe you've had a ride in the tions. In other words, he know* of personnel in the Regiment it was portance of their work may now bo natal examination. If. for any reason, there are less new triple-deck troop carrying all the answers—even how to take said that this amount was Well appointed second lieutenants direct­ than five pre-natal examinations, sleeping car—maybe not. But the “no” for an answer—temporarily. above the average and was con­ ly by theater commanders, the War the physician will receive no pay­ first of 1,200 of them that are to If he can’t use flattery to gain his sidered an excellent figure by Red Dept, announced ’sat week. ment from the State. For this rea­ be made have already been put in objective he might try cocktails, Cross officials. Previously, theater commandera Two companies in the 274th were had been authorised to appoint son. the mother may be asked to service and others will be added as but, all in ail, he can be a gracious Pay for the first visits, and then fast as they are completed for the loeer, so he really isn't too dan- 100% contributors with 2nd Bat­ combat officers from the ranks. talion Hq. Co. turning in $122.00 her money win be refunded after Defense Plant Corporation, which Under the new authorisation, and Service Co. $39.00. Close on particular consideration is to tea psvment from the State has been will turn them over to the Pullman the heels of these leaders was An­ given to men who have demon- > assured. If the family moves, the Company and the railroads for use ti-Tank Co. with donation* from strated leadership and ability and mother can transfer to a physician and maintenance. By P. R. more than 98% of the ¡n^rn on the piomise of service in a higher These new sleepers will accom­ in a new state. roster. EMIC also provides care.for ser-j modate 30 men, one to a bunk. The grade. In general, appointments BASEBALL: With the loos of 35 REPATRIATED YANKS vicemen's children uhder one year i seats are of triple breadth, and at will be limited to filling positions if’ they — —! .... —L a the ^^.«4 seat kAoonsoa becomes tkto the lower Charlie Keller, Billy Johnson, Bill GET $44,«M BACK PAY if require more than three night of a command nature, or these re­ risits in one week or hospitaliza­ berth and the back of the seat be­ Dickey and Joe Gordon into the New York (CN8)—Back pay for quired technical or professional tion. Application is made in the comes the middle berth. The top service, the Yankees have lost a 35 repatriated officers and men skills. berth is fixed and can be used at ball club. sam- way. To be eligible for such appoint­ who returned to this country on Doctors in Benton County accept­ any time. There is a gun rack at Starting with the few regulars the exchange jlner Gripsholm was ment, men must have served over­ ing the plan include H. J. Ander- each berth for the accommodation he has left, manager McCarthy will disbursed within four hours after seas a minimum of six months and must meet standards for admission *on, Vi aldo W. Ball and Verne S. of the user’s rifle. Berths are cross-j____ have _ a _ real job __ on __ his ______ hands to their arrival at a hospital here. G-ary of Corvallis. In Linn Coun­ wise of the car, and the aisle is ' kr,p the Xrw' Yorkers in the first The payoff totaled $44.000 and to OCS Appointments will be lim- ty Dr. George W. Bohl of Albany along one side of the ear. There I ( division. The Yank* stack up to included base pay allowances, fly­ I ited to filling vacancies in tables are side doors, and end doors, but I date: rookie catcher*, untried, un­ ing pay and additional pay for | of organisation and cannot he made may be contacted. I no vestibules. tested pitching staff, an infield overseas service which accrued in the Medical or Chaplain Corps. Wnnl/eJ. Thl’ new troop-carrving sleeper, . composed of Nick Etten on first while the men were imprisoned in , preiude to similar type cars i base, Don Savage, from Newark. Germany A lieutenant got the blinds the enemy I planned for civilian us- after the * on third base. Os- ar Grimes on SS largest single payment—$4,700. pment antier cover. war. ' with George Stirweiss to fill in tamp Crowder. Mo. (ALNSj— ‘ Gordon's second sack, Bud Meth- Fixate Johnnie L. Smith, Co. D, | Ex-Hon. Harold B. McIntosh eny. Levy, Stain back and Lindell Bn., nearly floored the com-' No* Pvt. H. B. McIntosh. KI’ compose the outfield force«. But Colorado Springs. Colo. (ALNS) tony top kicker when he turned up j Lindell is awaiting his Army phys- and asked for a week-end pass so • —He used to be the Hon. HsroM B. ieal . , . he •■old go on a 14-mile hike. The McIntosh, member of the House of Pvt. Terry M OOF?!, the ez-Card- top thought he had heard every Representatives General Court inal slugger, is leading the Canal from the 13th District of Massa ­ ‘‘ rewy reason for seeking a pass, chusetts. and also member of the Zone League with a lusty .371 . . . tut this was a new one. TRACK AND FIELD: The next Private Smith got the pass, when Board of Sele.tmen at Marble head, big sports show in North Africa but now he is Pvt. McIntosh, of the he persuaded the “top” that it was will be a track and field meet that an honest request, then went with I USAAF at Peterson Field, and he will carry the modest title of the the Neosho Boy Scout troop on does his KP in turn, like the other ¡Allied Olympics . . . tbeir Sunday jaunt. I GIs. GIs' Wives Eligible For Maternity Care Commissions Given EM Overseas 274th Adds $1100 ¡Direct To Red Cross Fund ’’anted. Une rdSS, Purpose: to Hike