Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, April 14, 1944, Page 4, Image 4

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    Camp Adair Sentry
For GIs Only;
Latest Ruling
Friday; April 14, 1944.
'God's Country'
Assi. CWS Officer
Returns From School
Page Three
Introduce Broadcast Technique to Orientation
Trailblazer Captain
Wins Bars in East
Capt. Anthony S. Apruzzese. as­
(Continued from page 1)
sistant Chemical Warfare Officer,
Rules For Camera Use
! 70th Division Headquarters, re­
1. The camera used must be reg­
turned to duty at Camp Adair this
istered with Post Provost Marshal.
I week from Edgewood Arsenal, Md.,
-• Use of the camera will be re­
where he took the 10th Chemical
stricted to the taking of photo­
Warfare advanced course.
graphs of individuals or small
Capt. Apruz­
groups of individuals not in forma­
zese was promot
tion and without equipment ether
Wrifidtil T.«t-Lieu>
than personal equipment such as
while flf
uniform and accessories.
tne tiVS school
3. No photographs will be made
His service
of U. S. Army personnel engaged
Camp A d a i
Trailblazer Phot»
in maneuvers.
dates back to Oc
4. No photographs will be made
tober, 1942, wher
the Orientation section of the 274th Inf. Reg. presented a Marc-
of Time type of film program in two units early this week. Re­
of equipment or material; or of
he joined the 96tl
hearsing the script are (left to right) Lt. R. 8. Kendall, onetim-
personnel, airplanes, trucks, tanks,
I n f a n try Divi
resident with a Japanese family. Pvt. John Hayes. Med. I>et
or munitions in transit; or any
Simsl Corp« Photo ’ sion, then train­
former radio program director and star of the 70th Div. mu-ica:
THAT'S WHAT Lt. Lorraine
wreck of any kind of military ma­
show, and Capt. R. G. Riefling, Orientation Officer. Tec5 Dan Si -
Kubiaczyk, who has been at many ing here, as Chemical Warfare of­
verman (rear) lends technical assistance with the sound control-.
posts and is newest WAC offi­ ficer. Previously he had been as­
5. No photographs will be made cer to arrive at Adair, says in sistant Chemical Officer for IX !
which indicate the size or layout summarizing her impressions of Corps Hq., Ft. Lewis.
Regt. Devises Unique Means to
of the Post, or which jjiow vital in­ this Camp and Oregon. Who are
He was 70th Division Acting ;
stallations, reservoirs, pumps,
Chemical officer from September,
guard posts, magazine areas, ware­
1943, until Lt. Col. Harry C. Day
houses, sewage disposal plants,
assumed charge of the Trailblazer
power stations, or buildings show­
CWO in January. His home is in
Adapting the material contained first of its kind in the Division, v is
ing unit designations.
Brooklyn, N. Y. He entered the
in a recent book published by the enthusiastically acclaimed by Of­
6. No photographs will be made
Army in March, 1942.
I Infantry Journal entitled, “The Jap
ficers and Enlisted men alike.
of units or organizations in forma­
Capt. Apruzzese is “glad to be
Soldier, ” C
the "
tion or showing unit designations.
It was edited and co-ordina ' <1
back in Oregon,” and “loves Camp
of the 274th Infantry Regiment hy Capt. R. G. Riefling. Orienta­
7. All still films exposed upon
Lt. Kubiaczyk Now
Adair,” he said, adding that the
presented a visual and dramatic tion Officer, assisted by Cpl. B
this Post must be developed and
weather in the East left much to
Asst Sales Officer
program to the various units in Spccce und Tec5 D. Silverman f
printed through the Camp Adair
I be desired. The Trailblazer should-
that organization early this week. the 274th Special Service Offi
Post Exchange, and will not be
| er-patch was a cause for questions
taken to any outside commercial
Taking cognizance of the value
Found: A defender of all things | by brother officers at school, he
studio for developing or printing. Oiegon, of Oregon’s weather, and j said. The usual question ran:
in the “March of Time” type of
Pictures of units and organiza­ (to date, at least) a staunch sup­
“What unit does that shoulder- t film presentation, the program
tions in formation may be taken porter of Camp Adair.
i made use of Intelligence pictures
patch represent?”
by the officially designated Post
i projected on a screen with the uc- I
“I think this is God’s country,”
[ company in g dialogue by several
Photographer who is under con­ said Lt. Lorraine Kubiaczyk, sec­
“Where’s that?”
tract to the Post Exchange. These ond WAC officer to arrive at this
members of the regiment over a
“Camp Adair.”
pictures must not show unit desig­ Camp, who assumed her post as As­
[ remote-control sound system. Sub-
“Where’s that?”
' stance of the lecture wax taken di-
nation ^nd will not be released for sistant Sales Officer, to be bakery
274th GIs Afield
1 rectly from the book which was |
sale or publication until passed by supervisor, following arrival late
"Where’s that?”
Buy Cokes, Smokes
the Post Intelligence Officer.
j originally prepared for the Infan-
last week from Pine Bluff Arsenal,
These instructions must be fol­ ! Ark.
' try Journal by Time, Inc., and Mr.
lowed. Films and cameras of per­
i Wilfrid Fleisher, former publisher
Foxhole service wax prirrli-id
sons violating these regulations
of the Japan Advertiser in Tokyo, thia week hy the mobile PX. c- •
will be seized and the violation re- ranks to receive her appointment
I erating in the field with the 274th
Adds Realism
ported to the Post Commander for after winning a Tec 5 rating at Ft.
legimental combat team on a t-»-
Sheridan. She entered the Army in
appropriate action.
The Bloody Axe Regiment con­ tation were the voices filtering day problem, the team’s first.
June, 1942, and has since been at
Candy bars, coca-colas, cigar­
I enough posts to give her- above tributed freely this last pay day over the loud speaker, depicting
i statement regarding Oregon full toward the Red Cross War Fund the various characters contained ettes and potato chips were c. s.
penxed to hairy-cheeked GIs reclin­
Drive. Personnel of the Regiment in the book.
Principal narrator was Pvt. John ing in bosky surroundings, and
She took basic at Ft. Des Moines, have been given financial assist­
greeted by sincere approbation as
went thence to Ft. Sheridan and ance from the Red Cross many a Ilaycs, 274th Medical Detachment,
i time and as a token of appreciation former radio program director and evidenced by the sales volume:
(Fort Benning, Ga.)—Pfc. And-, again to Des Moines, where she was
for the consideration given, the men more recently star of the 70th Div.
A total of more than 1.500 coca­
rew J. Delopst, formerly of Service | commissioned a second lieutenant
of the Regiment have donated 11. musical, "As You Were.” Japanese colas were sold from a special cool­
Co., 274th Infantry. 70th Division, in June, 1943. She was thereafter
254.08 toward the Drive.
parts were read by Lt. R. S. Kend­ er carried in a 1*4-ton truck, also
Camp Adair, has won the right to at Stout Field, thence to Ft. Ogle­
all whose interpretations voice in­ more than 2,000 candy bars. Sales
wear the wings and boots of the thorpe, Ga., transferred to Daytona
tonations were strikingly authentic of cigarettes were light, however;
United States Army Volunteer Beach, Fla., and went then to Ark­ Larynx Lacerated?—Sues
Hollywood (CNS)—V i o 1 i n i s t because of his background as a the problem was tactical, an inter­
Paratrooper. He made his fifth and ansas.
“I'm glad to be back in a Camp Hrach Yacoubian filed suit for >20,- resident with a Japanese family esting point for tobacco proces- rs
qualifying jump, a night tactical
is a military camp,’’ she said. 250 against a local restaurant. He several years ago. Providing addi­ to ponder.
leap identical to actual combat
In addition to the 274th Infantry,
work in Sicily, which completed his Lt. Kubiaczyk’s home is in Osh­ charged that a steak he bought tional voice changes was Lt. M. H.
there was so tough it lacerated his Chenoweth, heard in parts involv­ engineer and medical companies at­
kosh. Wise.
four weeks of jump training.
larynx. (Ed. note—Yacoubian was ing American principals from Am­ tached to the team, plus the 88.nd
formerly at Camp Adair and the bassador Grew down to a Marine Field Artillery Bn., were in the
field and benefited from the FX’s
fine chow here undoubtedly spoiled 1st Sergeant.
The program, believed to be the ministrations.
Dramatize Orientation
Newest WAC Officer
Approves of Oregon
'Foxhole Service'
By Portable PX
$1254—Dona t ion,
276 to Red Cross
Former 274th EM
Now Paratrooper
Letter from Munda to Brother in 274th
Describes One of Bloodiest Battles
In a letter passed by a South Pacific censor recently,
word reached Pvt. Melvin McDonald, Co. H, 2<4th Inf., that
his brother had taken part in one of the bloodiest campaign»
Out in the Field, This Tastes Mighty Dang Good
in the battle for Munda.
A member of an Anti-Tank com­ [ One shell lit in a hole right next
pany. Sgt. James B. McDonald, to me and blew dirt in my face
wrote that his detachment was ' I just knew it was flesh—but it
turned into a Rifle company and ! wasn’t."
It was almost daylight when Mc-
given a position defending difficult
jungle terrain. Bombarded for days Donsld’s commander decided tr
by heavy artillery and aircraft, the send to the ( P for help. Hardly
detachment succeeded in holding had they departed, however, before
their position for eight days be­ the Japanese infiltrated from the
rear and cut off the American*
fore the climax.
from their base. It was a choice
“Column of Fours’’ Charge
“One night the Jap« pulled a of trying to break through the Jap
anese cordon—facing almost cer­
surprise attack on our outfit,
wrote McDonald. "They charged tain death—or plunging into th*
in column« of four« with ma­ wild jungle where there might hr
chine guns and automatic rifle« > snipers. The harried Americans
blazing. They »hooped and jell­ , garni led on the latter and eventu­
ed like Comanche«. The» tor­ ally got l-ack to the CP.
Pvt. McDonald, of the 274th. is
tured and killed 15 litter ease»
and tore down our communica­ one of four brothers in th« Armed
I forre«. One. a marine, went through
tion line«.
WHEN THE CCC MEN—candy, coke and cigarettes—dr i.e up in I heir mobile PX. the He C
-As we fell back the enemy set [the Guadalcanal campaign and is
•oUiera oat on the 274th Infantry« first regimental cam hat team proMem line up to boy from
up mortars and machine gun nests. i still in the Southwest Pacific.
the “Fox-hole Department Store. ”